
04/01/11 By Wiseman Makaba

04/01/11 By Wiseman Makaba

04/01/11 By Wiseman Makaba

Are smart phones saving or killing us?

04/01/11 By Wiseman Makaba

Are the way to the future

Save lives

Allow for a global village

Help alleviate environmental harm

04/01/11 By Wiseman Makaba

04/01/11 By Wiseman Makaba


04/01/11 By Wiseman Makaba

04/01/11 By Wiseman Makaba

All phones emit radiation

But smartphones actually emit quite more than the average phone

phone manufacturers are enforced to put their levels within ICASA (Independent Communications Authority of South Africa) regulations

Prolonged use may actually trigger illnesses such as migraines, brain cancer and vertigo

04/01/11 By Wiseman Makaba

A study by the EWG (Environmental working Group)

1. T-Mobile MyTouch 3G (1.55 W/kg)

2. Blackberry Curve 8330 (1.54 W/kg)

3. Palm Treo 600 (1.53 W/kg)

4. T-Mobile Shadow (1.53 W/kg)

5. Palm Treo 650 (1.51 W/kg)

6. Blackberry Curve 8300 (1.51 W/kg)

7. Blackberry Bold 9000 (1.51 W/kg)

8. Sony Ericsson P910a (1.50 W/kg)

9. HTC SMT 5800 (1.49 W/kg)

10. BlackBerry Pearl 8120/8130 (1.48


04/01/11 By Wiseman Makaba, 23454997

04/01/11 By Wiseman Makaba

When driving, full attention is required. So the use of a smart phone, or any phone for that matter can lead very severe road accidents

Studies reveal that up to 73% of drivers use their phones while driving

10 out of 15 interviewed students (Monash SA) say they have used chat applications while driving before!

The worst case scenario is a drunken driver answering their phone while driving!

04/01/11 By Wiseman Makaba

Smartphones of today come pre-installed with communications software.

This has now more than ever, led to less face to face contact between friends and family.

Most smartphone users actually go for weeks without having any physical contact with loved ones and feel no remorse for it.

Some users use the real-time “chat” capabilities as a form dating, where usually -but not always- they should never meet

04/01/11 By Wiseman Makaba

“mom? tell me a bed time story…” sending..

“ok Hun, once upon a time…” sending..

04/01/11 By Wiseman Makaba

Students are getting more and more distracted by using smartphones in class

The people who know first hand about this are their teachers.

Its as if the better way to grab their attention is to text them a message, not shout at them.

04/01/11 By Wiseman Makaba

Imagine the president of the future, with a blackberry in his hands, texting while he waves to the crowds??

And your doctor during surgery…

04/01/11 By Wiseman Makaba

An ever increasing trend among users of this advanced, fast paced technology.

There are people who cant cope without having used their phones for merely a few hours.

04/01/11 By Wiseman Makaba

Ask an owner of a smartphone to list the top 5 things they cant live without.

2. ???3. ???4. ???5. My blackberry6. Air You’ll notice their phones being

included in that “so important” list

04/01/11 By Wiseman Makaba

The next time you think a smart phone is the solution to your every problem, think about what you have learned here.

04/01/11 By Wiseman Makaba

04/01/11 By Wiseman Makaba

Slide 15: (accessed on 31 March 2011)

Slide 16: (surgery image) (accessed on 14 March 2011) (accessed on 14 March 2011) (accessed on 14 March 2011)

04/01/11 By Wiseman Makaba

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