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    Ventiladores Axiales /Axial fans200 - 1000 mm

    ROTOREX Series

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    Serie HR /HR Series

    200 - 250 mm 2-4 polos /poles 10

    300 - 315 mm 4 polos /poles 12

    350 - 400 mm 4 polos /poles 14

    450 mm 4-6-8 polos /poles 16

    500 mm 4-6-8 polos /poles 18

    560 mm 4-6-8 polos /poles 20

    630 mm 4-6-8 polos /poles 22

    710/30 mm 6-8 polos /poles 24

    710/24 mm 6-8-12 polos /poles 26

    800 mm 6-8-12 polos /poles 28

    910 mm 6-8-12 polos /poles 30

    1000 mm 12 polos /poles 32

    Serie HRB /HRB Series 35

    560 mm 4 polos /poles 36

    630 mm 4 polos /poles 38

    710 mm 6-8 polos /poles 40

    800 mm 6-8-12 polos /poles 42


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    S&P - LA EMPRESADesde su fundacin en el ao 1951, en la localidad de Ripoll (Espaa),

    Soler & Palau, S.A. se ha convertido, desde hace ya bastantes aos, en

    uno de los lderes mundiales en la fabricacin y venta de todo tipo de

    equipos de ventilacin y de extraccin de aire.

    Ocho plantas productivas y once empresas filiales propias de comer-

    cializacin, ubicadas en diversos pases y continentes constituyen el

    actual Grupo S&P que, con un cualificado equipo de ms de 1300

    personas, ejerce su actividad en todos los pases del mundo.

    S&P - LA ESTRATEGIAInvestigacin y Desarrollo de productos y tecnologa propios; Calidad deproduccin por encima de la media de su campo de actividad y Vocacin

    de Expansin sostenible son, y han sido entre otros, tres de los pilares

    fundamentales sobre los que descansa la trayectoria de Soler & Palau, S.A.

    Contar hoy con ms de 60 Ingenieros titulados en las reas de

    Investigacin, Desarrollo, Innovacin y Produccin; Certificaciones

    ISO 9001:2000 y 14001:1996 acrediatadas por AENOR (Soler & Palau

    fue la primera empresa registrada en Espaa). Laboratorios propios de

    ensayo con certificacin oficial EN-45001-89 y crecimientos anuales,

    sostenidos en las ltimas dcadas, muy superiores a los de su mercado

    son algunos de los logros de la correcta aplicacin de la mencionada

    estrategia de empresa.

    Nuevos y apasionantes proyectos que vern la luz muy en breve, estnhoy en marcha en el Grupo S&P.




    S&P - THE COMPANYSoler & Palau was founded in 1951 in Ripoll (Spain) and since this

    date has become one of the worlds leading companies engaged in

    the manufacture, sales and distribution of all types of ventilating

    and air moving products. Today Soler & Palau has eight production

    plants and eleven wholly owned commercial subsidiary companies

    located across the globe. Supporting the design, development

    production and commercial facilities are a professional team of

    more than 1300 employees who ensure that Soler & Palau continue

    to have an active presence in all global market sectors.

    S&P - THE STRATEGYAt the heart of Soler & Palaus company strategy is the continued

    substantial investment in product and manufacturing research,

    development and quality control. Since 1951 the sustained

    investment in these critical areas has enabled Soler & Palau to

    offer to its customers products with unparalleled quality and

    reliability. These critical elements of success today form the

    fundamental cornerstones of the companys strategy for growth

    within increasingly competitive global markets.

    Today Soler & Palau has more than 60 highly qualified engineers

    working in areas such as product and manufacturing technology

    research, development, innovation and production. The engineers

    work closely with international safety standards agencies to

    ensure that all of Soler & Palaus products are manufactured andsupplied in accordance with only the very latest mechanical and

    electrical safety standards. All products are extensively tested

    with the companys comprehensive in-house airflow, acoustic and

    environmental test laboratories which have been officially

    certified by AENOR to EN-45001- 89 standards. Currently Soler &

    Palau hold both ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 14001:1996 certifications

    and were also the first company in Spain to be registered to the

    original ISO 9000 standards.

