
    Ma.x Brooke and nm HtSCkcJbery

    Wl(!TIHQ ANO ADOrTIONAL DEVELOPflrENT Kendiill Butner, nm Cox.. Robert Dempsey. Manhew Eustace, Craig Gallanl, Jordan Goldfatb, Lee Gunby,

    Anthony Hicks, And y Hoare, Mike i\1yler, and JOC' Sleboda.

    EDITING ANO f'R.OOFl\!'ADING Mark L:uh::im and David Johnson

    m l\NAGINQ R.f'O f'R.OD\nR. Chris (;(-1ber

    QR/\fHK: DES!QN. \Vil Springer

    GR;\PHIC OESIGN mANAGER. Brian Schomburg

    CoVER.Al(l' 1\1.athi3s Kollros

    hfl'ER,IOR. A R.T Ja-cob Aticn:u, RyJn Barg, Dimitri Bielak, f'ttart Br3dbury,

    Filip Bo.rOOr;in, Vincent Devault, Alexandr Elichcv, Sam Flegal, David Griffith, llich Hc-nriqua, Nikolaus lngeneri, Michal, Mathias Kollros. Sam Lamont, Clint Langley, Daryl M.andryk. Ameen Nakscwc-e Scott Purdy. Christian

    SchW2gcr, Stephen Somers, Nikolay Stoyanov, Ben Zweifel, and the Games \\'orkshop Design Studio.

    mANAQINQ AR.T Dlf(!;t"rOR, AndrtY.' N:rvaro

    ART DIR.s::TION Andy Christen.sen


    f'R.ODUC'rlON illANAGEITIENT Eric Knight

    ExECUTfVE CiAUIE DESIGNER. Corey K:onicak:a

    ExOCl.TnVE f'R.00\JCEll lvtic:hael Hutley

    l'Ullf..ISHER. Christian T. Petersen

    SPOCIAL 1'HA Nl\S Playtest Coordin:u:or Z:Kb Tcw:Uthomns. ""fbunde:rbohs"

    Wootcr Dhondt wilh KarcJ Ch~ B~ Lcfevn-, Tom Vnd"1l>Olghf, :md Sd other C1CN:ntric:s a-.nd the: world. ThiJ: o:lilioc:i publhbed under lic:aax IO fan.usy ftieht Plhlishinz lc:ic. f a11ary flie;hl Camo and d..e fan.t;uy Ftiffit O..mcs loi,t0 a~ rqi:i;lenid tndanari:J of filnwy fliiJit Ml&.hi:ne. Jn:. All ritb!' 10 1hcit roptivc: ownc:r.1. of thiJ: pd:itieaiioa l,'!lq be KptOCl.xcd, l!limd ill .a imicnl

    J:Y!otem., at 1niwn1ecl in ;my fonn by any rr.a.111, dertf'Onic:. mcdianial, pbowc:opyine,. n:coldint or othcrwiC!e. rihool prillr pcnniuion.

    ISBN, 978-1-61661-9 l S-2 Product Code, BC07 Printed in Chin.i

    For more information about the Bu cK CtwSADE line-_.. free downlpads, .answers ro rule qui::rii:s. or just to pass on greetings. \isit us onlin~ at

  • Introduction \Vha!'s in this Book-? ................................... --4

    Chapter [, Nurglc l.n"' J Cd HCfC'ti,('S ............ - - u u u n - Hu H u 56

    Chapter 111, Lords of Entropy Apotheosis ............................................................ - .............. 63

    Advancing .as a Daemon Prince- 66 Dark Endowment-- .. 70

    launching a Black Crusade. ...................................... - ...... 74 Running the Crusade ...................................... - 8 l

    The Pestilent \Vorlds -- 86 Pyurultide -- 87 Guelph ---- 9 2 The \ \Vorld ........ -- .. 99 Hindr.1nce .... - l G4 Mcgnria ........................ ----- 1 l 0 Alacti1 ----" 110 Mire ............................ ---1 fl V.n.lous ......... - - ( ( 2 The Frozc.n Htart ................................... -- { { 7 The Ascendant Spir:ll ... ----- - l 21

    Chapter IV, The Heart of the Vortex Gi\1's Brief .................... --- l 26

    The Story Thus Fas "-- l27 Ad\'tnture Plot ----- f 27

    Part J, ""'Y ----- I JO Into the Mire- -, ..................... __ I JO

    Part JI, De.uh ................................................ .................... I 14 The Judgement ----- !JS The Cost - -- - --~- t 36

    Pan Jfl: ~irth ............... --- - (40 Crossroads in the Pnth to Glory---- {40

    The \\':lgt:s of Sin----- l42

  • NTRODUCTION '"11Jrough hu !lasmj> "'-1th ilJdf is Jtayai. la bis """"'"' 1i}O'r is "9' dfferion and """- Ltl us J/JiUr bis munifi=~;Jb t1Jos< >ti/I i~I of our ciJa;,f)d Crdndfatho; lat liJ
  • .. - .

    . . .. .

    . ... .



    THE CoUNTLEss Ins


    1HE LON.G w AR


    11.t;o Shepherd of Oest.a~

  • lt ls only Nurgle's fondness for rot, fur disease and decay. dlat pre\'cnts mote from accepting his truth. Jt can be for a monaJ to ::icccpt th.:it the rotting of a limb or the expulsion of his ent~ils is a blessing. Yet it is so. E\>cn tbc de
  • fact part and par.:-cl oflhe 6rst side. Hope, rebicth, rcsistnncc. and growth all :al'W: directly from f3cing death a.nd dec:1y. The Seers cf the Eldns Crafh\orlds and the Inquisitors of the lmpcrium wilJ n.cvcr share this truth with the we:ak;.mindcd fools \\'ho drink in their lies like mother's milk.

    For a Lotti of Chaos. Nurgfe's actions seem oddly -h-3rmonioos-ca ring e\en. To rccei\e the blessings of Nurgle, all one co do is want co lil.'C and be: v.iUing to do "'hatCvt"r it takes to cling co life. All else follows n:aturaJly from there. Worshipers of Khor-ne must push toward c-vcr-grc.ater levels of destruction and ornagc despite the risks to themselves or even to thei.r allies. Those \.\.'ho de-vote themselves to T zecntch must deny their lot in life and seek to change evel)thin~ never apprecinting \\>hat they h:ave. Followers of Slaanesh seek to escape reality jn a blur of senS\ltion :and .self-delusion~ All thBt is rtquircd to fed the aring touch of Nurglc is to sec life for -..;hat i' is and to \\':l.nt to make the most of iL All that is needed is faith in 1he future provided by Nurglc.

    \Vhile an invitation to stroll down Nurgle's pox-srrewn _path should be """clcomed as 3n honou~ nol :all see it as such. Wasting aw:1y under the seemingly malign inf11.1entt of caring disease is painful to the affiictt:d and often reptilsive to those nround him. When a child's flesh turns :i sickly 1"3le gtttn and Iner eyes glaze over ':lnd become duU, milky, unseeing ocbs, her father comes to know he is powerless to prt'V('l'lt her s&Jffcring. Seeing a friend's b:udelield wound

    bl3ckt:-n and ooze blood-tinged ~ the stench of its rot choking the air of a barrads, is a reminder of che fraihy of all mo!t.ak

    ff this.decay comes at the hands of Nwgk, Via the duus:t of a rusted black or the unle.ashiog of a plague, many wiU eunt his name.. For lhose "':ho .are u nable tQ sec th:t.1 this pain and suffering lifis the \'Cil that hides the truth of life and death &om them, such momenl'S 3nd visions a~ terrifying. Some blessed

    motta~ howevC"r, are able co lc.ok bc~

  • --.-

    ' . . ~ ' ' . . . . ,. t : 'h ..


    1 gd.zrd dl bu, my-t."'isitm rompftt.tly filled 'With his gfon''1us ginb. Alf aroumi mt utu flab run{ smiling;1fa. Wfrbir. bU bu!~ I .spid las:rr minions, suckling on bis l


    111 thrs 1tnimt;. all roa. /111/ttr ...,"""" o.irc nwst rot co .sw"m'C-,

    - Excerpt fro1n Tbt EitlightanMnt of KJJnirdt Ka/JhnJx, Hdrbingcr of C1trrion

    T he four gmu Gods o( ChltoOS ein each cJaim dominion o ... cr many of the inh:ibitcd rcpns of the galaxy: Thest" holdings can be .as 1m2U u 1hc camp of a tribaJ ct1h on backward primjti~ plann or n large u entire v.'Orlds or syRcms. Nooe of lhcsc domains. even If added all 1ogi:1hrr,, an compuc to the sizt; scope- and spcc:udc- of the abode c:ach. of die Ruiooo> ~ claims f'o< humdf wilhin !he Realm of Ch;ios. ln tru.rh. a mcJningful comp:uuon of the sizes of the mortal n:a!ms to those in 1hc: lmm:atcrium ts impossible.. Concepts such ns rime and s~cc h3\c nc.lrly no rt'lcVJ.ncc in the \Va.rp. The Re.llm o( Ch:ios u made of thoughts :ind and reacts to the c:onnlett i1nd emotions of tho~ who pass through it. As the: most powerful entities Ydthin the \\'arp. the Gods of Ch.1os C)(:cft the most control aver the shape of this dark di~iQn Thoe gods h.J\'C, therefore. crcato:f kingdoms chat not to much rc:gtons v.-ith bocdcrs as they aft' maa.if.csttd stltts of bc-1nc, Md as such they an- apt co O:fNind or diminish att0rdin1 10 cht uing and v.-aning of the po--cr of theit lord. h is only "'tw:n realms mttt at wfu1 ;r mortal mind might loosc:ly conceive of a.s their borders ih:n .1.ny K-mblancr: of boond.Jrics on be considerctl.

    Khornc, Slaancsh., Tu:cntch, 1'nd Nurgle each cxcn their particular inOucn.:c ovct the spa

  • The Plaguefather affords -all bis children many \\'ays to explore and appreciate his rea.lm, and C"Vcn to become a p.ltt of it. Though he is a god ofChtaos, he also has a need to aeate order, to monitqr his crestions, and to control his expccimcn.ts. A visitor to Nurglc's tcalm .... 'Otlld find a dizzying amount of diversily of experiences. Here he might 6nd tTces made of nolhing but the Ocsh of Eldar; constantly oozing the tears of a dying race. Thete he might find fields .-here tongues sprout up from the catth, each on< bUstered by the malign influence of 3 different infection. The1re is no telling "'hat wonders a\.\ail ~round each bend in the paths th-nt stretch :1nd wind throughout the G:1:rden, but ;any who encounter them wilJ st1refy h11ve their sanity tested and questioned, should they sorvivc to share 'he talc.

    The G:arden

  • llflf"".in:gs: of his kingdom from within his paha oc wanders &hr: unrotux"Jttk-iog to tempt IACM'Uas ilno e'ving up their soots 10 arisfy his huoga. Tza:n&dt a-cau 10 not att- moch al Kw-th< ..... of lus ....-arpcd ond fixlured bods, spmding lus time ploa Ing .and intrtfcring with Jf an in rnlms: btyond his: own. Nutgl

    :i:. .. '!I'""""'-n! So """!1 hopa and "'""'1 Oli. Pla.f!J'tfoibtr, Y""' f,1jis .,,. bcS! Snll. I .,;/I ,..Ir an """""''W of'"""

    - PtJSmaw, Plagucbctrct o( Nurgk

    Nurglc's lliemons and mortak alike smile 111 the i.houe:ht of serving their god. Other ma..tcrs :art= h:Jrsh and dcmJ.nding. but ~ lord of Flies only ulu th:it hi.s s.ctV>na nnbracc t.ach moment. Though th~ art rotting. dilnlu KJW> ef- FrJtNwdf. ~of /ltbinlJ M..y mo, itlriblc deals in !he name of chcir BW!m. Laden of cula recruit new ""'On:h.ipcrs routinely. BiUloas of ldhcn:Atl commit foul actJ. o( devotion to thc:ir dark lords every day. These actions arc common, :tnd go largely unnotjccd by 1hc likes of Nurgtc. 'fo tp1n chc 11nention of the Lord of ;\11, :i fullowc:r must be willing 10 spread disctie on a g~nd sc:ilc, infecting enti1e plancci wuh tt dcudly pox. He muse erode the foundations o( entire cities and send thc:i1 miU1ons o( inhabitants into sc:asc o( survllion. ~ and decay. A cand1dJ te !Or Daemonhood mua ~ his worth oo a lcwl th moa. morul mmcls ~ CVatcmpb&e One< he hu o:unmicltd an K1 chat brinis a smile ro l\utglc $ blGcC'f'Cd ind se

  • 'Pt.ACUEBEARERS Ri..m. J.1~ Td,.d "" N~ndon all lh>r Cmodfothct Nurgk hu , ... n '""" They op< for a kWtnfl.ined md u.nbmd.y dtah r.athcr dun suffer wirh lhcir aubdy., lh
  • BEASTS ~i t..,a.,,. st-H-OS. &lli>zmo the Pbgud" .. htt's gr.ind .....,., Ii>< the colbpK and ~ of the unMnc. Thett ~ much to dt from the death toll o f ea.::h newly unlched pla:gJJC, to fill ing the pus pits with frcs.h rot. The ct'J'ort a 1Uelm, bu1 no1 w1thou1 joy. As the Daemons ao nbout thci1 work, 1hev will ao1nctimes: be intruptCld by 11n unexpected, but alw1yi: npprcc:iatcd, vi.sit from one of the Lord or l:>ccay's most w.onderful mahons--e Beast of Nurgk Propelled by Ices and bi~+CWtcd.. sJit:herJ:ng,. th~ cn~1.111Ulk Slime HO around ~rt. drawing 1hnn Iowan! lhc l!caa's no.riocs ..... They .,..,,, hadloog inio ..., ~ pa.. o( lim~ hnds. ond other ro11
  • MORTAL FOLLOWERS OFNURGLE The universe: is vast, and ytt no p :itt of it remains untouched by conflict, chan ge. and greed. Service to Nurgfe secures a safe harbour in a sv.itHng sea of doubt Feu of infumity issel aside n.od rcpl3CCd by the knowledge that a grcatc1 destiny lay-s ahc.:id, free from the nightmares that p lague those who do not undcrst2nd the great cycle of death and rebirth.

