  • 8/20/2019 Attract Applicants Like a Magnet


    Anne St. Hilaire

     Tips for Job Posting


    Like aMagnet

  • 8/20/2019 Attract Applicants Like a Magnet


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  • 8/20/2019 Attract Applicants Like a Magnet


    What’s Inside

    Intro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

    First, Check Your Job Ads. . . . . . . . . . . . 5

    Timing is Everything . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

    Use Video . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

    Be Realistic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

    The Ideal Job Posting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

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      4 ©2015 | Attract Applicants Like a Magnet

    Job posting can be a hassle. You know the kindof person you want at your company and what you

    want them to do. You have a picture in your mind’s

    eye, and it’s perfect. But when you sit down to

    write out the responsibilities, requirements, and

    qualifications for the job, something happens:

    suddenly, the job ad you’ve written doesn’t feel like

    a proper representation of the job you’re hiring for.

    In today’s competitive job market, all employers and

    recruiters are clamoring for the best talent for

    their organizations - but are finding trouble

    communicating to these candidates. They need to

    show talented individuals that they are the company

    of their dreams, but are limited to do so through job

    postings. How can companies express themselves

    and draw top talent in through job descriptions?

    It’s plain and simple - they must get creative, get

    to the point and use these tips.

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    On average, 118 people apply for any given job.Having trouble getting that many candidates to apply

    for open roles at your company? The job itself may

    not be the problem; rather, the requirements and job

    description may be driving candidates away. Framing

    the job in a way that is relatable, realistic, and true to

    your company can turn a vacant position into a

    position worth clamoring for.

    You Have a Brand Responsibility 

    A job description is a reflection of your company’s

    employer brand. If a job advertisement is bland,

    uniform, and uses the same buzzwords over and

    over, then candidates won’t think much of the role it

    advertises or the company advertising the role. If the

    posting is creative, personal, and honest, candidates

    will see your employer brand in a more positive light

    and be more drawn to apply for the role.

    First, Check Your Job Adsbased on “Need More Applications? Check Your Job Advertisements” by Kerry Pivovar

    Choose Your Words Carefully 

    Don’t add fluff where it is not needed. Be personal.

    Don’t write like a computer. Give real examples of

    the specific things a person would do in the role

    on a daily basis.

    Careful on the Job Reqs

    There is no such thing as a perfect candidate. If you

    are having trouble getting people to apply for an open

     job, try changing the requirements into preferences

    instead. Both women and men admit to not

    applying to jobs when they feel they don’t meet the

    requirements. Women apply for jobs only when they

    feel 100 percent qualified, while men are willing to

    apply when they feel they meet 60 percent of the

    qualifications. The lesson is that everyone seems to

    be taking job requirements too seriously.

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    Perhaps we can learn from Facebook. According to

    Facebook executive Serkan Piantino, the tech giant

    takes a fairly lax approach to job requirements.

    Piantino told a writer at Quartz that, even though

    many ads for jobs at Facebook say they

    require a B.A. or M.A., the company aims to be

    “pretty agnostic to the

    things that don’t matter.

    Things like somebody’s

    prior background,

    whether they went to a

    top [computer science]

    program or never

    graduated high school,

    if they’re a good fit for

    Facebook, we just try to

    focus on that.”

    If a requirement isn’t truly required — just preferred —

    then let people know that in the job description.

    Otherwise, you may turn away the candidate who

    would have fit perfectly in the role.

    Craft the Content 

    Candidates only spend about 50 seconds looking at

     job ads they will ultimately pass over; they spend

    another 22 seconds reading

    the ones they actually plan

    to apply for. You have

    got to jam-pack as much

    oomph as possible into

    your job descriptions in

    order to make an impact

    on candidates.

    If the average U.S. adult

    reads at the ninth grade

    level, then why are job descriptions often written

    like mechanics manuals? Ditch the jargon and get

    to the meat of the message.

