
gloser intro og kap 1 intro di'verse various, different a'ddress deal with to that e'ffect with that basic or general meaning de'lineates describes in detail

negoti'ation formal discussion with the purpose of reaching an agreement

entry opening, start ex'tensive broad fa'cilitates makes easy generated created a'stute intelligent, perceptive Kap 1 English as an International Language bi'lingual with two languages English as a Global Language out'numbered exceeded in number means instrument a'cquire get, here: learn e'fficient able, competent foreseeable near imitated copied impact force pre'dominance having more influence than others explo'ration traveling around, discovery de'riving stemming



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A National Language versus an International Language ancient very old a'ttempt act of trying arti'ficial made up unfavorable condition obvious clear custom habit re'sort to choose pro'ximity closeness Fluency in English as a Second Languag fluency having mastery in'sure enable di'verse varied re'quire need Activities recognizing realizing pe'ripheral side-ways gaze look a'ppointment meeting gender sexual category ri'gidity stiffness re'laxed comfortable, calm posture attitude ex'change swap trait characteristic



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pro'ximity closeness Kap 2 Spoken and Written English ex'press reflect norm standard recently lately re'duced shortened do'main realm, area oral spoken Why Focus on Spoken English research study pre'dominantly mainly pay a'ttention to notice context setting prevalent widespread con'vey pass on newscast news broadcasting presence existence activities distant far-away pro'ficient skilled Differences between Spoken and Written Language re'ceiver person to whom something is sent



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dia'logic more than one speaker mono'logic one speaker re'flective thoughtful Oral vs. Written Genres Activities literary fictive, imagined non-literary about real events, people etc.

edi'torial newspaper article that expresses an opinion

lecture instructive speech. E.g. to a class of students

feature article subjective, in- depth article, generally published

o'bituary brief article after someone has died.

thesis dissertation, scientific university paper

re'view report of an opinion about a play, book, movie or the like

gloser kap 3 spoken language characteristics e'cology environmental science a'pology expression of regret memorable easy to remember conversation markers in'formal relaxed adjective word that describes nouns adverb word that describes everything but nouns conver'sation markers signs found in speech spon'taneous unplanned dis'fluency sounds and pauses found in talk fluency ease, smoothness



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sloppy careless primary first lecture speech sermon speech in church casual relaxed de'livery acting out in'tended wished for unit element message nmeaning tone group an element of talk that has only one idea sentence an element of writing surrounded by periods in'tensifying making stronger inter'active in action with each other chrono'logical sequence based on time transcript of a recording transcript written copy of spoken language a'ccount story flatmate roommate creaking making a squeaky noise brainwave idea trait characteristic hesitation uncertainty, pause fluent flowing, smooth polysyn'deton use of many conjunctions

con'junctions words connecting similar word classes or clauses, e.g. and, but, or

sub'ordinate clause a dependent part of a sentence that has a subject and a verb

main clause an independent part of a sentence that has a subject and a verb

complex clause combination of independent and dependent clauses em'phatic forceful idio'matic everyday language synonyms words that mean the same with some nuances disfluencies sounds that fill out speech pauses Just Like, Er, Words tuck fit in, put in comfortably



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bane irritation, pest plague bother a'lertness watchfulness recog'nition know from earlier on in'augurate begin, set in motion du'ration length hy'potheisize make a theory an'xiety fear, nervousness calculating counting, estimating slip of the tongue an accidental mistake in speaking verbal spoken forthcoming approaching a'coustic sound full-fledged full-grown de'lay holdup, a period of waiting under'graduate university student studying for a bachelor degree major main topic of study lin'guistics study of language a'ccount for explain fragmented split into parts garbage trash tenure permanent job status con'fessed admitted dis'ruption act of breaking away infant young child junior year in college 3rd year of university study di'stinct clear con'veying communicating fall by the wayside be very wrong a'ppealing interesting tic spasm, cramp Interpretation contri'bution part, role ex'pressive options communicative alternatives Activities a'ddress talk fragment incomplete sentence lacking a subject or a verb ex'plicit direct im'plicit indirect



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rephrase state in other words kap 4 Speech Style, Language Register and Code a'ppropriate fitting, proper formal proper, official informal casual, relaxed o'ffensive distasteful, unpleasant mainstream majority pronunci'ation the way words are spoken a'ppropriateness aptness, suitability What is Jargon? specimen sample, example a'forementioned mentioned earlier temporarily for a short time What is Code? code set of rules, system switch go from one to another utterance statement Social Factors that Determine Language Register or Code charity donations, giving of aid The Importance of Word Choice ex'pel kick out of school



