Page 1: April 26th, 2020 ST. PETER PARISH S AN FELIPE DE JESÚS 26 ... · 26/04/2020  · Saúl Suárez Jr., Fr. John Flynn, OSA, Dolly Leonard, Madison McAllister, Deacon Tony Nethercott,

ST. PETER PARISH SAN FELIPE DE JESÚS April 26th, 2020 26 de Abril 2020

Page 2: April 26th, 2020 ST. PETER PARISH S AN FELIPE DE JESÚS 26 ... · 26/04/2020  · Saúl Suárez Jr., Fr. John Flynn, OSA, Dolly Leonard, Madison McAllister, Deacon Tony Nethercott,


View this bulletin online at Bulletin Questions: [email protected] 2

Saint Peter Catholic Church

100 Saint Peter Drive P.O. Box 248

Douglas, MI 49406 Parish Office: 269-857-7951 Website: Facebook: @stpeterdouglas

Pastor: Fr. Fabio H. Garzón, VF [email protected] Deacon: Dcn. Tony Nethercott (Retired) Dcn. Arthur Morsaw Sisters: Sr. Olivia Latiano, SND Hna. Maria Eugenia Gómez, MSDE [email protected]

Pastoral Associate Rick Hardy [email protected] Business Administrator: Ralph Hensley [email protected] RCIA, Pastoral Care & Administrative Assistant: Marianne Hoffman [email protected] Director of Faith Formation & Evangelization: Alisha Giles [email protected] Communication Coordinator: Liliana Van Dam [email protected] Liturgical Director: Nancy Maslanka [email protected] Music Director: Sr. Olivia Latiano,SND [email protected] Maintenance: 857-7951 Funeral Planning: Parish Office ext. 0 Pastoral Council: [email protected] Finance Council: [email protected] Capital Campaign: [email protected] ST. PETER MASS SCHEDULE Saturday: 5:00 pm Sunday: 8:00 am and 10:30 am Week Days: 8:30 am M, T, Th, F (if a funeral is scheduled, there will be no mass that morn-ing) Holy Days: 8:30 am and 7:00 pm

Morning Prayer: 8:15 am, M-F Confessions: Sat 3:30 to 4:30 pm Eucharistic Adoration on the 2nd Thursday of each month from 9 am - 9 pm in the Church. Holy Hour of Reparation in the church on the 13th of each month at 6 pm except Saturday and Sunday, Otherwise, the Friday before

The St. Peter Prayer Line unites parishioners in a spirit of

Christian Charity to pray for the needs of our parishioners,

especially: Luella Kerridge, Jackie Diaz, Reese Holmes,

Saúl Suárez Jr., Fr. John Flynn, OSA, Dolly Leonard,

Madison McAllister, Deacon Tony Nethercott, Dolores

Snyder, Br. Larry Sparacino, OSA, Tom Doucette and all

the sick on St. Peter’s Prayer Line. The group will continue

to pray for your request until they hear differently from you.

If you know of a person who is ill that you would like the par-

ish to pray for, please put his name in the basket in the vesti-

bule to be taken up at the Offertory on Sundays.

“Lord, the one You love is sick.”

Page 3: April 26th, 2020 ST. PETER PARISH S AN FELIPE DE JESÚS 26 ... · 26/04/2020  · Saúl Suárez Jr., Fr. John Flynn, OSA, Dolly Leonard, Madison McAllister, Deacon Tony Nethercott,

3 View this bulletin online at


From Rick Hardy, Pastoral Associate

“As I Have Done for You, You Must Also Do”

This familiar phrase (John 13:15) is from the Gospel of

the Mass of the Lord’s Supper, celebrated on Holy Thursday

evening. I find it striking that the Gospel chosen for the

Mass of the Lord’s Supper is not about the institution of the

Eucharist, but it is about humility and service to others —

mostly humility.

In fact, in the Gospel of John, the familiar words of Je-

sus, “...this is my body... this is my blood...” are not seen at

all. The Gospel of John contains Jesus’s teaching about the

Eucharist, but this Gospel’s account of the Last Supper in-

cludes a dissertation on unity along with the account of the

washing of feet, without the institution narrative.

