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Web Design


The term web design implies the great range of activities such

as web site planning. Web site creation web site modeling,web

site designing,web site coding and programming and

professional arrangement of page which make up a user-

friendly and easy-to-use site. It is very important to pick up an

appropriate design and web site programming for a specific

area and to make it suitable for displaying by all web browser in

the internet.


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Web Design


The process of web design includes planning, post-production,

research, advertising, as well as media control that is applied to

the pages within the site by the designer or group of designers

with a specific purpose. The site itself can be divided into its

main page, also known as the home page, which cites the main

objective as well as highlights of the site's daily updates; which

also contains hyperlinks that functions to direct viewers to a

designated page within the site's domain.


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Web Design

The History of Web Designing has evolved over a matter of one and a half decades as of now. Website designing was previously a matter of debate as to whether it was he job of a programmer or a designer. After the initial hype over the website media and a confused phase of both developers and clients, web communication today has evolved as one of the most diversified and successful medium of of advertisement and knowledge outsourcing. However, the history of web designing germinated from CERN, a renowned physics institute, where Tim Berners Lee was working. The credit of development of the WWW goes o this man.

In 1994 the W3C decides upon the rules and standards of web development language of HTML. Thus HTML 2, 3, and 4 was developed.


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Web Design

Features of web design

Nowadays, website are being used by companies to advance their business and mark their corporate identities in the global market with several products to the customers. The medium of website emerged as effective and most efficient tools of communication. The image of website solely depends upon the layout, structure and compilation of company’s content. Each of the websites planned in a precise manner to cater specific need. The web designing holds the key and important aspect of conducting global business.

Web designing differs according to the nature of business. The definite designing based on the need and demand of business helps in segregation of one field from another. This provides advantage to the users as well as web designers as they have compile content in accordance to need. The potential of website depends on the traffic it invites. The well-structured websites invites more traffic while fuzzy websites repel most people from the site.


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Web Design

Rules and regulation

As web design and design in general have evolved, rules have been established to ensure consistent and usable designs.Some of these rules were created simply because website creators abused certain principles without regard for their users.But these rules are not enforced by anyone and should be broken when necessary, especially when breaking them would lead to a stunning design.In this article, we present 10 rules that you can break if it suits your design needs.

Rule #1: Do Not Display the Horizontal Scroll Bar

A significant number of mice don’t have a horizontal mouse wheel. This makes it awkward to scroll left or right when a web page’s content extends past the sides of the browser.It can be annoying to have to bring the mouse cursor down to the bottom of the window and drag the scroll bar over just to see a word or two that lies beyond the viewable area of the page.


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Web Design

Rule #2: Use a Minimal Number of Font Faces Too many fonts usually conflict with each other and overwhelm the viewer. Each font has a personality, and too many personalities can create disorder.To effectively use more than just a couple of fonts, a design has to be very text-oriented, and the rest of the design needs to be relatively quiet. Here are some examples of sites that use this sense of conflict and disorder to engage the user.

Rule #3: Do Not Use Too Many Colors

The fear of going too far with a design is what separates professionals from rookies and rookies from the oblivious. The oblivious try to make their designs as extreme as possible, with words on fire, blinking text, and as many colors as possible.Rookies want to keep their designs subtle and easy on the eye, but in the end their designs can sometimes look lifeless. The following eye-pleasing designs are by some true professionals who are pushing boundaries.


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Rule #4: Make Your Site’s Goal Obvious

Something that really gets crammed in the ears of young designers is that a design should instantly tell viewers what they are looking at before they read any text.Brand recognition is important for large corporations, but sometimes the smaller guys need to be a bit more clever to get the viewer’s attention. Holding back information can intrigue the viewer and “tease” people into wanting to learn more.Applying this technique to web design can greatly increase the time that users stay on your site.

Rule #5: Navigation Should Be Easy To Figure Out

Navigation should not be the bottleneck of a site. Users should be able to find what they want quickly. Sometimes, though, unintuitive yet engaging navigation can help the user feel connected to the site and what it is promoting.


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Rule #6: Use Different Colors for the Text and Background

This rule perhaps isn’t written all over the place, but many rookies are so afraid of making text unreadable that they don’t consider using the same base color for both the background and font itself. You can follow some simple techniques to make the similar colors work.

Rule #7: Don’t Put Animation in the Way of Your Content

Seriously, don’t pop up little Flash ads right where the user is reading. Same goes for those survey boxes that show up whenever the user is in the middle of a sentence. Users do not enjoy being distracted when they’re halfway through a sentence. Unless…It’s really hard to not be enthralled by the little spider on ABA‘s site. The design is clean, and although the spider is a distraction, it’s okay. So far, this site I think is the only exception to the rule.


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Rule #8: Stick to Web-Safe Fonts

Although font face replacement techniques are still young, they’re already making a big splash. sIFR was the first, and recently Cufón and Typefasce.js have emerged.

Rule #9: Don’t Have a Splash/Landing Page

Many designers have had that same old discussion with their clients about why a splash page is not a good idea. Google tends to rank such pages lower, and they slow down the user from getting the content that they’re after. But they can be incredibly beautiful and inspiring if done right.

