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Bee Gee News May 3, 1933 Bee Gee News May 3, 1933

Bowling Green State University

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Against BEE GEE NEWS Wearing




Honor has again came to Bowling Green

State College from the publication of two new books written by professors here, Dr. Clyde Hissong and his wife and Professor E. L. Moseley.

Dr. Hissong's book is called "An Intro- duction to the Principles of Teaching." Mrs. Hissong, formerly supervising instructor and teacher of education in Ohio Wesleyan University, collaborated with him in writ- ing the book.

The book is concerned not with devices but with principles which do not change, underlying teaching methods. As the pre- face states, the "important desideratum in education is a flexible teaching procedure. It is the underlying thesis of this discus- sion that teaching procedure which produce effective results cannot be formalized. They must be determined anew in each situation for the grouping of all the elements in the situation determines reactions which can- not in entirety be predicted in advance. This book is devoted therefore, to the deve- lopment of a point of view or a philosophic background sufficiently clarified to make possible intelligent determination of teach- ing technique and thus largely eliminate teaching by rule and device."

The nine chapters of the book thoroughly cover the ground of the principles under- lying teaching procedure. The Hissongs have seen beneath the surface of teaching and have interpreted and evaluated that of which they write.

The book has already been placed on the list of 1933-1934 Ohio Teacher's Read- ing Circle book. Besides being an excellent and valuable treatment of a much dealt- with subject, the book is a veritable joy to read in its being very well printed and bound.

Professor Moseley's book has been re- viewed in these columns some time ago. It is called "Other Worlds", and deals with astronomy.

We quote from the Scientific Book Club Review: "Altho many elementary books on astronomy are available at present, it would be difficult to find one which is more con- cisely and attractively written and which answers so adequately and simply the many questions of the layman regarding our solor system. Perhaps because astronomy is a hobby with the author, he presents the sub- ject with more than ordinary clarity and popular appeal."

Both of these books would amply repay perusal.


Above is pictured Dr. C. C. Kohl, Bee Gee's most popular professor, as seen by a local artist.



We are pleased to announce a new or- ganization on the Campus—the Bi-Tec Quartet. It's membership is Allen Scott, (Beer) Base; F. Fry, Baritone (Just a Nameless little Waif); J. Miller, the (whiskey) 1st tenor and D. (Dr. to you) Mooseman (cold water) 2nd tenor. Their theme song is "I Ain't Got NoBody". (How will they ever understand the human ana- tomy). Another favoriate is "Everytime I Go to Town, the Boys Start Kicking My Cat Around". They can always be found in front of the dorm or a sorority on warm nights under that mild and mellow moon.

Gwendolyn, the skeleton of the 18 year old human female, is their mascot. Their favorite pastime is comparing the Great Mooseman with Oscar, the Chimpanze.

Their meeting place is the little room next to the Bi. Lab. Here's the formulae for en- tering: Just say the password. Dimethylaminozolienenzesodium — sulphon- ate. Then receive the answer of 50, 421 knocks on the door. The door will fall in and if you look honest, they'll let you in.

The boys will be glad to sing at weddings, funerals or any other entertainment for a consideration.

"No serious consideration" is being given the proposal to close summer schools in state institutions, according to Rep. W. R.

Ditmars of Holmes county.

Thus the finance committee silenced threats to close Bee Gee this summer, along with other educational institutions, Kent State, Miami, Ohio U., and Ohio State.

Such a suggestion was made by Rep. Clarence H. Burk, chairman of the house finance committee. He advocated an "edu- cational holiday" during the summer, de- claring there is already an over supply of teachers. In other words, he advocated al- leviating the present serious unemployment condition by adding to the number who for three months are unemployed. By way of editorial remark, we might add that there are evidently some brilliant men guiding the State of Ohio thru this present crisis that tire men's souls!

Another windy soul has suggested that Bee Gee and other state institutions be turned into prisons, insane asylums or orphan's homes, according to a news item in Friday's "Blade". Perhaps it would be well to quit having educational institutions at all, and merely supplant them with poor houses where decrepit teachers can find haven. Evidently there are enough of them to last some hundreds of years.

A Peek Into a Seven's Letter i

Dearest Mag:- We had the darlingest formal last Sat-

urday night. We gave a dinner dance. First we met at the Sorority house and then all went over to the Women's Club for dinner. The tables looked lovely with candles and center pieces in our colors. Besides, the food was delicious!

Then we all went out to the Women's Gym. It looked quite nice considering that we weren't allowed much money for decor- ations. Everyone looked so nice. I just love to see men in gleaming black and white and women in evening dresses! There surely were some darling dresses there. And, my dear, the punch was really worth drink- ing. So, you see, with a good orchestra and all the gang there including several alum- nae, we all had a marvelous time. I'm com- ing back next year, too. I wouldn't miss it. See you Sunday.

