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2. I thought it would be a good idea to receive some audiencefeedback from social media sites such as Instagram, Twitter orFacebook. This is because most teenagers and especially my targetaudience use these social media sites on a regular basis so I wouldbe able to contact them easily and it is also a unique way to receiveaudience feedback rather than questionnaires on paper.I decided to use Facebook as the social media site and I few of myfriends a question regarding my music video. 3. The inboxmessage(the link to thesong is also inthe message) 4. These are the responses: 5. My responseMost of the responses which I received on the Facebook inbox were allquite similar. The majority of the people who answered stated that thegirl would be wearing feminine dresses with a floral print.I agree with Sophia as she said that the girl shouldn't wear any darkmakeup as that may bring down the mood of the song. Thats becausethe overall mood of the song is happy as the girl is happy and positivethat she has broken up with her boyfriend, although she did really lovehim. The feminine clothes also implies that the girl is innocent and cuteas the audience are positioned to feel sorry for her throughout themusic video as she was going through a break up. One person said thatthe lighting should be bright and colourful as the song is quite upbeatespecially in the chorus, so therefore I will adapt on this whenproducing and editing my music video. The locations which they saidwere similar to the ideas which I had which were in a house or a party. Iexpected these locations as the song is quite upbeat so you wouldexpect to hear the song at a party. I also thought the house would be agood location because it is a homely environment and quite personalwhich gives the same aspect to her relationship as personal andimportant to her. 6. My responseMost of the responses which I received on the Facebook inbox were allquite similar. The majority of the people who answered stated that thegirl would be wearing feminine dresses with a floral print.I agree with Sophia as she said that the girl shouldn't wear any darkmakeup as that may bring down the mood of the song. Thats becausethe overall mood of the song is happy as the girl is happy and positivethat she has broken up with her boyfriend, although she did really lovehim. The feminine clothes also implies that the girl is innocent and cuteas the audience are positioned to feel sorry for her throughout themusic video as she was going through a break up. One person said thatthe lighting should be bright and colourful as the song is quite upbeatespecially in the chorus, so therefore I will adapt on this whenproducing and editing my music video. The locations which they saidwere similar to the ideas which I had which were in a house or a party. Iexpected these locations as the song is quite upbeat so you wouldexpect to hear the song at a party. I also thought the house would be agood location because it is a homely environment and quite personalwhich gives the same aspect to her relationship as personal andimportant to her.

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