

Member of the International Council of BMW Clubs

August 2015 NEWSLETTER

OFFICE BEARERS Regional Ride Co-ordinators

PRESIDENT Alan Peters 0407 829 033 [email protected] VICE-PRESIDENT RIDE CALENDAR COLLATION CLUB POINT SCORES Alan Pennykid 0427 393 093 0247 393 093 [email protected]

GENERAL SECRETARY John Rayner 0415 104 830 [email protected]

MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY Marie Pennykid 0428 393 093 0247 393 093 [email protected]

TREASURER Position Vacant

[email protected]

BMWCA DELEGATE Trevor Dean 0409 407 409 [email protected]

EDITOR Andrew Watson 0419 255 290 [email protected]

REGALIA Mick Furchert 0414 713 359 [email protected]

ASSETS and ARCHIVES Mal Cattermole 0409 179 419 [email protected]

PUBLIC OFFICER Ian Ramsay 0421459757 [email protected]

SPARE PARTS/CLUB TOOLS Rob Edgar 0408 161 107 [email protected]

MCC NSW DELEGATES Bob Whitehead [email protected]


WEBMASTER John Visser 0412 105 300 0289 710 722 [email protected]

Club Website:

Club Yahoo Email site

(members mailing list - voluntary): BMWTCNSW Newsletter August 2015 2

ACT Dave Ramsay

02 6278 3895 [email protected]

Hunter Rob Tiedeman

0425 777 461

[email protected]

Mid North Coast Lin van


0417 098 255

[email protected]

South Coast Tony Schmidt 0407 494 229

[email protected]

Central West No current officer [email protected]

South Coast TBA

North Coast Damien O'Toole 0419 296 939

[email protected]

Central West No Current Officer

Sydney North Craig Hancock 0419 557 014

[email protected]

Sydney South Graham Johns 0419 281 875

[email protected]

Sydney West Andrew Watson 0419 225 290

Monthly Club Meetings

Held at 7:30pm at the Andrew Cook Hall, Toongabbie (corner Targo and Toongabbie Roads) on the last Wednesday of each month

(except for December)

Sydney Social Sip

Held at 6:00pm on the last Wednesday of each month. Members gather at the Toongabbie Hotel for a chat and something to eat before

crossing the road to attend the club meeting.

South Coast Social Sip

Held anytime after 6.30pm on the 2nd Friday of the month. Members gather at the Great Southern Hotel, 95 Queen St, Berry, for a chat and

something to eat.

Newcastle Social Sip

Members gather anytime after 6pm on the last Friday of the month. At the Hexham Bowling Club for a chat and something to eat.

North Coast Breakfast & Social Sip

PORT MACQUARIE BREAKFAST Last Saturday of the month, 8:30 at The Sandbar Café, Camden Haven, The after "breakfast ride" determined over

breakfast. SOCIAL SIP Second Sunday 4.30pm Quay Lime Café and Bar, Port Marina, 18

Park St., Port Macquarie.

Organise a Ride or Event 2

Attend a Social Sip 2

Attend a Social night (Restaurant night, party, etc) 3

Attend a Maintenance Day 2

Attend a Day Ride 6

Attend a Weekend Run or Rally 10

Attend a Long Weekend Run or Rally 12

Self written Newsletter article 4

Attend a Club Meeting – City Member 4

Attend a Club Meeting – Country Member 6

Attend a Night Run 6

Club Point score


Classic Register Registrars


Club Point score

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President’s Report The year is flying by! The awards night has been and gone and before you know it we will be up to the Christmas Party. Thank you Al Pennykid for organising the Grandview Hotel once again. It’s a nice spacious venue with lots of nice beer….sorry I missed breakky folks! Congrats to all the award winners once again and thanks to everyone for coming along for the night. It was nice to see significant others out in full force once again. It was also my honour on behalf of the Club to award Rob Lovett with his life membership (yes, we are stuck with him, fortuitously). Spare a thought for Ruth Hooker currently battling cancer and Evan Furchet who suffered a heart attack. Our thoughts and best wishes go out to them. Ruth is currently under-going treatment and Evan is apparently on the mend after surgery. Trevor has asked me to remind you all about the Zündschlüssel Run in October and particularly about registering with the website for email newsletters. I’ve been slack and hitherto have not done so, but I have since registered and found it to be a painless process. Apologies to Wato for a last minute President’s Report this month. With both the events I’m going to being at the end of the month it’s a bit difficult to write about in advance. Also I feel like I’m ripping out clichés like a sportsman after a big game. So this month I will turn my hand to pontificating. Technology. We are clever little buggers, the human race, we invent stuff. Like the car. Now they invent the driverless car. Well almost. Volvo, Bosch and Telstra are set to road test a self-piloting car in SA. Volvo and Bosch don’t surprise me, the leading safe car maker and the leading automotive electrics company teaming up with a wireless service provider Telstra who can’t keep megatonnes of spam off the internet? Then just to make things more interesting this week, hackers demonstrated their ability mess with a Jeep