    Through operating a continual rigorous program of new and

    existing product development and improvement means that Soler

    & Palaus customers are assured that they will continue to receive

    products of only the very highest quality and reliability both now

    and in the future.

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    VENTILADORES AXIALES ROTOREXLa Nueva Generacin de Ventiladores Axiales para OEMs de 200 a

    1000 mm dimetro.

    Despus de un detallado estudio Soler & Palau, S.A ha desarrollado una

    Nueva Generacin de Ventiladores Axiales Rotorex, que utilizando lalarga experiencia de diseo y fabricacin de producto acumulada y ya

    ampliamente experimentada en numerosos y diversos mercados.

    ROTOREX AXIAL FANSThe new generation of OEM, Rotorex Axial Fans from 200 to

    1000 mm diameters.

    After extensive market and customer research Soler & Palau has

    developed a new generation of Rotorex Axial Fans. Using thecompanys extensive experience within the global market, the

    new Rotorex range has been specifically designed to meet and

    Construccin /Construction S Construccin /Construction PN

    Construccin /Construction Q Construccin /Construction P

    S&P - LOS PRODUCTOSMillones de aparatos S&P estn actualmente en funcionamiento en todo

    el mundo ya sea formando parte de todo tipo de instalaciones de

    ventilacin o extraccin de aire: individuales, comunitarias, de estable-

    cimientos comerciales y pblicos de todas clases, de empresas indus-

    triales y tambin como componentes aplicados en infinidad de equipos

    industriales de: aire acondicionado, refrigeracin, calefaccin, filtracin

    de aire, humidificacin, etc...., que a su vez, son de aplicacin comn o

    altamente especializada segn casos.

    S&P - THE PRODUCTSSince 1951 Soler & Palau have supplied millions of ventilating and

    air moving products to a diverse customer base across the world.

    These products have formed parts of complete ventilation systems

    in private, commercial and public building environments.

    In addition many of the products have been used as component

    parts by manufacturing companies in an endless array of industrial

    equipment including air conditioning, refrigeration, heating, air

    filtering, humidification and other associated products.

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    exceed the demands of the international OEM customer. The

    implementation of high performance technically specified products

    along with a flexible manufacturing policy have been critical to the

    success of the new range.

    The enclosed catalogued pages illustrate details of the range of

    standard model sizes available.

    However because all the major

    components used within the new

    Rotorex fans (motors, impellers,

    guards etc) are manufactured by Soler

    & Palau some aspect of the product

    can be adapted to precisely match a

    given customers fan specifications.

    This new generation Rotorex series

    can be supplied in two distinct

    versions both of which have different

    generic characteristics as follows:- HR Series: High airflow efficiencies

    with low noise generation; speed

    controllable motors and adjustable

    sickle bladed impellers.

    - HRB Series: High volume airflows

    for long-distance projection achieved by optimized straight

    aerofoil bladed impellers; improved cost/ airflow ratio and full

    sturdy construction.

    The new Rotorex axial fans have been specifically designed to be

    used as component parts within third party OEM products. As

    such Soler & Palau have designed and manufactured these fans

    to comply with the: Electromagnetic Compatibility 89/336 EEC

    and 92/31 EEC and, Low Voltage 72/23 EEC and 93/68 EEC

    European Directives once they have been installed in the final

    product. It is therefore important that the final OEM appliance is

    tested and certified by the appliance manufacturer according to

    EN-60555-2 and EN 60335-1 standards.

    Soler & Palau do not accept any responsibility in the failure of the

    products supplied which have resulted from the non-compliance

    of the final customers appliance.


    Esta nueva generacin ha sido especialmente enfocada para satisfacer las

    ms altas exigencias del mercado OEM y poderse adaptar flexiblemente a

    las necesidades individuales de cada producto del cliente consumidor.

    Sobre unas prestaciones base de catlogo, la amplia posibilidad de

    adaptacin de las prestaciones de los motores elctricos S&P con que vanequipados permiten, con la colaboracin

    de nuestros laboratorios de ensayos de

    producto aplicado, alcanzar el ptimo

    resultado al adap-tarse perfectamente a

    las especificaciones del equipo de cada

    cliente de manera personalizada

    (customized product)

    Esta Nueva Generacin se ha estructu-

    rado en dos series de producto cuyas

    caractersticas claramente diferenciales


    - Serie HR: Rendimiento, flexibilidad deuso, silenciosidad, regulabilidad.

