  • 8/9/2019 Assignment on HRM Grameen Phone



    Term Paper



    Introduction to Human Resource Management

    (Course Code HRM-326)

    Date of Submission:30 th  Apr il , 2007  

  • 8/9/2019 Assignment on HRM Grameen Phone



    Submi tted To:  

    Tahmina Ferdous  

    Course Lecture: I ntroduction to Human Resource Management

    Department of Business Admini stration

    Victoria Uni versity of Bangladesh

    Submi tted By:

    Group: B  

    01. Md. Badsha Faysal ID # 110502061 @ 5th Batch

    02. Md. Fazlul Karim Sajib ID # 110502051 @ 5th


    03. Md. Masbah Uddin Bhuiyan ID # 110502201 @ 5th


    04. Md. Abdul Kader Russell ID # 110502181 @ 5th


    05. Nayeema Nusrat ID # 110608401 @ 8th


     Department of Business Administration

    Victoria University of Bangladesh. 

  • 8/9/2019 Assignment on HRM Grameen Phone



    “Letter of Transmittal”

    Date: April 30, 2007

    Tahmina Ferdous

    Course LecturerDepartment of Business Administration

    Victoria University of Bangladesh, Dhaka-1205

    Subject: Submission of a Term Paper on “Human Resource Management ofthe Grameen Phone Company Limited”. 

    Dear Madam,

    Here is our Term Paper on “Human Resource Management on GrameenPhone Mobile Company” that you have assigned us to submit as a partial

    requirement for the course “Human Resource Management” while writingthis term paper we have gone through Internet, journal and newspapers for

    the relevant information of the assigned topic.

    Please call us any further information at your convenient time and place.

    Yours faithfully,

    Md. Masbah Uddin BhuiyanMd. Abdul Kader Russell

    Md. Badsha Faysal

     Nayeema Nusrat

    Md. Fazlul KarimGroup: B

    BBA Program5th Batch

    Department of Business AdministrationVictoria University of Bangladesh, Dhaka-1205.

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    We all praise to Allah for enabling us to complete our “Term Paper” withgood and sound health.

    We would like to acknowledge our honorable teacher Tahmina Ferdous,

    Course Lecturer, Department of Business Administration, Victoria

    University of Bangladesh, Dhaka. She sincerely helped us and has givennecessary suggestions in preparing our Term Paper.

    We are highly grateful to honorable teacher and we have gotten the

    information from the newspaper, journals and Internet and we have preparedour Assignment from the writings of them.

    Md. Masbah Uddin BhuiyanMd. Abdul Kader Russell

    Md. Badsha Faysal

     Nayeema NusratMd. Fazlul KarimGroup: B

    BBA Program5th Batch

    Department of Business AdministrationVictoria University of Bangladesh, Dhaka-1205.

  • 8/9/2019 Assignment on HRM Grameen Phone



    “Table of Content”  



    Name of the Points Page Number

     Executive Summary

    Chapter-01 Introduction:

    1.1 Origin of the Study

    1.2 Objective of the Study

    1.3  Methodology of the Study

    1.4  Limitation of the Study


    Chapter-02 Human Resource Management


    Chapter-03 Topic of the Term Paper: Human Resource Management

    of Grameen Phone 


    Chapter-04 Problems & Solutions 10-11

    Chapter-05 Findings and Analysis 12

    Chapter-06 Conclusion 13

     References I

     Appendix II-V

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    “ xecutive Summary”


    In every organization Human Resource Management has a direct impact onits business. In a small firm they sometimes have Human ResourceDepartment and for these they use only generalist or sometimes all of

    Human Resource functions are done by the manager. As a large organizationthe management division must need to have a particular Human Resource

    Department to follow the Human Resource functions effectively. The largerorganizations prefer to have the specialist key person of Human Resource

    Management. Human Resource Management, which activities designed to provide for, coordinates human resource of an organization. Human

    Resource Management is one of the most important functions of an

    organization as it is concerned with the formal system in an organization toensure effective and efficient use human talent to accomplish organizationalgoals.

    In BBA program, one of the important parts of each course is to prepare a

    term paper on the assigned topic, which is related to the course.

    We have prepared our term paper on Human Resource Management inTelecom sector of Bangladesh that tries to show a better picture of Human

    Resource functions, problems and the relevant effectiveness to theorganizations.

