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Advanced (and some very old) techniques for making the most of social media

paul caplanthe Internationale

Are you sitting comfortably..?

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Outline of the day

10.00 – 10.30: The Live Web – the biggest party you’ve ever been invited to. 10.30 – 11.30: Words: Twitter, Blogs and Facebook11.30 - 11.45: Coffee11.45 - 12.15: Pictures: Flickr12.15 – 12.45: Mash-ups: Maps12.45 - 13.45: Lunch

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Outline of the day

13.45 – 16.00: Social media surgery

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The Live Web

The times they are a changin’

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The Web as a library

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The Web as the new TV

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The Web as a Party

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The breakup

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PASSION: the people at the PartyP is for PeopleA is for ActiveS is for SupplyS is for SmartI is for IrreverentO is for OwnershipN is for Niches

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This is not a threat, it’s a possibility

and you’re just one of them…

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And so…Where do I want to be?What do I want to do?Who do I want to talk with?Who do I want to listen to?What do they expect of me?How can I add value?How will I manage ?When and how will I leave?

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the old rules


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Harold Evans

Babies and bathwater…The Inverse PyramidActivePositiveSpecificNouns and verbsClichésNews valuesNews structure


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Some (content) principlesV is for VoiceI is for i with a small IS is for SimpleI is for ImproviseO is for Open SourceN is for Narrative

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Words: let’s start small

Twitter as small form fiction, flash fiction, haiku… or just post-it notes.

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What is Twitter?Chatter or “ambient intimacy”Relationships or realationshipsThe stream

… and what’s it for?InformationQuestionsNews

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The Twitter challengeSmall storiesAdded valueContent jammin’

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Case story

How Twitter works in one situation

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Some Twitter spaces to look at

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Some (Twitter) principlesKeep it shortKeep it activeThink streamBe linkyBe 3DBe colourfulGrab the tagand... add value

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Words: a few more characters

Blogs as diary, notepad, noticeboard or suggestion box.

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What is a Blog?Diary or journalPortfolioSounding boardWebsite

… and what’s it for?StorytellingSharing and linkingExperimentingExpanding

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Case story

Whose story is it anyway..?

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Some Blog spaces to look at

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Some (Blog) principlesThink storiesThink start not endingBe linkyBe relevant and nowBe youand... add value

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Words: a hybrid space

Facebook as wall, storyspace and network.

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What is Facebook?SocialNetworkNetwork of networks

… and what’s it for?TalkingAnsweringMeetingEmpowering

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Case story

Whose job is it anyway?

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Some (Facebook) principlesGroupthinkJoin and leadMultimediaBe linkyVoices pluralOpen sourceBe globaland... add value

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The old rules


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Henri Cartier Bresson

Babies and bathwater…The Decisive

MomentThe ordinaryComposition



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Revisiting (content) principlesV is for VoiceI is for i with a small IS is for SimpleI is for ImproviseO is for Open SourceN is for Narrative

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Pictures: my pix our pix

Flickr: social pictures, imageflow, slidestreams and groups

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What is Flickr?Photo albumPhoto archivePhoto club

… and what’s it for?DisplayIllustrationCollectionConnection

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Case story

Whose photo is it anyway?

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Some photo spaces to look at



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Some (Flickr) principlesTake lotsShare lotsJoin lotsTag lotsComment lotsEmbed lots… and add value

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The old rules


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Maps: adding what to where

Google Maps: more than just pins

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What is Google Maps?Maps and overlaysPins and markers… and Google Earth

… and what’s it for?LocationInformationSharingCreating

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Case story

Whose map is it anyway?

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Some Mash-up spaces to look at


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Some (Map) principlesThink informationThink searchThink journeysThink embedThink imagesThink collaborate… and add value

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Social Media Surgery

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My bookmarks and notesAs discussed, here are some links to

monitoring tools and other sites and services mentioned. As a delicious list, this will be updtaed regularly. Subscribe to the RSS feed… and follow the Twitter stream:

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And in case you need moreI’ll post more links as I find them:

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contact me:

Paul [email protected]/internationale07801 151 052

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