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BLOCKBENCH: A Framework for Analyzing PrivateBlockchains

Tien Tuan Anh Dinh‡ Ji Wang‡ Gang Chen§ Rui Liu‡ Beng Chin Ooi‡ Kian-Lee Tan‡

‡ National University of Singapore § Zhejiang University‡ {dinhtta, wangji, liur, ooibc, tankl} § [email protected]


Blockchain technologies are taking the world by storm. Pub-lic blockchains, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, enable securepeer-to-peer applications like crypto-currency or smart con-tracts. Their security and performance are well studied.This paper concerns recent private blockchain systems de-signed with stronger security (trust) assumption and perfor-mance requirement. These systems target and aim to dis-rupt applications which have so far been implemented on topof database systems, for example banking, finance and trad-ing applications. Multiple platforms for private blockchainsare being actively developed and fine tuned. However, thereis a clear lack of a systematic framework with which differentsystems can be analyzed and compared against each other.Such a framework can be used to assess blockchains’ viabil-ity as another distributed data processing platform, whilehelping developers to identify bottlenecks and accordinglyimprove their platforms.In this paper, we first describe BLOCKBENCH, the first

evaluation framework for analyzing private blockchains. Itserves as a fair means of comparison for different platformsand enables deeper understanding of different system de-sign choices. Any private blockchain can be integrated toBLOCKBENCH via simple APIs and benchmarked againstworkloads that are based on real and synthetic smart con-tracts. BLOCKBENCH measures overall and component-wise performance in terms of throughput, latency, scala-bility and fault-tolerance. Next, we use BLOCKBENCHto conduct comprehensive evaluation of three major privateblockchains: Ethereum, Parity and Hyperledger Fabric. Theresults demonstrate that these systems are still far from dis-placing current database systems in traditional data process-ing workloads. Furthermore, there are gaps in performanceamong the three systems which are attributed to the designchoices at different layers of the blockchain’s software stack.We have released BLOCKBENCH for public use.

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SIGMOD’17, May 14-19, 2017, Chicago, IL, USA

c© 2017 ACM. ISBN 978-1-4503-4197-4/17/05. . . $15.00


1. INTRODUCTIONBlockchain technologies are gaining massive momentum

in the last few years, largely due to the success of Bitcoincrypto-currency [41]. A blockchain, also called distributedledger, is essentially an append-only data structure main-tained by a set of nodes which do not fully trust each other.All nodes in a blockchain network agree on an ordered setof blocks, each containing multiple transactions, thus theblockchain can be viewed as a log of ordered transactions.In a database context, blockchain can be viewed as a solu-tion to the distributed transaction management problems:nodes keep replicas of the data and agree on an executionorder of transactions. However, traditional database sys-tems work in a trusted environment and employ well knownconcurrency control techniques [36, 48, 8] to order transac-tions. Blockchain’s key advantage is that it does not assumenodes trust each other and therefore is designed to achieveByzantine fault tolerance.

In the original design, Bitcoin’s blockchain stores coinsas the system states shared by all participants. For thissimple application, Bitcoin nodes implement a simple repli-cated state machine model which simply moves coins fromone address to another. Since then, blockchain has grownrapidly to support user-defined states and Turing completestate machine models. Ethereum [2] is a well-known ex-ample which enables any decentralized, replicated applica-tions known as smart contracts. More importantly, interestfrom the industry has started to drive development of newblockchain platforms that are designed for private settingsin which participants are authenticated. Blockchain systemsin such environments are called private (or permissioned), asopposed to the early systems operating in public (or permis-sionless) environments where anyone can join and leave. Ap-plications for security trading and settlement [44], asset andfinance management [39, 40], banking and insurance [29] arebeing built and evaluated. These applications are currentlysupported by enterprise-grade database systems like Oracleand MySQL, but blockchain has the potential to disruptthis status quo because it incurs lower infrastructure andhuman costs [29]. In particular, blockchain’s immutabilityand transparency help reduce human errors and the needfor manual intervention due to conflicting data. Blockchaincan help streamline business processes by removing dupli-cate efforts in data governance. Goldman Sachs estimated 6billion saving in current capital market [29], and J.P. Mor-gan forecast that blockchains will start to replace currentlyredundant infrastructure by 2020 [40].

Given this trend in employing blockchain in settings where


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database technologies have established dominance, one ques-tion to ask is to what extent can blockchain handle dataprocessing workload. Another question is which platformto choose from many that are available today, because eventhough blockchain is an open protocol, different platformsexist in silo. In this work, we develop a benchmarkingframework called BLOCKBENCH to address both ques-tions. BLOCKBENCH is the first benchmark for study-ing and comparing performance of permissioned blockchains.Although nodes in a permissioned blockchain still do nottrust each other, their identities are authenticated, whichallows the system to use more efficient protocols for tol-erating Byzantine failure than in public settings. We donot focus on public blockchains because their performance(and trade-offs against security guarantee) is relatively wellstudied [27, 38, 15, 9]. Our framework is not only usefulfor application developers to assess blockchain’s potentialsin meeting the application need, but also offers insights forplatform developers: helping them to identify and improveon the performance bottlenecks.We face three challenges in developing BLOCKBENCH.

First, a blockchain system comprises many parts and we ob-serve that a wide variety of design choices are made amongdifferent platforms at almost every single detail. In BLOCK-BENCH, we divide the blockchain architecture into threemodular layers and focus our study on them: the consen-sus layer, data model and execution layer. Second, there aremany different choices of platforms, but not all of them havereached a mature design, implementation and an establisheduser base. For this, we start by designing BLOCKBENCHbased on three most mature platforms within our considera-tion, namely Ethereum [2], Parity [22] and Hyperledger [31],and then generalize to support future platforms. All threeplatforms support smart contracts and can be deployed ina private environment. Third, there is lack of a database-oriented workloads for blockchain. Although the real Eth-ereum transactions and contracts can be found on the pub-lic blockchain, it is unclear if such workload is sufficientlyrepresentative to assess blockchain’s general data processingcapabilities. To address this challenge, we treat blockchainas a key-value storage coupled with an engine which canrealize both transactional and analytical functionality viasmart contracts. We then design and run both transactionand analytics workloads based on real and synthetic data.BLOCKBENCH is a flexible and extensible framework

that provides a number of workloads, and comes with Eth-ereum, Parity and Hyperledger as backends. Workloadsare transaction-oriented currently and designed to macro-benchmark and micro-benchmark blockchain for supportingdatabase-like applications. Specifically, the current macro-benchmark includes a key-value (YCSB), an OLTP (Small-bank) workload and a number of real Ethereum smart con-tract workloads. For each of the consensus, data and exe-cution layer, there is at least a micro-benchmark workloadto measure its performance in isolation. For example, forthe execution layer, BLOCKBENCH provides two work-loads that stress test the smart contract I/O and compu-tation speed. New workloads and blockchains can be easilyintegrated via a simple set of APIs. BLOCKBENCH quan-tifies the performance of a backend system in several dimen-sions: throughput, latency, scalability and fault tolerance.It supports security evaluation by simulating network-levelattacks. Using BLOCKBENCH, we conduct an in-depth

comparison of the three blockchain systems on two macrobenchmark and four micro benchmark workloads. The re-sults show that blockchain systems’ performance is limited,far below what is expected of a state-of-the-art databasesystem (such as H-Store). Hyperledger consistently outper-forms the other two systems across seven benchmarks. Butit fails to scale beyond 16 nodes. Our evaluation shows thatthe consensus protocols account for the performance gap atthe application layer for Ethereum and Hyperledger. Wealso identify a processing bottleneck in Parity. Finally, ourevaluation also reveals bottlenecks in the execution and datalayer of Ethereum and Parity.

In summary, our contributions are:

• We present the first benchmarking framework for un-derstanding and comparing the performance of per-missioned blockchain systems. We have released theframework for public use [1].

• We conduct a comprehensive evaluation of Ethereum,Parity and Hyperledger. Our empirical results presentconcrete evidence of blockchain’s limitations in han-dling data processing workloads, and reveal bottle-necks in the three systems. The results serve as abaseline for further development of blockchain tech-nologies.

