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Beta test iphone comments:Front page:. Title is ViralVideos title is missing a V for the Viral. Likewise for under the text Todays Feature Vireal Videos. I assume this might be because the V might have some fancy picture.. White background, black text, blue links. No images or anything fancy. Looks like it is still under development. . A random black circle. Tried tapping it. Nothing. .All text are arranged left.

[Tried it several more times. Gave me what I assume is the correct look. Doesnt look to be an issue.]

. Clicked all categories and took me to a vastly different looking page.

. Load more seems to be working fine. Loads automatically when I scroll down to the bottom giving me 10 videos. A closer look at. There seems to a repeat of recommended videos after the 21st video. These are the same 10 videos and are all in the same order:One Direction Night ChangesStar Wars: Episode VIIJurassic World Official TrailerEminem Guts Over Fear ft. SiaClash of Clains: Revenge (Official TVFurious 7 Official Trailer (HD) Nicki Minaj _ Only (Lyric) ft. Drake, LilGD X TAEYANG GOOD BOY M/V10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a WomanCalvin Harris Outside ft. Ellie .Searching by popularity works well and would bring you a different list of videos each time you load more rather than the recycled 10 when at default. Im not sure if sort by date works because there are no dates for the video information. Perhaps add this.

. Tapped on the icon on the upper left to bring on a list of different categories. Tapped on it again to get rid of it. Consistent 5 second delay; maybe add a loading animation to prevent users from constantly tapping it.

Used drag option instead which was far more quicker. Also when Im on a video page the side bar loads almost Instantly when I tap on the upper left icon. When accessing the pages for the individual categories the side bar loads much more quickly. . When scrolling up and down the side bar list the highlight (light grey colour) that tracks your finger placement is all over the place and doesnt keep up. Id rather there be none to make it less distracting. . When pulling out the side bar I was initially confused as to how I did it then I saw a red bar near the bottom left. I thought this was just part of the design near the title. Perhaps make it a little more obvious with text. There may be an issue when there is a red background. Also when you pull out the side bar the red becomes faded and less conspicuous. I would rather it remain its original red colour so users dont get confused where to collapse the side bar. . Tapping on search icon extends a search bar quite quickly. However the movement doesnt appear all that smooth when it extends, likewise when it retracts. . When clicking on a video (Nie draznij Modliski) the video loaded relatively quickly (2-3 seconds) however the image below took over a minute to completely load. Videos play fine; no issue.

Tried clicking the same video again. Image loading was almost instant. Tried it several times, same result.Id rather there be no images considering how it is the exact same as what is seen in the unplayed video above. . I have concern about how much space the videos take up on the screen. The scrolling isnt responsive at all times (which is usually the case with this phone) which may lead to double tapping. Perhaps reserve room on the side for a scroll bar. Scrolling up quickly (after you have loaded more quite a bit of videos leads to page freezing for Clicking the loading button while it is loading stops you from scrolling up until the new videos have loaded. Note I experienced this after a substantial amount of load mores have been done. . At 1:38 the loading went incredibly slow. Not sure. Moving from Film and Animation category (which loads pretty quickly) back to all category takes a long time. 1 minute +. When the page appears but has not completed loaded, i.e. the blue bar has not reached the end, you have to wait a while longer in order to scroll properly, otherwise it is almost impossible to scroll where you want due to the delays. Tried this several times and also moving from music category to all categories; similar results. At one point it actually took me out of safari back to my homescreen.

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