    Not all mort:tl follo\\'Crs of Nurglc arc quick to accept his blessings. "1l2ny attd to sotTcr before they can accept lhe truth. For :t path full of paradox~ one of the gre3tcst is that the longer a blighted mort-nl struggles: against accepting Nurglc, the morie pov.crfu] his form will be \\'hen he finally yields. Through immcasu111ble suffering and loss., the mottal will g:ain resiliency and strength.

    CHAOS SPACE ~!ARINES Corruption. It iS a word that lies at the heart of the most divisive, d estructive, and long-lasting conflict the gaJaxy h3s ever k.nown_ Jt was comiption of the spirit that aused Horus and half of 3JI Space lvtarinc Legions to turn on che Emperor of Man.kind. Corruption of will bro!- the resolve of thousands of 'Mlirriors who found the unrelenting hardships of seNinga weak c-:iusc in st1.pport of 3 cruel master too much to endure. Corruption of f3 ith cast thousands more down a fresh path of glory and freedom. embracing ne\\', d:ukr that blessed them ''' ith tangible gifts and rewards 1atbct th3n fleeting promises and thankless suffering. Corruption of the body~he infirmities of forms, infected wounds sustained in battle, and the ravages of illness were sufficient for coundcss others to turn to the only being capable of s:iving them from the misc-ry of their decJine-Nurgk.

    Among the first to :ab

  • ' bciog rcbom in the C-ardrn ~ slim at bat. so ror tiler putrid wrcuhcs,. lhC'tt ttuly i.s fittk hope. Scill, SU tvtv21 lnstincts """' hem 10 ,,.., as loog .. they an. pnlufo uk .. c mug< lo the: dank ~of dries or la thC' dwocl pit1 o( p..-unitiw cultVita, whett 1he s1mch of the- decay nd filth around rhcm P""".dcs a 1lii:h1 cha~ of nuslting their ov.n rcpuls:iw odour. Tactics soch as these: usuaUy only Nc:cccd (Mt short Unlcu they :irc fou.nd and shelccrcd by J)'mpathdic pl:iguc cult-$1.ti these mutants arc almost inw:tiably bctr:aycd b)' their own nauseating dcfonnitics. Zealous pl'icts. w.s1chful wal'dcn~ or CV('ft simpk frightened former (jmily members h.l'o-c but to follow their noses to uncm.'t't the hldin& place of a nol~ muunL Cornered, aionC', and oftC'ft to WJ.rped in form 1N1 t.hC'y cannot f!tt. from their pcnc

    1-1ts mtlll'JO s/}40 wv/p l'Utd die. H114//ro sN.11 ~ tmd die. Tbt tllfh'itfS( and a.D 1Pilbm 111'>sll w1t~ 4lfd dit. And the Cw.11 Com1p:ion bum/rd csapoblc bul aibo glorious. This kncw.1edge is tlhmunatJnc for thost- .. no follow Nurgk. If ttl things deca~ each momc-n tS e-ift. Why not use these momc:nts to .shape y, is to

  • CHAMPIONS OF DECAY Ann, ci-p. Hr w mo phlooofhlt Mast IDOltll! ch3mp;om. nd ouny lesser followrn, rnd up dtin!Wtg lilt< h< doc nodmg ..... chm be - ... ch ""' PJ.eud'"hrt. dtcy lso know tbcy wm """"' be u clot< "' him: :u che Crcolt Unclean Ones .re As they do with so much elst as 1 ~suit of Nurgk 's tcaehings, tbc.y mC'"cepc c.h.:11' k>t This n:ladonship co 1heir god differs from that or 01hel' D.aemon Princes.. The ocher Ruinous Po\'ters wkc p.>nlcular pica.sure tn clocciwng morbls, damning chem bv 1rickin& chem with

    ~) -

    lies and promises they know they wiU almost cen.:iinlv never n~ to kttp. Thcv SC'C their daemonic follo...,etJ, even 1heil' champions. as never hBving had ~ choice but to do 2s they arc commanded. They view these Daemons more :u s12'1Cs 10 darkness than ('()+Conspirators with it. In their eyes, 1his tn..1kcs mortal scn11nis somcho\\ more interesting. Nutgte, on 1hc other hand, knows moa o(hjs mortal folJo"'C't'S tumrd 10 hi.m as a bsl act o( dcspcnlJOft. but his daemonic minions. "''1 espUlly thr c,.., Uncba Oors. Iv.. g

  • nothjng more than to dajm every s.kuJI and drop of blood to use 3S the mort3r with vhich to btiild the found:ltions of his ~w kingdom. Tzccntch surely h:is his ov.n plans for v.h3I a twisted reality rcsh.aped in his image Y.'OOld look like. but he has not shared wh:at that might be. Perhaps he docs not C'\'t'n know himself. To Nurgle, these ahemam,.es nrc-indisringuishnble-self4indulgcnt fantasies with no s.cnse of greater ptirposc ot underst:1nding of the nature of things. To him, the ambitio ns of the others Sttm small.

    Rea:lity w ill be l't'made. Both the mortnl plane nnd the ReaJm of Chaos have ever been on a path of dcay, and ftom decay come death :ind endings. Endin~ but not 6na1ity.. lt seems Nurglc 'alone comprc-hends the meaning of

    thi~ the distinction. \\'here his brother gods each envision l destination at the end cf the p!lth, Nurgle knows that the journey turns ever b3tk upon itself in a loop, leading to rcbinh, revitalisation, and new beginnings. It is this flln damenr.&I divergence of views that sets Nurgle at odds w ith the other P.'owci:s, for it menns thar they arc not acrualJy workjng tov.ard the same thing th:it be is. On the surfi1ce, it appears to the others that while the methods each employs may be different, the end result is m.:rch the s:amc--the dcstroction of the Impcrium, the enslavement or destruction of 2U mortal~ an d final dominion oycr all This is, though, a sup


    "" tJN'I# Us lu hrorth !Mg 41. ,,,.,. drY lff.rrrty "WtlflfJ rJs ckAth tdltlt. "ft::/ rhm mfrOP.'j s:JJa// claim as frt1t,( t1Wutd -v-kfory. JVc ltrt f"fi(fU, W( /)1'W WJdito:f tt:n l/;ous.:f1td Jld11. Ht 11ilf w.\ti: ttn tl}oU1111td 1;t1ort, if nm:rssry. But f do not tJ,ink it will ht.'

    - l.cthr;i.x lhC' Bliahtcd H:uKt

    For a Pl31Uc 1'.tarillt" or other ChM>t Spxc Marine in lht service of Nu~ the timeless ruo.itt o( existence .thin the Warp 6 a gifi beyond mcny of the k:uonl. atwl cxptritntts tha lcsser mocub llrC unabk 10 fully lf'FJIOIC, let 1loo< compithcod in ""Y igruftant >1'1)\ an: thciD 10 exp&o. h gi\'t"S these warriou an clcmlry to ponder the gnndeur of lhtir master's for uhinurc corruj)1ion. The m:tny disc-ascs they ha\'C \\ithin them arc givcn lime 10 pcrcol3te and properly cvol\c Into ever mo1c dcndly forms. Perhaps best of nil, it muy nllow them 10 live long cnoogh to sec rot cl:tUn the: body and 10ul of the F:al~ Emperor u he withers aw;iy 10 nothing on his Cok!M Throne. Whik the u.nfoc:UStd folloWa'S of Tueruch ""1Stt time lo fubk .tnt1'1'1pb 10 find new wa.ys 10 biach the lmp< voaory 10 """' to lhjU for Nurg~ 's roosuan:tly mutahng aulocuc of discl.H&. It iJ 1hc duty :and privilege of the ~tcntns of the Long Wa to Stt to it that no oppocturuty to r...u..r .,,. """' qc1c mroogb acts or ,...,ga.., opon the Einpt's bplogs posxs by

    The bcU'lYa. If the '!'PC'""' or Swn

  • "JuJ:>< CZ!, 7USZ1JLE T .N c UVA.]')>."'[;. 'kJ!J'UD> 11/JS c.a>n_ 'D.L oan. JS JlE SET J ?pTT.r;11EJ'J> l'K 7)1 TIU: 1"/IIS .LEY]'.

    11s 'Bcnpr. "" SJ'lXX.Y, .o.,, I u.oJP. ']}1J1S l'JIJT I JSXJi'P Jfj1J1S ot1r..ctnATso 'l'".n.J"

    'BJ.JCXFP1S 1,,']}IVSJJp< JYJS ll'EU.-r!)I EV 1r. PE JIJY> cr1V1o.T= 1'JI JIEJ'DS :M1:nJ!1 ]Jl.n.' J 7}JUfJJ47' ]'l:KEJ ,s1 .. :c20 ]}IE 'l'"n,tr, 'KEYa.. CQ;.r; ,.,. JlE -s JatnrT'E "W.-11.E /IJ'D '/]IE .fll.:o ,,... Sl!71T- "" T1'PVJJLEJo:ME """"ul.1>.'fiS f/J'D SJfJLD." ,,r,..y Jl&IDJ ~ 7}1 7'11.E, >.-cnt. /IJ"1 .L 7'VSfl l"l:p.7' '""""'"fi l.17' , ... l}IE fj~E>.: JusT J .,.Ell'~ ,,,,.. .,, J/E .'-z> JEYEA TJiE'J. ._ 'Ro::J."'D 7'E>1J!JJ t1Ya,.)Lf;J ~ SfI171il'Da..JT7}1 /IEJ'J> ll\"/IIJ JIJ). .. D. "ls 7JUTJ'l''El.Y 7}n:JtJsJ>..1' ,,,,. .,, 77.,.J'l.; UJ;-0111 Ym.'n' x .r.s XE .LOJE Ctrtl1."T- ,,1', J 11JYE J'1 JT.nJ~ "OT JfiJI>."-

    'IJcir:r.pTJW-O'EV l.'7' ,,,,. .,, !{R,LdE'D J /TE.iv~ l}IE 7JJJ:. "I Ts J /:1








    BRINGERS .. Wby you _qrug;,lr so. licrf t Mt:, .,.,(Jt,, n'CI' the iCJ air you bdtht holds th< .smfs of ym1r n.'tt'.tual and nv:rfasting dtstnict.fon?"

    -Crier of the Hordes of Nymcronth

    0 fall the Chaos Gods. Nurglc is most involved with the plights of the mott3l 1t'31m. He is the lord of Disease and Dcc.iy, and C':\'ery living thing endures his minf.stration.s before uhimatel) falling to corruption nnd ruin. A noble fe\\' face this d eath bn\


    "Ht.have shtrttaal our chains of Condiff! amf cast c/m;n thtir ONci)a-fJflS lits! A'w1P< arr jrr(, 1R)' brhtt; ftrc to cxt:ruct wr ft'flgtJrt'from l/Jrir jltsb! Ltr us J'tf"lY tbm a Jf;ousamJ fold!.

    - Khrengas the Spiteful, Gr3nd Defiler of the Gore-Spattered Fist

    The I mpcrium of fltian is the largest endeavour in humanity's long :i.nd la1gt.Jy fo-r~ttcn histo~ enc..ompassing millions of v.'Orlds and untold billions of subjects. This massive r.eaJm was forged during lhc legendary Creat Crusade, ,mm the immortal Emperor led his ~rmies acro&S the mrs in n U!ljlitctdrou:d campign of conquest illld exploration. Yet this age of enlightenment :and discovtry was not mc:i.nt to be, for Horus, grcateit of the Space 1\1arinc Prinurchs, betrnytd hjs o.1ths of allegiance and led! b:rlf the Space 1'1arine legions in a tt:rril:K civil war that tore the lmperium asund. Though the Emperor eventually cast dovon the trnitorous V.'arm:ister in single combat and scattered his legions, the ccm. would ultimately p~ cawtropbic fo.r the fledgling lmperium.

    For tQ,O years since those dark days die lmpcrium of 1'otan lus endurend his rcnlm.