and run it off the road remotely. I was reflecting about this while driving another lap of Sydney in pursuit of the mighty dollar and it occurred to me that a particular brand has the slogan “sheer driving pleasure” (by the way I’m not having a go at the brand). Now I’ll get to the point of my rant (finally you all say). What will their slogan become if they sell self-piloting cars? “Because driving is a sheer pain in the arse”? Is this how bad driving has become, that most people would rather be doing something else? Where will bikes fit into this brave new world, if at all once the techno weeny nanny state decree auto piloting become mandatory? I ride for the pleasure of riding, the corners, bumps, slides, the feel of g-force in the gut, the pucker of the sphincter. Always when I ride I try to improve my skills. Why do people try and take the fun out of everything? Give me fuel injection and ABS but you can stick having some Russian cyber-criminal threatening to run me off the road for my PIN number or not marrying his sister. While I’m still ranting (yep I’ve gone beyond pontificating, this president’s report was getting hard to write so I bought beer) something amusing regarding the upcoming (at the time of writing) Flag Raising at Grey Gums. Via the modern miracle of social media, or anti-social media if you look at some of the things that we say to each other, apparently a cruiser club, or should that be kroozer klub, is having a flag raising the same day. Quote from the instructions to members "All members are to be in full club gear and to ride in formation at all times. All non-members will ride at the back." I have to admire bikers, what with their rugged individualism and all. However I love the BMTCNSW outlook a lot more; this is the meet, this is the destination, have a great ride and we’ll yarn about it over the campfire. Folks really and truly have a great August of riding (no cliches) Al Peters

Jianping, Marge and Mick try magic tricks from the party crackers while Rob does speech time Tai Chi

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Thurs 30th Hunter Social Sip: Hexham Bowling club. Drinks and Chinese dinner from around 6pm (last Thurs of the month)

Rob Tiedeman 0427 777 461



1st – 2nd HAT Rally, Araluen NSW. Back to basics rally, $20 inc badge and raffle ticket. $5 cooked breakfast on Sunday. Water, toilets, limited firewood. Awards include Best Hat. Plenty of shaded camping space.

Alan Pennykid 0427 393 093


Sun 8th

Monthly “Social Sip”. Meet at 4.30pm at the Quay Lime Café and Bar, Port Marina, 18 Park st., Port Macquarie. (Second Sunday of the


Lin van Coppenhagen

0417 098 255


Coffee and day ride meeting 22 Patterson Road, Bolwarra. 9.00 Am for coffee. Possible ride afterwards to be decided on the day.

Cheryl 0408 074 214


Fri 14th South Coast Social Sip Great Southern Hotel 95 Queen St, Berry

(6:30 2nd Friday of the month)

Tony Schmidt

0407 494 229 2

Sat 15th – Sun 16th

Farm Stay at Stuarts place near Dungog at 943 Glen William Road, Glen William NSW 2321. BBQ, Fire etc. Great camping weekend last year. Special invite to our all members. RSVP 8th August 2015. Sydney(and southern) riders meet at Macquarie Park Windsor at 9am for the ride North (fill tanks first).

Stuart 0427 767 129 10

Sat 22nd Breakfast at 8.30 Sandbar café, North Haven. The “after breakfast ride” to be determined over breakfast

Lin van Coppenhagen 0417 098 255


Wed 26th Club Meeting 7:30pm. Please join us for dinner before the meeting at

Toongabbie Hotel from 6:00pm

Alan Peters

0414 660 890 4/6*

Thurs 27th Hunter Social Sip: Hexham Bowling club. Drinks and Chinese dinner from around 6pm (last Thurs of the month)

Rob Tiedeman 0427 777 461


Sat 29th – Sun 30th

TTT Rally, come for a dirty ride to Trashers, basics BYO everything Alan Pennykid 0427393093



Fri 11th South Coast Social Sip Great Southern Hotel 95 Queen St, Berry (6:30 2nd Friday of the month)

Tony Schmidt 0407 494 229


Sun 13th

Monthly “Social Sip”. Meet at 4.30pm at the Quay Lime Café and Bar, Port Marina, 18 Park st., Port Macquarie. (Second Sunday of the month)

Lin van Coppenhagen 0417 098 255


Coffee and day ride meeting 22 Patterson Road, Bolwarra. 9.00 Am for coffee. Possible ride afterwards to be decided on the day.