In these weeks following Easter Sunday, we hear of vari-

ous encounters with the Risen Christ on the part of the

apostles and others. It’s a time to consider the meaning of

what we celebrated in the Triduum. For me, it’s a time to

find the thread that unites all the events we have celebrated:

sharing a ritual meal, humility expressed in service to others,

sharing the Body and Blood of Christ, surrendering to the

Divine Will of God even to the point of unjust prosecution

and an undeserved death sentence, and, as is promised to

all who follow the teachings of Jesus, resurrection and eter-

nal life in glory. This — all of it — is Eucharist.

Bishop Bradley’s “Year of the Eucharist” is a bit over-

shadowed, these days, as we endure the “month or who

knows how long of quarantine.” Yet, our Bishop’s subtitle

for his letter, “Living the Mission of the Eucharist,” could

hardly be better suited to the Easter season in any year, but

especially in the unprecedented and unreal experience of

this Easter season.

The Year of the Eucharist offers us an opportunity to

deepen and broaden our understanding of the full, profound

meaning of this gift. If there is a “mission” in the Eucharist, it

is described in the Gospel of Holy Thursday: humble service

to others. The humility and the service are inseparable from

the Body and Blood that we share. So if we are to follow the

example of Jesus, we can see the Eucharist as something

we do, rather than simply something we receive.

It is the Eucharist that inspires and motivates us to do

good in the name of Christ. It is the Eucharist that gathers

us and sends us forth. And it is the Eucharist that fills us

with the Real Presence of the Risen Christ, whose surrender

to God’s will has made our salvation possible.

Continued on the next Page

St. Peter Finds Ways to Serve

In this time of pandemic and lock-down, it’s encouraging to

see how the people of our parish have found ways to serve

others as we help each other through this difficult time.


The BeFriender ministry, some six years old in our parish

but well-established nationwide, has found a wonderful way

to serve elderly parishioners: using a list of some 170 par-

ish members 70 years and older, the BeFrienders have

called each one — leaving quite a few voice messages, but

reaching many others. A few have requested to be called

more regularly. The others simply expressed appreciation

for being contacted by someone from the parish. Thanks,

BeFrienders, for this creative idea and meaningful out-


Knights of Columbus

The Knights have repackaged food supplies that would

have been used for fund-raisers and have distributed food

packages to parishioners and others in need within our

community. Some Knights also volunteer with Christian

Neighbors to deliver needed food to families in the sur-

rounding area.

Homebound Ministry

Obviously, there are no visits to the Homebound these

days. So our Homebound ministries, spearheaded by Rick

Parent, are delivering packets that include the parish bulle-

tin, prayers, and inspirational materials to the nursing

homes, who then see that the St. Peter parishioners within

each facility can keep in touch with the parish and know

that their parish remembers and

cares about them. Kudos to the

Homebound ministers for this initi-

ative, and to Rick for his hands-on

involvement. As you can see

from the photo, Rick has both St.

Peter and a can of sanitizing

wipes to keep this ministry safe

and on track!

LIturgy and Prayer

Since our Sunday Mass has been live-streamed, Geri Pan-

telleria, Nancy Maslanka, and others have been faithfully

working to ensure that this Liturgy comes to you with all the

beauty and meaning possible, given the limitations of the

technology and parish resources. Sister Maria prays the

Rosary live on Facebook every day at 4 pm as well.

Thanks to all who work to make this outreach possible.

Ways to Serve

Page 4: April 26th, 2020 ST. PETER PARISH S AN FELIPE DE JESÚS 26 ... · 26/04/2020  · Saúl Suárez Jr., Fr. John Flynn, OSA, Dolly Leonard, Madison McAllister, Deacon Tony Nethercott,

4 View this bulletin online at


Online Giving Support Our Parish and Community

Online giving is available at St Peter, it’s easier than ever to contribute to the Lord’s work at our parish. Just click the link on the parish web site under the Home category….. Donate or Register on Line tab ( and make a one-time gift, or set up a recurring donation. . Our parish continues to rely on our pa-rishioners’ generosity, and we may have additional financial need if more people seek assistance. If you will not be able to give in person, please give online. Thank you!