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    1.1)  Origin of the study:

    We are a group of student in BBA program. In this Program, one of the important parts of this course is to prepare a term paper on the assigned topic related to the


    In BBA program “Introduction to Human Resource Management” is a very

    important course. Our course teacher has provided us to prepare a term paper on

    assigned topic based on HRM related to the course. We have prepared our term

     paper based on our course teacher’s assigned topic. 

    1.2) Objective of the study:

    The main purpose of the report is to show a concrete overview of an organization

    and their Human Resource Management.

    The report will show the organization and their departments how they utilize

    Human Resources, their Human Resource Planning, Recruitment, Documentation,

    Orientation and Training, Performance Appraisal, Compensation & Benefits.

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    1.3) Methodology of the study:

    In preparing our term paper we have gathered information through both of

     primary and secondary resources. The whole information has been gathered

    from the Internet, different books, magazines, newspapers and class lecturesheet. We have visited the selected organization to take information from the

    company personnel.

    1.4) Limitation of the study:

    The main limitation of the study is that when we met the company

     personnel’s, they were not fully interested to give us full information aboutthem & the company. They suggest us to visit the web site of their company.

    Their behavior was not satisfactory. Most of the information gathered from

    the Internet for their time limitation and for negative behavior of the

    company personnel’s. We tried overview the assigned whole sector onlyfrom one company’s perspective. 

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    About Human Resource Management  

    Human resource management is a modern term, traditionally referred to as

     personnel administration or personnel management. It is the part of theorganization that is concerned with the people dimension of an organization.

    In simple word Human resource management is the activities designed to

     provide for and coordinate human resources of an organization.

    It is concerned with formal system in an organization to ensure effective &efficient use of human talent to accomplish organizational goals.

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    Chapter :03

    Topic of the Term Paper

    “Telecommunication Sector”  

    Human Resource Management of Grameen Phone

    Company L imited

    The telecom sector is one of the most important sectors in Bangladesh and the

    companies those are involved in this sector are making huge profit. In

    telecommunication system, mobile phone is a well-known and easy way to

    communicate with others. In Bangladesh, there are five mobile phone operators

    and another is pending. However, the number of mobile phone operator’s is more

    than any other small country but in Bangladesh, their business future is bright.

    They are investing huge money in this sector; one of them is Grameen Phone that

    largest mobile phone company in Bangladesh with having over 5000 employees

    and about 70000 sales representatives. Grameen Phone is owned by duel sharing

    company, they are Grameen telecom Bangladesh and Telenor Norway. Human

    Resource management is the most important part of an organization. Therefore,we will give a concrete overview on Grameen phone and their human resource


    About Grameen Phone 

    Grameen Phone Ltd. Has stepped into its 10th

     year of operation, having completed

    its 9th year on March 26, 2006.

    It is the leading telecommunications service provider in the country with morethan 8.5 million subscribers as of June 2006.

    Grameen Phone has been recognized for building a quality network with the

    widest coverage across the country while offering innovative products and

    services and committed after sales service.

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    The Shareholders 

    The shareholders of Grameen phone continue their unique in-depth experience in both telecommunications and developed. The international shareholder brings

    technological and business management expertise while the local shareholder

     provides a presence throughout Bangladesh and a deep understanding of its

    economy. Both are dedicated to Bangladesh and its struggle for economic progress

    and have a deep commitment to Grameen Phone and its mission to provide

    affordable telephony to the entire population of Bangladesh.

    a) Telenor Mobile Communication

    Telenor As is the leading telecommunication company of Norway listed in both

    the also and NASDAQ stock exchange. It owns 62% shares of Grameen Phone


    Telenor has played a pioneering role in the development of cellular

    communications. It has substantial international operations in mobile telephony,

    satellite operations and pay television services. In addition to Norway and

    Bangladesh, Telenor owns GSM companies in Denmark, Austria, Hungary,

    Russia, Ukraine, Montenegro, Thailand, Malaysia, Pakistan and Serbia.

    Telenor uses the expertise it has gained in its home and international markets for

    the development of emerging markets like Bangladesh.

     b) Grameen Telecom 

    Grameen Telecom, which owns 38% of the shares of Grameen Phone, is a not-for-

     profit company and works in close collaboration with Grameen Bank. The

    internationally reputed bank for the poor has the most extensive rural banking

    network in Bangladesh and also the expertise in micro finance.