Cheryl 0408 074 214


Sat 19th – Sun 20th

Far Cairn Rally. Tottenham racecourse

Alan Peters 10

Thurs 24th Hunter Social Sip: Hexham Bowling club. Drinks and Chinese dinner from around 6pm (last Thurs of the month)

Rob Tiedeman 0427 777 461


Sat 26th Breakfast at 8.30 Sandbar café, North Haven. The “after breakfast ride” to be determined over breakfast

Lin van Coppenhagen 0417 098 255


Fri 25th – Sun 27th

Sidecar Rally, at O’Connell


Scrapheap Adventure Ride. This is a fundraising event for motorcycle enthusiasts from around the country buying a bike for less than $1000 and doing it up for an adventure ride through the Aussie outback.

Damien O’Toole (DOT)

0419 296 939


Wed 30th Club Meeting 7:30pm. Please join us for dinner before the meeting at

Toongabbie Hotel from 6:00pm

Alan Peters

0414 660 890 4/6*


10th – 11th Kosciuszko Rally 10

Sun 11th

BMWTCNSW & BMW Drivers Club NSW inaugural Motorcycle and

Car Show. Rushcutters Bay Park.

Trevor Dean 6

Sun 11th – Fri 16th

BMWTCNSW & BMW Drivers Club NSW Zundschlussel Run (Sydney to Melbourne)

Trevor Dean 12


Sat 7th 50th Anniversary of BMWTCNSW Dinner Alan Peters 10

Sun 8th 50th Anniversary of BMWTCNSW Breakfast

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BMWTCNSW June Meeting Minutes

24 June 2015 Chairperson – Al Peters Meeting Opened – 7.45 PM Apologies – Jorgensen Henning. Visitors – Bob Williams BMW Drivers Club NSW. New Member – None. Previous Minutes – The Minutes of May 2015 Meeting were tabled.

Acc - Andrew Watson.

Sec - Al Peters. Correspondence –

Magazines from BMW Club: NZ, VIC, and QLD.

Westpac statements x 2.

Telstra Invoice for satellite phone.

Member renewals x 18. President’s Report –

The President thanked the Committee members for the efforts during the year.

The President reported that he attended the Alpine Rally.

Noted that the meeting will be followed by the AGM.

Correspondence has been received from Ian Ramsay noting that some detail amendments need to be made to the Constitution to bring it up to date.

Vice President’s Report –

The Vice President noted that attendance points were coming in for the Awards Night.

Proposed rides – plenty of notice is required if members proposed rides, to enable the rides to be listed in the Newsletter and on the web-site calendar. Generally a minimum of 2 months for the Newsletter and 2 weeks for the Calendar. Organising members should included the ride organiser’s contact details, the meeting point and time, and the destination.

Secretary’s Report –

The Secretary reported that all of the necessary forms had been completed and sent to the Lachlan Shire Council for the approval of the 2015 Far Cairn Rally.

Treasurer’s Report –

The Treasure reported the following balances in the Club bank accounts:

Reserve Acc $31,206.54.

Cheque Acc $11,288.97.

The Treasurer confirmed that he was not standing for re-election due to work commitments.

The Treasurer noted that all the Club interests and liabilities are now registered in the Club’s name, e.g. PO Box, web site, etc.

The Treasurer also noted that the accounts are all up to date and in order to enable a seamless transfer to a new Treasurer.

Membership Secretary –

No new members this month. Editor –

The editor thanked all members who have contributed articles for the Newsletter during the year.

Regalia –

No report. Assets & Archives –

No report. Clubs Australia –

Continuing discussions with BMW Group Australia.

Conference Centre book for BMW International Meeting.

The BMW Motorcycle & Car Show Day at Rushcutters Bay on 11 October is open to all BMW riders/drivers. Participants should join the mailing list on the web site at

It was agreed that extra copies of the October Newsletter be printed for distribution at Rushcutters Bay.

Webmaster –

The Webmaster thanks all those who have assisted with the web site over the last year.

Web site working well and always needs members to provide updated information.

The Classified and Calendar pages are those most frequently visited.

New BMW bike pictures are always needed for the home page. Members are encouraged to delve through their photos and submit their best.


No report. Past Events –

Alpine Rally – the meeting heard a number of hard luck tales from the sidecar attendees. There seemed to be a common theme related to sidecar ownership/riding. It seems sidecar ownership is a good way to relieve boredom. About 2 dozen Club members attended and a reported 160 badges sold.

Casper Rally – 5 Club members attended.

Lunch Ride to O’Connell. 6 bikes attended with the ride including a visit to the anti-aircraft gun emplacements at Lithgow.

Coming Events –

Sunday 28 June. New members ride to Mount Wilson.

Saturday 18 July – Awards Night.

Sunday 26 July – Day Ride/Flag Raising at the Grey Gums.

General Business –

Bob Whitehead distributed some surplus t-shirts to members.

