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Remarks on the effects of quantum corrections on modulistabilization and de Sitter vacua in type IIB string theory

Vasileios Basiouris 1, George K. Leontaris 2

Physics Department, University of Ioannina

45110, Ioannina, Greece


The role of string loop corrections on the existence of de Sitter vacua and the moduli

stabilization problem is examined in the framework of type IIB effective models. The funda-

mental building blocks of the proposed model are a geometric configuration with a minimum

of three intersecting D7 brane stacks and an equal number of Kahler moduli, as well as a

novel Einstein-Hilbert term associated with higher derivative terms of the 10-dimensional

effective action. It was shown in previous works that, within this context, loop corrections

appear which induce novel logarithmic volume-dependent terms in the effective potential.

Furthermore, when D-term contributions (associated with the universal abelian factors of

the D7 brane stacks) are considered, and certain bounds on the parameter space are im-

posed, all Kahler moduli are stabilized and de Sitter vacua are supported. In the present

work, extending the previous analysis, a comprehensive study of the additional effects of mul-

tiple non-perturbative terms in the superpotential is undertaken. In particular, the combined

effects of the logarithmic loop corrections and two non-perturbative terms with exponential

dependence on different Kahler moduli have been investigated in various compactification

limits. The implications of a nilpotent field are also discussed. Due to the complicated

form of effective potential, various approximations are employed to probe different regions

of the parameter space. In the large volume limit, a generic simple form of the potential

is achieved. It is shown that a variety of fluxes exist for large as well as moderate volume

compactifications which are capable of defining a de Sitter space and stabilizing the moduli

fields. Finally, the so obtained effective potential appears to be promising for cosmological


1E-mail: [email protected]: [email protected]








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1 Introduction

There has been a lot of recent activity regarding the implications of quantum corrections to the

moduli stabilization problem and the existence of de Sitter (dS) vacua in effective sting theory

models. These investigations are significant for providing an answer of whether the otherwise

presumably consistent effective theories have an ultraviolet completion, and as such, they could

be accommodated in the string landscape3. These explorations are also of great importance since

they are related to the accelerated expansion of the universe and the scenario of cosmological


An appropriate framework to investigate the effects of quantum corrections is type IIB string

theory and, more generally, F-theory defined on an elliptically fibered Calabi-Yau (CY) fourfold.

The fundamental constituents of the effective field theory (EFT) emerging after compactification

of the ten-dimensional theory to four dimensions on a CY manifold, are the superpotential Wand the Kahler potential K which is of no-scale type. The basic ingredients are the various

types of moduli fields associated with the various deformations of the compactification, D-

brane stacks with magnetic fluxes and topological parameters such as the Euler characteristic.

At the classical level of the resulting EFT a number of pertinent issues arise. The tree-level

superpotential is a function of the various types of those fields, including the axion-dilaton and

the complex structure moduli, however, it does not depend on the Kahler ones. Supersymmetric

conditions imposed on W fix the values of all but the Kahler moduli. On the other hand, the

scalar potential vanishes identically due to the no scale structure of the Kahler potential and as

a consequence, the Kahler moduli remain undetermined. Moreover, a vanishing scalar potential

cannot describe the accelerated expansion of the universe which requires a positive cosmological

constant, that is, a dS minimum.

The way to confront these issues is to incorporate quantum corrections in W and K func-

tions. The superpotential W receives non-perturbative corrections appearing through exponen-

tial terms which depend on the Kahler (volume) moduli (see for example [13] and [14])4. In the

context of type IIB string theory the Kahler potential receives perturbative corrections where

the leading order is α′3 [22]. Recently, the effects of gravitational terms beyond the standard

Einstein-Hilbert term have been considered in the context of a geometric configuration involving

three D7 brane stacks intersecting each other. The terms next to leading order in the low-energy

expansion of type II superstring are fourth order in the Riemann curvature, R4, which do not

receive any perturbative corrections beyond one loop [23–25]. Dimensional reduction of the

ten-dimensional string effective action in four dimensions induces an additional Einstein-Hilbert

term appearing in the bulk multiplied by a factor proportional to the Euler characteristic. The

amplitude induced by graviton scattering involving two massless gravitons and a Kaluza-Klein

(KK) excitation propagating towards a D7 brane stack yields logarithmic contributions break-

ing the no scale invariance of the Kahler potential [26, 27]. This induces an F-term anti de

Sitter scalar potential whereas U(1) symmetries associated with the D7 brane stacks provide

the necessary uplift to a dS minimum through positive D-term contributions to the scalar po-

tential. Both, logarithmic corrections and D-terms are sufficient to stabilize the Kahler moduli

and support a positive cosmological constant. Also, the implications of this construction on

3There is a vast literature on this issue. For the recent debate on Swampland conjectures see for example

[1–3] and related reviews [4–6]. Also, an incomplete list of 10d supergravity dS solutions and other related issues

is [7–12]4For recent developments on related work see [15–21]


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the cosmological inflation have been studied. It was found that hybrid inflation is successfully

implemented with the internal volume modulus acting as the inflaton [28], and the role of the

waterfall field is played by open string excitations associated with the D7 brane stacks [29].

Within the above context, in a previous work [30] a first step towards combining the effects of

the logarithmic (perturbative) and the non-perturbative corrections has been put forward. The

analysis has been done within a framework of three Kahler moduli ρi and three intersecting D7

brane stacks and, for a first simple approach, only one Kahler modulus ρ1 has been considered

to contribute in the flux induced superpotential W0 through an exponential term of the form

Ae−aρ. A circumstantial study of the scalar potential revealed regions of the fluxes and other

parameters 5 supporting dS minima in agreement with the present day cosmological observations.

Usually, however, in realistic compactification scenarios more complicated situations arise

where several Kahler moduli induce non-perturbative terms in the superpotential. In the present

work, the previous analysis is extended to include two such terms arising from two distinct Kahler

moduli. For example, an analogous situation with two exponential terms arises where such type

of exponential terms in the superpotential are introduced when E3-instantons wrap two dP5

cycles [31]. Also, in the limiting case where the two exponentials depend on the same Kahler

modulus, the present construction reduces to the particular racetrack paradigm studied in the

past [32].

