  • 8/3/2019 Block Teaching Report


    Reeba Sara Koshy

    Block Teaching Practice Roll No. IX-609

    There are times when most of us wish we could replay a difficult moment when we

    believe we acted inappropriately in a social or work situation. Sometimes our problem lies in not

    knowing what to do, and under stress we do the wrong thing. I f we had one m ore chance to get it

    right, we would be sure to know what to do, know what to say, know what to ask, or perhaps know

    not to say anything at all.

    I feel the same thing for the first few days of my block teaching. The confidence acquired

    from the peer teaching days in the university had given me a false hope on how a real classroom

    would look like. The group support of my group which helped in an effective learning process was

    suddenly pulled out and on my first day the first few moments I could feel the control draining from

    me. The friendly approach which I had planned and executed effectively was pulled back since I

    realised that the students have started to take advantage of this new gained freedom and that too

    with a new teacher they know they wont be dealing with for long. The interactive sessions which

    were planned earlier were cut short and I started commanding and ordering which I found very

    effective. Like an operant conditioning process, when the students started behaving how I wanted

    them to be I started to be more cheerful and pleasant with them. I thought this would be an

    effective reward for them.

    Gradually I came to realise how the students are thinking and could plan my lessons more

    effectively. While it is true that many hands make light work, it is also true that too many cooks spoil

    the broth. The pressure of a supervisor who pressured me to follow some patterns which clashed

    with my own objectives acted as a nagging conscience which sometimes took me out of control

    where I found myself targeting my lose of temper towards the innocent students. But I thought of

    this shameful act and I realised that this sort of behaviour from my teachers have hurt me as a

    school child in my past. This realisation awakened and helped me to get control of myself and it

    never happened again in my classes.

  • 8/3/2019 Block Teaching Report


    While planning some lessons I felt a triangular push between three objectives. One was from

    what I had derived from the B. Ed methodology lessons, one from my own experiences and the

    other from the concerned supervisors in the school. I cannot choose one as the best so in future I

    have decided to follow my instincts supported by what I have learned from my block teachings days

    and B. Ed lessons.

    When I look back at my own experiences I realise how valuable the suggestions provided by

    my supervisors, my friends and my teachers are in the my learning process. Most importantly I

    realise the part of the learners in an effective learning process. They can change your plan, adapt to

    them quickly and can help even help us in improving our skills, techniques, ideas and teaching. Every

    successful outcome in my teaching process is not my own effort. I have learned many techniques on

    how to teach and more importantly many techniques which I should never follow in a classroom.

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