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ASNMU General Assembly Minutes December 5, 2019

Jamrich 1317

I. Call to Order

a. Meeting called to order at 7:00 P.M.

II. Roll Call

a. All present

III. Public Comment

a. None

IV. Approval of Consent Items

a. Agenda 12/05/2019

i. Lana motioned to approve the consent item(s)

1. Mary second; unanimously approved

V. Presentations

a. Assistant Vice President/Dean of Students and Student Services Christine Greer

i. There will be a full time (semester long) 24 Hour Study Lounge starting on January 12th, 2020

in the lower level of Harden Hall behind/beside Fieras. Jamrich will continue to close at 11

and everyone who remains in there at that time will be moved to the 24 Hour Lounge. The 24

Hour Study Lounge ASNMU provides during finals week will remain in Jamrich because the

Harden Hall space isn’t big enough. If I had to guess, that space could hold maybe 50

students? Which doesn’t include the classroom spaces down there. I just wanted to let you all

know that it is a service that will be provided in the future!

1. Cody: I would suggest sending out a student-wide email to let them know about this

because this is great.

VI. Executive Reports

a. President – Cody Mayer

i. Paige, ASNMU’s new VP, and I will be meeting with President Erickson so that he can meet

our new leadership and discuss some things in regards to next semester.

b. Vice President – Paige Pucelik

i. I just wanted to give a huge shout out to Cody for coming in and putting an application on my

desk two years ago. It has been an honor working with you, Cody. Thank you.

c. Treasurer – Cody Mayer

i. The EFG Meeting was held last night and everything went really well. [view summary below]

1. Logan: what happened with the money that was spent on the last show NAE did?

a. Cody: The artist decided that they didn’t need to show up on time, actually

stating that on social media. They didn’t scan anybody’s ticket and they were all

refunded. The two NMU student openers still got to perform and most of the

people who showed up stayed to support them. The artist didn’t get paid

because she broke contract.

ii. There is a treasurer appointment on the agenda tonight and I will be working with them on

finalizing numbers moving into the next semester.

d. Chair of the Assembly – Emma Drever


(Changed or Unchanged)

Allocation Winter 2020

(Amount per Student)Carry Forward Requested?

Carry Forward Granted?

(Yes or No)Carry Forward Amount

Platform Personalities Unchanged $6.00 Yes Yes $20,225.82

Campus Cinema Changed $4.00 Yes Yes $1,000.00

NOMAD Unchanged $3.00 Yes Yes $2,756.20

Northern Arts and Entertainment Unchanged $5.00 Yes No $0.00

Special Events Committee Changed $2.00 Yes No $0.00

Student Art Gallery Unchanged $1.85 Yes Yes $12,612.02

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i. There will be no office hours required of you next week – good luck on finals!

ii. As of right now, it’s looking like 7 p.m. on Thursdays will continue to be our meeting time next

semester. Holding the meetings in Jamrich seems to be working well for everyone, but if you

have a preference please let me know because it’s looking like they will be held in this same


iii. To inform everyone: resignations will not go through until the end of the meeting unless

there is a specified date.

iv. For anyone that’s interested, Committee Chair Appointments will happen at the first meeting

next semester so think about your constituents and who you think would make a good leader.

I know this has already been a topic of discussion in the office.

v. I would also like to say thank you to the representatives resigning tonight and to Cody, but

mostly to the reps that are leaving. I’m sad to see you all go.

vi. Last thing: congratulations to everyone for making this semester great. We have a lot of

momentum going into next semester and I’m looking forward to working with [most of] you

next semester. I think we are going to accomplish great things.

VII. New Business

a. Budget

i. 24 Hour Study Lounge Officer – Lana Wilson

1. [see end of minutes for budget]

2. We have already posted the posters. The price ASNMU will be paying for the student

officer is half, the same as previous years.