In the next section, we discuss blockchain systems in moredetail. Section 3 describes BLOCKBENCH design and im-plementation. Section 4 presents our comparative perfor-mance studies of three systems. We discuss lessons learnedfrom the results in Section 5 and related work in Section 6,and we conclude in Section 7.

2. PRIVATE BLOCKCHAINSA typical blockchain system consists of multiple nodes

which do not fully trust each other. Some nodes exhibitByzantine behavior, but the majority is honest. Together,the nodes maintain a set of shared, global states and performtransactions modifying the states. Blockchain is a specialdata structure which maintains the states and the historicaltransactions. All nodes in the system agree on the transac-tions and their order as stored on the blockchain. Because ofthis, blockchain is often referred to as a distributed ledger.

Blockchain transactions. A transaction in a blockchainis the same as in traditional database: a sequence of opera-tions applied on some states. As such, a blockchain transac-tion requires the same ACID semantics. The key differenceis the failure model under consideration. Current transac-tional, distributed databases [46, 14] employ classic concur-rency control techniques such as two-phase commit to ensureACID. They can achieve high performance, because of thesimple failure model, i.e. crash failure. In contrast, theoriginal blockchain design considers a much hostile environ-ment in which nodes are Byzantine and they are free to joinand leave. Under this model, the overhead of concurrencycontrol is much higher [11].

Bitcoin. In Bitcoin [41], the states are digital coins (crypto-currency) available in the network. A Bitcoin transactionmoves coins from one set of addresses to another set of ad-dresses. Each node broadcasts a set of transactions it wantsto perform. Special nodes called miners collect transactionsinto blocks, check for their validity, and start a consensusprotocol to append the blocks onto the blockchain. Figure 1


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Figure 1: Blockchain software stack on a fully validatingnode. A non-validating node stores only the block head-ers. Different blockchain platforms offer different interfacebetween the blockchain and application layer.

shows the blockchain data structure, in which each block islinked to its predecessor via a cryptographic pointer, all theway back to the first (genesis) block. Bitcoin uses proof-of-work (PoW) for consensus: only a miner which has success-fully solved a computationally hard puzzle (finding the rightnonce for the block header) can append to the blockchain.PoW is tolerant of Byzantine failure, but it is probabilisticin nature: it is possible that two blocks are appended atthe same time, creating a fork in the blockchain. Bitcoinresolves this by only considering a block as confirmed afterit is followed by a number of blocks (typically six blocks).This probabilistic guarantee causes both security and per-formance issues: attacks have been demonstrated by an ad-versary controlling only 25% of the nodes [26], and Bitcointransaction throughput remains very low (7 transactions persecond [15]).Ethereum. Due to simple transaction semantics, Bitcoin

nodes execute a very simple state machine pre-built into theprotocol. Ethereum [2] extends Bitcoin to support user-defined and Turing complete state machines. In particular,Ethereum blockchain lets the user define any complex com-putations in the form of smart contracts. Once deployed,the smart contract is executed on all Ethereum nodes as areplicated state machine. Beside the shared states of theblockchains (crypto-currency, for example), each smart con-tract has access to its own states. Figure 1 shows the soft-ware stack in a typical Ethereum node: a fully validatingnode contains the entire history of the blockchain, whereasa non-validating node stores only the block headers. Onekey difference with Bitcoin is that smart contract states aremaintained as well as normal transactions. In fact, a smartcontract is identified by a unique address which has its ownmoney balance (in Ether), and upon retrieving a transactionto its address, it executes the contract’s logics. Ethereumcomes with an execution engine, called Ethereum VirtualMachine (EVM), to execute smart contracts. Figure 2 showsa snippet of popular contract running on Ethereum, whichimplements a pyramid scheme: users send money to this

contract Doubler{struct Partitipant {address etherAddress;uint amount;

}Partitipant[] public participants;unit public balance = 0;...function enter(){...balance+= msg.value;...if (balance > 2*participants[payoutIdx].amount){transactionAmount = ...participants[payoutIdx].etherAddress.send(transactionAmount);




Figure 2: An example of smart contract, written in Soliditylanguage, for a pyramid scheme on Ethereum.

contract which is used to pay interests to early participants.This contract has its own states, namely the list of partici-pants, and exports a function called enter. A user invokesthis contract by sending his money through a transaction,which is accessed by the smart contract as msg.sender andmsg.amount.

Private blockchain. Ethereum uses the same consensusprotocol as Bitcoin does, though with different parameters.In fact, 90% of public blockchain systems employ variants ofthe proof-of-work protocol. PoW is non-deterministic andcomputationally expensive, both rendering it unsuitable forapplications such as banking and finance which must han-dle a lot of transactions in a deterministic manner. Recentblockchain systems, e.g., Hyperledger, consider restrictedsettings wherein nodes are authenticated. Although PoWis still useful in such permissioned environments, as in thecase of Ethereum, there are more efficient and determinis-tic solutions where node identities are known. Distributedfault-tolerant consensus in such a closed settings is a wellstudied topic in distributed systems. Zab [33], Raft [42],Paxos [35], PBFT [11] are popular protocols that are in ac-tive use today. Recent permissioned blockchains either useexisting PBFT, as in Hyperledger [31], or develop their ownvariants, as in Parity [22], Ripple [44] and ErisDB [5]. Mostof these systems support smart contracts, though in differentlanguages, with different APIs and execution engines (see amore comprehensive comparison in the Appendix). As aresult, permissioned blockchains can execute complex appli-cation more efficiently than PoW-based blockchains, whilebeing Byzantine fault tolerant. These properties and thecommercial interests from major banking and financial insti-tutions have bestowed on private blockchains the potentialsto disrupt the current practice in data management.

3. BLOCKBENCH DESIGNThis section discusses blockchain’s common layers of ab-

stractions and the benchmarking workloads.


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Figure 3: Abstraction layers in blockchain, and the corre-sponding workloads in BLOCKBENCH.

3.1 Blockchain LayersThere are many choices of blockchains: over 200 Bitcoin

variants, Ethereum and other permissioned blockchains. Tomeaningfully compare them, we identify four abstractionlayers found in all of these systems (Figure 3) and designour workloads to target these layers. The consensus layercontains protocols via which a block is considered appendedto the blockchain. The data layer contains the structure,content and operations on the blockchain data. The execu-tion layer includes details of the runtime environment sup-port blockchain operations. Finally, the application layerincludes classes of blockchain applications. In a relatedwork, Croman et. al. [15] proposed to divide blockchain intoseveral planes: network, consensus, storage, view and sideplane. While similar to our four layers, the plane abstrac-tions were geared towards crypto-currency applications anddid not take into account the execution of smart contracts.Our layers model more accurately the real implementationsof private blockchains. We now discuss these layers in turn.

3.1.1 Consensus

The role of the consensus layer is to get all nodes in thesystem to agree on the blockchain content. That is, if a nodeappends (or commits) a block, the other nodes also appendthe same block to their copy of the blockchain. Protocols forreaching consensus in the crash-failure model play a key rolein distributed databases, wherein nodes agree on a globaltransaction order. Blockchain systems, on the other hand,employ a spectrum of Byzantine fault-tolerant protocols [50].At one extreme, Ethereum, like Bitcoin, uses proof-of-

work whose difficulty is agreed upon and adjusted graduallyto achieve a rate of (currently) one block per 14s (Bitcoin’sdifficulty achieves a rate of one block per 10m). In essence,proof-of-work selects at each round a random node whichcan append a block, where the probability of being selectedis determined by the node’s total computing power. Thissimple scheme works against Sybil attack [20, 49] - a com-mon attack in open, decentralized environments in which theadversary can acquire multiple identities. However, it con-sumes a lot of energy and computing power, as nodes spendtheir CPU cycles solving puzzles instead of doing otherwiseuseful works. Worse still, it does not guarantee safety: twonodes may both be selected to append to the blockchain, andboth blocks can be accepted. This causes fork in the block-chain, and most PoW-based systems add additional rules,for example, only blocks on the longest chain are consideredaccepted. Ethereum, in particular, adopts a PoW variantcalled GHOST [45] which accepts blocks in heavy branches.

In any case, a block can be confirmed as part of the block-chain only with some high probability.

