Page 1: Awesome Grand Finale Grand Finale.pdf · indeed, April Fools just as I have shown many times. In 2016 there were 161 days per the Torah Calendar from sunset April 1, 2016 to sunset

Date: June 9, 2017 (Sunday) Dear John Tng and all Faithful and Beloved Doves,

Subject: Awesome Grand Finale

Attention Brother John Tng and all Doves: I still cannot send attached PDF Files; the PTB have changed my Word Programs. Thank you for making the attached Word File

work in PDF! Harvey Troyer

[1 Peter 2:12(KJV) Having your conversation honest among the Gentiles: that, whereas they speak against you as evildoers, they may by your good works, which


Luke 21:11(KJV)

And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.

Titus 2:13(KJV) Looking for that Blessed Hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ; 14)—Who gave himself for us, that he might

redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.


1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 (KJV) 16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ

shall rise first. 17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

Emmaus Road Ministries, Harvey Troyer, Austin, Texas 7874

Brief Introduction

Page 2: Awesome Grand Finale Grand Finale.pdf · indeed, April Fools just as I have shown many times. In 2016 there were 161 days per the Torah Calendar from sunset April 1, 2016 to sunset


This post is loaded with stunning new information and insights as to where we are on God’s final timeline as the title indicates. I have included only a fraction of the messages in Earthquakes. It truly is much later than most


___________________________________________________________ Cinderella Carriage—Rapture Timeline

How many days are there from February 24, 2013 and sunset July 8, 2017? 1595 = 1561 + 34--(The Naming of a Son)

1596 = 1561 + 35--(The Rapture) 4.37 years -- 37 = The World of the Father; and, Gematria 4 = The Rapture

1561 = 7—(The Seal of God) x 223—(The most powerful Rapture and SD Gematria)

Answer: 1595 days or 1596 days [4 years; 4 months; 14 days|52 months; 14 days|227 weeks; 6 days or 228

weeks|1140 weekdays|455 or 456 Holy days|4.37 years] 1140 weekdays = 1000—(Divine Completeness and Father’s Glory; 140 = (4 x 35—

Hope—The Be Blessed Hope Titus 2:13(KJV)—The Rapture

___________________________________________________________ Notice that 37 = (The Word of the Father); 44 = Judgment of the World and POTUS 44

24th February, 2013/Nicole Poon Photo 37 of 44

24th February, 2013/Nicole Poon Photo 37 of 44

I thanked God for His great love and grace to give us vision in our daily devotion that make us keep going on.

God showed a carriage speeding to the bright light in snowy night, that I was reading God's word in peace. I feel like God told three things: 1.The world now is in darkness and cold. 2.

Time is running out fast. 3. I am peace in God.

Pasted from <>

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______________________________________________________ Nicole Poon's Grand Finale Vision Pictures June 2, 2014

Footage of the Beast (Photo 2 of 2)

God showed a cowboy walking with a bear toward the cross, with words: "Walk the Bear"!

Notice that counting this timeline sunset to sunset non-inclusive changes the number of days to 1118

How many days are there between June 2, 2014 and sunset June 26, 2017? This matches 11201 Lake Steilacoom Drive S.W. Tacoma, WA; and, these dates 2:26 match 2:26 of my Miracle Motorcycle Accident.

I have told you before that this address was my crucifixion site. The cost was very great.

Mark 8:34(KJV) And when he had called the people unto hem with his disciples also, he said unto them, Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his

cross, and follow me. The LORD's works are so amazing! Answer: 1120 days or 1121

[3 years; 24 days|36 months;24 days|160 weeks|800 weekdays|320 Holy days|3.07


2nd June,2014/Nicole Poon Vision Picture 1 of 2 Grand Finale

2nd June,2014/Nicole Poon Vision Picture 1 of 2 Grand Finale

In my prayer, I said to God, "What is the thing we shall bring to You from this world that will please You when we see you on that day? Give us wisdom to live."And also I prayed for those who are in need. God showed a polar bear walking on a floating ice rock in ice storm, a bull and two polar

bears standing on the little ones, with the black and red arrow. It obviously represents the economic states.


Page 4: Awesome Grand Finale Grand Finale.pdf · indeed, April Fools just as I have shown many times. In 2016 there were 161 days per the Torah Calendar from sunset April 1, 2016 to sunset


2nd June,2014/Nicole Poon Vision Picture 2 of 2 Grand Finale

2nd June,2014/Nicole Poon Vision Picture 2 of 2 Grand Finale After seeing the previous vision, I asked God for protection for His children.

God showed a bear foot hung on the wall as a decoration above a stove. A cow boy walking with a bear toward the cross. With words, "Walk with bear!" I think it would happen in the


___________________________________________________________ Is it not truly amazing that the Russian Bear has literally dominated the news accusing the Russians as being the bad guys ever since Donald Trump won the Presidency in the

November 4, 2016 elections?

Nicole Poon Grand Finale Connection 2238 = (2 x 1118)

1118 is the Gematria of the Judeo-Christian Triune Godhead and is linked to Deut 6:4(KJV)

The Jewish Shema

How many days are there from June 2, 2014 and July 8, 2017 (sunset to sunset non-inclusive)?

161 x 5 = 805 + 3 days--(The Sign of Jonah) = 808 weekdays 805/360 = 2.236 11 11 11…111 111 111 111…

Answer: 1130 days

[3 years; 1 month; 4 days|37 months + 4 days|161 weeks + 3 days|808 weekdays|322 Holy days|3.09 years]

Jesus in Greek is 888; notice how 808 weekdays exposes Lucifer's missing "8"; Jesus became the Man in the Middle with the Missing "8" by dying in his cruel crucifixion on

Mount Calvary where they crucified him between two thieves.

Page 5: Awesome Grand Finale Grand Finale.pdf · indeed, April Fools just as I have shown many times. In 2016 there were 161 days per the Torah Calendar from sunset April 1, 2016 to sunset


Notice that the Brotherhood of Death 322 is called out for eternal judgment in hell fire by the Holy days in this timeline; the 161 weeks (322/2 = 161) verifies that these are,

indeed, April Fools just as I have shown many times. In 2016 there were 161 days per the Torah Calendar from sunset April 1, 2016 to

sunset 911--Sept 11, 2016; which was Tishri 10, 5777--Yom Kippur--(Days of Atonement).

Now is it not amazing that there are 666 days from the 911 (Sept 11, 2015 just 17 days before the 4th Blood Red Moon of the Tetrad) to July 8, 2017?

Also notice that Clint Young's prophetic vision showed July 8, 2013 as the day America would receive final judgment.

July 8 is day 188 on the Gregorian Calendar; 188 = 130 + 58--(2 x 29--Departure); and, 130 is the Gematria of "The Cup of the LORD's Wrath" linked to Isaiah 51:23(KJV)

on the Bible Wheel. This Nicole Poon Grand Finale Timeline of 1130 days also shows:

130--The Cup of the LORD's Wrath + 1000; Gematria 1000 means: Divine Completeness and Father's Glory!


If you have not already done so; please click the following URL Link(s) and read my article to understand the full significance and importance of June 26, 2017.

Whit Monday was June 5, 2017 + 21 days per Daniel 10:13 equals June 26, 2017! Trump will go 26th

Notice that June 26, 2017 at sunset was the 26 days after Jewish Shavuot, Pentecost see Jewish Chabad Calendar.

Harvey Troyer (2 July 2017)

"The Sivan 23 Connection PART 2"

Excerpt Page 2

On June26,2015, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down all state bans on same-sex marriage, legalized it in all fifty states, and required states to honor out-of-state same-

sex-marriage licenses in the case Obergefell v. Hodges.


The Sivan 23 Connection: Sivan 23, 5777 was Saturday June 17, 2017 on the Jewish Chabad Calendar.

Daniel 10:13(NKJV)

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But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days: but, lo, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me; and I remained there with the kings

of Persia. How many days are there from June 17, 2017 (Sivan 23, 5777) and

July 8, 2017? Answer: 21 days (3 weeks)

Enter Virginia Arnke's (Are n Key) 17

and the Summer Solstice Peak Connection June 21 @ 4:24am(UTC) How many days are there from June 21, 2017 and July 8, 2017?

