Download - Autumn Guide 2012

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Autumn 2012

Part of 24-7 Prayer

Welcome to

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Welcome to Emmaus Rd, a growing church in Guildford which is part of the global 24-7 Prayer movement. If this is your first time, do please grab a drink from the bar and say 'Hi'. This term we're especially delighted to welcome friends from the Alpha Course as well as students from Surrey University, ACM, GSA and our very own Vision Course.

Our Emmaus Rd journey this term can be summed up in just one six-letter word: PRAYER. On Sundays we'll be working through The Lord's Prayer and on Thursdays we have a new weekly prayer meeting (7-8pm). We'll also be praying 24-7. The aim is simple: to go deeper with Jesus, and to experience more of His power and presence.

As usual we’ll be gathering together three Sundays a month at The Stoke Pub, and then in smaller ‘collectives’ at other times. We're grateful to the pub landlord Ahmad, who happens to be from Bethlehem, for his warm welcome. As Christmas approaches we’ll be reminded that this whole amazing journey of faith began in a pub like ours, and with a landlord from Bethlehem. So do please make yourselves at home!


Welcome!from the Leadership Team


“The aim is simple: to go deeper with

Jesus, and to experience more of

His power and presence.”


Scot & Misty

Dave & Liz

Pete & Sammy

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The Alpha Course

Free BookRed Moon Rising

Tuesday Night Bible SchoolIn conjunction with...

Running every Tuesday evening at the Emmaus Centre, a number of visiting speakers and experts will be teaching on the theme of The Mission of God in the World.

Starts on 25th September at 7.30pm for 6 weeks. See the calendar for more information on the title of each week or speak to Hannah McVeigh.

Come along & learn more about the amazing way Jesus’ kingdom message impacts and frames the whole of life, creation and reality.

If you’re new to us & have never read Red Moon Rising, please see Sammy Greig to enquire about a free copy.

An 8 week course exploring the meaning of life, starting 8pm on Wednesday 17th October at The Emmaus Rd Centre. See Dates for Your Diary on p10 or email [email protected] for details.

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This Autumn The Street continues to deliver fun, appropriate teaching to those of primary school age. With a theme of Relationships this term, The Street will be having a look at Jesus example and applying it to their own lives. Remember to bring your Bible with you!

5-11’s will stay in for the first half of the service before being safely escorted to their own venue.

If you’d like to help out with The Street, please see Carey Rivers.

Emmaus Rd Youth is set for another great term this Autumn as we continue to grow and develop our programme and vision.

On Stoke Sunday’s, Y7-Y9 will stay in for the first half of the service before heading off to their own venue for games, prayer & teaching, covering similar themes to the main meeting. Y10+ will stay at The Stoke to hear some of the fantastic speakers grapple with this terms teaching on prayer. There will also be opportunities for older youth to get involved and help serve on our various teams.

Following on each week from the service is ‘Open House’; a chance to hangout, kickback and have some fun at someone’s home. Don’t worry parents, we’ll be finished at 8.30pm so your darlings are in bed on time & refreshed for Monday morning ;).

Look out for information on the 24-7 prayer room happening in October, where there will be some dedicated youth slots. All in all, an EXCITING term!

If you’d like to help out with Emmaus Youth, please see Dave Slinn.

Meet the YouthThe community update on all things 11-17

The Street (5-11 year olds)

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Global Mission Partners are integral to our community. We support them through prayer, finance and relationship.

Philip and Anna Evans live and work in Skopje, Macedonia with their 1 year old son Oscar. They moved in 2009 to serve and support Glasnost, a vibrant community in Macedonia. Anna teaches at an international school and Philip manages business ventures, including exporting a Macedonian meze range, Pelagonia, and running a web design company.

Beth has been living & working in the Middle East since Sept 2010. Part of a House of Prayer she lives in & supports

a network of intercessors, running events & training.

David & Joy James moved to San Francisco in August, to minister to gang members as part of ‘InnerCHANGE’. The focus of their work is showing practical care and hospitality to gang members, including visiting them in prison.

For further information or receive regular updates please contact [email protected]

Global VisionLife in our wider family

Anna, Phil (& Oscar) David & Joy Beth

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FAQ’s with Pete Greig

Emmaus Rd. belongs to a family of communities mysteriously known as ‘The Boiler Room Network’. What exactly is a ‘Boiler Room’?PG: Good question! A Boiler Room is simply a community of Christians centred on prayer, seeking to make a measurable difference amongst the poor and amongst those who don’t yet know the good news about Jesus. It’s as simple as that. We’re all linked with the 24-7 movement which is a global network committed to prayer, mission and justice.

