Page 1: BONUS - Ben's Natural Health · 2018-09-17 · SEPTEMBER 2018 EDITION NUMBER #22 BONUS: Cooking Recipes, Ask Ben 1) Time To Talk Male Depression - Charlie 2) 7 Ways To Beat Fatigue


BONUS: Cooking Recipes, Ask Ben

1) Time To Talk Male Depression - Charlie

2) 7 Ways To Beat Fatigue - Nicole Rodriguez

3) Does High Testosterone Cause Prostate Cancer? - Ben Ong

5) 6 Incredible Benefits of Walking 30min a Day - Charlie

4) 7 Foods That Cause Erectile Dysfunction - Ben Ong

Page 2: BONUS - Ben's Natural Health · 2018-09-17 · SEPTEMBER 2018 EDITION NUMBER #22 BONUS: Cooking Recipes, Ask Ben 1) Time To Talk Male Depression - Charlie 2) 7 Ways To Beat Fatigue ‘Our mission to end prostate disease for good.’2

Page 3: BONUS - Ben's Natural Health · 2018-09-17 · SEPTEMBER 2018 EDITION NUMBER #22 BONUS: Cooking Recipes, Ask Ben 1) Time To Talk Male Depression - Charlie 2) 7 Ways To Beat Fatigue ‘Our mission to end prostate disease for good.’3

7 Ways ToBeat Fatigue

food, enzymes must break foods down into individual nutrients. That’s where fibre comes in. Fibre passes through your intestines, bringing unabsorbed waste, nutrients and excess water with it.

It also helps you to feel satisfied for longer, releasing sugar slowly and providing you with a sustainable amount of energy. According to, men should eat 38 grams of fibre daily; women should get 25. Elderly men and women, respectively, should eat 30g and 21g daily.

To get your daily dose of fibre, include green leafy vegetable such as kale and spinach, nuts, seeds and whole grains in your diet. Top Tip- Start your day with a bowl of

With recent research showing that only 1 in 7 Americans wake up feeling fresh every day of the week. (Wonder who that lucky person is?). Those only managing six hours sleep or less each night are, unsurprisingly, feeling tired 4 or more days a week. Many of us dismiss feeling tired as perfectly normal...but could it be more serious than simply feeling sleepy?

Here are 7 ways to beat back fatigue and keep your energy levels flowing... 1) Fibre Fury We all know that fibre plays an important part in our diet, yet most of us still aren’t getting enough of it. Before you can absorb

We’ve all found ourselves slowly sinking into our chairs as the 3pm slump hits. Bleary eyed and completely depleted of motivation, you find yourself squinting at your laptop, wondering where all your energy went. You’re not alone...

Page 4: BONUS - Ben's Natural Health · 2018-09-17 · SEPTEMBER 2018 EDITION NUMBER #22 BONUS: Cooking Recipes, Ask Ben 1) Time To Talk Male Depression - Charlie 2) 7 Ways To Beat Fatigue ‘Our mission to end prostate disease for good.’4

porridge, topped with fruit and nuts.

2) Keep Hydrated When it comes to feeling fatigue, dehydration is a key cause. Many of us will often mistake thirst for hunger and reach out for a crunchy, carb-heavy snack. However, according to the CDC, most of us are failing to drink the recommended amount of water.

Failure to keep hydrated, especially during the warm summer months, can result in dizziness, low blood pressure and urine that’s dark in colour. For those who find water too plain to drink, put herbal teas on your shopping list. They will help to keep you hydrated throughout the day and come in a variety of delicious flavours. Top Tip- Keep hydrated with a healthy cup of green tea. High in antioxidants, it’s a great way to quench your thirst.

4) Get Up and Go!

If you are feeling tired and lethargic, exercise

is probably the furthest thing from your mind. However, studies have shown that exercising can help to beat back fatigue and recharge your energy levels.

One study published in the Psychological Bulletin analysed 70 studies on exercise involving over 6,800 people. The results found that 90% of studies showed the same thing: sedentary people who undertook regular exercise reported improved fatigue compared to groups that failed to exercise.

So, while your poor, tired body might be telling you to slump on the’re better off going for that run. Top Tip- Find an exercise buddy. Not only will you help to motivate each other, but it will be more fun!

5) Up Your Omega Intake

Fatigue is often the result of inflammation. Your body’s immune system has evolved to keep you healthy. But if you have an autoimmune disease, your immune system attacks your body instead. Inflammation is the result, and the stress

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your body undergoes as it tries to cope with inflammation often results in fatigue.

Omega 3 fatty acids have been proven to help prevent this. A study conducted by Dr. Erika Fremantle from the Research Centre for Aging in Sherbrooke, Canada found that omega-3 fatty acids help to reduce fatigue. It does this by supporting enhanced energy levels, memory function, mental performance, and mood. Top Tip- Try having fresh fish at least once a week. Check out some tasty fish recipes, rich in Omega 3 here.

