Download - AS Media question 5

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AS Media evaluation question 5.

William Jones

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How did you attract/address your


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Magazine cover

Big, bold name To attract anAudience instantly

Yellow colourStands out to attractAudience’s attention

Different colour for ‘metalcore’ to easily show the genre of my music magazine

Having a free posterWill make the reader want to purchase the magazine if they like that band and will encourage them to open it to see the magazine and then want to buy it.

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Magazine Contents

Having a puff will encourage the reader to read on.

Having bright Yellow attractive text will make the reader be interested in this part of the magazine.

Using images for a sneak peak on what’s on that page.

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Magazine Double Page Spread.

Bold readable font to attract reader

Easy to read white text on black background

Large image so the page doesn’t look boring and full of text

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