At the other extreme, Hyperledger uses the classic PBFTprotocol, which is communication bound: O(N2) where Nis the number of nodes. PBFT can tolerate fewer than N


failures, and works in three phases in which nodes broadcastmessages to each other. First, the pre-prepare phase selectsa leader which chooses a value to commit. Next, the preparephase broadcasts the value to be validated. Finally, the com-mit phase waits for more than two third of the nodes to con-firm before announcing that the value is committed. PBFThas been shown to achieve liveness and safety properties ina partially asynchronous model [11], thus, unlike PoW, oncethe block is appended it is confirmed immediately. It cantolerate more failures than PoW (which is shown to be vul-nerable to 25% attacks [26]). However, PBFT assumes thatnode identities are known, therefore it can only work in thepermissioned settings. Additionally, the protocol is unlikelyto be able to scale to the network size of Ethereum, becauseof its communication overhead.

In between, there are various hybrid designs that combineboth scalability of PoW and safety property of PBFT [43].For example, Bitcoin-NG [25] decouples consensus from trans-action validation by using PoW for leader election who canthen append more than one block at a time. Similarly, Byz-coin [34] and Elastico [37] leverage PoW to determine ran-dom, smaller consensus groups which run PBFT. Anotherexample is the Tendermint protocol, adopted by ErisDB [5],which combines proof-of-stake (PoS) and PBFT. Unlike PoW,PoS selects a node which can append a block by its invest-ment (or stake) in the system, therefore avoid expendingCPU resources. Parity [22] implements a simplified versionof PoS called Proof of Authority (or PoA). In this protocol,a set of authorities are pre-determined and each authorityis assigned a fixed time slot within which it can generateblocks. PoA makes a strong assumption that the author-ities are trusted, and therefore is only suitable for privatedeployment.

3.1.2 Data model

In Bitcoin, transactions are first class citizens: they aresystem states representing digital coins in the network. Pri-vate blockchains depart from this model, by focusing onaccounts. One immediate benefit is simplicity, especiallyfor applications involving crypto-currencies. For instance,transferring money from one user to another in Bitcoin in-volves searching for transactions belonging to the sender,then marking some of them as spent, whereas it is easilydone in Ethereum by updating two accounts in one trans-action. An account in Ethereum has a balance as its state,and is updated upon receiving a transaction. A special typeof account, called smart contract, contains executable codeand private states (Figure 1). When receiving a transaction,in addition to updating its balance, the contract’s code is in-voked with arguments specified in the transaction. The codecan read the states of other non-contract accounts, and itcan send new transactions during execution. Parity adoptsthe same data model as in Ethereum. In Hyperledger, thereis only one type of account called chaincode which is thesame as Ethereum’s contract. Chaincode can only access itsprivate storage and they are isolated from each other.

A block contains a list of transactions, and a list of smartcontracts executed as well as their latest states. Each block


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is identified by the cryptographic hash of its content, andlinked to the previous block’s identity. In Parity, the entireblock content is kept in memory. In Ethereum and Hy-perledger, the content is organized in a two layered datastructure. The states are stored in a disk-based key-valuestorage (LevelDB[4] in Ethereum and RocksDB[6] in Hyper-ledger), and organized in a hash tree whose root is includedin the block header. Ethereum caches the states in memory,while Hyperledger outsources its data management entirelyto the storage engine. Only states affected by the block’stransactions are recorded in the root hash. The hash treefor transaction list is a classic Merkle tree, as the list isnot large. On the other hand, different Merkle tree vari-ants are used for the state tree. Ethereum and Parity em-ploy Patricia-Merkle tree that supports efficient update andsearch operations. Hyperledger implements Bucket-Merkletree which uses a hash function to group states into a list ofbuckets from which a Merkle tree is built.Block headers and the key-value storage together maintain

all the historical transactions and states of the blockchain.For validating and executing transactions, a blockchain nodeneeds only a few recent blocks (or just the latest block forPBFT-based systems). However, the node also interacts viasome RPC-like mechanisms with light-weight clients who donot have the entire blockchain. Such external interfaces en-able building of third-party applications on top of block-chain. Current systems support a minimum set of queriesincluding getting blocks and transactions based on their IDs.Ethereum and Parity expose a more comprehensive set ofAPIs via JSON-RPC, supporting queries of account statesat specific blocks and of other block statistics.

3.1.3 Execution layer

A contract (or chaincode) is executed in a runtime envi-ronment. One requirement is that the execution must befast, because there are multiple contracts and transactionsin one block and they must all be verified by the node. An-other is that the execution must be deterministic, ideallythe same at all nodes. Deterministic execution avoid unnec-essary inconsistency in transaction input and output whichleads to blocks being aborted. In both PoW and PBFT,aborting transactions wastes computing resources.Ethereum develops its own machine language (bytecode)

and a virtual machine (called EVM) for executing the code,which is also adopted by Parity. EVM is optimized forEthereum-specific operations. For example, every code in-struction executed in Ethereum costs a certain amount ofgas, and the total cost must be properly tracked and chargedto the transaction’s sender. Furthermore, the code mustkeep track of intermediate states and reverse them if theexecution runs out of gas. Hyperledger, in contrast, doesnot consider these semantics in its design, so it simply sup-ports running of compiled machine codes inside Docker im-ages. Specifically, chaincodes are deployed as Docker im-ages interacting with Hyperledger’s backend via pre-definedinterfaces. One advantage of Hyperledger’s environmentis that it supports multiple high-level programming lan-guages such as Go and Java, as opposed to Ethereum’sown language. In terms of development environment, Hy-perledger exposes only simple key-value operations, namelyputState and getState. This is restricted, because anycontract states must be mapped into key-value tuples. Incontrast, Ethereum and Parity support a richer set of data

Figure 4: BLOCKBENCH software stack. New work-loads are added by implementing IWorkloadConnector in-terface. New blockchain backends are added by implement-ing IBlockchainConnector. Current backends include Eth-ereum, Parity and Hyperledger.

types such as map, array and composite structures. Thesehigh-level data types in Ethereum and Parity make it easierand faster to develop new contracts.

3.1.4 Application layer

Many applications are being proposed for blockchain, lever-aging the latter’s two key properties. First, data in theblockchain is immutable and transparent to the participants,meaning that once a record is appended, it can never bechanged. Second, it is resilient to dishonest and maliciousparticipants. Even in permissioned settings, participantscan be mutually distrustful. The most popular application,however, is still crypto-currency. Ethereum has its own cur-rency (Ether) and a majority of smart contracts running onit are currency related. Decentralized Autonomous Organi-zation (DAO) is the most active application in Ethereum,creating communities for crowd funding, exchange, invest-ment, or any other decentralized activities. A DAO managesfunds contributed by participants and gives its users votingpower proportional to their contributions. Parity’s main ap-plication is the wallet application that manages Ether. Asmajor banks are now considering adopting crypto-currency,some fintech companies are building applications that takecrypto-currency to mediate financial transactions, for ex-ample, in currency exchange market [44]. Other examplesinclude applying the currency and smart contracts for moretransparent and cost-effective asset management [39, 40].

Some applications propose to build on blockchain’s im-mutability and transparency for better application work-flows in which humans are the bottlenecks. For example,security settlements and insurance processes can be sped upby storing data on the blockchain [29]. Another example issharing economy applications, such as AirBnB, which canuse blockchain to evaluate reputation and trust in a decen-tralized settings, because historical activities of any usersare available and immutable. This also extends to Inter-net of Things settings, where devices need to establish trustamong each other [3].