Cheryl Clarke has reported that Club member Trevor Hooker’s wife Ruth is unwell. Cheryl is organising gifts and support.

It was reported that Motohansa is selling up and may be no more.

Bob Williams challenged Club members to bring their BMWs to the Show Day to outnumber the cars.

Meeting Closed: 8.46 PM

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BMWTCNSW Annual General Meeting 24 June 2015

Returning Officer – Warren Buffett.

Meeting Opened – 9.03 PM

All positions were declared vacant. Warren Buffett took the Chair as Returning Officer to elect a new Committee by those members present. No written nominations were received prior to the closing date for the positions. Positions were nominated from the floor. The following positions were declared filled: President: Alan Peters. Nominated by Rob Edgar, 2nd by John Rayner. Vice President: Alan Pennykid. Nominated by Al Peters, 2nd by Dave Povey. Secretary: John Rayner. Nominated by Paul Evans, 2nd by Trevor Dean. Membership Secretary: Marie Pennykid. Nominated by Hans Bielaczek, 2nd by Dave Povey. Editor: Andrew Watson. Nominated by Al Peters, 2nd by Marie Pennykid. Regalia: Mick Furchet. Nominated by Bala Padmanabhan, 2nd by Paul Evans. Assets & Archives: Mal Cattermole. Nominated by Warren Buffett, 2nd by John Rayner. Public Officer: Ian Ramsay. Nominated by Trevor Dean, 2nd by Warren Buffett.

Webmaster: John Visser. Nominated by ala Padmanabhan, 2nd by Andrew Watson. Spare Parts: Rob Edgar. Nominated by Warren Buffett, 2nd by Hans Bielaczek,. CA Delegate: Trevor Dean. Nominated by Ian Ramsay 2nd by Bill Sparks. MCC Delegate Bob Whitehead. Nominated by Alan Peters, 2nd by Dave Povey. Editorial assistant: Mick Goodwin. Nominated by Andrew Watson, 2nd by John Rayner. Treasurer: There were no nominations for the position which therefore remains unfilled. Bala Padmanabhan agreed to continue to act stand as acting Treasurer unti the next monthly meeting. The financial accounts as tabled were accepted by Al Peters, 2nd by John Rayner. Meeting Closed: 9.42 PM

New Members Julian Lowe Bob Madell Peter and Nicola Dehnert Michael Sarah

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Sun 26/10/2014 Last day in Arequipa and as we didn't have to catch a plane until reasonably late went down town for a last look. Managed to see a lot that we had missed out on before and were able to get into three churches/basilicas which was a real eye opener. Had a light lunch in town then back to the hotel to get our clean laundry and pack. Caught a taxi to the airport, again the usual shit fight, ran into Stu, Ye & Peter who were on the same flight/s right through to Santiago. Same situation at all airports we stayed at, hate to say it but no matter where, South Americans manage to stuff up silly procedures. Mon 27/10/2014 After a lot of long waits, gate changes, airport taxes and general incompetence we finally managed to get to Easter Island, very reminiscent of Norfolk and Cook Islands. Might add I didn't get any sleep during the flights though Mara snored for the large part of them!! Hotel/Resort we stayed at was very nice. Went for a walk and saw some impressive moais (the famed heads) very near to where we stayed.

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Lunch and Dinner at the hotel were pretty ordinary, but we weren't worried as we just wanted something to eat. As we were pretty buggered, 30+ hours without sleep, all we wanted to do was rest and get to bed early. Tues 28/10/2014 Need I say it, but we did manage a good night’s sleep. The morning tour we did was cut short due to road works, but we did manage to check out the extinct volcano (Ranu Kua Crater), where the bird man did his thing, the pueblos (Orongo) and the big cave (Ana Kai Tangata). Went back to the hotel for lunch, BUT, they were unable to accommodate us, not very happy Joan! We then walked towards town and managed to score a bite to eat, much happier now! The afternoon tour took us to Huri A Urenga, a single moais with a cremation bed behind it for the lower class inhabitants, the more important ones were apparently buried in front on the moais. Then to Puna Pau, which was where they quarried the headpieces that went on the moais. Finally to Ahu Akiva, the seven moais representing the original Polynesian explorers/settlers of the Island.

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Wed. 29/10/2014 We had booked a day tour, the first stop being Akahanga, then Ahu Tongariki for sight of the 15 moais, then Rano Raraku for more moais and the quarry, which included a lot of large unfinished ones, then Te Pito Kura, Ahu Nau Nau and Anakena - see photos, and, of course, Wikipedia. That night saw a show/dinner/review called 'Te Ra'ai' which was quite entertaining - the meal consisted of a 'hungi' type thing with exceptionally compelling dancers.

