  • 8/14/2019 Best Quotes from 2002 Musings


    Best Quotes from 2002 Musings

    18 November 2002

    Since the writings have been so abundant since the beginning of the year, I thought it might

    be interesting to take some time and select the best of the best quotes that have comethrough to date this year. The intent was to provide a very fine filter to bring forth the

    true gems that have been expressed in 2002. ENJOY!


    1 - Reality is created not so much by what happens as by what meaning we assign to what


    2 - We are gods in becoming ... but we are not gods in fact yet.

    3 - If there is one area of your life that is most worth examining ... that will cause the biggest

    difference in your life and the reality that you experience, this is it, BELIEFS! This is where thegreatest benefit results from the effort expended. This is where we attack the cause directly,

    rather than only dealing with the symptoms.

    4 - Awareness is the most important thing in the world. It is the only thing that we carry forwardfrom one lifetime to the next.

    5 - It seems that our spiritual job is something that we must volunteer for, something that wechoose to do because we must, because we are driven to do it as the very expression of whom

    that we are.

    6 - Thought forms are entities with lives of their own. It is thought forms that create physicalforms. If we want to change society, that is the place to start, with more empowering thought


    7 - When we come from a sense of awareness that we are all ONE, everyones troubles are our

    collective troubles.

    8 - It is amazing how much difference a person can make when they commit to making adifference with their life.

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    9 - Each of us is a unique aspect of the one consciousness ... a unique facet of the same diamond.

    10 - Spirit learns from every experience, every success and every failure.

    11 - The world may be a big place, but our self is a much smaller domain, in which we have the

    authority to do what we will and be whom we are and become what we are capable of becoming.

    12 - The acorn knows exactly what it takes to become a mighty oak tree ... all it takes is the right

    environment to nurture its growth. Similarly the seed of spirit or consciousness that sparked us,knows exactly what we are meant to grow to be and how to get us there.

    13 - We are wasteful of our most important natural resource; the talents, abilities, and creativeenergies of our people.

    14 - Knowledge seems to grow best where it is open and free.

    15 - Everything is known by the collective consciousness, and it will ensure that what needs tobe revealed is revealed to those with a need to know.

    16 - See a need and fill it ... that is the key to economic success. Hmm ... that seems to be whatthe spiritual directive calls for as well, to provide ones services to help fill the needs of society.

    17 - The saying "I'll believe it when I see it" comes to mind. But reality creation reverses this:

    you will see it when you believe it.

    18 - What we know ourselves to be is only a fraction of what we truly are ... and probably a

    small fraction at that.

    19 - At this moment, I AM THAT I AM, spirit expressing in flesh to the greatest degree possible

    in this moment.

    20 - It is for us to recognize that we are in bondage before we can remove the shackles that hold

    us back from being all that we could be.

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    21 - The workings of consciousness are indeed mysterious, and rightly so. Consciousness

    springs from the unknown, and perhaps the unknowable. It seems that no matter how far we

    expand, and how many awakenings we undergo, there is always more.

    22 - Questions are one of the tools we consciously use to focus our awareness on what we mostneed to know.

    23 - This is how abundance is created in the world ... individually we must create more than we

    consume in terms of goods and services.

    24 - One of the key behaviors that becomes more conscious with awakening is cooperation. We

    find that we cooperate to co-create the reality that we choose to experience.

    25 - There is always an element of the unknown present in everything we do. This makes life the

    wonder and mystery that it is.

    26 - The right ideas expressed in the right way at the right time can indeed change the world.

    27 - If we can imagine it, if we can create an ideal, then we can take action to manifest it in

    flesh. It is all a matter of focus, attention, belief, and action in accord with our beliefs.

    28 - The power of cooperative effort is truly exponential.

    29 - As citizens, we owe something to our fellow citizens.

    30 - We are individually and collectively responsible for everything that we experience.

    31 - Everywhere around me is a synchronistic order that defies explanation other than that it isthe very nature of spirit expressing in flesh.

    32 - We each see and experience the world in a manner that provides the impetus and

    environment for our growth as human beings and as spiritual beings expressing in flesh.

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    33 - Everyone is doing their best, given their understanding, abilities, and the circumstances in

    which they find themselves.

    34 - The bottom line is that the power of love is far greater than that of fear if only we allow

    ourselves the freedom to express it.

    35 - Being different takes extensive work and an innate trust in self to express in a manner that isright for us, regardless of how it appears to the world.

    36 - As we become more aware, it seems that we take on more and more obligations ... not

    because they are forced on us, but because we freely choose to recognize our responsibilities.

    37 - A true society should develop the unique gifts and talents of its individuals and encouragetheir expression in ways that provide benefit to society.

    38 - There is an intelligence designing and creating the events in our world including the

    thoughts that are experienced by each individual.

    39 - There is a grand plan for the unfoldment of consciousness and each of us have roles in

    executing this plan.

    40 - Anytime people choose to be of service to others, the net effect on the world is positive. Thegreater the service, the more the benefit.

    41 - I have seen what happens when conscious, subconscious, and superconscious work together

    ones life. The creativity that is unleashed is truly phenomenal.


    42 - There is something exciting about living on the edge of the unknown.

    43 - We live in an information age. The ability to generate information and make it freelyavailable electronically to others is one of the main benefits of living in this day and age.

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    44 - Collectively, we have a great deal of resources at our disposal ... the greatest of these being

    the talents and abilities of the individuals in society.

    45 - We need to see a shift from ME to WE, in how individuals express in the world. Selfish

    interests need to be replaced by selfless service.

    46 - Jointly, we have a Brave New World to face ... better yet to create.

    47 - This is what the economy should do for us in society ... provide the means for exchanging

    our time and talents for the goods and services that we need to live creative, productive, useful,

    meaningful, abundant, fulfilling, and happy lives.

    48 - When we tap source, we also tap into the great reservoir of cooperative effort that liesbeneath everything that we experience. Because of this, things are orchestrated without ushaving to even try to make them so.

    49 - There is something wonderful about creative expression. It involves every aspect of ones

    being, allowing us to express whom that we truly are in ways that no other endeavor allows.

    50 - We get what we focus our energy, attention, and resources on. It is that simple.

    51 - To make progress in any area of knowledge, we must choose to apply extensive effort in thatarea. In general, the more effort and resources, the more progress.

    52 - Everything is spirit. Everything is godstuff.

    53 - We intuitively know what we are here to do, and what rules we need to play by as we


    54 - Beliefs are the playground for reality creation. They are not absolute. The test of

    whether they are right is utility ... do they serve not only you but all concerned?

    55 - When it comes down to the bottom line, service is all that truly matters. I was going to saylove, but that alone is not enough ... love needs to be expressed and appliedin some manner.

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    56 - Ultimately it is what we give of ourselves that makes the difference in the world. However,

    we must remember that what we give comes not from us but through us.

    57 - You can never do too much or be too much, especially if you maintain the awareness that itis spirit doing the works through you, and her supplies are inexhaustible.

    58 - We create our own reality ... everyone of us, all of the time, no exceptions, no fine print.

    59 - We are each powerful souls, regardless of what our present physical form may indicate.

    60 - Spirit ensures that we get what we need ... ALWAYS. That is how the game works. That is

    how the process of manifesting in flesh works. Needs are always met, no matter what they are.

    61 - There is a joyous exuberance that comes through when we are living the life we are meant to


    62 - This is the key, we are all artists creating what we will on the canvas of our life.

    63 - I have found it very useful to stay open to all sources of wisdom ... from wherever theymight come.

    64 - Together we can do far more than the sum of what we can do individually. That is the secret

    power of synergy. Wherever two or more are gathered and work together ... great things can

    result from the union.

    65 - Ultimately giving of ourselves and sharing whom that we are is what truly matters in the


    66 - We are creators bringing the stuff of our dreams and imagination down to Earth.

    67 - We are the consciousness of the Earth; evolved into human form over many millennia, or

    even millions of years.

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    68 - In a world of unity, things simply unfold as the opening of a flower to the Sun.

    69 - One cannot be exemplary without being willing to take on some risk, and greater

    responsibility. It goes with the territory. This is what leaders do.