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su'spension not being allowed in school for a period of time

se'verity harshness, strictness kap 5 Dialect, Accent, and Standard Language re'fer relate par'ticular special Irish English vo'cabulary words bard poet bog swamp or marsh loch lake life per'ceptions views on life GallantTed emmission gas sent out into the air SUV sport utility vehicle, a rugged. big car methane type of gas nugget small lump, round piece of food bovine related to ox or cow anti'acid antacid, medicine that prevents acidity fierce severe, very bull bar strong, oversize type of car bumper

windbag person who talks too much, with little essence


sarcasm saying the opposite of what is meant, with the intent to sting or hurt



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Activities avid eager per'sona fictive character assumed by an author heffer heifer: young cow that has not had a calf ominous threatening cataclysm disaster unpre'sumptuous meek e'mergency crisis whence from where motion proposal forthwith right away ve'xation anger uncavalier ungentlemanly wholesome healthy, good dung solid waste, cow manure quivering shaking maw big mouth lest unless prema'turely before time curried-beans spicey dish with beans porter type of dark beer ursine related to the bear family cohorts partners, allies in'dubitable without doubt une'quivocal obvious English Dialects across the World per'vade be found English Language Varieties on TV and Radio Podcast and in Films



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globe earth con'tributors here: people who write articles re'liable trustworthy kap 6 Conversation Strategies Some features of Personal Conversation casual relaxed transport carry Turn-taking

tran'saction deal, contract or process of doing something

re'quest appeal readiness willingness pose ask inter'action communication integrate mix unin'tended unplanned ludicrous foolish obvious clear am'biguous unclear ab'rupt sudden, unexpected impolite rude



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The Structure of Familiar Conversation un'consciously without thinking utterance statement inci'dentally unplanned a'pology excuse or confession of guilt caution warning Discourse Analysis and Conversation discourse connected speech preface have a foreword to blunt direct, not polite partial incomplete, half-way hedge a deliberate noncomittal statement

tag question

question added at the end to gain acceptance or to challenge, e.g. "isn't it?", "don't you agree?"

po'liteness good manners e'laborate detailed The Structure of the Negative Response Bride and Prejudice: Darcy Meets Lalita gentry upper class vigorous energetic to make your fine acquaintance to meet you kap 7



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Small Talk Strategies

gambit action or words at the beginning of a conversation

conver'sation markers signs and sounds in speech that function as connectors

discourse markers general word for utterances that structure spoken language

Turn-taking Discourse Markers strongbox chest or case for money or valuables fumbling hesitating, speaking unclearly disa'greeable unpleasant

non-com'mitment lack of promise to speak or behave in a certain way

Types of Discourse Markers (DMs) plug in underscorer emphasizer coax sweet-talk, flatter backchannel feedback to show that one is listening in'difference lack of interest Bride and Prejudice: Conversation about Pride suitable fitting groom man re'cited read aloud Sea Breeze mixed drink with alcohol



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vo'luptuous sensuous confident sure of herself arrogance overconfidence pride smugness vanity self-importance sub'servient obedient, submissive Activities de'liberately on purpose kap 8 Politeness Maxims and Cultural Barriers attitude opinion, view deemed considered Maxims of Polite conversation maxim general truth, fundamental principle ambi'guity having more than one possible meaning ob'scurity being difficult to understand par'ticipants people who take part de'liberately on purpose em'ployed used Politeness Strategies pay a'ttention be aware e'xaggerate overstate bald direct, frank e'mergency crisis re'quest demand a'lerting warning pre'ventive protective



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Overcoming Cultural Barriers take into a'ccount consider I Understand, up to a Point u'niqueness distinctiveness, without equal

understatement statement making something less than it really is

a'llusion reference inci'dentally by accident Decoding a Euro-diplomat Takes more than a Dictionary dread fear prompt start off anecdote story mourned grieved over gale storm giggle silly laugh lag pause Estonian from the Baltic country of Estonia well-nigh almost in relays from one person to the next a'bound be plentiful literal direct decode make sense of literary from literature modest here: small recently lately genuine real, authentic counterpart corresponding person eerily strangely baffling mysterious



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hence for this reason phrase saying recog'nizable easy to identify com'patriot fellow countryman put-down critical remark contra'dict oppose e'quivalent same Pride and Prejudice: Drawing Room word exchange conversation well-mannered polite virtues of high moral standards, good qualities vice evil or immoral quality

vanity too much pride in one's own appearance, abilities, achievements

a'cquaintance friend, associate give credit give praise, recognition nay no rendered seen as ridicule make fun of folly silly matter whim impulse incon'sistency contradiction di'vert amuse ex'pose show pre'sume believe own admit dis'guise covering up pre'tension claim, airs fault failing temper bad humor