Thurs 30/10/2014 The second last day on the island and of our holiday - so we decided to have a lazy day. Walked into the centre of town, had a good look around, a coffee at the harbour and just sat around a bit and enjoyed watching the passing parade. Then a light lunch followed by a slow walk back to our hotel where Mara had a swim and I just sat around catching up on my reading. In all, a very relaxing day.

Had dinner that night at a seaside restaurant, which was exceedingly agreeable, but alas, very expensive, however,

as it was our last night, damn the expense!! Fri 31/10/2014 Left the Island with a bit of regret as I had enjoyed myself – spent most of the time on an air-plane, major changeover at Santiago, stop at Auckland and then arrived in Sydney on Sun 2/11/2014, lost Sat due to crossing the International Date Line.

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Overall, like our Himalayan adventure the trip for us was an incomparable occurrence and I believe the

others participating in it wouldn’t hesitate to agree. It was unequaled in that it took us to places and areas

that we had only dreamed about and would never have been able to enjoy without it. We rode in some of the

most exhilarating parts of the area on roads, traffic and cities that were outstandingly unique and challenging

with Mike and Eduardo who were very capable and well informed companions and guides, which really

made it a truly memorable adventure and encounter.

So there you have our story of a amazing experience, which is mostly my own words, except those I stole from Mike’s brochure and which hopefully you enjoyed. Mara & Gerry Bloemen

Regalia Club Polo shirts - Blue $20.00 Zip up Polar Fleece jackets $50.00 Club Beanies $15.00 Bucket Hats $18.00

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18th to 20th September 2015

The BMW Touring Club of NSW proudly presents the 8th Far Cairn Rally to raise funds in support of the Motorcycle Accident Rehabilitation Initiative (MARI).

The Far Cairn Rally is held at Tottenham Racecourse, approximately 3km from the town’s centre. The course’s grassy paddock is a great camp site, has hot showers and some under cover space. There is limited accommodation available at the Tottenham Hotel. Saturday night dinner and Sunday breakfast will be BBQ cooked by the local Lions Club. Breakfast is included in the entry cost along with a rally badge. Other meals are obtainable at the pub and take away shop. Grog is BYO and plentiful at the pub and supermarket. Saturday night will feature video presentations, raffle and a bonfire. Please, no fires in the grassy paddock.

Tottenham is approx 120kms north of Condobolin and 120kms west of Dubbo. The Centre Cairn monument is located 33kms out of town near Five Ways and marks the centre of NSW.

The locals are looking forward to the Far Cairn Rally as much as we are. Please remember we will be the guests of the Tottenham community – at all times please respect the township, its speed limits, showground property and the community amenities. The Far Cairn Rally is open to all motorcyclists who enjoy a relaxed ride into country NSW. Tottenham is accessible by sealed roads, as well as dirt roads for off road riders, from several directions. Please join us for dinner and drinks at the Tottenham Hotel on Friday night.

While paying entry fee is possible on arrival, please consider pre-entry and payment to help us with order quantities of badges, shirts and catering. Please ensure any pre-entries are received by 1ST September 2015.

Entrants Full Name:


Address/Contact details:

Expression of interest for Friday night dinner Optional – Yes ( ) or No ( )

Club (if any):

Entry fee/ person (includes a Badge & Sunday breakfast) $25.00 $

Rally Tee Shirt – Size …………Colour……………….. $25.00 $

Rally Tee Shirt – Size …………Colour……………….. $25.00 $


Please make cheques/money orders payable : BMW Touring Club of NSW EFT available by arrangement. PO Box 549

Ermington, NSW, 1700 For more information: contact Paul Evans: 0411 738 267 Alan Peters: 0407 829 033 Or visit our website : and follow the links for contacts.


Find us on Facebook : BMW Touring Club of NSW

For more information on MARI have a look at this website:

If you can’t make it to the rally, please consider lobbing a donation MARI’s way. Details on how to donate or get involved are

included on the web page.

Far Cairn Rally

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BMW MOTORCYCLE AND CAR SHOW DAY BMW TOURING CLUB OF NSW SUNDAY 11th October 2015 The BMW Touring Club of NSW is holding a combined motorcycle and car BMW Show Day in conjunction with the BMW Drivers Club in Sydney on Sunday 11th October 2015. The venue is Rushcutters Bay on Sydney Harbour. We have reserved an area for 200 BMWs. All BMW motorcycles are welcome to be displayed. There is an entry form attached to the website for the BMW Show Day. The BMW Show Day is followed by the Zündschlüssel Run leaving from the BMW Show Day and travelling to Jamberoo down the coast road to Melbourne. All BMW Motorcycles are welcome on the Zündschlüssel Run. It finishes on Friday 16 October in Melbourne. There will be overnight stops at Jamberoo, Narooma, Mallacoota and Sale. There is a display of classic BMWs on Sunday 18th October at the Moto GP on Phillip Island. Zündschlüssel is the ignition key for all early BMW motorcycles. We would love to see as many of these BMW motorcycles at the BMW Show Day and on the Zündschlüssel Run. The details of the BMW Show Day and the Zündschlüssel Run to Melbourne following the event are on the website: Please review the information on the website and subscribe to the newsletter to obtain updates of the events. We are seeking BMW motorcycles for International Delegates who are participating on the Run. Please contact Trevor Dean for any further information on the events. [email protected]

