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Bio2RDF linked data about Human and Mouse genome

François Belleau (Bio2RDF project)Kingsley Idehen (OpenLink Software)

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Bioinformatics creepy world of data

from Carole Goble presentation at ISWC2005Using the Semantic Web for e-Science: inspiration, incubation, irritation

Page 3: Bio2RDF/Virtuoso● Bio2RDF project goal is to make as much

boinformatics data available to the scientific community in semantic web RDF format.

● The main service of Bio2RDF server is to give access to millions of well formed RDF document, extracted from public databases, with normalized URI identified by a derefencable URL.

● Our vision is to use the semantic web paradigm to realize data integration in bioinformatics.

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HTML document about Paget disease

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HTML to RDF conversion : the art of rdfizing

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Paget page seen with Tabulator

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Bio2RDF URI syntax●● For example :


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● #1 : URI are normalized and dereferencable● #2 : Authoritative public namespace are used● #3 : Mandatory predicates are used● #4 : Resource predicate are prefixed with an "x"● #5 : Blank nodes are forbidden● #6 : RDFizer program are made available

according to the GNU licence for open source● #7 : Deferenceable ontologies

Banff Manifesto rules of thumb used to design RDF document from existing web page

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So what, just another look.

Not really, with Virtuoso if you can browse RDF from derefencable URI,

you can query the web with SPARQL !

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A first query

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Bio2RDF semantic mashup of 65 millions triples was build from 30 differents sources, each node is

a bioinformatic public database

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Let's ask this 65 millions nodes graph a real question :

Which caracteristics of protein were assigned to genes involved in Paget disease ?

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● Three databases are needed to answer this question :●●●

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The SPARQL query submitted to Virtuoso

SELECT ?lab1, ?sub, ?lab3WHERE {<>

<> ?omim .?omim <> ?mim .?omim <> ?lab1 .?sub ?p ?mim .?sub <> ?lab2 .?sub <> ?clas .?clas <> ?lab3 .}

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This knowledge map represents links that could have been visited by the last query.

Results are almost instantaneous.

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Try it ...● We invite you to discover the potential of

bioinformatics linked data queried with SPARQL using Virtuoso.

● Install your own copy of Virtuoso server and download our Bio2RDF data about human and mouse genome.

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Thank you● Virtuoso Open-Source Edition

–● Bio2RDF web site

–● Bio2RDF download page


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