    70 - We live in an information age. To be effective in this age, we must develop sophisticated

    communications skills that allow us to access, collect, process, filter, make connections between,generate, and disseminate information.

    71 - It helps to operate from an attitude of gratitude. It makes a world of difference in our lives.

    There is always something for which to be grateful, even if it is only for life itself.

    72 - The past is history ... his story. The future is herstory, the story of consciousness inexpression in the world.

    73 - What matters most is here and now, what is right in front of us, and what is within our reach

    and grasp. That is where we can make a difference.

    74 - I think in terms of the mind being a chalkboard or a slate. When it is blank, it provides an

    opportunity for creative expression to fill the emptiness. When it is full, there is no room for

    further expression.

    75 - Ever increasing awareness is the name of the game. We do this by finding our limits and

    breaking through them into a new awareness of reality.

    76 - Music is definitely one of the vehicles through which consciousness sings her song.

    77 - Everything is spirit and its expression. Yes, everything ... there literally is nothing else save


    78 - The goal is to intentionally create an order that allows synergy to manifest ... that allows thecollective to create and express more than the sum of the individuals operating alone can do ...

    preferably far more.

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    79 - Along with seeing more and being more, comes the responsibility to share and express more.

    80 - We are the eyes and ears of God, the arms and legs of God, and the brain and heart of God ...

    yes, all 5 billion plus of us humans, but also every other lifeform, and non-lifeform that exists.

    81 - Without us, there would be no means of experiencing the limitations of the illusion of reality

    ... of the creation.

    82 - All creation is the breath of God, the sound, the Word of God made physical and flesh.

    83 - All of life is a highly orchestrated and cooperative endeavor ... despite what it appears to be

    on the outside alone.

    84 - Spirit never gives us gifts unless there is a task for which the gifts are needed. Along with

    the gifts comes a sacred responsibility to use them in the service of spirit, and ultimately of allhumankind ... or better yet, all life.

    85 - What we love to do will be those things that allow us to elegantly engage our gifts and

    talents in ways that make a difference in our world.

    86 - Whatever moves you is right for you ... engage in it and pursue it to your hearts desire so

    long as it harms no one.

    87 - I am the awareness that experiences what I experience and that applies meaning to thisexperience.

    88 - You either agree to serve society ... or you cannot participate in the abundance created by


    89 - Consciousness is still an unknown frontier for the most part. And, those of us who are its

    explorers have a responsibility to others to share of what we discover and leave markers of ourjourney for those who are to come after us.

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    90 - The realm of consciousness has its own character, its mountains, forests, canyons, valleys,

    rivers, lakes, oceans ...

    91 - Each of us is doing exactly what we need to do to express what we are meant to express and

    to learn and experience what we need to learn and experience.

    92 - At some level, there is no duality, there is no good and evil, there is just spirit expressing

    in flesh.

    93 - My obligation is to do what I know to be right for me, and to do it fully, with all my heartand to the best of my abilities.

    94 - It is the heart, not the mind, that needs to be the star by which we steer the course ofour life.

    95 - Nothing is too great for us when we are expressing spirit fully through us to the degree that

    we are able.

    96 - Change happens when individuals choose to make a difference, and choose to take a chance

    at expressing something new.

    97 - She (source) is majestic, so much so that my concept of self pales by comparison ... and Ihave a pretty exalted concept of self. But then, there is self, and there is Self ... and even greater

    there is SELF, the ONE consciousness that animates us all.

    98 - Talents and abilities are varied for a reason. It makes for a much more interesting variety of

    expression and experience in the world.

    99 - The middle road is generally the one that is most beneficial.

    100 - It is how society is empowered that enables it to ultimately produce a greater expression, agreater reality that benefits its constituents.

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    101 - It is time for the lifeforms that constitute societies to be born, grow, multiply, and evolve at

    rates that have not occurred before.

    102 - Consciousness creating what she will can work wonders in our lives, if only we will give

    her the opportunity to express through us.

    103 - We can share in many ways ... with family, friends, co-workers, or simply with goodwill toothers including strangers.

    104 - We are all connected, we have simply forgotten how much so.

    105 - Questions are one of the primary means for demonstrating that we are ready to know


    106 - The goal of enabling spirit to more fully express in flesh is achieved by making what isunique into what is commonplace.


    107 - Education first and foremost should teach us of whom that we are, and what we are

    happens to be spiritual beings having a physical experience.

    108 - The moment is where life is truly lived. It is the only place that we can do anything, the

    only place where we can take action and make a difference. And is that not what life is all about

    ... making a difference in some way with our lives?

    109 - Why is it so important to make a statement, to make a difference with our lives? Simply

    because life is such a precious gift and it needs to be the gift that keeps on giving, as the saying


    110 - Consciousness is always there, residing within us, our key for unlocking all the doors to the

    universe. However, to use this key, we must first find it, and then find the doors that it canunlock, and then put the key in and turn the lock to open it.

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    111 - I can say that I am God, in the same way that any cell or organ of my body can claim the

    right to say it is Wayne.

    112 - There can be no separation other that that which we choose to create and experience.

    Much of the richness of our experience, however, comes from our willingness to exploreseparation and limitation.

    113 - All relationships with spirit are cooperative and interdependent. They are also

    unconditional, since this is really the only way that the love from spirit can be expressed. This is

    its only nature ... it will not be molded by any restriction or conditions.

    114 - This is how we accelerate the rate of spiritual growth. We SHARE! We share what we

    have, we share what we feel, we share what we know, we share what we experience, we share

    whom that we are, as much as we can.

    115 - Remember, it is through us that spirit is able to express and experience in the world.

    116 - Desire provides the impetus that allows the forces of change to manifest in life.

    117 - The internet provides an effective medium through which such a society can interact,

    communicate, and share on a massive scale. At no time in the history of the world has it been soeasy to freely communicate.

    118 - My sense is that whatever skills are needed for any task ... we will find that somewhere

    within the population not only do they exist in potential, they have been developed in practice,awaiting the day when they could be harnessed for the good of society.

    119 - Once again, a new day has come. Interesting ... this happens everyday, but how many ofus stop and experience the wonder of it all.

    120 - Life is a very precious gift bestowed on us each and every moment.

    121 - Being aware of being aware is powerful. Being aware of being awareness itself is even

    more powerful. It completely changes ones focus from the outer to the inner.

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    122 - Seek awareness first and all else that you need will come unto you.

    123 - I trust spirit to guide me via my intuition to where I need to be, whom I need to meet, and

    what I need to do. When the time to do something has arrived, it will be clear exactly what I am

    meant to do.

    124 - My experience is that there are no real choices. The right choice is always obvious. Isimply have to allow it to happen, and allow my actions to be consistent with making it happen.

    125 - Trust, I cannot say that enough. You must trust in the basic nature of spiritual expression

    and the integrity of your self / Self / and SELF.

    126 - There is nothing that you will be forced to face that is beyond your ability to handle,nothing.

    127 - You are creating your own reality in each and every moment of each and every day.

    128 - My job is to express as best I can what spirit would express through me.

    129 - Service involves giving of oneself to something greater than oneself.

    130 - As souls, we are ancient beings ... some would say eternal beings. When we take on a new

    mortal form, we forget whom that we are for awhile, and go about the business of living in

    physical reality.

    131 - Spirit shines its light and shares its love wherever it can and to whomever will ask and seekfor it.

    132 - Our souls are powerful entities in their own right. They are parts of the ONE

    consciousness. They are sparks of spirit ... literally godstuff.

    133 - By their works shall thou know them. Yes, such is a great truth. It is via our works that we

    share of whom that we are with the world.

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    134 - Spirit by its very nature seeks to express and unfold whom that it is in whatever way it

    can. We are the limiting factors in this expression, by the restrictions that we place on our

    connection to source, and on how we allow that source to express and manifest in our lives.

    135 - In the only way that really matters, the expression of spirit is unfolding perfectly inaccordance with a grand plan for the evolution of the expression of consciousness.

    136 - While much that is to happen is controlled by fate, how we experience it, what meaning we

    assign to it, and what we learn from it is all for us to decide.