Rule #10: Don’t use Tables

Any web designer who uses tables in their designs will instantly be called a rookie by experienced designers. Tables don’t display the same in all browsers, and they can make the source code look messy, but at the very least you’ll know what you’re getting with them. Here are some examples of designs that incorporate tables.This table is slightly hard to see but is tucked in there between the two chairs. It’s a nice little side table but sadly doesn’t contribute much to this site’s design.


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Web Design


If you'd like to create and publish your own web site on the Internet, your first step should be to decide what type of web site you would like to create and what web design language you would like to use.

Although there are several web design languages to choose from, make sure you take some time to research your options to ensure you're making the best choice for your project.

Hypertext Markup   Language  (HTML)

The easiest and most popular web design language is Hypertext Markup Language, better known as HTML. This language is so simple you can type the syntax into a text editor, such as Notepad, save it with an .html extension and instantly have a web page.

You can learn more about HTML here:

Although HTML will enable you to create simple web sites, if you want something more dynamic, you'll need to look into using other languages:

PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP)


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Web Design

PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor, better known as PHP, is a highly popular, server-side scripting language that can be embedded directly into HTML   coding .

PHP can do anything that CGI (Common Gateway Interface) can do, such as process form data and auto generate dynamic content. However, PHP can do much more. It can be used on all major operating systems and supports most web servers.

PHP's main focus is development for the web, so it has a quick development time and can solve scenarios much quicker than some of the other web design languages.


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Web Design

Mobile Web Design It is estimated that majority of the population will be using smart phones by 2012, with international sales of 2.5 billion phones from 2010-2015. This means that mobile web use will also increase 100%, maybe more. It’s time for companies to invest in mobile design, to make sure their websites are mobile web-friendly.

Mobile web simply makes everything more convenient. Mobile web design answers the two keys to better web experience: usability and availability. As it goes along the smartphone trend, mobile web design allows content to load faster. Developers think outside the box by providing applications and games that will be applicable to the iPhone, Blackberry or Android.

Mobile web design is about simplification. Everything is simplified to fit a smaller screen. Navigation is easier, design is simpler, and using Flash is currently not


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Web Design



Website Design Benefits means having a business on the Web, that expands customer reach, increases visibility, ease of contact, creates credibility, promotes business, and benefits the bottom line! Have a virtual storefront accessible by the largest audience available to you immediately. Create a lasting impression that influences visitors.Website Design Benefits with Link Web Services has proven strategies to educate clients about a business, new technologies, and advantages in the marketplace. Discover how to market products and services with a developed brand.


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Web Design

Website Design Benefits guide visitors in the learning and purchasing from the internet. Be the business they buy from.For educating, marketing, advertising, promoting and selling there is no better solution than having a website. Below you will find a summarized list of the most common reasons companies decide to have a website professionally designed.


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Web Design

Importance of web design

Many individuals and companies these days have their own websites. Their main purpose of having a site is to establish an online presence. However, a website with less visual details will not possibly make it over the Internet because visitors are likely to shun from lingering long enough at dull and boring online portals. In other words, if you wish to get and keep users' attention, you should have a visually appealing website. For this reason, consider hiring a Web design company that can efficiently create an attractive website for you.


details of your site and improves its functionality and interactivity. Visuals are not limited to pictures and videos since the content of your website can be made into an eye candy, as well. You should know that Web designing may involve the creation of a site with either static (plain text) or dynamic (interactive and animated) content.

Your design should depend highly on the purpose or function of the website. So, if you decide to hire a designer, programmer or developer, make sure that he or she knows and understands your goals fully well. Both of you should work together to come up with the design that fits your specifications and addresses online marketing issues you want to solve. In this regard, we are proud to say you can trust our company for delivering great results to you.


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Web Design


There are many reasons building a website requires that we obtain the right tools and resources.Standardization is one factor. When we use the right tools, we are assured that our pages would be standard and acceptable to every visitor.By using standard resources and tools, our visitors are able to view our web pages no matter what browser they use. Our pages would load faster and we would also be able to maintain the pages we have created with ease.Using the right resources for our web design jobs will make our websites contemporary. They can easily integrate into current technologies and software. Our users would derive added value from our websites and contribute to its growth.The right resources also make it easy for surfers to use our site. The standard tools used for creating the website will ensure that things such as navigation, menus and layout conform to current practices with which every web user is familiar with.Our pages become attractive if we use the right tools. They can display correctly in the browser and your visitors would be glad to visit again because you appealed to then.Search engines would index your website if the pages conform to their rules. Standard tools like blogs will produce pages that understand how search engines index pages so you will have the added advantage of increase visibility o the web.Web tools make your web design job easy. The WYSIWYG interface makes you work with icons and not raw code. Coding can take away a lot of time and produce fatal errors if you are not proficient. GUI interfaces take away all the incidences of errors and labor, and give you something manageable.Speed of implementation comes with the right tools. You can create a website and launch it in an hour with the right resources. You save on time, effort and never miss important deadlines.Now that you are equipped with the right knowledge you can go about your web design with the assurance that you are going to produce something appealing and acceptable to most browsers.


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