Taking into account the above remarks, the objective of the subsequent analysis is the

investigation of the combined effects of perturbative and non-perturbative contributions to the

scalar potential of the effective theory. Regarding the perturbative loop corrections, of particular

interest in this work are those related to novel graviton kinetic terms in the bulk which receive

logarithmic corrections due to the emission of closed strings propagating in a two dimensional

space towards D7 probes. In the Kahler potential (denoted with K), these corrections appear

as a shift to the internal volume V, breaking its no scale structure whereas this logarithmic

dependence of the Kahler (volume) moduli is conveyed to the scalar potential of the effective

theory through K. Hence, these corrections imply a structure of the potential -analogous to that

realizing the Coleman-Weinberg mechanism [33]- which depends on the Kahler moduli and only

a few parameters such as the magnetic fluxes and topological invariants of the compactification


In the following section, (section 2), the basic features of the model together with a short

review of the previous work [26, 27, 30] are presented. In section 3, the scalar potential is

computed taking into account the aforementioned perturbative logarithmic contributions and

the non-perturbative corrections. Furthermore, in section 4 the modifications of a nilpotent field

are estimated. It is found that although a dS minimum along the volume direction is possible,

yet there are tachyonic fields in directions transverse to the volume. In section 5, D-term

contributions are included. A simple form of the total potential is presented in the large volume

regime which shows that all moduli directions are stabilized along a metastable dS minimum.

Section 6 deals with the search of dS solutions for moderate values of the Kahler moduli. A

summary of the work and conclusions are described in section 7 and some computational details

are found in the Appendix.

5While several properties of the effective model emerging from String theory are already fixed, yet, there are

free parameters such as the Euler characteristic related to the compactification manifold and the various magnetic

fluxes on D7 branes which define the final shape of Quantum Corrections.


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2 A short review and extension of previous work

In [30] a model consisting of a geometric configuration of three D7 branes and three Kahler

moduli based on the construction proposed in [26] in the framework of type IIB string theory,

has been studied beyond the tree-level approximation, by including logarithmic perturbative [27]

as well as non-perturbative corrections. Despite the complicated structure of these corrections,

it was shown that, in the large volume regime, the scalar potential of the emerging effective field

theory receives a simplified form which illustrates all the essential features of the model. Within

this context, the properties of the effective potential regarding the Kahler moduli stabilization

and the search for de Sitter vacua have been studied and the main findings are recapitulated

here. Starting with notations and conventions, the Kahler moduli are denoted with

ρk = bk + iτk, k = 1, 2, 3 , (1)

where bk are related to the RR C4-form potential and τk are four-cycle volumes. In terms of the

latter, in the present work, the internal volume is written as follows

V =√τ1τ2τ3 · (2)

The flux induced superpotential at the classical level depends on the complex structure moduli

za, and is given by the Gukov-Vafa-Witten formula [34]

W0 =

∫G3 ∧ Ω(za) . (3)

The symbol G3 represents the combination F3−SH3 of the field strengths F3 = dC2, H3 = dB2

and the axion-dilaton modulus S = C0 + ie−φ. Also, C0,2 are zero- and two-form potentials, B2

is the Kalb-Ramond field, and Ω(za) the holomorphic three-form which depends on the complex

structure moduli denoted hereafter with za. Supersymmetric conditions imposed onW0 stabilize

the dilaton and the complex moduli, however, the Kahler structure ones, ρk, do not appear in the

tree level superpotential and thus their values remain undetermined. Moreover, as it is described

in well known non-renormalization theorems for fluxed superpotentials in sting theory [35], W0

cannot receive perturbative corrections to any order and the only possible contributions are of

non-perturbative type. Regarding the Kahler moduli fields, non-perturbative corrections may

arise from several sources including D3/D3 branes wrapping four-cycles and gaugino condensa-

tion on D7-brane stacks. In general all three moduli of the present construction may contribute,

hence the generic form of superpotential is

W =W0 +


Akeiakρk . (4)

In (4) the flux induced part W0 will be considered constant evaluated by the formula given

in (3). The coefficients Ai are functions of za, and ak are small parameters which in the case

of gaugino condensation take the form ak = 2πNk

, with Nk the rank of the corresponding gauge

group of the D7 brane stack. In [30] the simplest scenario of only one Kahler modulus field

(say ρ1) was considered to have non-vanishing non-perturbative (NP) contributions so that the

superpotential (4) reduces to W = W0 +Ae−aτ1 .

The second important ingredient is the Kahler potential which depends logarithmically on

the Kahler fields ρi, the complex structure moduli za through the 3-form Ω(za), and the axion-


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dilaton field S. At tree level this reads

K0 = −2 ln

(√− i

8(ρ1 − ρ1)(ρ2 − ρ2)(ρ3 − ρ3)

)− ln(−i(S − S))− ln(−i

∫Ω ∧ Ω)

= −2 ln (V)− ln(−i(S − S))− ln(−i∫

Ω ∧ Ω) , (5)

where in the second line the formulae (1) and (2) have been implemented.

It has been shown [27] that the argument of the logarithmic term −2 logV of the Kahler poten-

tial (5) receives perturbative logarithmic corrections of the form δV = ξ + η log(V), where η is a

negative constant (|η| ∼ O(1)) and ξ depends on the Euler characteristic of the compactification

manifold. As a result, the induced effective scalar potential includes logarithmic terms which

are expressed in terms of the internal volume modulus V. In addition, the total F-term potential

involves other terms with different (power-law) dependence on V. In effect, the structure of the

potential is reminiscent of the Coleman-Weinberg mechanism [33] and its minimum is found at

finite values of the volume modulus.

Furthermore, additional D-terms of the form di/τ3i , i = 1, 2, 3 associated with the universal

U(1) factors of the D7 brane stacks can be included. When all these components are taken

into account, in the large volume limit the scalar potential can be approximated as follows (see

Appendix for details)

Veff ≈ (εW0)2

(2ξ + 2η(log(V)

V3− 1




V2. (6)

The parameter ε = 21+(2a1τ1)−1 has been considered in the large volume limit a1τ1 1 to be

ε ≈ 2, and d is defined as the product d = (d1d2d3)1/3. Hence, the two (unspecified yet) constants

(εW0) and d in (6) multiply the F- and D-term parts respectively. Comparing the effective

potential (6) with that obtained in [26] -where only perturbative corrections are taken into

account- it is observed that the latter contains an additional term ∝ − 1V2 . This term, however,

can be absorbed in the D-part of Veff under a redefinition of the constant d→ d = d− (εW0)2/3.