    137 - My personal destiny seems to be intertwined with the destiny of the world and in veryintricate ways. I find this both curious and comforting. Yes, this is grandiose thinking. I know

    that. However, that doesn't necessarily make it wrong.

    138 - How we find source, how we tap it, and how we fashion the channel through which it can

    flow into our lives and the lives of others are extremely important.

    139 - While we are on the path, it is not the destination that truly matters, it is the enjoyment ofthe journey.

    140 - Spirit ever seeks to be of service. Her primary operating mode is to find needs and fillthem, whatever they might be.

    141 - In a true society, no need is allowed to go unmet ... but desires and wishes may or may not

    come true.

    142 - Society should have a collective responsibility to ensure that no one is forced to live in

    poverty by circumstances beyond their control.

    143 - The Lion King expresses the golden rule for the exchange of energy ... the secret to life, is

    to never take more than you give.

    144 - It is the differences between us that make us the unique individuals that we are.

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    145 - It takes extreme courage to be unique and authentic, and to live the life of spirit that we

    are meant to live.

    146 - We are God expressing and experiencing through us. Without God, we would not exist.

    But without the creation, without us, there would be no experience of limitation and the nature ofthe various parts.

    147 - Being the very best needs to be qualified, it needs to be assessed not as a comparison of

    oneself to others, but of ones present performance against ones innate potential.

    148 - It seems that the only true freedom is spiritual freedom. In all other forms we are simplyunaware of our shackles. Sometimes they are even looked upon as gifts or blessings.

    149 - By its very nature, the I AM experience is subjective. Awareness is subjective.

    150 - Creativity in general is far more intuitive than logical.

    151 - Creative expression is one of the highest, if not the highest endeavors of spirit. It is here

    that we make the unknown known and the unmanifest manifest.

    152 - Sometimes it feels as if what is to be expressed is destined ... it already exists in finished

    form. It is only the linear nature of experience in this world that causes it to come forth letter byletter, word by word, thought by thought, ...

    153 - If we had to rely on traditional approaches to bring about a New World in a New Age ...

    our hopes might be dim. However, spirit does not accept such limitations.

    154 - I want to ensure via my actions that the world is a better place for my having lived.

    155 - There is something addicting about spiritual expression. The more one does it, the more

    one longs to do it ... literally to the point where it becomes all consuming.

    156 - How is it that some of the things most important to functioning as the spiritual being inflesh that we are ... are not taught to us?

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    157 - The operative law has always been SEEK and ye shall FIND. Yet, how few of us truly


    158 - We live in an information age ... but there is so much information that it is hard to find thefew gems of wisdom amidst the mountains of garbage that are out there.

    159 - Each of us is a unique spark of the one consciousness ... or more correctly, possess such a

    spark within us.

    160 - One of the best ways to learn anything is by doing it.

    161 - Remember that the difference between an idea and a belief is the willingness to act inaccord with. It is not a belief until you back it with actions in your life.

    162 - This is what reality games are all about ... they are opportunities for becoming more aware

    of the I AM that we are.

    163 - A new age calls for a new mode of expression, and an accompanying new mode of being.

    It asks that we come to know ourselves to a greater degree than we thought possible so that we

    can more fully manifest whom that we truly are in flesh.

    164 - Each of us has a part to play in the coming drama ... a part that we selected and auditioned

    for, a part that is specifically suited to whom that we are, a part that allows us to share whom thatwe are and learn what we came to this existence to learn.

    165 - In our lives, we have those things we owe to our government and society, and those things

    we owe to spirit. We are not relieved from either. Obligations are part of life. They are

    necessary for society to function.

    166 - Abilities are the gifts that we give ourselves so that we can carry out our mission anddestiny.

    167 - The creativity that we see expressed in the world is a mirror reflection of the creativity of


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    168 - Whenever we fully engage our talents and abilities in service, we are being all that we can

    be. This is all that can be asked of anyone.

    169 - It is important that we do a self assessment on a regular basis. Only we know what we cando and when we are fully engaged.

    170 - If we allow "free will" to operate ... and allow individuals to do what they are moved by

    spirit to do, then everything that needs to happen will indeed occur and in a manner that is


    171 - At some point, we must realize that we are ONE consciousness expressed through ONE

    people occupying ONE world, this blue-green jewel that we call Earth.

    172 - The heart does not say that I am not going to pump blood to the foot ... it freely pumps

    blood to all the parts of the body that need it. Similarly, the brain does not think for itself alone,

    but for the whole self. Every system within the body supports the collective. However, as the

    body of humankind on this planet, we have not established such relationships.

    173 - Is it possible that there is a discontinuity in the play ... where one scene comes to a close,and a whole new scene begins, potentially with a whole new setting and set of characters?

    174 - In this world of duality ... it is up to us to stretch ourselves, to tackle challenges, so that we

    can become more than we knew ourselves to be.

    175 - When I operate in the service of spirit, what I desire is what she desires to manifest through

    me. There is no separation.

    176 - My sense is that we all have missions in this existence, often multiple missions that operate

    on many levels. One key mission is know thyself. Another is to be whom that you are.

    177 - In the very process of discovering whom that we are, we learn that to know whom that we

    are, we must be whom that we are.

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    178 - Nothing happens by chance. We and everyone around us are where we are by mutual


    179 - There should be a labor tax ... a tithe of 10 percent equals four hours per week that should

    be used in providing ones services in some way that benefits society.

    180 - The change of an age is a radical discontinuity. Any plans that use the precedent of historyas a basis for future activity will be sorely lacking. A new age requires new thinking, new ways

    of organizing, new ways of expressing, new responsibilities, and completely new services.

    Further, it requires rethinking how we function as an individual and a collective.

    181 - One shares by being whom that one is with others to the greatest degree possible. This

    requires a high degree of trust, and a no holding back attitude. We place our trust in others ... but

    more importantly, we place our trust in the highest expression of our authentic self, as spirit inflesh.

    182 - We are spiritual beings having a physical experience. It has always been thus though itseems that we have related far more to our physical and animal nature than our true spiritual


    183 - At no time in history have people had such free access to information and the ability to

    interact with and interchange information with one another so quickly and on such a global

    scale. Ideas can literally be shared within minutes with no filters, barriers, or censors.

    184 - The idea that the WWW is a collective extension of our brains into silicon and light is

    fascinating. I had not thought of it in this way before. But, this expression is me, or a part of

    me. I revisit it often to keep it in mind so to speak.

    185 - Service is the only thing that truly has value, especially those services we perform out oflove.

    186 - As individual expressions of the ONE consciousness, we each see things through unique

    eyes. The reality we experience is different. That doesn't make it right or wrong. That doesn't

    make it better or worse. That simply makes it different, unique for each of us.

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    187 - What makes freedom work is an openness that allows individuals and groups to be and do

    as they will so long as it hurts no one. At least this should be the key condition imposed.

    188 - Words are the song that spirit sings through me, the thoughtforms that spirit weaves

    through me. It is through words that what I AM can be expressed. In the beginning was theword. All forms are manifestations of the word ... thoughts congealed into physical form.

    189 - Our belief systems are the key sieve through which we draw experience to us. If we want

    to change our experience, that is the place to work, with our beliefs.

    190 - Knowing thyself is where the spiral of evolution starts. This is what propels us to evergreater expression of spirit in flesh. And, that after all, is what the reality game is all about.

    191 - There is a spiritual world embedded in the physical one, primarily in the symbol systems.It is right there, before our eyes. All we have to do is awaken to see it. Yet, it seems that this is

    easier said than done. Awakening still seems to be a relative rare occurrence.

    192 - At no time in history has the potential for the collective creativity of us all to be expressedand applied to the benefit of all been so great. The information age gives us freedom in ways

    that we have never known before.

    193 - What do I ask of the world ... nothing. Hmm, I didn't really expect that answer, and

    definitely not that quickly. I ask a lot of myself, but the world I allow to be as it will.

    194 - The bottom line is that the world will be as it is, a mirror reflection of the collective state ofconsciousness. It can be no more or no less. For, this is exactly how it is created, as the

    manifestation of the collective consciousness, or more correctly unconsciousness in most cases.

    195 - This is how we expand our concept of self, we incorporate more and more what is outside

    of us into what is inside of us.