    Grameen Telecom, with the help of Grameen Bank, manages the Village Phone

    Program, through which Grameen Phone provides its GSM services to the fast

    growing rural customers. Grameen Telecom trains the operators, supplies them

    with handsets and handles all after-sales services needed by the dispersed rural


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    Grameen Bank currently covers more than 67,000 villages, which are serviced by

    2121 bank branches all over the countryside. As of May 2006, the bank had 6.33

    million borrowers, 97 percent of whom were women.

    Grameen Telecom’s objectives are to provide easy access to GSM cellular

    services in rural Bangladesh and creating new opportunities for income generationthrough self-management by providing villagers with access to modern

    information and communication technologies.

    Consumark has been operating in this market since 1997 for providing service to

    employers in the country and in regional centers outside of search, placement and

    recruitment of high quality professionals and employees at different levels from

    CEO to junior executives. Our clientele include some of the top names in

    corporate, financial, development organizations, etc. 

    Grameen Phone considers its employees to be one of its most important assets. GPhas an extensive employee benefit scheme in place including Gratuity, Provident

    Fund, Group Insurance, Family Health Insurance, Transportation Facility, Day

    Care Centre, Children’s Education Support, and Higher Education Support for

    employees, in-house medical support and other initiatives.

    Grameen Phone Organ gram:

    Management Organ gram is given on Appendix. 

    Management Division: 

    In Grameen Phone there are four divisions, Human Resource division is one of

    the key important management division. We will emphasis on Grameen Human

    Resource Department.

    Human Resource Management of Grameen Phone:

    In Grameen Phone they have a Human Resource division for directing the Human

    Resource functions. In this division they use some energetic & well-trained

    specialist managers; they do together the Human Resource activities or functions

    of Grameen Phone. The major functions are-

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    1) Human Resource Planning:

    Grameen Phone’s Human Resource Planning is to have number of qualified

     people in the right position in the right time. For these they forecast requirements

    through conducting job analysis.

    2) Documentation:

    For documentation they use-


    Computerized Human Resource Information System

    3) Recruitment:

    In recruitment employees Grameen Phone follows-


    Use both the internal & external resources.

      Hire human resources.

    4) Selection:

    In selecting employees they follow various steps process-


    Follow both the structured and unstructured interview.


    Prefer board interview.


    Finally choose right person.

    5) Orientation:

    In orientation of employees they provide-


    Orientation kit with information for employees.


    Organizational orientation.

      Departmental orientation.

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    6) Training:

    Training is given to employees based on-


     New employees.

       Needs assessment.  Project.


    Working relation training.

      Apprenticeship & classroom training method.

    7) Compensation:

    Grameen Phone provides the compensation to their employee’s are-

      Payments & ranges.  Overtime.


    Holiday pay.



    8) Benefits:

    As a permanent employee Grameen Phone individual has the benefits are-


    Fringes benefits:





    Leave personal illness etc.

     b)  Safety & accident prevention:


    Health facility.

      Tax shelter option.


    Physical facility:


    Tour facility.


    Rest room




    * Note conditions apply.

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    9) Development:

    Grameen Phone makes development depends on-


    Employee survey

      Improve line support  Changes in the management team.


     Needs assessment.

    10) Performance appraisal:

    Grameen Phone’s Human Resource Management and the managers are

    responsible for conducting performance appraisals. Their responsibilities are to: -

      Design formal performance appraisal system.

      Train managers in conducting performance appraisal.  Maintain records & reporting.


    Evaluate performance.




    Transfer etc.

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    Chapter: 04  

    Problems and Chall enges of HR functions in Grameen Phone

    In Performing HR functions, Grameen Phone Human Resource Department facessome problems and challenges these are:

    1)  At first they didn’t follow the EEO in Bangladesh and they don’t ask the

    female applicants to place in jobs traditionally held by men. But when they

    tend to follow EEO rules they selected female employees for such

     positions. In performing such type of jobs their performance result was

     below than the rate.


    Changing Management Team occurs problems for employees to adapt the

    new management policy.


    In recruiting employees from the external resources the orientation and

    training take longer period of time.

    Problem solving:


    They followed the EEO laws to decrease gender discrimination. They also allow

    female applicants but they motivated the male applicants for such type of



    An interview with the Grameen Phones managing director about strengthening

    the organization and changes in management teams are given below:

    “Some structural changes in the company were initiated during the year with a

    much stronger regional focus,” explains Erik Aas. “The regional markets are

     becoming increasingly more important as a large portion of the subscriber growthis coming from these places. Six regional sales managers, based in the divisional

    headquarters, have been appointed with a strong mandate while the organizational

    structures of the regional offices have been considerably strengthened.” The

    regional offices focus on the local market, network quality and coverage needs,

     providing after sales service and on serving the needs of the business customers in

    the regions.

