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Top 10 Waffle Recipes From Around The World

Waffle are one of the most loved breakfast recipe around the world. No

morning ritual is complete without a bite of crunchy delicious waffles.

My love for waffles started at a very young age like majority of the

people and has grown into something so passionate that words cannot


My name is Teagan Smale and I've been travelling around the world for

the past 2 years in the quest of getting a bite of all the best waffle

recipes out there.

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In this two years I've have had quiet a amount of different recipes.

I've made a list of 10 of the best recipes that I have come across.

But before we jump into making these waffles I must make sure that we

are on the same page.

It is necessary that you know the basics of making a perfect waffle

batter and have a decent waffle maker so that you don't burn your

waffles brown.

You can find some decent tutorials here :

Make sure that you take a look before you go on any further.

You'll find recipes of Standard Waffles as well as Belgian Waffles.

The waffles range from beginner friendly and reliable to even over the

top and inventive.

I hope you have takeing a bite of all of them just like I did.


Apple Cinnamon Waffles

Better Blueberry Waffles

Bread & Butter Waffles

Gingerbread Waffles

Lemon Waffles

Blackforest Waffles

Belgian Coconut Waffles

Let's get it started

Apple Cinnamon Waffles

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This is one of the best waffle recipe that I have ever had in my life.It has

a lot of flavour and it doesn't matter how small the apples are diced,

you'll still get the taste of it with the very first bite of it.

I like to top these Waffles with chocolate syrup. Like I have always said

"A perfect waffle is incomplete without a perfect topping".You should

be careful about what you top your waffles with as it can make or break

your recipe. Bried Walnuts go along with almost all kind of waffles.

You can make 5 large size waffles with this recipe.


2 cups Flour

2 Tsp Cinnamon

2 Tbsp Sugar

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1 Apple-Diced

2 Tsp Baking Powder

1/3 cup Vegetable Oil

1/2 TspSalt

1 cup Milk

2 Eggs


A.Mix Flour,Salt,Sugar and Baking Powder in a large bowl and set it


B.In another bowl beat the eggs (remove the yolk) until the stiffen a


C.In another bowl beat the egg yolks along with the milk.

D.Mix the dry ingredients from the first bowl with egg yolks and milk.

Sift until moist. Do not over mix.

E.Add vegetable oil

F. Fold in Egg whites

G.Add Cinnamon to the mix. Keep stirring.

H.Mix in the apples. Blend slightly.

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I. Bake the batter in a waffle maker according to your preference.

Make sure it is crunchy and brown.

You can experiment with different fruits as well instead of apples.

Better Blueberry Waffles.

I'll be honest with you guys. I've never been a fan of blue berries.

Especially when you experiment it with Waffles. But this recipe is one


I made this recipe myself back in 2006 after going through a countless

number of disappointing results. Waffles from this recipe turn out to be

really delicious every time. The blueberries also do not take the color of

the waffle like most of the other ingredients do provided that you fold

them carefully.

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To bring some more life into these waffles you can also add a slight hint

of cinnamon and vanilla as they really complement the flavour of the

berries. These waffles taste really good when they are crispy. So make

sure you brush up your waffle maker with a layer of butter or cooking

oil before you cook them.


1 cup fresh blueberries.

1/3 cup melted butter.

1 cup milk

3/4 tsp cinnamon

2 eggs-Yolk seperated

2 pinches of salt

1 tsp vanilla

2 tsp baking powder

2 cup flour

2 Tbsp sugar


A. Seperate egg yolks from the egg whites.

B. Beat egg yolks with milk and vanilla in a medium sized bowl.

C. Sift flour.

D. Stir flour with baking powder in a large bowl.Add sugar,cinnamon

and salt.

E. Mix it with the Milk and Yolk mixture and whisk until smooth. Add

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F. Beat egg white until stif. Fold it into the batter.

G. Fold Blueberries with the batter.1/3 at a time.

H. Bake it in a greased waffle maker with medium high temperature.

I. Top it with more blueberries and some whipped cream.Works well

with other fruits too.

Bread And Butter Waffles

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Hey! What are those ?

Are those waffles ? No, those are French Toasts I guess.

Infact,they are both.

Let's combine two of the best brekfast dishes to make an ever-classic


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This is nothing over the top but don't be fooled by that.

You'll know only once you take a bite of the delicious waffles recipe.