As it has been demonstrated in [30], as long as (for given η, ξ) the ratio of the coefficients

r = d(εW0)2

is bounded in the narrow region, r ∈ [ 112 + |η|

3Vmin ,112 + 7|η|

8Vmin ] a dS minimum is

attainable and all three Kahler moduli are stabilized.

2.1 The superpotential with two non-perturbative terms

As it has been emphasized above, the case of a single non-perturbative term in the superpo-

tential ensures moduli stabilization and the existence of a dS vacuum as long as perturbative

logarithmic corrections and D-term contributions are included. However, due to the variety of

compactification manifolds the case of non-perturbative contributions from more than one mod-

uli is a more likely scenario. Given the fact that the shape of the potential near the minimum is

of particular importance for cosmological applications, (and in particular, inflation) it is worth

exploring more involved situations. The purpose of the present work is to extend the previous

analysis, within the same geometric configuration of three D7 branes, and examine the implica-

tions when the flux induced superpotential W0, receives non-perturbative corrections from two

Kahler moduli, ρ1 and ρ2. In this case the superpotential takes the form

W =W0 +Aeiaρ1 +Beibρ2 , with a > 0 and b > 0 . (7)


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Cases with two exponentials capture many new features and have been discussed in the lit-

erature in particular constructions. In a recent work for example, the two exponential terms

are generated by E3 instantons wrapping appropriate singularities [31]. Also, the racetrack

form [32] suitable for cosmological applications could be considered as a particular case when

both exponents of (7) involve the same modulus, i.e., when ρ2 in replaced with ρ1 in the second

exponential. In general, two or more exponential terms imply a richer structure for the shape of

Veff which could exhibit saddle points between different vacua of the theory, so that successful

types of inflationary scenarios can be realized [36]. Despite the vast literature devoted on such

issues, the combined effects of (7) with perturbative logarithmic corrections to the Kahler po-

tential have not been investigated so far. These ingredients are a generic feature of the effective

theories derived from the 10-dimensional superstring action and thence it is the main subject of

the subsequent analysis.

Starting with the superpotential of the effective theory, while recalling that in general A

and B depend on complex structure moduli za, it can be readily inferred that supersymmetric

conditions imposed on (7) can fix the axion-dilaton field and za. Since za receive masses of order

mza ∼ α′/R3 whilst Kahler masses arise through the non-perturbative corrections, the former

are expected to be much larger and can be integrated out [37]. Thence the last two logarithmic

factors of (5) involving these fields can be treated as constants.

The classical Kahler potential is of the no scale structure given by the formula (5). On the

other hand, various types of perturbative corrections induce additional terms in the argument

of the logarithm involving the Kahler moduli. Of crucial importance in the present study,

are the contributions emerging from higher derivative terms of the 10-d string action, which are

responsible for multigraviton scattering in string theory. In [27] it was shown that such quantum

corrections are of the form

δ = ξ +3∑j=1

ηj ln(τj) . (8)

Incorporating these quantum corrections in the Kahler potential while substituting ρk−ρk = 2iτkfrom (1) the corrected Kahler potential (5) becomes

K = −2 ln

√τ1τ2τ3 + ξ +


ηj ln(τj)

+ constant terms . (9)

The constant ξ is proportional to the Euler characteristic χ and in the case of a smooth Calabi-

Yau (CY), for example, is given by ξ = −χζ(3)/4 where ζ(3) ≈ 1.2. Furthermore, assuming for

simplicity that all D7 branes have the same tension proportional to T0, the coefficients ηj take

a common value ηj ≡ η = −12gsT0ξ, and Eq.(9) yields

K = −2 ln (V + ξ + η lnV) + constant terms . (10)

In the present setup, the moduli ρ1, ρ2 enter the superpotential via the non-perturbative cor-

rections, and thus, the appropriate flatness conditions must be imposed. The latter imply the

vanishing of the corresponding covariant derivatives DρiW = ∂ρiW +W∂ρiK. Introducing the

expansions with respect to η/V and ξ/V in the large volume limit, it is readily found that


= −A(e−aτ1(1 + 2aτ1) + βe−bτ2 + γ)

2τ1+O(η, ξ) = 0, (11)


= −A(e−aτ1 + e−bτ2(1 + 2bτ2)β + γ)

2τ2+O(η, ξ) = 0 , (12)


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where β, γ, stand for the following ratios :

β =B

A, γ =


A. (13)

If some reasonable assumptions concerning the various flux parameters and the range of moduli

fields are made, the solutions of the above transcendental equations can be expressed in closed

form with good accuracy, in terms of known functions. A possible choice of the approximations

can be better perceptible as follows: The two equations (11) and (12) are combined to give

aτ1 e−aτ1 = β bτ2 e

−bτ2 . (14)

Since a, b are positive constants, it turns out that β > 0, while real solutions of (11,12) exist as

long as γ < 0. The equation (14) is plotted in figure (1) for several values of β in the parametric

space defined by the pair (aτ1, bτ2). The curves of the left panel correspond to values β < 1

and the ones on the right, to β > 1. (For β = 1 a trivial solution exists aτ1 = bτ2 represented

by the diagonal, not shown in figure). The parametric space has been split into four regions

I, II, III, IV with respect to the ranges of aτ1 and bτ2. Region I corresponds to large values

of aτ1, bτ2 and thus, both terms of the non-perturbative contributions in (7) are suppressed. In

general, in the large volume regime, perturbative logarithmic corrections are expected to prevail.

In the opposite limit, region III corresponds to small values of aτ1, bτ2, and both NP-

contributions become sizable, however, in this case large V requires τ3-values much bigger than

τ1, τ2. A drawback of this region is that non-perturbative corrections correspond to the large

coupling regime and as such are not fully controllable. Nevertheless, for the sake of completeness

a short analysis will be presented in a subsequent section.

