  • 8/6/2019 Anti-Aircraft Journal - Dec 1953


  • 8/6/2019 Anti-Aircraft Journal - Dec 1953




    17November 1953

    Dear General Lewis:

    I recently wrote to the Association of the U. S. Army, of which

    I have long been a member, to express my view of the importance of

    the Associationl s work and to encourage its continued support by all

    of us in the Army.

    I also want to express my great interest in your association

    and every association which is dedicated to advancement in the fields

    of the various arms and services of the Army. I know of no more

    significant bond between men and women who have the progress ofour Armed Services at heart than to be fellow members and sup-

    porters of these outstanding organizations. To join an association of

    this nature and participate actively in its functions means to promote

    cooperation and good will, to exchange and disseminate valuable

    professional information, to develop esprit and mutual respect - in

    effect measurably to strengthen the national capability for defense.

    In particular, I want to emphasize the role of the association

    journals. These journals not only make a significant contribution to

    current thinking in the arms and services but provide a unique oppor-

    tunity for the professional development of the contributing members.

    I strongly urge the support of these fine military associations

    and their outstanding publications.

    Lieutenant General John T. Lewis



    631 Pennsylvania Avenue, N. W.

    Washington 4, D. C.

  • 8/6/2019 Anti-Aircraft Journal - Dec 1953


  • 8/6/2019 Anti-Aircraft Journal - Dec 1953


    The first atomic artillery shell burst and the 280mm gun, Las Vegas, Nev.

    B y B R IG . G E N. T H OM A S R . P H IL LIP S , U .S .A . (R etir ed )

    J\ I i li taTY Alla ly st o f tile Post-Dispatch

    USAF Pholo


    General Phill ips was formerly an anloa".c ro ft o ff ic er a nd o ls o a w e ll k no wn L ea ve n-

    warfh instructor. for years he has been build.

    ing his reputation as a military student and

    f or th ri gh t . po ke .m an . H e pr ese nt s h er e h is

    own views.

    A\VESO?\IE but very general state-ments about new weapons and their ef.

    feet on military plans and costs coming

    out of \Vashington, primarily from high

    ci,'ilian officials who attend meetings of

    the National Security Council, do notrefer to any nel\' or unknown weapons.

    They refer to atomic explosives which

    Reprinted by permission from the Sr . LollisPosr-Dispt1uh.


  • 8/6/2019 Anti-Aircraft Journal - Dec 1953


    are hardly in the new category.

    \Vhat is new and revolutionary is that

    the atomic explosives are becoming avail-

    able in such quantity that they can besubstituted for conventional explosives at

    less cost where\"er the target is large.

    One atomic artillery shell can be sub-

    stituted for 10,000 conventional shells

    to lay down a carpet barrage through

    enemy lines.One city-buster bomb can do more

    damage than a 1,000-plane raid with

    conventional explosives.

    It has become possible to adapt atomic

    explosives to almost any weapon. Guided

    missiles, torpedoes and mines can be

    atomic. It is even possible to make an

    atomic shell for the 105mm and 155mm

    howitzers. The guns can then fire either

    conventional or atomic explosives de-

    pending on the size and importance of

    the target.

    It is quite apparent that if a forma-

    tion of 15 planes carrying one atomic

    bomb can do more damage than 1,000

    planes loaded with conventional explo-

    sives, fewer aircraft are needed for the

    job of strategic bombing.

    Likewise, if one artillery shell can be

    substituted for 10,000, the Army's re-

    quirements for artillery, for reserves of

    shells costing billions of dollars, for am-

    munition dumps behind the lines, andfor rail, sea and truck transportation to

    get shells to the front, can be extensively


    May Cut Back on Shells

    Thinking along these lines in the top

    councils of the nation has gone so far

    that serious proposals have been made to

    cut back production of shells for the war

    reserVewhich was used up in Korea.

    It was with all this in mind that

    President Eisenhower at his press confer-ence last Wednesday said that to say that

    new weapons "would have no effect on

    the composition of the military forces

    would be shutting your eyes to all history

    and to the logic of a situation of which

    certain facts are rather apparent."

    The officers of all three services have

    been caught by surprise by the secrecy

    \'\,"hich has surrounded the rapidity of

    atomic development. They still are

    thinking in terms of atomic scarcity.

    Whereas every officer of the land, seaand air forces should be attempting to

    solve the revolutionary changes in a war

    in which atomic explosives are plentiful,

    few have given it a thought.


