  • 8/8/2019 Are You Sitting Comfortably - Compressed


  • 8/8/2019 Are You Sitting Comfortably - Compressed


    Copyright 2009 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

    Workstation SafetySomething, Somewhere went terriblywrong

  • 8/8/2019 Are You Sitting Comfortably - Compressed


    Copyright 2009 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

    Stages of

    Upper Limb Disorders

    Stage1: Occasional Discomfort

    Simple to treat at this stageContact Risk Management

    Stage2: Constant DiscomfortMore difficult to treat effectively

    Stage3: Constant PainDamage may be irreparableWorking will require role change

  • 8/8/2019 Are You Sitting Comfortably - Compressed


    Copyright 2009 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

    Upper Limb


    Upper Limb Disorders

    This is a collective term for a numberof conditions including injury that are

    characterised by discomfort and

    persistent pain in muscles, tendonsand other soft tissues

  • 8/8/2019 Are You Sitting Comfortably - Compressed


    Copyright 2009 Accenture All Rights Reserved.


    Discomfort you may experience through poor

    workstation posture may include

    Tension in the base of neck/shoulders

    Dull ache in lower/mid back

    Tingling sensations in arms/wrists/hands/fingers

    Dry, tired & sore eyes


    If you experience discomfort at your workstation

    please contact either your HR rep or Risk

    Management immediately

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    Copyright 2009 Accenture All Rights Reserved.


    Discomfort is often caused by accumulated strain on the

    same parts of the body over and over again.

    1) Reduce the strain experienced Use correct equipment

    Reduce time spent at workstation

    2) Recuperate from strain experienced Regular stretch breaks throughout the day

    Work pattern

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    Copyright 2009 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

    Reduce the strain-

    Adjusting your chair

    Seat height sit at a height whereyour forearms are at 90o

    Your chair may have different types of adjusting controls please contact your facilities team for advice

    Back rest can be adjustedbackwards and forwards toensure your back isadequately supported andthe natural S shape of thespine is maintained

    Lumbar Support adjust to

    ensure the support fits intothe small of your back

    Arm Rests adjust to ensurethey do not prevent you fromgetting close enough to yourdesk. Pivot arms can bebrought closer to the bodyand can be used as anextension of the desk to restarms

    Seat Pan adjust to ensurethere is a 3-5cm gapbetween the seat and theback of your knees

    Back to start

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    Adjusted for maximumsupport and comfort


    Top tool bar at eye level

    Arms length away


    Tilt reduced on keyboardForearms resting lightly on desk


    within easyreach on RHside of monitorif right handed

    Blinds pulled toavoid glare

    Workstation setup


    Keep mouse close intothe body

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    Copyright 2009 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

    Use correct


    Neverwork directly from your laptop.

    Always use the portable equipment provided.

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    Copyright 2009 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

    Slumped shoulders decrease vital

    capacity and cut up to 30% of theoxygen to your brain and senses.





    Rene Cailliet, M.D.

    Professor and former Director

    of the Department of Physical


    and Rehabilitation at the University of

    Southern California School of Medicine

  • 8/8/2019 Are You Sitting Comfortably - Compressed


    Copyright 2009 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

    Work Pattern

    Reduce the time that you spend sitting at your desk.

    Where possible:Vary working tasks

    Working hours

    Make phone calls away from the desk

    Work hardcopy

    Get moving


    Meet face to face

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    Copyright 2009 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

    Hold for 5seconds

    Hold for 10seconds

    Hold for 5 secondseach side Hold for 10


    Hold for 5seconds

    Hold for 5

    seconds x 3

    Hold for 5seconds x 2

    Hold for 5seconds x 2

    Hold for 10seconds

    Prolonged sitting at a workstation

    can cause muscular tension and


    Taking a few minutes to do a

    series of stretches can make

    your body feel better

    Learn to stretch throughout the

    day whenever you feel tense

    Complete some standing

    stretches, to improve circulation

    Hold for 5seconds x 3

    Hold for 10secondseach side


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    Copyright 2009 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

    Accenture support



    Safety Training


    Stretch ExercisesWorkstation


    Occupational Health

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    Copyright 2009 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

    What now?

    Things that you can do NOW!

    Stand up whilst on the phone

    Use both shoulder straps on your backpack

    Order additional equipment from UK smartbuy

    Work from hard copy documents whilst travelling

    Never work directly from your laptop

    Plan work ahead

    Delegate & get help Take more breaks & stretch

    Meet face to face instead of MSN / e-mail

    Improve keyboard skills

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