Finally, the regions II and IV , for typical values of the gaugino condensation parameters

a = 2πM ∼ b = 2π

N , can be associated with cases where there could be a milder hierarchy between

the moduli fields τ1,2,3. Then, at least one NP-term in (7) could make significant contribution

to the superpotential and it would be interesting to investigate its implications.



0 1 2 3 4







bτ2 β=0.3





0 1 2 3 4







bτ2 β=1.3



Figure 1: Graphical solution of Eq (14) for various values of the parameterβ = B/A defined

in (13). The left panel shows curves for three values of β < 1 and the right panel for β > 1.


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3 The F-term scalar potential

The fundamental quantity for the study of the effective field theory vacuum is the scalar potential

Veff . In the present study this is comprised of the F- and D-term, written as Veff = VF + VD (in

a self explanatory notation), and will be examined in detail in the large volume regime. This

section deals with the contribution of the F-term VF .

The present study will proceed with the investigation of the properties of Veff in reasonable

parts of the regions defined in figure 1, that is, regions with aτ1 1 and bτ2 1 will be

excluded from the analysis. In the present section the F-term scalar potential will be analyzed

and as a first approach, the following restriction

βe−bτ2 |γ| ↔ Be−bτ2 |W0| , (15)

will be imposed which entails a non-perturbative part Be−bτ2 much smaller than the flux induced

tree-level superpotential |W0|. It should be noted in passing that in the large volume regime,

small fluxes discussed in recent works [19–21], are not excluded by the assumption imposed

above. For example, for W0 ∼ 10−8, condition (15) is satisfied6, for β ∼ O(1) and bτ2 > 20.

As it will be seen in the subsequent analysis, in this limiting case it is possible to present

sufficiently accurate analytic formulae for the flatness solutions and achieve a compact form of

Veff . A different approach where this condition is relaxed will be presented in a subsequent


From (14) the first term of (15) is β e−bτ2 = aτ1bτ2

e−aτ1 . Hence, the approximation is valid

for small fluxes associated with the coefficient B and/or large hierarchies bτ2 aτ1. Thus, the

focus of the analysis in the present section will be on the appropriate sections of the regions I

and II where the hierarchy aτ1 bτ2 holds (a similar analysis for region IV is appropriate for

aτ1 bτ2). The case of region III will be analyzed using a different parametrization.

In addition, the energy scale and the coefficients a, b related to gaugino condensations on

each brane can differ. Under these assumptions, the equations (11,12) reduce to:


= −Ae−aτ1(1 + 2aτ1) + γ

2τ1≈ 0,


= −Ae−aτ1 + 2bτ2β e

−bτ2 + γ

2τ2≈ 0 .


It is convenient to solve the above with respect to the moduli fields τ1, τ2. Defining the new

variables w, u

w = −1 + 2aτ1

2, u = −bτ2 , (17)

6Considering the recent activity for the quest of vacua with exponentially small W0, it would be worth com-

menting on this parametric region. According to [38], the plethora of flux vacua could be described as a statistical

ensemble where the value of W0 plays a significant role. Models with D3 uplift, such as [13], are based on the

conifold geometry for the D-brane configurations [39,40], since the dilaton and the CS moduli are parametrically

heavier than the Kahler fields and could be effectively integrated out. A large amount of CS moduli (which is the

case for the most well studied CY manifolds) requires big D3 charges in order to satisfy the tadpole cancellation.

Consequently, this implies small values forW0 at the weak coupling regime as it is also predicted by the statistical



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the solutions are expressed as follows 7

w ≡ w(γ) = W (γ



u ≡ u(γ) = W

(√e ew + γ



1 + 2w




where W in general stands for either of the two branches W0,W−1 of the Lambert-W function.

For large τ2 values however, the function W in (18) should be identified with the branch W−1.

For later convenience, the following parameters are also introduced:

ε =1 + 2w

w, ε =


u. (19)

The restriction to real values of the two branches W0,W−1 imposes the bounds on the various

new parameters shown in Table 1. The approximation (15) is valid only for regions I and II

where u ≡ −bτ2 < −1.

γ β w u ε

I (− 2√e, 0) (0,∞) (−∞,− 3

2 ) (−∞,−1) (−2, 0)

II (− 2√e,−1) (0,∞) (−1,− 1

2 ) (−∞,−1) (−1, 0)

III (− 2√e,−1) (0,∞) (−1,− 1

2 ) (−1, 0) (−∞, 0)

IV (− 2√e, 0) (0,∞) (−∞,− 3

2 ) (−1, 0) (−∞, 0)

Table 1: Limiting values of different parameters for each one of the regions depicted in Figure 1.

Due to the simultaneous presence of non-perturbative exponential contributions in (4) and

the logarithmic corrections in the Kahler potential (9) the F-part VF of the scalar potential is a

very complicated function. Nevertheless, in the large volume limit, and under the assumptions

|η| . 1 and ξ V, VF receives an approximated closed form which is sufficiently accurate

to capture all the essential features regarding the moduli stabilization and the existence of dS


Formally the VF term comprises of three parts, the pure perturbative and non-perturbative

parts and a term which is a mixing of both. Before presenting the total VF , it is useful to examine

separately the form of the perturbative and non-perturbative parts. For example implementing

the expansion with respect to η and ξ/V the perturbative part receives the following simplified

form (details can be found in the Appendix)

V(p)F ≈ 3



ξ + 2η log(V)



V4) . (20)

From this simplified form of the perturbative part (20) it is observed that the numerator consists

of two terms of different volume dependence. For η < 0 and ξ > 0 in particular V(p)F acquires

a minimum at V0 = e13

+ ξ2|η| , however the value of the potential at the minimum is negative,

(V(p)F )min = 2


< 0, i.e., it defines an Anti de Sitter (AdS) vacuum.