    THE DEATH GUARD Thoo_gh OO'-'' -coosiOaro o-ne of the Jmpc:rium's most abhorrent f~ lhc Death Guard \\'ere once counted among the most rclentlcss,and resolute.of the Emperor's warriors. The: c.-ypt'ic Stygian Scrolls-claim the Legion bailed from the planet

    B~nlS, :i coxic wodd wrC3lbcd in 11 pc:rpetu.11 poisono~ fog. As a result. 1hc planet's inhabitta:nts became rcsiJient to lheir poisctnPus home \\orld, a r.rnit chat \\'ould e\'ClltU3lly pc rise tQ the Death Ctsard'.s, infamous ability to operate in Ctn the most toxic warz:oncs. This hardy constittJrion, ~bioed wish a grimly stoic d emeanour and brutally efficient

    {ifantiy lattics. nudr j~ Death Cuatd o-ne of the most "e1U.itd.W .tt!iabfe fon:es \\ithin the c~at Crusade. i'

    Yet when Horus led h3ff the: Space fl.1acine legions in rt be Ilion :igainsrthe Emperor, he was~bJc to sway Mortarion, the Death Guard's pallid and grim Prim11tdi, to join him in U:aring to Ilic ground 3JI 1h:a1 his father hsd :wcomplishcd. \Vhal c:x.3,cdy motiwtcd f';iortarion to bctr.3y the lmperium is lost to hislory, ~et he and his y,arriots c2gcrly joined the other t.mito-ts in 1heir camp.aign of destruction. crossing into the \Vnrp en m3ssc to aid in the assault on Holy Terra.

    Ho\\'CVer, shotdy after their transition, tbe Death Cu:ard were becalmed within the fickle \Varp tid~ while n sttange and devastating plague of unprec~cntcd virulence ravaged the l.egion and thcir attendant flecl Even the: legendary physiologies of the Sp:u:e 1\1arines couJd not save them as one by one cadi of the Oe:ath Guard was O\'Crcome, their superhuman bodies bloated and distended 3S the foul contagion tnnsfonned them into shambling, diseased gro~squcs.

    YcL none: 3fr bclicvt.d to h:ivc suff~rcd as gn:ntly 3S ?v1ort:a1ion, \vho \V1'IS forced to watch his progeny stumble in unending anguish thro(lgh the disc.'lse choked confines of their helpless vtS.Sels withoot hope of escape or death. Jn despcr:ition, Mortarion olftred up his soul :and the souls of the remaining Death Guard to the \V-atp in excllan~ for his Legion's salvation, and it was Nurgle, Lord of Oisc:m- and Dcco-,s "'>ho answered his pr.l}'C"r, saving the Dc3th Guard and ensuring their e1ernal dan1n:ation.

    \\!hat evencually emerged from the \Va.rp ,.,ithin the: it filth4 CO\'Cttd plague ships ""t:re not the stoic and :austere Death Guard of old, but the 6rst-a.od most deadly of the Pf ague Jo.brines. Led by their Primarch, the U3nsfonned Legion burst forth upon the E.mperor"s Palace of TecrJ like a tide of putrid .corruption, their d~ase~ncrustcd bulks and rust-CO\'Ctcd weapons y,reaking 3 de\'3Stating toll upon the Imperial defenders.

  • Jn the-wake of Hofus's d efeat, the- Death Guard s:reated to the Eye: of Tc-rror alongside the other Tr2itor Legions, their s 1e3df3St demeaoour allowing them to avoid che dis!lrray 3nd snarchy emit afilictcd many of their tntitor brethren. Upon entering the \V3rp, they laid claim to a blighted \\1orld ncar the borders of re.ality now known as the Plague Planet. The Death Guard arc said to dY"ell there still, and it is from this poisonous rock that the Legion continues to strike out at their Imperial enemies. their massi\'e plague ships bursting with diseased fo llowers eager to bring despair and desolation to mankind. Those .insiine and corrupted individuals y,:ho claim to haves.ct foot upon it S3)' it i.s a toxic \\'orld of corruption and pestilence whose skeleul ruler dwells within his wrought iron bastion upon the v.orld's highest peiik.

    Since their fall, the Legion has utterly dcdicat.ed itself to ptoP3g.iting Nu.G'gle's corruption, its disc:ised Aeets spc\\'ing from the \Varp to spread his vile plagues across countless worlds. Jn OO~le, they are as utterly relendcu as evc-1 .. inexorably advancing in the face of withering fuc while using their rost~covcred bohers and poisonou..s Pl:ague Knives to brutally dispJtch their foes. Their bloated and disc3sed bodies ate immune to fear :and pain. ofien aUowing diem to causally ignore \\'Ounds which \\'Ould kill lessc1 men.

    Throughout their centuries of r.liding, the l.cgion h3s graduatly spBt i:nto smaller and sm:iJJer units., e:ach led by ~ patticularly d~adly Chiimpion of Nurgle in addition to the untold numbers of foetid, \Varp-spa"''ned servants thar accompany them. In keeping with thcit corrupt heritage, the Death Guard primariJy light on foot, retying heavily on infantiy ta.ctics and their own disc3sed physiologies to

    o~rpower thcit enemies. f\.tany of these ttpulsivc 'Wrriors are the same traltors who btirst forth from the \Vatp during the fabled Bllttle of Terra centuries ago, while others are mo~ recent converu .,,.,,.ho h:i~ S\\'om nllegiancc to both 1\1orctrion and his noxious patron.

    Scauerc:d warbands of Death Cunrd frequently operate w ithin and around the Screaming Yonex, e~r eager to reduce the m3ny wo1lds surrounding those unn:itur.ll currents to s tinking morasses of putrefaction. Though few in numbct,. they fToqti.cntly swell their r:i.nks with denizens of che Vortex vtho wish to spread Grandfather Nurgfe's bounty as \\'CU 3S the numerous Traitor Space Marines w ho hai.'C embraced the path of deC3)( Yet then: is :a change coming within ~he Vortex, with m:iny isolated w.irbands uniting bentath the pestilent banner of 3 malC'"'-olent ne\\' chiimpion who h:as emerged from the etemal wanoncs that surronnd the Cali xis Sector.

    Known only .as Buorgdius, legend has it that he wias once a proud c.1prain of a Space 1\1arinc purgation force that ~s sent -to facilitate the erndication of Chaos forces \\'ithin the Acheros S31ient of the Jericho Reach. After months of brutal e;ampaigning. 3 rogue plague ship u.nexpcctcdly btirst forth from the \Varp-and rammed his Stiike Cruiser before vomiting its rotting warriors direcdy into the vessc:.l's interior. It is s:aid that the Capuh1 fought \\ith terrible fury, cutting do\\'n all manner of plague-riddeo monstrosities \vhilc enduring the fQUI sw.ainns of fiies and noxious clouds of contagion that choked cvcryconido1 and assailed his superhuman frame.

    By the time he reached tb~ bridg,e, the mig"hty warriar could barely stond, ,,hjJe behind him his battle brotht'B by de-ad or dying and che servants of Nurgte mn rampant throughout the h3llowcd halls of tbe venerable Strike Cruiser. The bloated 03emon~thing dt:tt confronted him w ithin that necrotic bubo laughed at the Y.'Cakcned Ca~in~s plight and r.1ised his massive V1Capon to strike the killing blow. lo that moment, the Captain despa:ircd, crying out In 3ngujsh nd pleading for the strength to kill his foc..SuddenJy unhindered by the innume1'3ble infect ions: that festered within hiS body, the Capt2in strtaek- out with renewed vigour, smiting his. opponent :ind cl3iming his place at me plague ship's helm.

    Now he is ii Champion of Nurgfe whose: plague fleet plies the outer fringes of the Sc1eaming Vortex, unle.uhing its f'C\olting \\'arriors ag:ainst those unfortunate enough to fall afool of their disen.scd and leprous hulks. In combat, Buorgdilll leads the rcanim3tcd corpses of his former SpJc_t Marine brc:th1en into battle vi.hile wielding 11 massive moce crafted from the disc:ased bones of his unholy predecessor, and dripping with repellent \V:itp energies. Afterward, hi:s undcad "Warriors stuff the inn:umerable dead and dying into the filthy, dank plague holds of his vessels in order that thc:y may moulder in the foetid d3rkncs:s. In thjs way. the champion recruits many of his mightiest \\'arrion,, :tnd he is s3id to offer a place in his \\'arband to any who w ill bul s:upplic:i~ themselves before the Lord of Dcc:iy.

    THE BLACK LEGION Since the t.ime of Horus' bct~-ya~ much of the Arch-Ttaicor's history has been expunged from Imperial records. \\'hile v.hat little has survi\ed is rate :ind Jealously gua1ded. Yet before his fateful :actions m:ade his .name a by.v.'Ord for sedition and catastrophe, Horus Luperc:&I was wid~ly considered the greatest of 'he Primiirchs. A master tlletician and warrior. Horus was highly intelligent and ch.arism.3tic, able to inspire the best in his feJlov. :Primarchs while utilising their respectiVC' Legions in opcr:itions th:at suited lheir unique t:il1ts. Following his success ng.iinst the Orks during the Ullanor Crusade. Horus v.:is e levated to the newly cn.-ated rank of Warmiister, \\'hile the lunar Wolves~ great~ of the Space Marine Ugioos, "''ere renamed The Sons of Horus in his honour. As pan of his nev. position, Horus " '3S given over.tll command of the Emperor's Great Crusade and the hitherto unprecedented expansion o f humanity's domain.

    However, as the Emperor "'ithdrew to Terra to continue his great Yo'Ork, Horus became disiUusioncd with his place within the lmperium, asting his lot and th3t of his LcgiO,n agiinst 1he Emperor of mankf.nd in the service of tht Chaos Cods. Perhaps he resented a lord who seemed to prcftt others to \\'in his. bauJes fo r h im while- he reapc-G W glol')'J or maybe Horus resented the worship ..,,.hich hd s~ up around the Emperor as -a livfng god Many wilhili b& own legio n even cl.aim a 03tC'mon possessed Hon:.""rinJlt those lcgend3ty' rimes. Ultimately, the t rue motiva Horlls's betrayal died \\'i th him when the Emperor slew "\Varm:ister al the hci~t of the 1nfamous Battle _. yet his tteachcry and the acti ons of those who forever tl"3nsfocmed hum:anity's fa.Le.

  • DEAIH TO THE FALSE EMPEROR! The dc:tth o( their Prim.1reh w.i.s :t traum:ulc blow for thr Sons of Horu~ who had :&IW'*yS prided thc1nsc:lvc:s on being 1hc greatest of the Space Mtinc l..tgions. Upon hearing of lhrir Pri~, fate, the Son.s of Horus immcdi.aldy fell b3ck r ...... the s..., of the EmpttOls Palxoructswi1h ,..,. IOancr .,...._during wt.Kil,.,,."""'"'"""' driifcd Horus's lomb and sook the Wannntcr' corpsie in on:kr to done 1hc no1orious kadcr. Furious 1 svch \\':l.nron dcxo Mlon of thc!tr bc:&o, 1CCOmpl ish cheit

    ~ Tht legion is aloo k,,_o for ;rs ho&f>ly dlident of command. assumin1 that the run-lay of strength and ruthk-ssncss. One of the Bl21ck Legion's r.wo,1tite tricks. is co tear the throa.1 out of the enemy by dimin.1ting the enemy commander in a .single swift and brvtal strik

    la rccet11. centt.ltic':si. a numb:-r of Bbck l.tiion wadnnds: h;avc begun to opcr.1cr ou.t of ihc Screaming Vonca:, bunching dcvast3ting mids into the ncJitby sccror.s nd ""arxoncs. Though m:tny seem to be openaling indcpcnlknUy LowJ:rdr &hc:i;r own insane and gtf~inc ends, thett is one ""'Jlrband "' ponicubr, led by """ Hodn>t the ~ - ~r ind inftomtt a.n: tn the- 'll:Sa"ndJ~t.

  • Had-a1or is ;1 Black Legion Captain whose warriors havt" w rought terrible h:a\'OC upon the beleaguered lmperi2I Forces of the Jericho Reach s ince the early da}'S of thal disastrous camp;i.ign. Since then his forces havt- contjnucd to grow ns Ch:ios 1\1arines from many different Legions -and backgrounds unite beneath h is banner of hatred and nulice. He d ocs not seem to favour 3 particular Ch3os Cod over another. p"ferring inste.:id 10 offer devotions to rile numerous po"ers to suit his needs. Despite such activity, bis goals !Ind purpose remain e lusive, and whispers of his motivations arc a frequent topic of rumours and \\' idcsptcad speculation amid the trexherous po\\'ers of the Vortex. Such questions might never be answc~d, ho\\ever, as his ambitions and objectives ate his own, aod he comnunds fierce and unquestioning loyslcy from chose- beneath his command.