Answer: 17 days

[2 weeks; 3 days--(The Sign of Jonah)|12 weekdays|4 Holy days +1 day| 17/365.242 = 0.046 5 444 8 28 4


Clint Young's Vision Re: July 8, 2013—The Day the USA Will Be Nuked

(Read the Vision following) July 8, 2013 to July 8, 2017 = 4 years

365.242 x 4 = 1460.968 days or 1461 days rounded

9 cubed = 729 and 729 x 2 = 1458 1461 days - 1458 days = 3 days

July 8 + 3 days--(The Sign of Jonah) = July 11, 2017

Soo…notice that 1461 - 1458 = 3 days--(The Sign of Jonah)! Matthew 16:4(KJV)

4)--A wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given unto it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas. And he left them, and departed. The Holy Bible : King James Version. electronic ed. of the 1769 edition of the 1611

Authorized Version. Bellingham WA : Logos Research Systems, Inc., 1995, S. Mt 16:4

Since 729 is God's Trinity Reduction Number Par Excellence; and, since it is perfectly doubled here as 729 x 2 = 1458; this explains perfectly and logically why Clint Young was shown that America would be nuked on July 8, 2013 exactly 4 Gregorian years


By cancelling 1458 days by "Trinity Reduction"; there remains 3 days which are the Sign of Jonah!

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Do you understand this? Notice also that this very same construct matches the 4 years is the Parable of a barren Fig Tree in a certain Man's Vineyard

Luke 13:5(KJV)

5)--I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish. Digging and Dunging Luke 13:6-9(KJV)

Parable of the barren Fig Tree in a Certain Man's Vineyard

6)--He spake also this parable; A certain man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard; and he came and sought fruit thereon, and found none. 7)--Then said he unto the dresser of his vineyard, Behold, these three years I come seeking fruit on this fig tree, and find none: cut it down; why cumbereth it the ground? 8)--And he answering said unto him,

Lord, let it alone this year also, till I shall dig about it, and dung it: 9)--And if it bear fruit, well: and if not, then after that thou shalt cut it down.

The Holy Bible : King James Version. electronic ed. of the 1769 edition of the 1611 Authorized Version. Bellingham WA : Logos Research Systems, Inc., 1995, S. Lk 13:4-9


March 29, 2012 Clint Young


I was given July 8, 2013 as the day when the USA would be nuked. I was given this vision in January of 2009. I do not doubt the events or the date given in this vision. I was given this vision as I was going to bed one evening in January 2009. I did not

keep a record of the exact day when I received it but it was definitely in January 2009. Just before being given the this vision I asked the Heavenly Father, "when will the USA would go down". Immediately, I found myself in a vision state. I was approaching a

white wall. I knew that this wall was a time barrier wall in late 2012. I don't know how I knew; but I knew. All knowings in this vision were instantaneous without any

instruction given. I also knew that I could not penetrate this continuous wall. But, nonetheless, I continued to approach it.

Just before I reached this wall I was taken up above the wall. There I saw a lake of fire on top of the wall. This was not hell. Just what seemed to be an endless lake of fire. I was afraid of the fire. Immediately flames came towards me and engulfed me. I was

not harmed. At the same time I noticed that another identity was with me. I presumed it was an angel but I do not know for sure. I was not given any knowing of what or

who this being was. I wanted to know the identity of the being with me. I was tempted to ask the name. But I knew not to ask the name and identity so I remained silent. As we moved together across the lake of fire, it was like I was gliding. What would have

been a step was a glide across the lake. In the middle of the lake of fire was an upside down, black periscope. I immediately knew that if I looked into this periscope that I

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would see all major events and their associated times that the time wall masked from the end of 2012 on . I wanted to look into this periscope so I started to glide towards it. I was immediately told not to go there and I saw the flames. I was afraid and obeyed. Even though it was a long way across the lake of fire it did not seem long before we crossed the lake. At the end of the lake I went into a tunnel. The other being was no longer with me. Soon I was traveling very fast through this tunnel. There was light in the tunnel but not bright light. All the walls were blurry because I was moving so fast.

Soon I came out in the air above the USA about Midway. I was facing the East. Immediately I saw nukes going off in the South and the East Coast. Then all the

Midwest, South, and East were filled with nukes going off. I could not see what was behind me which would have been the West Coast. So I had no ideal what was going

on there. Immediately, a large banner went across the sky. It had "July 8, 2013" written on it.

After the banner passed above, I clearly heard in a loud voice the date, "July 8, 2013." Immediately after hearing the loud voice, I was back in my bed. I thought that I had

just had a dream. But I was in an entirely different state than waking up from a dream. I had never experienced this state before. I knew that I had seen a vision. Everything

was so clear and distinct. It actually was more real than anything that happens in normal life. I figure that is because there is no interference from the mind, will, and

emotions which can get messed up at times. It was like input going directly to my spirit which then went to the mind, will, and emotions. I will never forget one detail of this

vision, unlike dreams I have had. I do believe this vision was a direct and immediate answer to my request to the

Heavenly Father. I do believe this vision was accurate. I do believe that this vision was given out of the love of a most gracious and loving Heavenly Father.


Clint Young

Clint Young's bio: I am 60 years old. I received this vision after my wife of 28 years and 10 days had passed away. This brought me to a state of more humility than I had ever been at when I had the vision. I have a Masters degree in Biochemistry. From 2007 to 2011 I was certified as a Project Manager Professional. I have worked as an engineer for over 30 years for large companies such as Texas Instruments and Boeing. Most

important is that Jesus Christ is my Lord. Pasted from:


Re: Trump will go 26th Again, please notice the following connection to July 8, 2017

(The 26th day post Pentecost) + 10 days connects to July 8, 2017 from sunset July 7

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If one counts 26 days from the end of Shavuot (Pentecost) which ended @ sunset June 2, 2017; it comes to sunset June 28, 2017.

28 = Eternal Life; 29 = Departure; and, 30 = The Dedication of the Blood of Jesus Christ; thus completing June 28, June 29, and June 30.

These 3 (three) days -- (The Sign of Jonah) + 7 days (The Sign of Noah per Genesis 7:4(KJV) = 10 days.

Revelation 2:10(KJV) Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have

tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.

Genesis 7:4:(KJV) For yet seven days, and I will cause it to rain upon the earth forty days and forty nights; and every living substance that I have made will I destroy from

off the face of the earth.


I have posted about this WTOP Tree a Number of Times before on Five Doves; notice how this timeline now fits perfectly for July 8, 2017.

WTOP 40-Ton Tree Falls on Driver, Killing Him Instantly—Great Falls, Virginia

1817--1000 + 817 817/365.242 = 2.23 6 87 30 87

1818--1000 + 818 818/365.242 = 2.23 9 61 0 998

998 = 18--Bondage + 980--(2 x 490); and, 490 = (70 x 7) per Matthew 18:21-35(NKJV)

The Parable of the Unmerciful and Unforgiving Servant

How many days are there from July 18, 2012 and July 8, 2017? 1816 = 1000 + 816; and, 816/365.242 = 2.234 1 35 176

1776 - 176 = 1600 Pennsylvania Ave Wash DC--(The White House) 2234 = (2 x 1117) and is a chiasmus of both 223 and 234; as well as, 432 and 322--The

Brotherhood of Death

Answer: 1816 days

[4 years; 11 months;20 days|59 months; 20 days|259 weeks +3 days|1297 weekdays|518 Holy days|4.97 years]

9 cubed = 729 x 2 = 1458 13 cubed = 2197; and, 2197 - 1297 weekdays = 900--(9 x 100)

518 Holy days (RMI) = 815/365.242 = 2.23 1 39 7 265 1762 - 265 = 1497; and, 1497 - 1458 = 39

1776 - 14--Deliverance and Salvation = 1762--(Obama's 1381 + 381)


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The total days of Tribulation Timeline How many days are there from October 29, 2008 and sunset July 7, 2017?

906 - 100--(The Elect) = 806; and 806/360 = 2.23 8 888 888 888...

Answer: 3173 days or 3174 days

[8 years; 8 months; 8 days|104 months; 8 days|453 weeks + 2 days|2267 weekdays|906 Holy days|8.69 years]

This timeline showed 3113 on May 8, 2017; add 60 days (2 x 30—The Dedication of the

Blood of Jesus Christ) and you has 3173 days. __________________________________________________________

Is there something special about July 11, 2017? You decide.