The pure non-perturbative part V(np)F becomes (for the derivation see Appendix)

V(np)F = −W2


(u+ 1)(2w + 1)2

2uw2V2≡ −(εW0)2 u(u+ 1)

2V2. (21)

7For example, the two equations imply e−aτ1(1 + 2aτ1) = −γ ⇒ 2we−aτ1 = γ or wew = γ2√e



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Remarkably, this term has a volume dependence ∝ 1V2 which is exactly the dependence of the

D-term uplift in (6). For the regions I, II where the approximation is valid, however, because

u(1 + u) > 0 the contribution of this term is negative and deepens the AdS vacuum.8

The full F-part of the scalar potential comprising all those three parts can be written in

a simple form using the substitutions (61) given in the Appendix and the exact relation (14).

These manipulations yield

VF ≈ (εW0)2

(−u(u+ 1)


(2u+ 1)(14u+ 3)(ξ + 2η) log(V)− 24η



(68u2 + 60u+ 9



). (22)

It is again emphasized that this form is valid for the regions I, II and cannot be used to describe

the physics for regions III and IV . In the large volume case where the term ∝ 1V4 can be safely

ignored, the minimum of the potential for the volume modulus can be found analytically. Setting

the first derivative equal to zero and solving, the volume at the minimum is found to be

Vmin = −ηp(u)W0

(− 1

ηp(u)eq(u)− ξ

), (23)

where, for the subsequent analysis the following convenient parametrization has been introduced

p(u) =3


(2u+ 1)(14u+ 3)

u(u+ 1),

q(u) =1


39 + 4u(7u+ 5)

3 + 4u(7u+ 5).


3.1 Regions I and II

Starting with region I, while focusing in the case of large volume limit and small non-perturbative

contributions, it can be observed that the requirement of a positive second derivative of the

potential at the minimum yields

Vmin > η p(u)⇒ −η p(u)W0 > η p(u) . (25)

From the range of u ≤ −1 (region I, Table 1), it is deduced that p(u) > 0 and taking into account

the bound W0 ≥ −1 (for real values of the Lambert function), this implies that ηp(u) < 0 or

η < 0. Furthermore, real W0 values defined in (23) imply that its argument should be greater

that −e−1, which, for ηp(u) < 0 is satisfied for any ξ, η. To determine whether a dS vacuum is

attainable, the value of the effective potential at the minimum is required. A straightforward

computation yields

Veff(Vmin) = (εW0)2 η(1 + 2u)(3 + 14)− 8Vminu(1 + u)


= − (εW0)2 u(1 + u)


(Vmin −





Taking into account that for the range of u ∈ (−∞,−1) the factor u(1 + u) > 0, it is readily

seen that for the parameter space of region I the value of the minimum (26) is always negative.

8Nonetheless, it will be seen that this term has the same power-law volume dependence with the positive

D-term contributions d/V2 and can be compensated by appropriate values of the parameter d.


Page 11: arXiv:2109.08421v1 [hep-th] 17 Sep 2021

Hence when only F-term contributions are taken into account, the resulting potential always

exhibits an AdS vacuum.

500 1000 1500 2000V




2000 3000 4000 5000 6000V






Figure 2: Left panel: The F-term potential VF for η = −0.5, u = −9 and three values of ξ =

150, 165, 180. Lower ξ values imply deeper AdS minima. Right panel: VF for η = −0.1, ξ = 200

and three values of u = −1.2,−1, 25,−1.3. The larger the |u| values the deeper the AdS minima.

The F-part of the potential is plotted in figure 2 for two values of the parameter η and several

values of u = −bτ2. As expected, in all these cases the F-term potential implies always an AdS

minimum and an uplift term such as the one coming from a D3-brane or D-terms induced form

possible U(1)’s associated with D7-branes is necessary.

4 The nilpotent field

In this section the implications of a nilpotent field on the model under consideration will be

discussed. As is well known, the inclusion of an anti-D3 brane (D3 for short) generates an

up-lifting term of the form d/τ3/2 in the effective potential, whose existence is essential in

providing dS vacua in the original KKLT [41] and large volume [14] constructions. It was

pointed out, however, that its presence breaks supersymmetry through the D3 decay due to

the annihilation from fluxes carrying D3 charge [41]. In the framework of the four-dimensional

effective supergravity theory an easy way of remedying these shortcomings is to introduce a

nilpotent supermultiplet S associated with a Volkov-Akulov goldstino [42] on the world volume

of the D3 brane. Incorporating this field in the model, the superpotential and the Kahler

potential are modified as follows:

W = W0 +Ae−aτ1 +Be−bτ2 + µ2S , (27)

K = −2 log(√τ1τ2τ3 + ξ + η log(τ1τ2τ3)) + SS , (28)

where µ is an order one constant. As previously, the moduli τ1, τ2 are stabilized through the

vanishing of the covariant derivative in each direction. Expanding with respect to the S field,

while using the nilpotency condition S2 = 0, the covariant derivatives become:


≈ −A(e−aτ1(2aτ1 + 1) + βe−bτ2 + γ

)+ µ2S

2τ1, (29)


≈ −A(e−aτ1 + βe−bτ2(2bτ2 + 1) + γ

)+ µ2S

2τ2, (30)


≈ AS(e−aτ1 + βe−bτ2 + γ

)+ µ2 . (31)


Page 12: arXiv:2109.08421v1 [hep-th] 17 Sep 2021

Taking into account the assumption stated in (15) and the fact that µ . O(1), for S < 1 the

solution for the Kahler moduli τ1, τ2 can be approximated with those without the presence of

the field S. Then, the solution for the superfield S could be approximated as:

S ≈ − 4wuµ2

Aγ(1 + 2w)(1 + 2u). (32)

The resulting potential is written as:


((ξ + 2η log(V))(1 + 2u)(3 + 14u)− 24η

32V3− u(1 + u)




(1 + 2u)


V2− −24η + (ξ + 2η log(V))(3 + 10u)




V4) . (33)

Along the volume direction, the minimum of the above potential is found at

Vmin(µ) =(− ηp(u) + ζ



−ηp(u) + ζeq(z)−


), (34)

where the ζ, ζ parameters include the modifications due to the µ part of the effective potential

and are defined in the Appendix. As expected, in the limit µ → 0, the effective potential (33)

and the volume at the minimum (34) reduce to (22) and (23).

