Page 1: “What a Person’s mind can conceive & believe, it can achieve!” … · 2020-07-01 · Share & Care –July 2020 By

Share & Care – July 2020By Sri Padhmam Consultancy & Training

“What a Person’s mind can conceive & believe, it can achieve!”

“This e-magazine is for FREE Circulation only” www.sripadhmam.com1

We are conducting Video Conference Training Programs amidst COVID lockdown.

Some of our Program topics includes;

❖ Lean Six Sigma ( Foundation ) program

❖ Process FMEA ( AIAG-VDA – Latest edition)

❖ Global 8D Methodology


Please reach out to our marketing team @ 99621 17222 to enrol in our upcoming batches for the month of July!

The capacity to learn is a gift; the ability to learn is a skill; the willingness to learn is a

choice – Happy Learning with us !

Page 2: “What a Person’s mind can conceive & believe, it can achieve!” … · 2020-07-01 · Share & Care –July 2020 By

S.No Subject Page

1 Wall of Fame 03

2 Editor’s Desk 08

3 Knowledge Connect 11

4 Toyota Training Culture – An Inspiring Journey 12

5 Lean Thinking Process Flow 16

6 Learner’s Voice 17

7 Who am I ? 18

8 Lighter Side 20

9 FMEA - A tool for all seasons & reasons 23

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Wall of Fame

Royal Enfield, Chennai

Top Performers

Mr. T. Ragul

Mr. P. Narayanan

Mr.R. Thangaraj

Mr. K. Thangaraj

Co-ordinated by

Mr. Jove Lovely Raj


Process FMEA

( AIAG-VDA – Latest edition )

An initiative from Sri Padhmam Consultancy & Training For free circulation only !

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Wall of Fame

SriPadhmam Public

Program, Chennai

Top Performers

Mr. Sandeep

Mr. C. Mahadevan

Mr.B. Magesh

Mr. Pradeep Mishra

Co-ordinated by

Mr. Rajkumar


Process FMEA

( AIAG-VDA – Latest edition )

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Wall of Fame

Roots Multiclean,


Top Performers

Mr. K. Aravind

Mr. S. Suriya

Mr. V. Easwara Prabhu

Mr. Kathireswaran

Co-ordinated by

Mr. Karthikeyan


Problem Solving Methodology

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Final Qual i f icat ion Test Top Scorers

Program Title : Problem Solving MethodologyProgram Mode: Video Conference

S.No Name Score Organization

1 Ms. Pranali Bachhav 98% Pricol Limited, Pune

2 Mr. Rajendra Adhikari 98% Pricol Limited, Pricol, Pune

3 Mr. Thiruvenkadam S 92% TAFE, Chennai

4 Mr. T. Eswaran 86% Suzlon Energy Limited, Trichy

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Final Qual i f icat ion Test Top Scorers

Program Title : AQPP &PPAPProgram Mode: Video Conference

S.No Name Score Organization

1 Mr. Manukrishna 100% Besmak Components Pvt. Ltd

2 Mr. Gowthaman R 98% Delphi-TVS

3 Mr. Arun Kumar 98% Delphi - TVS

4 Mr. Santosh L 98% Delphi-TVS

5 Mr. Kavinkumar M 98% Delphi-TVS

6 Mr. Ambigaibalan 96% Besmak Components Pvt. Ltd

7 Mr. Ramachandran 96% Seoyon Ehwa Automotive

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Editor’s Desk -

Dear readers,

Trust you and your family members are staying safe during this challenging covid.

I request everyone of our group members to follow the guidelines shared by our Governments.

This month, I would like to share my thoughts on staying optimistic during adversities.

We would have seen some people broke during their adversities. Is it because of the problem they

faced or because of their incapability to face the adversity ( Problem ) ?

The simple answer is their incapability to face the new situation, right ?

It is easy to get broken but when we keep ourselves thankful to the almighty for all the previous

successes, fame, money and good environment, we shall start feeling blessed !

Earnestly yours …

A V Manivannan

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Editor’s Desk -

The Covid Challenge

Still we can score good !

Courtesy :Mr. Sampath,


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Editor’s Desk -

I know very well, that this is easy to say but difficult to practice ! Remember, I’m also trying to practice to stay optimistic, as

any one of you !

It is next to impossible to guess, when exactly the PREVENTION for this Covid will come ! It may take at least few more

months, if not years. Simply it is out of the control of a common people like us !