6) Take a Tech Break The average American spends 24 hours a week online. That’s a lot of screen time. Such a length of time staring at a screen can damage your health. Yet for many of us, cutting back on screen time is difficult. Even our down time is circled around screens, whether it’s catching up on your favourites series or scrolling through your phone.

But did you know that the blue light from our screens keep us awake? It may also

damage the retina and cause eye strain . A report by CBS had a few recommendations, including the 20-20-20 rule: after 20 minutes of staring at a screen, look at an object at least 20 feet away for 20 seconds.

All that screen time isn’t helping our waistlines either, with increased sedentary time contributing to a rise in obesity levels. Do yourself a favour and swap the TV binge for a tennis lesson with a friend. Top Tip- Have a cut-off point, e.g.; 7pm when all technology, phones, laptops and TV’s are turned off.

7) Get a Goodnight’s Sleep This may seem like an obvious one, but few people manage to abide by it. Getting a goodnight sleep is invaluable to your health and can have a massive effect on how you start your day. When it comes to settling down for the evening, here are a few tips: • Cut out afternoon caffeine: You may be surprised to know that after drinking a coffee, caffeine can take four and six hours to completely wear off. Try swapping your afternoon coffee for a cameline tea.

• Don’t have dinner late: Eating late can lead to a restless night of sleep. Your body should not be digesting food when you are asleep, as lying down can increase your chances of indigestion.

• Set a temperature: Some people sleep better in a cooler environment, whilst others can’t drift off unless it’s cosy and

Page 6: BONUS - Ben's Natural Health · 2018-09-17 · SEPTEMBER 2018 EDITION NUMBER #22 BONUS: Cooking Recipes, Ask Ben 1) Time To Talk Male Depression - Charlie 2) 7 Ways To Beat Fatigue ‘Our mission to end prostate disease for good.’6

warm. Studies suggest that the optimum temperature for your bedroom is between 18 and 24°C.

• Listen to music or read a book: If you are struggling to get to sleep, enjoying a calming past time such as reading a book or listening to calm serene music can help doze off.

• Have a cut off point for tech: Our body’s produce a hormone called melatonin, which helps us feel sleepy. However, when we sit in bed scrolling through our phone or looking at our laptop, our production of melatonin is disrupted, making is difficult to fall asleep. • Try an herbal remedy- While there might not be a magic potion for a goodnight sleep, there are a few special herbs that can help you get some shut eye. Ben’s Rejuvenayte is a powerful solution to a goodnight’s sleep, formulated with effective herbal extracts, it’s pretty much a good night’s sleep in a bottle. Containing a high dosage of melatonin, this hormone helps to regulate sleep patterns and fight off jet lag.

As an added bonus it also contains green tea extract. Green tea is a powerful antioxidant, clinically proven to kill off cancer cells and according to the NCI, the polyphenols in green tea have been found to decrease tumour growth in both laboratory and animal studies.

An ancient Chinese proverb says, ‘It’s better to be deprived of food for 3 days than tea for one’. When it comes to green tea, this seems to stand true, with cancer rates in Asian countries such as China being shockingly lower than the West. To Take Away… Battling fatigue can exhausting, but by following our 7 tip’s you can banish tiredness and enjoy a goodnight’s sleep!

Is This Powerful Herb The Answer To A Goodnight’s Sleep! Click Here To Find Out More.

Nicole Rodriguez

Page 7: BONUS - Ben's Natural Health · 2018-09-17 · SEPTEMBER 2018 EDITION NUMBER #22 BONUS: Cooking Recipes, Ask Ben 1) Time To Talk Male Depression - Charlie 2) 7 Ways To Beat Fatigue ‘Our mission to end prostate disease for good.’7

Page 8: BONUS - Ben's Natural Health · 2018-09-17 · SEPTEMBER 2018 EDITION NUMBER #22 BONUS: Cooking Recipes, Ask Ben 1) Time To Talk Male Depression - Charlie 2) 7 Ways To Beat Fatigue ‘Our mission to end prostate disease for good.’8

When people are depressed, they don’t necessarily feel ‘sad’ and instead might feel numb. It can be described as watching all of the colour drain from your life and genuinely feeling quite grey. Different people experience depression in different ways, so not all the symptoms and feelings will be the same.

As with most mental health conditions, there are a number of different types of depression.

Major Depression

This is when the feelings become so prominent that you may not be able to work, eat, sleep, or concentrate properly. Major Depression will also effect one’s outlook on life and remove any positivity or optimism. Within Major Depression, there are various subcategories:

• Psychotic depression: false beliefs, hallucinations, a fixed and harrowing

Male depression is an extremely important topic that’s often considered as a taboo in society. Sometimes men can find it difficult to open up about their emotions in fear that they’ll be viewed as weak or unmanly. Yet, this isn’t the case, and thankfully, the topic is becoming much more open in the modern world.