    196 - No matter how aware we become, there is always a next step, always another degree ofrealization that we can reach.

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    197 - The expansion of consciousness within us and through us is a hallmark of this existence. It

    is what we are here for, in a very real way, it is why we exist.

    198 - The evolution of lifeforms happens according to natural laws ... both physical and spiritual.

    199 - As humans, we employ reason and imagination to find and create tools that allow us to

    extend what we are capable of doing. All of our electronic equipment, including computers andthere associated software are tools that extend out ability to do things.

    200 - When you think about it, much of our lives center around the many types of information

    that we consume, play, and interact with.

    201 - Do what comes natural to you. Do what you are moved to do by the spirit within you. Theexpression of spirit in flesh is not difficult. In fact, it is the most easy and natural thing in theworld if we simply allow it to flow as it will.

    202 - Not everyone is ready to be aware. This is OK. There is no set agenda or set of goals that

    we all must follow or reach. We each tailor our existence to be the showcase for our uniqueabilities.

    203 - Time represents the state of consciousness and the level of spiritual expression in theworld.

    204 - The unknown offers a tremendous challenge to use all of whom that I AM to explore and

    make more of the unknown known. After all, this is what explorers do, they boldly go where no

    man or at least few men have gone before.

    205 - It is through the sharing of ourselves in ways that benefit others, that we create a societyamong us.

    206 - If we are to grow into greater collective creative expression we have to find ways to

    interact with each other in cooperatively interdependent ways. This requires working together inways that facilitate greater expression of spirit than can occur from individuals acting alone.

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    207 - The greatest service seems to be service to spirit herself. This seems to be the service that

    allows us to maximize the benefit of our endeavors to all concerned.

    208 - How do we know that our illusion is not much the same as depicted in The Matrix? After

    all, our senses are quite restricted. Our eyes see only a small part of the spectrum. Our ears hearonly a small part of the frequency spectrum. Actually, everything is vibration, is numbers.

    209 - There are many paths to the ONE. Each of us must ultimately find the path that is right for

    us, and follow it to where it leads.

    210 - As words and pages at a web site, this expression only has the potential to change the waypeople think and express, and thus change the world. It is when the words are read, studied, and

    applied in ones life that the true impact occurs.

    211 - We are the players in the drama of life, in the drama of spirit expressing in flesh on this

    planet at this time.

    212 - The greatest collective good is not achieved when each individual acts selfishly for theirown benefit, but when the individuals consider the collective good as well in their decisions.

    213 - One sure way of getting something is to create a vacuum for it in your life. As in thephysical world, natural law will do everything it can to fill it.

    214 - If you don't feel worthy of receiving something, in all likelihood you won't pull it into your

    life no matter what you do or try.

    215 - We are all worthy of the unlimited abundance that spirit would bestow on us. However,

    there is a catch, we must contribute and do our part to create the abundance.

    216 - Everyone deserves to have their physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual needs met in

    exchange for applying themselves in service to society.

    217 - Choices are made within an overall social fabric that we create collectively. Change this

    fabric, and we free people to make entire new ranges of choices that simply did not exist before.

    We will be amazed at the collective creative freedom that will be unleashed as we do this.

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    218 - As I loner, my choice has always been never to walk in anyone's shadow. I would be

    whom that I AM, all by myself ... though I do walk on the shoulders of giants who have come

    before, and in particular on the words that they were able to express.

    219 - My direct experience is thatspirit is found within and reflected in the manifested world.The correct way to live ones life is from the inside out. Then again ... this may be appropriate for

    introverts. I'm sure extroverts see things quite differently, but I have no firsthand experience of


    220 - We need spirituality to guide science into doing the things that are right for individuals,society, and the world. We need science to apply discipline to our pursuits into metaphysical


    221 - The objective remains objective only for so long ... until we reach a point where our very

    observation impacts what we are observing in unpredictable ways.

    222 - The subjective can easily take us into never never land if we don't test the utility of whatwe are exploring and discovering.

    223 - In every endeavor, we make great progress when we apply our best and brightest to the


    224 - We are the vehicles through which spirit does her works in the world. As such, we are

    literally god incarnate ... or spirit incarnate if like me you find it difficult to relate to a concept ofgod.

    225 - We each do what we can with what we are given and with the circumstances that we find

    ourselves in. However, there is a wrinkle ... the circumstances we find ourselves in are there

    precisely because we create them.

    226 - Within us lie all the answers to any questions we might ask.

    227 - Seek within and ye shall find all that ye need to know and more.

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    228 - It is the awakened ones that will lead the way in the times ahead to a whole new way of

    being. They do this by demonstrating what any may do, if they apply suitable effort to knowing


    229 - Each of us have within us great gifts that are meant to be applied in service to others. Itmatters not what these talents are ... whatever they are they can be developed and used to serve.

    230 - Service is the only thing that ultimately has value. This is what the expression of spirit is

    all about. It serves by seeing where there is need and then finding a way to fill the need. It does

    this everywhere at once. And it uses us as its instruments for filling the needs that it finds.

    231 - Something from the movie Contact comes to mind. Something to the effect, that in all ofour journeys the only thing that we have found to combat the emptiness is one another.


    232 - Being all that we can be requires effort on our part. Yet, when we are in the groove anddoing it, it is the most natural thing in the world.

    233 - It is amazing how fluidly our lives flow when we are doing what we are meant to do. It isas if all of nature conspires to help us achieve what must be done. Of course this would be the

    case ... for it is spirit herself expressing through us that is resulting in the manifestation.

    234 - What always matters is here and now, doing in the moment what can be done in themoment, and making each day count as much as we can.

    235 - If we focus on taking care of the moments, one after another, the end will take care ofitself, and will be far better than we have ever dreamed or imagined.

    236 - Make each and every day count to its fullest. We never know how many days we are

    granted in this existence.

    237 - Life is a very precious gift. The most important thing we can do in our life is to find a way

    to be whom we truly are and give of ourselves and our abilities to the greatest degree that wecan.

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    238 - Life is meant to be an adventure, at least in some aspects of our lives. Life is also meant to

    be a challenge, one that forces us to find ways to go beyond our concepts of ourselves.

    239 - Our minds are capable of some incredible things, if we free them from the shackles that

    bind them.

    240 - We must learn to harness our minds or the power is wasted on endless diversions.

    241 - Reason and intuition are dual sides of the same coin. To operate from one without the

    other is to go through life with heavy blinders on.

    242 - Without intuition, we have no compass and vehicle for creative expression. Without

    reason, we have no follow through and means for evaluating the relative utility of things.

    243 - Everything that happens is meant to happen; and happens by choice not by chance.

    244 - We get what we focus upon. In many ways, we get what we believe that we will get ...what we expect that we will get ... what we believe that we deserve to get.

    245 - Our responsibility is simple, to be whom that we are, and to express that as fully as we can.

    246 - The whole issue of terrorism is one that throws a major wrench in the workings of

    international relations. When a group of people choose not to play by "the rules", what recourse

    does a country, society, or even the world have?

    247 - The very nature of the Aquarian Age demands more acceptance of differences and allowingof people to be whom they are.

    248 - Nothing happens to any of us without an inner agreement on our part to participate.

    249 - There are no victims. At some level, we choose everything. This is extremely

    empowering. However, we only benefit consciously if we truly believe it.

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    250 - If we want to live a rich and full life, we must tend to our belief garden and make sure the

    beliefs therein are empowering ones that truly are of service in our lives and the lives of all those

    whom we touch.

    251 - We truly live in an information age. The challenge becomes how to filter the informationinto a manageable set that is directly relevant and important to our lives.

    252 - Some of us are information generators. Others categorize and classify information to make

    it more readily available. Still others analyze information to find the depths of its meaning.

    253 - For life to have real meaning, it must make a statement or make a difference.

    254 - Each of us have our unique gifts and talents, and a purpose that makes use of these in someway that serves.

    255 - There is always something to learn from every experience. It is for us to choose to learn

    our lessons in joy.

    256 - The more aware we become, the more we are able to behave as the true spiritual beings

    that we are.

    257 - There are hard rules and soft rules. Hard rules apply to everyone incarnate and simplycannot be broken while we are in flesh. Soft rules, however, can be bent and even broken if


    258 - In a very real way, all of existence is played out as dreams in the mind of God.