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vouch stand up for yielding bending con'venience suitability, usefulness o'ffence wrongdoing re'sentful bitter im'placable coldhearted dispo'sition character pro'pensity tendency kap 9 Group Work Strategies Self-check on Listening Skills butt in interupt rudely prema'turely before time fidgeting moving parts or all of the body di'straction interruption Group Work is Hard Work com'mit to obligate, bind unbiased free from bias, fair Turn-taking Strategies for Balanced Conversations de'liberate intentional subtle fine, slight cue signal Group Roles target goal time frame period



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a'ppreciated valued, respected concept idea, theory Gambits used in Group Work: Match the Gambits designate choose, select, name Finding solutions try to reach

negoti'ation finding the middle ground, compromise

current present, existing Opinion and Attitude Survey coin'cide match emplo'yee worker or member of the staff consensus agreement nuisance irritation Group Presentations thought-pro'voking challenging con'versely on the other hand ex'citement enthusiasm Caring Constructive Criticism con'structive helpful conno'tations implications stinging hurtful mutual shared ra'pport understanding, empathy



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o'pponent challenger a'pply are relevant ac'knowledge recognize forth forward kap 10 Interview Strategies empathy understanding, compassion con'densed reduced edited shortened a'pproved accepted void of without feature characteristic obli'gation duty, requirement An Interview is a Dialogue e'volve develop ex'plore look into more deeply e'merging up-and-coming pose ask 10 Questions for Al Gore ej gloseret Igniting More than a Debate

ej gloseret da den evt. udgår

kap 11 Spoken Language in Fiction



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dis'jointed incoherent solitude isolation dia'logic having a speaker and a listener Types of Monologue in'tended planned Some Characteristics of the Monologue But the One on the Right

so'liloquy speech in a play where the character is alone and speaks his thoughts aloud

judgment opinion tombstone gravestone, headstone

John the Baptist Biblical allusion. His cut-off head was served on a platter as a form of revenge.

E'ternal Home life after death de'licious tasty a'ccord agreement harmonize match cross angry admirably very well co'mmand control tense any form of the verb that shows the time of the action chattering talking quickly veritable real magpie type of bird with a noisy cry



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autobi'ography story of one's own life wrestle struggle cold here: slang for completely

Trojan Horse fr. Greek mythology: Giant hollow horse with soldiers hidden inside.

Thoreau American author (1817-62) differ fail to agree quarrel disagreement moody grumpy, irritable groggy dizzy, weak drone male bee who does not work; lazy person means of occu'pation something to do drawn-work ornamental needlework bureau desk with drawers St. Nicholas American children's magazine (1873-1941) vin triste sad from drinking wine (opp. vin gai) hoeing breaking into pieces, like weeding a garden chatterbox person who talks a lot dia'lectics philosophical method of arguing with opposing views Louise Boulanger famous fashion designer d. 1950 mule beast of burden, half horse, half donkey entrecôte choice piece of beef lo'quacity talkativeness stoop lower myself chariot open vehicle used in ancient battles Red Badge of Courage title of popular American Civil War novel (by Stephen Crane thin way lacking in importance precious dear mo'nologist person who speaks alone



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lick defeat i'mmovable not moving spineless without courage obli'gation duty macaw bird of the Parrot family lantern slides type of slides used until the 1950's threw here: drank formidable loss a big gulp, swallowed hard rattling making short loud sounds roughage fibrous food ro'maine type of lettuce Self-relective First Person Narrative i'maginary made-up re'semble be similar to dis'jointed not connected ab'rupt curt, sharp dis'rupting interrupting in a disturbing way surface top gory bloody The Manhattan Phone Book (Abridged) merit value certified verified con'straint limitation plot sequence of events that are causally related skimpy thin recent new a'ttend be a student at

deli store that sells cooked meat, cheeses, special or unusual foods

confident sure



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pa'role on leave from prison stretch prison term merchant ma'rine trading ships, part of the US navy involun'tarily not by choice dispo'sition temperament ma'lign damaging fungus mold, mildew puzzled bewildered, mystified fret worry vigil wake stocks and bonds the financial market di'scouraged depressed mass Catholic church service fare trip bachelor man who is not married Bellevue N.Y. hospital, esp. known for its psychiatric facilities brood worry thermo'nuclear connected with nuclear reactions, at very high temperatures yield content lingered hung around neuron nerve cell nudge touch

