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Air Pollution

“A clean and healthy environment is for the good of all and should therefore be a concern of all.”  

Air pollution is the introduction of particulates, biological molecules, or other harmful materials

into the Earth's atmosphere, possibly causing disease, death to humans, damage to other living

organisms such as food crops, or the natural or built environment. In the Philippines,

I believe Air pollution is a common and frequent problem nowadays. When you are on your way

to work, you pass by your neighbors’ backyard where he is currently burning their garbage from

yesterday, then you come across a smoke-belching public utility vehicle, then a guy beside you lighted a

cigarette and started suffocating you with second-hand smoke. You cannot always depend on your

handkerchief on covering your nose and mouth to prevent these air pollutants from entering your lungs.

According to the recent study, conducted by University of San Carlos Students on Air Quality

here in the Cebu City. In air pollution, USC’s Josephine Castañares said that 70 percent comes from

mobile sources including taxis and other public utility vehicles. Only 20 percent come from fixed sources

like industries.Major pollutants monitored were carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides and sulfur oxides.

Where before 80 percent of the volume of wastes in rivers came from domestic sources like households,

today it’s down to 50 percent. The other 50 percent comes from industrial sources.  

The Philippines takes pride in being one of many countries around the world that is an active

party to international commitments for the environment -- be it for biodiversity, coastal and marine

resources, or to combat the effects of global warming and climate change.

What, then, has the country done so far to improve air quality? To curb air pollution from motor

vehicles, the Clean Air Act requires smoke emission tests prior to renewal of registration. The DOTC’s

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and taxis so much for transport. I would dedicate myself to plant as much trees as I can this year,

my goal is at least 20 trees this year, in my hometown in Leyte, at my apartment here in Cebu and

in all other places that I will be able to do so. More importantly, I would be more active in Luntian,

our Environmental Organization back in collage which strives empowerment and advocacy to

youths who are in concerned about the environment and would like to join the community in

proliferating environmentalist ideas.

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