    259 - We spend our time in the dream world of daily reality. We spend our no time, in the realm

    of sleep ... and the unconscious frontier of spirit.

    260 - Spirit is all around us at all times. There is nothing private, or secret, or hidden. Sheknows our every thought and action. She moves us and inspires us ... or can do so, if we are

    open to allowing her active presence in our lives.

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    261 - I cannot imagine living anything but a life of spirit, a life of service to consciousness and

    ultimately to the society in which I live.

    262 - Our souls know exactly what they are doing.

    263 - We are here to express spirit in flesh to the degree that we can, but it has to be in flesh.

    264 - Ideas are physical, they have their counterparts in brain cells and neural firings. Yet, if thatis all they do ... they are not having the world impact that they could.

    265 - Ideas should ultimately excite us to action, to building the foundations necessary for the

    greater expression of spirit both individual and collectively, and to moving us to more fully

    express whom that we are.

    266 - The greatest gift we can give to the world is to fully share whom that we are in whatevermanner we find appropriate for us.

    267 - My hope is that the world will be a better place because I have lived. A noble hope, and

    yes an audacious one. However, what is life if not a place to realize dreams. The bigger the

    dream the better.

    268 - It seems that no matter how big I make my concept of self, it is not sufficient to containwhat is able to be expressed next.

    269 - What good is it to be free if you don't explore what could be? The status quo may be good

    enough for the masses. But, it is not good enough for me. I know there is a better way to live, a

    way imbued with spirit.

    270 - Society is an entity, one that is just as real as any individual; one that is born, learns, grows,experiences, and creates.

    271 - By being born into a society, and being entitled to the blessing that society offers ... we also

    inherit a spiritual obligation to apply ourselves in service to that society in some manner that uses

    our special abilities and talents.

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    272 - It helps if our beliefs are aligned with spiritual truth, but that is not a necessity for living ...

    it is a necessity forright living in which westrive to fulfillthe purposes for which we came.

    273 - Living is a process, a journey, not a destination. It is good to remember that and to find

    ways tosmell the roses and enjoy the journey.

    274 - Your life after all is your most important masterpiece. Yes, masterpiece ... you are creatingevery aspect of it.

    275 - Take a hard look at how you expend the 24 hours per day and 168 hours per week that you

    are allotted. No one gets any more or any less than anyone else when it comes to time.

    276 - Your reality is shaped as much by what you choose not to do as by what you do.

    277 - Information is that way. Sometimes it is correct, sometimes it is wrong, sometimes it issimply unknown as to whether it is correct or wrong.

    278 - The unknown is the playground of beliefs. It is here that we engage our creative energies

    in search of meaning and purpose, and in activities aligned with that purpose.

    279 - We need to establish infrastructures that allow people to discover, develop, and be whom

    that they truly are.

    280 - By giving each individual what they need to be whom that they truly are, society as awhole reaches levels unimagined.

    281 - The collective consciousness has found ways to leak through over the ages. There have

    always been lightbearers among us who have awakened to whom that they are and found the

    source within.

    282 - Why should God do what is fully within our power to do for ourselves ... perhaps notindividually, but definitely collectively.

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    283 - There is one consciousness that animates us all. We all spring forth from that same source.

    This consciousness learns as we learn, expresses as we express, experiences as we experience.

    284 - In the end, what truly matters is who we have become and how we have shared this with

    others in our world.

    285 - We are all in some sense leading the lives we are meant to lead ... living under thecircumstances that we have called unto us via our beliefs, our choices, and our actions.

    286 - Ideas have power, great power when we understand them and base our actions upon them.

    287 - Each awakening unlocks a new door within me, allowing me to find another room or set of

    rooms within the mansion that is my greater Self.

    288 - Such is how life works best, we operate in the now, taking whatever step is mostappropriate at this instance ... then take one step after another, until we get to wherever we are


    289 - It is an exciting time to be alive ... it truly is. The potential is simply awesome. The nature

    of the vibrations that are expressing is extremely powerful. Manifestation is about to become

    child's play, in ways that are Beyond Imagination.

    290 - The greatest good comes when we consider the benefit to society along with the benefit to

    us as individuals when we make our decisions and take action.

    291 - It is the collective that provides the infrastructure in which we can experience the very

    freedoms that we enjoy.

    292 - Our service is what primes the prosperity pump. The more service, the more prosperity is that simple.

    293 - Cooperative interdependence is the optimum expression of spirit for the whole, as well as

    for each individual.

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    294 - The measure of a person however is not meant to be in comparison to another. What is

    important is how what we are measures up to what we could be. That is, how close we are to

    living up to our full potential.

    295 - In a world that is ONE, there can be no true separation and independence.Interdependence is a fact of life. In this, it doesn't matter what we believe. We are connected to

    one another and to all life for that matter.

    296 - Life is not meant to be taken too serious. It is a game that we are playing. And games are

    meant to be enjoyed.

    297 - No matter where we look, what we see is the expression of spirit in flesh.

    298 - Spirit already knows how to remedy or make any situation flow more easily and readily.We have only to follow her lead and do what she moves us to do.

    299 - It is interesting how life unfolds. It definitely reveals that there is a higher level plan in

    motion operating behind the scenes. Yes, scenes ... this is a play after all, a very complex andconvoluted one, but a play nonetheless.

    300 - One judges information by how it feels inside, and by utility. We use whatsoever we finduseful so long as it remains useful ... and we stay open to all sources that may come into our


    301 - Our lives are meant to be challenging to us ... providing us with the opportunities to be thebest that we can be.

    302 - Our beliefs need to be tested and challenged on occasion to allow us to determine whetherthey are truly useful to our lives.

    303 - The freedom of belief is far more powerful than the freedom of speech.

    304 - What you do is far more powerful than what you say.

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    305 - Thoughts count, beliefs count even more, but actions are where we truly make a difference.

    306 - That is all that is asked of anyone and everyone ... simply to be the best that we can be,

    whatever that might be.

    307 - Each day provides its opportunities and its challenges. We can choose to accept them and

    the gifts that they offer, or avoid them and thus put them off for another day.

    308 - To create a masterpiece of our lives, we must work with the paints of beliefs. These are the

    building blocks that result in everything that we see and experience.

    309 - Ideas are powerful ... especially ideas that move us to act in a new way.

    310 - Reality creation is a process that we are constantly engaged in ... not only as experiencers,

    but as observers and creators.

    311 - Be bold and decide, and then the forces of the universe will come to your aid.

    312 - What must be done ultimately will be done. There is a destiny that is unfolding ... aspiritual destiny as well as our individual destinies.

    313 - If we are not learning and growing, creating and expressing, and being of service to

    one another and to the society in which we live ... we might as well not be alive at all.

    314 - To live life without regrets, we need to make each moment of each day count, we need to

    make sure that the world is a better place as a result of our presence and our life.

    315 - Service is the key ingredient out of which abundance is manifest ... an abundance thatencompasses the whole world, an abundance that operates on physical, emotional, mental, and

    spiritual levels.

    316 - We are meant to be and express whom that we are, in our full glory. We are grand beings,

    we truly are. We are gods in flesh, creating the very reality that we experience.

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    317 - Special abilities generally mean one is responsible to use those abilities effectively in

    service to society in some way.

    318 - It is amazing what we can do when we are committed to something.

    319 - This is how we build a better world. We find those whom we are meant to work with, we

    enter into mutually supportive relationships, and we collectively do what we are moved by spiritto do.

    320 - Our world is far too complex for any form of centralized control to work. Responsibility is

    distributed to the furthest reaches where decisions can be made effectively.

    321 - We are ONE! One world, one race, one people, one entity, one civilization, oneconsciousness ... There must be a recognition, a realization of this simple yet great truth.

    322 - The sooner we recognize that there is an intricate web in which we are all part and via

    which we are all interconnected to others, the sooner we will be able to fix some of the dire

    problems experienced by many on this planet.

    323 - Every experience bears its gifts ... though it may be a challenge to find them.

    324 - Every challenge has a gift for you in its hands. Great challenges bring great rewards.