Sunday Mass starts 9:30am

The Live Stream begins 10 minutes before

Gospel Mediation

April 26, 2020 Third Sunday of Easter What does it take for our eyes to be opened? Every day, a

man laboriously walks down Main Street of town. With great

difficulty but graceful determination, he places one foot in

front of the other, uses a crudely made staff for support, and

walks. His pace is slow, but he walks. What does he hope

to see? Where does he want to go? What does he find? We

all walk through life. The type of “walking” life requires is not

always physical but is most assuredly emotional and spiritu-

al. We walk, we look, we encounter, and we seek. How we

do these things and what we actually find is determined by

what we carry and what we allow ourselves to discover

along the way.

If walking is too challenging for us, we may choose to iso-

late and stay alone. If we are afraid to walk, we may be-

come overly dependent on others providing for us and

abandon the journey. We can walk and pay attention only to

what is in front of our feet and never notice the immensity of

what is happening around us. The road is never the same

twice. The journey is always different. What kinds of things

do you notice as you walk through life? It seems that the

disciples of the Road to Emmaus missed a lot at first. We

do as well.

We are called to walk with purpose, to listen, and to notice

things that may not at first be apparent. We have to allow

the One who has a special claim on our soul to enlighten,

instruct, and inspire us. The incarnate mystery of God is

pulsating in and through all of creation, where the presence

of the Word who became flesh can be discovered. He has

been with us all along. How could we have missed Him?

Our journey brings us back to the breaking of the bread,

and something begins to stir within us. We begin to under-

stand, and things look differently. Bread, body, wine, and

blood bring us to see that everyone and everything is a

“Eucharistic” encounter. We become what we eat and we

see what we eat. We continue to walk. Our eyes are now

opened, and we recognize Him. Our hearts burn. Stay with

us. Please stay with us.

The article form Rick Hardy Continued Ministry: The Name of Service in the Church

There is a name for service that is done in the name of

Christ, on behalf of the Church, for the good of others: Min-

istry. While every good work is good, not every good work

is ministry. Ministry has the component of accountability. It

is a matching of gifts and needs, with accountability to the

Church, represented by the local bishop, the pastor of the

parish, or by someone designated by the pastor to offer

pastoral leadership within the community.

All the parts mentioned above must be present for au-

thentic ministry to take place: the minister (or would-be

minister) must have the skills that are needed; the Church

must recognize the need for those gifts, and then those gifts

must be placed at the service of the Church with accounta-

bility for what is done and how it is done.

The Church (meaning the local community, in this case)

may create new ministries as it discovers new gifts within its

members. The Church may also bid farewell to a ministry

when the need for it is no longer present, or when there are

no individuals who display the needed skills to perform it.

Ministries may focus both inward and outward. The litur-

gical ministries are primarily about keeping the Church alive

and strong through their support of the Liturgy. Outreach

ministries take the message of the Gospel to heart and look

to the community outside of the parish campus, offering

needed services to others.

What are you called to do, as a way of humbly serving

the Church, in the name of Christ, using the gifts you have

been given? In these days of quarantine, the opportunities

are unusual, and sometimes hidden. But there are people

all around us who need a word, a prayer, an inspiration,

some reassurance... Let us all be alert to ways we might

serve others in this confinement that we endure for the pro-

tection of the most vulnerable among us.

Page 5: April 26th, 2020 ST. PETER PARISH S AN FELIPE DE JESÚS 26 ... · 26/04/2020  · Saúl Suárez Jr., Fr. John Flynn, OSA, Dolly Leonard, Madison McAllister, Deacon Tony Nethercott,


View this bulletin online at Bulletin Questions: [email protected] 5


IT WILL BE OPEN Only for personal prayer

EVERYDAY 9:00am-5:00pm

Confessions on Saturdays We will return to our regular schedule

3:30pm-4:30pm and by appointment

Eucharistic Adoration

Eucharistic Adoration Fridays 9:00am-12:00pm

Please be sure to use hand sanitizer when you arrive and

again when you leave, and keep your healthy distance

from another person . We can help safeguard each other

with these simple steps.

The Paschal candle is the first candle to be lit with a flame

from this sacred fire, representing the light of Christ coming

into the world. This represents the risen Christ, as a symbol

of light (life) dispelling darkness (death). As it is lit, the min-

ister may say words similar to: "The light of Christ, rising in

Glory, dispel the darkness of our hearts and minds."