    Gen. Alfred 1 \ ' 1 . Gruenther, Supreme

    Allied Commander, Europe, has had his

    multi-nation staff war-gaming the atomic

    battlefield. some speculation has been

    undertaken at our Command and Gen-

    eral Staff College, and senior planners in

    the Pentagon are scratching their heads

    oyer it. but the vast majority of the offi-

    cers are still unaware that they should be

    thinking of a new kind of warfare whichmay make many of their weapons and

    tactical ideas obsolete.

    No greater indictment of the exces-

    sive secrecy surrounding atomic develop-

    ment can be made than this:

    The mass of the military know so little

    about atomic development and the possi-

    bilities of weapons being made for them

    to use that they still are plugging along

    on traditional lines with never a thought

    that war may be so changed in two or

    three years as to bear no resemblance to

    the one they are training for.

    The exception to this is in the Air

    Force where they are fully alert to the

    possibilities of strategic atomic bombing,

    although they are quite unprepared men-

    tally to exploit the possibilities of tactical

    bombing with atomic weapons.

    Three Schools of Thought

    There are three schools of thought

    about war with plenty of atomic explo-


    The first, found mostly in the Air

    Force and among senior Republicans, is

    the familiar one that strategic bombing

    will bring the enemy to his knees and

    will be decisive without the need for

    serious ground combat.

    The second, prevalent in the Army

    and Marines, discounts the idea that war

    can be won by strategic bombing alone

    and believes that atomic weapons can be

    adapted to the conventional battlefieldand conventional tactics.

    The third likewise discounts the idea

    that strategic bombing alone can win a

    war, but believes that tactical atomic

    weapons may so change the nature of the

    battlefield that many of our conventional

    weapons and conventional tactics are


    These are differences of the utmost im-

    portance. The. war could be lost if theconcepts for which we provide weapons

    and munitions are wrong.For example, if ground and sea forces

    are neglected and strategic bombing fails

    or is thwarted by new defenses, Europe

    could be O\'errun with ease; or, if great

    emphasis is placed on winning the land

    battle v.ith the help of atomic artillery

    used on conventional lines and the en-

    emy knocks it all out with tactical

    A-bombs. the ground battle could be lost.The disaster that would ensue as a re-

    sult of a false estimate of the capabilities

    and effects of the various atomic weap-

    ons indicates that any clear-cut decision

    to concentrate solely on atomic strategicand tactical weapons is unlikely. We

    probably shall continue to prepare both

    for atomic war and conventional war

    while we gain experience and think

    through the problems posed by new


    Historically, the military have been far

    more receptive to new weapons than they

    have been to new ideas for their use.

    Even today our military schools place

    their map problems in the standard

    frame of past situations, with troops in

    contact and the war already under way.

    The writer has never seen a map prob-

    lem dealing with the outset of war al-

    though this is the only way the changes

    brought about by new weapons can be


    Air Strikes First

    The important initial action in a war

    today would not be the movement of

    troops toward the borders, it would be thestrikes of the strategic bombing forces.

    Our first targets now are the Soviet long-

    range airdromes and nuclear production

    facilities. This is a protective action to

    prevent bombardment of the United

    States. When the Soviets had no atomic

    capability, our first targets were their in-

    dustrial and communications centers.

    By the same logic, the Russians' first

    targets would be our strategic air bases,probably the peripheral air bases around

    the world.

    There is a significant by-product to

    this change in the situation. Formerly

    we planned to retaliate against Soviet

    aggression on Soviet ind~stry, which of

    course means cities, with massive atomic

    attacks ../

    Suppose the war did not start with at-

    tacks on cities. Ifour President unleasbed

    an attack on Soviet cities, and he is the

    final authority, he at the same time could

    expect the Russians to retaliate onUnited States cities. His order to bomb

    Russian cities would be the equivalent

    to an order to bomb American cities.

    Would he give the order? Would the


  • 8/6/2019 Anti-Aircraft Journal - Dec 1953


    Russians bomb our cities if we did not

    initiate it? 1\0one knows. If he decided

    not to, the whole theory of winning a

    war by strategic bombing falls flat.

    Important Opening Moves

    vVhat ""ill be the opening of the

    atomic battlefield? Troops move toward

    the borders. The greatest threat to them

    is tactical atomic bombing. This can beprevented, not by defenses, but by de-

    stroying the enemy aircraft and facilities

    on the ground. So the most important

    initial action in the ground battle would

    not be the contact of troops, but the mu-

    tual bombardment of each other's air-


    Airdromes are perfect targets for tac-

    tical atomic bombs-one bomb, one air-

    drome and everything on it. The oppos-

    ing air forces would rapidly diminish.

