
Jf:;:,_ Margate Police Department ·e: ':i~} INCIDENT REPORT# 1-14-013145 ¥~

Occurrence Dateffime: 411012014 18:10 I 411512014 18:10

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District: PAT- Patrol Division

Beat: 509

Common Name:

Alcohol Related: NO


Map Page Ref: 509/PIO

Drug Related: NO

Dispatch Date I Time: 412212014 13:15

Respond Date I Time: 412212014 13:16

Arrive Date I Time: 4/2212014 13:34

Reporting Officer: Approving Supervisor: 3334- REYES, E. 412212014 3012- EDSTRAND, L. 412312014

' OTRER PERSON lNJilOltMATION ... 1 -. ' . . , . ' - . . ' ' . . ~ . ' .

Name: Addresss: MILLER, ANDREW JAMES 33068

Birth Date: I Age: I Sex:

I Race:

I License#:

1110611983 30 MALE White+ M4600 I 0834060,

Business Phone:

I Home Phone: I Other Phone:

~- }:. i, ·. ~ ·: . OTlifER P.'E'RSON'rNllORMATION : 2 . " '. . , "· ' . ' .

Name: Addresss: HOBBS, JENNIFER·. 3068

Birth n~tP ' I Age:

I Sex:

I Race:

I License#:

I 31 FEMALE White+

Business Phone:

J Home Phone: I Other Phone:

: " . '··'. ·. OTfrE'R·PERSON JNFORMA TJON 3 . . -., -. • --. ' ' •• • > ' •• • "'

Name: Addresss: FARNUM, SEAN FL

Birth Date:

I Age:

I Sex:

I Race:

I License#:

MALE White+

Business Phone:

I Home Phone:

I Other Phone:



Name: Addresss: MENESES, JORGE A . .. - - -E FL 33068

Birth Date:

I Age:

I Sex: I Race: I

License#: 8/1911959 54 MALE White+ M522421592990,

Business Phone: I Home Phone: I Other Phone: 9541630-6784


Clear Date I Time: 412212014 18:12



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I Person Type: i * MENTIONED PERSON *

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. ··-· . ..







Case Number: 1-14-013145

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Name: Addresss: NORMAN, BOB

I Age: I Sex: MALE I

Race: White+

Birth Date:

Business Phone: I Home Phone:

Original Narrative by: 3334- REYES, E. on 4/22/2014 Approved by: 3012- EDSTRAND, L.



I License#: Person Type: * MENTIONED PERSON *

I Other Phone:

On Tuesday April 22, 2014 at approximately 1335 hours, I arrived at Margate, FL 33068, and met with Andrew J. Miller

in regards to a suspicious incident. Miller said he was advised by his (Miller) pool maintenance worker Sean Farnum (954-235-4070) about a news reporter coming into the backyard while cleaning the pool on April 15, 2014 at approximately 1100 hours. Miller was told by Farnum the news reporter was with a camera man and was holding a microphone with the Channel 10 News logo on it. Miller told me this is approximately the second or third time someone from Channel 10 News has come by the residence. Miller said his neighbor Jorge Meneses who lives at

Margate, FL 33068 (954-630-6784), also mentioned to Miller seeing a Channel 10 News reporter at the house. Miller said he believes Meneses saw the news crew on April 15, 2014 at approximately 1100 hours and the week before on April 9th or lOth, 2014. Miller is not sure if Meneses saw the reporter enter into the backyard or not during any of the mentioned dates. Miller said the news reporter is Bob Norman of WPLG Channel 10 News. Miller told me Norman is conducting an investigation on the Broward County Sheriff's Office in regards to anyone who helped campaign for Sheriff Scott Israel. Miller said Norman also alleges Sheriff Israel hired employees who are on the payroll receiving salaries and do not go to work. Miller said his fiance Jennifer Hobbs is employed by BSO as a Community Affairs Specialist. Miller said Norman was able to obtain civilian employee names and addresses through public records . Miller believes that Norman has a vendetta against the Broward Sheriff's Office and is now trying to bother civilian employees by coming to their homes to question them. Miller is concerned about Norman trespassing on the property by coming to the residence when no one is home and walking around into the backyard. Miller feels that Norman is harassing him (Miller) and his fiance Hobbs for possible information against the Broward Sheriff's Office. Miller said Hobbs is twenty weeks pregnant and they do not need any stress in their lives. Miller said he has installed an alarm security system and is planning on installing a video surveillance system to protect his property. Miller said he has only lived in the area for approximately two years and Hobbs has been working for the



Case Number: 1-14-013145 Page: 3

Sheriff's Officer for approximately one year. Miller has not made contact with Norman nor has Miller seen Norman on the property. Miller was made aware of Norman by his neighbor Meneses and the pool worker Farnum. On Tuesday April 22, 2014 at approximately 1700 hours, I made contact with Farnum via cell phone (954-235-4070). Farnum said on April 15, 2014 at approximately 1100 hours, he (Farnum) was cleaning Miller's pool when a white male with short dark hair, approximately 6', 240 lbs, in his late 40's came into the backyard holding a microphone with the Channel 10 News logo on it. Farnum said he did not recognize this person and has never seen this person before. Farnum said this reporter was with another person carrying a video camera and asked Farnum if the homeowners were home. Farnum said, "no" and asked if he could take a message for the homeowner. Farnum said the reporter said, "no", and left the property. Farnum continued to clean the pool and did not see what type of vehicle the individuals drove off in. Farnum said while he was cleaning the pool today April 22, 2014 he (Farnum) met with Miller and mentioned the incident which occurred last week on April 15, 2014. Farnum had no other information regarding this incident. On Tuesday April 22, 2014 at approximately 1715 hours , I made contact with Jorge Meneses at his residence located at Margate, FL 33068. I asked Meneses if he has seen any news reporters in the area. Meneses said he saw a white male reporter with a camera man on April 9th or lOth, 2014 and again on April 15, 2014 at approximately 1100 hours. Meneses said he came home on April 9th or lOth and saw a white van parked on the north side of facing west across from Miller's house. Meneses said he believes the reporter and the camera man were video taping the area and pointing towards Miller's house. Meneses said they stayed in the area for a bit and then left. Meneses said on April 15, 2014 at approximately 1100 hours, he was outside doing yard work when he was approached by the reporter . Meneses said the reporter asked if Meneses knows the neighbor at .

Meneses who speaks Spanish and understands English replied to the reporter, "the neighbors are new and he (Meneses) does not know them well". Meneses said he then saw the reporter and the camera man walk towards the east side of Miller's house and believes they entered into the backyard. Meneses said he did see the pool mans (Farnum) vehicle parked outside . Meneses said the reporter was there briefly and left. Meneses said he remembers a logo of Channel 10 on the microphone the reporter was holding. Meneses said he has not seen the reporter since. Meneses said he mentioned the reporter to Miller because he (Meneses) found it strange for a reporter to be in the area. Meneses did not have any further information regarding this incident. I returned back to Miller's residence to meet with him and Hobbs. I advised Hobbs to speak with her employer (BSO) in regards to her personal information being public record and that Norman from Channel 10 News has been to the house several times. I also advised Miller to contact Channel 10 News and speak with Norman's supervisor about Norman being on Miller's property and in the backyard. Miller said he has sent out a "Tweet" to Norman and no response. I explained to


Case Number: 1-14-013145 Page: 4

Miller and Hobbs that in order for Norman to be trespassed from their property they would need to be home and contact Law Enforcement. Miller said if Norman comes back to the house he (Miller) will call the police. There is no further information regarding this incident at this time .


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