The Paschal candle

Making Easter Egg salt dough decorations

Family Hike

Sunday Sundae Annual Easter picture in front of the Altar

Chalk Stained Glass Window

Page 6: April 26th, 2020 ST. PETER PARISH S AN FELIPE DE JESÚS 26 ... · 26/04/2020  · Saúl Suárez Jr., Fr. John Flynn, OSA, Dolly Leonard, Madison McAllister, Deacon Tony Nethercott,


Un vistazo a San Felipe esta semana...

San Felipe de Jesús Catholic Church 5586 117th Ave.

PO Box 558 Fennville, MI 49408

Oficina Parroquial/Parish Office: 269-561-5029 Fax: 269-561-2192

Página Web/Website:

En caso de emergencia: Llame al Coordinador Parroquial (Joe Marble) al 269-501-9865.


Domingo: 3er

Domingo de Pascua Hch 2, 14. 22-33/Sal 16, 1-2. 5. 7-8. 9-10. 11/ 1 Pe 1, 17-21/Lc 24, 13-35 Lunes: Hch 6, 8-15/Sal 119, 23-24. 26-27. 29-30/ Jn 6, 22-29 Martes: San Pedro Luis María Chanel, sacerdote & már-tir; San Luis María Grignion de Montfort, sacerdote Hch 7, 51—8, 1/Sal 31, 3-4. 6 y 7 y 8. 17 y 21/ Jn 6, 30-35 Miércoles: Santa Catalina de Siena, virgen y doctora de la Iglesia Hch 8, 1-8/Sal 66, 1-3. 4-5. 6-7/Jn 6, 35-40 Jueves: San Pío V, papa Hch 8, 26-40/Sal 66, 8-9. 16-17. 20/ Jn 6, 44-51 Viernes: San José, obrero Hch 9, 1-20/Sal 117, 1. 2/Jn 6, 52-59 San José, obrero: Gn 1, 26—2, 3 o Col 3, 14-15. 17. 23-24/Sal 90, 2. 3-4. 12-13. 14 y 16/Mt 13, 54-58 Sábado: San Atanasio, obispo y doctor de la Iglesia Hch 9, 31-42/Sal 116, 12-13. 14-15. 16-17/ Jn 6, 60-69 Domingo siguiente: 4º Domingo de Pascua; Día Mundial de Oración por las Vocaciones Hch 2, 14. 36-41/Sal 23, 1-3. 3-4. 5. 6/1 Pe 2, 20-25/ Jn 10, 1-10

Las lecturas de la semana del 26 de abril de 2020

Continúa la alegría y el ambiente pascual; el aroma de las

flores, la pila bautismal y el Cirio Pascual que nos alumbra

en cada celebración de la Eucaristía. Su presencia disipa

toda duda y oscuridad. La antífona de entrada que ilumina

la alabanza de los fieles: “Aclama a Dios, tierra entera.

Canten todo un himno a su nombre. Denle gracias y

alábenlo. Aleluya.” La narración del Evangelio de San Lu-

cas que invita a dejar la ceguera para vivir en la luz de Cris-

to; abandonando la incredulidad, profesando una fe firme

en el Resucitado. Júbilo total en este Tercer Domingo de


En el relato del camino de Emaús, Jesús se aparece a sus

desanimados discípulos haciéndose el desconocido. En el

camino, les explica las Escrituras y luego a su invitación de

quedarse con ellos porque ya cae la tarde, se sienta a la

mesa, toma el pan y lo bendice, lo parte y al dárselo a ellos

desaparece. Entonces el sentimiento aflora en ellos y se

dicen: “¡Con razón nuestro corazón ardía, mientras nos

hablaba por el camino y nos explicaba las Escritu-

ras!” (Lucas 24:32). ¿Reconocemos a Jesús cuando cami-

na con nosotros? ¿Sabemos cuándo parte el pan y nos lo

da? Por último, ¿Cuándo arde nuestro corazón al escuchar

las Escrituras? Son simples preguntas que llevan a una

conversión penetrante si se profundiza en ellas. En esta

línea se mueven las lecturas de hoy; confirmar la fe y la

esperanza. Acercarse al nuevo comienzo de la Pascua es

lo esencial. Jesús catequiza y evangeliza, a la misma vez,

a sus desalentados discípulos.

Quita su ceguera haciéndoles

ver como las Escrituras habían

anunciado ese escándalo de la

Cruz. ¡Aleluya!

