
Best Ways to Get Rid of Dark Circles for Men

In men, the dark circles under eyes might be a result of inadequate sleep, cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption, nasal congestion, sun exposure and allergies. Also, dark circles might be due to aging. When your skin becomes thinner, the veins beneath the eyes might seem darker. Dark circles might be trickier for men to hide since women can always cover the dark circlers using makeup or concealer. For men, the best way to get rid of dark circles is by trying some home remedies that can reduce the dark circles under eyes.

First Step

Put some cold compress over your eyes. Any cold compress, such as an ice-filled clean washcloth, can constrict blood vessels beneath the skin that can make your eyes look brighter. Also, a cold compress can reduce the swelling and minimize the appearance of sagging and puffy eyes.

Second Step

Try to get sufficient sleep. Target about seven to eight sleep hours every night in order to get rid of dark circles.

Third Step

Protect not just your face but also your eyes from the harsh rays of the sun. Skin pigmentation might result from sun exposure and this can make dark circles under eyes to look even worse. Wear sunglasses as well as protect your face with sunscreen in case you will be exposed under the sun.

Fourth Step

Use saline spray for rinsing your sinuses. Nasal congestion can make your veins between the nose and eyes darker. Spray the saline nasal spray in your nose within the day to get rid of nasal congestion.

Fifth Step

Avoid allergens and take antihistamines as much as possible. Avoid dogs in case their presence makes your eyes itchy and watery. You can use some over the counter antihistamine to combat environmental allergens that can lessen swelling as well as dark circles under eyes.

Sixth Step

You can ask your dermatologist if laser therapy can help. For those stubborn dark circles that never go away, one great way to get rid of dark circles is laser treatment that can re-pigment the under eye skin to make your eyes look brighter.

Men also suffer from dark circles under eyes and some of the things that you can actually do is to stop drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes. There are also instances when dark circles are signs that you might actually have a serious illness. To get rid of dark circles and any underlying problem, make sure to consult your physician as soon as possible.

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