Re: July 8 + 3 days—(The Sign of Jonah) = July 11, 2017 2017 subsums to 10

July (7): 11:10 11:10 shows --> 1110--(666--The AC) + (444--The FP)

7:11:10 (RMI) 1117 Gematria 1117 matches 1 Timothy 1:17(KJV)

____________________________________________________________ NuclearWarRevealed

Update of Nuclear War Revealed-This Will Blow Your Mind

Harvey Troyer's Five Doves Post April 5, 2013



Pasted from <> The Odds that that the following timeline happened by accident are astronomical and off of the charts! Please

pay attention!

Page 11: Awesome Grand Finale Grand Finale.pdf · indeed, April Fools just as I have shown many times. In 2016 there were 161 days per the Torah Calendar from sunset April 1, 2016 to sunset


Would you rather believe that Brother John Tng and I are master magicians who engineered this?

700 = 7--(The Seal of God) x 100--(The Elect) How many days are there from April 5, 2013 and sunset June 26,

2017? 1543 = 843 + 700; 843/360 = 2.34 17 or 2.34 1 666 666 666…

1544 = 844 + 700; 844/360 = 2.34 44 44 44…45 1101 weekdays = 1000 + 101--Bible Wheel GR LINK-101--

Command, and it is so! 1102 weekdays = 1001 + 101

[*1001 = 11 x 13--(143) x 7--(The Seal of God); also, 446 + 555

= 1001*] Again, notice B.W. GR LINK-101: Command, and it is so!

Answer: 1543 days or 1544 days

[4 years; 2 months; 21 days|50 months; 21 days|220 weeks + 3 or 4

days| 1101 weekdays or 1102|442 Holy days|4.22 years or 4.23 years]

422 - 100--The Elect = 322--The Brotherhood of Death; 422 is also a

chiasmus of 22--Light; 42--Nimrod the Antichrist--(Barak Hussein Obama); and 24--Priesthood

423 is a chiasmus of 42--Nimrod the Antichrist and 23--Death; and, 32--Covenant; 24--Priesthood

1776 - 1762--Obama's (1381 + 381) = 14--(Deliverance and


Now in addition to all of the above evidence; notice that sunset Tuesday July 11, 2017 triggers the following absolutely perfect timeline to show

1561; which is 7--(The Seal of God) x 223 the most powerful Rapture and Sudden Destruction Gematria that I have found!

The 1115 weekdays point straight to Revelation 11:15(KJV) The Seventh Trumpet

And the seventh angel sounded (his trump or trumpet implied); and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are

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become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.


How many days are there from April 5, 2013 and July 12, 2017 (sunset to sunset inclusive)?

Answer: 1561 days

[4 years; 3 months; 9 days|51 months; 9 days|223 weeks|

1115 weekdays|446 Holy days|4.27 years]

[*1001 = 11 x 13--(143) x 7--(The Seal of God); also, 446 + 555 = 1001*]


44 - 7 = 37--(The Word of the Father) The LORD showed a certain Anna (777aej) the number 444 in purple and

this 444 is a chiasmus of 44--Judgment of the World and POTUS 44 Clint Young's July 8 may well be "a trigger" followed by 3 days--(The Sign

of Jonah) for this wicked and adulterous generation. July 8 + 3 days = July 11, 2017

Gematria Eleven (11) means: Judgment of the Disorder--the Ordo ab Chao of the Luciferian Satanist who run this world shadow government.

Is there something special about July 11, 2017? You decide.

____________________________________________________________ Re: July 8 + 3 days--The Sign of Jonah--July 11, 2017

2017 subsums to 10 July (7): 11:10

11:10 shows --> 1110--(666--The AC) + (444--The FP) 7:11:10 (RMI) 1117

Gematria 1117 matches 1 Timothy 1:17(KJV)

___________________________________________________________ Re: The Full Moon of July 2017

The Moon will become completely full on Sunday July 9, 2017 @ 04:07 AM (UTC) or 12:07 a.m. (EDT). Notice that on the East Coast of the USA, this

Full Moon Peak happens 7 minutes past Midnight (EDT). On the East Coast of

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the USA this "Thunder Moon" will rise early Sunday morning about 4 hours before it reaches peak fullness on Saturday evening. The Planet Saturn (The Satan Planet) will

rise in the east a little sooner, about 6:30 p.m. (EDT).


Nicole Poon Endtime Watch Vision Picture Timeline is also Key!

1776 - 1762--(Obama's 1381 + 381) = 14--(Deliverance and Salvation)

Notice that 1381 is Obama's Marshall Law Trigger Sign given by the LORD to Nicole Poon as a vision Picture on August 29, 2012.

How many days are there from July 7, 2012 and sunset June 26, 2017?

1815 = 1000 + 815; and 815/365.242 = 2.23 14 Answer: 1815 or 1816…1817…1818

[4 years; 11 months; 19 days|59 months; 19 days|259 weeks; 2 days|1295 weekdays + 1 day|518 Holy days +1 day|4.97 years]

Please note the date of this Nicole Poon "Endtime Watch" vision pic

published July 7, 2012 and only 2 days after the Shard opened!

7 July, 2012/Nicole Poon Vision Picture

7 July, 2012/Nicole Poon Vision Picture

This time God showed a end-time watch with a building and celebration on it.

ON THE EXACT SAME DAY (in 2012) of Nicole's drawing, Brother Dan

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received the following word from the LORD on July 5, 2012--THE SAME DAY THE SHARD OPENED!!! This word was published July 7, 2012.

[Notice the Clint Young's Prophecy came one year later on July 8, 2013!] SPEAK OF THE DAY OF FIRE

Godshealer7 Prophecy Video dated (Published) July 7, 2012.

Isaiah 65:1-7(NKJV)

Published on July 7, 2012

Speak of its destruction, speak of mans corruption and evil ways. I shall send a BREATH of FIRE to scorch the land.

Speak of the land of plenty shall become naught. Speak of my JUDGMENT. Speak of JUSTICE. Speak of the trumpets.

Speak of MY COMING. Speak of the Days of Tomorrow. Speak plainly for ALL shall hear these words!

Transcript of Brother Dan's Message:

What I speak to thee now, is the words of life. Shall you open your eyes to the truths

that I have spoken? Behold, a great and terrible day of the LORD draws near. It shall be known as the day

of fire. Speak of its destruction. Speak of man's correction and evil ways.

Woe son of man, I shall send a breath of fire to scorch the land. Woe to all that have turned their backs on me.


Smell the sulfur son of man. Shall man's eyes not burn; for my wrath is upon them? Will death not reap a great harvest?

Speak of the land of plenty that shall become not! Many a man shall search for what they have possessed for they shall have not!


Shall all men not bend their knees to me and be judged for their actions? Speak of the trumpets. Speak of my coming. There shall be a shout from the heavens

and a deafening roar.

The sky shall disappear and I shall be before you in all my majesty. Speak of the days of tomorrow; speak plainly, for all shall hear these words.

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Behold, for destiny shall be upon thee. I shall awaken the dead with the sound of my name. Speak to all those who have ears; for there shall be a transformation from the



1776 - 1762--(Obama's 1381 + 381) = 14--(Deliverance and Salvation) Notice that 1381 is Obama's Marshall Law Trigger Sign given by the LORD to Nicole

Poon as a vision Picture on August 29, 2012.

1776 = 2 x 888; Gematria 8 means: Union; Division; Witnessing 889 + 889 = 1778--(1776 + 2)

888 + 11 = 899 Again, notice that July 8 + 3 days--(The Sign of Jonah) = July 11, 2017 a

Tuesday following Monday, Monday July 10.

Go 899 = (29--Departure x 31--Offspring)

Gematria 899 is linked on the Bible Wheel to Isaiah 66:17(KJV) and calls out the Luciferian, Satanic Brotherhood of Death 322 (The Skull and Bones Society of the

Burning Bushes) and all of their networking organizations and cohorts worldwide; just as I have shown you.

The Cup of the LORD's Wrath is linked to Isaiah 51:17-23(NIV) Please notice that Gematria 899 is linked to Isaiah 52:2 immediately following!

Please read Isaiah 65:1- 66:24(NKJV)

+66%3A24&version=NKJV Isaiah 65:1-25(NKJV) Isaiah 66:1-24(NKJV)


Is there something special about July 11, 2017? You decide.