3.2 BLOCKBENCH ImplementationFigure 4 illustrates the current BLOCKBENCH’s imple-

mentation. To evaluate a blockchain system, the first step is


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to integrate the blockchain into the framework’s backend byimplementing IBlockchainConnector interface. The inter-face contains operations for deploying application, invokingit by sending a transaction, and for querying the blockchain’sstates. Ethereum, Parity and Hyperledger are current back-ends supported by BLOCKBENCH, while ErisDB integra-tion is under development. A user can use one of the exist-ing workloads (discussed next) to evaluate the blockchain, orimplement a new workload using the IWorkloadConnector

interface (we assume that the smart contract handling theworkload’s logic is already implemented and deployed on theblockchain). This interface essentially wraps the workload’soperations into transactions to be sent to the blockchain.Specifically, it has a getNextTransaction method which re-turns a new blockchain transaction. BLOCKBENCH’s corecomponent is the Driver which takes as input a workload,user-defined configuration (number of operations, numberof clients, threads, etc.), executes it on the blockchain andoutputs running statistics.Asynchronous Driver. One challenge in implement-

ing the Driver is that current blockchain systems are asyn-chronous services, meaning that transactions submitted tothe systems are processed at a later time. This is in con-trast to databases, especially transactional databases, inwhich operations are synchronous, i.e. they block until thesystems finish processing. When a transaction is submit-ted, Ethereum, Parity and Hyperledger return a transac-tion ID which can be used for checking the transaction sta-tus at a later time. Such asynchronous semantics couldresult in better performance, but it forces the Driver toperiodically poll for status of the submitted requests. Inparticular, Driver maintains a queue of outstanding trans-actions that have not been confirmed. New transactionIDs are added to the queue by worker threads. A pollingthread periodically invokes getLatestBlock(h) method inthe IBlockchainConnector interface, which returns a list ofnew confirmed blocks on the blockchain from a given heighth. Ethereum and Parity consider a block as confirmed if it isat least confirmationLength blocks from the current block-chain’s tip, whereas Hyperledger confirms a block as soonas it appears on the blockchain. The Driver then extractstransaction lists from the confirmed blocks’ content and re-moves matching ones in the local queue. getLatestBlock(h)can be implemented in all three systems by first requestingfor the blockchain’s current tip t, then requesting the con-tent of all blocks in the range (h, t]. ErisDB provides apublish/subscribe interface that could simplify the imple-mentation of this function.

3.3 Evaluation MetricsThe output statistics of running a workload with different

configurations can be used to evaluate the blockchain againstthree performance metrics.

• Throughput: measured as the number of successfultransactions per second. A workload can be configuredwith multiple clients and threads per clients to saturatethe blockchain throughput.

• Latency: measured as the response time per transac-tion. Driver implements blocking transaction, i.e. itwaits for one transaction to finish before starting an-other.

• Scalability: measured as the changes in throughputand latency when increasing number of nodes and num-ber of concurrent workloads.

• Fault tolerance: measured as how the throughput andlatency change during node failure. Although block-chain systems are tolerant against Byzantine failure,it is not possible to simulate all Byzantine behaviors.In BLOCKBENCH we simulate three failure modes:crash failure in which a node simply stops, network de-lay in which we inject arbitrary delays into messages,and random response in which we corrupt the messagesexchanged among the nodes.

Security metrics. A special case of Byzantine failuresthat is important to blockchain systems is malicious behav-ior caused by an attacker. The attacker can be a compro-mised node or rouge participant within the system. Underthis threat model, security of a blockchain is defined as thesafety property of the underlying consensus protocol. In par-ticular, security means that the non-Byzantine nodes havethe same blockchain data. Violation of the safety propertyleads to forks in the blockchain. Classic Byzantine tolerantprotocols such as PBFT are proven to ensure safety for acertain number of failures, thus security is guaranteed. Onthe other hand, in PoW systems like Bitcoin or Ethereum,forks can occur due to network delays causing two nodesto mine the same blocks. While such accidental forks canbe quickly resolved, forks engineered by the attackers canbe used for double spending and selfish mining. In the for-mer, the attacker sends a transaction to a block in the fork,waits for it to be accepted by the users, then sends a con-flicting transaction to another block in the main branch. Inthe latter, by withholding blocks and maintaining a private,long fork, the attacker disrupts the incentives for mining andforces other participants to join the attacker’s coalition. Bycompromising 25% of the nodes, the attacker can control theentire network’s block generation [26].

In this work we quantify security as the number of blocksin the forks. Such blocks, called orphan or stale blocks, rep-resent the window of vulnerability in which the attacker canperform double spending or selfish mining. To manipulateforks, the key strategy is to isolate a group of nodes, partition the network. For example, eclipse attack [30]exploits the application-level protocol to surround the tar-geted nodes with ones under the attacker’s control. At thenetwork level, BGP hijacking [7] requires controlling as fewas 900 prefixes to isolate 50% of the Bitcoin’s total miningpower. BLOCKBENCH implements a simulation of theseattacks by partitioning the network for a given duration. Inparticular, during partition BLOCKBENCH runtime dropsnetwork traffic between any two nodes in the two partitions.Security is then measured by the ratio between the totalnumber of blocks included in the main branch and the totalnumber of blocks confirmed by the users. The lower the ra-tio, the less vulnerable the system is from double spendingfor selfish mining.

3.4 WorkloadsWe divide the workloads into two major categories: macro

benchmark for evaluating performance of the applicationlayer, and micro benchmark for testing the lower layers. Wehave implemented the smart contracts for all workloads forEthereum, Parity and Hyperledger, whose details are sum-


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Smart contracts DescriptionYCSB Key-value storeSmallbank OLTP workloadEtherId Name registrar contractDoubler Ponzi schemeWavesPresale Crowd saleVersionKVStore Keep state’s versions (Hyperledger only)IOHeavy Read and write a lot of dataCPUHeavy Sort a large arrayDoNothing Simple contract, do nothing

Table 1: Summary of smart contracts implemented inBLOCKBENCH. Each contract has one Solidity version forParity and Ethereum, and one Golang version for Hyper-ledger.

marized in Table 1. Ethereum and Parity use the same exe-cution model, therefore they share the same smart contractimplementations.

3.4.1 Macro benchmark workloads

We port two popular database benchmark workloads intoBLOCKBENCH, and three other real workloads found inthe Ethereum blockchain.Key-value storage. We implement a simple smart con-

tract which functions as a key-value storage. TheWorkloadClient is based on the YCSB driver [13]. It preloadseach store with a number of records, and supports requestswith different ratios of read and write operations. YCSB iswidely used for evaluating NoSQL databases.OLTP (Smallbank). Unlike YCSB which does not con-

sider transactions, Smallbank [10] is a popular benchmarkfor OLTP workload. It consists of three tables and four ba-sic procedures simulating basic operations on bank accounts.We implement it as a smart contract which simply transfersmoney from one account to another.EtherId. This is a popular contract that implements a

domain name registrar. It supports creation, modificationand ownership transfer of domain names. A user can re-quest an existing domain by paying a certain amount to thecurrent domain’s owner. This contract has been written forEthereum blockchain, and can be ported to Parity withoutchange. In Hyperledger, we create two different key-valuenamespaces in the contract: one for storing the domain namedata structures, and another for users’ account balances. Indomain creation, the contract simply inserts domain valueinto the first name space, using the domain name as thekey. For ownership transfer, it checks the second namespaceif the requester has sufficient fund before updating the firstnamespace. To simulate real workloads, the contract con-tains a function to pre-allocate user accounts with certainbalances.Doubler. This is a contract that implements a pyramid

scheme. As shown in Figure 2, participants send moneyto this contract, and get rewards as more people join thescheme. In addition to the list of participants and their con-tributions, the contract needs to keep the index of the nextpayout and updates the balance accordingly after payingearly participants. Similar to EthereId, this contract hasalready been written for Ethereum, and can be ported toParity directly. To implement it in Hyperledger, we need totranslate the list operations into key-value semantics, mak-ing the chaincode more bulky than in Ethereum.

WavesPresale. This contract supports digital token sales.It maintains two states: the total number of tokens sold sofar, and the list of previous sale transactions. It supportsoperations to add a new sale, to transfer ownership of a pre-vious sale, and to query a specific sale records. Ethereumand Parity support composite structure data types, makingit straightforward to implement the application logic. Incontrast, in Hyperledger, we have to translate this structureinto key-value semantics by using separate key-value names-paces.

3.4.2 Micro benchmark workloads

The previous workloads test the performance of block-chain as a whole. As discussed early in this section, a block-chain system comprises multiple layers, and each layer mayhave different impact on the overall performance. We designseveral workloads to stress the layers in order to understandtheir individual performance.

DoNothing. This contract accepts transaction as inputand simply returns. In other words, it involves minimalnumber of operations at the execution layer and data modellayer, thus the overall performance will be mainly deter-mined by the consensus layer. Previous works on perfor-mance of blockchain consensus protocol [34, 43] use time toconsensus to measure its performance. In BLOCKBENCH,this metric is directly reflected in the transaction latency.