3. Logan motioned to approve the budget.

a. Lauren second; unanimously approved

b. LRC Tunnel Mural

i. Concert House – Simon Moesch

1. [see end of minutes for mural design]

2. Simon: I am the resident advisor of Concert House and the former Chair of the

Assembly for ASNMU for those of you that don’t know me. Last year, Sammi and I

worked on the LRC Tunnel and getting the murals updated and now it’s time for my

resident hall to update their mural. We opened it up to all 50 residents to submit a

design and have the house approve of it. This is the design they approved. We have a

small projector that we would use to project the image onto the wall. We would also

keep our mural in the same place. I understand the overall premise of the project and

how to properly go about things stepwise with ASNMU. The hope is that this design

will get approved tonight then we would work with Emma on the two week timeline. I

have the utmost faith that we can accomplish this.

3. Lana motioned to approve the mural design

a. Marissa second; unanimously approved

c. Appointments – Paige Pucelik

i. Vice President

1. Jake Putala [see end of minutes for letter]

a. Lana motioned for a closed ballot vote

i. Kylie second; unanimously approved

b. The appointment is approved and Jake will be Vice President of ASNMU as of

December 15th, 2019 for the upcoming semester.

ii. Treasurer

1. Samantha Metcalf [see end of minutes for letter]

a. Mary motioned for a closed ballot vote

i. Lana second; unanimously approved.

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b. The appointment is approved and Sammi will assume the position of ASNMU

Treasurer and SFC Chairperson for the upcoming semester.

d. Resignations

i. Cody Mayer, President

1. [see end of minutes for resignation latter]

a. Logan motioned to approve the resignation

i. Lana second; unanimously approved

ii. Birdy Xiong, College of Health & Professional Studies Representative

1. Thank you for letting me join ASNMU and for being able to work with all of you.

Though our time has been short, I appreciate all of you so much and I’ve learned a lot

about the university as a whole, myself, and how to be a leader on campus and

represent the student body. Without this group, I definitely wouldn’t have been able

to accomplish all of that. I will be transferring next semester to MSU for various

reasons, which is why I am asking that you accept this as my formal resignation.

Again, thank you for everything.

a. Kylie motioned to approve the resignation

i. Bethany second; unanimously approved

iii. Lana Wilson, Chair of Student Affairs (On-campus Apartments Representative)

1. [see end of minutes for resignation letter]

2. Mary motioned to approve the resignation

a. Jake second; unanimously approved

iv. Logan Hartz, Chair of External Affairs (College of Arts & Sciences Representative)

1. [see end of minutes for resignation letter]

2. Lauren motioned to approve the resignation

a. Lana second; unanimously approved

VIII. Public Comment

a. none

IX. Good of the Order

a. Paige: to everyone, thank you for all you have done for ASNMU. you will be missed

b. Cody: Good luck to President Paige and Vice President Jake. I’m sure you will both do great

things. Thank you to everyone else. It’s an honor to have worked with all you on the things

ASNMU has accomplished. Good luck to everyone on finals next week!

c. Jake: Lana, you have a great career ahead of you. Logan, you’re going to make a great attorney.

Cody, thank you for contacting me and getting me involved with ASNMU. Birdy, good luck at your

new school – I’m sure you’re going to have a great experience.

d. Lana: For those of you that haven’t heard, I did get a job here at Northern. It’s part-time and only

temporary, but I will be here next semester and will continue to work on the Sports Pride Index

which is something I’m passionate about.

X. Adjournment

a. Meeting adjourned at 7:36 P.M.

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24 Hour Study Lounge Officer Budget

3 December 2019

Student Information

1. Lana Wilson, Chair of Student Affairs

Explanation of Line Item (Printing Cost)

ASNMU pays for half of the Officer’s cost to help NMU PD. The total foe two officer is 570 so that means we

pay 285. This is how much it has cost for the past few semesters. There are 2 officers and we pay for one.

Item Price Quantity Total Other Information

Officer Cost $15 19 Hours 285.00

Total 285.00

Additional Hours

8-Dec Sunday Noon - Midnight 10

9-Dec Monday Midnight-5:00am 3


10-Dec Tuesday Midnight-5:00am 3


11-Dec Wednesday Midnight-5:00am 3


12-Dec Thursday Midnight-2:00am


13-Dec Friday Midnight-2:00am

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PRESIDENTIAL MEMORANDUM: Vice President Appointment

December 5th, 2019

In accordance with Article two, Section seven of the ASNMU Constitution, I have decided to appoint Jake Putala to the position of Vice President.