Next we minimize Veff along the direction of the volume modulus V. Setting its first derivative

equal to zero while solving with respect to log(V) and substituting back to the effective potential,

it yields

V |Vmin ∼= − (εW0)2 u(1 + u)


(Vmin −







(1 + 2u)V3min

(Vmin − η

3 + 10u


). (35)

The contribution of the nilpotent field S in the effective potential is the last term proportional

to µ4. It contributes an uplifting term in the volume direction and exhibits a complicated

dependence on τ2 = −z/b. Form (35) a lower bound can be derived for the µ parameter, in

order to achieve a dS minimum. This is

(2µ)4 >(εW0)2 (1 + u)(1 + 2u)


Vmin − 23ηp(u)

Vmin − η(3+10u)4u

. (36)

For large values of the modulus τ2 = −u/b and volume Vmin this simply becomes

µ2 '1

2εW0 . (37)

However, it can be checked that the potential exhibits a run away behaviour along the directions

orthogonal to the volume, and consequently, a (meta)stable minimum cannot be ensured in any

of the four regions defined in figure 1 9.

5 D-terms

From the analysis in the previous section it can be inferred that, with F-term contributions alone

in the scalar potential, dS minima can be guaranteed only for the volume modulus. Along the

9In more elaborated models the uplifting to dS may occur with terms originating from D6-branes. See for

example [43]


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transverse directions, there are tachyonic fields unless appropriate uplifting terms from other

sources are included. In the present geometric setup this is possible by virtue of the D-term

contributions arising from the universal U(1) factors associated with the D7 brane stacks.

Focusing on these flux induced D-terms and in the presence of ‘charged’ Φj fields under a

U(1) symmetry, they acquire the general form [26,44,45]

VD =g2D7i


Qi∂ρiK +∑j

qj |Φj |22



= Imρi + · · · , (38)

where Qi, qj are “charges” and · · · stand for flux and dilaton dependent corrections. For

simplicity it will be assumed that the fields Φj have zero-vevs, hence, the generic form of the

corresponding D-term potential becomes [26]

VD =3∑i=1






≡ d1





31 τ


V6. (39)

In the subsequent analysis the case of large τ1, τ2 moduli will be considered (i.e. aτ1 1 and

bτ2 1 ) where the calculations for the stabilization of the directions transverse to the volume

are simplified. This will provide a more quantitative comparison of the effect of the “strong”

non-perturbative correction to the logarithmic one. Proceeding the way described above, the

overall factor is written as:

Veff ≈ (εW0)2 7(ξ + 2η log(V))− 4V8V3






31 τ


V6· (40)

Minimizing the effective potential (40) with respect to the τ1, τ2 moduli, the solutions are:

τ31 =

d231 V2


, (41)

τ32 =

d232 V2


· (42)

Substituting the above back in (40), Veff concludes to the following compact formula:

Veff ≈ (εW0)2



ξ + 2η log(V)

V3− 1




V2, (43)

where d = (d1d2d3)1/3. The volume modulus at the minimum of the potential is

Vmin =21η

4(6r− 1)W0

(4(6r− 1)


13− ξ

2η), (44)

where the new parameter r introduced in the formula of Vmin above is the ratio of the F- and

D-term coefficients

r =d

(εW0)2. (45)

For given ξ and η the coefficient r has an upper and a lower bound coming from the following

two constraints: i) Real values of the volume are achieved when the argument of the W0 function


Page 14: arXiv:2109.08421v1 [hep-th] 17 Sep 2021

must be larger than −1/e and ii) the potential at the minimum must be positive. Implementing

these conditions, the following bounds on r are imposed






. r .1


7|η|8e− ξ

2|η|−43 . (46)

For positive and large ξ values, this restricts the values of r in a tiny region close to 16 . It should

be observed that the exact value r = 16 eliminates the 1

V2 term form the scalar potential. This

would leave only the perturbative F-part ∝ (ξ + 2η logV)/V3 which defines only AdS minima.

It is worth noticing that, this value is twice as big compared with that obtained in the case of

the effective potential (22) derived with only one non-perturbative term in the superpotential.

It is convenient to define a new parameter

% = 105(6r− 1) , (47)

which can be used to plot the effective potential (40). Assuming ξ = 10, η = −0.5 and using

(46), it can be deduced that a dS minimum exists as long as

2.925 . % . 3.125 .

The potential (43) is plotted in figure 3 as a function of the volume for three values of the

parameter %. In figure 4 a three dimensional plot is shown where the minimum is depicted along

V and τ1 directions.




50000 100000 150000V







Figure 3: The potential (43) for η = −0.5, ξ = 10 and three values of the parameter % = 105(6r−1). For % = 2.925 the potential at the minimum vanishes. For larger % values Veff(Vmin) > 0

while the minimum disappears for % & 3.125.

Figure 4: The potential (43) for η = −0.5, ξ = 10, d = 0.6668,W0 = −1, ε ≈ 2, % = 3.05, d2 =

d3 = 1. The light blue plane is just above V = 0+ and the blue dot is the intersection with Veff

which indicates the position of the dS the minimum.


Page 15: arXiv:2109.08421v1 [hep-th] 17 Sep 2021

6 Probing the strong coupling regime

The approximations used in the previous sections were suitable to explore regions of the pa-

rameter space where the moduli τ1,2 are large and the exponential factors e−aτ1 , e−bτ2 of the

non-perturbative terms in the superpotential are suppressed. The analysis in this section will

also be valid for regions of moduli values not much larger than aτ1 ∼ bτ2 & O(1) where the

non-perturbative corrections are substantially larger. To this end, a different approach will be

followed in this section and the solutions of the flatness conditions (11,12) will be expressed in

terms of the parameter γ and the modulus τ2, namely:

bτ2 = −W0/−1

(− aτ1e



)≡ w(τ1) ,

γ = −(1 + 2aτ1)e−aτ1 − βe−bτ2 ,

= −(1 + 2aτ1)e−aτ1 − βe−w(τ1) ,


where w(τ1) is shorthand for the bτ2 solution. It should be remarked that, in contrast to the first

case, these solutions of (16) are exact and no assumptions have been made. The only drawback

of this parametrization is that the solutions of the minimization conditions are expressed in

terms of implicit functions for all moduli fields and thus, more difficult to handle. Imposing the

two conditions (48), the scalar potential takes the simple form

VF = (4a)2A2τ21 e−2aτ1



ξ + 2η log(V)

V3− 1


)− ηξ 68a2A2τ2

1 e−2aτ1 log(V)

V4. (49)

This potential encapsulates all the features of the potentials derived in the previous sections.