Definition of Depression

The American Psychiatric Association (APA) defines depression as:

“A common and serious medical illness that negatively affects how you feel, the way you think and how you act. Depression causes feelings of sadness and/or a loss of interest in activities once enjoyed. It can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems and can decrease a person’s ability to function at work and at home.”

Page 9: BONUS - Ben's Natural Health · 2018-09-17 · SEPTEMBER 2018 EDITION NUMBER #22 BONUS: Cooking Recipes, Ask Ben 1) Time To Talk Male Depression - Charlie 2) 7 Ways To Beat Fatigue ‘Our mission to end prostate disease for good.’9

As well as this, various illnesses can increase your risk of depression or worsen your symptoms. Any mental or physical conditions can cause a dramatic shift in mood alongside the side effects from medications.

Signs of Depression

Men and women can experience depression differently, and not all men experience the same symptoms either. Some may experience a large amount whilst others may have just one or two.

The National Institute of Mental Health lists the common male symptoms as:

• Anger, irritability, or aggressiveness• Feeling anxious, restless, or “on the edge”• Loss of interest in work, family, or once-pleasurable activities• Problems with sexual desire and performance• Feeling sad, “empty,” flat, or hopeless• Not being able to concentrate or remember details

point of view on something untrue.

• Seasonal affective disorder (SAD): when the depression occurs due to the time of year or weather.• Persistent depressive disorder (PDD/dysthymia): an elongated bout of depression usually lasting years but with less severe symptoms of major depression. Around 1.5 percent of U.S. adults are diagnosed with this each year. • Minor depression: persistent negative feelings but for a reduced time or less severe symptoms.

Bipolar Disorder

There’s also bipolar disorder can experience extremely low moods of depression followed by extremely high moods of ecstasy or mania. The person is unable to control these moods and each is extremely strong.

About Male Depression

Everyone will experience some form of depression at least once in their lives as depression can arise from a variety of factors.

You might have a family history of depression or live around someone with depression. Those who have relatives or ancestors who have dealt with depression are far more likely to get it.

Traumatic events are a key contributor as well. If you’ve suddenly lost a lot of money, a love one has passed, or are dealing with a particularly difficult event, then you may experience depression.

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feelings to stop being trapped in your head and can stop any notions of being ‘ashamed’ or ‘guilty’ which can cause you to become a recluse.

As well as this, even though it’s incredibly hard and you may not believe it in the moment, remind yourself that these feelings won’t last forever. Clinical depression is completely treatable. Yet, the World Health Organisation states that less than half of those with depression actually receive any treatment. As soon as you start noticing that your feelings are a real problem, talk with a doctor about what your options are. Medication is an obvious one, but many people don’t like to take that route. If that’s you, then you might want to try therapy or even individual techniques. Simply take action and don’t think that everything will sort itself out just in case it doesn’t.

Taking medications and going through psychotherapy is known as ‘collaborative care’ and is becoming increasingly popular. The medication can stop the symptoms whilst the therapy treats the underlying cause. By doing both together, you’re likely to feel better much quicker and be able to sustain these feelings once the treatment is over.

If you or anyone you know is dealing with depression, then it’s important to get help. Nobody should have to go through this alone or sacrifice their own happiness because they’re scared of what others might think. Depression is an illness just like any other and should be treated as such.


• Feeling very tired, not being able to sleep, or sleeping too much• Overeating or not wanting to eat at all• Thoughts of suicide or suicide attempts• Physical aches or pains, headaches, cramps, or digestive problems• Inability to meet the responsibilities of work, caring for family, or other important activities• Engaging in high-risk activities• A need for alcohol or drugs• Withdrawing from family and friends or becoming isolated

The 2013 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders states that in order for depression to be diagnosed, it must include four changes in functioning and for the symptoms to last for at least two weeks.

How to Deal with Depression

The most important part about dealing with depression is not to do it on your own. If you’re feeling low, then talk to anybody you can about your feelings. Sometimes even just letting someone know that you’re not feeling OK can be extremely helpful. This helps the

Page 12: BONUS - Ben's Natural Health · 2018-09-17 · SEPTEMBER 2018 EDITION NUMBER #22 BONUS: Cooking Recipes, Ask Ben 1) Time To Talk Male Depression - Charlie 2) 7 Ways To Beat Fatigue ‘Our mission to end prostate disease for good.’12

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a huge problem for men. Not only does it affect a person’s sex life, it also lowers his libido and self-esteem, and could potentially turn into a more serious health issue. ED is also often a major problem for marital relations. Many a divorce has started as a consequence of ED.