Analytics. This workload considers the performance ofblockchain system in answering analytical queries about thehistorical data. Similar to an OLAP benchmark, this work-load evaluates how the system implements scan-like and ag-gregate queries, which are determined by its data model.Specifically, we implement two queries for extracting statis-tics from the blockchain data:

Q1: Compute the total transaction values committed be-tween block i and block j.

Q2: Compute the largest transaction value involving a givenstate (account) between block i and block j.

In ClientWorkload, we pre-load the blockhain with trans-actions carrying integer values (representing money trans-ferring) and the states with integer values. For Ethereum,both queries can be implemented via JSON-RPC APIs thatreturn transaction details and account balances at a specificblock. For Hyperledger, however, the second query mustbe implemented via a chaincode (VersionKVStore), becausethe system does not have APIs to query historical states.

IOHeavy. Current blockchain systems rely on key-valuestorage to persist blockchain transactions and states. Eachstorage system may perform differently under different work-loads [51]. This workload is designed to evaluate the IO per-formance by invoking a contract that performs a large num-ber of random writes and random reads to the contract’sstates. The I/O bandwidth can be estimated via the ob-served transaction latency.

CPUHeavy. This workload measures the efficiency ofthe execution layer for computationally heavy tasks. EVMmay be fast at executing Ethereum specific operations, butit is unclear how it performs on general tasks for which ma-chine native codes may be more efficient. We deploy a smartcontract which initializes a large array, and runs the quicksort algorithm over it. The execution layer performance canthen be measured by the observed transaction latency.


Page 8: BLOCKBENCH: A Framework for Analyzing Private Blockchains

4. PERFORMANCE BENCHMARKWe selected Ethereum, Parity and Hyperledger for our

study, as they occupy different positions in the blockchaindesign space, and also for their codebase maturity. We eval-uate the three systems using both macro and micro bench-mark workloads described in the previous section.

• Hyperledger performs consistently better than Eth-ereum and Parity across the benchmarks. But it failsto scale up to more than 16 nodes.

• Ethereum and Parity are more resilient to node fail-ures, but they are vulnerable to security attacks thatforks the blockchain.

• The main bottlenecks in Hyperledger and Ethereumare the consensus protocols, but for Parity the bottle-neck is caused by transaction signing.

• Ethereum and Parity incur large overhead in terms ofmemory and disk usage. Their execution engine is alsoless efficient than that of Hyperledger.

• Hyperledger’s data model is low level, but its flexibilityenables customized optimization for analytical queriesof the blockchain data.

We used the popular Go implementation of Ethereum,geth v1.4.18, the Parity release v1.6.0 and the HyperledgerFabric release v0.6.0-preview. We set up a private testnetfor Ethereum and Parity by defining a genesis block and di-rectly adding peers to the miner network. For Ethereum, wemanually tuned the difficulty variable in the genesis blockto ensure that miners do not diverge in large networks. ForParity, we set the stepDuration variable to 1. In both Eth-ereum and Parity, confirmationLength is set to 5 seconds.The default batch size in Hyperledger is 500.The experiments were run on a 48-node commodity clus-

ter. Each node has an E5-1650 3.5GHz CPU, 32GB RAM,2TB hard drive, running Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty, and con-nected to the other nodes via 1GB switch. The results beloware averaged over 5 independent runs. For Ethereum, we re-served 8 cores out of the available 12 cores per machine, sothat the periodical polls from the client’s driver process donot interfere with the mining process (which is CPU inten-sive).

4.1 Macro benchmarksThis section discusses the performance of the blockchain

systems at the application layer, by running them with theYCSB and Smallbank benchmarks over multiple nodes.

4.1.1 Throughput and latency

We measured peak performance of the three systems with8 servers and 8 concurrent clients over the period of 5 min-utes. Each client sends transactions to a server with a re-quest rate varying from 8 tx/s to 1024 tx/s. Figure 5 showsthe throughput and latency at peak, and how these metricschange with varying transaction rates.We observe that in terms of throughput, Hyperledger out-

performs other systems in both benchmarks. Specifically, ithas up to 5.5x and 28x higher throughput than Ethereumand Parity respectively. Parity has the lowest latency andEthereum has the highest. The gap between Hyperledger

0 50 100 150 200 250 300

time (second)









Queue length, 8 tx/s




0 50 100 150 200 250 300

time (second)










Queue length, 512 tx/s




Figure 6: Client’s request queue, for request rates of 8 tx/sand 512 tx/s.

and Ethereum is because of the difference in consensus pro-tocol: one is based on PBFT while the other is based onPoW. We measured CPU and network utilization during theexperiments, and observe that Hyperledger is communica-tion bound whereas Ethereum is CPU bound (see AppendixB). At 8 servers, communication cost in broadcasting mes-sages is much cheaper than block mining whose difficulty isset at roughly 2.5s per block.

The performance gap between Parity and Hyperledger isnot because of the consensus protocol, as we expect Parity’sPoA protocol to be simpler and more efficient than bothPoW and PBFT (indeed, we observe that Parity has thesame CPU utilization and lower network utilization thanHyperledger). Figure 5[b,c] shows that Parity’s throughputand latency remains constant with increasing transactionrates (beyond 40 tx/s). To understand its performance fur-ther, we measure the queue of pending transactions at theclient. Figure 6 compares the queue sizes before and af-ter the systems reach their peak throughput. With only 8tx/s, the queues for Ethereum and Hyperledger remain atroughly constant sizes, but Parity’s queue size increases astime passes. More interestingly, under high loads (512 tx/sper client), Parity’s queue is always smaller than Ethereum’sand Hyperledger’s. This behavior indicates that Parity pro-cesses transactions at a constant rate, and that it enforces amaximum client request rate at around 80 tx/s. As a conse-quence, Parity achieves both lower throughput and latencythan other systems.

Another observation is that there are differences betweenYCSB and Smallbank workloads in Hyperledger and Eth-ereum. There is a drop of 10% in throughput and 20%increase in latency. Since executing a Smallbank smart con-tract is more expensive than executing a YCSB contract(there are more reading and writing to the blockchain’s states),the results suggest that there are non-negligible costs in theexecution layer of blockchains.

At its peak throughput, Hyperledger generates 3.1 blocksper second and achieves the overall throughput of 1273 tx/s.We remark that this throughput is far lower than what an in-memory database system can deliver (see Appendix B). Asthe throughput is a function of the block sizes and block gen-eration rate, we measured the effect of increasing the blocksizes in the three systems. The results (see Appendix B)


Page 9: BLOCKBENCH: A Framework for Analyzing Private Blockchains

YCSB Smallbank10







284 255

45 46

1273 1122





YCSB Smallbank10







92 114

3 4






(a) Peak performance

0 200 400 600 800 1000










0 200 400 600 800 1000









(b) Performance with varying request rates

Figure 5: Blockchain performance with 8 clients and 8 servers.

12 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32












12 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32












Figure 7: Performance scalability (with the same number ofclients and servers).

demonstrate that with bigger block sizes, the block genera-tion rate decreases proportionally, thus the overall through-put does not improve.

4.1.2 Scalability

We fixed the client request rate and increased both thenumber of clients and the number of servers. Figure 7 il-lustrates how well the three systems scale to handle largerYCSB workloads (the results for Smallbank are similar andincluded in Appendix B). Parity’s performance remains con-stant as the network size and offered load increase, due tothe constant transaction processing rate at the servers. In-terestingly, while Ethereum’s throughput and latency de-grade almost linearly beyond 8 servers, Hyperledger stopsworking beyond 16 servers.To understand why Hyperledger failed to scale beyond

16 servers and 16 clients, we examined the system’s logsand found that the nodes were repeatedly trying and failingto reach consensus on new views which contain batches oftransactions. In fact, the servers were in different views andconsequently were receiving conflicting view change mes-sages from the rest of the network. Further investigationreveals that conflicting views occurred because the consen-

8 12 16 20 24 28 32
















8 12 16 20 24 28 32

















Figure 8: Performance scalability (with 8 clients).

sus messages are rejected by other peers on account of themessage channel being full. As messages are dropped, theviews start to diverge and lead to unreachable consensus.In fact, we also observe that as time passes, client requeststook longer to return (see Appendix B), suggesting that theservers were over saturated in processing network messages.We note, however, that the original PBFT protocol guaran-tees both liveness and safety, thus Hyperledger’s failure toscale beyond 16 servers is due to the implementation of theprotocol. In fact, in the latest codebase (which was updatedafter we have finished our benchmark), the PBFT compo-nent was replaced by another implementation. We plan toevaluate this new version in the future work.