Yours, A Seven Sister

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BEE GEE NEWS Published Every Wednesday By The



EDITORIAL STAFF William Noble Editor-in-Chief Don Cryer, John Moore, and Gale Herbert Associate Editors

Wayne Champion Satire Stewart Himes :. Sketching VVillard Schaller Business Manager Harold Seibert Sports Editor Evelyn Boobring Social Editor Jane Ladd Literary Editor Eleanor Hobart Breeze Editor Donald Barnes Exchange Editor Floyd Culbertson, Minnie Milloff, and Ida Roe Feature Writers

Evelyn Boobring, Ida Roe, Dewayne Burke, Max Dunipace, Dale Kellogg, Evelyn Emerine, Marie Schmidt and Erwin Hagedorn Reporters

Prof. G. W. Beattie Faculty Adviser

SUBSCRIPTION RATES Single Copy 5c Per Year 50c

*«l Ml II 1 I- ".>


Dear Editor: A certain remark made in a classroom

has irritated me all week. About the only-

way to give vent to my irritation is thru your paper. So here it is.

During the discussion in a history class last week, the question concerning the re-

fusal of France to pay her war debts arose. There is nothing we can due about it, for one state cannot sue another state. Com- mon sense tells us that a nation would be idiotic, to go to war in order to make the debit nation pay the credit nation, espec- ially for the small sum of $19,000,000. Yet a girl in that class made the statement that U. S. ought to make France pay that "chic- ken-feed" even at the expense of another great war.

Such lack of reflective thinking, such short-sightedness as this is very unbecom- ing of a college student. To this girl $19,- 000,000 seems a large sum of money, altho it is but a "drop in the bucket" compared to the final cost of a great war. This girl forgets that it is the men, not the women, who do the fighting, who expose their vitals to the points of bayonets, who risk being blown to pieces by bombs, who ex- pose their bodies to all the adverse ele- ments of nature, and who suffer incon- ceivable hardships. Those who fight have everything to lose and nothing to win. If they do not lose their lives in battle, then they spend an unfruitful life in struggling through a post-war depression.

If the tables could be turned so that the women would have to go to the front and the men remain to keep the "home fires burning", I'm sure there would be no such inane remarks coming from our fair sex. Yes girls, stop and think. It is just such crazy remarks as those that get nations in war and create public opinion favorable to war. Weigh the consequences. Ask yourself this question "Does the end justify the means?"

Dear Editor: Your columns are somewhat given to

complainings from time to time, so here goes with my own plaint.

Why must there be so few who are in- terested in things that are really worth while here at Moronia? Bowling Green seems to have plenty of functions that merit attendance and support from the students, but fail to get it.

Also, sad to say, the professors fail mis- erably, on the whole to attend many of the functions that are interesting. I am not arguing that they ought to be present just for an "example" but I do say that they per- haps might be stimulated into doing some- thing other than the prosaic teaching as- cording to seven year old lesson plans if they were at these occasions.

Last week, Tuesday evening, Jan Chia- pusso was here and gave us some splendid music. But there were only a few to hear him. I make a guess that there must have been a dance or some other very attractive intellectual feast to take the students away, else they would have been there, surely.

College ought ideally to be intellectual and aesthetic, but it can't be so long as not enough attend intellectual or aesthetic events to warrant bringing them here.

Now that's out of my system, I'll proceed to make up an excuse for not having my Ed. 62 on time tomorrow.

Yours ever, Disgruntled

-«»- -«»—

An Open Letter to The Entertainment Committee

The concert pianist has crossed our boards, again the auditorium was filled to about one quarter capacity. And again the question rises: How long will those in au- thority continue to waste the public's money on the tommyrot and rubbish that has been offered us on the so-called "Lec- ture-Course" program? Of the past dozen numbers, there has been but one really de- cent lecture, that of John Langdon-Davies, (and how that was ever allowed to slip through is still an unsolved mystery). In the light of conditions existing in the world today, one would think that the Social Com- mittee would strive to bring before us, com- petent speakers to give enlightened views on current events. Any thinking person knows that with even the pretence of a sensible program, the hall would be jammed to the doors with eager, serious-minded students.

Of course, ninety per cent of the college, faculty and students both, don't care a tinker's dam for all the concert violinists, basso profundos, etc., on this side of Hades. What is needed is a series of honest, thought provoking lectures on modern problems in economics, morality, politics, and religion. (Our faculty members could give them if they weren't afraid of their shadows, and were given half a chance).

The speeches on India and China were a step in the right direction. (And by the

SOCIAL CALENDAR May 4—Men's Glee Club Concert. May 5—Kindergarten-Primary Banquet. May 6—State Scholarship Contest. May 10—Band Concert. May 13—Commercial Contest

Skol Sport Dance (All College) May 17 or 18—May Day, Women's Lea-

gue Tea Dance (All College) Seven Sisters.