    325 - Everything has its place and its purpose in our lives. Everything is there for a reason.Everything contributes to whom that we are and what we can express in the world.

    326 - We are meant to lead extraordinary lives. We truly are. Settling for any less than this is

    selling not only ourselves short, but those whom our lives touch as well.

    327 - The greatest good we can do is to fully express whom that we are, openly and

    wholeheartedly. Yes, that is the key ... living with our whole heart.

    328 - It seems that my own life is my laboratory. It is where I explore the very fabric ofconsciousness.

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    329 - We are powerful creators, albeit for the most part at other than conscious levels. However,

    that doesn't change the facts ... we create our own reality, in many cases as much by what we

    choose not to do as by what we do.

    330 - It is interesting to watch the plan of consciousness unfold. Indeed, there is such a plan ...and it is manifesting at all levels from the individual to the whole world, and perhaps even to

    multiple worlds that extend far into the galaxy and beyond.

    331 - Consciousness exists everywhere. It composes and animates everything. It gives us life

    and awareness.

    332 - It takes commitment to make each moment count ... to make each hour 60 minutes worth

    of distance run.

    333 - To awaken and become aware we must find a way beyond the restrictions that bind us. We

    can only be bound so long as we tolerate and accept the chains.

    334 - Each of us has the potential to live a life of greatness in our own way, using the unique

    gifts that we brought into this world. It is simply a matter of discovering whom that we are, andexpressing that authentically in our lives.

    335 - The answers have always been within us to everything we could possibly want to know. It

    is a matter of finding our intuition, learning to trust it, and taking action to follow where it leads

    us and to do what it moves us to do.

    336 - The key measure of a man is whether he leaves the world in a better state than that inwhich he found it.

    337 - Respect is a very powerful tool, especially when based on integrity.

    338 - Growth is a natural process. We take it one step at a time when we are ready.

    339 - Life is a journey, we take it one step at a time. It seems that my journey is to venture into

    the unknown realms. Here there are no paths, and no known destinations.

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    340 - Each moment lost vanishes forever. It is for us to make the best of the time we are allotted.

    341 - We are indeed at the beginning of a new age ... with possibilities for manifestation of which

    we have only dreamed. Now is the time to make those dreams real ... to establish thefoundations needed to bring them down to Earth.

    342 - Each of us see things that others do not see, and sense things that others do not sense, and

    know things that others do not know. It is for us to find a way to share our worlds with others inmanners that benefit each of us in the exchange.

    343 - Self knowledge is extremely empowering. If we don't know whom that we are, how can

    we express this in society to do the works that are ours to do?

    344 - Thoughtforms are the first step toward material manifestation. Whatever we can dream,

    whatever we can think of, we can create if we so choose. However, it is the ideas which mustcome forth first.

    345 - The plan of consciousness is unfolding perfectly. There is nothing I nor anyone else can do

    to slow it down or speed it up. Patience is called for, along with an optimistic anticipation. Trust

    the process.

    346 - Spirit animates all life. She has been doing so since the very beginning of all that ismanifest. She did not create it all. But it is through her and out of her that everything was


    347 - It is through relationships that I define and know whom that I AM through the eyes of


    348 - We have objective reality and subjective reality. Both are important ... neither is superior

    to the other. Integrated beings operate with a balance of both ... though the mix in that balancemay vary greatly from one individual to another.

    349 - Life is a process of discovering our fears, encountering them, and overcoming them with


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    350 - Cooperative interdependence is the wave of the future. In such an environment, we are

    responsible for one another ... as a matter of choice.


    351 - At some level, the manifestation that is all life is perfect in each moment, at least, as

    perfect as it can be in each moment.

    352 - We create it all ... the good as well as the bad, and everything in between. It is time for us

    to take responsibility for this and clean up our mess.

    353 - Reality creation is a game that we play ... an engaging one, but a game nonetheless. As

    such, it should be something that we have fun playing.

    354 - It all comes down to what works we do. That is our ultimate contribution to society and to

    our world.

    355 - Consciousness is orchestrating how ideas are communicated across the social fabric so that

    they can enthuse the appropriate minds to take action to manifest those ideas.

    356 - History is not so much about events as it is about the march of ideas and their hold overmankind over the course of time.

    357 - Reality creation is about manifesting ideas, about making thoughts real.

    358 - The plan of spirit involves the manifestation of ideals over time. That is, the realization of

    ideals in physical existence.

    359 - Imagination is the key. We are ever in the process of becoming whatever we can truly

    imagine ourselves to be.

    360 - Each of us is a unique expression of consciousness. Each of us is experiencing life in amanner that has never occurred before, nor will ever occur again.

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    361 - There are other modalities of knowing that operate beyond the realms in which rationality

    is effective.

    362 - Beliefs are the playground in which we create the structures that attract and define what we

    will experience. As such, they are the most powerful tools that we have in our arsenal forcreating the reality that we would prefer.

    363 - We each must find what it takes for us to be all that we can be, in all of our true grandeur ...

    for indeed we are grand beings by our very nature.

    364 - There is something wonderful that happens when we allow the unknown to enter andexpress in our lives. It is such an easy step to take. It simply requires a bold initiative and a deep

    faith in the nature of spirit and how she expresses in our lives.

    365 - Ye shall know them by their works. In the end, when our physical lives have been

    extinguished ... it is only in our works and in the memories of others that the impact of our lives

    continue to exist.

    366 - At some point, we realize that there is more to life than this, and more to us than we know

    ourselves to be. At that point, the magic appears, and the unseen portions of consciousness get

    enlisted to assist in a more active manner in our lives.

    367 - Interesting ... inspiration contains the letters of the word spirit, almost in order. If we

    double up on the "t", we have spirit nation.

    368 - I know my individual nature is a suit of clothes that I wear. Behind the clothes is the ONE

    consciousness that animates us all.

    369 - Whatever we do to others including the animals, we ultimately do to ourselves. Chief

    Seattle had a famous speech that spoke of this.

    370 - Spiritual awareness and spiritual awakening are indeed worth everything that we put intothem ... everything that it costs to experience them.

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    371 - What the individual experiences, the whole experiences. Consciousness learns from each

    and every experience, each and every breakthrough.

    372 - We are all the arms, the fingers, the feet, the brain cells, and the mouth of consciousness.

    373 - As individuals we are the creator, the created, and the witness to the process.

    374 - We need to be careful. Beliefs are walls that we create around ourselves. They filter whatwe choose to see and experience.

    375 - When used properly, beliefs can empower us to do great things, focusing our attention on

    those things relevant to our mission ... and in the process freeing us to be whom that we can be.

    However, they can also limit, enchain, and imprison us if we allow them to.

    376 - It is helpful to keep a very open belief system ... one that allows for the miraculous, onethat facilitates the expression of spirit, one that keeps our potential unlimited.

    377 - Remember, all limits are self-imposed. They are there only so long as we choose to accept


    378 - Everything is vibration. The reality that we experience is all a matter of how we interpret

    the meaning of these vibrations.

    379 - What can we expect to gain through this endeavor of self-analysis? The answer that comesto mind is the world. How interesting.

    380 - Our awareness is the key that unlocks the door to our cells, freeing us to be all that we can


    381 - Awareness is an inside job. But, once it is achieved, it colors everything that we do on the


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    382 - Our level of awareness moves with us from existence to existence. It is our spiritual

    inheritance. As with other inheritances, it may take awhile for it to come to us ... but come it

    will, and with dividends and interest accrued.

    383 - Inevitably, we find what we seek ... if we are sincere in our search.

    384 - Time management has become a critical skill. Time has become one of the most, if not the

    most important resources in our lives. Yet, from a different perspective, we have all the time in

    the world. It is simply a matter of making the most of the time that we have.

    385 - It is not enough that we apply ourselves and do our work to the best of our abilities. Thatis compensated for by the experiences we gain and the salary and benefits that we receive. The

    spiritual job is a volunteer one. Typically, it offers no payment, though it may bring greater

    abundance into our lives on several levels.

    386 - Our belief systems are elaborate constructions of vibrations through which we establish

    what kinds of things, information, and events we consider meaningful to us and worthy of ourtime and attention.