The results so far indicate that scaling both the number ofclients and number of servers degrades the performance andeven causes Hyperledger to fail. We next examined the costsof increasing the number of servers alone while fixing thenumber of clients. Figure 8 shows that the performance be-comes worse as there are more servers, meaning that the sys-tems incur some network overheads. Because Hyperledgeris communication bound, having more servers means moremessages being exchanged and higher overheads. For Eth-ereum, even though it is computation bound, it still con-sumes a modest amount of network resources for propagat-ing transactions and blocks to other nodes. Furthermore,


Page 10: BLOCKBENCH: A Framework for Analyzing Private Blockchains

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

time (second)













Transactions commited







Figure 9: Failing 4 nodes at 250th second (fixed 8 clients)for 12 and 16 servers. X-12 and X-16 mean running 12 and16 servers using blockchain X respectively.

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

time (second)









#Blocks generated







Figure 10: Blockchain forks caused by attacks that parti-tions the network in half at 100th second and lasts for 150seconds. X-total means the total number of blocks generatedin blockchain X, X-bc means the total number of blocks thatreach consensus in blockchain X.

with larger network, the difficulty is increased to account forthe longer propagation delays. We observe that to preventthe network from diverging, the difficulty level increases athigher rate than the number of nodes. Thus, one reasonfor Ethereum’s throughput degradation is due to networksizes. Another reason is that in our settings, 8 clients sendrequests to only 8 servers, but these servers do not alwaysbroadcast transactions to each other (they keep mining ontheir own transaction pool). As a result, the network miningcapability is not fully utilized.

4.1.3 Fault tolerance and security

To evaluate how resilient the systems are to failures bycrashing, we ran the systems with 8 clients for over 5 min-utes, during which we killed off 4 servers at 250th second.Figure 9 shows that Ethereum is nearly unaffected by thechange, suggesting that the failed servers do not contributingsignificantly to the mining process. In Parity, each node gen-erates blocks at a constant rate, thus failing 4 nodes meansthe remaining nodes are given more time to generate moreblocks, therefore the overall throughput is unaffected. Incontrast, the throughput drops considerably in Hyperledger.For 12 servers, Hyperledger stops generating blocks after thefailure, which is as expected because the PBFT can only tol-erate fewer than 4 failures in a 12-server network. With 16servers, the system still generated blocks but at a lower rate,

1M 10M 100Minput size

















Execution time




1M 10M 100Minput size














Peak memory usage




Figure 11: CPUHeavy workload, ‘X’ indicates Out-of-Memory error.

which were caused by the remaining servers having to sta-bilize the network after the failures by synchronizing theirviews.

We next simulated the attack that renders the blockchainvulnerable to double spending. The attack, described inSection 3.3, partitioned the network at 100th second andlasted for 150 seconds. We set the partition size to be halfof the original1. Figure 10 compares the vulnerability ofthe three systems running with 8 clients and 8 servers. Re-call that vulnerability is measured as the differences in thenumber of total blocks and the number of blocks on themain branch (Section 3.3), we refer to this as ∆. Both Eth-ereum and Parity blockchains fork at 100th seconds, and ∆increases as time passes. For the attack duration, upto 30%of the blocks are generated in the forked branch, meaningthat the systems are highly exposed to double spending orselfish mining attacks. When the partition heals, the nodescome to consensus on the main branch and discard the forkedblocks. As a consequence, ∆ stops increasing shortly after250th second. Hyperledger, in stark contrast, has no forkwhich is as expected because its consensus protocol is provento guaranteed safety. We note, however, that Hyperledgertakes longer than the other two systems to recover from theattacks (about 50 seconds more). This is because of the syn-chronization protocol executed after the partitioned nodesreconnect.

4.2 Micro benchmarksThis section discusses the performance of the blockchain

system at execution, data and consensus layers by evaluat-ing them with micro benchmark workloads. For the firsttwo layers, the workloads were run using one client and oneserver. For the consensus layer, we used 8 clients and 8servers.

4.2.1 Execution layer

We deployed the CPUHeavy smart contract that is ini-tialized with an integer array of a given size. The array isinitialized in descending order. We invoked the contract tosort the array using quicksort algorithm, and measured theexecution time and server’s peak memory usage. The results

1We note that partitioning a N -node network in half doesnot mean there are N/2 Byzantine nodes. In fact, Byzan-tine tolerance protocols do not count network adversary asByzantine failure


Page 11: BLOCKBENCH: A Framework for Analyzing Private Blockchains

for varying input sizes are shown in Figure 11. AlthoughEthereum and Parity use the same execution engine, i.e.EVM, Parity’s implementation is more optimized, thereforeit is more computation and memory efficient. An interest-ing finding is that Ethereum incurs large memory overhead.In sorting 10M elements, it uses 22GB of memory, as com-pared to 473MB used by Hyperledger. Ethereum runs out ofmemory when sorting more than 10M elements. In Hyper-ledger, the smart contract is compiled and runs directly onthe native machine within Docker environment, thus it doesnot have the overheads associated with executing high-levelEVM byte code. As the result, Hyperledger is much moreefficient in term of speed and memory usage. Finally, wenote that all three systems fail to make use of the multi-corearchitecture, i.e. they execute the contracts using only onecore.

4.2.2 Data model

IO Heavy. We deployed the IOHeavy smart contractthat performs a number of read and write operations ofkey-value tuples. We used 20-byte keys and 100-byte val-ues. Figure 12 reports the throughput and disk usage forthese operations. Ethereum and Parity use the same datamodel and internal index structure, therefore they incur sim-ilar space overheads. Both use an order of magnitude morestorage space than Hyperledger which employs a simple key-value data model. Parity holds all the state information inmemory, so it has better I/O performance but fails to han-dle large data (capped by over 3M states under our hard-ware settings). On the contrary, Ethereum only caches onlyparts of the state in memory (using LRU for eviction policy),therefore it can handle more data than Parity at the cost ofthroughput. Hyperledger leverages RocksDB to manage itsstates, which makes it more efficient at scale.Analytic Queries. We implemented the analytics work-

load by initializing the three systems with over 120, 000 ac-counts with a fixed balance. We then pre-loaded them with100, 000 blocks, each contains 3 transactions on average.The transaction transfers a value from one random accountto another random account. Due to Parity’s overheads insigning transactions when there are many accounts, we con-sidered transactions using only 1024 accounts. We then exe-cuted the two queries described in Section 3.4 and measuredtheir latencies. Figure 13 shows that the performance for Q1is similar, whereas Q2 sees a significant gap between Hyper-ledger and the rest. We note that the main bottleneck forboth Q1 and Q2 is the number of network (RPC) requestssent by the client. For Q1, the client sends the same num-ber of requests to all systems, therefore their performanceare similar. On the other hand, for Q2 the client sends oneRPC per block to Ethereum and Parity, but only one RPCto Hyperledger because of our customized smart contractimplementation (see Appendix C). This saving in networkroundtrip time translates to over 10x improvement in Q2latency.

4.2.3 Consensus

We deployed the DoNothing smart contract that acceptsa transaction and returns immediately. We measured thethroughput of this workload and compare against that ofYCSB and Smallbank. The differences compared to otherworkloads, shown in Figure 13[c] is indicative of the costof consensus protocol versus the rest of the software stack.

In particular, for Ethereum we observe 10% increases inthroughput as compared to YCSB, which means that execu-tion of the YCSB transaction accounts for the 10% overhead.We observe no differences among these workloads in Parity,because the bottleneck in Parity is due to transaction sign-ing (even empty transactions still need to be signed), notdue to consensus or transaction execution.