Edward Teller Hungarian-American physicis, a member of The Manhattan Project

sliver thin piece decal sign, label



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courtesy of thanks to com'piled put together transients people staying only for a short time de'populated without people scrounging snitching, stealing ma'rauder raider, looter de'capitated having thier heads cut off severed separated disem'boweled having intestines and stomach removed grope fumble cinders ashes and embers far-crazed very crazy in'cinerated burnt puking vomiting guts stomachs gangrene inflammation lacerated torn to pieces Dialogue in Poetry exquisite excellent, very good Interpretation scripted written Activities gesture movement subtext hidden meaning



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The Prodigal Son prodigal extravagant raming wandering inter'fere get in the way rascal naughty fellow palm inner part of the hand appli'cation use Activities dys'functional not working in a satisfactory way Fiction Written in Dialect budding growing terse brief startle surprise barren sterile ex'cluded taken away void without em'bellishment adornment en'dearments kind words Budding ej glosseret kap 12 What's a Good Speech?



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memorable unforgettable catchy memorable con'cern thought, worry content subject matter a'ttention interest oppor'tunity chance visualize picture Three Forms of Appeal logos the logic of the speaker's arguments ethos the trustworthiness of the speaker e'motionally with feelings vivid lively anecdotes stories pathos the emotional appeal of the speaker per'formance act re'search study re'hearse practice Seven Characteristics of a Good Speech a'nalogies comparisons visual illustrative in'ventio selecting the content dispo'sitio structuring the content elo'cutio selecting words and phrases me'moria practicing delivery actio actual delivery



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Three Types of Public Speeches plus the Lecture rhetoric here: public speaking genre type be'stow give honor respect dis'honor discredit frame limit funeral burial co'mmencement graduation lecture talk com'posite combination Characteristics of the Oral Exam grind gnash, grate de'livery presentation peer classmate ex'ternal e'xaminer examiner from another school Speech Evaluation Form credi'bility reliability, trustworthiness a'ppropriate fitting co'nnective word that makes parts go together to create unity rein'force strengthen di'stracting disturbing mannerisms gestures ar'ticulate pronounce rushing hurrying



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kap 13 Pathos hearse vehicle that carries the dead to the grave co'mmemorative remembering and honoring a'ttributive describing essential characteristics a'ffect influence emotionally suitable fitting Eulogy to Diana, Princess of Wales eulogy a speech praising somebody mourning grief tribute praise standard- banner, sign, here: leading figure downtrodden oppressed tran'scend go beyond des'pair give up hope temp'tation desire for something that is wrong canonise make holy sanctify make sacred mischievous playful, naughty bend double stoop, as if into two layers; laugh with a crouching motion trans'mit send out sparkle twinkle, glint boundless limitless barely almost con'tain hold intu'ition instinct underpin strngthen sensi'tivity understanding i'mmersed in filled with lepers people with an infectious disease of the skin



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random coincidental con'stituency population re'jected not accepted a'pplause clapping inse'cure self-doubting re'lease free un'worthiness lack of value, shamefulness eating dis'order disease where the person does not eat cherish treasure, value vulnera'bility defencelessness whilst while celebrate have a good time, party charity aid organization sparkle shine, excel cherish treasure dis'play put on view con'trive arrange en'dure suffer genuinely truly sneer at mock quest mission baffling inexplicable, mysterious spectrum scale ancient very old pledge promise fate destiny anguish pain des'pair misery, hopelessness



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steering leading ex'ceptional outstanding chewed up torn apart, destroyed suffering pain, agony mercy kindness dreadful terrible radiant glowing irre'placeable unique e'xtinguish put out Pathos in a Dedication Speech dedicate set aside con'ciseness brevity figurative metaphorical, not literal The Gettysburg Address fourscore 80 bring forth lay the foundation of con'ceive thought up propo'sition concept, idea en'gaged involved en'dure live fitting suitable proper right



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in a larger sense more generally speaking consecrate make holy hallow consecrate poor power little ability add put in de'tract take away little only a little note notice thus far until now nobly superbly ad'vance put forth task job re'maining that lies in'creased added de'votion to care, fondness of last full measure of highest degree of re'solve decide in vain without purpose government rule perish disappear Interpretation restate say in other words Appeal to Pathos a'rousal stimulation kap 14 im'press strike Ethos



