

Mara Bravo - Ana PizarroI.E.S. Pablo Neruda2 Bilinge

Averroes was born in 1126, in the XIII th century, an age in which Sevilla was the economical and cultural center of Al-Andalus. His Arabic name was Ibn Rushd.

He came from a poor family but he managed to study Law, Philosophy, Arts and Medicine. He had a huge interest in knowledge and learning. In fact he said there was only one day in his life that he had not studied: the day of his father's death.

In 1169 he was named cadi (judge) of Crdoba and a bit later he was called to the court to become the Caliph's bodyguard.

He thought that reason was more important than Faith. That idea got him exiled, dying in Algeria in 1195, soon after being forgiven.

At present he is considered one of the most important philosophers in the Arabic World. In his free time he wrote books about Philosophy, Religion, Medicine, Arts and Astronomy. His books were not transleted and his ideas were forgotten all through the Middle Ages

Averroes was born in 1126, in the XIII th century, an age in which Sevilla was the economical and cultural center of Al-Andalus. His Arabic name was Ibn Rushd. He came from a poor family but him managed to study Law, Philosophy, Arts and Medicine. He had a huge interest for knowledge and learning. In fact he said there wasonly one day in his life that he had not studied: the day of his father's death.

In 1169 he was named cadi (judge) of Crdoba and a bit later he was called to the court to become the Caliph's bodyguard. He thought that reason was more important than Faith. That idea got him exiled, dying in Algeria in 1195, soon after being forgiven. At present he is considered one of the most important philosophers in the Arabic World. He wrote books about Philosophy, Religion, Medicine, Arts and Astronomy. His books were not transleted and were forgotten all through of the Middle Ages

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