5. DISCUSSIONUnderstanding blockchain systems. Our framework isdesigned to provide better understanding of the performanceand design of different private blockchain systems. As moreand more blockchain systems are being proposed, each of-fering different sets of feature, BLOCKBENCH’s main valueis that it narrows down the design space into four distinctabstraction layers. Our survey of current blockchain sys-tems (see Appendix A) shows that the four layers are suffi-cient to capture the key characteristics of these systems. Bybenchmarking these layers, one can gain insights into the de-sign trade-offs and performance bottlenecks. In this paper,for example, by running the IOHeavy workload we identifythat Parity trades performance for scalability by keepingstates in memory. Another example is the trade-off in datamodel made by Hyperledger. On the one hand, the sim-ple key-value model means some analytical queries cannotbe directly supported. On the other hand, it enables opti-mization that helps answering the queries more efficiently.Finally, we identify that the bottleneck in Parity is not dueto the consensus protocol, but due to the server’s transac-tion signing. We argue that such insights are not easy toextract without a systematic analysis framework.

Usability of blockchain. Our experience in working withthe three blockchain systems confirms the belief that in itscurrent state blockchain are not yet ready for mass usage.Both their designs and codebases are still being refined con-stantly, and there are no other established applications be-side crypto-currency. Of the three systems, Ethereum ismore mature both in terms of its codebase, user base and de-veloper community. Another usability issue we encounteredis in porting smart contracts from one system to another, be-cause of their distinct programming models (see Section 3).This is likely to be exacerbated as more blockchain platformsare being proposed [44, 16].

Bringing database designs into blockchain. The chal-lenge in scaling blockchain by improving its consensus proto-cols is being addressed in many recent works [34, 37]. How-ever, as we demonstrated in the previous section, there areother performance bottlenecks. We propose four approachesin applying design principles from database systems to im-prove blockchain.

Decouple storage, execution engine and consensus layerfrom each other, then optimize and scale them independently.For instance, current systems employ generic key-value stor-age, which may not be best suited to the unique data struc-ture and operations in blockchain. UStore [19] demonstratesthat a storage designed around the blockchain data struc-ture is able to achieve better performance than existing im-plementations.

Embrace new hardware primitives. Many data processingsystems are taking advantage of new hardware to boost theirperformance [47, 51, 21]. For blockchain, using trusted hard-ware, the underlying Byzantine fault tolerance protocols can


Page 12: BLOCKBENCH: A Framework for Analyzing Private Blockchains

0.8M 1.6M 3.2M 6.4M 12.8M

# tuples





377 359 337


1329 1181 1087

x x

5618 5411 5123 4852 4527

Average throughput (write)

Ethereum Parity Hyperledger

(a) Write

0.8M 1.6M 3.2M 6.4M 12.8M

# tuples







9329 9234 8974

x x

8785 8758 8700 8670 8605

Average throughput (read)

Ethereum Parity Hyperledger

(b) Read

0.8M 1.6M 3.2M 6.4M 12.8M

# tuples












x x






Disk usage

Ethereum Parity Hyperledger

(c) Disk usage

Figure 12: IOHeavy workload, ‘X’ indicates Out-of-Memory error.

1 10 100 1,000 10,000

# blocks scanned

























(a) Analytics workload (Q1)

1 10 100 1,000 10,000

# blocks scanned















0.019 0.0200.023







(b) Analytics workload (Q2)

Ethereum Parity Hyperledger10
















Transaction througput




(c) DoNothing workload

Figure 13: Analytics and DoNothing workloads.

be modified to incur fewer network messages [12]. Systemslike Parity and Ethereum can take advantage of multi-coreCPUs and large memory to improve contract execution andI/O performance.Sharding. Blockchain is essentially a replicated state ma-

chine system, in which each node maintains the same data.As such, blockchains are fundamentally different to databasesystems such as H-Store in which the data is partitioned (orsharded) across the nodes. Sharding helps reduce the com-putation cost and can make transaction processing faster.The main challenge with sharding is to ensure consistencyamong multiple shards. However, existing consistency pro-tocols used in database systems do not work under Byzan-tine failure. Nevertheless, their designs can offer insightsinto realizing a more scalable sharding protocol for block-chain. Recent work [37] has demonstrated the feasibilityof sharding the consensus protocol, making important stepstowards partitioning the entire blockchain.Support declarative language. Having a set of high-level

operations that can be composed in a declarative mannermakes it easy to define complex smart contracts. It alsoopens up opportunities for low-level optimizations that speedup contract execution.

6. RELATED WORKPerformance studies of blockchain systems have so far

been restricted to public blockchains. For example, [17, 15]analyze the effect of block sizes and network propagationtime on the overall throughputs. Recent proposals for im-proving Bitcoin performance [27, 34, 37, 25, 43] have mainlyfocused on the consensus layer, in which analytical modelsor network simulations are used to validate the new designs.Various aspects of Ethereum, such as their block processing

time (for syncing with other nodes) and transactions pro-cessing time, have also been benchmarked [24, 23]. Our anal-ysis using BLOCKBENCH differs from these works in thatit is the first to evaluate private blockchains systems at scaleagainst database workloads. Furthermore, it compares twodifferent systems and analyzes how their designs affect theoverall performances. Future extensions of BLOCKBENCHwould enable more comparative evaluations of the key com-ponents in blockchain.

There are many standard frameworks for benchmarkingdatabase systems. OLTP-Bench [18] contains standard work-loads such as TPC-C for transactional systems. YCSB [13]contains key-value workloads. HiBench [32] and BigBench [28]feature big-data analytics workloads for MapReduce-like sys-tems. BLOCKBENCH shares the same high-level design asthese frameworks, but its workloads and main driver aredesigned specifically for blockchain systems.

7. CONCLUSIONIn this paper we proposed the first benchmarking frame-

work, called BLOCKBENCH, for evaluating private block-chain systems. BLOCKBENCH contains workloads for mea-suring the data processing performance, and workloads forunderstanding the performance at different layers of theblockchain. Using BLOCKBENCH, we conducted compre-hensive analysis of three major blockchain systems, namelyEthereum, Parity and Hyperledger with two macro bench-marks and four micro benchmarks. The results showed thatcurrent blockchains are not well suited for large scale dataprocessing workloads. We demonstrated several bottlenecksand design trade-offs at different layers of the software stack.


Page 13: BLOCKBENCH: A Framework for Analyzing Private Blockchains


We would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for theircomments and suggestions that help us improve the paper.Special thanks to Hao Zhang, Loi Luu, the developers fromEthereum, Parity and Hyperledger projects for helping uswith the experiment setup. This work is funded by the Na-tional Research Foundation, Prime Minister’s Office, Sin-gapore, under its Competitive Research Programme (CRPAward No. NRF-CRP8-2011-08). Gang Chen is supportedby the National Natural Science Foundation of China (GrantNo. 61472348).

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Page 14: BLOCKBENCH: A Framework for Analyzing Private Blockchains

YCSB Smallbank10








284 255

45 46

1273 1122



Throughput vs. HStore





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A. SURVEY OF BLOCKCHAIN PLATFORMSWe compare eleven promising blockchain platforms in Ta-

ble 2. We can see that all but Ripple support smart con-tracts. Ethereum, Eris-DB, Dfinity and Parity execute thecontracts using Ehtereum Virtual Machine (EVM), whereasCorda runs them in Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Hyper-ledger, Stellar and Tezos employ Docker images, ScalableBFTtakes Haskell execution environment, and Sawtooth Lakelaunches contracts on top of Trusted Execution Environment

(TEE) such as Intel Software Guard Extensions (SGX). Theseplatforms also support different languages to develop smartcontracts. For example, Solidity, Serpent and LLL are mainlyused in Ethereum, Dfinity and Parity, while Eris-DB onlysupports Solidity. Hyperledger, Stellar, Corda and SawtoothLake exploit various mature programming languages, suchas Python, Java, Golang, etc. ScalableBFT and Tezos evendevelop their own smart contract languages. Most block-chain platforms’ data models are account-based. Two ex-ceptions in the table are Ripple and Corda. Their datamodels are similar to Bitcoin’s unspent transaction outputs(UTXO) which represents the coins in the network.