    Dcspitt' his motiw tions, hjs intense h atted of his fo rmer Adeptus Astanes brethren fs undenk1ble, often leading him to abandon entire assaults and forfeit an_y gains at the s lightest opportunity to engage Ade ptus Astnrtcs forces. O nly d uring such cngagcme nu docs the Ravager deign to set foot upon the field of battle, c:agcrly rend ing and tC'3ring his superhuman ad\ersaries Limb from limb whik screaming his defiance at -the Corpsc-Cod ... s fo llowers. Sudl actions have led many co speculate that bjs sole mociv:ttioo is lo tum the: entire front into a mcaf grinder in order to SJtjatc his manjfest hatred, 11" which only further S\\'

  • No 1.iERcr, No QUARTER Following 1hc Wann.astt r's de.feat, the Iron Warriors JCtn:ated to the:: many fortress woddJ th~t their gJrrison fore~ hAd .......i..n ln th< W2k< o( HONS's bdny>I '" ~ to .- oll' th< lo)'llisls i-.ublc =ult. They did not h.r.t co "'"it long. Th< rcsuhng camPJign wu .1 brut:1f and protracted nfTt1r. Afler yc:irs or intense fighting, the lmperial F'&Sls, w11h svpport from 1hclr Ultramarine 111lle1, droVC" their longs12ndit1& rivals from 1hc ~ of their strongholds. lbtir home worid destroyed and t ~ir empt in nuns. rht Iron \\'artiors fina lly rcb'Cltcd inro Ux- Eye ofTt1T0t whett they continue to dv.cll to t.hU day

    Despite 1hc many centuries of exposure ro 1hc m3dncu of the \Yarp. the Iron \\':ttriors havt" ttaincd much of thcit niution t,, th< ntunos of a>nffia "- notkraNy fr.1C1Uml

  • 1PLAGUE ffiARJNE ~ ..J .::::.,;:: u} IUf,'1:.'J ?,:::;1...,"" for. s-. 7"" s/pD"'"""" '""f'O""' _ ...

    --Pb__gue Captain Dc1poidlo~ Champion of Grief

    The l oo:I of Decay has m::iny scrnnts: that dwel1 within the switfinlg eddies of 1.hc SC'J'e:imin& Vortex-. Among the greatest of these att the Plague M:iirincs, w.uriors "''hose putrid :a:ppc:ar.ince is m:uchcd only by chelt ~rmi.n:uion and unnJ1rutal rnilicocc. \Vhi&c the Oc:i.h Cu:ttd att the most nocorious these vile iodiv~ noc cwry T n.itor litb rioc du t folows lh< pad> of clcay owa his allh. Such is the extent of the decny th:u wrnck.1 their d iseased frames chat cheis crumbling t1rmoor has long sin (used with the dtt'2'J'Cd Resh beneath, while chc vtty 2ir sutrounding chem is a cloying mWm:t o( dit.e:lSC.

    Yn. dapdt lhci< ghoul... 'Pf"""' dxsc watrion ~ far 6om dead.. lnscrad chc:y att living cmbodWmiso( the P""' .. of com.f>don and decay within sl living things.. s g.O o/ their fOul pxron ' " rrrum for tbcJr dN>lioo IO the pt0P1E>tion of his numcfOUS contagions and ~ Mo~. though many C h:aos M..rincs may dcdiC:tlC thcmsdYcs to the Pl:igue Father's service, only those ttuly ._,,'On hy C)f his f.'lvour receive the dread(ul blc:ssingJ required 10 trnnsform them into a Plngue M11rine.

    1\13ny rtiVt' their abhom:-nt r~urs in eu:hangc (cw deplorable acts of adu.l;JtJCM'I or through pxa w ith powuf'ul pbgue .son:acD and ocher fuut tnv.111cs of Nurglus host. For lhis n:On, some pref ct merely to "'ound their vleun1s so tM1 they c:1n fully experience the .agonies of Nurglc'J gcnerosi~ while f"or o'hers thert is no gn::11ter .satisfac:bon thnn to Wltch their c:ncmits d is;solve into a dliscased mlll.1 o( liquc:6c


    Plague 1\1arint'S 3rc 3ntong the most rC"\'ohrng and vile of the Ch.aos Sp


    'T/i< F.mpm>r is d


    focw Chaos Space Mlr.incs arc w

  • WAR'PSffiITH a."" filib .i,, tfJ, "'-fill-' "-amd = ..... 1o .......... -.. MM dit..,,,.,,. """ - 71lr ...... ""'" - still,

    -Ex-cc-rpt from the Slltcmcnl of Corpora) Vegrandur, prior l-o his cxm.1ion ror Dereliction of Duty

    many y.arbands make e.Jtl('nlvt use of the infamous Chaos Warpsmith who llbaur cc.11.selcssly within the scattered \V11rp forges 'llnd towering Ch3os Foo.ndrics of the Scruming Vonex. These nucabtt mcullurgisu h:ir1."C begun to 1url'xc i.n r1er inacasjng numbcn as lhc -Vortex's inhabhants ~ ntr mott bnun in th.cit wanton attada llfliRlt the CotJ-t..God's dom3in Yet

    th~ hcanJcss iod.ividU1ib '" noc ' be uusted. for me onty ~tining 2mbitioa wChm exh o( lhc1r medunical nUnds is th.t alttlltina:rion of tht: f:raihics of hununiry.

    PLAYING AW ARPSJllTIH Warpsmiths art' Chao.s Space M:trines who h3Ve t'mbracc:d 1hc use of bionics and other 1non: dcviou5 cnhancc:mcnts to rid 1hcmseJl.'CS o ( the frailties of the (rt;S:h, They arc powerful Jtl"lr.tnts of lhc ruinous paYl'CU who ( rcquendy SCl"o't: their malnolmt patrons through !he cn::tcion cl horr;6c engines of "'':Ir and the .maintcnana ol the vchicks and wqnr cl the ccnupc T ,.;,.,, Lepm t.'5:1 tnec their origins to the pnmhood of Abo, cilha- ih'"gh


    The Lc-gions of Chaos harbour many abominations and nightm11rish W2r nuchines within their ran~ and the warriors of the Screaming VOrtcx arc no-exception. Such monst_rosities o(teo: owe their genesis to the e nigmatic and inhuman \Varpsmiths ,..,,.hose efforts to usurp lhe rc.;ilm of ma111 \vith unholy flesh and steel strain the limits of sanity and leave little doobt :r.s to their true deyotions._

    The following arc examples of he numcro


    SORCERER-KING 'ObJtny r/x squrmiing magrfA. Jn i ts 1/p/icrry 1~ is purpo~ in jiltlt, thm is potm.Jial tbt rjNMW 01/l wnnirr an: in fact. 1/)r 1111pf.dcoblr hO'akk of ino:orablc tillJ.'

    - t 17th canto of the Forbidckn Tre:1tises of Memniyth

    0 M of chc most d.ISlurbini' loc:3lions .,.ithio the Sanmiog Vonr::x b the \\'rithil'lg \\'orid, a pbncc whose primitiYc: hunun i.nhJbh;ana wmdcr unicbt cont.d'llCnt-siud tmdrik o( unduS.idg Resh beneath the rnrtclk:ss rule of chc- gn:-.11 8 .om1nett Lon:k The most powesfu1 such denizens an: the Sottel'CfKingJoi. potent psykcrs ""'hose massi"'C citJdeb. scurry endlculy across the pl:anet's surf3cc al theit- rn:1stet's bidding,. Occasionally one o f these powerful i.nd i\tidu:als will d epart this decaying world , bartering passage among the VJrious vcssc=ls that tr.1,,.ene the ~dless \'Cid . Though thcit tC'JSOns fot these joutnC)'S ltt cMir own, thclr cons.Wct:1blc ~ and lorc-m:1kt chem powerful allies dcsphe 1hc :IPP'lrmt danger of h.ubooring such vile wrrtchc::&.


    Every \Vrithing \Vorld Sorcerer-King is a highly k;Jlod and le2rncd sorcerer who h:is dedicated his life 10 1h.c: p;1rh o f d ccay :t:s wdl :t:s otber pplC!ly .. .m ch< auny !:"'""I"' - ""' (D-N. i dom,;,,. ch

  • WRITHING WORLD SORCERER-KIN GS IN THE VORTEX ~1ost \Vtithing Worfd Sorcerer-Kings choose to pcnetr:ite the: noxious :itmospherc of this: disturbingly corrupt planet, an'CI m.nny c:vtntu~dlychosc: 10 depart it :iguin. Their rc:,asons for doing-so arc as .,-aried us the indi..,iduals themselves, yet ea

    "Aft"dismlxnvrlling Sey.rant Mltrx, th= things ft/Ion bim /fir '"""""" h!x1Jfds, t!Jdr ftkhy 6'mls ttring bf* c/]unJ:s of P


    Death Priests of Mire arc 1.1o-cll suited to IJfe v..ithin the Sctcaming \'ottex, oftenC3rning a fearsome reputation as vicious and accompli.Ulcd kiJlers .despite t:hcir savage origins. For thOISC: who suf"llive lhis transition, the Vorra is endless 3nd enticing smorgasbord of corrupt sustenance, its every morsel oozing 1.ith untapped potential for gJ.ngrcnous new life.

    The foUowing are vile ex3mplcs of Death Priests whose -abhoncn t practices r.lnk them among the most revolting of the Vortex's denizens.

    ~c Brood Kine: Long ago. s p.ack of Death Priests di.scovertd a swann of fro licking inside a disease-infested mud pit white wandering the squalid wastes of 1\

  • lf>LA GUEIDEISTER. ~vay biological systc:m is pron< to faihut d.nd rwnn1.:tl crss.:ttiM: .such is tbt fir~ of ts.fl flab. I, /.KtN.l()U. cksin: d mud) more intr{i:uing co11dusionfrom 11tch wupoilt sptcimms..;

    -Sealed 0-ata, from Obsm'


    Pl.:tguemeistc1s within the Sc.naming Vortex -arc se.ldom idle, often spending their rime_ incess:andy probing the specocubtly gruesome man.ifcstntions of pcsdlcnce which seem so 11bund3nt wi_thin this ch3otic sector. Such studies are a blight upon nearby Jmpcrial worlds, whose onsu.spccting poptil-aces often suffer and die i.n order to satisfy the mac3bre fascination of these ghoolish fiends.

    The are examples of Pl-:iguemeisttrs \\those mocbid interest in disease: h:u m:1dc them obj~ o( revulsion and fear within the lmpcrium. PJague Mot.her Scpthrix: Sc-phari.a Tounindc w:is once a tigu1e of great renown within the various medit::al circles th:it cater to the lavish decadence of the fmperiaJ Aristocr.M:)t Yet ti her influence grc\\\ so too did the numbers of em3ci:atcd sycophants who spread her gh:asdy trcatmcnts a.nd heretical rcjuvcn-ant.techniqucs. The fnllout from her inevitable pccserution Y.'llS dt"Vastating. and OO\\' she roams the outer miches of the Scrcamjng Vortex, her corpulent OOik sprawling on a p:alanqoin of soi!.:d fine.ry set upon th e shouJders of her seven favourite ghouls. Rheu.malicae Surpctis.s: Rheom3licae is a p:u1icu.larly wicked chymist whose f:is::in.ation with the bonds of addiction h3.S allowed .him to reap a horrendous t21ly of oouls in .Nurgles narm. His diseases '3tt incredibly subde in nature, often taking decades to slowly dissolve their \ictims from \vithin, y,hile the \arioos stimulants and narcotics v.1iich ! flow through the victims' bloodsttc30l inurc- them to the pnin of their chronic conditiont E\-cntuatly, ns the necrotic toxins take their toll, R heti.malicac begins their indoctrination in the v.ays of his vile: pm-on with promises of eternal freedom from the tonncnts of their rotting frames._ The Forlorn Hopt: Medicae Cruisers :ire common within the Oe~rtmento Manitorum1 ofien soc-ing e:xtenshe service during the m.any brutal offciuivc-s perpcu:ued in the Emperol's name. The For/om H~ v.-as one such vessel; hoy,evcr, its massi\'C' surgery the.ams and pristine- ;ipothecarioms .1o:en:: swiftly a.eJO\hclmcd with conbgion following 3 cataclysmic brush with C h:aos tt'llegades. The v.Jii:un ere\\' fought dcspcr3tely ag..inst thii night.m11rish patho~n that crammed the ship's holds with t~e dead and dying, but they could not stem lhe impl:icablc tide of corruption, and soNu:rgle's champions won a ttrrib&c victory for their dread patron.


    -SThsll, Blipt Prince cf Nurgle

    Nurgk w .. pons .,. tcmfyi& to behold. Unlike the shimmering "''Caponi o( Tteffltch, the cxctsSiYc beauty of Slaanahi weapons or 1he simple brutality of Khornarc arms, Nutgle's bleuC'd \\'t.Jpons :arc blighted and 1nalfonntd implements or sheet horror. There is no their purpose the spread of dco.1h and rontagions in the name of the Plague Father. Their wielders tt the reapers of a grim h.ltvest, :md put their f>"'ltOn JOd' favoured instruments

  • MELEE WEAPONS Wt2pons blesscc by Nurgle ofien appear n.s though ready to crumble or- break. Their decrepit forms bcHe their true.' lcchality. ho'N'C\'Cr: Even the slightest cut can bring death to thousands. rnfu.scd with plagues created \\' ithin the dcpchs of Nurgk's Carden, the Fly Lord$ \\'C3pons dispense infections and maladfcs to tU those \\'ho rtfUS(' che Plague Father's gifts. Some of these 'Neapons Daemon \\'e3po~ which ntt' described on pag: l 94 of the Bua G.uSAoE Core Rulebook.

    FATKBR OF BLADES (DAEMON WEAPON) Rumo4Jrtd to be me ortgln:d Plague Sv.'Ords crt::itcd not long afitr Nurgle came into being.. the ancient Fathers of Blades h:s\'t spent 1ni1Jenni3 spreading corruption. Their mckc:d and rusted lengths de.ade.n tte Sit'nsesof those ncarby. and any y,ho mistime: their swings find their att:lcks deflected otT its cOfl'Odc:d ed~.

