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Racquel V. Manalastas

Maam, what do we have today?TEST!Will it be multiple choice?

Maam, my choice is not to take the test

"Changing assessment methods is an effective way of encouraging students to change their learning methods. Assessment is one of the most effective tools for innovating both instruction and learning (NCTM, 2005)

What is assessment?Assessment is the systematic gathering and analyzing of information (excluding course grades) to inform and improve student learning or programs of student learning in light of goal-oriented expectations

Why Do We Assess?To Improve

To Inform

To Prove

Why is it important to assess?*To find out what the students know (knowledge).*To find out what the students can do, and how well they can do it (skill; performance)*To find out how students go about the task of doing their work (process).*To find out how students feel about their work (motivation, effort).

Purposes of assessment

Principles for assessment The primary purpose of assessment is to improve student performanceAssessment should be based on an understanding of how students learnAssessment should be an integral component of course design and not something to add afterwardsGood assessment provides useful information to report credibly to parents on student achievement

Good assessment requires clarity of purpose, goals, standards and criteriaGood assessment requires a variety of measuresAssessment methods used should be valid, reliable and consistentAssessment requires attention to outcomes and processesAssessment works best when it is ongoing rather than episodicAssessment for improved performance involves feedback and reflection Principles for assessment

Different Types of Assessment1. Norm-referenced Assessment

This kind of assessment gives us information on what a student can do in comparison with other students in class. This type of assessment helps the teacher to put students in a ranked order of achievement.

2. Criterion-referenced Assessment

This type of assessment uses specific pretest criteria from which a students performance is compared without referring to other students performance. It does not compare one student with the other students. It requires the student to fulfill a given set of criteria, or pre-defined and absolute standard outcome.

3. Domain-referenced AssessmentThis type of assessment determines learning in a particular field or area of the subject matter and the three domains of learning. In this assessment, considerable significance is accorded to the careful and detailed specification of the content or the domain which will be assessed.

4. Diagnostic Assessment

This assessment identifies weaknesses, strengths and problems of students learning. It can be the teachers basis of planning what to do next in the teaching and learning process.

How should we assess?Day-to-day observation Tests and quizzesRubricsRating scalesProject workPortfolios

What is authentic assessment?Authentic assessment aims to evaluate students' abilities in 'real-world' contexts. In other words, students learn how to apply their skills to authentic tasks and projects.

In authentic assessment, students:*do science experiments*conduct social-science research*write stories and reports*read and interpret literature*solve math problems that have real-world applications

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