Each platform offers different consensus protocols. Hy-perledger implements PBFT in the version we evaluated,while Ethereum implements a variation of PoW (Proof-of-Work). Eris-DB builds on top of Tendermint protocol butonly works in the latest version (v 0.12). Ripple and Tezosdeploy Proof-of-Stake (PoS) schemes (the one in Ripple isreferred to Ripple Consensus Ledger) where the next blockis created based on accounts’ wealth, i.e., the stake. Paritytakes another consensus protocol, Proof-of-Authority (PoA),which holds a predefined set of ”authorities” to create newblocks in a fixed time slot and secure the blockchain network.Sawtooth Lake uses Proof-of-Elapsed-Time (PoET) as itsconsensus protocol, which in nature is a lottery algorithmand decides the creator of block arbitrarily. Stellar developsits own mechanism, Stellar Consensus Protocol, which is aconstruction for decentralized Byzantine agreement. Thereis no source code that helps determine which consensus pro-tocol Dfinity uses, but its documents suggest that a Block-chain Nervous System will govern the whole platform via avoting mechanism based on neurons that interact with eachother and are controlled by users.

B. MACRO BENCHMARKSWe compared the performance of the three blockchain sys-

tems against a popular in-memory database system, namelyH-Store, using the YCSB and Smallbank workload. We ranH-Store’s own benchmark driver and set the transaction rateat 100,000 tx/s. Figure 14 shows at least an order of mag-nitude gap in throughput and two order of magnitude in la-tency. Specifically, H-Store achieves over 140K tx/s through-put while maintaining sub-millisecond latency. The gap inperformance is due to the cost of consensus protocols. ForYCSB, for example, H-Store requires almost no coordinationamong peers, whereas Ethereum and Hyperledger suffer theoverhead of PoW and PBFT.

An interesting observation is the overhead of Smallbank.Recall that Smallbank is a more complex transactional work-load than YCSB, in which multiple keys are updated in asingle transaction. Smallbank is simple but is representativeof the large class of transactional workloads such as TPC-C.We observe that in H-Store, Smallbank achieves 6.6x lowerthroughput and 4x higher latency than YCSB, which indi-cates the cost of distributed transaction management proto-col, because H-Store is a sharded database. In contrast, theblockchain suffers modest degradation in performance: 10%in throughput and 20% in latency. This is because each nodein blockchain maintains the entire state (replicated state ma-chine), thus there is no overhead in coordinating distributedtransactions as the data is not partitioned.

The results demonstrate that blockchain performs poorlyat data processing tasks currently handled by database sys-


Page 15: BLOCKBENCH: A Framework for Analyzing Private Blockchains

Table 2: Comparison of blockchain platforms



Smart contractlanguage

Data model Consensus

Hyperledger Smart contract Dockers Golang, Java Account-based PBFT

EthereumSmart contract,


EVM Solidity, Serpent, LLL Account-based Ethash (PoW)

Eris-DB Smart contract EVM Solidity Account-based Tendermint (BFT)


- - UTXO-basedRipple ConsensusLedger (PoS)

ScalableBFT Smart contractHaskell

ExecutionPact Account-based ScalableBFT

Stellar Smart contract DockersJavaScript, Golang,

Java, Ruby, Python, C#Account-based

Stellar ConsensusProtocol

Dfinity Smart contract EVM Solidity, Serpent, LLL Account-basedBlockchain

Nervous SystemParity Smart contract EVM Solidity, Serpent, LLL Account-based Proof of Authority

TezosSmart contract,


DockersTezos Contract Script

LanguageAccount-based Proof of Stake

Corda Smart contract JVM Kotlin, Java UTXO-based RaftSawtooth

LakeSmart contract TEE Python Account-based

Proof of ElapsedTime

0 20 40 60 80 100

time (second)












CPU utilization




0 20 40 60 80 100

time (second)








Network utilization




Figure 16: Resource utilization.

Ethereum Parity Hyperledger10















Block generation rate




Figure 15: Block generation rate.

tems. However, we stress that blockchains and databasesare designed with different goals and assumptions. Specif-ically, the protocols for Byzantine failure tolerance are anoverkill for traditional database settings where there are

only crash failures. Other features which are optional inmost database systems are cryptographic signatures on ev-ery single transaction, and wide-area fully replicated statemachines. Although databases are designed without securityfeatures and tolerance to Byzantine failures, we remark thatthe gap remains too high for blockchains to be disruptiveto incumbent database systems. Nevertheless, the popular-ity of blockchain is a clear indication that there is a needfor a Byzantine tolerant data processing systems which canaccommodate a large number of users.

Figure 15 shows the effect of varying block sizes in theoverall throughput. While it is straightforward to set theblock size in Hyperledger by configuring the batchSize vari-able, there is no direct way to specify the same in Ethereum.An Ethereum miner uses gasLimit value to restrict the over-all cost in constructing a block, thus we tuned this value tosimulate different sizes. In Parity, gasLimit is not applica-ble to local transaction and it has no effect on the block size.Instead, we observe that the block size can be controlled bytuning stepDuration value, which essentially decides howmuch time a validator can use to build a block. In the exper-iments, medium size refers to the default settings, whereaslarge and small refer to 2x and 0.5x of the default size. Theresults show that increases in block sizes lead to proportionaldecreases in block generation rate, meaning that the overallthroughput does not improve.

Figure 16 compares CPU and network utilization of thethree systems over the period of 100 seconds. It is easy tosee that Ethereum is CPU bound, as it fully utilizes 8 CPUcores. Hyperledger, on the other hand, uses CPU sparinglyand spends the rest of the time on network communication.Parity, in contrast, has lower resource footprints than othertwo systems. For Ethereum and Hyperledger, the patternis the direct consequence of the consensus protocol: PoW isCPU bound whereas PBFT is communication bound.


Page 16: BLOCKBENCH: A Framework for Analyzing Private Blockchains





time (second)








Latency distribution







Figure 17: Latency distribution.

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350

time (second)












Queue length




Figure 18: Queue length at the client.

Figure 17 shows the latency distribution. Ethereum hasboth higher latency and higher variance, because PoW isa randomized process which means the duration betweenblocks are unpredictable. Parity has the lowest variancebecause the server restricts the client request rate at 80 tx/s.Figure 18 illustrates the request queue at the client for

the settings of 20 servers and 20 clients. The queue behav-ior of Ethereum reflects the normal case, i.e. the queue grewand shrank depending on how fast the transactions are com-mitted. Hyperledger failed to generate blocks in this case,therefore the queue never shrank. However, there are du-rations in which the queue size remains constant. Further-more, at the beginning, the queue in Hyperledger is smallerthan that in Ethereum, even though the clients are send-ing at the same rate. This suggests there is a bottleneck inprocessing network requests at the Hyperledger servers.

12 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32












12 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32












Figure 19: Scalability with Smallbank benchmark.

Figure 19 illustrates the scalability of the three systemsusing the Smallbank benchmark. We observe similar pat-

terns to the YCSB benchmark (Figure 7), except that Hy-perledger failed to scale beyond 8 nodes instead of 16.


type account_t struct {Balance intCommitBlock int

}type transaction_t {

From stringTo stringVal int

}func Invoke_SendValue(from_account string,

to_account string, value int) {var pending_list []transaction_tpending_list = decode(GetState("pending_list"))var new_txn transaction_tnew_txn = transaction_t {

from_account, to_account, value}pending_list = append(pending_list, new_txn)PutState(’pending_list’, encode(pending_list))

}func Query_BlockTransactionList(block_number int)

[]transaction_t {return decode(GetState("block:"+block_number))

}func Query_AccountBlockRange(account string,

start_block int, end_block int)[]account_t {version := decode(GetState(account+":latest"))var ret []account_twhile true {

var acc account_tacc = decode(GetState(account+":"+version))if acc.CommitBlock >= start_block &&

acc.CommitBlock < end_block {ret = append(ret, acc)

} else if acc.CommitBlock < start_block {break;

}version -= 1

}return ret


Figure 20: Code snippet from the VersionKVStore smartcontract for analytics workload (Q1 and Q2).

Figure 20 shows the implementation of the smart con-tract method that answer Q2 of the analytics workload. Tosupport historical data lookup, we append a counter to thekey of each account. To fetch a specific version of an ac-count, we use key account:version. We store the latestversion of the account using key account:latest, and keepa CommitBlock in the data field for every version which in-dicates in which block the balance of this version is com-mitted. To answer query that fetches a list of balance of agiven account within a given block range, the method scansall versions of this account and returns the balance valuesthat are committed within the given block range. Ethereumand Parity provide JSON-PRC APIs getBalance(account,block) to query information of an account at a given blocknumber. This API fetches only one version of the accountper HTTP roundtrip, so it is less efficient than pushing thequery logic to server side.


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