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Winter Rally Dr Bruce and I left Chateua de Woz late Saturday morning. I had packed plenty of batteries for the heated jacket as the weather forecast was all doom and gloom with snow expected down to 600m and probable rain. We had a nice run down through Kangaroo Valley to meet Cheryl, Tony and Rachel so a club run of five bikes headed for the Nowra Braidwood Rd. After another pleasant ride we found Rob Lovett lurking outside the Nerriga pub. This chance meeting required lunch and beverages at the pub prior to the four kilometre run to the rally site. The rally was fully catered (apart from a cake by Cheryl to celebrate Rob’s 78th birthday) so after cake there was nothing left to do but join in festivities and party on. The old folk partied like old folk while Rachael was abducted by the Wobbly Boot Tourers and looked like crap the next morning. Col Bovis paid us a visit as he is also a member of the host club. This made seven members braving the elements. This was a great rally and really well orgainsed. The crap weather never eventuated and after a slow Sunday morning pack up Bruce and I headed north for home via Bungonia , Marulan and the Highland Way to Berrima for a late lunch. Awards Night Dinner Congratulations to the VP for organizing another great event. Highlight of the evening was the Prez presenting Rob Lovett with his well-deserved Life Membership. It was also nice to see the Editor’s Award renamed as a memorial award in tribute to the late Ian Horsburgh. After not being awarded for several years the Most Active New Member was awarded to Jason Boyd. Other winners included Peter Dennis Memorial Award to Andrew Watson, City Clubman Stan Kuchera, Country Clubman Dave Beers. Good venue, good friends and good food. What else do you need? Woz

2015 ANNUAL AWARDS DINNER My daughter Kylie and her little boy, Ari George Alexander, were visiting my wife and me from Newcastle. She’s not keen on driving so as I had to be in Wentworth Falls on Saturday night I offered to drive her home. A big sacrifice on my part, as she had just bought a nice new BMW car. On Saturday morning my son in law drove me to Como to visit my other daughter Joanne. About 3:00 pm I left Como to travel to Wentworth falls by train. At Central Station the train was late leaving and I was advised that I would have to catch a bus from Springwood. At Penrith the train broke down so further delays ensued. Due to the poor weather the railways had cancelled the planned track work so I was able to travel through to Wentworth Falls by train arriving 15 minutes before dinner. So what has all this got to do with the BMW Club? During and after the trip I received offers from Pat the Postie and Marie and Allen to pick me up and transport me to the dinner to save me time. (No Marie I haven’t lost my license) For my trip home Steve and Therese Treloar offered to drive me back to Canberra and ultimately Wozza and Lyndal drove me to Bowral to catch the bus home. This demonstrates to me the strength of the club and the great comradeship we all enjoy. We all had a great night at the Grand View Hotel. Those who received their awards appreciated and deserved them. Due to the dodgy weather nobody (wisely) rode a bike and the snow melted in time to get us there. Thanks to those who organised it, the Pennykids in particular and congratulations to Young Lovett on his Life Membership. Scarfey

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Press Release from BMW Motorrad

Support Black Dog Ride for a chance to win a

BMW R 1200 GS

BMW Motorrad in partnership with Black Dog Ride and Lifeline is giving riders the opportunity to win a

2015 BMW R 1200 GS worth $28,850 including on road costs, in the annual Black Dog Raffle. The proceeds

of the raffle will go towards Lifeline to assist their vital work preventing depression and suicide through their

online Crisis Support Chat Service.

Founded in 2009, the Black Dog Ride aims to increase awareness of mental health issues and prevention of


Black Dog Ride founder Steve Andrews has become a crusader in suicide prevention and increasing

awareness of mental health issues. "Remember, depression is an illness, not a weakness and effective

treatments are available. It's important to seek help early and with the right treatment most people recover"

said Andrews.

"Having recently ridden the R 1200 GS I was amazed by this outstanding machine. To have BMW

Motorrad's support in this vital mission is fantastic. For the lucky winner it will be the ride of a lifetime," said


BMW Motorrad General Manager, Tony Sesto, is delighted to be able to support such a great cause with the

R 1200 GS.

"Mental illness and its associated issues, including suicide, is a huge problem in society. BMW Motorrad is

very happy to be involved in helping spread the message of help through supporting the Black Dog Ride

Raffle and Lifeline," said Sesto.