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im'pression impact relia'bility dependability a'ttentive considerate Remember the First Impression! e'valuate judge en'dear make popular National Park Week acres 1 acre = ab. 4050 square meters underscore stress con'serve save treasures riches pay tribute honor volun'teer person who works for free en'vironment surroundings celebrate rejoice in exercise train, work out ranger guard in parks ex'pand increase access entrance In antici'pation of looking forward to launch begin i'nitiative program



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citizenry public century hundred years en'hance increase habitat territory oppor'tunity possibility implement put into practice hire employ a'dditional extra seasonal varying with the time of year main'tain preserve im'prove make better en'sure make sure thrive succeed, increase by virtue of by authority of vested in legally belonging to hereby as a result of this pro'claim announce ex'plore discover citizen countryman space area where'of of which hereunto to this Ethos in a Commencement Address co'mmencement graduation a'ddress speech o'ccasion event memorable worthy of being remembered



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attitude feelings goodwill concern, care constitute make up likely expected, apt college Amr.: small university a'pproach attitude You've Got to Find What You Love Stanford Re'port newspaper for Stanford University CEO Chief Executive Officer, head co'nnect join dot small point, spot, period drop out leave drop-in off and on visitor quit stop unwed unmarried graduate student university student beyond his bachelor studies unex'pected not planned re'lent give in



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savings money saved up tu'ition university fee value importance trust believe pretty rather scary frightening re'quired obligatory, that must be studied dorm building where students live Hare Krishna Temple religious building serving free meals on Sundays stumbled into happened to meet curi'osity interest in'scription writing, as in handwritin ca'lligraphy lettering, handwriting

serif short line at the top or bottom of some styles of printed letters

san serif without serif ty'pography style of lettering subtle fine capture take in typeface lettering type font typeset gut stomach destiny fate karma fate, luck re'lease send out diverge move apart



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falling out disagreement devastating very upsetting previous earlier ba'ton pointer screw up mess up, ruin, spoil, wreck failure not a success, disappointment

valley Silicon Valley, area in southern San Francisco, California with hi tec industry

re'ject throw out com'puter animated moving images made with computer techniques feature film film made for movietheaters current present renaissance rebirth faith trust, belief

settle become quiet, content, or resolved; come to rest or to a stop

quote citation en'counter meet ex'ternal outside expec'tation hope em'barassment awkwardness, shame fall a'way get weaker, become less important trap trick, false belief

pancreas type of gland that secretes necessary enzymes and hormones

in'curable not able to become healthy ad'vised proposed



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button up arrange, settle biopsy removal of tissue to tell more about a disease

endescope illuminated tubular instrument for viewing the interior of a hollow organ

in'testines tubular parts extending from the stomach to the anus tumor cancer, growth se'dated asleep due to medication rare unusual surgery operation decade period of 10 years certainty conviction purely just, only concept idea desti'nation end in'vention creation change shift, transformation gradually by and by clear a'way take out trap ensnare, trick dogma set of beliefs held by a group courage bravery secondary less important a'mazing marvelous polaroid cameras a camera that can produce a picture within seconds notion idea hitchhiking getting a free car ride ad'venturous daring



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graduate get your diploma a'new once more Activities emulate copy for the purpose of improving kap 15 Logos con'vinced sure precious valuable comfort ease discomfort uneasiness merely just Logos Appeal foremost most of all content subject matter a'ppropriate fitting sound good Types of Reasoning Strategies argument line of reasoning i'llustrative clarifying, illuminating with concrete details cause origin, source, root



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consequence result, effect, outcome Use of Examples

de'ductive using general knowledge to understand a particular situation or problem

inductive using particular facts or examples to form general rules and principles

Logos in an Introduction Speech topic subject Logos in a Job Interview appli'cation formal request posture pose, body language em'ployer boss sin'cerely honestly Logos in an Award Presentation Speech i'mmediate instant, right away sense meaning incom'plete unfinished rhythm temp, beat

understatement phrase that makes things appear less than what they really are

in'tention purpose, goal



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The Nobel Prize in Literature 2005 e'steemed respected, valued

Laureate person receiving recognition and honor for achievement in an art or science

re'newer person who starts up in a new way Kafka, Proust, Graham Greene famous authors who have writing styles named after them charter put on the map, officially establish di'stinct clear to'pography landscape barricade lock up unpre'dictable that cannot be foreseen unresolved not solved, vague roil agitate, stir up sting hurt like a sting from a bee abyss deep hole super'ficially on the surface, not seriously suffocating choking quo'tidian everyday life per'ception idea, notion vibrate shake, pulsate pe'riphery outskirts limbo unsettled state, waiting for others to make decisions so'lidified hardened habit tradition, custom fluctuate rise and fall shift change