If you are concerned about your marriage or sexual relations or health, ED should not be taken lightly. Many people around the world suffer from ED but are unaware that they can improve their sex life without the need for medication or special treatment.If you’re looking for ways to improve your sexual health, a good place to start is by cleaning up your diet.

1) Dairy

Dairy comprises around 12% of the daily caloric intake for the average American. Yet the idea most of us have of healthy, grass-feeding cows is a myth. Foods such as cheese are high in saturated fats. This causes arterial blockage, which in turn affects blood flow to the brain, the heart…and crucially in this case, to the penis. Also consider the fact that most cows are fed on grain, an

unnatural source of food for cows. They are fed antibiotics to keep from getting sick, the residues of which are found in the dairy products we eat and drink. This too has a negative effect on your prostate, one of the underlying causes of erectile dysfunction. The best thing you can do for your overall health, as well as for treating ED and sexual desire, is to substitute dairy milk for healthier alternatives such as almond or coconut milk.

2) Meat

When thinking about erections, you have to think about your heart. Good heart health will improve your performance in the bedroom. Meat-heavy diets, high in animal fats, are responsible for arterial damage which causes heart disease and ED. Try switching your red meat to grass-fed red meat as they contain healthier fats: heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids, as well as conjugated linoleic acid, a type of fat that’s been shown to reduce heart disease and cancer risks. Also try and supplement protein intake through chicken, turkey and fish. Fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids that are great for your heart. But avoid large predatory fish such as tuna, cod, haddock, all of which have higher levels of pollution as they are higher up in the

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including heart disease, cancer or diabetes. Stay away from fried foods in restaurants. When frying foods at home make sure to use healthy oils such as extra virgin coconut oil or avocado oil. Both are rich in goodness, with a high smoke point that retains most of its nutrients during frying.

5) Soy

Try to avoid soy, for one simple reason – it can have an oestrogenic effect on your body. If you’re not sure what I’m talking about, oestrogen is a female hormone that men have smaller amounts of. In order to achieve good sexual health, a healthy balance between oestrogen and testosterone (the male counterpart to oestrogen) must be maintained. There is an exception, however. Naturally fermented soy, the one you can find in Miso soup or soy sauce can be used without fear. However, one caution is that many industrial produced soy sauces are not naturally fermented and quite a few do not even contain soy as their main ingredient but are based on treacle. So, check carefully to make sure that whatever you buy in the way of the soy sauce or miso is actually made from genuinely naturally fermented soy.

6) Flaxseed

Be careful with flaxseed. If your diet has regular intakes of flaxseed, you might consider removing it, as it has a very high amount of

food chain. Smaller oily fish such as sardines, mackerel, and trout have more omega three and less mercury pollution.

3) Alcohol

You might beg to differ, but alcohol is actually a depressant. Using it heavily can dampen mood, decrease sexual desire, and make it difficult for a man to achieve erections or reach an orgasm while under the influence. In fact, according to Everyday Health, overdoing it on booze is a common cause of erectile dysfunction. However, that doesn’t mean you should cut out alcohol completely, as moderation seems to be the key here. If you must drink alcohol be it for social occasions or simply for relaxation, choose red wine as at least then you will be getting some antioxidants.

4) Fried Food

Fried foods are bad because of the oil that is used for frying. Restaurants tend to use partially hydronated oils that are high in trans fat and the oil is reheated over and over to keep the costs down. That way they become some of the unhealthiest foods to your heart, and one of the biggest causes of many diseases

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oestrogen in it. For example, 100 grams of flax has 379,380 micrograms (mcg) of oestrogen. On the other hand, there are fruits like watermelon, which have 2.9 mcg of oestrogen. Watermelon is a natural way to boost testosterone, too. If you’re more of an essence guy, there are male boost tinctures out there. There are other opinions as well, saying that flaxseed is in fact, good for reducing oestrogen levels. According to Oregon State University, flaxseed contains polyphenols – which work to reduce oestrogen levels in the bloodstream. Bottom line is if you’re using flaxseed, don’t go overboard. Use it in moderation.

7) Canned or plastic food

Bisphenol-A (BPA) is a widely produced chemical used, unfortunately, in many of our most common consumer products: plastic containers, water bottles, and canned foods all

contain BPA. At the molecular level, it mimics oestrogen, causing your body to react to it as if there is an excess of oestrogen in your body. And too much oestrogen in the male body causes lots of problems: reduced sperm quality, an enlarged prostate, erectile dysfunction and decreased sexual desire. It would, of course, be impossible to completely avoid exposure to casual toxins like BPA. But there are a few simple steps you can take to reduce its impact: buy fresh food, don’t microwave your lunch or dinner in plastic containers, avoid putting them in the dishwasher, and check the bottles you buy are “BPA-free”.

