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Prinsamma K George Sree Lekshmi .S

B.Ed Mathematics

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3 Conclusion


4 References




Most people agree that a major goal of schooling to be the development of

student understands of basic mathematical concepts and procedures. All students

including those with disabilities and those at risk of school failure need to acquire

the knowledge and skills that will enable them to figure out math related problems

that they encounter daily at home and in future work situation.

To better understand how to enhance mathematical thinking and learning in

today’s students, especially students with math difficulty, we must first understand

the nature of mathematical knowledge. A variety of techniques are available to

enhance student’s mathematical competency by building their declarative,

procedural and conceptual knowledge.

Many students do not make direct conceptual links between concrete and

tangible mathematical concepts do not grasp representations of those concepts or

relationships and struggle to make the link from representation to abstraction. To

overcome the problem modern instructional strategies are established.




Modern instructional strategies including cooperative learning strategies,

collaborative learning, concept mapping.

Cooperative learning

Cooperative learning is a successful teaching strategy in which small teams, each

with students of different levels of ability, use a variety of learning activities to improve

their understanding of a subject. Each member of a team is responsible not only for

learning what is taught but also for helping teammates, learn, thus creating an atmosphere

of achievement. Students work through the assignment until all group members

successfully understand and complete it. The main elements of cooperative learning are

1. Positive Interdependence

2. Fate to face interaction

3. Individual & group accountability

4. Interpersonal & small group skills

5. Group Processing

Advantages of cooperative learning

Promote student learning and academic achievement

Increase student relation

Enhance students satisfaction with their learning experience

Help Students develop skills in oral communication

Develop student’s social skills



Collaborative learning

Collaborative learning is an educational approach to teaching and learning that

involves groups of students working together to solve a problem, complete a task, or

create a product. Collaborative learning is based on the idea that learning is a naturally

social act in which the participants talk among themselves. It is through the talk that

learning occurs.

Collaborative Learning is a relationship among learners that requires positive

interdependence, individual accountability, interpersonal skills, face-to-face promotive

interaction, and processing.

Elements of collaborative learning

Positive interdependence

Individual and group accountability

Interpersonal and small group skills

Face-to-face promotive interaction

Group processing

Advantages of collaborative learning

Develops higher level thinking skills

Promote students – faculty interaction and familiarity

Increase student retention

Promotes a positive attitude towards the subject matter



Concept Mapping

A concept map is a diagram showing the relationship among concepts. They are

graphical tools for organizing and representing knowledge. Concepts, usually represented

as boxes or circles are connected with labeled arrows in a downward branching

hierarchical structure. The relationship between concepts can be articulated in linking

phrase such as gives rise to, result in the technique for visualizing these relationships

among different concepts is called conceptual mapping. Concept maps are graphical tools

for organizing and representing knowledge. They include concepts, usually enclosed in

circles or boxes of some type and relationship between concepts indicated by a

connecting line linking two concepts.

Another characteristic of conceptual maps is that the concepts are represented in a

hierarchical fashion with the most inclusive, most general concepts at the top of the map

and the most specific, less general concepts arranged hierarchically below. Another

important characteristic of concept map is the inclusion of cross-links. These are

relationships or links between concepts in different segments or domains of the concept

map. Cross-links help us see how a concept in one domain of knowledge represented on

the map is related to a concept in another domain shown on the map. Concept maps are

widely used in education for new knowledge creation.



Simulation is an accurate representation of realistic situation. The international

dictionary of education defines the term as teaching technique used perticularly in

management education and training in which a real life situation.

Simulations promote concept allainmnet through experimental practice.

Simulations are effective at helping students understand the naunses of a concept or

circumstance. Students are often more deeply involved in simulations than other

activities. Science they are living the activity the opportunity exists for increased



Enjoyable, motivating activity

Element of reality of compatible with principle of constructivism

Promote crucial thinking


Preparation time

Cost can be an issue

Assessment is more complex than some traditional teaching methods


For effective teaching, concepts should be introduced step by step. This is called

gradation. For students, to discover mathematical principle by their own, it must be

presented in a gradation way. The teaching should be proceeding from simple to

complex. This teaching technique is good for gradation. Psychologically this is very

important principle if complex concepts introduce from the beginning, that teaches will

be ineffective. That will affect student confidence level and it makes concept allainment


more difficult. More over they can’t understand on hewistic method by their own.

Gradation is not included n subject that also include in teaching learning process. Like

concrete to abstract, simple to complex, empirical to rational and known to unknown etc.

These all gradation principles are used in teacher’s learning process. These all gradation

principles are also known as maxims of teaching. A good teacher should be quite familiar

with them.



Modern instructional strategies have become an important way for teachers to

ensure that all students succeed in today’s high stakes testing environment. Helping

students who are struggling with mathematics requires teachers to choose an appropriate

time and strategy. Without a systematic modern instructional strategy this can be a

challenge for teachers who have multiple students in need of help.



1. Mathematics Education : Dr. K. Sivarajan

2. Aggarwal .J.C. Principles, methods & techniques of teaching

3. Mangal.S.K Teaching of mathematics


5. Dr. Soman .Km Dr. Sivarajan .K – Methodology of teaching and pedagogic

analysis – Calicut: University of Calicut,- 2009

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