May 23—Three Kay picnic. May 24—W. A. A. Banquet. May 25—Orchestra Concert. May 26—Delhi Picnic. May 30—Holiday. June 1—Annual Concert-Mixed Chorus

Music Department. June 2—Commoner's Picnic. June 11—Baccalaureate Sunday. June 12—Commencement Day.


Baseball Friday, April 21—Toledo Saturday, April 29—Hillsdale Tuesday, May 9—At Findlay Friday, May 12—At Bluffton. Tuesday, May 16—At Toledo Friday, May 26—Findlay Saturday, June 3—Bluffton

-«»- -«»-

Track Saturday, April 22—Toledo Saturday, April 29—At Bluffton Quad. Saturday, May 6—Capital Saturday, May 13—B. G., Bluffton, Find-

lay. Saturday, May 20—At Heidelberg Friday and Saturday, May 26 and 27—

Big Six at Oberlin

way, all that furore about those speakers vas just so much bunk, if college-students cin't bear to hear the other side of a ques- tion, they are not worthy of the name.) But why go so far afield? Why worry about Hitler, and Gandhi and Manchuria? We 1 ave enough problems here at home, with cur banks failing, our industries lying stagnant, and our farms being sold on the ruction block. With unemployment and hunger rife throughout the land, an ap- palling crime wave in our cities, and crunkeness and beer staging a comeback, f.nd with growing economic and social evils en every hand (as the Scottsboro trial, the hank-fraud exposures, etc.), we have no lack of subject-material.

And then the music, undoubtedly fully three-fourths of the school would rather listen to the college band than to any or all cf the musical numbers so far presented. Why not bring down some peppy dance orchestra from Toledo, with snappy melo- dies, and dreamy waltzes, and give the student-body what they desire? And if, you doubt that desire, I challenge you to con- duct a questionnaire to determine the wishes of the college-students. I'm willing to gam- ble my false-teeth to a croquet ball that the results would back me up to the letter. Yours, for a real, live, entertaining "Lec- ture-Course" next year.



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Several members of the College Music Department will assist in the specially sel- ected orchestra which is to accompany the High School production of "Trial by Jury" Tuesday evening, May 2. The program is to be given in the Senior High School

auditorium and is scheduled to begin at 8:00 o'clock.

Among those who will play in the ac- companying orchestra are: Sidney Baron, Joe Miller, Eugene Witters, Gordon Mumaw and D. D. Armstrong alumnus of the col- lege and present director of Instrumental Music in the schools. The singing and dramatics of the show will be under the direction of Roy V. Hilty, Supervisor of Vocal Music in the schools.

It is expected that many college students will avail themselves of this opportunity to see and hear a splendid example of the Gilbert and Sullivan Opera Series. The lines are catchy; the music is the sort that sends people into the streets whistling and humming the tunes; and the dramatic situation is sufficiently humorous to fur- nish laughs for weeks to come.

Admission will be charged at the door, fifteen cents for adults and ten cents for children. The music teachers and adminis- tration of the Bowling Green Schools are issuing a cordial invitation to the college faculty and students to enjoy this musical show with them.

Welfare Committee Visits Bowling Green State College

The Welfare Committee, a division of the House Finance Committee, inspected Bow- ling Green State College Monday and later will inspect Miami University, Athens Uni- versity and Kent State College.

Last week the Welfare Committee sug- gested the conversion of one of the State Teacher Training Colleges into a welfare institution, because of the need of welfare accomodations and the sad state of Ohio's finances.

The committee visiting Bowling Green, composed of Representatives Moss, Mercer county; Kemp, Licking county; Oakley Spaght, Summit county; W. T. Roberts, Belmont county; P. H. Rogers, Lorain; and E. H. King, Vinton, will make a report of their inspection to the House Finance committee.

State appropriations are recommended to the House by the Financial committee. This committee, to promote efficiency, is divided into three groups:-

1. General committee. 2. Educational committee. 3. Welfare committee. These divisions report to the House Fin-

ancial committee, where all interests are carefully considered in making their re- commendations to the Assembly for the ap- propriations of 1933 and 1934.


Scintillating Bea: When and how much of the Key payments

will be refunded?—M. & E. Answer—It certainly looks as though the

public was to be hornswoggled on this mat- ter, but you must remember that we can take it—WE CAN TAKE IT!

Darling Bea: Why is Naomi C. so interested in a cer-

tain debater?—Interested Inlookers. Answer—It is one of the foibles of hum-

anity that so little should attract so much. Recall Shakespeare's (good old Shake- speare!) statement. He said: "what fools these mortals be!" Ask me another.

