Page 1: Autumn leaves lyric analysis

Another day another life Passes by just like mine It's not complicated Another mind Another soul Another body to grow old It's not complicated

Do you ever wonder if the stars shine out for you? Float down Like autumn leaves And hush now Close your eyes before the sleep And you're miles away And yesterday you were here with me

Another tear Another cry Another place for us to die It's not complicated Another love that's gone to waste Another light lost from your face It's complicated

Is it that it's over or do birds still sing for you? Float down Like autumn leaves And hush now Close your eyes before the sleep And you're miles away And yesterday you were here with me

Ooh how I miss you My symphony played the song that carried you out And ooh how I miss you And I miss you and I wish you'd stay

Commented [TW1]: He is saying life is not complicated, it begins and ends for everyone.

Commented [TW2]: The anaphora of ‘It’s not complicated’ is used to emphasise his point that the process of life is simple.

Commented [TW3]: Here he is wondering whether someone is looking down on him from heaven. The rhetorical question would also make the listener debate the answer to themselves. The personal pronoun ‘you’ develops a personal relationship with the listener as they feel they are being addressed directly.

Commented [TW4]: Ed Sheeran uses autumn leaves as a metaphor for death. Autumn leaves are obviously dead leaves, falling from a tree. The tree as an example for planet Earth and Autumn leaves for people. The person that passed away, unfortunately, is an Autumn leaf.

Commented [TW5]: It wasn’t long ago that he last saw them. Could be talking literally or as in it feels like only yesterday he was with them.

Commented [TW6]: Melancholic emotions – displays his emotional attachment to the person lost. The repetition of ‘another’ highlights the normality of death; lots of people are effected by the same thing and go through the same emotions.

Commented [TW7]: The chorus is about accepting death. This part highlights the sadness of it and the effect it has on other people.

Commented [TW8]: He is now saying it is complicated as the actual event of death can cause sadness no return.and destruction, and can be completely unexpected. It makes it much more harder to comprehend, thus making it more complicated. People realize that it actually is complicated when they lose someone and get to the point of

Commented [TW9]: References to heaven. Birds are a symbolism of freedom and could be portraying that the person he is talking about is now free from pain and suffering.

Commented [TW10]: Referring to death as ‘sleep’ makes it seem more peaceful and comforting.

Commented [TW11]: Could be referring to a funeral service and his involvement in celebrating their life.

Commented [TW12]: Highlights his sadness and desire to see them again. Gives the reader the impression that he was extremely close to the person he is talking about and feels as if he has lost a huge part of his life.

Page 2: Autumn leaves lyric analysis

Do you ever wonder if the stars shine out for you? Float down Like autumn leaves And hush now Close your eyes before the sleep And you're miles away And yesterday you were here with me Mhhh, mhhh, mhhh, mhhh

Touch down Like a seven four seven Stay out and we'll live forever now

Commented [TW13]: Message repeated, reinforcing his ideas and developing a personal relationship with the audience by allowing them to listen to his emotions.

Commented [TW14]: The Boeing 747 is a wide-body commercial airliner and cargo transport aircraft. This line could be interpreted like his friend touching down (landing) into Heaven like a 747 would in an airport.

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