Jake has proven himself to be an asset to ASNMU during his time on the assembly as a member of Academic Affairs. He is a very open minded decision maker and a natural politician. He understands the complexities of governing and politics and possesses professional networking skills that are needed to create and maintain connections with faculty, staff, administration, and the student body. Jake is a confident and pragmatic individual and I do not doubt his ability to be an effective leader and mentor alongside me in the coming semester.

This appointment requires a three-fourths vote approval by the assembly. If you have any questions about this appointment, please feel free to contact me.

This appointment will become effective on December 15th 2019, for the Winter 2020 semester.


Paige Pucelik

President, Associated Students of Northern Michigan University

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Associated Students of Northern Michigan University 1203 University Center [email protected] 906-227-2452


December 5th, 2019

In accordance with Article II, Section 4A of the ASNMU Constitution, I have decided to appoint Samantha

Metcalf to the position of Treasurer. Sammi has proven herself to be exceptional both as a member of

the Student Finance Committee but also as a member of the General Assembly and as the Director of

Public Relations. I believe it is essential to the successful functioning of SFC and ASNMU that she be


Sammi has an unmatched sense of enthusiasm concerning the Student Finance Committee and an

outstanding desire to see ASNMU succeed, and I think that, along with her experience and confidence in

fully fulfilling the duties of this office, that she is the best candidate for the position of ASNMU Treasurer

and SFC Chairperson.

She understands the time commitment and responsibility this position requires and I am confident that

she will perform well as Treasurer. If you have any questions about this appointment, please feel free to

contact me.

This appointment requires 3/4ths majority approval.


Cody Mayer

President, Associated Students of Northern Michigan University

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Members of the General Assembly,

I submit letter to you today with acceptance and confidence in my decision. Over the Past year and 8

months of having the privilege of serving the students of NMU as their President, I have grown as an

individual both mentally and spiritually. Serving the students of NMU has so far been the most

rewarding assignment that God has blessed me with. We as a team have accomplished a great deal

during my tenure as President, increased mental health services on campus, discounted parking for

veteran students, lavender cords at graduation for our LGBTQ+ and Ally community, making progress on

the creation of a Green Fund and office of Sustainability, or small but impart feats like getting a 1,000

NMU students to participate in the Marquette County Master Plan survey, or something that directly

affects half our constituents as providing free feminine Hygiene products in 12 different locations at

campus, or keeping topics alive like Indigenous peoples. We have accomplished so much and I can’t

name them all, but this showcases a truly diverse array of policy accomplishments we have made on

behave of our students.

There’s a saying that I live by and I’d ask you all as leaders to contemplate as you continue to do good

things, “Leadership is the ability to translate vision into reality”. I have had the privilege of serving and

leading with each of you and turning vision into reality.

I would ask that you all not see this as a goodbye but as a new beginning, being the President, a student,

a Sergeant in the National Guard, a Board member for the Brownfield Authority, a husband and soon to

be father I have made this decision for the simple fact that I will not be able to work full time to provide

for my growing family while still serving effectively as your President and give this organization and our

students the time I believe necessary to serve them fully.

It is for this reason that I submit and ask the General Assembly to accept this letter as my resignation

from the office of the Presidency. If accepted, this resignation will go into effect as of December 15th,


I have complete confidence that as I step down that Paige Pucelik will do a great job as President and I

know I am leaving you all in good hands with her leadership.

I wish you all the best and will always try and make myself available if any of you should ever need,

assistance or advice. I leave feeling an abundance of confidence in the leaders remaining in this

organization and I’m excited to see what new vision arises from this organization in the coming future.


Cody Mayer

President of ASNMU

April 2018 – December 2019

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From: On-Campus Apartment Represent

To: General Assembly, Associated Students of Northern Michigan University

Subject: Resignation

Dear Fellow ASNMU Members,

The time I have spent in ASNMU has been a blast! Thanks for all that you do. I hope that you all do great

things in life. I am now graduating and following my dreams, please know that you can always contact


Please accept this resignation universally, unanimously and without debate.

Lana Wilson

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