The purely non-perturbative term ∼ 1/V2, the perturbative ∼ 1/V3 and a higher order mixing

term ∼ 1/V4. Minimization along the volume direction gives the value of V at the minimum of

the potential:

Vmin ≈ −21η



13− ξ


). (50)

It was already been pointed out in the previous sections that the F-term part implies always an

AdS minimum and thus the D-terms are crucial for its uplifting to a dS vacuum. Including the

D-term part (39), the total potential is written as:

Veff = VF + VD

≈ (4a)2A2τ21 e−2aτ1



ξ + 2η log(V)

V3− 1







31 τ




where in the second line the 1V4 from VF has been omitted. Minimizing (51) with respect to the

τ3 modulus, its minimal value along τ3 is found to be:

τ3 =



)1/6 V√τ1

. (52)

Substitution of (52) into (51) yields,

Veff = (4a)2A2τ21 e−2aτ1



ξ + 2η log(V)

V3− 1






V3. (53)

Once a positive minimum along the volume direction is ensured, with a few more additional

constraints on the parameter space, it can be shown that a minimum along all moduli directions


Page 16: arXiv:2109.08421v1 [hep-th] 17 Sep 2021

is achievable. In figure 5 a characteristic case is plotted where the moduli fields acquire moderate


Figure 5: The minimum of the potential (53) in regions with moderate values τi. Again, as in

the previous figures, the blue spot indicates the position of the dS minimum.

7 Conclusions

The cosmological predictions of effective theory models derived from string theory compacti-

fications are the subject of intensive investigation. Among the primary and most important

objectives towards this goal is the construction of string vacua with positive cosmological con-

stant. In this work the combined effects of novel perturbative logarithmic string loop corrections

in the Kahler potential, and non-perturbative contributions in the superpotential have been ana-

lyzed in the framework of type IIB string theory. In general, such quantum corrections are of key

significance not merely for the existence of de Sitter (dS) minima but also for the (well known)

moduli stabilization problem. Type IIB string theory and in particular its geometric variant,

F-theory, are of great interest since they provide the necessary ingredients for a successful in-

terpretation of these two important issues. Within this framework, a geometric configuration

of three D7 brane stacks intersecting each other is considered and three Kahler moduli are

introduced whose imaginary parts τi determine the internal volume through V =√τ1τ2τ3.

The logarithmic terms involve the Kahler moduli and are induced from loop corrections

when closed strings emitted from localized Einstein-Hilbert (EH) terms propagate through the

codimension-two volume towards the seven-brane probes [27]. Such novel EH terms originate

from the R4 corrections of the effective ten-dimensional string action and appear only in four

spacetime dimensions. The non-perturbative effects are assumed to be associated with gaugino

condensation on the D7 stacks and modify the superpotential with corrections of the usual

exponential Kahler moduli dependence. The case of non-perturbative corrections where one or

two Kahler moduli contribute has been worked out. In the large volume regime it has been

found that the potential takes the generic simple form

Veff = aξ + η logVV3

+b− cV2


where a, b, c positive coefficients and the parameters ξ proportional to the Euler characteristic of

the compactification manifold and η = −ξgsT0/2 with T0 the D7 brane tension and gs the string


Page 17: arXiv:2109.08421v1 [hep-th] 17 Sep 2021

coupling [27]. The term proportional to 1/V3 encapsulates perturbative contributions through

the constants ξ, η and the term (b − c)/V2 combines positive contributions from D-terms and

negative ones from non-perturbative corrections. The necessary conditions for Kahler moduli

stabilization and dS minima are η < 0 (ξ > 0) and b > c. It has been demonstrated in this article

that a simultaneous solution for both problems can be guaranteed for a variety of appropriate

flux choices and gaugino condensation parameters.

Acknowledgments: “This research work was supported by the Hellenic Foundation for Re-

search and Innovation (H.F.R.I.) under the “First Call for H.F.R.I. Research Projects to support

Faculty members and Researchers and the procurement of high-cost research equipment grant”

(Project Number: 2251)”. The work of BV is partially supported by the Research Committee of

the University of Ioannina.


Page 18: arXiv:2109.08421v1 [hep-th] 17 Sep 2021

8 Appendix

8.1 The Potential with a single NP correction

Veff = (εW0)2 2ξ − V + 4η((log(V)− 1)







, ε =4

2 + 1ατ1

. (54)

Exchanging one modulus e.g. τ2 with the volume V and minimizing for τ3, (54) takes the form:

Veff = (εW0)2 2ξ − V + 4η(log(V − 1)





V3, d =

√d2d3 , (55)


τ3 = (d3

d2)1/6 V√

τ1. (56)

Next, minimization with respect to the τ1, leads to the following equation:

(3τ9/21 d− 3d1V3)(1 + 2ατ1)3 − 8(αW0)2τ5

1 (V − 2ξ + 4η(1− log(V)) = 0 . (57)

For large volume V, τ1 and in the limit where the second term can be ignored, this equation

takes the simple form (3τ9/21 d− 3d1V3) ≈ 0 and the solution is

τ1 ≈ (d2


d2d3)1/9V2/3 . (58)

The potential at the minimum is

Veff =3d


4W20 (−V + 2ξ + 4η(log(V)− 1)

g2V3. (59)

Thus, it takes the previous form up to the factor g = 2 +d1/3d


αV2/3, whereas d = (d1d2d3)1/3.

For large V, g ≈ 2 and log(V) 1 the potential (59) reduces to that of (6).

8.2 The F-term potential with two NP corrections

The exact form of the perturbative part of the F-term potential in section 3 is

V(p)F =

3W20 (−4η(η + ξ) + V(ξ − 8η) + 2η(V − 4η) log(V))

(ξ + 2η log(V) + V)2 (4η(3η + ξ) + 2V2 + V(16η − ξ)− 2η(V − 4η) log(V)).