____________________________________________________________ Re: July 8 + 3 days--(The Sign of Jonah) = July 11, 2017

2017 subsums to 10 July (7): 11:10

11:10 shows --> 1110--(666--The AC) + (444--The FP) 7:11:10 (RMI) 1117

Gematria 1117 matches 1 Timothy 1:17(KJV)


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The 666 Sign from 911 of 2015

How many days are there from September 11, 2015 and July 8, 2017? 475 weekdays = (444 + 31-- Offspring)

44 = Judgment of the World and POTUS 44 Answer: 666 days

[1 year; 9 months; 27 days|21 months; 27 days|95 weeks; +1 day|475 weekdays|191 Holy days|1.82 years]


Post 7-Year Trib Timeline tied to Yom Kippur Sept 23, 2015 (Godshealer7--The Time of Darkness Begins)

How many days are there from September 24, 2015 and sunset July 8, 2017?

Answer: 653 days or 654 days

[1 year; 9 months; 14 days|21 months;14 days|93 weeks; 2 days|466 weekdays|187 or 188 Holy days|1.79 years]


A SURPRISE ATTACK ON ISRAEL IS PLANNED September 21, 2015--Monday, Monday

(From Monday to Monday) How many days are there from September 21, 2015 and June 26,

2017? Also: 644 (RMI) = 446--(2 x 223--The Sons of Light--The Sons of God)

Answer: 644 days <-- [2 x 322--The Brotherhood of Death 322]

[1 year; 9 months; 5 days|21 months; 5 days|92 weeks|460 weekdays|184 Holy days|1.76 years]

1776 - 176 = 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, Wash DC--The White House

460 = (46--The Human Genome x 10--Testimony; LAW; and Responsibility) 460 - 200--(2 x 100--The Elect) = 260--(2 x 130--The Cup of the LORD's Wrath)!

Gematria 130 is linked on the Bible Wheel to Isaiah 51:17-23 The Cup of the LORD's Wrath which has everything to do with a

Surprise Attack on Israel! Whoa!

This becomes more shocking when one understands that this timeline from September 21, 2015 came on the eve of Yom Kippur Tishri 10, 5775 which marked the completion

Page 17: Awesome Grand Finale Grand Finale.pdf · indeed, April Fools just as I have shown many times. In 2016 there were 161 days per the Torah Calendar from sunset April 1, 2016 to sunset


of 2520 days post October 29, 2008 and was also just 5 days before the 4th Blood Red Moon of the Tetrad on September 28, 2015.

Notice that 184 = 183 +1; 183--(RMI) = 381--Obama's Marshall Law Trigger Sign given by the LORD as a vision picture to Nicole Poon on August 29,

2012. [1 year; 9 months; 5 days|21 months; 5 days|92 weeks|460 weekdays|184 Holy

days|1.76 years]

Published on Sep 21, 2015


Pasted from <>

Published on Sep 21, 2015 You shall make a plan of action NOW for when the enemy shall be

prepared. They will strike unexpectedly....hidden by the night sky...They will raid the

camps and will have orders NOT to leave anyone alive. NOW is the time to prepare...the rockets will rain down from the sky like snow covering

the land. You will be told it will be a time of peace and safety but it will be a time of SUDDEN DESTRUCTION. For my WORD is TRUTH, take heed of this warning. The cunning one never sleeps but you my children have protection under my WING...a covering from the Great and Terrible Day that is upon you. Psalm 91 1 Thes 5:3

King James Bibles

Transcript of Sister Barbara's Message: A dearth shall cover the land; when you see Jerusalem surrounded by the armies of the earth, flee the city. Do not go back to get anything, flee the city. My children, you are to make a

Plan of Action now, for when the enemy attacks, you shall be prepared.

It will strike unexpectedly, hidden by the night sky. They will raid the camps and they will have the orders to not leave anyone alive. Now is the time to

prepare. The rockets will rain down from the sky like snow covering the land.

You will be told that it will be a time of peace and safety; but, it will be a time of sudden destruction. For my word is truth and take heed of this warning. The cunning one never sleeps; but, you my children have the

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protection under my wings, a covering from this great and terrible day that is upon you.

So now a warning about an attack on Israel. It is not that we should be

surprised, it's probably something that should be expected already at this point with everything that has been going on.

So repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus. You will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. You can read about that in Act 2:38; you need to be born again of the spirit. And I am proclaiming the acceptable year of the LORD

until September 23, 2015. _________________________________________________________

This Appears to Validate Clint Young's July 8, 2013 Nuking of USA

July 8, 2017 is day 188 of Gregorian Year 2017; and, July 8, 2017 is 666 days post 911 (Sept 11) of 2015 just "17" days before the 4th Blood Red Moon of the Tetrad! Do you understand this amazing construct? Remember that Sept 28, 2015 (Sept 11 +

17 days) was Tabernacles Day 1 (Tishri 15, 5776) [We are now Six Hundred, three score and six days (666 days) post Sept 11, 2015 on July 8, 2017; and, this perfectly matches

Revelation 13:18(KJV)]

Published on July 8, 2015 <--[Received July 8, 2015]


Pasted from <>

Published on July 8, 2015


YOURSELVES READY! Daniel 9, Revelation 13 KJV/NKJV Bibles

Transcript of Sister Barbara's Message:

Transcript of Sister Barbara's Message: Barbara states that this was godshealer7 video message number 666 (exactly)! Title: The Beast's Time has

Come, 666

Page 19: Awesome Grand Finale Grand Finale.pdf · indeed, April Fools just as I have shown many times. In 2016 there were 161 days per the Torah Calendar from sunset April 1, 2016 to sunset


War will continue until desolations are determined. He who has an ear, listen to what the spirit says. In one day all will be not; the shaking of the earth will cause sudden destruction. Every mountain will be removed from its place, and the stars shall fall

from the skies and burn anything that remains.

Go now to the rooftop and proclaim to all of the nations, peoples and tongues: "your God's wrath has been kindled and is the time to make yourselves ready. He who has an ear, listen to what the spirit says. THE BEAST HAS BEEN CAST DOWN AND HIS


He who has an ear listen to what the spirit says: "THE MARK HAS BEEN PREPARED AND THE BEAST'S TIME HAS COME!"

He will make war and rule with an iron fist. He will squash all rebellion with what he

considers his just punishment. Death to all those that do not take his mark and worship his image.

Take heed, those hidden away will not suffer this barbaric reign of terror.

I shall keep my children under my wing and safety. He who has an ear, listen to what the spirit says: "the number of the beast, the number of his name is 666". How is that

for a mind-boggler?

____________________________________________________________________ Re: Harvey Troyer’s Word from the LORD Feb 12, 2016 quoting

Isaiah 33:10(NIV)

When I originally put this post on Five Doves I explained that February 11-12/2016 was key to Obama's handling of a ceasefire in Syria.

Now, as everyone should know, Donald Trump spoke to Vladimir Putin on Friday July 7, 2017 in conjunction with the G-20 Summit Meeting and

negotiated a Ceasefire in Syria to go into effect on Sunday July 9, 2017. HOW AMAZING IS THAT?

How many days are there from February 12, 2016 and July 8,

2017? Answer: 512 days

[512 = (8 Cubed--8 x 8 x 8)…]

[1 year; 4 months; 26 days|16 months; 26 days|73 weeks + 1 day|365 weekdays|147 Holy days|1.4 years]

Page 20: Awesome Grand Finale Grand Finale.pdf · indeed, April Fools just as I have shown many times. In 2016 there were 161 days per the Torah Calendar from sunset April 1, 2016 to sunset


John Tng has borne witness and archived my posts on Five Doves

including my dream vision on February 12, 2016 where the LORD suddenly

awakened me out of a deep sleep and I audibly heard Isaiah 33:10 quoted perfectly w/o the "says the LORD". I am his sheep and I know

his voice!

Now will I arise; Now will I be Exalted; Now will I be Lifted Up. (Isaiah 33:10--NIV-1984)

Russia Says Obama 'Red Line' on Syria Provoked Attacks | World ...

1 day ago ... Russia Says Obama 'Red Line' on Syria Provoked Attacks ... Syria at the United

Nations Headquarters in New York City, NY, U.S. April 5, 2017.

****************************** America's 1776 - 1762--(Obama's 1381 + 381) = 14--(Deliverance and

Salvation) See above timeline!