Santa Catalina vivió en Italia durante el

siglo 14 al finales de una pandemia, la

peste bubónica. Ella se

dedicó a la oración y al cuidado de los

enfermos por muchos años. Fue tam-

bién un instrumento de reforma en la

iglesia de su tiempo. Su fiesta es este miércoles 29 de

abril, el aniversario de su muerte. Pedimos su

intercesión en este tiempo de pandemia y seguimos su

ejemplo de amor a los demás. Escribió en una carta:

Ten cuidado de no amar a tu prójimo para tu propio

beneficio, ya que eso no respondería al amor que Dios

te tiene. Porque como Dios te ha amado gratuitamente,

Él quiere que, como no puedes amarlo de esta manera,

lo hagas con tus vecinos, amándolos, como

dije, gratuitamente y no como una deuda ”.

¡Santa Catalina de Siena, ruega por nosotros!

Page 7: April 26th, 2020 ST. PETER PARISH S AN FELIPE DE JESÚS 26 ... · 26/04/2020  · Saúl Suárez Jr., Fr. John Flynn, OSA, Dolly Leonard, Madison McAllister, Deacon Tony Nethercott,


Un vistazo a San Felipe esta semana...

La Adoración al Santísimo

La Misa en Facebook ¿¿Necesidades durante la


El Obispo Bradley y

la Diócesis de


lanzarán una

campaña "Dejemos

que la Luz de Jesús

Brille" invitando a todos los cristianos a encender sus

luces para el Día de Pascua y durante la octava de

Pascua (y la temporada de Pascua si es posible) para

dar testimonio del Señor Resucitado y La Luz del

Mundo. Se les pide a las personas que decoren sus

ventanas/áreas exteriores según lo deseen con luces

brillantes, como en Navidad.

La gráfica "Dejemos que la Luz de Jesús Brille" está

disponible en formatos descargables para colocar en

ventanas para mostrar el mensaje en su vecindario.

Hay copias en San Felipe. Los recursos están

disponibles en la página web diocesana:

Las luces deben mantenerse durante la octava de

Pascua y, si es posible, durante toda la temporada de

Pascua de 50 días. Esperamos, a través de nuestro

esfuerzo conjunto, ser testigos visibles para que todo el

mundo sepa cuán felices y llenos de esperanza

estamos porque Jesús ha resucitado. Dejemos que la

Luz de Jesús Brille en todo el mundo a través de


Tendremos expuesto Jesús en el Santísi-

mo Sacramento del Altar este domingo 26

de abril y este miércoles 29 de abril desde

las 6:00 p.m.

hasta las 8:30 p.m.

Es un tiempo para devoción personal.

Traiga una Biblia, libro de oraciones o su rosario para

pasar un rato con nuestro Señor Resucitado.

***El templo está abierto cada día a partir del mediodía

para hacer una visita, orar en frente del sagrario, dejar

una vela a la Virgen o disfrutar un momento de silencio y


Hasta el momento no hemos recibido

indicaciones de la oficina del Obispo respecto a

las misas en el mes de mayo. Si no podemos

ofrecer la Misa con la comunidad presente

seguimos con la Misa en vivo en la página de

Facebook de San Felipe a las 11:30 a.m. Estén

pendientes al Facebook y www.sanfelipe-

Hay materiales en la entrada de la iglesia incluso el

nuevo ejemplar de la Palabra Entre Nosotros con las

lecturas de la Misa de cada día y el boletín de cada

semana. Hay otras cosas para su uso durante la


El Grupo de Jóvenes

Hay espacio para más fotos de familias en las

bancas de San Pedro cuando el Padre celebra la

Misa los domingos. Mande su foto a

[email protected] o al 269-501-9865.

Seguimos con la pastoral juvenil

en línea. Nos reunimos por la

aplicación Zoom. La próxima vez

será este martes a las 7 p.m.

Para el código busquen en

Facebook o la página web. Para

más información, llame a Joe


Fotos de las Familias

Si usted o algún familiar se encuentra con alguna

necesidad económica, emocional, espiritual, no dude

en llamar a la iglesia y dejar recado, poner un mensaje

en Facebook o llamarle a Joe (269-501-9865).

Queremos que sepa que su iglesia está aquí para Uste-

des. Aunque no haya misas públicas, la parroquia no

está cerrada y queremos servirles en este tiempo.

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