Where did the name ‘Boiler Room’ come from in the first place?PG: It was just a nickname originally. Andy Freeman and I came up with it in about 30 seconds to describe the very first 24-7 community (which was based in a pub in Reading) and it just kind of stuck. I suppose we were thinking of the way that a boiler room is a place of pressure, an unglamorous, dirty place which powers all sorts of important things. It’s a furnace of creative energy. Not a bad nickname as these things go.

So why did we stop calling ourselves the Guildford Boiler Room?PG: Well, there are Boiler Room communities all over the world these days, and only about half of them use the name. Here in Guildford it became confusing for two different types of people… Firstly there were all the students getting confused because there is now a very popular gig venue / pub called The Boiler Room just round the corner. And then there are people who work in the city where a Boiler Room is the name for a financial scam. HSBC recently wrote to all its customers warning them about the dangers of Boiler Rooms which makes it a bit tricky to invite people to join! So we thought it might just be easiest to rename ourselves, and we’re really happy with Emmaus Road – it’s such a cool encapsulation of so many of our values. So far no-one has typed it into their GPS!

You said there are Boiler Rooms all over the world. Where abouts?PG: Oh, I get a bit nervous when I have to start listing them, in case I forget somewhere but, off the top of my head there are Boiler Rooms in Macedonia, Germany, Spain, Ibiza, Switzerland, USA, Canada, Finland and various locations in the UK. They’ve all sprung out of that first little community

in Reading in the last seven years. It’s amazing really. We’ll be getting together in Frankfurt 19th-21st October if anyone wants to come. Our own Ian Nicholson is one of the guys who heads it all up.

So are all the Boiler Rooms the same?PG: Yes and no. We share a commitment to six common practices which are: prayer & creativity, mission & justice, hospitality & learning. But these are outworked differently in each situation. For example, in Kansas City the Boiler Room has a particular passion for artists so they provide studio space for painters, weavers and even a lampshade maker! In Grand Rapids the Boiler Room focuses on learning and they’re planning to start a school. The Boiler Room in Burgos, Spain is very small and it works with refugees. In Ibiza the Boiler Room runs a drop in centre (with prayer room) for party-goers, bar staff and those working in the sex industry. We’re different but the same!

And how are we outworking those six practices here in Guildford?PG: Well, I must admit that we’re doing better at some of the six practices than others! Our strategy for mission involves planting new collectives, running the Alpha Course regularly, the ‘Love Guildford’

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summer outreach and supporting our 5 Mission Partners in various parts of the world. So many Emmaus people are engaged in outreach, seeing to be good news at work, or volunteering with the Bushy Hill youth club or Ian Nicholson who’s the chaplain to Woking FC.

In terms of justice, we’ve launched Family Outreach as a way of caring practically for those locally who are struggling in different ways. We also support Ready 4 Action and pray for an anti-trafficking charity called Justice and Care.

Our commitment to prayer is expressed through regular seasons of 24-7 Prayer in our special prayer room at the Emmaus Rd Centre, plus our weekly prayer meetings, our PrayerForce e-bulletin and the profile we give to prayer in our gatherings too. Visitors who know anything about 24-7 may be surprised to know that prayer is actually something we’re feeling pretty challenged about right now.

Our commitment to Learning is outworked through Sunday teaching and our new Bible School on Tuesday nights.

I’d say that Hospitality is one of our strengths because we have some amazingly generous people in the community who host visitors from all

over the world continually. We’re always needing more beds – and this September it’s going to be all hands to the pump to host the Academy students.

Finally, creativity is obviously expressed by our musicians and the artwork in our prayer room, but to be honest this is an area we could certainly nurture more. It’ll be fun!

What’s your vision for Emmaus this term?PG: Oh, that’s easy! I long for us to know God better and to make him better known. I want us to become a service provider for the local community so that there would be an outcry if we ever ceased to exist. I want us especially to serve families who are in danger of falling into the poverty trap. I want us to play our part in reversing the terrible divorce rate in this area and caring for those who’ve been hurt. I want us to reach out to thousands of students and young people; to let them know that their lives have an incredible purpose and that God likes them a lot! And along the way I want us to have loads of fun and simply to enjoy being a family.