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    Dare to Be Different 

    Ultimately, job descriptions should tell candidates

    what they need to know in a language they can

    understand. You have to show your audience who

    you are as a company in the shortest amount of

    time possible. Attract more candidates to each job

    ad by appealing to the personal and human

    sides of applicants. Don’t write for the perfect

    candidate: write for someone who can learn

    and grow into who you need for that role. Be

    real, honest, and open to achieve the best

    conversion rates on each job posting.

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      8 ©2015 | Attract Applicants Like a Magnet

    Timing is Everythingbased on “ And the Best Time to Post a Job Is...” ” by Kazim Ladimeji

    Recruiters spend a lot of time and money on the preparation of job advertisements and the subsequent proactive marketing of their

    vacancies by posting on job boards and by sharing on

    social networks. Most of the time—it’s a leap of

    faith—in that we check the site has a big enough

    audience, then we post, we share, we tweet, we like

    and we hope, yes we hope that the applicants come

    rolling in. And many times they do, and at other

    times the response falls below our expectations.

    Of course there can be many reasons for a poor job

    advert response rate, e.g unattractive position, poorly

    constructed job advert, high demand/low supply, etc.

    It will, of course, take trial and error to find out which

    particular factor is limiting the effectiveness of your job

    advert.One area that can often be overlooked during job marketing campaign is

    the fact that certain job sites yield better response rates on certain days of the

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    week or year, or certain hours of the day. One way

    that recruiters may be able to maximize response rate

    is by posting/sharing their advert at the most optimal

    time of day when candidates are most likely to bepresent and responsive.

    To help any recruiters or employers who wish to

    experiment with posting ads at optimal posting times

    to see if it will increase their response rates, I have

    compiled data from various credible sources, whichshows when job sites appear to be most responsive.

    Early in the Week (Avoid Friday at All Costs)

    According to research from eQuest, a global jobs

    distributor that manages jobs postings for

    employers,Wednesday is the day of the week when job hunters are most active and responsive to job


    I admit that it’s an older survey, but it was quite

    a thorough study that looked at 1 million jobs

    posted through its system over an approximate

    3-month period. They counted the number of

    candidates who viewed ads and the number

    who actually applied and found that 17.5percent of candidate activity took place on

    Monday; 17.8 percent on Tuesday; 18.1 percent

    on Wednesday; with only 16.8 percent of

    candidate activity occurring on Thursday; and

     just 12.3 percent of candidate activity occurring

    on Friday.

    The peak job searching time was between 11

    am-1 pm and 4-5pm, and the advice from

    eQuest, (which I am inclined to agree with

    based on their data), is to post job adverts

    early in the week for maximum effect.


    Ad Posting: A survey by Yesmail looked at ad

    effectiveness on Facebook and found that

    campaigns deployed on Tuesdays, Fridays

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    and Saturdays had most audience engagement.

    I have to be a little wary of the relevance of this

    study because it is not looking at job adverts

    only, but any advertising campaign. Still, it

    reinforces the findings of equest in terms of

    Tuesday being a potentially very responsive day

    for posting job adverts.

    Link Sharing

    Once again, this research reported by Mashable,

    and prepared by Link tracking service, is

    general and not specific to job postings but still

    shows the relative responsiveness of Facebook

    users to shared links based on day and time of

    day. In their study, the Mashable folks foundthat links posted between 1pm and 4pm EST

    get the most responses with Wednesday at 3pm

    ET being the best time to post on Facebook all

    week. So, there’s another vote for Wednesday

    reinforcing the eQuest findings that Wednesday

    may be the hottest day of the week for job ad




    The research has found that links that are

    posted early in the week between 1pm and 3pm

    EST will get the most clicks and users should

    avoid tweeting links after 8pm or 3pm on a

    Friday. Once again, this reinforces the eQuest

    findings that Friday is a bad day to post job ad-

    verts and Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday are

    prime time for job advert responsiveness.

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    For those of you who like to engage with your

    potential candidate market through blog postings,

    it seems there is an optimal time for posting blogs,

    according to 2010 research by Dan Zarella. He

    found that re-tweet activity tended to peak around

    4pm EST, which implies this might be the best time

    to tweet a recruiter blog post for maximum reach.

