  • 1. APACHE SYNCOPE: An Apache Camel Integration Proposal Viale D'Annunzio, 267 - 65127 Pescara Partita IVA 01974100685 N. REA 143460Tel +39 0859116307 / FAX +39 0859111173 [email protected]

2. Apache Syncope: UserCreation Use Case When user is created, Syncope works in this way: 1. Create user internally start work-flow engine 2. Propagate to external resources This use case is useful the most of times, but not ever.. 3. Apache Syncope: Problematic Use Case What if we need to implement this use case ? 1. Create User on Active Directory (Primary Resource) 2. If step 1 is OK create also internally OtherwiseXpropagate to other external resources throw a general error 4. Apache Syncope: Problematic Use Case Solution Generally, to solve the previous case, we do this:1. Override UserController#create() method 2. Embed the desired fixed logic isn't there a better way to do this? 5. Apache Syncope: Possible Solution We need a way that allows: 1. Easy configuration of IDM control strategies 2. Easy integration with existing component Possible Solution ? CONTROLLER REDEFINITION with 6. Apache Camel.. What is? Apache Camel is a versatile open-source integration framework based on known Enterprise Integration PatternsCamel empowers you to define routing and mediation rules in a variety of domain-specific languages 7. Apache Camel: Concepts Camel is Message-oriented Concept of MessageCommunication in Camel takes places via Message Message is included in Exchange 8. Apache Camel: Endpoint Endpoint defines the communication port of an application. ENDPOINTEach component is identified by unique URI 9. Apache Camel: Route A Route defines strategies for message manipulation. 10. Apache Camel: Route Definition Apache camel provides different methods to express routes: these are simply called DSL.Java DSLSpring XML DSLfrom("direct:a") .choice() .when(header("foo").isEqualTo("bar")) .to("direct:b") .when(header("foo").isEqualTo("cheese")) .to("direct:c") .otherwise() .to("direct:d");Example of two common DSL 11. Apache Camel.. Why? Camel could represent a valid framework for the controller orchestration.. why?IDM Control Logic ~ RouteNew component in Syncope Provisioning Manager Moreover, Camel offers large set of pluggable Components . Example: the Activiti Component. 12. Provisioning Manager: Benefits Provisioning Manager embeds Ruote Definition Routes can be easily added at Runtime. Complex Behaviour Definition (i.e. rollback). Versioning of Routing Strategies 13. Apache Camel.. How? The Provisioning Manager aims to redefine the controller business logic. 14. Syncope Architecture As Is 15. Syncope Architecture with Provisioning Manager 16. Apache Camel Integration Proposal Transfer IDM control logic into the Provisioning ManagerLOGIC 17. Provisioning Manager: Example Provisioning Manager: how first use case can be modeled Provisioning Manager UserTo. . from("vm:camel-create") //we can do some check here .to("activiti:camelProcess:Create); . . from(activiti:camelProcess:Created). bean(PropagationBean, propagateToExtResource). //continue with other operationProcess definition . . . . 18. Provisioning Manager: Example How the problematic use case can be modelledUserToProvisioning Manager . from("vm:camel-create") //we can do some check here .bean(PropagationBean, propagateOnActiveDirectory) .on(PropagationException.class).to(log:error) //otherwise, if step1 OK activiti .to("activiti:camelProcess:Create); . . from(activiti:camelProcess:Created). bean(PropagationBean, propagateToExtResource). //continue with other operationProcess definition . . . . 19. Provisioning Manager: Interaction ec t e D irUser Controllerctiv OnA gate ropa P t esul onR gati ropa PUserToProvisioning ManageroryActiviti : Create Propagate To Other Resource 20. Apache Camel: Existing Component What about previous components? We have to adapt them to messages! UserController . . template.send("vm:camel-create",user_exchange); . . WorkflowResult created = consumer.receiveBody("vm:controller-port");UserTo 21. Replace Activiti with Apache Camel ? Camel seems to behave like a workflow engine: can we replace Activiti?NO! 22. Apache Camel Integration ProposalWHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT THIS PROPOSAL ? Join the discussion on [email protected]

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