  • 7/27/2019 Banking GK for RBI Assiatant


    Banking GK For RBIAssiatant1. Which of the following is not a tool in thehands of RBI to control the inflationary pressure

    in the country ?(1) Bank Rate (BR)(2) Special Drawing Rights (SDR)(3) Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR)(4) Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR)(5) None of these Ans: (2)

    2. Which of the following tool is used frequently bythe RBI to control credit and monetary situationsof the markets in the country?(1) Cash Reserve Ratio(2) Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS)(3) Balance of Trade(4) Forward Trade Agreements(5) Electronic Clearing Service Ans: (1)

    3. Which among the following organization has gotthe principal approval from the Reserve Bank ofIndia (RBI) for establishing as well asoperating White Label ATMs (WLAs)?(1) Muthoot Finance(2) Union Bank of India(3) LIC (Life Corporation of India)(4) NICL (National Insurance Company Limited)(5) None of these Ans:(1)

    4. Present minimum & maximum limit for RTGStransactions is ____.(1) Rs.50000, Rs 200000(2) Rs. 1 lac, No Limit(3) Rs. 2 lac, Rs 5 lac(4) Rs.5 lac, Rs 10 lac(5) Rs. 2 lac, No Limit Ans: (5)

    5. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) constituted aworking group to examine various issuesconcerning the deposit rates, including floatingrate of interest on fixed deposits under thechairmanship of:(1) SS Kohli (2) Dalbir

    Singh(3) HN Sinor (4) RK Talwar(5) None of these Ans:(3)

    6. The maximum amount of the total revenueearned by the government of India comes from-(1) Income Tax (2) Customs Duty(3) Excise Duty (4) VAT(5) Corporate Tax Ans: (5)

    7. Recently RBI launch Inflation Indexed Bonds(IIBs) to stop away investors from gold to paper-based savings instruments. What is the maturityperiod these bonds?(1) 5 years (2) 10 years(3) 6 years (4) 7 years(5) None of these Ans:(2)

    8. In order to promote lending to priority sectors, theReserve Bank has allowed urban co-operativebanks (UCBs) to grant unsecured loans up tohow much percent of their assets?(1) 5 % (2) 10%(3) 15% (4) 20%(5) 25% Ans: (5)

    9. Government has extended the term of whichamong the following Deputy Governor ofthe RBI?

    (1) Ujjwal Patel (2) SubirGokaran(3) HR Khan (4) Anand Sinha(5) None of these Ans: (4)

    10. RBI Provides ____ for meeting day - to - dayreceipt and expenditure mismatch to bothCentral and State Governments.1) treasury bills2) Ways and Means advance3) date and securities4) All the above5) None of these Ans: 2)

    11. The maximum number of withdrawals permittedin a savings account, half yearly is__?(1) 90 (2) 60(3) 50 (4) 110(5) None of these Ans: (3)

    12. The Capital Account Convertibility of the Indianrupee refers to:(1) that the Indian rupee can be exchanged forthe US dollar for international trade in goods andservice(2) that the Indian rupee can be exchanged forany major currency for the purpose of tradingfinancial assets(3) that the Indian rupee can be exchanged bythe authorized dealer for travel purpose(4) that the Indian rupee can be exchanged forany major currency for the purpose of trade ingoods and services(5) None of the above Ans: (2)

  • 7/27/2019 Banking GK for RBI Assiatant


    13. Fiscal Responsibility and Budget ManagementAct (FRBM) concerns:I. Fiscal DeficitII. Balance of PaymentIII. Revenue Deficit(1) Only I (2) Only II(3) I & II (4) I & III(5) All of these Ans: (4)

    14. Which of the principal institution for promotion,financing and development of small scaleindustries in the country?(1) RBI (2) SBI(3) IDBI (4) SIDBI(5) None of these Ans: (4)

    15. Which of the following instruments of creditcontrol adopted by the Reserve Bank ofIndia (RBI) does not fall within general orquantitative methods of credit control?

    (1) Stipulation of certain minimum margin inrespect of advance against specifiedcommodities(2) Open market operations(3) Bank rate(4) Variable reserve requirement(5) None of these Ans: (1)

    Important Points:

    1.According to RBI lifespan of the polymer or

    Plastic notes is 5 yearsfour times that of paperbanknotes means paper bank notes have alifespan of1 year.

    2. Reserve Bank of India projected a GDPgrowth for 2013-14 at 5.7%.

    3. Governor of RBI: D.SubbaraoDeputy Governor of RBI:1. Dr. K.C. Chakarabarty

    2. Urjit Patel (replaced Subir Gokran)3.Anand Sinha4. HR Khan

    4.Increase in net RBI credit for centralgovernment represents:Monetiseddeficit.

    5.Participatory Notes (PNs) are associatedwith: ForeignInstitutional Investors.

    6.Headquarter of RBI (Reserve Bank of India): Mumbai

    7.Recently RBI announced to launch 10 plasticnotes in 5 cities: Kochi, Mysore, Jaipur,Bhubhaneshwar and Shimla.

    8.Under RBI guidelines under Scheme A,RBIgives the approval to establishes a minimumof 1000 White Label ATMs (WLAs).in first year

    to any Non Banking Finance company.

    9.RBI Sign first Currency Swap Agreement withRoyal Monetary Authority of Bhutanwith validfor a period of 3 years.

    10. RBI generally reviews the Monetary policyfor every 3 months.

    11. RBI was set up on the recommendations ofHilton Young Commission.

    12. Monetary policy is a tool with RBI to regulateto regulate the interest rate and money supplyexpansion that prevail in the economy.

    13. Certificates of deposit (CDs) are short-term borrowings in the form of Promissory Noteshaving a maturity of not less than 7 days up to amaximum of one year.

    14. Commercial Papers are short termborrowings by Corporates, FIs, PDs, from

    Money Market. Issued subject to minimum of Rs5 lakhs and in the multiples of Rs. 5 Lac.CP can be issued for maturities between aminimum of 7 days and a maximum of up to oneyear from the date of issue.

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