There are only 700 tickets left, at just $50 each. Don't miss out, get your tickets and support Lifeline today: Raffle closes 5pm (AEST) Thurs 13 August 2015.

Lifeline provides access to crisis support, suicide prevention and mental health support

services. Somewhere in Australia there is a new call to Lifeline every minute. People call Lifeline's 24

hour crisis support service 13 11 14 about many things including: Anxiety, Depression, Loneliness, Abuse

and trauma, Physical or mental wellbeing, Suicidal thoughts or attempts

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BMW Motorrad model facelift measures for model

year 2016.

Special model BMW R 1200 GS TripleBlack.

ABS Pro available for six models from model year 2016.

Munich. Model year 2016 sees a number of model facelift measures as well as the special model R 1200 GS

TripleBlack included in the BMW Motorrad program. The models in the new configuration can be ordered

from all BMW Motorrad dealers from August 2015.

BMW F 800 GT.

As of model year 2016, the BMW F 800 GT will be available in the following new colour combinations:

Monolith metallic matt / Sapphire black metallic.

The paint finish Dark graphite metallic will no longer be available.

BMW R 1200 GS.

As of model year 2016, the R 1200 GS will not just be available in new paint finishes. With a view to

enhanced motorcycling safety, the range of special equipment features is extended to include the banking-

optimised ABS Pro (in conjunction with the Riding Modes Pro option).

An overview of the new features in the R 1200 GS:


Light white non-metallic replaces the existing Alpine white 3 non-metallic.

The paint finish Black storm metallic will no longer be available.

BMW R 1200 GS TripleBlack (special model).

TripleBlack - the name says it all with this BMW R 1200 GS special model. BMW Motorrad is responding to

a wish expressed by many customers by bringing out the world's top-selling motorcycle in a virtually all-

black finish.

The central fuel tank cover, fuel tank side panels and front mudguard in Black storm metallic together with

black anodised fork slider tubes give the legendary travel enduro a strikingly masculine touch. Powerful

technical accentuations are provided by the front and rear frame in Agate Grey in combination with the

engine, gearbox and swinging arm.

The special model is fitted with the cross-spoke wheels with black gloss rim base familiar from the R 1200

GS Adventure, previously available as a special equipment feature.

A new black-grey seat with striking "GS" application on passenger seat rounds off the strong appearance of

the new R 1200 GS TripleBlack.

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BMW R 1200 GS Adventure.

As of model year 2016, the R 1200 GS Adventure will not just be available in new paint finishes. With a

view to enhanced motorcycling safety, its range of special equipment features is extended to include the

banking-optimised ABS Pro (in conjunction with the Riding Modes Pro option).

An overview of the new features of the R 1200 GS Adventure:


New paint Racing red non-metallic matt and Ocean blue metallic matt.

Light white non-metallic replaces the existing paint finish Alpine white 3 non-metallic.

The paint finishes Olive non-metallic matt and Racing blue metallic matt are no longer available.

BMW R 1200 RT.

As of model year 2016, the BMW R 1200 RT will be available in the following new paint finish:

Platin bronze metallic.

The existing paint finish Callisto grey metallic matt is no longer available.

BMW R nineT.

As of model year 2016, the BMW R nineT will be available with the following new special equipment


Hand-brushed aluminium fuel tank with smoothed welding seams.

Hand-brushed aluminium fuel tank with visible welding seams.

Heated grips.

BMW S 1000 RR.

As of model year 2016, the BMW S 1000 RR will be available in the following new colour combination:

Black storm metallic / Racing red non-metallic.

BMW S 1000 R.

As of model year 2016, the BMW S 1000 R will be available with the following new feature:

Grained fuel tank trim, instead of the previous fuel tank with paint finish (only with Light white non-


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BMW K 1600 GT / GTL / GTL Exclusive.

As of model year 2016, the K 1600 GT / GTL and GTL Exclusive will not just be available in new paint

finishes. With a view to enhanced motorcycling safety, their range of standard features is extended to include

the banking-optimised ABS


An overview of the new features in the K 1600 GT / GTL and GTL Exclusive:

ABS Pro as a standard feature

New paint finish Cosmic blue metallic / Black storm metallic (GT).

New paint finish Ocean blue metallic matt (GTL)

New paint finish Sparkling storm metallic (GTL Exclusive)

The paint finish Sakhir orange metallic / Black storm metallic is no longer available (GT).

The paint finish Magnesium beige metallic is no longer available (GTL). The paint finish Mineral white

metallic is no longer available (GTL).

You will find press material on BMW motorcycles and BMW Motorrad rider equipment in the BMW Group

PressClub at


E-mail: [email protected]

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BMW Motorrad RR Experience a track stopper.