Ben Ong

Page 16: BONUS - Ben's Natural Health · 2018-09-17 · SEPTEMBER 2018 EDITION NUMBER #22 BONUS: Cooking Recipes, Ask Ben 1) Time To Talk Male Depression - Charlie 2) 7 Ways To Beat Fatigue ‘Our mission to end prostate disease for good.’16

One of the most underrated forms of exercise is staring right in front of us. Walking is something that we do every single day, but still don’t get enough of. All it takes is just putting one foot in front of the other to get a myriad of physical and mental benefits. Your risk of joint pain, diabetes, low-mood, obesity, and so much more can be slashed with a half an hour daily walk.

Now, the general recommendation is to walk 10,000 steps each day which takes around 90-120 minutes. However, this 30-minute walk isn’t the only bout of movement we’ll be doing for the day, it’s just a dedicated time to get in some more exercise. So, in this 30-minute walk, try to move as fast as possible to get more steps in. The more steps you get, the easier it is to hit that 10,000 goal, and at the end of the day, it’s only for half an hour!

As I’ve already explained, there’s a ridiculous number of benefits you can get from walking, but I’ve managed to narrow it down to just the top 6. So, without further ado, here are the top 6 incredible benefits you can get from walking just 30 minutes a day!

1) You’ll Lose Fat

First up, we have the fact that your waist will become a little bit slimmer. This one might seem obvious, but many people underestimate the power of a brisk walk. The more you walk, the more calories you’ll burn, the more active you feel, and the more movement you’ll do consequently. When you’re dedicated a specific time each day to walking, your brain will switch into movement mode, making it more likely for you to move about in the rest of your day.

66 IncredIble benefIts of Walking 30 Min. a


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Not to mention, unlike running, walking is incredibly low-impact, making it perfect for anyone who has joint problems in their ankles, knees, hips, or back. It can also help to mobilise these joints to make them stronger and healthier. So not only will you be trimmer and fitter, your body will feel better, too!

2) You’ll Become Happier

Not many of us think of exercise as a mood-booster. Sure, we might feel better after we’ve done it, but whilst it’s going on it can feel like torture. On the other hand, walking is a fantastic way to boost your mood right from the off. Research has shown that those who regularly walk are less likely to be depressed, angry, and anxious. You can also walk with a friend or family member to make that 30 minutes a social occasion. Even better still, if you walk outdoors, you’ll get the benefits of direct sunlight, and if you’re lucky enough to live in the right area, a better connection with nature.

3) You’ll Improve Your Digestive System Many of us might turn to teas or coffees in the morning to get things going, but what about if you’re bunged up at night? Not to mention, we can’t spend our entire lives choosing drinks to mask our digestive issues.Thankfully, walking stimulates the digestive system to improve your gastric mobility and engage your core muscles. All of this adds up to a more regular trip to the toilet, and much healthier colon. In turn, you’ll also reduce your risk of colon cancer! Less bloating, less gas, and less bathroom troubles.

4) You’ll Reduce Your Risk of Life-Threatening Diseases

Your risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, stroke, and all manors of other scary issues can be dramatically dropped through regular walking. According to a study by the Harvard Medical School, walking for just 2.5 hours a week, (21 minutes a day) can cut the risk of heart disease by 30%.

In fact, it even goes on to say that walking regularly could save Americans over 100 billion dollars a year in health care costs. There are now a wide variety of studies all stating the benefits of walking for our overall wellbeing with one finding that 5 days of 30-minute walking produced a 30% lower risk of cardiovascular disease. That’s over a quarter! Not bad for such an accessible and easy activity.

5) You’ll Sort Through Your Problems

Sometimes our minds become stuck in a rut where we just can’t seem to find the solution

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to a problem. No matter where we look at it from or what we do, the answer always seems the same and that answer just isn’t good enough (or is maybe even non-existent). Yet, the best way to move through these problems is with, well, movement! A study published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology, Learning, Memory, and Cognition found that those who had gone for a walk were far more creative and scored better on creative-thinking tests.

Therefore, if you’re having a tricky time trying to find the solution to a problem, get up and walk around. In the moment, it’s a big help, but by walking regularly throughout the week, you’ll find your mind working better and better overall. 6) You’ll Find It Easier to Reach Your Other Goals

Lastly, establishing a routine is a great way to get your mind geared up to succeed. Some of the best entrepreneurs put their success down to both dedicated and regular routine. Once your mind knows what it’s doing for the day, it’s easier for it to sort through things opposed to having them all up in the air.

You may have heard that one of the best ways to get your mind prepared for the day is to make your bed in the morning. This is because before you’ve even had your breakfast, you’ve accomplished something. The same goes for walking. Whether you’re walking in the morning or at night, you know that you’ve accomplished something, and walking is a much bigger feat than just making the bed. Sure, it might be nice to come home to a nice laid duvet but forcing yourself to get outside and move for 30 minutes takes a lot more. Not to mention, it’ll help bring far more benefits to your mind and body as listed above. Don’t think of it as ‘wasted time’, think of it as 30 minutes you’re dedicating to your mind, body, and wellbeing.


