Page 1: AUGUST 2017 - Amazon S3 · Golden Rule of relationships, “In order to be understood, we must first understand.” Such an approach places our kids’ minds in a proper place for


for Preschoolers

inding Courage



Page 2: AUGUST 2017 - Amazon S3 · Golden Rule of relationships, “In order to be understood, we must first understand.” Such an approach places our kids’ minds in a proper place for












for Preschoolers



Page 3: AUGUST 2017 - Amazon S3 · Golden Rule of relationships, “In order to be understood, we must first understand.” Such an approach places our kids’ minds in a proper place for

Dr. Josh + Christi

This month’s Mile Marker is titled “Finding Courage” because discouragement is a common feeling for all of us. Family, friends, and coworkers disappoint us. Life circumstances let us down. Sometimes, we get discouraged with ourselves—or even with God.

Though it’s one thing for us to feel discouraged, it’s quite another when we see it in our kids. Too often, parents want to overprotect their kids from feelings of discouragement. As parents ourselves, we understand that. But for our kids to grow into resilient adults who can handle it when life doesn’t go their way, we need to “inspire them with courage,” not rescue them from the pain. As you spend time with your kids this month, keep in mind these definitions:

Discourage means “to deprive of courage.” 1 Encourage, on the other hand, means “to inspire with courage.”2

Instead of discouragement getting the best of our kids, let’s inspire them with the courage to make the most of it.

for Preschoolers



Page 4: AUGUST 2017 - Amazon S3 · Golden Rule of relationships, “In order to be understood, we must first understand.” Such an approach places our kids’ minds in a proper place for

FOR MOMBeing a mom can be discouraging. Whether you’re a single mom, a working mom, or a stay-at-home mom, we all have challenges. Not long after our son was born, discouragement got the best of me (Christi). I remember Josh coming home one day after work and receiving the brunt of it all. I was depressed. I was crying. I was flat out discouraged. But, quite truthfully, I didn’t even know why. To be fair, I didn’t tell anyone how I was feeling. I just buried it.

During the next few weeks, I began to voice with Josh what I was feeling. I also identified why I was discouraged—since becoming a mom, I had lost my identity. Yet, I didn’t think this was something I was allowed to feel discouraged about. Shouldn’t I be grateful that I’m a mom? The shame of feeling

discouraged was enough to silence me. Yet one of

the healthiest ways to get through

discouragement is labeling it. Even

Paul talked openly about his afflictions (2 Cor. 4:8-9). But he didn’t focus on his temporary condition (the seen). Instead,

his courage to persevere came

from focusing on his condition

through the lens of the eternal (the unseen).

Find trusted friends. Begin talking to your spouse. Label your discouragement. When you find yourself discouraged, ask God to show you His purpose for your current circumstance.

FOR DADThe Bible specifically tells fathers not to “stir up anger” in their children, “so that they won’t become discouraged” (Col. 3:21; Eph. 6:4). One of the easiest ways we can deprive our kids of courage is by not listening to or understanding them. The word admonition in Ephesians literally means to “counsel” our kids and refers to “placing the mind in a proper place.” Always coming down hard on our kids when they need to be disciplined is a default for many of us. Yet, in our kids’ vulnerable moments, coming down hard thickens the relational wall. Instead, lead with the Golden Rule of relationships, “In order to be understood, we must first understand.” Such an approach places our kids’ minds in a proper place for us to inspire courage and, as John Piper writes, “to see Christ, the Lord, as supremely valuable as Savior and Lord and Treasure of life.” 3

FOR COUPLES Spend time this month labeling your

discouraging moments with each other. Find a night of the week that works best for you. In

detail, share with your spouse when you felt most discouraged over the past week. Listen to each other. Then ask your spouse, “How can I better inspire courage within you?” Throughout the week, apply it. The encouraging climate

of our marriage trickles down into our child’s inner world.

for Preschoolers



Page 5: AUGUST 2017 - Amazon S3 · Golden Rule of relationships, “In order to be understood, we must first understand.” Such an approach places our kids’ minds in a proper place for

01 02

Father, help me to be strong and courageous. (Joshua 1:9)

Dear Lord, give me courage like shepherd boy David. Help me to not be discouraged by the giant [i.e. whatever life circumstance

disappoints them right now].