    The Father o: Blad is a one-h3ndcd Daemon Weopon "''ith \ViUpov.u 77 3nd a B.inding Strength o f 4 . h has the Bile-~cnchcd, Pestilent Stench, and PL.ague Canier 2ttributes. \Vhen-:vcr the \\'ielde1 successfully P-arrics a fii1elec Att3ck made agtinst him and s.:ores 5 or more Degrees of Su.:e

  • Name Class Range RoF Danl:tge Fou!swarm ThrO\\'Q SBxl SI-I- 2dl0 x Grcnadct R3d Grcna,de ThrO\\'O SBxJ SI-/- ldl.O E Rad ~1issile Jdl0+4 E i This Ji:rc

  • TABLE 2- s, CYllERNEl"IC HOR.R.OR.> N3mC . .\vailabil ity WC'apon Profi le Dendrite Bl.adc+ Rare Melcc; 1d lo+4 R; Pen 3; AcxibJc. Ramc Shacp-i\!cch.:itcndtilt Very R:irC' Mclee: 1d I -0T5 I; P-cn O; Rexible Pbgu:c Claw Extrcmc:ly Rare Mel; tdl0+2 l; Pen 2; Decay (J), Tearing .!.. A I J~ra1.: c,u1 or.ry Qct)'t a r.;.1n:ba OJ-Dmdn;e 8/1$da a!fd! or 1'd/)J.tmdrils up tCl bis Tougbnrss &.:;1s.

    CYBERNETIC H ORRORS Cybcmctic impbnu are common throughout the g3laxy, but for th~ ~ho serve the Rliinous Po\\'C'TS, bionic devices -an: more th:ln mere tools. Every sn.akclike tendril or snapping claw a \\rarpsmilh has fused into his mettllic fr:une ctn kil~ and few such de"oices rt"main unbloodied for long. The ftems bdo" require-the f'.tccWanicus Jmplants Traits unless othct'Hise noted.

    D ENDRITE BLADE A lethal ""''eapon thar sms: to act on its own \'Olition, Dendrite BIJda: consist of many linked metallic coils each ending in a serrated bl3dc or wickedly sharp hook. They whip -:. round the bearer; almost as if seeking oul prey.

    Elch Dendrite Bl3dt: is a Mh3ckndritc. and a Heretic most h3VC the ~tege. 9 2 of the BucK CRUSADE Core Rulebook). A Hcn:tic most h:l\'C the Mcchadendritc Use (Utility) Talent to gain th is benefit.

    Additionally, :1. Heretic with one or more 1\.1.cchatendrils afv.,.ays counts as being 3tmcd with a weapon \\'ith the lisltd \Veapon Profile. He most have the M.:-chadendrite Usie (\\'capon) Talent to \\' iekl a htechatendril withoot penalty.

    PLAGUECLAw A rwisted fusion of rotting flesh and corroded machinery, a Pbg11e 03\\' I.lunches a pulsating tube: ''' ith 3 barbed daw at the end that pti.nchcs chtough armour and Ot:sh and spews all manner of toxins directly into the t.1rgct's body.

    A Plague Cl3w grants a + 10 bonus on i\1odkac: Testt fOf" ihe Diagnose and Chem-Use Special Uses of the SkiU, and can be used to ston: and hold samples of wrious plagues. toxiOSi- and other fou l concoctions pleasing to the Lord of Oisi:.asc. A Hen:ric: \\i th a Plague Claw :tl...,'3yscounts as being armed with :t wopon \\i th the listed \\'capon ProfiJe. This '''t':lpon can be bdcd with any Disease or toxin 3S a Full Action; until the end of the: enrounk':r, any chamctc:r .... +.o sulfm OJ.mage from it suffers the effects of the loaded mal:td~t Only a chmctt'r dedicated co Nu.rgle

    can wield a Plague Cbv.t A Heretic does :?fl~iilii;:not need to h:l\'IC' the 1\1cclun icus

    fmpl:tnts T r:Ut to have this cybernetic insulled.

  • ARGEARAND EQUIPMENT i\tOC'CIO dun. ~n thr wnpons of N .. rgk. the tools and artcftion.

    Eff'cc:cs: A character jnfected by Enrrtble suffen ld5 A&ilicy Dam.age each time he ukes 1 Full Action or two

    Hair ktions during ooc of his Tums durin& Scn.ctumd I unc. or 'hax

  • TABLE 2- 7, D ISEASES Name Oc:ath's Crasp

    ~OfO:-C'bA Festering Shroud Nu1glcs Brc:ith


    A\ail3bility \'cry R:att: Rare Rare Extrem(.'ly Rare

    Fcscn-1ng Shroud is an insidious blight first cncountem:I by voidship crc:v.s entering the Lo\\'Cr Voncx.. E.xccptionalfy cont:agious,. those that contract the djsease 6od their bodies converted into chimneys of pcstilrncc. sprtading a vile -mi:asma \vhere\er they go.

    Effccu: A dt11r.tctcr infcctc


    "11'< nhU! 1"" SIKaftitd! JfllL .... 1 71' a-;, ""'1ijist! F'iybcm ond dcsnuctioo. In al. ascs it ii i;ip to thr CM to drtcrn'liot: the Ruofs difficulty ond whether 1hc Rjtu3' is possible ac all.

    UNLEASH THE I:oETID I:ooTMAN Pbgut Cults often su.mmon Pbgucbc:ln:rs to help them in the .sptt:tding of diseatn> wdoomc any chi""" ., push throogh 10 the lllO

  • RrruAL OF POSSESSION Daemons commonly enter th< matcri:al pbrn:- by possessing unfortunate humans against cheir will. Few Daemons ha\'C the .i.1rcngth to do it themselves, but many Chaos SC1V1Lnts actNely invitc Daemons into the materiaJ plane by offering host boc:Hes to ron(tol llrquittments: The Ritual of Possession actu:iUy mcompasscs 3 variety o f rituaJ types used to summon :ilmost any type of Daemon. Howe'-'Cf, rathct than direcdy calling -the Daemon into 'lhc materi:11I plane, the 1-lerctics ins.tcad draw it into 3 living vessehnot :alwa~"S human, but st least

    scntient~nd the O:lemon uses the host body to sustain itself. Mu.:h like thc Rih1al of Binding, the Heretics must choose the type of Oa-cmon 'hey wish to -summon :and complete 1he .summ

  • Tht Shell influences a numbcJ o f the 03emon Engine's b~ properties.: ..SbC"ll Type: Shells must be either S3tv:iged {such as a 1:1:nk., cransPQrt. or similar mundane design) or Constru.:ted

    (~thing built to house a Daemon, such :is .-.n syn~den

  • TABLE 2-8, DAE;JllOtl ttlGIN.E TR;\l'I VALUES Size M3chinc Unnatural Strength Troit Value Trait Value Trait \'alut 7 8 4 8 12 6 9 24 8 iO 12 JO

    DAEMON ENGINE TRAJTS Daemon Engines df.spby an almOS! variety of po\\crs, many of which manifest \vidtin the structure of the SheU. This section details n l.'lumbcrofTraits that only Daemon Engines

    can~ tt'Oecting the-ir horrific ic.:Uosyoaasies.. In addition..(o the Trnits ~I Dxmon Engines p05scss (such

    as the 0Jemon~ and Daemon Engine Trai~ bclO\\), each lhrmon .Engine ~ J :iddition:a.I T rai~ gcO

  • UNALIGNED TRAITS The following Tr.a_its are Unaligned, and C!ln be applied to any Daemon Engine.

    DIRE HAR:PooN A tw~ed amslgnmation off1csh and metal, the Dire Harpoon whips around as it seeks new prey.

    The Daemon Engine gains a weapon .., .. ith I.he: listed profilc-{scc- Table- 2- 10: Daemon Engine V.'eapons on P3~ 55)~ \\' hen 3 Daemon Engine hits a target with a Din: Harpoon, the weawn"s spike ~'"Omcs embedded in the target, and ~mains there untiJ the '3rgtt or the Daemon Engine- shakes the harpoon loose as a Full Action. So long as the spike is emlx-dded, the Daemon Engine may make an Opposed Strength Test :igainst the cargc:tas a H:tlf Action; if it wiiu the Opposed Test, it dt:igs the '"'ll"' 2d I 0 "'""' towurd itself, plus fi>udditiooal met"" per Degree on the Test

    HELCASTER (DAEMONIC SHIELD) Flooding the mind w ith garbled promises of pov.c-t, a Helc3Stcr distfllCtS and befuddles all around it

    ALI diameters within '3 number oi metra equal co 10 times the 03emon Engitl(''s \Villpo...,'Cr Bonus su:lfer a - 10 penalty on Tott This is 11 Daemon:ic Shield.

    HEIMAw The D:iemon Engine's mouth or entire he.ld m nsmutes into a \ V31pfuelled wellpon capykcc sulTcrs !dl0+8 R.nding Ihm.go U> lhc lbdf.i

  • NURGLE TRAITS lbC' follow"& Tnits are for Nurglcsquc Dxmon Engines.

    CLOl/D OF FLIES (DAEMONIC JUl!LD) SurnK11lding the engine is :i visible and tangible !I urn n1:ade of mnggotOics, poisonous Wlsps; and corpse locust.s.

    R:tngI Awcks ragainst chis 03emon Engine suffer~ -lO pcn:1Jty This Is a Dxmollic Shield.

    E TER.'IAL DECAY Annoult'd pantls fall ;a:way co ~~I the: consttndy ttgmcrabng aonc mess .,,;min !he Damon'1 Wll

    Tho: "''"" o( lh< Oxman Eng;nc "s Siz< T "" ;ncr..... by I (10 a...,.;,,,.,., o( IO)and 4 gains lh< Rcgtion (Id 10) TraiL

    FusHCAcB The nati C:ige l:iunchcs sti&) knots of dcci1ying bodies fused rogt1hcr W1lh norlous sludge H O\\'C\'C r; its croc terror aunes from etc victUN ic kiwcs ali~ sw& in the mass o( auophied limbs.

    Tbt D.ttmon Engine g:tins ::a \\'elpon with the hsied profile tr Tk l 10: Daemon Engi.M Wen Enemc's "face" is bloated Of tkclcul, Sc.tbtous "" ... ...,....., rhc 'f'Wwds the D.xmon En1inc. vsnishiag im:o thc-d.atllcned ~

    The Daemon Engine g>lns """""' wilb rh< li....i p!Ofik ("" Ttblt l - 10: Daemon Eagin WeapM on Piii' ssi Any m:aw:rc w1ch 1 Siu Trait with a value .krA"Cr than"* o( the Chc:mon Engine th.Jc i$ scruck by this weapon must make an Ordinary (' tO) Stnngch Tcsc or be pulJed a nu:mbc:f of mC'tnos to its Ocgtccs of F:iilure on the Test cow.ird the entropic abyss 13wning open bcfotc iL If a crc-.aturc 6 pulled into the void. it is sbin insundy (Heretics can cheat

  • The folki"Jng Traits arc for Sl"ancshi Daemon Engines.

    Al.UJRE OF DARKNESS Str.ingt and lighcs soundscm.amtc from the Daemon Engine's shell conftising a.ald tempting any \\ho t:.tke but a Oc:ctingglance.

    All ad..,rrs:iries sulTet a -10 penalty to Dodge and Parry Tests made tO

  • T IME SPHERE Often appc:aring as 3 looping gyroscope with an ever-moving Uqujd cort', the Time Spheric channels the o..,.> 1 ; s~~dit!r\~ .""' -.... _ _:;> olher mndomly cho~n targets w1dun r.tnge and ltne of s1gh1. : &...__

    TABLE 2-1 0 , 011r;mot:1 ENGINE WEAPONS Name Class Range RoF Damage Pen Sptelec- ldlO R 3 Defen.siVC', Elexible, Razor Sharp Star of Ch-:iost (Mclee) .fiJtelcc: 2dl0 I 4 Fe:lling {4), Power Flekl, Shocking. Unwiekly Swor ChJOS'f (R,ngcd) Hc;ivy 20m SI-/- 2dl 0 I 4 Bf,., (6), Felling (4), Shocking \l{:i.rp Acceleratorf Hcovy 20m SI-I- 6dl0 E 0 Recharge, Shocking \\',1rptl;imc Vcnts4" Heav)' 5m SI-/- ldl0+9 E 4 Spf:l}', Flame. Hallucinogenic (J) .:. T}}.U JPrapon b.ts additional rofa. Ste pdga 52-55 far n:orrdct:tih.


    D armom att" focmrd from chc- t.ry stuff of the \\'.up; 1hcir pttsC'oct' in the ma1criJI univnsc is beyond oOllJ!l! Jt is JnJlhcmL Ahhough OllClllOa m1nifesied in reality can appear 10 be formed of flesh and blood, this is buc an illusion, for ii Is U\lly fonned of the dark energy of t h e' lmauuerium, held cogt:ther by Lhc will of the gods. Con.scquendy. a Daemon ths with little ca1.11e. For Daemon 10 be of us suy in the material un~'C'l1C:. i1 muse h~ a li..,ing hosL

    for many SCl'V3nlS of che Dark Cod.s, Lhete is no higher act o( devotion than to wlllingly become 1hc vessel for :t Daemon, acttog as bQSt for t'Ven an infinitesitn'Jlly sm:ill poJtion of

    lhcir dc:ily's po'A'ff. This is not afv.a~ the: ciu.c (ot those who ltuly 1read 1he Path to Clory, ho"'CVTf, (01 "''hilc: Daemonic pouession brings with it the power o( the dcnb-cns of 1hc \Varp. ic nlso hoSds dr.awbackL Occoming possessed requires :1 l~crc1ic IO give up a m~n0of (Onuol ovr:r his own :acbons 11nd ckstin Pcrh:ips most import11n1ly, possessed Hcn:tic annot rc:M:h that uJtirn.atc goal of Apothcos:is. fot an indMdu:11 p m d by :a D.rcmon anno. h1rn.stlf. bttomc one. ~ thole -.-ho sieck shon-tcrm poW"Ct a1 any COSl,.