Page 20: BONUS - Ben's Natural Health · 2018-09-17 · SEPTEMBER 2018 EDITION NUMBER #22 BONUS: Cooking Recipes, Ask Ben 1) Time To Talk Male Depression - Charlie 2) 7 Ways To Beat Fatigue ‘Our mission to end prostate disease for good.’20

It’s increasingly common for patients to be told by their medical doctors that testosterone is ‘bad’ for the prostate. They often also advise patients that testosterone makes prostate cancer grow. Although treatment in many prostate cancer patients is specifically designed to reduce testosterone levels, there are many studies available that show a fall in testosterone in men actually almost parallels the rise in BPH, prostatitis and prostate cancer, which throws up some pretty interesting questions.

Here, we provide a breakdown of just a few of the studies around testosterone and the prostate, and the conclusions reached, in the hope that many of you will begin to take charge of any prostate conditions, and realize that not only are the major players in the treatment of prostate issues the pharmaceutical companies, but that you can use the information provided here to make better decisions about the care of your prostate.

The Imperial Cancer Research Fund – 1971

This study, held in London studied hormone levels of 49 men. The study reported that healthy men had testosterone levels that were much higher than those with advanced metastatic cancer, and higher than those with prostate cancer. Let that sink in for a moment – and bear in mind that this was over 40 years ago.

Does High Testosterone

Cause Prostate Cancer ?

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patients with BPH and PCA presented with lower serum testosterone than the healthy control group. In addition to this, was more confirmation of the involvement on estradiol, and the study reported, “The ratio of testosterone-to-estradiol is decreased with the rise of the age. The results suggested that the imbalance of serum sex hormones [i.e. falling testosterone and rising estrogen] was related to the pathogenesis of BPH and PCA.” Simply put, this shows their findings that high estrogen and low testosterone levels that cause prostate issues.

University of Washington – 1999 – Richard Prehn

Pioneering doctor Richard Prehn

The Granada Medical Facility’s 1978 study of 18 men with BPH, who were studied and compared with healthy males of the same age group, discovered that those with BPH has an average level of testosterone that was 2.3ng/ml – 43% lower than the average 4.0 ng/ml. A direct quote taken from their findings, which were published in a major medical journal stated clearly “the testosterone concentration in the BPH group was significantly lower than that of the healthy control group. In addition to this confirmation, consider that the authors of this study already knew that estradiol levels in men rise as they age, and supplementation of estradiol causes abnormal growth in the prostate gland.

University of Witwaterstrand – 1997

This 1997 study in Africa was entitled “Low Serum Testosterone Predicts a Poor Outcome in Metastatic Prostate Cancer.” 122 patients were studied, and the results showed that those with the highest levels of testosterone had tumors that were the least aggressive – and in addition to this, they lived the longest. The patients included in the study with the lowest testosterone levels saw far more aggressive growth in their prostate cancers, and died much earlier. The conclusion – “Low testosterone seems to result in a more aggressive disease and a poorer prognosis in advanced prostate cancer.” – could not be clearer.

Hubei Medical University – 1998

A study by three doctors in China of men with BPH and carcinoma (PCA) found that

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published the suggestion that androgen supplementation should be considered in order reduce the growth of prostate cancer. Pointing out that decreasing levels of testosterone play a role in carcinogenesis, he suggested that supplementing low testosterone levels could cut cancer rates. As part of his suggested treatment option, he referred to earlier studies that had shown worse prognosis in prostate cancer patients with low testosterone.

University of Vienna – 2000 – 2001

There are two studies of note between 2000-2001, both completed at the University of Vienna. The first, in 2000 had a small group of men (5 in total) with prostate cancer whose level of testosterone was markedly lower than those in the healthy control group. However, they also found that DHEA (the other major androgen) did not have a negative effect on cancer. The below quote from the study says it all;Another study in Vienna a year later entitled High-Grade Prostate Cancer is Associated With Low Serum Testosterone Levels” confirms what had been found in the Granada Medical study in 1978. The men in the study group that had the fastest growing

malignancies and highest Gleason scores had an average testosterone level of 2.8 ng/ml, whilst those with the lowest Gleason scores and slowest growing malignancies had levels averaging 4.10 ng/ml. Again, this study mentioned DHEA and confirmed DHEA-S levels averaged the same in both groups, finding that DHEA is not a contributor to cancer.

