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PaperDiajukan Untuk Memenuhi Salah Satu Tugas Mata Kuliah Bahasa InggrisLecture : Mr. Jamal

By :Dicky Priadi Suhendi (Michel)Neneng Humairoh (NG)Ati Wulandari (Marsha)


STANDARD OPERATIONAL PROCEDUREA. DEFINITIONSClean the patient's body with clean water and soapB. PURPOSE1. Measures goal to bathe the patient in the bed is clean the body, gives a fresh feeling, stimulates blood circulation, muscles, and nerves periver part (peripheral nerves), as a treatment, prevent injuries and complications in the skin, educating the patient in personal hygiene2. Cleanse the skin and eliminate body odor3. Carry out personal hygiene4. Provide comfortC. INDICATIONSPatients who need help bathing in bedD. OFFICERSNurseE. EQUIPMENT1. Clean Clothes 1 sets are used to keep clean and protected from germs2. The shower basin 2 pieces in use for the place warm and cold water3. Hot and cold water is used so that the patient does not cold4. washcloth 2 pieces used to wipe patients5. Perlak and small towels 1 fruit is used to getting wet pengalas6. Great towels 2 pieces used for after the patient bathed7. Blanket shower / cloth cover is used to cover patients8. Place closed for dirty clothes used to prevent the spread of germs9. The soap used to clean the patient's body10. powder is used for patients after showering to keep the patient's body remains fragrant11. clean gloves be used when going to bathe the patient12. Pispot / urinals and pengalas used for patients when they want to urinate13. Bottles wipe is used to clean the genitals of patients

F. STAGE PRE INTERACTION1. Verify the client's treatment program2. Washing hands3. Placing tool near the patient correctlyG. ORIENTATION PHASE1. Greets as therapeutic approach2. Explains the purpose and procedures of action on the client / family3. Asking the client's readiness before the activities carried outH. WORK PHASE1. Keeping privac2. Washing hands3. Replacing the covers client with a blanket bath4. Removing clothing on clients1. Washing Facea. Perlak unfurled a small and a small towel under the headb. Offers patients using soap or notc. Clean the face, ears with a damp washcloth in the drain lalid. Perlak roll and towel2. Arm Washa. Blanket bath lowers stomach gets clientsb. Installing a large towel over the chest transversely clients and clients both hands placed on the towelc. Moisten hands washcloth clients with clean water, lathered, and then rinsed with warm water (do starting from the farthest extremity client)

3. Wash Chest And Stomacha. To undress under a blanket clients and lowers to the lower abdomen, hands placed over the head, unfurling a towel on the client sideb. Wash armpits and chest and abdomen with a wet washcloth, lathered, and then rinsed with warm water and dried, then cover with a towel4. Wash Backa. Tilting the patient towards nurseb. Waving a towel behind the back to the buttocksc. Moisten backs up the buttocks with a washcloth, lathered, and then rinsed with warm water and driedd. Giving powder on the backe. Reverting to the supine position, and then helps the patient to wear5. Washed The Feeta. Issued a blanket bath legs of patients correctlyb. Waving a towel under the leg, bending the kneec. Wetting legs from ankle to groin, lathered, rinsed with clean water, then driedd. Do the same for the other leg6. Wash The Groin And Genetala. Waving a towel under the buttocks, then opened the bottom of the bath blanketb. Wet the groin and genital area with water, lathered, rinsed, then driedc. Lifting a towel, helped wear down clientsd. Smoothed client, replace the bath with a blanket sleeping blanketsI. PHASE TERMINATION1. Evaluating the results of the action2. Say goodbye to the patient3. Clean up and return the device to its original place4. Washing hands5. Noting the activities in the nursing record sheet

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PENGERTIANMembersihkan tubuh pasien dengan air bersih dan sabun

TUJUAN1. Membersihkan kulit dan menghilangkan bau badan2. Melaksanakan kebersihan perorangan3. Memberikan rasa nyaman

KEBIJAKANPasien yang memerlukan bantuan mandi di tempat tidur



PROSEDUR PELAKSANAAN1. Tahap Pra Interaksi 1. Melakukan verifikasi program pengobatan klien2. Mencuci tangan3. Menempatkan alat di dekat pasien dengan benar2. Tahap Orientasi 1. Memberikan salam sebagai pendekatan therapeutic2. Menjelaskan tujuan dan prosedur tindakan pada klien/keluarga3. Menanyakan kesiapan klien sebelum kegiatan dilakukan3. Tahap Kerja 1. Menjaga privacy2. Mencuci tangan3. Mengganti selimut klien dengan selimut mandi4. Melepas pakaian atas klien 1. MEMBASUH MUKA Membentangkan perlak kecil dan handuk kecil di bawah kepala Menawarkan pasien menggunakan sabun atau tidak Membersihkan muka, telinga dengan waslap lembab lali di keringkan Menggulung perlak dan handuk2. MEMBASUH LENGAN Menurunkan selimut mandi kebagian perut klien Memasang handuk besar diatas dada klien secara melintang dan kedua tangan klien diletakkan diatas handuk Membasahi tangan klien dengan waslap air bersih, disabun, kemudian dibilas dengan air hangat (lakukan mulai dari ekstremitas terjauh klien)3. MEMBASUH DADA DAN PERUT Melepas pakaian bawah klien dan menurunkan selimut hingga perut bagian bawah, kedua tangan diletakkan diatas bagian kepala, membentangkan handuk pada sisi klien Membasuh ketiak dan dada serta perut dengan waslap basah, disabun, kemudian dibilas dengan air hangat dan dikeringkan, kemudian menutup dengan handuk4. MEMBASUH PUNGGUNG Memiringkan pasien kearah perawat Membentangkan handuk di belakang punggung hingga bokong Membasahi punggung hingga bokong dengan waslap, disabun, kemudian dibilas dengan air hangat dan dikeringkan Memberi bedak pada punggung Mengembalikan ke posisi terlentang, kemudian membantu pasien mengenakan pakaian5. MEMBASUH KAKI Mengeluarkan kaki pasien dari selimut mandi dengan benar Membentangkan handuk dibawah kaki tersebut, menekuk lutut Membasahi kaki mulai dari pergelangan sampai pangkal paha, disabun, dibilas dengan air bersih, kemudian dikeringkan Melakukan tindakan yang sama untuk kaki yang lain6. MEMBASUH DAERAH LIPAT PAHA DAN GENITAL Membentangkan handuk dibawah bokong, kemudian selimut mandi bagian bawah dibuka Membasahi daerah lipat paha dan genital dengan air, disabun, dibilas, kemudian dikeringkan Mengangkat handuk, membantu mengenakan pakaian bawah klien Merapikan klien, ganti selimut mandi dengan selimut tidur5. Tahap Terminasi 1. Mengevaluasi hasil tindakan2. Berpamitan dengan pasien3. Membereskan dan kembalikan alat ke tempat semula4. Mencuci tangan5. Mencatat kegiatan dalam lembar catatan keperawatan

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