    ~r. poncnioo ao offer an appcahog ~ to npic:Uy grow an nrcnrm-- the mere cost of OM', IOUL

    INVITING THE DAEMON OacmonlC' poSSfition can come about in number of ways. fro1n 11 tl>c1non t:t.king adv:an uagc o( a psyker'I 1noment of wcakncu to n void ship's Cdbr Field fa&lutc. Such in.stanco "Q oticn shon-li~. hov.cve:r; as the ptt11:ncc of the Oxman pro-o-a roo much for the host's fuil t1a h to bear,, b.tnishinc ch< O...- b.x1t to dx WMfl In llUCh .oodcoccs. ch< '-' own .. a1 .tso bxtks th< D.oemon. ..iiieh cruih -.. . alchough rcw indMdOJls ... mighty"' .;n ~ .. "" aD)11m& buc Ughdy dcby ch

  • In 8J.Ac1t CRUsAo~ a HCtic is mos.l Uktly to bomc possessed as a
  • TA nLE 2-12., THE l'OSSESSION TRACI\. CP Total Possdt.sion Tr3its 01-35 Oaemonic (2), Pcar {l), Unnatur31 Strength {2) 36--;; D:iemonic (3), Fcar {2), Unnatural Strength (3) 56-70 Oaemonic (4), Pear {2). Unnatural Strength (3)

    Daemonic (4). Dark-sight, !=c'3r (3), From Beyond, 7 1- 85 Unnatural Strc-ngth (4)

    Daemonic A.1an ifestations lst Manifestation 2nd 1\!1Jnifes1ation ltd ~1anifcstation

    ln\1o ke the Daen1on 2 times per session 4 times. per sess:on ; timC$ per session

    No limit

    86-99 Daemonic (5). Darksight, F'ear (3), From ~nd, 4th Manifest3tion No lim11 Unn-atural Strcn~h (.>) 100 The Daemon consumes the Heretic uuerly--the Heretic is removed from play (sc-e Final Dest iny, belti\\' I

    POSSESSED HERETICS A ~ Heretic gajns numerous new abiJities :ind other bcnefil.'\ sho\\'Casing unn3rural strength, resilience, :ind other unholy pov.'Cl"S. HoWC\'CI, regardless of whether the Heretic becomes host to :1 Daemon out of devotion to the lhrk God~ ot .desilt' to incte:lS(': his own po'W't'r, few 03cmons :i:re gl:adly .wbsctvient to :t mort.:11. The Heretic mmt c

  • DAEMONIC MANIFESIATIONS When a Possessed Hetttic gains 3 Chcmottic M3nifcst:ltion as directed by Table 2--12~ Tht" Possession Track, the Heretic's

    pb~.r rolls on Table 2- 13: Daemonic Manifestations and gains the n:sulting }\1:inifcstation. The pla)'

  • volting the Daemon When :i Po:s3cssed Heric lm1:1kcs the Daemon, it means he is voluntarily giving ave.r a greatt'f" amount of inOu.





    .. You s/}Clu/d fel honourrd. Your dwh 11.llow for my birth. Yt>ur rt:ortrr1ity .s/Jd/ln;a/;r mt ftr..'lfortdl!~

    - Lord Khanchoros Bou~ upon hjs Apotheosis

    T he Lord o f Decay attracts many of his most devout \\'Orshi~r.s from those seeking to avoid wh:tt 3'-'':l:its ~111 momJs: lhc end1m sleep of the grave. In welcoming his pestilent embrace, diseased tissue becomes inu-rcd to that

    -which -vrould fc:ll unuinted Oesh, and unmtu.raUy resilient f~rms kp dC3th's touch one small measure st bay. Some of his greatest champions might e>:ist in such a putrd}ing grace for centuries and longer. corpse-like but no t corpses. Skin might dry and pttl away, corpolcnt organs bk vile liquj&, OOboes grow with pus and erupt. bur ~s remain energetic in their devotion 10 Nurgk. They li\'C 001 to SC'f'Vt" their bclOVt"d Grandfather, and co share his love \\ith others.

    Yet foe others,_ even this blessed sl!lte is not enough. To bavt" witnessed the glories of Nurgle -and h is D.icmons is to h.a\>c ~en kgc:nd ary beings who {. h:a\'c traru:cmdcd mortality Por many, it is a taste that consumes all else, and their li\

  • AIPOTHEOSIS 1bri1ark of Ch:ios an bctomc a O:Jen1on Pcince.

    Ap indi'vidllal so infused \Vith- the f'O"'C'r of the \Vatp who lacks the guiding hand of a patron god \~nuld undergo the taribk t$nsfonnation to a Chaos Spawn. However, some lndividuak. v.-tiile not h-aving devoted themsc:h after reaching the

    required Infamy remains a nonnal ch:u3Cf.c1 for the time being. If che Hem-ic becomes Aligned to 3 Chaos God and g;ains that god's fitiark of Chaos, he becomes a Daa:non Prince. Ho\\'C~r~ if the Heretic slips ~lo\\' the Infamy threshold .at :tny time before lllC'eting these criteria, he immedi:arely becomes a. Chaos S-pa.wn. Even dw: sma.Uestslip in the eyes of the ruinous ones is futaL

    Under most citrums(ances, the tr.ansfqrm3tion into a Darmon Prin-ce should occut at the end Of a g:imc- session or during a suit3ble pctiod of downtime. S.uch an evc-nt -is a dnumtic a.nd momentous occ:ision, butalso one that requires some considc-rablc- modificati-ons to the Hc-rc:tk's dtara,ttr sheet. Rather than delay the a-ction "'hile making the ch:angcs during che session, it is best to wait until after. HowC"'

  • DAEMON PRINCE CHARACTERS Thcrt is a reason the: scions of Chaos strive for Apochcosis-Dacmon Princes art' terrifyingly potent beings. A Heretic who be corms a 03emon Prince gains a numbcf-of advanu gcs immediately, and ctn attain furth abilities in the form of Daemonic Gifts. The changes d escribed in this section a rt" .nppltcd to the chat:Ktcr when the transformation into a Daemon Prince occurs, which wiU generally be hand led at the end of(or bef\.veco) game sessM>ns..

    DAEMONIC S TATURE Almost without exccption1 Daemon Princes manifested in the .material universe ma.ssivt beings, as bcfil$ such pov.erful entities. Daemon Princes also gain a number of trnits to reflect their nature as cttatures of the \Varp.

    A H clic v.ho becomes :1 Daemon Prince gains the _following benefits:

    fnansc: his Striength and Toughness Characteristics by+ 10. fncn-ase his \Vounds by + lO. He gains the following Tr-.Jits: Dac-monic {4), D:uk-sight, Fear (3), From Beyond, {)c3dly f'fatunal \Veapons. Size (7), The StutT of Nightmares. Unnatural Strength (l), and \\'arp lnstability. If the Heretic already possesses the- Unnatur.11 Strength. D.aemonic, or Traits, he adds the existing values to the values of the Trsits gi\en 01Jbove instead. A human Heretic gains the Unnatural Toughness (3) Trait i f he does not already poss~ che Unn:itural Toughness TraiL Although -a Chaos Sp:ice r>tisrinc who becomes a Daemon Prince might retain his l>o\\1cr Armour, such is his new stature that chc Bl:ttk Carapace lmpl:mt docs not prevent enemies from gaining :11 booos to hit him due to his Size Trail Due to his size :ind po\\.fON PRINCE S PECIAL R ULES In addition co the Characteristic increases :ind Traits listed above, a Daemon Prince g:iins the Daemonic Pf'l!'S('n-ce special rule 31ld one or more special rules and Char.Jcteristic increases

    b;u~ on his pa.niatl-u patron dcif}~ In addition1 a Daemon Prince o f Nutgle or Sln:ancsh g:Uns che Psyket Trait if he does not already possess it, allowing the-character to spend experience poi nu tQ purchase the Psy Rating Talent and Psychic Powers if he so desires. The Daemon Prince does nol g3in a Psy Ratin~ or any Psychic Powers auto matically, but noy, h.:as the o p1ion l'O purchase them as Adv.anccs.

    Although cxtr.1ordinarily narc, i l is possible for a psykcr or sorcerer to forsake his cov.-atdly ways and become one o f Khome's mighti:cst ch-ampiom If a Heretic with the P.syker Trajt becomes a Daemon Prince of Khome, he permanently loses the Psyker Trait1 the Psy Raring TaJent, and all Psychic Pov.ers. The H eret.ic should consjder himself locky thal 1he Br:nen lord of Sk.tills hss seen fit to O\erlook h is past uansgrcssions and purge him of his sorcerous impurity!

    Daemonic Presence All enemies within 20 metres: of a Daemon Prince suffer a - 20 pen-airy to \ViJlpower Tes-is. As .. .,,.ell -as met!lph.ysial and existenriaJ

  • Daemon Prince ofTzeentch Daemon Princes of Tuentcb increase thejr Willpowc1 by + 10. (n addition, they choose one of the following :abilities: Mastcr of Fate:: \\fhenever the 03emon Prince spends an

    Infamy Point, roU ld LO. On a result of a 6+, the Daemon Prince g.:iinio 1he benefit of the Jnfamy Point, but it docs not count as spcnL (n :iddf1ion, the Daemon Prince gains an extr3 ld5 Infamy Points at the beginning of each g.imt' session, y,hich are lost if not used by the end of the SC$SiOn.

    Master of Sorcery~ The Daemon Prince may re-roll any f.s iJed Focus Power Test (he must accept the second result). Howevu, if the result of either die on the second roll is a 9, it causes Psyf:hic Phcnomen-a (sec page 1 I0 of the Bua GtvsAOE Core Rulebook). lf Psychic Phenomena would be triggered regardless, each 9 he roUs adds + 10 to the result on Table 6-2: Psychic Phenomena instead.

    DAEMON PRlNCES AND GEAR Although Oxman Princes wiel.;:J neu-limidcss po'\\'Cf and arc beyond such morul conccms m p:ijn and d(':lth, they do f:we-ccrtain limitttions, primarily as: a rt"SJ!t of thcir incrtascd size. ln :addition co the problems posed by small space\ the main drawb3dt is a restriction on the JUipmcnL and \\'Capons chc Daemon Princc- e:t.n tiSC. Fot most di:unpbns of Chaos, sudl conccms pale in comp:i.rison co the rew:uds of Apotheosis.

    Doe to their size, Daemon Princes ha"

  • Upon joining tflc infema.I legions, a Dncmon Prince k.J..-es behind many trappings of his fotmer cxistencc, from equipmcnr to 3flics aod con,tacts, and pcthaps cvcn his most loyal follo\\'CfS. It: is perhaps ironic that a Herctjc who has spent his life acquiring follov.c-n and building a warlnnd for the go~I of becoming a ~emon Peine'cr and a11thority over the \Varp prt'Viousfy grJntC'd to the Daemon Prince.

    Daemon Princes continUC" to g3i~nd losc--lnramy :as noml31, representing thcjr repuwtion in the eyes of both mortals and thci! fellow Daemons. Hov.evcr, us befits chc-ir-new stat~ 'he expectations on O.aemon Princes, both in the e~'CS of moruls 11nd the gods. 3t

  • Cining Favour As a fo,tt'most leader in tile Daemonic kgio~ a Ihemon Prince has the eye of his god far mrrupting powerful lmperi2l oflils nd wmiors eould gamer SC'1/eral points of Favour. In addition, deeds of excess cnn g:ain SlaoSnesh's :ippl'0\'31. Erecting great \'OX-c:tthedmls in Y.'Otship ofSl:uncsh, instigating mass sacrifices, and other acts of extreme worship and debauchery gr.ant up to') Favour.

    Daemon Prince ofTzeeotch Plots, conspiracies, and unchecl:d mutation :u:e the meat and drink ofD:temon Princes oIT zccntch. Schemes and machinations :ll't' ends in themselves fo1 the Changer of the: \.ays. for simply engaging in such aaiviries furthers Tzcentch's ends. The mon: grandiosc and compJex the plot, snd the oioce individ.WS it ensnares, both moml and Dae:monil; the greater the F.ivour it earns. Similarly; a.ny actions that allow the 'V:trp to spill 1nco lllity could be wOlthy of F.rvour in the eyes. of T ttcntch. Rittl31s leading to mass mumtjons, a.manging fora Wllf'P Stonn to encomp:iss a world or system, and granting prof:ine. know~ to mort:i.I ~IV:lnts arc all potential soun:es of Favouc.

