Page 1: August 16, 2020 20th Sunday of Ordinary Time




Office Phone: 785-232-5088

Office Fax: 785-232-8834

Emergency Eve : 785-215-6113

Parish Office Email:

[email protected]

“The Love of Christ moves us to spiritual growth, through prayer, faith formation and stewardship.”

Parochial Administrator

Fr. Ray May

Associate Pastor Fr. Ro mulo Real

Deacon Ray Delgado (Retired)

Office Manager Mary Ann Pickering

Bookkeeper Alicia Florez

Secretary Nadia Colorado-Galicia

Ministry Scheduler Gina Gutierrez

August 16, 2020

Corona Virus guidelines for Masses

and offices are changing on an ongoing basis.

Please watch the OLG website and

Facebook pages for updates.

Debido a la

Pandemia del Corona Virus las normas y regulaciones para

misas y oficinas cambian cada dia. Por favor checar la

pagina de internet de la parroquia y el


20th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Page 2: August 16, 2020 20th Sunday of Ordinary Time


Masses For the Week

Please pray for the sick of the Parish / Por favor oren por los enfermos de la parroquia.

As part of the Prayer for the Sick, we always pray for the sick in our community. Names are placed on the list on-ly if requested by family to avoid confusion. Names will be listed for one month. You may call to have them add-ed again. To have a family member listed, please call our office at 785-232-5088.

OLG public Mass re-opening guidelines

1. During the time of the Corona virus pandemic, Archbishop Naumann has given Catholics in the Archdiocese a dispensation from attending in person public Mass. OLG will continue to live stream daily Mass from Tuesday—Friday 6:30 pm Spanish Mass & 7:30 pm English Mass. Sunday Mass live stream 9:00 am English & 11:00 am Spanish beginning on June 7th. 2. Anyone feeling uncomfortable coming back to public Mass knowing the risks involved should stay home, especially those in high risk groups such as people with serious underlying medical conditions & the elderly. 3. Those consciously choosing to take the risk to attend public Mass must wear a mask and bring their personal hand sanitizer and a towel to cover the upper part of the pew in front of you that you will touch during Mass. 4. During consecration time, all people will stand up, or be seated if unable to stand up for long, so that you avoid touching the kneelers. 5. A six feet social distance must be kept from other people. Only those living in the same household can sit together in proximity. 6. Mass cannot last more than 45 minutes as directed by Archbishop Naumann. There will be no congregational singing, only an accompanist & a cantor. 7. People cannot congregate socializing before or after Mass per Archdiocese and CDC guidelines. Please go home immediately after Mass. The Church will be sanitized after mass to be ready for the next group. 8. Holy Communion will be given only in the hand. 9. OLG can only safely accommodate 48 people seated in the pews using every 3rd pew keeping the 6 foot distance in between people to comply with Archdiocesan & CDC guidelines. 10. Access to the church will be only through the main front entrance.

*Thanks for your cooperation, patience & understanding as we go through this unprecedented time!!

Lola Delgado Deacon Ray Delgado Teresa Galvan

Cruz Chavez Angel Martinez

Bulletin Reminder: Articles are due each Thursday, bulletin is always submitted the

following Monday for that weekend.


Lectors & Ushers - if you are interested in serving at Mass, please contact Gina Gutierrez at 785-608-0638