    He also found that retweet activity peaked on a

    Friday. He analyzed nearly 100 million tweets, and

    in aggregate concluded that Friday at 4pm is the

    most retweetable time on the week, and which I

    infer, as the best time for you to place your

    recruiter blog posts.

    He also looked at Facebook and found that articles

    that are published on Facebook on weekends are

    shared much more than those published in the week.

    This means that, sadly for you recruiters, you need to

    drop the surfboard and start posting your recruiter

    blog articles to Facebook on the weekend, that is if

    you are to get maximum responsiveness.

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    Use Videobased on “How to Sell Your Job Ad with Video”  by Suriel Vasquez

    Fifty-three percent of respondents to a recent

    survey from OfficeTeam and the International

    Association of Administrative Professionals say

    having an accurate job description is important,

    and 55 percent say they do something outside

    the confines of the description for the job for

    which they were hired.

    It may not be that what you, as an employer, are

    putting in your job ad is inaccurate, per se — it’s

    more that the description just doesn’t feel right.

    The ad tells readers about all of the basic tasks

    of the job, but it doesn’t capture what the job

    is like on a day-to-day basis, and it doesn’t

    capture the company culture. If you want to

    punch up your job ad, consider making your job

    description a better reflection of what you want

    by adding video.

    Video Job Ads Capture Your Company Better

    Accuracy is one of the most important aspects of

    a job description, and it’s also one of the most

    common challenges companies run into when

    recruiting talent. Twenty-four percent of marketing

    and advertising executives say that describing the

    actual duties of a job is one of the biggest problems

    in creating a job description. Another 24 percent

    say they have issues identifying which skills are

    absolutely required to perform the job and which

    skills are simply nice to have. Twenty-eight percent

    say that it’s also difficult to properly convey the

    necessary interpersonal skills one would need to

    perform the job well.

    A well-crafted video description fixes many of these

    problems. You want to capture someone’s attention

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    with your description: applicants spend an

    average of 50 seconds on a job ad, and 72

    seconds if they’re actually interested in applying.

    Most job descriptions are bland and nothing to

    write home about, but they don’t have to be.

    Just take a look at this job ad for a hiring manager

    at NPR. It certainly got people talking.

    Instead of writing up a list of what you want from

    a worker, use a video interview to get more eyes

    on the job. Interview your employees about what

    they do at their jobs, what a day is like at your

    company, and the kinds of projects they’ve

    worked on in the past. Chances are that all these

    descriptions straight from your real workers — on

    top of a lively rundown of the job’s duties — will

    give potential candidates a better idea of what

    they’ll be doing at your company. Moreover,

    making your workers a part of the description

    will give candidates a better idea of what the

    culture of your company is like.

    Your Job Is a Product — Sell It!

    Video job ads are the future, no doubt about it: people

    are 78 percent more likely to check out a job if there’s

    a video description for it. In getting more people to

    look at the job, you have to think of your job as a

    product you’re selling. The more people see it, the

    more likely they are to buy it. Not only will more eyes

    see your job, people will also think better of your brand

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    if there’s a video to see: 52 percent of surveyrespondents say they’re more confident in a

    product after watching a video on it; 65 percent

    of them will visit a website for a product they’ve

    seen in a video; and 43 percent are more likely

    to pick the product with the higher video quality.

    If you think of your job ad as a product you’retrying to sell, these stats should tell you something:

    video is fundamental to building your brand, and

    if your jobs are your brand, that means it’s vital

    that you get a video description for your job

    up pronto.

  • 8/20/2019 Attract Applicants Like a Magnet


      15 ©2015 | Attract Applicants Like a Magnet

    Why are organizations and candidates having such a difficult time trying to find the right fit during the

    hiring process? Does it have to do with how candidates are interviewed? Or does it begin the moment

    organizations publish their job postings? Perhaps organizations and candidates are just not seeing

    eye-to-eye when it comes to credentials.