Now will I arise; Now will I be Exalted; Now will I be Lifted Up. (Isaiah 33:10--NIV-1984)


« Breaking News » Trump & Putin agree on Syria ceasefire in first encounter

DEBKAfile July 7, 2017, 9:44 PM (IDT) Notice the time 9:44PM (IDT); 944 = 100—(The Elect) + 844/360 = 2.34 44

44 44…45 The first encounter in Hamburg Friday between Presidents Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin ran

for 2 hours and 16 minutes, well past the scheduled 30 minutes. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, who was present at the meeting with Foreign Secretary Sergey Lavrov, said later: “I

think this is our first indication of the US and Russia being able to work together in Syria, and as a result of that, we had a very lengthy discussion regarding other areas in Syria that we can continue to work together on to de-escalate the areas and the violence." Tillerson went on to

say: “Once we defeat ISIS, we will work together toward a political process that will secure the future of the Syrian people.”

He disclosed that the United States was prepared to discuss joint efforts with Russia to stabilize Syria, including no-fly zones, ceasefire observers and coordinated deliveries of humanitarian


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Trump confronted Putin over allegations of Russian meddling in the 2016 election, which, said the Secretary of State, should relieve some of the pressure on the president at home.

Pasted from <


_____________________________________________________________ Iran is on board new US-Russia truce deal in Syria

DEBKAfile Special Report July 8, 2017, 8:29 AM (IDT)

Tags: Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, G20, Syrian truce, Iran, Rex Tillerson,

“The United States, Russia and regional countries reached a ceasefire deal in southwestern Syria,” a US official said on Friday, July 7 after the Presidents Donald

Trump and Vladimir Putin ended their hotly-anticipated first encounter in Hamburg. He was referring to Iran and its consent to a ceasefire going into effect Sunday,

July 9. Pasted from <




Godshealer7 Prophecy July 3, 2017


Godshealer7 End Time Prophecy Channel

Page 22: Awesome Grand Finale Grand Finale.pdf · indeed, April Fools just as I have shown many times. In 2016 there were 161 days per the Torah Calendar from sunset April 1, 2016 to sunset


Published on July 3, 2017



10)--Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days:

be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.

Transcript of Sister Barbara's Message:

Barbara, prophesy to my children that I know where you live and I know where the throne of Satan is.

Many now claim to be Jews and are not; they are a Synagogue of Satan. I hear the blasphemy; do not be deceived; you will suffer trials and

tribulations. Many will be put into jail; remain silent. Your father in heaven will give you the worlds to speak.

Great changes are coming that will allow the adversary to be ruler. He is prepared to

step forward as he works to bring peace.

I will send my two witnesses to seal up prophecy. _____________________________________________________________

This is a 10-day warning to July 8, 2017

Published July 1, 2017 -- [Received June 29, 2017]


Godshealer7 End Time Prophecy Channel

Published on July 1, 2017 1 THESSALONIANS 5:3 KJV

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Pasted from <>

Transcript of Sister Barbara's Message:

Daughter, prophesy to the inhabitants of your land living in the city of sin. Your

wickedness knows no bounds. Prayers have come before my altar…perversions so great; man with beasts. It is

written, this is forbidden.

I will cause your city to be destroyed; only dust will remain. I will wipe clean every abomination.

It will be buried with no trace remaining. I have seen this wickedness before.

You will see the destroyer coming; and, even then you will not repent from your sin. Your nation will be destroyed, one city after another.


Published July 5, 2017 -- [Received June 29, 2017]


Published July 5, 2017 -- [Received July 4, 2017] MATTHEW 10:34-40(KJV)

Transcript of Brother Dan's Message:

My light reveals the evil in men's hearts. I have prepared you for this; for you bear

witness to this truth. Gird thy loins, for the battle intensifies. Your enemies shall be members of your own

household; brother against brother, Father against son, mother against daughter.

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I have seen your tears and have heard your cries of despair. Through your weakness, you have found strength. I shall fortify you for what lies ahead.

No power against you shall succeed. Lift up thy hands now and feel the breath of my

spirit; for I am the way, the truth, and the life.

The battle rages; and, the enemy looks for your weakness. This battle is for you soul. Speak my name and evil will flee; for it is I who hold the sword of justice. Press

forward and stand tall, for you walk in the light and I am with you in all that you do. AMEN.


Published July 8, 2017 -- [Received July 7, 2017]


Godshealer7 End Time Prophecy Channel

Published on Jul 8, 2017 REVELATION 21:8 KJV



Transcript of Sister Barbara's Message:

Speak this, all liars will go to the lake of fire; this is the second death! I hear you, I

see your adulteries and fornication. Have you now read? You point your fingers at others; you are righteous in your own

eyes. You condemn you brothers and sisters. You hold your head high as you walk. You

justify your own poor behavior. You count the days waiting for your redemption.

Do you know me? If you did, you would be lying in the dirt, begging forgiveness and

repenting of your sin; not counting hours and days until you depart this world. You lived in bondage and refused to call my name to break the chains.

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You speak and act on your own authority. Many claiming to walk in the spirit are liars.

My word is alive. A tree is known by its fruit. Open your eyes and ears, discern the liars among you. Do not follow them to the grave

and the pit. _______________________________________________________________________

The Time of this EQ Shows the Gematria of the Judeo-Christian Triune Godhead in a Special Chiasmus (see below); Gematria 1118 and Gematria

1117! The Depth is 3—The Sign of Jonah. 17:11:18.5

Magnitude + Depth = Isaiah 21:3

Isaiah 21:3(NIV) At this my body is racked with pain, pangs seize me, like those of a woman in

labor; I am staggered by what I hear, I am bewildered by what I see.

Magnitude MD 2.1


Date time 2017-07-08 00:11:18.5 UTC

Location 38.82 N ; 122.80 W

Depth 3 km

Distances 668 km NW of Los Angeles, United States / pop: 3,793,000 / local time: 17:11:18.5 2017-07-07

117 km W of Sacramento, United States / pop: 467,000 / local time: 17:11:18.5 2017-07-07

27 km S of Lakeport, United States / pop: 4,800 / local time: 17:11:18.5 2017-07-07

7 km W of Cobb, United States / pop: 1,800 / local time: 17:11:18.5 2017-07-07

Pasted from <>

Notice that July 6 starts the count: 3; 2; 1 as in July 6; July 7; July 8, 2017.

Also, 803/360 = 2.23 '0' 555 555 555…56. Be sure that you also notice the importance of June 26, 2017 + 10 days = July 6, 2017; June 26 was the 2nd anniversary of America's legalizing and fully honoring same sex marriage.

Righteousness exalteth a nation; and, sin is a reproach to any people. Proverbs 14:34(KJV)

Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people. 35)--The king's favour is toward a wise servant: but his wrath is against him that causes shame. 1776 - 1762--(Obama's 1381 + 381) = 14--(Deliverance and Salvation)!

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14 = Deliverance and Salvation; 35 = Hope--The Blessed Hope Titus 2:13--(The

Rapture) 34 = (The Naming of a Son)

Jeremiah 51:7-9(NIV)

7)--Babylon was a gold cup in the LORD’s hand; she made the whole earth drunk. The

nations drank her wine; therefore they have now gone mad. 8)--Babylon will suddenly fall and be broken. Wail over her! Get balm for her pain;

perhaps she can be healed. 9)--We would have healed Babylon (America), but she cannot be healed;

let us leave her and each go to his own land, for her judgment reaches to the skies, it rises as high as the clouds.


Gematria 434

Bible Wheel GR LINK-434: Dalet and The Seat of God 434 = 14--(Deliverance and Salvation) x 31--(Offspring)

Magnitude Mw6.5<--[65x2=130--(TheCupoftheLORD'sWrath);Gemtria2means:Union;Division;Witnessing]


Datetime 2017-07-0608:03:58.3UTC<--[Gematria3means:(DivineCompletionandPerfection);and358(RMI)=853-10--(Testimony;LAW;andResponsibility)=843;and,843/360=2.3417or2.341666666666…]

Location 11.11N;124.80E<--[124.80(RMI)=8421;noticethat842+1=843;and,843/360=2.3417or2.341666666666…]Also11:11portendstremendousjudgment;Gematria11=JudgmentoftheDisorder;theOrdoabChaooftheLuciferianSatanistsworldwide.