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    More than 1,500 new employers have joined the Grameen Phone family during the

    year. “We have a skilled and highly motivated team which is very much target

    oriented,” says the Grameen Phone managing director.

    Automation is being increasingly introduced to further streamline the work

     processes and enhance the efficiency. “Introduction of the Enterprise ResourcePlanning (ERP) system was initiated during the year and it was implemented in

    February this year,” notes Erik Aas.

    Grameen Phone is also actively participating in initiatives to create synergies

    within the mobile phone operations of the Telenor Group. “ This is a very good

    initiative as it enables us to share and learn from each other’s experiences,” he



    In recruiting from external resources they prefer the experienced applicants.

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    Chapter: 05

    F indings of the Study

    Grameen Phone is the largest mobile phone operator in Bangladesh. Human

    Resource Management is one of the most important tasks to keep their position. In

    analysis the Grameen Phone and their Human Resource Management the major

    findings are:

      Four management divisions.


    Have Human Resource division.

      Use well trained key specialist HR managers.


    Above 5000 employees and about 70000 sales representative.


    Human Resource Planning over a period.


    Use Human Resource Information System (HRIS).

      Recruit from both external and internal resources.


    Effective selection process.

      Orientation and training given to the new employees.


    Training on needs assessment and project based.

      Consider employees as one of its most important assets.


    Payments on ranges, overtime & holiday payments.

      Extensive employee benefit scheme.


    Higher education support for employees.

      HR managers responsible for conducting performance appraisal.


    Design formal performance appraisal system.

      Train managers in conducting performance appraisal.


     No lock out and strike faced.

      Tend to follow EEO.


    Feel problems and solve it effectively.

      Employee survey and reporting.


    Different development programs.

      Effective management team.

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    Chapter: 06


    The mobile phone operators are mainly service oriented. In Bangladesh, telecom

    sector five running mobile phone operators are doing their business and another

    operator is pending to introduce its services, which is a good sign of this sector.

    Most of the companies are doing join venture business. In terms the local

    companies are merging with the foreign companies. Mobile phone operators as a

    large organization emphasis on human resource management. Human resource

    management impacts on company goal and the organization directly. The

    companies depend on the human resource department for all the human resource

    functions; Human resource planning, documentation, compensation & benefits,

     performance appraisal of employees.

    In performing the human resource functions sometimes they faced by problems

    within the organization but a well effective performance and development by the

    specialist human resource manager could solve the problems. Development of

    mobile telecommunication system of Bangladesh through the companies’

    organizational goal is the prime challenge for human resource departments of the

    mobile phone companies.

    Considering the above discussion, we would expect mobile phone operatorto improve and strengthening their organization, should more emphasis on

    their Human Resource management and do their functions effectively.

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    Grameen Phone Annual Report- 2006

    6. Grameen Phone Newsletter issued 10th

     April 2007

    7. Human Resource Management (8th



    Lloyd L. Byars, Ph.D.

    Professor of ManagementDupree College of Management

    Georgia Institute of Technology.

    8. Class lecture sheet

    Provided by-

    Tahmina Ferdous

    Department of Business Administration

    Victoria University of Bangladesh, Dhaka.

    9. Ahmed Imtiaz Khan

    Officer Human Resource Department

    Head Office Grameenphone Ltd.

    Celebration Point, Road # 113 A, Plot 3 & 5

    Gulshan, Dhaka-1212.

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     Figure-1: Grameen Phone Logo 

     Figure-2: Djuice Logo

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     Figure-3: Grameen Phone Organgram 

     Figure-4: Grameen Phone Location Map

    Type Grameen Phone Company Limited

    Founded 1998

    Headquarters Celebration Point, Road # 113 A, Plot 3 &

    5 Gulshan, Dhaka, Bangladesh

    Key people CEO: Erik Aas

    Industry TelecommunicationProducts Telephony, EDGE, GSM

    Revenue 600 Million USD

     Net income 6,403.8 Million Taka

    Employees 5000

    Slogan We are here to help

     Figure-5: Grameen Phone at a glance.

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