    Apparently, only 17 percent of job seekers have the skills and traits that hiring managers seek. And 58percent of job seekers believe they should rely on their own job experience during their job search. This

    disparity presents a difficult challenge when it comes to finding talent. If job descriptions are

    written with the intentions of hiring qualified talent then why are there such high employee

    turnover rates? The goal is to build highly creative and collaborative

    cultures, not phantom workforces. The idea is to attract

    and bring in qualified candidates into anorganization. Job descriptions should match

    organizational needs, not create a disparity with

    employees of what their expectations were.

    Let’s take a look at these three techniques for

    rejuvenating job descriptions.

    Be Realisticbased on “How Unrealistic Job Description Build a Phantom Workforce”  by Fernando Ramirez

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    To Keep Job Descriptions Realistic: Be Specific

    Kate Matsudaira, former CTO and founder of

    Popforms, believes that for every one job

    description candidates read, they read and

    encounter 10 awful ones. Communicating

    organizational needs instead of desires in job

    descriptions can be difficult. According to

    research, 40 percent of employees believe job

    expectations are unrealistic. Perhaps because

     job descriptions do not accurately specify the

    expectations and responsibilities that will be

    placed on new hires. Ultimately, 43 percent of

    employees leave because of heavy workloads

    and 20 percent leave because of not being

    the right fit for the job. Keep job descriptions

    specific and accurate to give candidates the

    best possible understanding of what their

    daily responsibilities will be.

    To Keep Job Descriptions Realistic: Be Honest

    There needs to be written truth in what you’re

    saying throughout your entire job description.

    Remember, disengaged employees and

    employee turnover are very real. Candidates

    shouldn’t be reading job descriptions that make

    them instantly cringe because of the contextinvolved. According to a study by Robert Half,

    36 percent of 1,400 executives surveyed claimed

    that the leading factor behind a failed hire is

    because of poor skills matching. The second

    leading factor behind failed hires is because of

    unclear performance objectives at 30 percent.

    Writing transparent job descriptions may not

    eliminate failed hiring, but it can help set the

    tone for realistic job expectations that

    employers are failing to communicate.

    To Keep Job Descriptions Realistic: Be Fun

    According to Kate Matsudaira, “Sharing details lets

    candidates begin to know your company, which

    makes them care about working for you.”

    There is great, but simple logic behind Kate’s

    statement. The more candidates know about

    an organization, the more intrigue they will

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    develop, and the more invested they will start

    to become. Job descriptions give employers

    a chance to display effective employer

    branding. As Kate mentioned in her article,

    “Every time you write a posting, imagine you

    are the candidate reading it.” Don’t forget to

    mention to candidates how fun your workplace

    culture is, if it is at all. Be creative during this

    process and don’t be afraid to use a little humor

    as shown in some of these great job description

    examples. Remember to create a sense of what

    your organization entails.

  • 8/20/2019 Attract Applicants Like a Magnet


      18 ©2015 | Attract Applicants Like a Magnet

    The ideal job description should be written by

    someone or a group of people that understand

    what they truly need versus want from a new

    employee. Some would probably argue that job

    descriptions shouldn’t welcome every applicant

    in the door, but Walt Disney once said, “All ourdreams can come true, if we have the courage to

    The Ideal Job Posting

    pursue them.” When job descriptions are not

    specific, honest, and fun, then they start to

    narrow down the possibility of finding candidates

    that excel at displaying passion, creativity, and

    excitement for learning.

    Job descriptions have to give candidates a brief

    and quick glimpse of what your organization is

    and what it’s about, so be transparent with

    candidates. Show them who you truly are as a

    team and be realistic about your expectations.

    These job seekers have gone through a ton ofapplications and postings in their lives, and they

    know when what they’re seeing is genuine. It’s

    time to get creative with our job postings so we

    can build awesome places to work while attracting

    the best additions to our workforces like a magnet!

  • 8/20/2019 Attract Applicants Like a Magnet


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