Depth 10km

Distances 434kmNofBudta,Philippines/pop:1,274,000/localtime:16:03:58.32017-07-06133kmNEofCebuCity,Philippines/pop:799,000/localtime:16:03:58.32017-07-064kmSEofCanhandugan,Philippines/pop:2,200/localtime:16:03:58.32017-07-06

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uphither--(TheRapture)Pasted from <> ______________________________________________________________________

Re: The Time of this EQ 23:29:49 (UTC) shortly before Midnight July 5th 37 = The Word of the Father!

Hours 23 + 37 = 60 <--[23 = Death] Minutes 29 + 31 = 60 <--[31 = Offspring]

Seconds 49 + 11 = 60 <--[49--Son of Man; Wrath of God] Re: 690 and 51--Isaiah 51:17-23(NIV) <--[The Cup of the LORD's Wrath]

Re: Forgiveness 690 = 90--(2 x 45--Preservation) + 600--WAR

690 = 2 x 100--(The Elect) + 490--(70 x 7)<--[Matthew 18:21-35(NKJV)--read verse 21; The Parable of the Unmerciful and Unforgiving Servant]

690 = 169--(13 squared) + 521; and 521 (RMI) 125--(5 Grace--Cubed)

Wednesday July 5 2017, 23:29:49 UTC

12 hours ago

Tonga Islands

5.1 69.0 GeoScience Australia


______________________________________________________________________ Thursday July 6 2017, 09:44:57 UTC

2 hours ago

944 = 100 The Elect + 844

Santa Cruz Islands

The Holy Cross

Birth of New--


5.5 55 =


221.0 221 + 2 =

223 (July

6+2=8th)July 8, 2017

GeoScience Australia

844/360 = 2.34 44 44



Thursday July 6 2017, 09:44:49 UTC

2 hours ago 189

(RMI) 981 – 844

= 137

189km NNW of Sola,

Vanuatu-- The


5.2 189 –

52 = 137

137.9 137.9 + 0.1 =

138--> (381)

USGS Feed Detail


Page 28: Awesome Grand Finale Grand Finale.pdf · indeed, April Fools just as I have shown many times. In 2016 there were 161 days per the Torah Calendar from sunset April 1, 2016 to sunset


Re: The Time of this EQ 23:48:22 (UTC); this is the very last EQ before Midnight July 5th; and, it shows 234--(The Vincent Tan Terminal Number); 844--(644 + 200--

(2 x 100--The Elect) and 644 = (2 x 322--The Brotherhood of Death 322 of Yale's Skull and Bones Society championed by the Burning Bushes and Cohorts

worldwide; and 14--(Deliverance and Salvation).

1776 - 1762--(Obama's 1381 + 381) = 14--(Deliverance and Salvation)! Wednesday July 5 2017, 23:48:22 UTC

12 hours ago

822 - 322 = 500

822 - 223 =

599 + 1

26km N of

Yucca Valley,

CA <--599 +

1 = 1 600--War!

1.3 13 x 66 = 858--

(14+ 844)

6.6 844/360 = 2.34 44 44

44 …45

USGS Feed 858 - 14--

(Deliverance & Salvation)



The following two EQs struck as the last and the first EQ's before and after Midnight UTC going into July 7, 2017.

Friday July 7 2017, 00:07:54 UTC

58 minutes

ago 754 - 110 = 644--

(2 x 322)

14km S of

Mammoth Lakes,


2.0 2.0 -

2.1 = -0.1

-2.1 USGS Feed


Thursday July 6 2017, 23:53:08 UTC

73 minutes


24km ENE of Taloga,


2.8 28 x 69 = 1932

6.9 1932 - 322 =

1610 -- (1600 +




Friday July 7 2017,

00:39:30 UTC

27 minutes

ago 930 -

843 = 87

10km NNW of

Cabazon, CA

1.1 111.1 - 0.1 = 111.0

20.1 201 - 100 = 101 x 1.1 = 111.1


1110 = 666 + 444


_______________________________________________________________Notice that the first EQ above was also the 2nd EQ past Midnight UTC; and,

Page 29: Awesome Grand Finale Grand Finale.pdf · indeed, April Fools just as I have shown many times. In 2016 there were 161 days per the Torah Calendar from sunset April 1, 2016 to sunset


it dovetails with the first EQ past Midnight to make 1110--The Gematria of the Satanic Trinity of the Antichrist --( 666); the False Prophet -- (444) and Lucifer.

Do you see that 930 = 843 + 87? Gematria 87 is Bible Wheel GR LINK-87: The Everlasting Father; 843 /360 = 2.34 17 or 2.34 1 666 666 666…

Obama is the Antichrist; the Son of Perdition aka "The Lawless One". Notice that in the very last EQ before Midnight going into July 7th; the EQ parameters 28 x 69 = 1932; 1932 - 322 = 1610; notice that 1610 - 10--

(Testimony; LAW; and Responsibility) = 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, Wash DC --( The White House) which Obama and his cohorts turned into a citadel of

abominable lawlessness. Now these God-Hating "Never Trump" Poster Children nationwide, who transmogrified America into the despicable current Obamanation aka

America the Endtime Babylon"; yes, these very same incorrigible leftist goats now refuse to relent and repent of their horrific sins which they

individually and collectively have committed in utter and unabashed defiance of the holy LAWS of the Judeo-Christian Triune Godhead of the entire known


Isaiah 26:34(KJV) Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. 4)--Trust ye in the LORD for ever: for in the LORD JEHOVAH

is everlasting strength:

Isaiah 26:9-11(NIV)

8)--Yes, LORD, walking in the way of your laws, a we wait for you; your name and renown are the desire of our hearts.

9)--My soul yearns for you in the night; in the morning my spirit longs for you. When your judgments come upon the earth, the people of the world learn

righteousness. 10)--Though grace is shown to the wicked, they do not learn righteousness; even in a

land of uprightness they go on doing evil and regard not the majesty of the LORD. 11)--O LORD, your hand is lifted high, but they do not see it. Let them see your zeal

for your people and be put to shame; let the fire reserved for your enemies consume them.

a Or judgments The Holy Bible : New International Version. electronic ed. Grand Rapids : Zondervan,

1996, c1984, S. Isaiah 26:9-11


Thursday July 6

4 hours ago

Leyte, Philippines.

6.4 64 + 50

50.0 114 =

GeoScience Australia


Page 30: Awesome Grand Finale Grand Finale.pdf · indeed, April Fools just as I have shown many times. In 2016 there were 161 days per the Torah Calendar from sunset April 1, 2016 to sunset


2017, 08:04:04 UTC

= 114

(100 + 14)

Thursday July 6 2017, 08:04:03 UTC

4 hours ago

2km ENE of Canhandugan,


6.9 69 + 41 = 110

41.0 USGS Feed Detail

Thursday July 6 2017, 08:03:57 UTC

4 hours ago

3km NNE of

Masarayao, Philippines

6.5 65 + 65 = 130

6.5 USGS Feed Detail


Thursday July 6 2017, 09:44:57 UTC

2 hours ago

944 = 100 The Elect

+ 844

Santa Cruz Islands

The Holy Cross Birth of New-


5.5 55 = Bride

221.0 221 + 2 =

223 (July

6+2=8th)July 8, 2017

GeoScience Australia

844/360 = 2.34 44 44 44..45


Thursday July 6 2017, 09:44:49 UTC

2 hours ago 189

(RMI) 981 - 844

= 137

189km NNW of Sola,

Vanuatu-- The


5.2 189 - 52 = 137

137.9 137.9 + 0.1 =

138--> (381)

USGS Feed Detail


Tuesday July 4 2017, 06:49:44 UTC

10 hours ago

944 - 100 = 844

5km N of

Beaumont, CA

0.8 21.1 + 0.8 = 21.9

21.1 USGS Feed


Tuesday July 4

9 hours ago 24km SSW of

1.4 14 x

38.3 14 x



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2017, 07:43:19 UTC

Anchorage, Alaska

383 = 5362

381 = 5334

Tuesday July 4 2017, 07:47:14 UTC

9 hours ago Isaiah 47:7

to 47:14(NIV)

50km S of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska

1.6 1.6 x

1031 = 1649.6 -

1.6 = 1648

103.1 1648 = (844





Tuesday July 4 2017, 11:10:51 UTC

6 hours ago

Isaiah 51


4km E of San Martin,


1.4 14 x 167 = 2338-- (238 + 2100)

16.7 USGS Feed


Tuesday July 4 2017,

16:27:10 UTC

68 minutes

ago 162710 - 110 = 162600

4km SE of Three Lakes, Washington

162600/100 =1626

2.1 21 x 161 =

3381-- 1381+2000

16.1 3381 =


USGS Feed 3381-161 = 3220--(322 x



Notice above how the time triggers Psalm 110:1-7(KJV) perfectly!