  • r From Compactt Oanaoo Princes an contini.1e 10 participate in ComPJ-cu. more dwa likct)= as ~ tnstipor or chc- Anointed. HO\\"'CYtt, .th pottnt ~ Dxcnon Princa a~ .anl&dy to ukr plK< in Compaas of snullct KOP< tlun 20 Eotctprisc.ocunonly a m~lc- amorua of rorurol ~ the muut.ite dfccts d cbc W.wp on char flc:sh. Daemon Princes arc elW.itica of~ Oum.. Whole _,,,1,.!'Picams of the Dm ~- h..-. boll< po-. ('Ntf how chci.r growing cocroption m:.nil'eso in muUbons and ocher blcssi ngs of Ch:Jos, n ~emon Prtncc Cm1 channel the powt'r o( the Warp and the F\J\o'Our of hi.1 god as he 1ees fit.

    A !ntmon Prince may spend" Htvour 1n order to obtain O;icn,onic Cifts. To do so, chc player .sclceu n Oac:monic Gift i1nd invs chc corresponding Favour cosc~ rcduC'ing hu current Fll'VO\ir by that amoanL For a list of Daemonic Ct~ thc-ir cog iR f1'YOUr, and a description of Lheit d'f'ccu, sec page 70.

    Ce.....Uy. pU)"" should spend - "' "">' duong .sow ...... O i< bcscows. The 0.-.emon Princ-c docs noc recoup he FYOUr cost of chc D.iemonic Gift; the price has already bttn p:tjd. A Oa-c:mon Prince c~n djsmjss Cifts of che Cods in the samc-mannc_r (;alchough he only n:ccivcs Favour (ot doing $0 at the time o r ;\po1heosis. 3S described on P2i,!C 65)

    DAEMON PRINCES IN BLACK CRUSADE llotomong 1 Dxmoo P>mtt is a fundamtnul chlng< IO ""!' Hmdc. f""Pdling rum co a new o.r of powoet and int1umc

  • P!AnNc A D AEMON PRINCE A 0aCl'l)On Prince is unlike any other character a pllytr might comrol in Blxk CtUSJde !!yen the most m11tnted Chaos Space 1\13dnc i.sstill-a cre:ature of Ocsh and blood. On some level such a being is mortal Not so, a Daemon Prince. Daemon Princes -ate entities of the \1{31i': immorml and ephemeral. Just a their bodies h3\'C uanscendcd lhe limits of flesh and bone, so h2W' thcir minds passed b~nd mottal reckoning. Ahhough a Daemon Printt might possess many of the convictions and desires that it did in mortlll Ii~. its perception and experience of the m3terial universe-and that which lies beyond-an: forever changed. HO\Ve\'C':r, the cdtoes cf their pn:vious .selves hold strong SY>'JY O\'C':t a D:i:cmon Prince. at lent at first Some Daemon Pri:nct-s continue to pu.rsuc lhc goals they had in moml life, lon_g :alter forgetting their original motivations.

    Daemon Princes and Other Heretics Daemon Jltinc incorporated in rolepl-aying. A o,.emon Prince is a IC3der of his god's Daemonic forces, and has 211 high visibilit}' As-well as the ad\'antagcs that come with grca1rr power. this has the disa.'dv:intagc of his god being mon: likrly to notice and tespond to any failings on the Heretic's part. The Cf\.1 3nd player .shouJd keep this in mind, using it

    ~h to .drr.t ro1epl.aying and


    "'T})( wry J~ of C6rJM flow in my W'inr. f1lotbing '4.R srop mt n01P!" - Ar'xok the Biuer1 031k Apostle

    To exisc -as :a O:iemon Prince is to live :as a mortal made something more, and to embody chc dark machinations of the Chaos Gods. The fe''"' infamous cnoogh to ~ to this rank lm\" been givtn the Dark Cods' ultim3tc: gift, and the rcwards for such :service a~ grc:it This section rovers Daemonic Gifts,. po\\'Ccfu] new abilities available only to 03('mon Princes.. Each Daemonic: Gilt can onfy bl!' sdw:ed once unkss noted~

    UNALI GNED GIFTS All Dnemon Princes loyalty to one of 1he 0 Jrk Cods of Ch:10s ~'tt even the most d iamerriaJly opposed Princes migh1 exhibit si:milat characteristics. Dark, Daemonic weapo~ and great sweeping \\'ings appear on miny Daemon Princes. no matter which ruinous master the individuaJ serves._

    Any Q3emon Prince can choose Un.iligned Gifcs.

    ARMOUR OF CHAOS The Daemon P'rince's armour glows Y.' ith unholy pov.oet, contorting to take a fonn no mortal could ('\'Cr hope to \\'e.31~

    The Daemon !Prince g:ains 12 Armour Poin~ on all locations {rcpl.acing existing armour~ The 3rmour gains additional properties based on the Prince's alignment {sce Upgrades on pages t 77- l 78 of the Bu a. CtwSADE Core Rulebook): Khorne~ Vicious spikes grow from the armour. The armour g.iins the Spikes Upg.-..lde. Slaancsh; The :armour gleams and tcOects incoming light. The annour gains the Refmctory Upgr.lde. Nurgle: Oi.she\'e lled and crncked, the armour fa lls 2Way'When d3magcd only to scab O\'C'r and heal itself after feste ring for a time. The armo ur ga.ins the Abl:itivc: Upgrnde. This Ablativt' armour repairs automatically ar the sta.rt of each game session~ Tzeentch: The armour changes of its own accord to btuer ptotcd the v.e3rcr. The annour gains the Ccr.amitt, Insulated, and Thmnal Upgr3des.

    DAEMONIC AURA A crackling glow surrounds the 03cmon Prince, absorbing or turning aside e\'cn .the mightiest blows.

    The Daemon Prince gains a Force Field with a Protection Rating of 30 tflal never O\'erloads {see page 178 of the Bua OwsADE- Core Rulebook).

    DAEMONIC FLIGHT T ~'O massive wiogs burst from 1he Daemon Prince's back.

    The Daemon P.rince gains 1he Flycr {X) T, whcte X equals twi che Princes Agility Bonus. \Vings take forms dependant upon the Prin.:c's patron, such as featheced wings for Tzeentch, oc the wings of ea Oy for Nurgfe, but 3te 3IJ funcdonaUy identical.

    TABLE 3- ~' DAElllONC Gins Unaligned Daemonic Gifts Gift Cost AnnourofChaos I~ D:iemonic Aura

    " 03emon1c Fl~gh1 10 Daemonic Rune f) Daemon \Ve:ipoB 20 lmmonal A:lv.l'f IO Khornate Daen1onie Gifts Ci ft Cost Adotned lO Brass

    " Hellfire Gaze. fj Khome's f 3vour ,. Lord of War lO Ob..sidian Sur

    " S.Laanes:hi Daemonic Gifts Gift C.ost

    Ecst:ati~ Devotion 6 Lord of V"rvacicy 12 Siren's Call 18 Sla:i.nesh's Favot1t 12 Soul Shti\' negate one- hit rhst would be inflicted on him.

    DAEMON WEAPON The Cods of Chaos grant the Daemon Prince a rare prizc: a mighty Daemon \\'capon!

    The Dlc:mon Prince gmcrntes a Daemon \Veapon based on 3 weapon in his possession :ind bo-und with n O:ic.mon ofltis choice (Stt pages 194-102 of the BocK CRUSADE Core Rulebook). lhc dioscn type o f 03tmon most be cithu Uruligncd or Alig""d wi1h 11>< """"Ch'' Cod ,. th D:!

  • KHORNATE GIFTS 1hc foUowin._g Gifts arc for 0:1iemon Pri~es ABgned to Khorne.

    ADoRNED IN BRASS. Khorne grants his f21o'OUrcd sc:r.'ant a suit of glt'3ming brJSS :1rmou1 etched with .symbols of f!O\\er.

    The 03emon Prince g3ins 8 Annout Points on his Arms/ Legs/Head and l6 Acmour Points on his Torso (replacing existing armour). The armoul' grants a + {0 bonus to Tests to resist Psy

  • NURGLESQUE GIFTS The following Gilis arc for Daemon Princn AJigned to Nurgle~

    DEATH'S HAND One of the Daemon Prince's hands S\\'ells and d rips with "111 manner of fetid ljqllids. gas~ and slimes.

    The Daemon Pdoce gains 3 \\capon with th~ listed profile {sec pagt 7 3). Death's Hand canno1 be Disarmed or de~d. and docs not prevent the hand from performing other bsks._ The Dae1non Prince chooses which h3nd gains this Gift.

    LORD OF DECAY f\.1ut2ted and twisted alm~t beyond recognition, the Daemon Prince sunders cvcrything in his wake.

    The Chemon Prince SC'lects a number of Talents/Tr:tits equal to his cunrc-nt Totfghncss Bonus (including Unnatural Toughness,. but not bonuses from the Daemonic Trait) from the fo llowing list: Baleful Dirge, Corpus Convcniont. Disturbing Voice, Fear (+ 1), Hardy, Si:z.c: (+ l), Sound Conscitutiontt, Troe Grit. Additionally, the Daemon Prince annot usc the Run Action. t-Allhough 1/Jry "1'C 1J0< hw1:an. Nurg!t Dr.tmon Printts pmaict 10rcay t} al!O'Ws this ritUlf.I ro fimction. ttThr Dat111M Prin .11111)' srlttJ Wis T.1.lrn1 up'" J nmct tach u'mt rottn.ting his mlfXimum r.u1nbtr of ci)osrn Tal-tnts!Tmitt.

    TABLE 3-4, DAEJJIONI.: GIFIS (CON'!) NurglesquC' OaC'monic Gifts Gift Cost Oeaih-'s Hat1d ) Looi of O;ecay l > NoxiO-us Touch 7

    Nu~s Favour 14 Unbreak:ible 2() Tv:c,ntchi:an Daemonic Cifts Gift Cost All:3Re Wisdom 30 Lord of Lies 20 Spectral Bl:lde 20 Tzeen1ch's F3\'0ur 9

    W:upfi~ Nimbus 2>

    NOXIOUS T oUCH RiddJed \vith oo\ISC3dng disc3sC'.s., touching the Daemon Pri.ncc's skin causes instant infections.

    The Daemon Prince gains the Toxic (4) Trail and his. unarmed ana

  • UNBREAKABLE S"'Clling to m

    - Auributed to \\ra.mwter Horus

    The Cam.t..oE Cott Rulebook introdua:s the possibility of tuMin: t iswsrvc W dfon againsl chc lmpcrium as 2 sui1;a~C' Md1n1 to a amp:aign fot high-Infamy H.,..ia. Although such "'Jf cm b< hndW NJTativcly through the rutc, altndy prcsc:nt in the, .JOmc groups rruy want a more dc1a1lcd w;i,y or tracking their annics and fleets as they te.nt down whole .s:tors in their very Own Black Crusade. The rules Jn 1hd M:ction arc designed to provide c.x.actJy th31, from the a1uhcring of a foll in .. '3Sion rorcc to ruing a.nd corrup1ion or lmpcrial .... wids.

    CH OOSE YOUR OWN APOCALYPSE A H=IK's steps on th< P'th 10 clory .,. iocviub!y smpol by thci ..,;,..i. tow.mis th< Ch-Cod.. .00 op

  • Tide of Blood (Khorne) A Black Crusade dedicated to Khome is s brutal campaign of sl:i~hter across coundC"SS Y.-ortds., leaving little behind but gorc-sook!:d soil and mountains of piled .skulls. lbe \ 1larmastc:r's forces reduce DcfCnder Strength by an additional 10 points .after suca:eding Ol1 '31l Opposed Confl..ic:t Value Test due to the brutal cfficien~y of the BSood Cod's w:iniors. Ho\\'evtt, when a Lieutenant betrays the \Va.rm.uter in the T rcacbery an-d Discontent step of Crusade Turn, an additional Host is lost to internecine conf1ict.

    To JC':lld 2 Bbck Crusade dedicated to Khome, the \Varmastcr ~command at le:ists:ix Hosrsand at le.ast thrtt landing Fleets.

    Campalgn ofSu&versio11 (Slaanesh) A Black Crusade dedicated to Sla.anesh barely 1cscmblcs 11 cradition:il \\'ar at all. Altfilough planets fo ll be-fore- the invading prncnce of the \Vam.iaster's hostsJ they do so th,:u1ks to the sub\crsivc" influence of cultist networks and the 3flun: of witch-spoken v.ords rather than marching armies nnd fired bombardments. The \Varmascc:r gains .,i.10 to Corruption Tau made lO Corrupl Territories due:: to 1hc cax with wt.ich his subvcnh't: influence convc:ns me general populaa-. Hov.'et.'CI;, h:e loses an addi1ion;tl Host whene\.'Cf an Opposed Conflict VaJuc: Test results in a die roll of doabl~ :lS prolonged conflim grind away at the: c:nthusi:LSm of the 0.lrk Prince-'s fickle servants.

    ln order to le3d ~ Black Crusade dedicntI to Skuncsb, the Warm:astcr musr comn1;ind at least three CuJts within Imperial space, as wtll :lS some asset appropriate ro r:ipid assaulc ind deployment {eithe-r- three or more Landing Rccts or 1.uniqueadvantagc such as 1cccss to Eldar webway routes. Sot Adjudicating Unique Forces on page 77).

    fi!!!llll!lflcc rhe loevitablt (Tzeentch) 11bd5:Gillldc dcdicmd to Tuc:ntch co pick its

    abdom. a lhe Archit-cct-of Fate allows his champions onlJ# aam:ru str-ongboJds of his e.nemies._ but at as M4i.Sttmingly insignifiont targets become

    lynchpins in a Inn.le pbn SP3nning time as \1:ell as space. Ou-ring ~ch Crusade Tum, the \V-annaste.r m;ry select onc: Territory being fought O\ 'Cf and his fo recs there + 20 to one Test of any kind. Howevtr, the \Viirm3siter finds his plans being manipul.:ucd in turn for Tzcenrdi's insauuiblc ends. lo any Crusad-e Turn in which the \Vormaster takes advantage of this bon~ the CM maysclect one Territory being fought over and cause the \\tann:aster's fottes to sulfcr - 1 0 to one Test of any kind, :is the Great Manipulator adv.anc~ -another agenda.