Expanding in η and ξ/V, this takes the simplified form

V(p)F ≈ 3W2

0 (V(ξ − 8η) + 2η(V − 3ξ) log(V))


≈ 3



ξ + 2η log(V)



V4) .


The last approximated form (60) is the expression (20) in section 3.

The pure non-perturbative part V(np)F is


((1 + aτ1)Ae−aτ1 +

(W0 +Be−bτ2

))+ bτ2Be

−bτ2((W0 +Ae−aτ1) +Be−bτ2(1 + bτ2)




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Implementing the definitions W0/A = γ,B/A = β, and making successively the substitutions

γ → 2we−aτ1 , a→ −(1 + 2w)/(2τ1), b→ −u/τ2 , (61)

which follow from the solutions (18), this becomes

V(np)F = −W2


(u+ 1)(2w + 1)2


which is the form (21) of section 3.

Remarkably, this term has a volume dependence ∝ 1V2 which is exactly the dependence of the

D-term uplift in (6). For the regions I, II where the approximation is valid, however, because

u(1 + u) > 0 the contribution of this term is negative and deepens the AdS vacuum.10

The mixing term of perturbative and non-perturbative corrections is a complicated function

and can be elaborated in a similar manner.

8.3 The nilpotent field

The parameters ζ, ζ defined in section 4 are:

ζ = − 768µ4w2z3(14z + 5)

(28z2 + 20z + 3)(W2

0 (2w + 1)2(2z + 1)2(14z + 3)− 32µ4w2z2(10z + 3)) , (62)

ζ = − 3µ4ηw2z(−3− 6z + 8z2)

(z + 1)(W2

0 (z + 1)(2z + 1)(1 + 2w)2 − 16µ4w2z2) . (63)

8.4 The exact potential

The exact form of the effective scalar potential is

Vex =e−2(aτ1+bτ2)


aτ1+bτ2 +B2N1e2aτ1 +N2e

2bτ2 + 2ηN4 log(V))

(2η + V)(ξ + 2η log(V) + V)2 (12η2 + 4η(ξ + 4V) + 2η(4η − V) log(V) + V(2V − ξ)),


N1 = 2η(8b2ξ2τ2

2 + 4V2 (2bτ2 (3bτ2 + 2)− 3) + ξV (16bτ2 (2bτ2 + 1)− 3))− 24η3

+ V2 (8bτ2 (bτ2 + 1) (ξ + V) + 3ξ) + 4η2 (8bξτ2 (bτ2 + 1) + V (8bτ2 (bτ2 + 1)− 15)− 6ξ) ,

N2 = A2(2η(8a2ξ2τ2

1 + 4V2 (2aτ1 (3aτ1 + 2)− 3) + ξV (16aτ1 (2aτ1 + 1)− 3))

+V2 (8aτ1 (aτ1 + 1) (ξ + V) + 3ξ) + 4η2 (8aξτ1 (aτ1 + 1) + V (8aτ1 (aτ1 + 1)− 15)− 6ξ)− 24η3)

− 2AW0eaτ1(2η + V)

(4η (−2aξτ1 − 2aτ1V + 3ξ + 6V)− V (4aτ1(ξ + V) + 3ξ) + 12η2

)− 3W2

0e2aτ1(2η + V)

(4η2 + 4η(ξ + 2V)− ξV


N3 = A(−4η2 (2ξ (2bτ2 (aτ1 − 1)− 2aτ1 + 3) + V (4bτ2 (aτ1 − 1)− 4aτ1 + 15))

+2ηV (ξ (−8abτ2τ1 + 8aτ1 + 8bτ2 − 3) + V (−8abτ2τ1 + 8aτ1 + 8bτ2 − 12))

+V (4aτ1(ξ + V) (bξτ2 + V) + V (4bτ2(ξ + V) + 3ξ))− 24η3)

−W0eaτ1(2η + V)

(4η (−2bξτ2 − 2bτ2V + 3ξ + 6V)− V (4bτ2(ξ + V) + 3ξ) + 12η2


10Nonetheless, it will be seen that this term has the same power-law volume dependence with the positive

D-term contributions d/V2 and can be compensated by larger values of the parameter d.


Page 20: arXiv:2109.08421v1 [hep-th] 17 Sep 2021

N4 = e2bτ2(A2(32a2n2τ2

1 log(V) + η(32a2ξτ2

1 + V(32aτ1(2aτ1 + 1)− 6))

+ 8η2(2aτ1 − 1)(2aτ1 + 3)

+V2(8aτ1(aτ1 + 1) + 3))

+ 2AW0eaτ1(2n+ V)(4η(2aτ1 − 3) + V(4aτ1 + 3))


2aτ1(4η − V)(2η + V))

+ 2Beaτ1+bτ2(A(−8n2(2bτ2(aτ1 − 1)− 2aτ1 + 3)

+2ηV(−8abτ1τ2 + 8at+ 8bτ2 − 3) + 8abητ1τ2V log(V) + V(8abξτ1τ2 + V(4bτ2(aτ1 + 1) + 4aτ1 + 3)))

+W0eaτ1(2η + V)(4η(2bτ2 − 3) + V(4bτ2 + 3))) +B2e2aτ1


1 log(V)


2 + V(32bτ2(2bτ2 + 1)− 6))

+ 8η2(2bτ2 − 1)(2bτ2 + 3) + V2(8bτ2(bτ2 + 1) + 3)).

Using the exact potential, all regions of the parameter space can be probed. For example,

cases with ξ comparable with Vmin cannot be examined in the approximations discussed so far.

Here is a case with large ξ. The following values of the parameters

ξ = 100, a = 0.1, b = 0.1, A = 1, B = 1, W0 = −1.2, η = −1, d = 0.35, c = 0.205 , (64)

are used to plot figure 6 with the exact Veff .

Figure 6: Exact Potential (in arbitrary units) for the numerical coefficients (64). The blue spot

is at a height V0 ≈ 4× 10−7 > 0 and defines the position of the dS minimum.


Page 21: arXiv:2109.08421v1 [hep-th] 17 Sep 2021


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