Magnitude Mw 5.8 <--[58 = 2 x 29--(Departure)]


Date time 2017-06-27 00:14:38.8 UTC <--[38.8 - 188 = 200--(2 x 100--The Elect); 14:38 - 438 = 1000; and 438 (RMI) = 834; 834 - 234 = 600--(War); folks, 234 is the Vincent Tan TERMINAL number and it is here connected to the World War 3 and

Armageddon Trigger.

Location 24.62 S ; 177.02 W <--[24.62 - 262 = 2200; 2200 - 100--(The Elect) = 2100--(21 x 100) and

Page 32: Awesome Grand Finale Grand Finale.pdf · indeed, April Fools just as I have shown many times. In 2016 there were 161 days per the Torah Calendar from sunset April 1, 2016 to sunset


notice that this construct exactly matches Isaiah 21:1, where Gematria 262 is linked to Isaiah 21:1] Also, 177 (RMI) = 771 - 729--(9

cubed) = 42--The Gematria of Nimrod the Antichrist.

Depth 147 km <--[147 = 100--(The Elect) + 47--Isaiah 47--(America, the Daughter of Endtime


Distances 429 km SW <--[429 = 4.29 years] Scroll down to addendum timeline of Pope Francis immediately following! This is truly

unbelievable! of Nuku‘alofa, Tonga / pop: 22,400 / local time:

13:14:38.8 2017-06-27

858 km SE <--[858 - 844 = 14--(Deliverance and Salvation)

1776 - 1762--(Obama's 1381 + 381) = 14--(Deliverance and Salvation)

844/360 = 2.34 44 44 44…45 of Suva, Fiji / pop: 77,400 / local time:

12:14:38.8 2017-06-27

1315 km SW <--[1315 points to the False Prophet in Revelation 13:15(KJV): And he had

power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast

should be killed. IT IS MUCH LATER THAN YOU THINK!

16)-- And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor,, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17)--And that no man might bug of sell, save he hat had the mark, or the name of the beast, of the number of his name.

18)--Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and

six. of Apia, Samoa / pop: 40,500 / local time:

13:14:38.8 2017-06-27

Addendum Timeline of Pope Francis -- The False

Page 33: Awesome Grand Finale Grand Finale.pdf · indeed, April Fools just as I have shown many times. In 2016 there were 161 days per the Torah Calendar from sunset April 1, 2016 to sunset


Prophet--(Mr 444) ____________________________________________________

March 13, 2013 was the day of the inauguration of Pope Francis by the Vatican

This timeline also shows 1118 weekdays; the Gematria of the Judeo-Christian Triune Godhead per Deut 6:4(KJV) -- The Shema

1118 - 7--The Seal of God = 1110--(The Satanic Trinity) 1110 = 666--(The Antichrist) + 444--(The False Prophet)

How many days are there from March 13, 2013 and sunset June 26, 2017?

1566 - 33 = 1533 560/365.242 = 1.533 23 00 23

1561 - 7--(The Seal of God) x 223

Answer: 1566 days <--[1566 = 1561 + 5--(Grace)…days]

[4 years; 3 months; 13 days|223 weeks + 5 days|1118 weekdays + 2 days|446

Holy days + |4.29 years]

____________________________________________________ Pasted from <>

Following is the very first EQ to strike after Midnight (UTC) going into Tuesday Jun 27, 2017

Magnitude mb 5.3 <--[Gematria 53 = Marriage Supper;


Date time 2017-06-27 00:14:33.0 UTC <--[1433 + 100 = 1533; which matches

560/365.242 = 1.533 23 00 23]

Location 24.78 S ; 177.28 W <--[2478 - 478 = 2000; 478 (RMI) = 874 - 30 = 844/360 = 2.34 44 44

44..45; and 30 = The Dedication of the Blood of Jesus Christ] Also, 177 (RMI) = 771 - 729--(9

cubed) = 42--The Gematria of Nimrod the Antichrist--Barak Hussein Obama; and, 28 =

Eternal Life.

Depth 100 km <--[Gematria 100 = The Elect]

Distances 457 km SW <--[457 (RMI) = 754 - 729-(9

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cubed) = 25--Repentance] of Nuku‘alofa, Tonga / pop: 22,400 / local time:

13:14:33.0 2017-06-27 858 km SE <--[858 = 14--(Deliverance and Salvation) + 844/360 = 2.34 44 44 44..45] 1776 - 1762--(Obama's 1381 + 381) = 14--

(Deliverance and Salvation) of Suva, Fiji / pop: 77,400 / local time:

12:14:33.0 2017-06-27

1343 km SW <--[1343 = 1000 + 343--(7 cubed); and, 343 - 101 = 242--which matches 4:24AM(UTC) of the Summer Solstice Peak on June 21:2017. The Summer Solstice marked

day 1561--(223 x 7) post March 13, 2013 when Pope Francis, The False Prophet, was

inaugurated at the Vatican. See Revelation 13:11(KJV)

And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he

spake as a dragon. (THIS IS THE FRANKEN POPE)!

[*1001 = 11 x 13--(143) x 7--(The Seal of God); also, 446 + 555 = 1001]

So we see in both of these first two EQs past Midnight UTC, very key Gematria pointing to the arrival of both

the Antichrist--(Mr 666--Obama) and the False Prophet--(The Franken Pope 444) = 1110 the Gematria

of the Satanic Trinity.

of Apia, Samoa / pop: 40,500 / local time: 13:14:33.0 2017-06-27

Pasted from <>

____________________________________________________________________ Addendum Timeline of Pope Francis -- The False Prophet--(Mr 444); this

timeline reached 1566 days on June 26, 2017 which is tied @ sunset June 27 and this EQ.

____________________________________________________ March 13, 2013 was the day of the inauguration of Pope Francis by the


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Look at the first EQ following and let me show you a totally amazing sign pointing straight to the Biblical Mark of the Beast initiation now; a shocking revelation of

where we are on Almighty God's Time Clock. In the time we see 16:28:06 162 (RMI) = 261 or 20601 the very address of the Bohemian Grove at 20601 Bohemian Ave in the Redwoods of Northern California on the Russian River.

The 162 x 6--(The Location) = 1566; and, 1566 = (1561 + 5)

Tuesday June 27 2017,

16:28:06 UTC

23 minutes

ago 806/360 = 2.23 8 888 888 888..

6km SSW of Lake Los

Angeles, CA

2.0 12.4 124 x 2.0

= 248(RMI)-842 +1 = 843/360 = 2.34 1 666 666 666...





Revelation 13:11-18 is now very imminent!

The Summer Solstice Connection in 2017 The Summer Solstice Peak is 4:24AM(UTC) on June 21, 2017

424 is a Chiasmus of 42--Nimrod--The Antichrist--(Barak Hussein Obama)

How many days are there from March 13, 2013 and sunset June 21, 2017?

Answer: 1561 days

[4 years; 3 months; 8 days|51 months; 8 days|223 weeks|1115 weekdays|446 Holy days|4.27 years]


Compare to the Nicole Poon Ides of March Timeline March 13, 2013 was Pope Francis' Inauguration Day ___________________________________________*******************************************

How many days are there from March 13, 2013 and sunset June 26, 2017?

1566 - 33 = 1533

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560/365.242 = 1.533 23 00 23

Answer: 1566 days <--[1566 = 1561 + 5--(Grace)…days]

[4 years; 3 months; 13 days|223 weeks + 5 days|1118 weekdays + 2 days|446 Holy days + |4.29 years]


How many days are there from March 13, 2013 and sunset June 28, 2017?