Then the best option ( rather the only option ! ) we all have is, to follow the hygiene guidelines and stay safe and fit,

physically and mentally !

Friends, history proved, When there is a beginning, THERE WILL BE AN END ! This is quite applicable to COVID 19

also ! Let it happen as early as possible ! This shall be the prayer from us !

Let us think deeply and take up this challenge with courage & conviction !

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Knowledge Connect

Company XYZ is coming out with new product with no experience. what kind of difficulties

the team may experience while attempting for Design FMEA?

Mr. Ramakrishnan M/s. Royal Enfield

Process & Design FMEA

Mr. David, Comstar Automotive Chennai

Why cycle time, is not included as a process parameter in the PFD ?

Good Knowledge on Design FMEA concept; Knowledge on other related tools ( E.g. Robustness

checklist, Interface matrix +++ ); Product Knowledge and adequacy and sanctity of their data

base as well.

Reduced cycle time may also create quality issues such as part damages while assembling.

Good idea to include !

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Page 12: “What a Person’s mind can conceive & believe, it can achieve!” … · 2020-07-01 · Share & Care –July 2020 By

Training Culture in Toyota Japan : An Inspiring Journey !

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Page 13: “What a Person’s mind can conceive & believe, it can achieve!” … · 2020-07-01 · Share & Care –July 2020 By

Train ing Cul ture in Toyota Japan: An Insp ir ing Journey

❖ Toyota continuously works to improve training methods.

❖ Consider the Implications of training at Toyota, and it is easy to understand why.

❖ The interconnected nature of all processes within the plant makes it necessary to train people without

ever slowing the line (doing so would also slow several thousand other people within the plant and

ultimately the suppliers).

❖ Imagine a new hire working furiously on the line, struggling and not meeting the line speed ( known as

TAKT rate ).

❖ The line would be repeatedly stopped.

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Train ing Cul ture in Toyota Japan: An Insp ir ing Journey

❖ Also imagine that there is no response to the line stoppages, and everyone is watching and waiting as

the new hire struggles.

❖ When asked about the situation, the group leader shrugs and replies, “He’ll get it before long. It

usually takes a few weeks before they get the hang of it.”

❖ Do you think this response would be sufficient within a company like Toyota? Of course not!

❖ Unfortunately this scenario is all too common in many other companies !!

❖ In reality most auto companies have moving assembly lines and will quickly realize they cannot afford

to have incapable individuals who are shutting down the entire line.

❖ Some minimum level of competence to at least work within the cycle time is necessary.

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Train ing Cul ture in Toyota Japan: An Insp ir ing Journey

To be Continued

❖ But Toyota goes beyond this.

❖ First, it has stretched the “just in time” philosophy beyond the assembly line by connecting all

processes (minimizing inventory between processes) so that if one breaks, the next process in line

will quickly be affected.

❖ Second, Toyota has built into the tasks quality checks and cross-training that require more than

minimum levels of competence.

❖ This means that every person must be trained at a high level to work precisely, or the entire operation

crumbles like a house of cards.

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LEAN Thinking Process Flow

Eliminate waste; create value

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Video Conference Learner’s Voice

- Mr. RadhakrishnanManager, Quality SystemsAnugraha Valves, Coimbatore

Lean Six Sigma

➢ This is my second training with Sri Padhmam and I have learnt lot of new concepts.

➢ The online program is perfectly designed and executed by Mr. AVM

➢ I have many learning takeaways from this training and I wish to enrol for more programs

from Sri Padhmam.

Mr. E. PrabakaranPrabha Engineers, Hosur

Lean Six Sigma

➢ This is my first online training session in my career.

➢ Video conference was nicely organized by AVM sir and his team.

➢ I have learnt many new things during the training program and I am sure that will be reflected in my future projects.

➢ AVM sir’s training methodology gave me enthusiasm and motivation to learn new concepts.

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Who am I?

Last Month’s ‘Who am I’ Answer: Histogram

Try to identify me or please wait to know about me in next month edition!

✓ I am a tool

✓ Data will be sorted into categories

✓ The categorized data will then be converted into graphs

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+ 91 99621 17222

[email protected]

We welcome Education

& Manufacturing


Advertisements !!!

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Lighter side….

Courtesy: TOI - iToons

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Let us convert this tough time for our Skill development !

Very much reasonable

cost !


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FMEA – A too l fo r a l l seasons & reasons

Ready for



FMEA – A tool for all seasons & reasons

An initiative from Sri Padhmam Consultancy & Training For free circulation only !23

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