    - Serie HRB: Potencia, proyeccin de

    aire (dardo); mejor ratio m3/Eur., ro-


    Los ventiladores Rotorex estn concep-

    tuados como componentes y estn des-tinados a incorporarse a los

    productos acabados finales fabricados por los clientes (OEMs)


    Soler & Palau, S.A., ha diseado y fa-bricado estos ventiladores para que

    puedan cumplir con las Directivas Europeas de: Compatibilidad

    electromagntica 89/336 EEC y 92/31 EEC y de: Baja Tensin 72/23

    EEC y 93/68 EEC una vez hayan sido incorporadas a dichos productos

    finales. Estos cumplimientos debern verificarse por el fabricante del

    equipo final al que van incorporados los ventiladores, ensayando dicho

    equipo final segn EN-60555-2 y EN 60335-1.

    Soler & Palau, S.A. declina cualquier responsabilidad por la inobservancia

    de estas comprobaciones antes de la puesta en marcha de los equipos


    Serie HRB /HRB SeriesSerie HR /HR Series

    Departamento I+D+I /R+D+I Department

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    CARACTERSTICAS ELCTRICASLos motores elctricos de corriente alterna utilizados en la gama

    Rotorex son del tipo de rotor exterior, monofsicos con condensador

    permanente o trifsicos y construidos segn EN-60034-1.

    Las tensiones de alimentacin previstas como standard son: 230 V +/ -

    6% monofsica y 230/400 V +/- 6% 400 V +/- 6%, como t rifsica.

    Otras tensiones distintas hasta 500 V son posibles bajo demanda. La

    frecuencia standard es 50 Hz. Tambin bajo demanda 60 Hz en la

    mayora de modelos.

    La clase trmica de los motores es B o F ( segn EN 60034-1).

    Todos los motores van dotados de protector trmico del tipo de

    rearme automtico. Los monofsicos en el interior del devanado y los

    trifsicos con cables al exterior para gobernar una maniobra externa a

    incorporar por el usuario del producto.

    La toma de tierra est incorporada en el cable manguera o bien en la

    caja de bornes de conexin.

    En los motores monofsicos, con caja de bornes, el condensadorelctrico permanente est incorporado en la misma.

    Los valores de potencia absorbida y r.p.m. corresponden

    normalmente al punto de caudal mximo y se han medido en el tnel

    de ensayo aerodinmico empleando aparatos con embocadura

    tcnica y trmicamente estabilizados.

    En general todos los motores aceptan regulacin de velocidad por

    reduccin de voltaje (electrnica o por transformador). Soler & Palau,

    S.A. recomienda el uso de transformadores con tensin de salida


    En los motores trifsicos 400 V tringulo, se puede obtener una

    segunda velocidad reducida mediante la conexin en estrella de los

    devanados y alimentando a la tensin nominal.Si se usan convertidores de frecuencia para regular los ventiladores el

    utilizador del producto deber intercalar siempre filtros senoidales en

    todas las fases y tierra. Soler & Palau, S.A. declina cualquier respon-

    sabilidad por esta posible omisin.

    ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSAll new Rotorex series fans incorporate, as standard, asynchronous

    external rotor style permanent split capacitor motors. All motors

    are manufactured in accordance with EN-60034-1 standards.

    The standard Rotorex models are available with single phase 230V

    +/- 6% 50Hz or three phase 230/400V +/- 6% or 400V +/- 6%,

    50Hz motors. Motors suitable for voltages, up to 500V, are

    available on request. Whilst the standard motors supplied operate

    at a frequency of 50Hz the majority of motors can also be

    supplied, on request, as suitable for operating at 60Hz please


    All Rotorex series motors include either Class B or F winding

    insulation (dependant upon model size) manufactured in

    accordance with EN 60034-1 standards. All motors are fitted with

    automatic-reset thermal protector which is located inside the

    motor winding. On single phase models the thermal protector is

    integrated within the main motor winding circuit and has automatic

    reset, where-as all three phase models have external leads which

    have to be connected to third party protection devices.