Here are a few prayers for you to pray over your kids—and to have them pray themselves. Doing so will begin to teach them to pray, while allowing them to hear what you seek for their hearts. Pray them over your kids as they wake, while you’re preparing breakfast, or in the car heading out for the day. Remember: repetition is key for preschoolers. Having your preschooler pray one prayer for an extended period of time is often more effective than praying a different prayer everyday.

MORNING PRAYERSfor Preschoolers

03 04

God, give me the courage to always do what is right (in your eyes and follow

your commands).

Dear God, thanks for always listening to me when I’m discouraged. Today, I am

discouraged about [i.e. my sister not sharing toys with

me, mommy telling me I have to go inside, etc.].



Page 6: AUGUST 2017 - Amazon S3 · Golden Rule of relationships, “In order to be understood, we must first understand.” Such an approach places our kids’ minds in a proper place for

On your drive, have each family member share what they see in each person that makes them courageous. Follow up with a story of a time you saw their courage in action. Take turns sharing your insights with one another. You can also add to the game by having each person share what they believe makes them courageous. For instance, they could answer the question: What is the greatest strength I bring to our family team? They could also answer the question: The one thing I love best about our family is…

DRIVE-TIME GAMES for Preschoolers

Each month we provide a list of games related to that month’s mile-marker. Simply choose the ones you enjoy as a family and play them often.


This is a game for any age, but primarily fits for younger kids. While driving, begin by asking your child about something they really want to do, but are afraid of doing. For instance, maybe taking the training wheels off of their bicycle, or learning how to swim. Talk about what makes them scared about it. Teach your kids that courage is not the absence of fear. Instead, it means we act even when we’re scared.

Spend drive time talking about a plan for one activity your child would like to be brave enough to try. On a scale of 1-10, how fearful is he/ she today (10 being super scared)? Spend the month stretching your son / daughter doing that activity. By the end of the month, measure again on the scale and see how low the number has come. Inspire courage in them as they learn how to persevere. If they grow discouraged, give them some of your courage. Once they bravely have gotten over the fear, celebrate by throwing a courage party!

The point of this game is simple: to teach the value of prayer. Use drive time to each talk about one person you know who needs prayer today. Spend your drive praying for others.


The Bravery Plan

The Courageous Family


Page 7: AUGUST 2017 - Amazon S3 · Golden Rule of relationships, “In order to be understood, we must first understand.” Such an approach places our kids’ minds in a proper place for

Talk to your kids about one of the most courageous things you have ever done. Tell the story. Give details. Be sure to describe where you found the courage to act.

Everyone share their favorite memory of the summer so far.

Tell your kids the story behind how they got their names and the meaning behind them. Use it as a way to inspire courage in them.

Tell your children about how you and your spouse encourage one another. Use a specific moment as an example.

Tell your children about a time you felt alone and someone (or God) came along and encouraged you.

Tell your kids something specific they need to hear to encourage them.

Tell your kids about the one person who was always there for you when you were discouraged growing up. What did they do to encourage you?











Page 8: AUGUST 2017 - Amazon S3 · Golden Rule of relationships, “In order to be understood, we must first understand.” Such an approach places our kids’ minds in a proper place for

Who do you want to pray for tonight? Is there someone you know who is discouraged right now?

What is something you are really good at?

What cartoon character would you most like to be? Why?

Tell me about a moment you felt discouraged this week. What did you do to get through it?

Who is the most courageous person you know? Name one thing they did that showed their courage.

How can I help when you feel discouraged?

Tell me about a moment you were encouraged this week? Who or what encouraged you?








Have I recently disappointed or discouraged you? How did I do that? (Be sure to listen and apologize).

What is one way you could encourage your siblings / friends tomorrow?

What are you most looking forward to this week?




BEDTIME QUESTIONS for Preschoolers



Page 9: AUGUST 2017 - Amazon S3 · Golden Rule of relationships, “In order to be understood, we must first understand.” Such an approach places our kids’ minds in a proper place for


BIBLE STORY #1 1 Samuel 17

The Courage of a Shepherd Boy

BIBLE STORY #2 Joshua 1:1-9; 6:1-21

The Courage of Joshua

Memory verse: 1 Samuel 17:32 “David said to Saul, “Don’t let anyone be discouraged by him [the giant]…”

Memory verse: Joshua 1:9b “Haven’t I commanded you: Be strong and courageous? Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”


For KidsThe Berenstain Bears and

the Gift of Courage

For WomenFervent

For MenThe Battle Plan

for Prayer

For KidsPrayerWorks

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