All-Knowing Bea: Who is the girl from Findlay who has

been creating such a furor in the heart of one Bus Perry?—Inquisitive.

Answer—We never gives names, my dear Inquisitive, but you might ask Archie King. Those two are just like that!

Gracious Bea: Is it true that the Philosophy Club is


Answer—Perhaps that is the only thing that the Philosophers will admit as being true. But don't be too discouraged, there's still the three frats who are still passing out tin badges at so much per.


News Brevities

Miss Wills' class in art appreciation has been doing its appreciating lately in the Toledo Museum of Art.

Gale Herbert has been seen lately in com- pany with one Marie Gath.

-«»- -«»—

Two keen observers on a moon-light night at the Seven Sister House noticed (that due to convention) the boys knock before enterting. And at a late hour (10:00) when the girls wish to place the milk bottles on the porch. Knock before coming out, WHY?


Oscar Penchef: I can't see anything through this microscope.

Prof. Moseley: Very simple, you are clos- ing the wrong eye.


For Mothers' Day

ROGERS BROS. Next Door to Cla-Zel


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Two Suits Cleaned and Pressed ...75c [ Dresses, Cleaned and Pressed ...50c

Ladies' Coat and Topcoat Clean- ed and Pressed, both for 75c

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Phone 634 120 S. Main St.

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RAPPAPORT'S I "For Everything"

Note Books Fillers Post Cards

Greeting Cards Decorations Favors

Candles Novelties Candy

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CREST CHOCOLATES Mothers* Day Packages


Mothers' Day Packages

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LINCOLN & DIRLAM The Drug Store on The Square


I —•


Safe and Conseravtive

THE BANK OF WOOD COUNTY Capital $200,000.00 Surplus $100,000.00

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Friday, April 21—Toledo Friday, April 28—Bluffton Friday, May 5—At Adrian Saturday, May 6—Capital

Tuesday, May 9—At Findlay Tuesday, May 16—At Toledo Friday, May 19—Adrian Friday, May 26—Findlay Saturday, May 27—At Capital Tuesday, May 30—At Bluffton




A serious effort is being made to keep the tennis courts in good condition. The Physical Education department hopes that you will make frequent use of them, because we think that tennis is the best of the spring sports. In order to make everybody's fun as pleasant as possible, we ask you to observe carefully the following regulations.

1. Use rubber-soled shoes without heels. 2. Do not use the courts when they are

soft i. e., too soon after a rain. 3. Be reasonable about making way for

other waiting to play i. e. Double up when necessary! Play 2 sets or not more than 50 minutes and then vacate the court.

4. Give the P. E. classes preference at the following hours:

Women's Athletic Association, west dorm court 4-8; varsity, 2 west courts 3-6.

Wed and Fri at 8; M. and Wer. at 8; M. and Wed. at 3; T & T at 8; T & T at 9; T & T at 11; T & T at 2; T & T at 3.



What?—Spring Sport Dance, sponsored by the Skol Sorority.

When?—Saturday, May 13th. Where?—Men's Gym. Who?—All College Students. Why?—To dance to the strains of a good

orchestra. Refreshments will be served. Note: Admission will be by Activity

Book and ticket. Tickets are FREE, and may be secured all day Monday, May 8, in the Administration building. Every person attending must have a ticket.

I Do Not Wish You 111

I do not wish you ill, my friend. Ah, no—for you are still my friend And friends do no wish ill of friends. And yet I probe and search to find That deep within a troubled mind— I pity self, for you're unkind. But still I loathe the honeyed tongue Eating the reeking stuff that's flung At every broad courageous back Turned in disdain— I'm such a fool! I ought to know That all great things must hurt to grow And surely friendship's torture rack Gives more than pain!

Here's to a hearty, out-door meal Sports and games and fun that is real. Here's to a hot dog shoved in a bun, Or a sizzling steak, or "The bacon's done!" Here's to a group that's friendly to you. If you're planning to join, you may come

along too. On Wednesday, May 3, the W. A. A.

girls are going to meet at the Ad. building at 5:15 o'clock with what food they want, individually, and dressed in sports clothes suitable for some out-door games. The group will then go to City Park for a pic- nic supper, the regular monthly meeting, and games. There are ovens to cook weiners or steak and the W. A. A. will furnish a treat for all. If you've been wanting to join this group and are working towards your points, gather up some grub and trot along. We'll all enjoy ourselves together. There is a paper to sign on the Phys. Ed. bulletin board.


Sour Grapes If he's gay your poor face aches From all the silly smiles it makes; If he's blue you rack your brain For ways to cheer him up again; You worry so, if he's cool Yours tears would fill a swimming pool

I turn my eyes to skies above And thank the Lord I'm not in love.

-«»- -«»—






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