    All models include an earth connection which is built into the cable

    cord or the terminal box dependant upon the model configuration.

    Models fitted with a single phase motor and terminal box include

    a pre-wired permanent- split capacitor as standard.

    All catalogued and product data-plate references of electrical

    Power and Speed. correspond to the fans maximum permissible

    airflow working point. All airflow and electrical measurements

    shown have been measured in Soler & Palaus in-house, ENAC

    accredited, test laboratories. All fans have been tested with a bell

    mouth inlet plate condition and the results corrected to a motorconstant operating temperature.

    The Rotorex motors are suitable for speed control by voltage

    regulation using either electronic or by transformer speed control

    regulators. Soler & Palau recommends to use transformer

    controllers or others sinusoidal output tension regulators type.

    All three phase 400V (Delta) connected motors include the

    possibility of obtaining a second lower speed by connecting the

    motor in Star connection at the wiring terminal block.

    The fans are also suitable for use with frequency inverter speed

    controllers. It is important however that when using the fans with

    frequency inverter controllers the installer must always include

    sinusoidal filters on all phases (including earth) of the incoming

    electrical supply to the fan. Soler & Palau does not accept any

    responsibility for the damage caused resulting from the failure to

    fit such precautionary devices.



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    CARACTERSTICAS MECNICASLa ejecucin standard de los motores es en su mayora IP.44 IP.54

    (EN 600529 categora 2). No obstante el grado de proteccin definitivo

    deber ensayarse con el ventilador acoplado al equipo final en que se


    Los rodamientos a bolas son del tipo cerrado 2Z y sus lmites de uso son

    entre: - 40 a + 70 C.

    La Life Expectancy L10 de los rodamientos funcionando con el eje

    motor en posicin horizontal y con una temperatura mxima del aire

    transportado de + 40 C es de unas 40.000 h - Para condiciones de

    funcionamiento distintos, consultar.

    Los lmites mximo y mnimo de la temperatura del aire transportado por

    los ventiladores son, en la ejecucin standard, de + 50 C a 15 C.

    Cuando se instalen los ventiladores con el eje en posicin vertical, deber

    procederse a la apertura de los agujeros de evacuacin de

    condensaciones internas del motor previstas al efecto en la carcasa.

    El conjunto rotor y hlice est dinmicamente equilibrado a dos planos(G 6,3) segn la norma ISO 1940 part. 1.

    MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICSAll Rotorex fans are constructed with either IP44 or IP54 protection

    (dependant upon the model) in accordance with EN 600529

    category 2 standards. However, the IP rating must be tested when

    fitted into the end appliance in which it is intented to be used.

    All Rotorex models include sealed-for-life ball bearings

    assemblies of the closed type 2Z which have a normal

    temperature operating range between: - 40 to + 70C. The Life

    Expectancy (L10) of the bearings, +40,000 hours, has been tested

    with the motor shaft working in a horizontal position and with a

    maximum ambient air stream temperature set at + 40C. For other

    specific operating conditions please consult.

    All Rotorex fans are suitable for operating with ambient air stream

    temperatures from + 50C to 15C.

    Rotorex model sizes 450 and above are all fitted with special motor

    condensation drainage holes as standard. The purpose of these

    special drainage holes is to prevent any accumulation of

    condensation within the motor when operating in particularly

    humid conditions or when the surrounding environment

    experiences rapid temperature changes. These drainage holes

    have to be opened when the fans are installed at their end position.

    The Rotorex motor rotors and propellers assemblies are

    dynamically balanced, in two planes, (G 6,3) in accordance with

    ISO 1940 part 1 standards.

    DISPOSICIONES DE ENSAYOLos datos tcnicos indicados en el catlogo se han obtenido a 230 V

    monofsica , 50 Hz 400 V trifsica, 50 Hz.