Sounds great!You can find out more about the Boiler Room Network at...

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Spotlight on...The Academy of Contemporary MusicACM Christian Union has been going through changes recently; good changes, developing and growing.

Officially started 3 years ago & meeting in a small room at St Saviours, by last September there were 3-5 regulars. In January we made the decision to move to Denzil Road (a house full of ACM students); we found moving to a house created an environment where people could hang out more and be sociable. We stopped being a meeting and started being a community. God has really

moved, & we’ve had great spontaneous prayer and worship happening almost daily. We also tripled in size in the month we moved. Along with this God spoke into the foundations of who we are as a community, with a focus on prayer, relationship and encouragement. Not an organisation that takes people out of church but a community that encourages people to be effective in ACM.

The CU is lead by Steve Lloyd, Robbie Sattin, Jess Cook and Dani Nieuwoudt. As the Autumn term begins we are massively excited about beginning the year with a community focus and expect God to do amazing things (as he has over the past year). Please pray that God would raise up worshippers inside ACM and for His Kingdom to be established there through Worship!

Picture L-R: Robbie, Dani, Steve, Jess

When I was young I remember being in my Geography class at my little Christian school in Rochester. Instead of studying countries and their statistics and capitals like ‘normal children’ we looked at how different missionaries gave their lives to love people in those Countries. So that’s what I always imagined being a Christian was, no matter where you were, giving your life completely, and holding nothing back.Quite recently I went to

North West Africa on a mission trip. It was incredible and although I’ve done quite a bit of travelling before, it didn’t lessen the revelation that God is SO BIG! He knew every single one of us so intimately even before the world began. And it’s not just me and my friends and family I know and see everyday, it’s people half way across the world. When I was there God gave me a revelation that has changed me,

suddenly everything I was struggling with at home seemed insignificant when joining in with these people and how they lived their lives. I realised it wasn’t about me. It sounds silly but it was real, and really for the first time I didn’t want it to be about me. I realised that I wanted to give everything to love the people that God loves and my prayer since then has been ‘God, make my heart burn for what your heart burns for!’

Real Life StoryJess Cook

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We have a number of significant overheads such as running our Family Outreach initiative, sponsoring Global Mission Partners and providing local youth work. We currently operate under the charitable status of the Matrix Trust so are able to claim tax back on most gifts (just sign a GiftAid envelope). We are so grateful to those who give money on a regular basis to enable us to make such a difference in so many lives.

There are a number of ways to give:By STANDING ORDER directly into our bank account. This is our preferred method as it involves less administration and enables us to budget more easily. Ask Sammy Greig ([email protected]) for details, or take a giving envelope at a meeting

In CASH which can be placed in a giving envelope at one of our Sunday meetings. If cash is being given under the Gift Aid scheme, it must be put in an envelope and clearly marked to say who it is from.

By CHEQUE payable to The Matrix Trust and placed in an Emmaus Rd Giving envelope.

Live to GiveFinances

CollectivesKingdom Living

We express Kingdom Family through Collectives that meet in homes (or on Campus). This is one of the means by which we live out our shared life in Christ, growing in love for God, one

another and our neighbours.  These gatherings provide a context for a simple form of church, where everyone can be known, heard, valued and equipped. Collective times combine food, fun and friendship. There are collectives for everyone including students, families, and young professionals.

If you’re not yet part of a collective, speak to Sammy Greig or email [email protected]

Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

2 Corinthians 9:6-7

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Dates for your DiarySunday, midweek & one-off eventsSeptemberSeptemberSun 9 The Lord’s Prayer #1: Teach Us To Pray [4.30pm @ The Stoke]

Thu 13 Prayer Meeting [7-8pm @ The Emmaus Rd Centre]

Sun 16 The Lord’s Prayer #2: Adoration [4.30pm @ The Stoke]

Thu 20 Prayer Meeting [7-8pm @ The Emmaus Rd Centre]

Sun 23 Stoke Feast & Communion [5pm @ The Stoke]

Tue 25 Bible School 1: The Kingdom of God*

Thu 27 Prayer Meeting [7-8pm @ The Emmaus Rd Centre]

Thu 27 Kingdom Come Celebration [7-9pm @ HTB, London]

Sun 30 The Lord’s Prayer #3: Intercession [4.30pm @ The Stoke]