Notable discoveries and treatment suggestions

Studying The University of Chicago and three other clinics in 1991, it’s clear to see that the evidence is there as to treatments that work. They found that the higher testosterone levels in their study groups were, the longer men lived and the better they fared, and revealed that “These results have important implications for the design and analysis of future clinical trials of hormone therapy.” and “Doctors should be giving men testosterone therapy, rather than “androgen ablation.” This shows that even back in 1991, mainstream treatments, which are for the most part the same as they are in most medical facilities now, were proven wrong and advice showed that Doctors should be treating patients in the opposite way they are doing today.

Why ignore the results of scientific studies?

There are many studies published around the world dating back years that claimed that doctors were aware of the detrimental effect estrogen had on the

“These data are confirmed by the present study; it can be concluded that

DHEA or DHEA-S serum concentrations represent no risk factor for PC [prostate

cancer] development.”

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prostate while also knowing that testosterone had a positive effect on prostate health. Each month, more and more research is published on testosterone, yet it is largely ignored – so why is this?One simple theory is that in mainstream medicine, often opinions about a disease, causes and treatment take a long time to change. Sometimes this is found to be down to the conservative nature of the medical profession, which has often been found as resistant to change. Quite often, from new research to general acceptance, change can easily take a generation or more – but surely we should be seeing change now?

One simple theory is that in mainstream medicine, often opinions about a disease, causes and treatment take a long time to change. Sometimes this is found to be down to the conservative nature of the medical profession, which has often been found as resistant to change. Quite often, from new research to general acceptance, change can easily take a generation or more – but surely we should be seeing change now?

Another, perhaps more sinister conclusion is that some professors and senior doctors across the globe have built their reputations based on mistakenly held beliefs that testosterone is the sole cause of prostate issues and are unwilling to admit that their beliefs were mistaken. Perhaps even worse than this, the pharmaceutical giants that produce profitable Testosterone combatant drugs, prefer to disregard this research, that would clearly be detrimental to their bottom line.

Whatever the reason for the lack of change in treatment protocol in the medical field, from the research studies above, isn’t it time you thought long and hard about what prostate treatment protocol is right for you?

Ben Ong

Page 25: BONUS - Ben's Natural Health · 2018-09-17 · SEPTEMBER 2018 EDITION NUMBER #22 BONUS: Cooking Recipes, Ask Ben 1) Time To Talk Male Depression - Charlie 2) 7 Ways To Beat Fatigue ‘Our mission to end prostate disease for good.’25

4 Servings 40 mins Difficulty: Medium

INGREDIENTS1. 3 eggs2. 4 1/4 oz.

cream cheese3. 1 pinch salt4. 1/2 tbsp


psylliyn husk powder

5. 1/2tbsp baking powder

6. 8 tbsp

mayonnaise7. 5 oz bacon8. 2 oz lettuce9. 1 tomato.

thinly sliced10. fresh basil

METHODOvernight Egg Yolk Powder

1. Preheat oven to 300°F (150°C). Separate the eggs; put the egg whites in one bowl and the yolks in another. Remove from oven, mash, and return to oven for another 5 mins.

2. Whip egg whites together with salt until very stiff. Preferably using a hand held electric mixer. You should be able to turn the bowl over without the egg whites moving.

3. Add cream cheese to the egg yolks and mix well. To make the oopsie more bread-like, add in the optional psyllium seed husk and baking powder.

4. Gently fold the egg whites into the egg yolk mixture— try to keep the air in the egg whites.

5. Put 8 oopsies on a paper-lined baking tray.6. Bake in the middle of the oven for about 25 minutes –

until they turn golden.

Building the BLT

7. Fry the bacon in a skillet on medium high heat until crispy.

8. Place the oopsie bread pieces top-side down.9. Spread 1–2 tablespoon of mayonnaise on each.10. Place lettuce, tomato, some finely chopped fresh basil

and fried bacon in layers between the bread halves.11. Serve immediately.


Just the mere mention of “BLT” and the sun starts to shine! With this mouthwatering, keto version, you can dive in and indulge! Go for it!

Protein11 g

Fats48 g

Carbs4 g


Page 26: BONUS - Ben's Natural Health · 2018-09-17 · SEPTEMBER 2018 EDITION NUMBER #22 BONUS: Cooking Recipes, Ask Ben 1) Time To Talk Male Depression - Charlie 2) 7 Ways To Beat Fatigue ‘Our mission to end prostate disease for good.’26

4 Servings 45 mins Difficulty: Medium


METHOD1. Place ground beef, eggs, salt and spices in a bowl

and blend thoroughly. Form the mixture into meatballs, about 1 oz (30 grams) each. It helps to keep your hands wet while forming the balls.

2. Heat up the olive oil in a large skillet and sauté the meatballs until they’re golden brown on all sides.

3. Lower the heat and add the canned tomatoes. Let simmer for 15 minutes, stirring every couple of minutes. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Add parsley and stir. You can prepare the dish up to this point for freezing.Pour batter into prepared donut pan and bake for 20 minutes.