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in'vented made up respond react co'mmunity group of people re'silient tough e'xigency need pro'mote work for justice fairness uncon'ditional absolute gene'rosity kindness, bigheartedness sur'vive live on, stay alive deeds acts en'slaved not free, imprisoned spiralling rapidly increasing co'mmitment dedication menace evil e'vasion avoidance, being vague inter'vention interference, obstruction undermine weaken un'cover reveal, make apparent dis'guised in the form of, masked upper hand control de'liberate planned, willed in'visible unable to be seen, hidden ex'pose show what is hidden ray beam of light ambi'guity vagueness, with double meaning grope fumble stratify layer in'trusion invasion mined with mines (bombs hidden under the ground) alien foreign



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perforate make holes in con'ventionally traditionally taci'turnity tendency to say very little e'quip outfit overblown oversize outlet channel, instrument de'cay rot im'penetrable that cannot be seen through, impossible to understand dis'integrate fall apart dis'astrous terrible inco'herence lack of meaning righteous honorable dis'sembling beating around the bush, hedging hu'mane caring seep leak cage closed in area, pen in'grained built-in ruthless cruel i'lluminate throw light on throwaway casual, off the cuff co'rrode eat away crush squash tacit unspoken fore'bode predict, foreshadow scissor cut a'llow permit, let re'semble look like o'ppressive tyrannical e'rase remove destiny lot, faith recreate remake recognise appreciate, accept



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inter-human from man to man impact effect u'niquely without comparison rein'terpret analyze and understand again se'ductively temptingly a'ccessible easy to understand dense solid harrowing traumatic con'finement imprisonment clash collide Interpretation a'ddress speak to Activities kap 16 Preparing the Content of a Speech (Inventio) in'ventio preparation of speech content e'motion feeling con'vincing persuasive, believable overriding dominant in'trinsic built-in ethical concerned with right and wrong ae'sthetic concerned with beauty rationally logically



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Types of Argumentative Technique

super'ordinate general term representing narrower categories, e.g. animal representing cat, horse, etc.

penal code state laws defining crimes and punishment ety'mology word origin expo'sition explanation precedent earlier example proverb saying Levels of Arguments or Competence competence skill, ability, aptitude taxo'nomical ranking, classifying appli'cation function, use synthesis combination, blend complex difficult label identify Bloom's Taxonomy and Model Questions with Examples from Fairy Tales



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knowledge knowing factual answers compre'hension grasping meaning con'dense compress, make compact appli'cation relating to new situations se'lect choose pre'dict say what may happen in the future a'pply relate calculate compute, estimate modify adjust a'nalysis seeing patterns, components, breaking down into parts dis'tinguish tell apart premise basic principle synthesis using old ideas and patterns to create new ones com'pose write, make pro'pose suggest evalu'ation assessing, verifying value, recognizing subjectivity reco'mmend suggest, urge dis'criminate tell apart, separate, de'fend look after, protect, support weave go, move unifiedly su'perfluous unnnecessary Activities Focus, Focus, Focus subtopic underlying division of the main idea or topic



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a'ssumption notion, belief de'fenseless powerless, weak dis'gust sicken radically drastically elevate increase liquid fluid, juice cardio'vascular involving the the heart and blood vessels felony crime ex'pensive costly per'suasive convincing re'lying on trusting in Opinions and Attitudes: Questionnaire on the Qualty of Life and the Media coin'cide with match kap 17 Organizing Your Speech or Presentation (Dispositio) dispo'sitio organizing a speech con'siderable rather large tran'sitional in-between, going from one to the next di'rective advice Linking Words and Phrases (Discourse Markers or



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co'herence unity through logical structure co'hesion forming a whole, consistency through words ex'haustive complete Say What You Are Going to Say, Say It, Say What You Have Just Said suc'cinctly in a few words Preparing the Content of the Introduction a'ttention interest thought-provoking stimulating a'rouse raise curi'osity nosiness curious interesting credible reliable goodwill care hint give a clue, indicate a'ccount description outline briefly clarify sub-part underlying division Preparing the Content of the Conclusion



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restate repeat ab'ruptly suddenly con'fused bewildered unsettled ill at ease in'triguing fascinating Organizing the Body of Your Speech or Presentation topical ordered according to the topic itself and its parts narrative story telling pro'gressive going forward steadily di'gression detour non-linear not going smoothly from one thing to the next fa'cilitate make easy navigate find the way in Classical Structures subpart part of a part evidence support Organizing a Persuasive Speech: The Problem-Solution Approach