Sat 8/15 4:00pm †Louie Torrez

†Tessie Escobar

6:00pm †Jesus Manuel Romero

Por las Familias de OLG

Sun 8/16 9:00am †Lola Alcala Gonzalez

†Arthur Duran

11:00am †Luciano Russitio

†Irene Sanchez Soto

Tue 8/18 8:00am †Calixto Martin, Jr

6:30pm †Ricardo Junior Rodriguez

Wed 8/19 8:00am †Louie Torrez

6:30pm †Jesus Manuel Romero

Thurs 8/20 8:00am †Guadalupe R. Valdivia

6:30pm †Jesus Manuel Romero

Fri 8/21 8:00am †Norberto Sr & Dolores Adame

6:30pm Por las almas del purgatorio

Sat 8/22 4:00pm †Maria "Pana" Chavez

†Bobby Gomez

6:00pm †Jesus Manuel Romero

†Norberto Arellano

Sun 8/23 9:00am †OLG Parishioners

†Bill & Shirley Wheeler

11:00am †Javier Guzman Munoz

†Irene Sanchez Soto

†Rutillo Candia Jimenez

Page 3: August 16, 2020 20th Sunday of Ordinary Time



Marriages: Arrangements must be made with the pastor at least 9-12 Months prior to the planned date. Planes de Matri-monio llame a la oficina. Quinceañeras: Arrangements need to be made with the church office 6-12 Months prior to planned date. Baptism Preparation Session Spanish Baptism class is September 12, at 3:00pm inside the MCBAC in the Banquet Room English class is September 14, at 7:00pm in the Church or if necessary call the parish office for an appointment. Anointing of the Sick: For the Sacrament of the Sick please call the parish office.

Current Mass Schedule Horario actualizado para Misa

Saturday: 4:00 p.m. Public Mass (English) 6:00 p.m. Misa pu blica (Espan ol) Sunday: 9:00 a.m. Public Mass (English)** 11:00 a.m. Misa pu blica (Espan ol)** Tuesday: 8:00 a.m. Public Mass (English)** 6:30 p.m. transmisio n en vivo solamente (Espan ol)** Wednesday: 8:00 a.m. Public Mass (English)** 6:30 p.m. Misa pu blica (Espan ol)** Thursday: 8:00 a.m. Public Mass (English)** 6:30 p.m. Misa pu blica (Españ ol) ** Friday: 8:00 a.m. Public Mass (English)** 6:30 p.m. transmisio n en vivo solamente (Espan ol)**

**Live Stream via the Our Lady of Guadalupe Facebook page **Trañsmisio ñ eñ vivo por Facebook: Our Lady of Guadalupe


The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be celebrated on Wednesdays from 6-7 pm in the Activity Center. Please bring a mask and be brief.

August 8th & 9th Weekly Total

Envelope: $4,505.00 Plate: $485.26 TOTAL: $4,990.26

Budgeted Collections $15,861.75 (pesupuesto mensual de colectas) Income Over (Under) Budget -$10,871.49 (bajo del presupuesto)

Building Fund Balance: $634,930.67

It is never too late to make stewardship a way of life.


We are currently limited to 48 registered parishioners at each public Mass (Weekend or Weekday). Please call the Church office (232-5088) between 1:00-3:30pm Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday to register to attend Mass. The Archbishop’s dispensation for Mass attendance remains in effect. If you have been exposed to the Corona virus or are ill, please refrain from attending Mass. Masks are required for Mass attendance. Please bring a small towel to place on the back of the pew in front of you as well as hand sanitizer.

Holy Family Catholic School is now enrolling Preschool through the 8th grade, for the 2020-2021 school year. You can pick up an enroll-ment packet from the school office or online at Office hours are Monday through Friday from 9-noon.

English Mass is now at 8am Tuesday through Friday

School of Religion First Communion Information

Group 1 will be having First Reconciliation on Tuesday, August 18th at 7:30pm in the Church. First Communion for Group 1 will be Sunday, August 23rd at 3pm. Any questions please contact Sr. Juanita Banuelos, SOR Director 785-383-8552 More info to come.

Page 4: August 16, 2020 20th Sunday of Ordinary Time


LOS PADRES DE LA IGLESIA Para esta semana quiero compartir con ustedes un her-moso escrito de uno de los Padres la Iglesia. En un pro -ximo artí culo compartiremos a quie nes hacemos refe-rencia con ese tí tulo. Bendiciones para todos y feliz se-mana: La nueva ley de nuestro Señor De la carta llamada de Bernabé

(Caps. 2, 6-10; 3,1. 3; 4,10-14)

“ ...Y, ya que no somos insensatos, debemos comprender el designio de bondad de nuestro Padre. E l nos habla para que no caigamos en el mismo error que ellos, cuan-do buscamos el camino para acercarnos a e l. Por esta razo n, nos dice: Sacrificio para el Señor es un espíritu quebrantado, olor de suavidad para el Señor es un cora-zón que glorifica al que lo ha plasmado. Por tanto, her-manos, debemos preocuparnos con todo cuidado de nuestra salvacio n, para que el Maligno seductor no se introduzca furtivamente entre nosotros y, por el error, nos arroje, como una honda a la piedra, lejos de lo que es nuestra vida.

