Page 1: Benefits business gain by using the cloud

The Cloud is the latest trend in the technology world. It seems like everything is being moved to

the Cloud. But, what exactly is the Cloud, and is it right for your business? The Cloud is nothing

more than a series of network connected servers where people store data, applications, online

forms, and files securely offsite on someone else’s infrastructure, and then access the

applications and data over a secure Internet connection. Keep in mind, this is different from

having a hosted dedicated server at an offsite location. With the Cloud, the data is often

replicated to more than one storage device on multiple servers owned by the Cloud service you

are using. You are probably also sharing resources with other organizations.

From a business perspective, this has several advantages. As the world continues to be

increasingly defined by mobile devices with fast Internet connections, businesses can allow

their employees increased flexibility to use the devices of their choice from smart phones to

tablets to a variety of desktop computers. With Cloud Computing, employees can review

documents, sign off on a Purchase Order approval workflow, access real-time sales data and

business metrics at any time, from any location and on any device. Best of all, the Cloud vendor

offers this secure, reliable, 24x7 access as part of the service.

Your business can stop worrying about things like buying and upgrading servers, configuring

routers and switches on your network, providing secure VPN access to offsite employees and

troubleshooting online access to applications, web forms and data. The Cloud service vendor

takes care of all these details and they’re experts at doing so. Any time access in required,

rather than having to be connected to the company networks, employees log into a secure

Internet connection and access applications and data in the Cloud.

Besides helping businesses reduce IT expenses, and being accessible from virtually anywhere,

other benefits businesses gain by using the Cloud include:

Flexible Scalability: As your business needs change, you are able to adapt your Cloud

resource requirements.

Effective Project Collaboration: The Cloud makes it easy for workgroups located in

different locations to collaborate on projects, and it ensures they are always working

with the most current files and data.

Automatic Updates/Upgrades: Most Cloud services automatically update software, and

deploy security patches, so you are always working with the most recent and most

secure software versions.

Page 2: Benefits business gain by using the cloud

Quick Disaster Recovery: In the event of a natural disaster or other catastrophic event,

your business’s data and files are safe and secure, since they are stored in the Cloud.

You can get your business back up and running faster, with minimal downtime.


Cloud-based solutions provide many benefits for businesses of all sizes. Businesses need to

determine what areas of their business processes and approval workflows can be improved by

utilizing the Cloud.

Company Bio

Frevvo provides solutions for businesses with innovative, cost-effective Cloud-based

applications and approval workflows. The company has helped numerous businesses develop

custom easy-to-use mobile forms, web forms, and document approval workflow forms

designed to reduce costs and increase productivity. To learn more about solutions for your

business, contact Frevvo today, at 203-208-3117, or visit their website at

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