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con'ditions circumstances fairer better, more just visual that can be seen an'ticipate foresee counter-argument opposing argument in'herent built-in a'pparent clear fictional imaginary I Have a Dream five score 100 years Emanci'pation end of slavery Procla'mation public statement, announcement mo'mentous important de'cree proclamation beacon strong beam or ray of light; flame sear burn withering fading in'justice unfairness cap'tivity imprisonment crippled handicapped manacles chains segre'gation separation midst middle vast big pros'perity wealth languish suffer cash get money from mag'nificent great promissory with a promise fall heir to inherit



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un'alienable incapable of being taken away liberty freedom pur'suit of search for obvious clear de'fault fail to pay a debt inso'far as as far as sacred holy obli'gation duty insu'fficient funds not enough coverage re'fuse say no bankrupt broke, penniless, ruined vault crypt oppor'tunity possibility upon de'mand when asked for se'curity safety hallowed holy re'mind tell again fierce strong urgency need en'gage in begin tranquilizing calming gradualism slow, step by step approach desolate isolated fatal deadly sweltering overwhelmingly hot le'gitimate rightful discon'tent dissatisfaction in'vigorating energizing blow off steam cool off rude very strong grant give tran'quility calmness, quiet e'merge appear threshold doorstep gain get



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wrongful wrong deed action con'duct lead dignity self-respect de'generate sink marvelous fantastic militancy aggressiveness en'gulf affect, move dis'trust mistrust evidenced proven presence being here have come to have begun to inex'tricably locked together, incapable of being untied pledge oath devo'tee supporter fa'tigue tiredness lodging a room stripped unclothed self-hood identity righteousness what is morally right and good un'mindful unaware trial test tribu'lation hardship quest search battered beaten perse'cution pursuit staggered stumbling un'earned not deserved re'demptive able to give relief wallow stagger creed belief



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vicious evil interpo'sition interference, disruption nullifi'cation veto right of a state e'xalt raise up crooked twisted re'veal show flesh meat, body opp. spirit faith belief hew cut jangling clattering, shrill discords unharmonious sounds pro'digious extensive, great heightening rising cur'vaceous curvy, shapely slope hill molehill pile of dirt made from a mole (small, almost blind rodent) village small town hamlet small village Gentile non-Jew Animal Farm endnu ikke gloseret



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The Problem-Solution Structure of a Political Speech benefit be rewarded con'ditions state, situation ex'tent size, range im'proved made better an'ticipate foresee ver'batim word for word kap 18 Wording Your Speech or Presentation (Elocutio) elo'cutio wording of a speech merely only dis'solve melt tissue skin in'satiable limitless de'vour eat quickly



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urban of the city habitable livable preser'vationist ecologist bough branch a-'land on land Word Choice vi'vacious lively im'promptu unprepared, spontaneous the'saurus book listing synonyms and antonyms fa'cilitate make easier What is Rhetoric zero in zoom in de'vice tool influ'ential on important, significant to The Rhetorical Tool of Comparison generate create a'dorn decorate heighten raise, increase

metaphor implied comparison, word or phrase ued to describe something else

concept idea ex'pressiveness eloquence, clarity



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simile comparison using "like" or "as" literal factual im'plied indirect incident episode species type finch small song bird fairly somewhat Field Guide title of a manual of bird identification rump buttocks, behind raspberry type of fruit de'cisive key word, crucial Interpretation emulate imitate, match genus type species sort super'ordinate of higher rank hypernym superordinate car'niverous meat-eating purr make low vibrating sound Definitions that Include Comparisons dis'tinction special characteristics solitary lonely moaner complainer a'ppreciate recognize nick nack small exhibited item, curiosity



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plank straight piece of wood stud macho-man pro'pel cause to move forward The Rhetorical Tool of Repetition bi'opic biographical film culminate end weave hand-make fabric cloth material made by weaving or knitting untoucha'bility the state of outcasts de'fy confront, rebel against in'flame arouse, ignite firmness steadfastness poverty state of being poor homespun cloth woven at home dignity self-respect Interpretation clue key word and phrase allite'ration repetition of sound in the beginning of words rhetorical question a question asked for effect rather than to be answered a'llusion reference Selected Rhetorical Devices



