Page 1: Application of empirical distribution functions for decision making & Statistical estimation of the differential relationships


MAKING Bakhrushin V.E., Dudko I.O., Ignakhina M.A.


Bakhrushin V.E.

Classic Private University, [email protected]

Page 2: Application of empirical distribution functions for decision making & Statistical estimation of the differential relationships

Empirical distribution function

Distribution function contains the most complete information about sample statistical properties.

Empirical distribution function at large n is approximately equal to the theoretical distribution function.

Page 3: Application of empirical distribution functions for decision making & Statistical estimation of the differential relationships

Correlation coefficients of 2011 EIE tests tasks

Page 4: Application of empirical distribution functions for decision making & Statistical estimation of the differential relationships

EIE mean results for software engineering applicants in 2012

Page 5: Application of empirical distribution functions for decision making & Statistical estimation of the differential relationships

SJR rating of countries publication activity in 1996 –


Page 6: Application of empirical distribution functions for decision making & Statistical estimation of the differential relationships

Party of regions results at the 2007 elections

Page 7: Application of empirical distribution functions for decision making & Statistical estimation of the differential relationships

Difference between ERF and TRF for R random values generator

Page 8: Application of empirical distribution functions for decision making & Statistical estimation of the differential relationships

Correlation of Lillieforse criterion calculated values

Page 9: Application of empirical distribution functions for decision making & Statistical estimation of the differential relationships

Critical values, calculated by Monte-Carlo method

Page 10: Application of empirical distribution functions for decision making & Statistical estimation of the differential relationships

The method of differential relation estimation

( ) ( )( )'1 2f x F f x=

( )( ) ( )( ) ( )

11 2 1

1j 1 j 1 1 j 1 1 j j j 1

y f x ;

y y f x f x x x / 2; j 2,...,n,− − −


= + + − =

d 1 2K (y , f )

1 2R(y , f )

- nonlinear relation;

- linear relation

Page 11: Application of empirical distribution functions for decision making & Statistical estimation of the differential relationships

Model linear differential relation

Page 12: Application of empirical distribution functions for decision making & Statistical estimation of the differential relationships

Differential relation between internal friction and elastic modulus of Nb-N

Page 13: Application of empirical distribution functions for decision making & Statistical estimation of the differential relationships

Differential relation between internal friction and elastic modulus of Nb-N

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R script for estimation of differential bond

Page 15: Application of empirical distribution functions for decision making & Statistical estimation of the differential relationships

( ) 11 152 ε++= xxf ( ) 22

2 25 ε+−+= xxxf

1502 ,R = 960,Kd =

Model differential relation

Page 16: Application of empirical distribution functions for decision making & Statistical estimation of the differential relationships

( ) ( )1 1 2 2f x 1/ x ; f x ln(x)= + ε = + ε2R 0,880= dK 0,989=

Model differential relation

Page 17: Application of empirical distribution functions for decision making & Statistical estimation of the differential relationships

Publications1.Бахрушин В.Е. Проблемы идентификации моделей распределения случайных величин с применением современного программного обеспечения // Успехи современного естествознания. – 2011. – № 11. – С. 50 – 54. 2.Бахрушин В.Є. Статистичний аналіз університетських рейтингів // Освіта і управління. – 2011. – № 1. – С. 7 – 12.3.Бахрушин В.Є., Ігнахіна М.О. Застосування емпіричних функцій розподілу в дослідженні соціально-економічних систем // Складні системи і процеси. – 2012. – № 1. – С. 103 - 111 4.Бахрушин В.Є. Критерій для перевірки гіпотези про наявність зв'язку типу // Складні системи і процеси. – 2010, № 1. – С. 3 – 5. 5.Бахрушин В.Е. Статистический анализ дифференциальных связей в колебательных системах // Фундаментальные физико-математические проблемы и моделирование технико-технологических систем: Ежегодный сборник научных трудов, вып. 14. Труды второй международной конференции Моделирование нелинейных процессов и систем / Под ред. Л.А. Уваровой. – М.: Янус-К, 2011. – С. 57 – 62.

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