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By: Kai Ieda, David Jyung and Noemi Chouraqui

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•Typical Disney character's features such as the big eyes (creates diversion)

•Typical fairytale narrative format

•High pitch with a robotic voice over

•The bodies of these two robots are smaller compared to their surroundings

•Slap stick humour for example where Wall E gets electric shock from lightning because of the umbrella.

How it appeals to children?

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How it appeals to adults?

•Intertextuality reference

•The opening song ‘Put On Your Sunday Clothes’ originally featured in the 1964 musical Hello Dolly!- creates a sense of nostalgia to the elderly •The well known opening song from the movie Space Odyssey 'Also sprach Zarathustra' by Richard Strauss

•Apple Chime

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•‘Wall E’ convey the issue involving environmentalism and importance of nature.

•The shocking message telling us that if we continue the way we live, the world will be destroyed due to the over flood of garbage.


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Typical Disney romance where the old equilibrium is broken the hero save the princess and the story ends in the new equilibrium where the villain is punished or killed and the characters live 'happily ever after'. This sequence may be 'old fashioned' but this dream like blossoming young love is always effective on this audience.


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Large and mainstream studio ‘Pixar’ is owned by Disney which is owned by shareholders. People buy shares to make a profit so the producers need to make sure this movie does end up making a profit by attracting to a wider audience

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How might this be harmful to the younger audience?

•Violent action scenes may lead to development of violent personality

•Offensive stereotypical gender and American representation may lead young audience to follow these stereotypes

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