    - Caudal / Presin, por ensayo en los laboratorios S & P de aerodin-mica y de acuerdo con las normas British Standard 848 Part. 1 y

    Amca 210 85, todas ellas con aire seco a 20 C, densidad 1,2 kg/m 3

    y a 760 mm Hg.

    Las pruebas se han realizado con los ventiladores montados en una em-

    bocadura tcnicamente ptima, sin reja de proteccin y flujo de aire B.

    - Potencia sonora, por ensayo en la cmara anecoica semireververante

    de los laboratorios S&P de acstica y segn normas British Standard

    848 Part. 2 y a 1,5 m de distancia y en el punto de caudal / presin

    indicado en el catlogo lado de aspiracin del aire.

    Cmara anecoica /Anechoic chamber Tneles de ensayo aerodinmicos / Aerodynamic test tunnels

    TESTING CONDITIONSThe Rotorex series technical data as shown in this catalogue has

    been obtained using standard 230V 50Hz single phase or a three

    phase 400V 50Hz motors.

    Air flow / Pressure Performance.- All Rotorex fans have been tested

    for airflow performance in accordance with British Standard (BS)

    848 Part. 1 and AMCA 210 85 standards, with dry air at 20C, 1,2

    kg/m3 density and at an atmospheric pressure of 760 mmHg.

    The airflow tests have been conducted with the fans mounted in

    conjunction with an optimised bell-mouth air inlet plate; without

    protection guards and with type B airflow direction.

    Sound Level Performance.- The fans have been tested for sound

    level performance in accordance with British Standard (BS) 848

    Part. 2 standards at a distance of 1.5 m from the air inlet part of the

    fan and at the airflow / pressure point as indicated in the catalogue.

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    HR or HRB 1 / 2 - 3 - 4 5 6 7

    1 Motor type

    - B Singlephase with capacitor

    - T Three-phase

    2 Number of motor poles (nominal speed)

    - 2: (2800 rpm)

    - 4: (1400 rpm)

    - 6: (900 rpm)

    - 8: (700 rpm)

    - 12: (450 rpm)

    3 Impeller Diameter / Blade pitch angle

    - HR Series: sizes 200 to 1000 mm

    - HRB Series: sizes 560 to 800 mm

    4 Airflow direction

    - A: Motor Propeller

    - B: Propeller - Motor

    5 Connection type

    - 0: if nothing is indicated = Terminal box (with capacitor

    included in single phase)

    - M: Flying lead, standard 500mm (capacitor is not included

    in single phase models and must be ordered separately)

    6 Construction

    - N: Motor-propeller with flat grill

    - PN: Motor-propeller with deep / basket grill

    - S: Motor-propeller without grill

    - P: Motor-propeller with square wall plate and grill

    - Q: Motor-propeller with round wall plate and grill

    7 Voltage

    - 230V 50Hz

    - 400V 50Hz

    - 230/400 V 50Hz

    HR o HRB 1 / 2 - 3 - 4 5 6 7

    1 Motor

    - B Monofsico con condensador

    - T Trifsico

    2 Nmero Polos Motor

    - 2: (2800 rpm)

    - 4: (1400 rpm)

    - 6: (900 rpm)

    - 8: (700 rpm)

    - 12: (450 rpm)

    3 Dimetro hlice

    - Serie HR: 200 a 1000 mm

    - Serie HRB: 560 a 800 mm

    4 Direccin Flujo Aire

    - A: Motor Hlice

    - B: Hlice - Motor

    5 Tipo de Conexin

    - 0: Si no se indica nada = Caja de bornes (con condensador

    incluido en los monofsicos)

    - M: Cable manguera (no incluye condensador en los


    6 Construccin

    - N: Motor-hlice + reja plana

    - PN: Motor-hlice + reja profunda

    - S: Motor-hlice sin reja

    - P: Motor-hlice con embocadura cuadrada y defensa

    - Q: Motor-hlice con embocadura circular y defensa

    7 Voltaje

    - 230 V 50 Hz

    - 400 V 50 Hz

    - 230/400 V 50 Hz

    NOMENCLATURA MODELOSLa nomenclatura de los modelos est integrada por los siguientes


    MODEL DESCRIPTIONThe part code descriptions are composed of the following:

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