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rhe'torical figure use of language for special effect paradox seeming contradiction personifi'cation applying human attributes to non-human things attribute property, distinction im'plore beg

a'postrophe directly addressing another type of audience in the middle of a speech

para'lipsis correcting yourself Parataxis, Three-part Lists, and Contrastive Pairs para'taxis series of successive short independent clauses hypo'taxis series of many dependent clauses

three-part list placing three sections or parts of similar structure or content within the same vicinity

contrastive pairs setting contrasts up against each other in pairs an'tithesis parallel construction of opposites Symploce: An Advanced Rhetorical Tool of Sound Repetition delibe'ration reflection, care sym'ploce repetition of first and last word or words



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Be Careful with Exaggerations e'xaggerate overstate, inflate hy'perbole exaggeration used for comic or serious effect li'totes deliberate understatement irony stating the opposite of what is intended sarcasm irony with the intent to sting or hurt Activities giant gigantic, colossal Chief head of a tribe Creek name of an American Indian tribe re'quest ask crib container for food con'duct lead e'xert make a big effort pre'vent avoid harm hurt con'tend challenge weep cry mis'fortune bad luck animate make somebody full of vigor and energy raised grown gene'rosity kindness, big heartedness kap 19 Practicing Your Speech (Memoria)



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me'moria practicing a speech im'promptu on the spot, spontaneous, unprepared de'livery the way in which somebody speaks genuine true, honest con'siderable a lot of Practice, Practice, Practice appre'hensive anxious benefit advantage im'prove make better

e'nunciate say or pronounce words clearly

trait characteristic Types of Manuscripts circumstance condition memorize learn by heart cue key word, clue vi'vacious lively a'ttentive to caring about preferable to more suitable than



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con'sider think about re'place exchange re'vise change A Speaking Outline with Delivery Cues in'tention plan, goal re'hearse practice visual illustration, chart framework construction inden'tations different margins bent curved arrow mark, dart modulate alter, change pitch sound, tone slightly a little elevated above normal, superior grim foul, ugly innovative creative re'sourceful capable devi'ation departure



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Visual Aids aid help type type of letters limited restricted survey read, look over ab'sorb take in Timing Your Speech or Presentation equally just as emphasis underlining a'chieved optained, gotten into'nation rise and fall of the voice di'vert turn away e'liminate take out Voice Exercises flexible stretchy re'laxed stress-free e'nunciate pronounce, speak Breathing abdomen stomach collarbone one of two bones that go from the neck to the shoulder



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Shoulder, Neck, and Jaw ex'hale breathe out Lip Stretches re'tract gather pinched small Tongue Stretches tenderize make soft strain tense Tongue Twisters e'xaggerate overdo, do something too much gradually by and by biscuit small dry cake grazing eating grass peck measurement ab. 9 litres pickled preserved in vinegar Recitation Skills



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re'cite say aloud en'hance improve What Is Emphasis emphasize underline, stress im'ply state indirectly previous the one before What is Pitch fail to do not alternate shift un'fortunately sadly per'ceive consider odd strange dull boring sce'nario setting con'fusing unclear shift change impact effect secondary less con'viction strong belief empathy compassion sensi'tivity feeling



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Cold Water Flat conquer defeat, triumph over Theseus Greek hero mazed trapped in a labyrinth minotaur mythological animal Ari'adne Theseus' love smog air polllution visionary far-seeing, prophetic victor conqueror dulled lessened re'verberate echo airshaft hole to let air through a'mazed surprised stalk follow stealthily maid virgin de'vour eat passageway small road rein'forced extra strong con'fine imprison Tsunami tsu'nami huge sea wave crash smash into wrapped covered tear make holes foaming with a mass of small bobbles, frothing mouths mouthfuls Sea Calm



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What is Modulation? modulate change voice quality The God of Small Things con'sistency uniformity dumping letting go pre'side rule en'gender give birth to famine food crisis coup d’é'tat overthrow of government pictu'resque colorful, pretty summon up call forth orna'mental for decorative purposes wilt wither Interpretation access to contact with trend development Activities narrative storytelling progress advance kap 20



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Speech Delivery (Actio) knowledgeable informed startle shock ex'pression manner of speaking en'hance improve Advice on Speech Delivery schedule planned program main'tain keep shuffle drag your feet pace move quickly back and forth slouching bending over forward

fiddling touching or moving something with your hands

poised balanced Dealing wtih Nervousness a'pologize make excuses e'liminate take away e'quipment gear, instruments con'vert change diaphragm stomach



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Speech Analysis and Evaluation Severn Suzuki environ'mental ecological a'genda plan, purpose go ex'tinct disappear forever delegate representative tre'mendous enormous a'ttend participate in pri'ority main concern Barack Obama endnu ikke gloseret BETA-V


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