4. Melt the butter in a separate frying pan and fry the spinach for 1-2 minutes, stirring continuously. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Add the spinach to the meatballs. Top with fresh mozzarella cheese, torn into bite-sized pieces. Serve and enjoy.


Tomato sauce, and fresh and creamy. Meatballs, with just the right touch of onion and oregano. It’s like spaghetti night, without the carbs.

Protein39 g

Fats49 g

Carbs4 g


1. 1 lb ground beef

2. 1 egg3. ½ tbsp dried

basil4. ½ tsp onion

powder5. 1 tsp garlic


6. 1 tsp salt7. ½ tsp ground

black pepper8. 14 oz.

canned whole tomatoes

9. 2 tbsp finely chopped fresh parsley

10. 7 oz. fresh spinach

11. 2 oz. butter12. 5 oz. fresh

mozzarella cheese

13. salt and pepper

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In case this is your first issue of our monthly journal The Natural Choice, Ask Ben is a recurring segment in every issue in which Ben responds to questions from you, the reader.

Many of our readers love engaging with us and asking a multitude of deep questions regarding their lifestyle. We provide feedback that inspires and equips our customers on exactly what they need to do for themselves in order to be victorious in their battle with health problems.

We believe all of your questions are valuable and choose some of the best to include in our monthly Natural Choice Articles. This is so that others going through similar experiences can learn how they can also live a more fulfilling life with the contribution of you and the community.

We are empowered by your feedback and this propels us to do more to provide the best service we can.

If you would like to have your prostate health or supplement related question, no matter the nature, answered by Ben in an upcoming issue of The Natural Choice then please feel confident to email your question to [email protected] or alternatively click the button below.

Get Involved With Our Community

Page 29: BONUS - Ben's Natural Health · 2018-09-17 · SEPTEMBER 2018 EDITION NUMBER #22 BONUS: Cooking Recipes, Ask Ben 1) Time To Talk Male Depression - Charlie 2) 7 Ways To Beat Fatigue ‘Our mission to end prostate disease for good.’29

Hi Basil,

we have a specific program for coming off the drugs. We never recommend that you stop immediately, and in fact, Prostate Power can help, but without Total Health you’re unlikely to be able to achieve a full recovery. Prostate Power is designed as a symptom alleviator for shorter term relief, whereas Total Health is a complex mix of nearly 30 different ingredients, designed to help your body heal your prostate. If you wish to stop taking the drugs, we actually recommend you take them for the first month, then go down to once every two days for the second month and then once every three days in month three.

You should then be able to come off the drugs at the start of month four with no ill effects. My customer service team will be happy to speak to you about it, how and why it works and what your next steps should be – feel free to call +44 (0) 845 423 8877 or email them whenever! You can reach my team at [email protected].

I hope that helps and I wish you good health, Ben.



Hi Ben

I ordered Power Prostate and it’s on its way already; Once I start taking it, should I stop taking the Flomax and the Finasteride?


Page 30: BONUS - Ben's Natural Health · 2018-09-17 · SEPTEMBER 2018 EDITION NUMBER #22 BONUS: Cooking Recipes, Ask Ben 1) Time To Talk Male Depression - Charlie 2) 7 Ways To Beat Fatigue ‘Our mission to end prostate disease for good.’30

Hi Brian,

A very high is indicative of a high probability of you having prostate cancer or chronic Prostatitis. Chronic prostatitis is a urinary infection that can cause high PSA and is most commonly characterised by pain or burning sensations in the bladder, the urethra and while urinating. While PSA is not definitive, it is a good indicator of prostate health and statistically men with a PSA above 10 will have at least some cancerous cells in their prostate. It is important that you another PSA test and then inform us of your results, so we can provide the best possible advice. Please send over your results and any further questions you have to [email protected] so we can discuss this further. I

I hope this helps you and I wish you good health,




Hello, Ben.

I have just had a PSA test and the doctor is very concerned and wants another as the count was 260 something! Could this be a mistake? I am 80 and very nervous of the biopsies etc. I will be having another test next week to see if it has come down.


Page 31: BONUS - Ben's Natural Health · 2018-09-17 · SEPTEMBER 2018 EDITION NUMBER #22 BONUS: Cooking Recipes, Ask Ben 1) Time To Talk Male Depression - Charlie 2) 7 Ways To Beat Fatigue ‘Our mission to end prostate disease for good.’31

Hi Walter,

When it comes to coffee, there is no research showing that coffee irritates the prostate. Some researchers believe coffee is a diuretic due to the caffeine, therefore may increase urination. However, coffee intake should be avoided at night.

I hope this answers your question and I wish you good health.




Hi Ben,

Quick question Ben. Is coffee an irritant to the prostate and should it be avoided with a history of prostatitis? I am currently taking your supplements and they are helping


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