Acerca de esto afirma en otro lugar: ¿Para qué ayu-

náis -dice el Señor-, haciendo oír hoy en el cielo vuestras

voces? No es ése el ayuno que yo deseo -dice el Señor-, sino

al hombre que humilla su alma. A nosotros, en cambio,

nos dice: El ayuno que yo quiero es éste -oráculo del Se-

ñor-: abrir las prisiones injustas, hacer saltar los cerrojos

de los cepos. dejar libres a los oprimidos. romper todos los

cepos; partir tu pan con el hambriento, vestir al que ves

desnudo, hospedar a los pobres sin techo.

Huyamos de toda vanidad, odiemos profundamente

las obras del mal camino; no viva is aislados, replegados

en vosotros mismos, como si ya estuvierais justificados,

sino reuní os para encontrar todos juntos lo que a todos

conviene. Pues la Escritura afirma: ¡Ay de los que se tie-

nen por sabios y se creen perspicaces! Haga monos hom-

bres espirituales, seamos un templo perfecto para Dios.

En cuanto este de nuestra parte, meditemos el temor de

Dios y esforce monos por guardar sus mandamientos, a

fin de alegrarnos en sus justificaciones. El Señor juzgará

al mundo sin parcialidad. Cada uno recibira segu n sus

obras; el bueno sera precedido de su justicia, el malo

tendra ante sí el salario de su iniquidad. No nos abando-

nemos al descanso, bajo el pretexto de que hemos sido

llamados, no vaya a suceder que nos durmamos en

nuestros pecados y el Prí ncipe de la maldad consiga po-

der sobre nosotros y nos arroje lejos del reino del Sen or. Adema s, hermanos, debemos considerar tambie n este hecho: si, despue s de tantos signos y prodigios como fueron realizados en Israel, los veis ahora abandonados, estemos vigilantes para que no nos suceda a nosotros tambie n lo que afirma la Escritura: Muchos son los lla-mados y pocos los elegidos”. -Fr. Ro mulo


El Sacramento de la Confesio n se celebrara todos los Miércoles de 7 a 8 p.m. en el gimnasio del

Mario Cuevas. Traer cubre bocas por favor y mantener la sana

distancia y ser breves.

La Oficina Parroquial continúa cerrada al público.

Si ñecesita asisteñcia por favor llamaños de 9:00 am a 3:30 pm (Lunes a Jueves) y le asistiremos.

Guía de reapertura 1. Durañte el tiempo de la pañdemia del Coroñavirus el Arzobispo Nauman a dispensado a los Cato licos de la Archidio cesis de asistir a Misa en persona. 2. Aquellas persoñas que concienzudamente escojan tomar el riesgo de asistir a una Misa en el templo debe de usar un tapa boca y traer su propio alcohol en gel para sus manos al igual que una toalla para cubrir la parte frontal de la banca que puede tocara durante la Misa. 3. Las persoñas ño se coñgregarañ a socializar antes o despue s de la Misa, segu n lo que ordeno el Arzobispo y el guí a de CDC (Centro de Control de Enfermedades Nacional). Esto quiere decir que por favor las personas regresen a sus casas inmediatamente despue s de Misa. La Iglesia sera desinfectada despue s de la Misa para que este lista para recibir al siguiente grupo de feligreses. 4. La Iglesia puede acomodar u ñicameñte a 48 persoñas a la vez, sentadas en las bancas, que estara n separadas por seis pies de distancia y sen aladas por medio de cintas de control, para así seguir las reglas de la Archidio cesis y el CDC. 5. Si escoger asistir a una Misa en pu blico, debe de llamar a Jose Luis Marquez (785) 383-4235 con tiempo para reservar su lugar. U nicamente aquellas personas que reserven su lugar sera n admitidas al templo. *Gracias por su cooperacio ñ, pacieñcia y eñteñdimieñto.

