


Drawing Begin to use a variety of drawing tools, e.g finger, stick, pencil, coloured pencils, pastels, chalk, felt tips, pen. Investigate different lines - thick, thin, wavy, straight. Explore different textures and experiment with mark making to illustrate these

Use a range of materials creatively to design and make products. Experiment with a variety of media; pencils, rubbers, crayons, pastels, felt tips, charcoal, ballpoints, chalk Develop a wide range of techniques in using: Line: Name, match and draw lines/marks from observations (bold, thin, wavy, straight, broken, zig-zag etc) Texture: Draw on different surfaces with a range of media. Investigate textures by describing, naming, rubbing, copying (smooth, rough, crinkly, bumpy, shiny, soft, hard etc) Shape: Record from observation and draw shapes from observations (oval, long, curvy etc) Colour/Pattern: Investigate tone by drawing light/dark lines, light/dark patterns, light/dark shapes, different grades of pencil (Names of colours and tones, e.g bright, pale, light, dark, deep etc)

To use sketchbooks to record their observations and use them to review and revisit. To improve their mastery of art and design techniques in drawing with a range of materials Line: Develop control and use of materials to make marks and lines with a wide range of drawing implements e.g. charcoal, pencil, crayon, chalk pastels, oil pastels, pens etc. Experiment with different grades of pencil and other implements to create lines and marks. Form and Shape: Experiment with different grades of pencil and other implements to draw different forms and shapes. Begin to show an awareness of objects having a third dimension. Tone: Experiment with different grades of pencil and other implements to achieve variations in tone. Apply tone in a drawing in a simple way. Texture: Apply a simple use of pattern and texture in a drawing. Begin to Investigate proportion/emotion/expression

To use sketchbooks to record their observations and use them to review and revisit. To improve their mastery of art and design techniques in drawing with a range of materials Work from a variety of sources including observation, photographs and visual images Lines, Marks, Tone, Form & Texture: Use dry media to make different marks, lines, patterns and shapes within a drawing. Experiment with wet media to make different marks, lines, patterns, textures and shapes. Explore colour mixing and blending techniques with coloured pencils. Use different techniques for different purposes i.e. shading, hatching within their own work. Start to develop their own style using tonal contrast and mixed media.

Perspective and Composition: Begin to use simple perspective in their work using a single focal point and horizon.

Begin to develop an awareness of

composition, scale and proportion in their

paintings e.g. foreground, middle ground

and background.

Painting Experiment with a range of painting media and demonstrate increasing skill and control in using a range of mark making tools Explore mark making using sponges, different brushes and tools Discuss and evaluate their work and others' work Respond to work of other artists Explore line, colour, texture, shape and form in a 2D context Record from observation and imagination Work in different scales and sizes Develop greater control of fine motor skills

To use a range of materials creatively to design and make products. -brush sizes and types To use painting to develop and share their ideas, experiences and imagination Work on different scales

Colour : Colour mixing. Identify primary colours by name. Mix primary shades and tones.

Experiment with tools and techniques e.g. layering, mixing media, scrapping through

Mix and match colours to artefacts/objects Texture: Create textured paint by adding sand, plaster

To use sketchbooks to record their observations and use them to review and revisit. To improve their mastery of art and design techniques in painting with a range of materials Colour: Mix colours and know which primary colours make secondary colours Mix and use tints and shades Experiment with different effects and textures inc. blocking in colour, washes, layering, brush size, thickened paint creating textural effects Work on a range of scales e.g. thin brush on small picture etc Create different effects and textures with paint according to what they need for the task.