BMW Motorrad RR Experience a track stopper.

The 2015 BMW Motorrad RR Experience has concluded after a fantastic program across three states.

From Phillip Island to Sydney Motorsport Park and finally Queensland Raceway, hundreds of riders took the

opportunity to experience the race-bred BMW S 1000 RR in its natural habitat.

BMW Motorrad, California Superbike School and Pirelli came together to offer the ultimate test ride. The

partnership was the perfect fit creating an authentic track experience for event participants.

Riders experienced the immense power and impressive technology of the latest incarnation of the award-

winning S 1000 RR.

As well as the RR, some riders also enjoyed the controlled track environment on the naked S 1000 R, the

stunning new R 1200 R, award winning R 1200 GS and the four-cylinder K 1300 S and K 1300 R. For

others, it was the first time they had the opportunity to ride their own BMW motorcycle at a track day.

Racing legends Cam Donald and Chris Vermeulen attended the track days and provided useful riding tips, as

well as countless photo opportunities with participants.

BMW Motorrad Australia marketing manager, Miles Davis, was on hand to impart his knowledge of the

bikes through ABS and traction control demonstrations and other feature presentations.

"The RR Experience was again an amazing success. On three very different race tracks riders got to

experience BMW performance motorcycles – with the 199 hp RR the star of the show.

"Riders were stunned by its power, braking performance, ease of riding and the incredible new quick-shift

pro system. The clutch-less up and down shifts were a talking point after every session," said Davis.

"This was the second RR Experience season and we are looking forward to returning with an even better

event in 2016," he said.

To see the video of the event go to:

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BMW Touring Club of New South Wales Incorporated

(Incorporated under the Associations Incorporation Act, 1984) __________________________________________________________________________________________________

The BMW Touring Club of NSW was founded in 1965, with an initial membership of 15. The aim of the club is to provide a social medium for BMW riders and motorcycle touring. It is not necessary for you to own a BMW motorcycle to join the

club. There are a wide range of activities throughout the year, ranging from regular day rides, rallies (local, interstate and other BMW club rallies), runs with

interstate BMW clubs and camping weekends. We have gained a large number of trophies from our attendance at rallies. The club also has regular maintenance days (where you can tap into a vast range of knowledge from our members). We have spare parts available at a slight discount for members and a variety of special

tools for use when servicing, repairing or replacing components. We also have social evenings, an annual presentation night/dinner and a Christmas party. The

club encourages family involvement in all events.

NEW and PRESENT members Current Membership Number: __________


(full name of applicant) (additional person/s) of___________________________________________________________________Postcode: ____________

Preferred Phone No’s: 1)_________________________ 2)____________________________

E-Mail address: ___________________________Motorcycle/s Make, Model & Year:____________________ I hereby apply to join/renew my membership of the above named incorporated association & I agree to be bound by the rules of the club.

___________________________________ ________________________ (signature of applicant) (date )

NEW MEMBERS ONLY: If an existing member introduced you: Introduced by:__________________________________

New Application / Renewal and /or Joint Application (please circle one)

New member joining fee $ 10.00 (+ Annual Membership Fee)

Annual Membership fee $ 50.00 per year (city or country membership)

Subsidised ‘T’ shirt $ 10.00 SINGLE MEMBERSHIP SIZE_________

$ 10.00 JOINT MEMBERSHIP SIZE_________

Total amount payable $ _______


Make all cheques and money orders payable to BMW TOURING CLUB OF NSW


Please quote ‘MEMBERSHIP’ and & YOUR NAME when making your transfer.


be RECONCILED, your ‘T’ SHIRT ORDER NOTED, and your DETAILS UPDATED NOTE 1. All membership fees are due by 1st July each year. NOTE 2. Membership not renewed by 1st August will be considered as a resignation of membership

OPTIONAL : Do you wish to download the magazine from the Club web-site?…….………..…………….…..… Yes/No Do you wish to receive the magazine hard copy by Mail?......................................................Yes/No Do you have a First Aid Certificate ……………………………………………………………………………………..Yes/No If NO are you interested in attending a First Aid Certificate Course for Bike Riders……….……Yes/No Would you like to be on the Club Hospitality List ……………………………………………………………….Yes/No

Name (e.g. John & Julie) Location (Town or Area) State Phone no./s S A M D kms Comments

(S) Social stop, cuppa etc (A) Accommodation (M) Mechanical Assistance (D) Distance prepared to travel to assist (C) Trailer, alt phone


Watch out for:

1st – 2nd August Hat Rally

15th – 16th August Farm Stay

29th – 30th August TTT Rally

19th – 30th September Far Cairn Rally

25th – 27th September Scrapheap Adventure Ride

7th November 50th Anniversary Dinner






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