Page 1: Baby Quilt Pattern Jelly Roll Quilt Tutorial

Rolling Along Baby Quilt Tutorial

40”X40” Finished Size

This pattern is named for my nine month old daughter who is constantly rolling all over the floor. (also suitable because this pattern uses part of a jelly roll)

Preparing the Fabric

To begin, wash and press all fabric. When using jelly rolls some people do not pre-wash fabric. If you are not washing prior to sewing, please wash on cold with a cup of salt to avoid bleeding once the quilt is finished.

When cutting fabric iron flat, fold in half, and cut with the top of your ruler even with the selvedge.

Cutting measurements include .25” seam allowance

You can also substitute ½ of a jelly roll for the 2.5” strips

Cutting (pattern assumes a fabric width of 42-44”) If you don’t have a rotary cutter, mark the measurements with a pencil and cut with scissors.

Cut 14 - 2.5”x 42”strips for the piecing or you can use a pre cut jelly roll. Trim the 14 pieces to 2.5”x 28.5” and set aside the extra pieces to use in another project or for appliqué.

Cut 4 – 2.5” x 42”strips for the binding (set this aside)

Cut 4 – 6.5”x42” strips for the large borders on the top, bottom, and sides

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Piecing the Top (The Strips)

Lay the strips out in the way that you like.

Pin the strips in sets of two. Sew together right sides facing (patterned side). Continue in this manner until you have seven pairs. Attach the pairs together. The fabric is easier to manage if you sew together sets of two and then attach the sets of four together at the end.

Iron the seams to the darker fabric side. Make sure your strips are a complete square and get ready to attach the borders. Give it a little trim if you want. I won’t tell. Put the crazy back in quilting!


Pin the top border to the strip centre with the right sides facing. It will be a bit long, so pin it evenly on the left side and trim excess off the right side so that it’s even with the side. Attach the bottom border in the same way. Attach side borders. This time, take the border right up to the top and attach it to the top and bottom borders and the centre with the right sides facing. Trim as necessary.

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Lay out the backing flat on a large table or floor with the wrong side facing up (no pattern). Press the fabric and tape it to the table or floor. Lay the batting on top and place the top of the quilt on top, making a sandwich with the batting in the middle. The top should be right side up, as it would look when finished.

Pin, pin, pin. This is the most important part. Once you smooth your fabric neatly. Take medium sized pins or a loose basting stitch and baste well. Every few inches, through all three layers of fabric.


Starting in the middle of the quilt (about seven strips down) and use a “stitch in the ditch” quilting technique. Sew from one side to the other “in the ditch” between each of the 14 strips. Stitch directly over top of the pre existing lines which are attaching the strips together. Use a straight stitch. If your fabric is puckering, use a looser stitch. (around 4 usually works) Follow the outside of the strip centre in the same manner using “stitch in the ditch”.

If your machine has a scallop stitch or another nice decorative stitch, quilt the large border until it looks the way you like. This is where you get to experiment. You can use free motion, stippling, or any type of quilting you like. (on my machine I use stitch 21 which is a scallop stitch)

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Trim the quilt top, batting, and backing so that the quilt is an even square.


Sew all four of the 2.5” strips together in one long piece. Fold in half with the right sides facing out and iron. Leave a 5” section of the binding not sewn and start sewing in the middle of one of the sides of the quilt. Use a ¼” seam and sew until you reach the corner. Stop about ¼ “ from the end and backstitch. Fold the binding away from the quilt, hold it in place, and then fold back even with the top, creating a small fold. Your binding should be even with the quilt top again. Continue in this manner until you reach the point where your binding meets. Stop about 5” from the other piece of binding and attach the two pieces. Continue attaching the binding. Fold the binding under and miter the corners, attach to the bottom of the quilt with a blind stitch.

Trim the threads and iron it again. You did it! Congratulations!

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I hope you enjoyed the tutorial. Any feedback would be appreciated!!!:)

Stacey White * [email protected] * *

Quilt Kits are available for this kit with front, back, and binding for $35. Contact me for details.

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