    387 - In a very real way, all that we are is an elaborate thoughtform existing within a world that

    is itself a thoughtform that we choose to experience as physical and governed by the physical

    laws through which nature creatively expresses in the world.

    388 - Passion is contagious. The flame that others see burning in us, is often sufficient to igniteor rekindle a flame in them.

    389 - One question stirs my soul ... why am I here, what is it that I came to do? Note how this

    is phrased. I didn't ask what am I here to learn, or what I am here to experience, or what am I

    here to realize ... I asked what did I come to do.

    390 - Everything that I need to know, to do what I need to do, is already within me.

    391 - We need challenges to motivate us to ever greater expression of whom that we are.

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    392 - When we allow spirit to engage in our tasks and do her work through us, it is amazing how

    much energy and even how much time we seem to have.

    393 - There is nothing that can stop an idea whose time has come. I don't know who said that,

    but it is a very deep truth. In the game of reality creation, we are operating in precisely this area,in the area of realizing those ideas whose time has come.

    394 - The whole topic of thegame of reality creation is indeed an interesting one. We are active

    participants in this game whether we know it yet or not.

    395 - We are not taught that we choose it all, everything that we experience ... and therefore, thatwe are responsible for it all. We are not taught whom that we are, and what abilities we possess.

    We are not taught why we are here, for what purpose we have come. We are not taught what

    obligations we have to ourselves, our society, our world, and to spirit herself.

    396 - Who we are is not measured by what we have ... it is measured by what we can do.

    397 - Ultimately, whom that we are ... and when we depart, whom that we were ... is measuredby the works that we have left behind, including whatever impacts we have had on others.

    398 - It is through our works that we impact not only our personal reality but that of the world.

    399 - Indeed ... it is my works that distinguish me, and in a very real way define me. Hmm, that

    is an interesting way of putting it.

    400 - We find out whom that we are and what we are capable of by doing and observing whatwe do. Both are important. However, it is the later process of observing that leads to awareness.

    401 - Since our time is such a critical resource, we must constantly make decisions on where tobest apply it for not only our benefit, but for the collective benefit of all those whom our life


    402 - Whenever I start to question whether something is possible ... the means to make it happen

    seems to arrive as if it were agift from heaven. It happens so often that I have come to expect it

    as the very way that the world works.

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    403 - There are some things within our control and others that are outside of our control.

    Wisdom lies in knowing the difference so that we can focus our forces, energy, and resources on

    those things that we have the power to impact and change.

    404 - As adults, it is up to us to explore, revalidate, and assess what we believe. The chiefcriteria by which beliefs should be judged is utility. Do the beliefs serve us, and serve the

    society in which we live. If so, great. If not, find others that do provide such service and adopt


    405 - What matters is finding a way to be of service. What matters is being all that we can be.We do this by wholeheartedly applying ourselves to everything that we face in life. When we do

    this, life becomes magical ... the very forces of the universe come to do our bidding.

    406 - Life is meant to be our greatest masterpiece ... yet few seem to realize they are artists,

    creating the very reality they experience. Even fewer do this in a manner that is masterful. To bea master, we must believe ourselves to be, and then act as if it is so.

    407 - Here, on these pages, my consciousness is as an open book, revealing new facets at each

    turn. Yes, we are all as precious stones on the inside. It is up to us to find the stone that we are,

    clean it, polish it, and even cut it into shape ... and then share the brilliance of our light with theworld.

    408 - Yes, that is what life is all about. The ultimate meaning comes from sharing whom that we

    are ... from giving of whom that we are to the greater whole of which we are part.

    409 - At some level, we know what is going on ... nothing can be hidden. On other levels, it is

    not clear that we even want to know.

    410 - Asking questions is another powerful tool in the spiritual warriors arsenal.

    411 - Everything is spirit ... and spirit is ONE. So everything experienced is OK somehow andagreed to by the parts involved ... actually, more than agreed to, co-created.

    412 - We are spirit living life in the physical form. When we cease to be this form, we will still

    be spirit, and we will take on whatever form is appropriate.

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    413 - There is a basic law of reality creation. We get what we focus upon. The more the focus,

    the more force with which the necessary reality is manifest to conform with the beliefs.

    414 - In a very real way, we see what we wish to see; we hear what we wish to hear; we feelwhat we wish to feel; we experience what we wish to experience; and more importantly, weknow what we wish to know.

    415 - We are all unique expressions of source, the one consciousness that animates us all.

    416 - Our minds are capable of much greater tasks than we have given them to date. Further, our

    collective mind is capable of creating a world infrastructure and associated collective reality far

    greater than any of us have ever dreamed.

    417 - Knowing is beyond both mind and heart ... it exists in another realm entirely, though this

    realm strongly impacts the reality we experience in every other dimension.

    418 - I speak in a tongue that is not mine, allowing words to come forth that I know not from

    whence nor where they come. My standard answer is that they come from source. But what is

    this thing that I callsource?

    419 - What matters is not the destination ... it is the path, and the enjoyment thereof. The journeyis everything. It is all that counts.

    420 - There will always be an unknown realm of possibility that exceeds anything that I have

    done to date. It is at the edge of this unknown where I do the dance of consciousness ... where I

    exchange energy between the seen and the unseen, between the known and the unknown. It is inthis dance that I engage the energies of my life.

    421 - It is not enough to think something strongly. We must follow up and take action consistentwith what we say that we believe. Otherwise, they are just mere words, mere ideas. We must be

    consistent with whom and what we say that we are. Then, the very forces of the universe, join into do our bidding.

    422 - Desire and discipline seem to be crucial to making changes ... along with an openness as to

    what is possible and a willingness to try new things.

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    423 - Remember, that what ispossible is often far more than we have dreamed or imagined.

    424 - There is something to be gained, something to be learned, from every experience.

    425 - Life collectively seeks to express ever more and more of whom that it is. It does this

    through every avenue that it has available ... through every resource it is given.

    426 - I accept full responsibility for everything that I experience ... no fine print, no exceptions.

    427 - An attitude of gratitude is extremely important. How can we expect to draw more into ourlife if we do not appreciate all that we have been given already?

    428 - New perspectives are generally helpful, they shed new light on the matter at hand.

    429 - I am the eyes of spirit, the arms of spirit, the ears of spirit, the mouth of spirit ... all

    that I AM is of spirit, and all that I DO is for spirit.

    430 - From within the illusion, we may not be able to tell what is correct versus what we have

    only imagined or believed to be so.

    431 - There is a source within that knows. This source can serve as a compass to help keep usheaded in the right direction.

    432 - Within reality, there are hard rules which are absolute, and soft rules which can be broken

    given appropriate training and the proper circumstances. Many people are not aware of the soft

    rules. They falsely assume everything is absolute. To get beyond the soft rules, we must get

    beyond the limits that we have accepted in our minds.

    433 - Our mental structures can be very rigid indeed. This is not their nature, however. It is

    simply how we have chosen to employ them. We can just as easily choose structures that are

    more open and free. When we do this, however, we sacrifice predictability. For many, this is notan acceptable trade ... the unknown can be scary.

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    434 - Each of us has our own way of approaching life ... of being whom that we are. This comes

    out as the things that are natural for us and as the approach toward understanding ourself and our

    reality that is right for us.

    435 - Old habits can be hard to break. Yet, break them we must, if we are to proceed to the nextphase, the next adventure.

    436 - Yes, life is meant to be an adventure, and a bold and daring one at that. All that it takes is

    courage and faith. A faith in the nature of the world, the nature of reality, the process of reality

    creation, and most of all in ourself and spirit as she expresses through us.

    437 - Consciousness ever seeks to actualize more of itself ... to make actual, to make real, to

    make manifest in the world more of whom that it is through us. This is the only means available

    to her. For something to be real, it has to be expressed through us.

    438 - Life is already a highly cooperative endeavor, more so than any have ever imagined. It is

    just that this cooperation primarily occurs behind the scenes, where it often goes unnoticed.

    439 - There is an overall plan for the unfoldment of consciousness in this grand play that we call


    440 - Earth, and the world that we know is but one playground in which spirit can express and

    explore whom that it is. And what a splendid and wonderful playground it is.