    In order to Je:id a Black Crus.:!de dedicated (O Tzccntch, the \Varm:tstcr must comm3nd at ICllst one Cabal. vhich must be dedicated to divining the will of Tzeentch and cannot be deployed to assist in Territories on the Crusade Map. In addition, the W:u:mast must command at least three Fleets so he: is able toswifdy redeploy his strength :according 10 the needs of the C\'Cr-shifting future;

    Triumph of Decay (Nurgle) A Black Cnmde dedicated to Nurgle fights not only with weapons and armies, but with one of the most basic principks or lhc:: univcc;sc-cntropy. The vanguard of such a war effort is not soldiC'fs or ships, but plague, despair; :ind decay:. The V.'3thoscs of Nurgfc pby the long game in ba.itle, lh:it all thjngs crumble in time. \Vith a little hc:lp from plagueships. and some judiciooss:abobgt,. the enemies of ctie Ry lord st;uve in their fonresscs as they find their supply Lines become 11 vtctor for new corruption. Focces opposing chc Black Crusade suffer-[ to rolls on Table 3- 7: Enemy Rtinforccmenu (sec

    p3~ 84) each Crusade: Tum. Hov.CYer; the \V.1onastcr's foh.'"CS suffer - I 0 to Opposed Conflict Value TC'sts during the first Cf'USJde Tum fighting in a new Territory, as they hrt-t not ycc had time to lcr their fu.vourcd we:t.pons do th cir work.

    rn order to lead a Bl3tk Crusade dc,dicatc:d to Nu-rgtc, the \Vannastrr mus! comm.and -at lc.:ist three Fleets, aod possess some me:ins of corrupting chc: lmperium's wpp!y lines (ei1her one or more Cults or Cabals dc:dic3tcd to tlllrgfc, or a tlnjquc

    :advan~ such as Pl:tg1Jc: Cauldro!Js. See Adjudic:ating Unique Forces on page 77~

  • THE DREAD H OST GATHERS Although tht tir.'OUr of the: gods Is impon;int to :1 Bid Crusade, no Warmasu:r an hope to do b:rtde in lhe rt'alm without umiies and ffccta. The l~ctttits might h-:rvc bttn able to :assrmble such l"CIOW'td ('N(t the campaign, or they miib Od ., call m dcbu ...i IM:"&" lhC \\'Mmet' already armies and flens &hanks to the Hereda:' previous ac:fvc..ntuics, it is possible' bo1ster his Bbck Crusade funhcr bd"ore its onsd.

    Forces for a Black CruJdc ~n:: handled abstracdy. For ex:itmple., planetary battles arc " 'On using Hosts. which can represent anythlng from w:ub:tnds of Traitor Legionnaires ar regiments of renegade (mpcl'lal Cu:ard 10 t ming hordes of b:lrN ri.ans from a \li'Orld such ts Xurunt in the Sac:uning Vona. Cu;ddincs on xquitina: chcsr :ibstr.letcd fon::cs (e!l

  • bidden and -set coverdy, :ilthoogh it need not be a litcrJJ cuJt fo the Dark Ccds. Alpha Legion sabo,eurs could count as s Cult 3S easily ns a ncl\\'Ork of decadent nobles serving the Ruinous Powers. ln-gencr::d, t'he Heretics should recc.ivc one Cuh for every pl;inct on which lhey halfc servants aJ1cady operating. If the Heretjcs wish to gather additional Cults to their cause, they must lever.age their Infamy. For each Cult added to their fottt.s., o ne PC must bum l poinrs of Infamy and succeed at 3 Hard (- 20) l.nfamy Test {using the adjusted value). The Heretics may atkmpl this as many ti.mes as they like, -so long-a'i they h3YC lnfurny to bum.

    Cabals The strength at arms of :t \Varmaster's forces may be .suppJementt.d by the powers of the \Varp if he has :icc

  • LETTING THE GALAXY BURN E~ rht- gmites.t \\'.unwkft annot :m::aulr lhc "'"hole of m,r lmpcrium .JI Ooct The crumbli:"I cdifia:s of thc: Corpsc-Empr spnwl ....... lh< .,, ... pW.y; piottI SoinL buc tus fx fC'WCf" :tic- defmdcn than di mrta migfu ~pMck d!lt irs amotr locabon and diffiruk OJmd situabon. HO'M'\"U, die most c:aony ... ~ M- llbo ~ of t\J.-o nsec:s - .. lh< lmp-,. of lh< eo.p...Emf< Rogue Tr.odcn and '""''""'a lh< rcgioni 1.1ncipprd worlds as a great bouncy. most warlords in lhc Scrc1mlnit Vortex arc more interested in topphng emptin. and sciting plunder than claiming ~n uncon1cs1cd prize. StiD, lhwnl'ling the lmpcrium's CX1'3nsion is 1 ''"oiihy ~I, and lhc Exp.1nsc :ilso hosts imny x:coos species known co provide c.llCcllcflt spon or "+.ose death pleases the Ru1no1.1s Po""Cft..

    Bc~'Ccft Roe.uic: T rndcrs, Ork\ Eld.v, nd the mysccrtcs of the pl:ICtk Iulo. lhcrt: arc enough challmgu 1n' Koren Id ExparK t0 temper~ a Bbclt Crusade.

    Whc:n tunninz: 1 Black in the Kofoftus Expmsc. Tmic.oncs 1n 1hc ttgion should poucu a Dncnda Sumglh opproprialt ID rh

  • \\'hen running a BL1ck C rusade in the Jericho Reach. Territories in the region shoold poSM'ss high Defender Stctngths {40 or mote~ as no force survives long in the Reich wi1hout fonifying its boldings. Jn addition, Tyranicl and Tauheld regions arc difficult to Corrupt, due to the: two species' unusual interactions with the Warp. Tests to Corrupt Territoric:-s held by the Tau o r lhe Tyr.anids suffer - 20. Successfully Corrupting a Tyranid-held Territory only yields I Plunder Point per Crusade Turn, as most such worlds arc quickl~ strieped of resources and life. As :a further co1npliation,. Dc:athwatch Kill-Teams h.a\e a chaoce co arrh'C whenever an Jmpctial hcld Territory receives reinforcements in chi.' Ern::my Reinforcements step of the Crusade Tum. When this occurs, roll I d iO. A Kill-team ani'o'CS on a result of 8 or higher1 granting +20 to Opposed ConRict Value Tests in that Territory during the fo llowing Crusade Turn.

    Possible Tffl'itorics in th-c Jericho Rc.ach include the laipcrial fortress world of Kad:ack (Pcfc.nder Strength 90), the dft fo,.,-_ of Samedi (Dcfen:dcr Strength 90, automatically Corrupttd), the Tau enc.lave.of Tsua'.Malor (Defender Strength 90). and chc redoubtable \V::uchFortrcss Erioch (Defender Sm:n~ 100, Fleets depkiytd here also count as Hosts during thc'Rcsolvc Conflicts phase, + I 0 to Opposed Naval Conflict Tats. +20 to Oppoud ConfBct Value Tests, cannot be

    ~~ Addilional Territo rirs in the Jericho Reach c3n be 1Ma'R!d "" the G\\i or foundr Within the Durnv.'ATCH Cocc *W>nnk Md various DEATHWATCH sopplements.

    Nowhere to Hfde: Addit ior1a l Targets If th.c Gf\.t has detailed a new rt'gion of S-f'3CC not covctcd \\ithin any of the W 1t1tl-L\MMR 40,000 RotEPLAY lines, this o n also be t3tgeted for conquest by a Black Crusade. Jn this ose, the Glvt needs to go over the information he h3s for this sector 01 region and dctcnnine 3 few key (.actors. The military readiness of the region is a goo.d ind icator o f the 3\'ttagc lkfender Strength of its Territories, althoogh other factors such as the region's industrial cap;acily or che presence of notable fmperial Guard home Y.'Orids C3lll modify this. The GM .should also rry and find \\

  • One< th< Wnnasttt lus c'-n h "'id- chc GM nttds "' pttp> Crusxlc ~\Jp fat chc 'Fl
  • RUNNING THE CRUSADE 0ntt thc W.w-= bos w.l ""'his pbn& fi>t dw: b.K form of the Bid en...x, is time re. the _.,, 1txl( ., '* liuf>&c a goal, and move chcir forces across the CMMlc Map over ia number of

    Cru.~c Tu1TG In an~ttc:mpt 0 ochi~ it. Jn each Ctusadc Tum, the pb1ycrs mign cheir forces, ~i...e rhc eonOku where lfqt arc not P"*nt. and play th.rough key ~ntS :it \\'Nlt\'cr location f mm who

  • The results ofNawl Conflicts c:in influence the ground war ln a territoty. C>oring the Rcsofo.-c Conflicts phase, the sfdc -whose niwal fofCes won the Opposed Naval Con8ict VaJue Test gain+ 10 LO their Oeposed ConOict VaJuc TesL If a TC'1rhory h3S a Blockade Strength abo\'cO and :i Nawl Conflicl -was not (ooght iil this step, the pbinct's defenders + (0 to their Opposed Conflict Value Test in the !-solve ConAicts phase just as if they had \\'On a Naval Conflict.

    lf thcte: is a lieutcn'llnl assigned to the Territory with experience in naval warfare (as determined by the CM). the Warmasttf's forces gain+ 10 co the Opposed Naval Conflict Value Test Also note that bonuses towa1ds Opposed Conflict Value Tests only apply to the planetary struggles of che Re.solve ConAi.:ts phase unless spified otherwise.

    Resolve Conflicts After th-e: \Yarmaster's forces have been deployed across the 1egion and any relewnt Naval Confl icts, the Resolvc ConAicts phase begins. In this phase, bloody war is W3ged ovrr the ~orted bartkgrounds of the Black Crusade as che Warnuster's forces attempt to slaughter all opposition.

    The \V-anna.~k'r selects Contested Territories across the Crusade Map and ~Ives lhe conflicts on them one by one. A Contested Territory is one to .... tiich the Wannn.ner has deployed one or mote Hos~ and which 1et:ains a Defender Strength abo\'C 0. In addition, the \.Vann:istt:r and the ocher Hctetics may in\'Ol\'C themscl\'Cs on these worlds(or even matt .secure ""'

  • ColT\lprTerritories Aff
  • TAnLF l -6, l'LUNOCR. ANO CJ\.USAOE FO~'ES CruJ>:ade Foree H-os1 Cu1t Cabal f1tt.1 or LJ.nd 1 ng 11ttt Lieuttnanl

    J>lu ndct Point Co~t )

    5 6

    roll tdlO lfthc ruuh of the dit is equal 10 0tlowt-rtNn the number of Cn4:Mk Tums since bctng Com.peed in itich it h" m.iinuincd 2 Den& la Dd'

  • consult Table' l - 7: Enemy Rcinforccmeou. This can n:prescnt11nything from reinforcemcncs arriving from 3nothcr Tcrritoiy or even from olf the Crus:ade !\1ap. to an enlisting of milicill forcC$ or conscripts to defend a planet uDdcr siege. A Territory increases its D.

    "low hoa1'S (I.It empty, lirtle $Ol't'OTJ' Afl nrcw.~Jly foll to r/.Jt C,.,,Jfabtr. "'""""-'"" (illt uilou r plot.

    -C..llM:nc Am.I. Placunrill ~Im Yrt tho.: icfi bchMll., thtir 1oul1 fol't"o'Cr tou..:hrd byNutgle's mou~inl .-, t=vtn 1' thc:y cvcntu~lly sucasmbcd, that lhtre II no1" t".XCtpc ror their god's inevitlble dominloa OWf' ...

  • PYURULTIDE "Sobjm 1179'4. 1hu m.:nnr cx!J1bitunl~ mandib/q P"""'fal ~ rtjla. JM ""'-/JilfJIJ !I"""" dunlJf HAAd""- U11rdd -""""' ~"'fw
  • a vicious 3ttack -on their hated enemies. At first, the Shining Ones technological superiority gttvt' chem a significant advantage. Agairost the simple \lo'C-apons of the Pox Tribes they S3\\' no re:il thrc:at But rhe Lord of Dccny's blessing grnnted the Pox Tribes a monstrous d urability. They \\'Cre able to withstand the terrible injuries before succumbing. end uring the \\'Capons of ihe Shining On~ seemingly without p.'lin or disability. Very soon, the Shining Ones v.erc beginning to rettc3L The Por Tribes seized their fallen weapons 2nd drove them deep inside the citi~ exterminating them and b ringing the beautcoos towers to ruin. The fina l fate of the Shining Ones is unkno.,.,n; mJny believe they V.'Cfe simply wiped out by the viaorioo:s Po

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