OctoberOctoberTue 2 Bible School 2: Eschatology*

Thu 4 Prayer Meeting [7-8pm @ The Emmaus Rd Centre]

Sun 7 Stoke Feast \\ The Lord’s Prayer #4: Petition [5pm @ The Stoke]

3 days of 24-7 Prayer kicks off with a 1/2 Night ofWorship, Sunday 7th (9pm-midnight). **

Reserve your preferred slot in the prayer room at

3 days of 24-7 Prayer kicks off with a 1/2 Night ofWorship, Sunday 7th (9pm-midnight). **

Reserve your preferred slot in the prayer room at

Tue 9 Bible School 3: Biblical World View Applied - Money & Possessions*

Thu 11 Prayer Meeting [7-8pm @ The Emmaus Rd Centre]

Sun 14 Alpha Sunday w/ Charlie Mackesy [4.30pm @ The Stoke]

Tue 16 Bible School 4: Biblical World View Applied - Male & Female*

Wed 17 Alpha Week 1: Who Is Jesus?

Thu 18 Prayer Meeting [7-8pm @ The Emmaus Rd Centre]

Sun 21 Stoke Feast & Communion [5pm @ The Stoke]

Tue 23 Bible School 5: Biblical World View Applied - Sex & Sexuality*

Wed 24 Alpha Week 2: Why Did Jesus Die?

Thu 25 Prayer Meeting [7-8pm @ The Emmaus Rd Centre]

Sun 28 Collectives [See Collective Leaders’ for details]

Tue 30 Bible School 6: Biblical World View Applied - Women in Leadership*

Wed 31 Alpha Week 3: How Can I Have Faith?

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NovemberNovemberThu 1 Prayer Meeting [7-8pm @ The Emmaus Rd Centre]

Sun 4 How to Really Hear God w/ Jon Peterson [4.30pm @ The Stoke]

Wed 7 Alpha Week 4: Why & How Should I Pray?

Thu 8 Prayer Meeting [7-8pm @ The Emmaus Rd Centre]

Sat 10 Jon Bilbrough in Concert [8pm @ St Mary’s Church, Quarry St]

Sun 11 The Lord’s Prayer #5: Unanswered Prayer [4.30pm @ The Stoke] Remembrance Sunday

Wed 14 Alpha Week 5: How Does God Guide Me To Make The Most Of My Life?

Thu 15 Prayer Meeting [7-8pm @ The Emmaus Rd Centre]

Sun 18 Stoke Feast & Communion [5pm @ The Stoke]

Wed 21 Alpha Week 6: What About Evil? Does God Heal Today?

Thu 25 Prayer Meeting [7-8pm @ The Emmaus Rd Centre]

Sun 25 Collectives [See Collective Leaders’ for details]

Wed 28 Alpha Week 7: What About Church?

Thu 29 Prayer Meeting [7-8pm @ The Emmaus Rd Centre]

DecemberDecemberSat 1 Alpha Away Day: The Holy Spirit

Sun 2 Right Christmas #1: Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God (Isaiah 9:6) [4.30pm @ The Stoke]

Wed 5 Alpha Week 8: Telling Others

Thu 6 Prayer Meeting [7-8pm @ The Emmaus Rd Centre]

Sun 9 Right Christmas #2: Eternal Father (Isaiah 9:6) [4.30pm @ The Stoke]

Thu 13 Prayer Meeting [7-8pm @ The Emmaus Rd Centre]

Sun 16 Right Christmas #3: Emmanuel [5pm @ The Stoke]

Sun 23 Collectives [See Collective Leaders’ for details]

Mon 31 New Year Praise Party [10.30pm-midnight @ HTB, London]

*Tuesday Night Bible School starts 7.30pm at The Emmaus Rd Centre.

**1/2 Night of Worship [9pm-midnight] at The Emmaus Rd Centre.


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Find us!In person or online

York Road

Nightingale Road

Woodbridge Road

Stoke Road

North Street Upper High Street


on R

oadChertsey Street

Eastgate Gdns

G. Live



Emmaus Rd.


Emmaus Office: [email protected] / 01483 385216

The Emmaus Rd CentreAllen House Pavilion, Allen House Grounds, Eastgate

Gardens, Guildford GU1 4AZ

York Road Car ParkPark on the top floor & walk across the bridge into Allen

House Grounds

To arrange a lift to / from any Emmaus meeting,

call 01483 385216The Stoke Pub103 Stoke Road,

Guildford GU1 4JN

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