  • 8/22/2019 Battery Developments - battery university


    Battery Developments

    Inventions in the 1700s and 1800s are well documented and credit goes to the dignified inventors. Benjamin Franklin invented the Franklin stove, bifocal eyeglasses and

    the lightning rod. He was unequaled in American history as an inventor until Thomas Edison emerged. Edison was a good businessman who may have taken credit for

    inventions others had made. Contrary to popular belief, Edison did not invent the light bulb; he improved upon a 50-year-old idea by using a small, carbonized filament lit

    up in a better vacuum. Although a number of people had worked on this idea before, Edison gained the financial reward by making the concept commercially viable to the

    public. The phonograph is another success story for which Edison received due credit.

    Countries often credit their own citizens for having made important inventions, whether or not they deserve it. When visiting museums in Europe, the USA and Japan one

    sees such bestowment. The work to develop the car, x-ray machines, telephones, broadcast radio, televisions and computers might have been done in parallel, not

    knowing of others advancements at that time, and the rightful inventor is often not clearly identified. Similar uncertainties exist with the invention of new battery systems,

    and we give respect to research teams and organizations rather than individuals. Table 1 summarizes battery advancements and lists inventors when available.

    Year Inventor Activity

    1600 William Gilbert (UK) Establishment of electrochemistry study

    1791 Luigi Galvani (Italy) Discovery of animal electricity










    Alessandro Volta (Italy)

    William Cruickshank (UK)

    Andr-Marie Ampre (France)

    Michael Faraday (UK)

    John F. Daniell (UK)

    William Robert Grove (UK)

    Gaston Plant (France)

    Georges Leclanch (France)

    Waldmar Jungner (Sweden)

    Invention of the voltaic cell (zinc, copper disks)

    First electric battery capable of mass production

    Electricity through magnetism

    Announcement of Faradays law

    Invention of the Daniell cell

    Invention of the fuel cell (H2/O2)

    Invention of the lead acid battery

    Invention of the Leclanch cell (carbon-zinc)

    Invention of the nickel-cadmium battery











    Thomas A. Edison (USA)

    Shlecht & Ackermann (D)

    Georg Neumann (Germany)

    Lew Urry, Eveready Battery

    Group effort

    Group effort

    Sony (Japan)

    Bellcore (USA)

    Moli Energy (Canada)

    University of Texas (USA)

    Invention of the nickel-iron battery

    Invention of the sintered pole plate

    Successfully sealing the nickel-cadmium battery

    Invention of the alkaline-manganese battery

    Development of valve-regulated lead acid battery

    Commercialization of nickel-metal-hydride battery

    Commercialization of lithium-ion battery

    Commercialization of lithium-ion polymer

    Introduction of Li-ion with manganese cathode

    Identification of Li-phosphate (LiFePO4)

    2002 University of Montreal, Quebec Hydro, MIT, others Improvement of Li-phosphate, nanotechnology, commercialization

    Table 1: History of modern battery development. No new major battery system has entered the commercial market since the invention of Li-phosphate in 1996.

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  • 8/22/2019 Battery Developments - battery university


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    On June 23, 2011 at 3:35am

    viswanathan sankaran wrote:

    You have commented that

    No new major battery system has entered the commercial market since the invention of Li-phosphate in 1996

    What about the fuel cells and Vanadium Redox Flow batteries which are already commercialized ? There is no mention about the high temperature molten electrolyte sodium cell either?

    On August 4, 2011 at 11:46pm

    songfang wrote:

    Really interesting !I learned a lot from it Thanks!

    On November 20, 2011 at 10:17am

    Reece wrote:

    Thanks for the help. This helped me with my science fair

    On June 5, 2012 at 1:36pm

    Les wrote:

    I work for an industrial supply company as a technical product support specialist. Often I receive many phone calls asking about batteries and their various types. Your site is extremely

    thorough. I appreciate the work youve done. Thank you! It will be of tremendous help to me and my peers.

    On May 18, 2013 at 3:17pm

    Mastero101 wrote:

    Very interesting know about the history of the batteries, but us miss one thing who invent the Li-ion, Li-Po batteries. l want to know who develope the batteries that we use every day.

    On June 22, 2013 at 7:17am

    JK DHANDE wrote:

    I wish to know all about battery and battery technology.

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    ery Historical Developments Battery University

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