Notice that on Wednesday June 28 @ sunset we trigger June 29, 2017 to make 1569 days; and, 1569/365.242 = 4.29 58 which rounds up to 4.30 years. Gematria 430 = 130--(The Cup of the LORD's Wrath) + 300

300 = 30 x 10--(Testimony; LAW; and Responsibility) 30 = (The Dedication of the Blood of Jesus Christ)

58 = (2 x 29--Departure)

Answer: 1568 days <--[1568 = 1561 + 7--(Grace)…days]

[4 years; 3 months; 15 days|223 weeks + 7 days|1120 weekdays + 2 days|446 Holy days + |4.29 years]


Compare to the Nicole Poon Ides of March Timeline March 13, 2013 was Pope Francis' Inauguration Day ___________________________________________*******************************************


The Time; the Location; the Magnitude; and the Depth of this EQ absolutely verify the Pope Francis Inauguration Timeline from March 13, 2013 to sunset June 26, 2017

Look at the first EQ following and let me show you a totally amazing sign of where we

are on Almighty God's Time Clock. In the time we see 16:28:06 The 162 x 6--(The Location) = 1566; and, 1566 = (1561 + 5)

Tuesday June 27 2017, 16:28:06 UTC

23 minutes

ago 806/360 = 2.23 8 888 888


6km SSW of

Lake Los

Angeles, CA

2.0 12.4 124 x 2.0

= 248(RMI)-842 +1 = 843/360 =

2.34 1 666 666




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The 162 x 6--(The Location) = 1566; and, 1566 = (1561 + 5) Pope'sInaugurationTimelinetoJune26,2017ishowmanydays?Answer: 1566 days <--[1566 = 1561 + 5--(Grace)…days]

Compare to the Nicole Poon Ides of March Timeline

March 13, 2013 was Pope Francis' Inauguration Day ___________________________________________*******************************************

How many days are there from March 13, 2013 and sunset June 26, 2017?

1566 - 33 = 1533 560/365.242 = 1.533 23 00 23

Answer: 1566 days <--[1566 = 1561 + 5--(Grace)…days]

[4 years; 3 months; 13 days|223 weeks + 5 days|1118 weekdays + 2 days|446 Holy

days + |4.29 years]


13th March 2013/Nicole Poon Vision Picture

13th March 2013/Nicole Poon Vision Picture

I prayed for what we have just learned about the story of Jacob but this vision was not related to my prayer. God showed a flagpole with red strings and blue strings flying. A

battleship going with the red button start and a schedule. I have asked God if this was a real battle or a spiritual battle. But God did not answer. To me I think this is a spiritual


Pasted from <


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_____________________________________________________________________________Obama's Westminster Abbey Stunt Backfires; GIVES A "HAND WRITING ON THE WALL" LEVEL


Obama's Westminster Abbey Stunt May 24, 2011; has "Backfired" and trapped him and his cohorts irretrievably; and I mean Big Time!

How incredibly appropriate it is that this arrogant King Rat managed to do it to himself; he hoisted and foisted himself on his own petard in the great hall of Westminster

Abbey. I can still hear his disgusting, blasphemous voice arrogantly proclaiming

Psalm 46:10 "Be still and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth."

This timeline is The Mother of all Rat Traps; it clearly shows that forgiveness

is now forever ended; unbelievable judgment is at the doors!


2011-President-signs-Westminster-Abbey-guestbook-2008.html. 7 x 223 = 1561

1561 x 2 = 3122 <--(31--Offspring -- 22--Light) 14 x 223 = 3122

1776 - 1762--(Obama's 1381 + 381) = 14--(Deliverance and Salvation)

3230 - 130 = 3100--(31--Offspring x 100--The Elect); and Gematria 130 is linked to the Cup of the LORD's Wrath--Isaiah 51:17-23(NIV) and Jeremiah 25:15-38(NIV)

3230 - 10--(Testimony; LAW; and Responsibility) = 3220 3220 - 3122 = 98--(2 x 49--Son of Man; Wrath of God); 3320 - 3122 = 198--(2 x 99--Parable of the Lost Sheep)

[Re: 3230] 1776 x 2 = 3552; and, 3552 - 3230 = 322

3320 - 90--(2 x 45--Preservation) = 3230

How many days are there from May 24, 2008 and June 26, 2017? 3320 - 100--(The Elect) = 3220--(322 x 10--LAW)

or (644 x 5--Grace) 322 = The Brotherhood of death 322; 322/2 = 161--The April Fools

10 = Testimony; LAW; and Responsibility Answer: 3320 days

[9 years; 1 month; 2 days|109 months; 2 days|474 weeks + 2 days|2370 weekdays +1 day|949 Holy days|9.09 years]

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Look @ this: 2370 weekdays - 13 cubed--(2197) = 194--(RMI) 490 + 1 490 = (70 x 7): Forgiveness ended! Read Matthew 18:21-35(AKJV)!

THE PARABLE OF THE UNMERCIFUL AND UNFORGIVING SERVANT Lucifer and all of his Rats are now trapped and on an extremely short leash, and are at

the juncture; which is just before these "Tares" are "bundled" and "burned" in hell! They could have repented; but, their "Pride" = 60; would not let them!

288-RMI) = 882 +1 = 883--(40 + 843); 843/360 = 2.34 1 666 666 666... [*Isaiah 28:8(KJV) For all the tables are full of vomit and filthiness, so that there is no

place clean.*] 288 - 100--(The Elect) = 188--The cyclical Mega EQ number that points straight to

the opening of the Sixth Seal and the Mother of all destroying Earthquakes (Revelation 6:12-17(KJV)

How very interesting that this very Gematria 60 = (Pride); which Almighty God hates; is actually 2 x 30--(The Dedication of the Blood of Jesus Christ)!


Notice that 949 is a Holy Chiasmus of Gematria 49: Son of Man; Wrath of God

949 - 845 = 104 104--(RMI) 401 = Revelation 4:01(KJV)…Come up hither--(The Rapture)!

845/360 = 2.34 7 222 222 222…; and, 234 is the Vincent Tan Terminal Number; Gematria "7" = (The Seal of God) and also means: Resurrection!

222 is a Chiasmus of 22--Light or "The Day of Light"! Also, 222 x 2 = 444 the Gematria of The Franken Pope--(The False Prophet) and the second "Rat" to take the bait. 1110 = 444--(The False Prophet) + 666--(The Antichrist--Barak Hussein Obama)

Notice that 1110 is the Satanic (Luciferian) Trinity; and, 1110 + 7--(The Seal of God) = 1117 -- 1 Timothy 1:17(KJV)

How could things have been made more plain and exacting than this very

construct? They are truly without excuse!

Instead of listening and repenting; they continually attack and assault God's messengers; and, it is the same inside the Apostate and Lukewarm Laodicean Churches

all across America!

Romans 1:20(KJV) Notice that 120 is the terminal "Sign of Noah"!

1 = Unity; New Beginnings; and, 20 = Redemption for the Righteous 20)--Fortheinvisiblethingsofhimfromthecreationoftheworldareclearlyseen,being


[9 years; 1 month; 2 days|109 months; 2 days|474 weeks + 2 days|2370 weekdays +1

day|949 Holy days|9.09 years]

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Please pray mightily for the protection of God’s People (Israel) by God Yahweh and His Son Yeshuah HaMashiach, who is King of the Jews. May Michael the great Prince

of Israel and all his mighty warriors now stand up to protect the Holy People of Israel from all of their Luciferian enemies! Amen and Amen!

Maranatha! (Come Quickly Lord Jesus!) Harvey Troyer (YBIC)

Emmaus Road Ministries

There is a wealth of information in this free booklet; please us it!

Beheading, God's Final Safety Net After the Rapture

Click the following URL LINK to see for yourself!

Working URL Link to my "Beheading Booklet"

Jude 1:17-25(NIV—1984)

A Call to Persevere 17 But, dear friends, remember what the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ

foretold. 18 They said to you, “In the last times there will be scoffers who will follow their own ungodly desires.” 19 These are the men who divide you, who

follow mere natural instincts and do not have the Spirit. 20 But you, dear friends, build yourselves up in your most holy faith and pray

in the Holy Spirit. 21 Keep yourselves in God’s love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life.

22 Be merciful to those who doubt; 23 snatch others from the fire and save them; to others show mercy, mixed with fear—hating even the clothing

stained by corrupted flesh.

Doxology—This is my Prayer for all beloved Doves 24 To him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy— 25 to the only God our

Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen.

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