    441 - At some point it seems that we tire of play and need some task in which to engage whomthat we are in a challenging, meaningful, and fulfilling manner. Yes, it seems that we need work.. or at least some way to expend our energies and talents in a manner that makes a difference.

    442 - I am comfortable facing the unknown, knowing that I live in a world that is driven by

    spirit, that is spiritual expression made manifest to the degree that it can be given the collectiveand individual awareness of the world at this time.

    443 - Another day ... as always, they come one after the next, until we free ourself from time and

    return no longer. Yes, this existence in space and time will someday end ... and we will return to

    the source from whence we came.

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    444 - Each day is a precious gift. To the degree we can, we need to be grateful for this gift and in

    turn give of ourselves in a way that makes a difference.

    445 - Ours are not meant to be ordinary lives. Every one of us has greatness looking to shine

    forth from within us. We are all special beings, unique expressions of the one consciousness.

    446 - We have an obligation to be whom that we are as fully as we can, and to share whom weare with the world.

    447 - We accept limitations because they serve us in some manner ... or at least because we

    believe that they do. To remove them, we need to understand them for what they are, and replacethem with something that is less restrictive and more empowering.

    448 - All life is the result of spirit expressing in flesh. Further, this expression is perfect ...unfolding in accord with spiritual laws and with an overall plan for ever increasing individual

    and collective awareness and creative expression.

    449 - We tend to create exactly what we believe that we deserve.

    450 - It is up to us to manifest the abundance we desire. We do this by priming the pump ... by

    giving of ourselves in service. The more the service, the more the abundance. It is as simple asthat, and as complicated as that.

    451 - That is what we are here to do ... to live in a manner that makes a difference.

    452 - The reality that we experience often conforms to our expectations. We see what we expect

    to see. We hear what we expect to hear. We do what we expect to do. That is how it is, but not

    how it needs to be. We are free to change our expectations at any time.

    453 - One never knows when something meaningful will enter our lives. Often this happens

    when we are in the midst of doing something else.

    454 - Spiritual expression in flesh is what life is all about. At least, this is true for me, and my

    sense is that it is true universally ... even if many are not consciously aware of this fact.

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    455 - The relentless march of time, moving ever forward, and as it does opening up new

    possibilities for expression and new vistas from which to see the world in whole new ways.

    456 - We need to reassert our freedom and remove the chains of those elements of our lives and

    our world that shackle us.

    457 - We are not meant to be beasts of burden. There are other animals that fill that rolewillingly and even gratefully.

    458 - When we believe that we can do whatever we put our minds to, we open up a wide berth in

    which to express and to do our works.

    459 - In the end, utility is the only factor by which beliefs should be judged. Do they serve usand the society of which we are part, or do they not? If not, it is time to replace them withsomething far more useful to us and to others.

    460 - If we find ourselves in need, the place to start is not by finding how we can fill the need ...

    rather, it is by determining what it is that we can give that is of most utility and value to others,then by providing this as a service voluntarily. The universe will ensure that we reap what we

    sow. You cannot give without return.

    461 - Spirits abundance is unlimited. Ours can be as well ... for what are we but spirit

    experiencing life in flesh.

    462 - The body is an elaborate vehicle for the brain, its primary occupant ... which in turn is avessel for the mind to interface with, and to create and experience the game that we call reality.

    463 - Words are the clay through which I sculpt the creations that can be expressed through me.

    464 - I trust the very process of life as it unfolds through me. Everything is planned, everything

    is necessary, everything is unfolding perfectly ... regardless of any appearances to the contrary. It

    is a matter of finding a viewpoint or set of viewpoints from which this is true.

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    465 - In reading and studying this expression, you gain insight into whom that I AM. However,

    this does not allow you to know whom that I AM. You only know me as the one through whom

    such works as these can come.

    466 - If we are ever going to learn what makes us tick as individuals, we need detailed records ofwhat consciousness does. This is one such record.

    467 - I am a guinea pig of sorts ... with a blend of DNA, hereditary, and environmental traits and

    conditions ... that has become aware enough to express via works of consciousness.

    468 - There are many things that I do in my day to day life that are instantly forgotten, that willnever have much of an impact on anything or anyone. However, this expression provides a

    snapshot of consciousness in action.

    469 - The only thing it is fair to measure anyone against is what they are versus what theycould be. How much of their innate potential is realized and is being actively used and


    470 - We do far too little collectively to teach people the nature of whom that they are and their

    part in the creation of the reality they experience.

    471 - Acceptance is the first step towards making any change. When we fight or resist

    something, it stays in our life, by the very act of our engaging with it. When we accept what is

    for what it is, we are free to move on to whatever we would become.

    472 - This expression provides sight or visibility into what is within. The very fact that it even

    exists as it does opens up many questions regarding what we as individuals are capable of ...

    especially as instruments of spirit.

    473 - I operate out of faith, with a deep trust in the sanctity of life as it expresses through me. Ineed nothing else. There is no authority that I bow to ... other than spirit herself.

    474 - The giants of the world are such because they stand high on the shoulders of others.

    Whether it is on the wings of their thoughts, or their experiences, or their examples matters not.

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    475 - We can only go so far and do so much on our own. Through others, we can get a running

    start to whatever path we choose as our own.

    476 - My sense is that we have only played with reality creation to date. It is time to get serious

    and do this in earnest. The works that we can do collectively and individually will bemiraculous.

    477 - Life to me is a highly subjective experience. We cannot stand back and look at it

    objectively. To explore the domains of consciousness, one must be an active participant.

    478 - What we experience is a direct reflection of what we are, and what we are is in turnchanged by the very act of our experience. No matter how hard we try, we cannot escape this


    479 - To me, home is not a place ... it is a state of consciousness.

    480 - Not everything is meant for everyone. Use whatever resonates with you. Let utility be

    your guide

    481 - Walk awhile in my footsteps or mindsteps and observe how it feels to you. Don't accept

    things a true based on my say so. But, be willing to believe long enough and strongly enough tosee whether something works for you.

    482 - I am committed to be of service to whomever spirit cares to serve through me. As the

    instrument, I know not how I am being played, or to what audience. Interesting analogy. Butthat is indeed how I feel. I am the aware instrument through which spirit expresses.

    483 - The primary tool we have for experiencing awareness is our mind.

    484 - There is something about being on the edge between the manifest and the unmanifest that

    is addictive. Once one finds ones rightful place, it becomes home ... it becomes the center from

    which we explore and express whom that we are.

    485 - I am being what I was created to be as accurately as I can given my level of awareness.

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    486 - He who created me, immediately comes to mind. That would be God. I don't think ofshewho created me ... however, I do think of consciousness and spirit asshe who expresses through

    me. I never think of he who expresses through me.

    487 - My only desire is for spirit to more fully express in flesh.

    488 - Everything is the expression of this one consciousness ... everything, no exceptions.

    489 - Evil and darkness is simply a lack of light due to walls or barriers that have been set up to

    block the light. One overcomes darkness by shining light upon it. When one does so, darkness

    simply vanishes.

    490 - My life is not meant to be like that of others. I am a wayshower. I see things as no oneelse has seen them, and express things as no one else has expressed them. This is not unique tome ... each of us is a wayshower in our own way, or could be if we chose to be so.

    491 - I have found it useful to give my mind a wide berth, and to be open to allowing

    consciousness to express as she will. This has yielded a richness to my inner experience thatfascinates me even more than ever before.

    492 - There is a difference between knowing something and having an awareness of something.When we are aware of a part of ourself, we experience being that part. Knowing can be a

    secondary phenomena, a mental understanding of something. As such, it is less than awareness.

    493 - We have to go beyond mindto experience awareness. This is not so easy to do. In fact, itseems that many do not experience this in their entire life and perhaps many lifetimes.

    494 - This expression is my choice ... it is an investment that I make of my self to somethinggreater than I am.

    495 - Limitation always involves darkness and shadow. We remove it by shining whatever light

    we can upon it. However, we must learn to recognize the shackles that bind us, before we cantake the actions necessary to remove them.

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    496 - We are incredibly powerful. We are creators, responsible for all that we experience. This

    includes not only the day to day experiences of life ... but all of the excursions into the realms of


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