To use sketchbooks to record their observations and use them to review and revisit. To improve their mastery of art and design techniques in painting with a range of materials Develop a painting from a drawing Colour: Mix and match colours to create atmosphere and light effects (Flesh colour portraits) Be able to identify primary secondary, complementary and contrasting colours Work with complementary colours Wet/Dry Wash - Watercolours Create imaginative work from a variety of sources e.g. observational drawing, themes, poetry, music

Sculpture Experiment with properties of clay, plasticine and dough Explore a range of mark making and textural effects with these materials Model from observation and imagination Demonstrate increasing skill and control in using a range of modelling tools Develop greater control of fine motor skills

Use a range of materials creatively to design and make products Manipulate malleable materials for a purpose, e.g. clay owl, natural sculpture) Understand different techniques for using clay and clay tools including rolling and kneading Understand the safety and basic care of materials and tools Experiment with the properties of paint Create a range of textural effects

To use sketchbooks to record their observations and use them to review and revisit. To improve their mastery of art and design techniques in painting with a range of materials Create surface patterns and textures in a malleable material Join clay adequately and construct a simple base for extending and modelling other shape Develop skills in using clay inc. slabs, coils, slips, etc

To use sketchbooks to record their observations and use them to review and revisit. To improve their mastery of art and design techniques in painting with a range of materials Produce intricate patterns and textures in a malleable media Develop skills in using clay inc. slabs, coils, slips, etc Use recycled, natural and man‐ made

Form: Experiment with constructing and joining recycled, natural and manmade materials Texture: Change the surface of a malleable material e.g. build a textured tile

materials to create sculptures

Other Art and Design -Collage -Textiles -Printing

Collage Experiment with a range of collage media Understand how glue works and how to use it for sticking papers, fabric and natural materials. Create a range of textural effects Model from observation and imagination Printing Experiment with a range of printing media Understand and use different techniques for printing Textiles Practise basic threading skills Learn how to make basic running stitches Understand that stitches can be used to join 2 pieces of fabric Understand that stitches can be used to decorate fabric

Use a range of materials creatively to design and make products Collage Create images from a variety of media e.g. photocopies material, fabric, crepe paper , magazines etc Sort and group materials for different purposes e.g. colour texture Fold, crumple, tear and overlap papers Printing Print with a range of hard and soft materials e.g. corks, pen barrels, sponge Build repeating patterns and recognise pattern in the environment Create simple printing blocks with press print Design more repetitive patterns Textiles Match and sort fabrics and threads for colour, texture, length, size and shape Cut and shape fabric using scissors/snips Apply shapes with glue or by stitching. Apply decoration using beads, buttons, feathers etc

To use sketchbooks to record their observations and use them to review and revisit. To improve their mastery of art and design techniques in painting with a range of materials Collage Experiment with a range of collage techniques such as tearing, overlapping and layering to create images and represent textures Printing Print with two colour overlays Create repeating pattern Create printing blocks using a relief or impressed method Textiles Use a variety of techniques, e.g. printing, dyeing, weaving and stitching to create different textural effects Develop skills in stitching, cutting and joining

To use sketchbooks to record their observations and use them to review and revisit. To improve their mastery of art and design techniques in painting with a range of materials Collage Add collage to a painted, printed or drawn background Use a range of media to create collages Printing Create prints with three overlays Work into prints with a range of media e.g. pens, colour pens and paints Create printing blocks by simplifying an initial sketch book idea Use relief or impressed method Textiles Use different grades of threads and needles Experiment with a range of media to overlap and layer creating interesting colours and textures and effects

Artists, (craft makers, architects) and designers

Respond to the work of other artists Know about the work of a range of artists, craft makers and designers, describing the differences and similarities between different practices and disciplines, and

Know about great artists, architects and designers in history Discuss and evaluate their own and others' work

Know about great artists, architects and designers in history

Discuss and evaluate their own and others'

making links to their own work Discuss and evaluate their own and others' work Respond to the work of other artists CYCLE A Autumn:Christopher Wren Spring:Giacoma Balla/Luigi Russolo Summer:O'Keefe/Goldsworthy CYCLE B Summer: Mondrian

Respond to the work of other artists CYCLE A Autumn: Andy Warhol Summer: Brierley CYCLE B Autumn: Margaret Mee Spring: Harris Burdick Summer: Van Gogh/Cezanne

work Respond to the work of other artists CYCLE A Spring: Gaudi Summer: Liu Bloin CYCLE B

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