Escuela de Religión Información de la Primera Comunión

El Grupo 1 tendra la Primera Reconciliacio n el martes 18 de agosto a las 7:30 pm en la Iglesia. La Primera Comunio n para el Grupo 1 sera el domingo 23 de agosto a las 3 pm. Cualquier pregunta por favor comuní quese con la Hna. Juanita Banuelos, Directora de EDR 785-383-8552 Ma s informacio n por venir.

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We are hardwired for wholeness and crave it. When something is broken, we want it fixed. If a part of our body is not working properly, we want it healed. How often do we find ourselves saying, “I’m tired of strug-gling with this cold, I can’t wait for my surgery to heal, or I want my treatments to make me better.” Wholeness and healing restore our relationships and make us free to love as we desire. We know very well how our limita-tions, imperfections, and brokenness really limit us. They can easily prevent us from being and doing what we want to do.

Our physical and emotional wounds and maladies are easier to identify. If my back hurts, I feel it and know what part of my body needs attention. If I am feeling in-tense anger, I can identify the emotion and take neces-sary steps to uncover its cause. Being persistent often brings greater and quicker results. But will pursuing and even achieving our physical and emotional healings real-ly be enough? We forget that there is a deeper healing that we seek and desperately need. As we look around at humanity, there are some physical and emotional wounds and scars that cannot be made whole. They are limitations that must remain and, for one reason or an-other, cannot be rectified. Does this mean that the wholeness and healing that my being longs for is not possible for me? Must I settle with less than what God promises?

The answer is no. Ultimately, there is a desire that goes deeper than the physical and emotional. It is a desire that resides in our soul. What we really seek and thirst for is healing and wholeness for our soul. Inner strength, conviction, focus, grounding, love, hope, faith, courage, determination, peace, and connectedness are all words that center us on eternity. They direct us to a presence we discover in our core, which is none other than the presence of God. In God, we are healed. When we are persistent in reaching out to and establishing our rela-tionship with God, real healing and wholeness begin to happen.

There are some limitations and some of our brokenness with which we may simply have to live. This does not mean that we have to abandon our journey to wholeness and healing. If we have done our inner soul work, we have worked toward and acquired what and who we ultimately need and desire.


The Sewing Club at Our Lady is looking for someone who would be willing to be responsible to lead the organization. We currently have around 20 members who work diligently to raise monies to support the debt of the Marlo Cuevas- Balandran Activity Center. We have raised a little over $13,000 so far. For health reasons, Lilia Camacho has to step down. If interested, please call Lilia at 266-4239.


Please prayerfully consider making a financial contribution to the Fiesta Mexicana. You may

contribute any of the following ways: - Bring or mail a contribution to the Church office (you can drop it in the black mailbox outside the

office door)> - Click on the donation link at the bottom of the

Fiesta website page (

- Donate via the Fiesta Go Fund Me page (

2020). Watch the Fiesta and OLG Facebook pages for

fundraising updates.

OLG Veteran Memorial (Update) Based on the approximate cost $8,000.00 required for the construction and installation of said monu-ment, a total of $4,000.00 has been collected. In an effort to finalize the monument fund drive, Septem-ber 16th 2020 is the date that contributions will be accepted. Based on the total collected it will then be determined if the monument will proceed as planned. (May God bless our Veterans). Please contact committee members for finial infor-mation. Richard Vasquez 785-633-1604 Gilbert Ramirez 785-633-2557 Modesto Vasquez 785-235-3849 Blasi Ortiz 785-554-3949

Page 6: August 16, 2020 20th Sunday of Ordinary Time

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