10 Slice of Bread

2 Eggs

1 pinch of Salt

1 cup Milk

1 Tsp Sugar


A. Apply some butter on both the sides of the bread slices.

B. Beat the eggs in a bowl. Add Salt,Sugar and Milk to it.

C. Dip the bread slices in the wet mixture.

D. Place the slices in the waffle iron. Make sure it is well greased.

E. Enjoy.

Gingerbread Waffles

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Who said Gingerbreads are to be reserved only for the holiday season?

You can bring the flavour to your breakfast table everyday now with this

awesome Gingerbread Recipe.


3 Eggs

6 Tbsp Butter (Melted)

1/4 cup Sugar

1 Tsp Baking Powder

1/2 Cup Molasses

1 Tsp Baking Soda

1 cup Butter Milk

1 Tsp Salt

2 cups flour

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1/2 Tsp clove (grounded)

1 Tsp Ginger (grounded)

1/2 Tsp Cinnamon (grounded)


A. Preaheat the waffle maker and grease it appropriately.

B. Beat eggs in a small bowl until they are light.Add sugar,buttermilk

and molasses.

C. Sift Flour with ginger, cloves,salt,cinnamon and baking soda and

powder in a large bowl.

D. Mix ingredients from bith the bowl.Add some butter and combine.

E. Pour the batter in the waffle iron and bake for a few minutes.

F. Serve the waffles hot.

This recipe makes a perfect holiday breakfast.Will add some more

warmth to the fireplace.

Lemon Waffles

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The sound of this may make you a bit skeptical about the whole thing

but trust me when I say "These waffles are simply divine."


4 Eggs - Seperated

1 Tsp baking powder

1/4 cup Sugar

1 1/2 cup Flour

1/2 tsp Salt

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1/4 cup Butter

1 cup Milk

Grated peel of a lemon

1 Tbsp Lemon Juice


A. Beat egg yolks with salt and sugar in a small bowl.

B. Blend it with milk and lemon juice. Add butter and lemon peels as


C. Mix with some Baking powder and flour.Stir.

D. Beat egg white untill stiff. Fold them into the batter.

E. bake the batter in the greased and pre-heated waffle iron.

F. Make sure the waffles are crisp and golden brown when you take

them out.

G. Top the waffles with some lemon yogurt and fresh berries.

Black Forest Waffles

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I came up with this recipe one day as a way to surprise my Mommy with

a special Birthday Breakfast Treat. Everyone in my family really loved

them as they come out really fluffy.

I topped them with enough chocolate to last for a century and also

complimented it with some strawberries. The cherry was just the cherry

on the cake or should I say the waffle. Haha.

These waffles make a really delicious brunch and a terrific deserct

recipe when added with some choco chips.


2 cup cake flour

Chocolate Chips

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1 Tbsp Baking Powder

1/4 cup Butter

1/3 cup Sugar

1/2 Tsp Vanilla

1/2 Tsp Salt

1 cup Milk

2 Eggs - Seperated.

1 cup Whipped Cream

1 cherry pie filling

3 Tbsp Sugar (for topping)

1/6 Tsp Almond extract.


A. Sift flour along with baking powder,sugar and salt in a large bowl.

B. Mix egg yolks with milk and Vanilla in a medium sized bowl.

C. Melt butter in a small bowl and add choclate chips to it. Stir untill

the chips melt in the butter.

D. Add the Egg mix to the Flour mix until combined. Top it up with

the chocolaye butter extract.

E. Beat egg whites and fold them in the batter.

F. Bake according to your prefered waffle iron. Add chocolate chips

just before closing the waffle iron for extra choclate waffles.

G. Beat cream until its thick and creamy.Add sugar and almond

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H. Top each waffle with this cream and a filling of pie.

Belgian Coconut Waffles

This is one of my personal favourite recipe.


2 cup Flour

4 Tbsp Canola Oil

2 Tsp Baking Powder

2 Eggs

1/2 cup coconut (shredded)

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6 egg whites

2 Tbsp Maple Syrup

1 cup reduced fat milk

2 Tbsp honey


A. Preheat your waffle and grease it.

B. Whisk flour along with baking powder and coconut in a large bowl.

C. Whisk syrup along with honey and eggs in another bowl.Add milk

and oil.

D. Beat the egg white until hard.

E. Make a big space in the center of the dry things and pour the

liquid mixture over it.

F. Fold egg whites in it.

G. Cook it in your waffle iron for about 10 mins

These waffles should turn out to be really fluffy provided the egg white

and canola oil along with the honey.

Top it up with you favourite topping choice.

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