    There is an overwhelmingly importantconclusion to be drawn from this mu-

    tual effort to destrov each other's air

    forces-the side which starts with air

    superiority should win the battle of mu-

    tual destruction and come out of it with

    air domination.

    Air domination means freedom to use

    atomic weapons on the enemy ground

    forces. Without it, the ground battle

    almost certainly would be lost. Weare

    inferior in the air in Europe. The tacti-

    cal atomic bomb has not decreased the

    requirement for tactical air-it has in-

    creased it, and if superiority is not held

    at the outset, it may never be attained.

    The old linear battlefield, clearly

    marked, with troops echeloned in depth,

    with artillery farther to the rear and sup-

    plies and transportation in dumps, is a

    worthwhile atomic target in time of

    atomic plenty. Tactical bombs will com-

    pletely wreck the conventional battle-

    field, including any atomic cannon thatmaybe on it.

    Air-atomic power can now do what its

    protagonists have long claimed, but

    which it never before was able to accom-

    plish. It can wipe out the opposing

    ground forces on the conventional battle-


    Necessary Rearrangements

    If this is the case, the old-style battle-

    field will change. The nature of the

    change can be foreseen. Troops will be

    in small units, self-contained, concealed

    and so widely dispersed in depth that

    they do not provide a target. TItis sort of

    a battlefield might be 50 miles deep.


    Ground warfare would be more like

    guerrilla war than like the old wars we

    use as a pattern. It appears that guerrilla

    formations might be adopted at the out-

    set of a war to prevent atomic destruction

    of the forces.

    If one side gets reasonably complete

    air domination, with the atomic threat

    removed, it then might begin to operate

    in more conventional ways. The battle-field of past wars has the great advantage

    that it protects the rear and allows free

    movement of supplies and forces in rela-

    tive safety. Standard troop formations

    would easily overcome lightly armed

    guerrilla detachments.

    It is apparent that the atomic battle-

    field will not dispense with the need for

    troops. As Gen. Omar N. Bradley, for-

    mer Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of

    Staff, once remarked; The Russians

    could put their men 100 yards apart and

    march across Europe regardless of atomic

    bombs, if there were no ground forces to

    stop them.

    The size of the ground forces may not

    change .greatly, but their composition

    will. When atomic shells are provided

    for the smaller and more maneuverable

    cannon, the field artillery can be greatly

    reduced in size, possible by three-fourths.

    This will bring a great reduction in the

    rear services, since conventional artilleryuses shells in millions of tons. The pres-

    ent atomic cannon will allow a substan-

    tial decrease in our long-range heavy

    artillery very soon.

    But with the reduction in field artil-

    lery, there will have to be an increase in

    antiaircraft artillery. The threat of the

    tactical atomic bomb is so great that

    every possible defense will be required.

    Airdromes will be heavily defended,

    troop areas must be protected. It is not

    unlikely that increased need for antiair-

    craft artillery and guided missiles will

    use up the savings in field artillery.

    The atomic bomb has reduced the size

    of the strategic bombing force already.

    We forget that we and the British were

    using 14,000 bombers against Germany

    in 1945, where, because of short dis-

    tances, these bombers could fly twice as

    many missions a month as we now can

    fly against Russia.

    The strategic bombing force comprises

    about 1,500 planes. If this is reduced by

    half, on account of the great distances to

    be flown, for comparison with the World

    War II bombing force, it can be seen that

    it is approximately one-twentieth, in ef -fective numbers, to the air forces used

    against Germany. Further decreases on

    the ground that atomic weapons increase

    its power do not seem to be warranted.

    As to tactical support aircraft, it has

    already been shown that they will have

    to take over most of the ground support

    of the troops by use of tactical atomic

    weapons. There may be modest decreasesin this requirement, but in view of the

    greatly increased losses to be expected

    from the use of atomic bombs on air-

    dromes and from stronger air defenses, it

    would be rash to start cutting down.

    Because of the constant threat of tac-

    tical atomic attack and the disaster that

    would result from such attacks, more

    interceptors for air defense will be re-

    quired. On the other hand, due to the

    effectiveness of tactical atomic attack, it

    may be that the numbers of fighter

    bombers for isolation of the battlefield

    attack on enemy airdromes and rear in-

    stallations mav be decreased.

    On balance, it does not appear that any

    substantial reductions can be made in

    air forces, but the composition will

    change with increased emphasis on de-

    fensive interceptors.

    Balancing New Factors

    This is the type of complex balancing

    of new factors and their effects that is

    going on in the top levels of the Penta-

    gon. Itis doubtful that any firm conclu-

    sions have been reached.

    The tendency is definitely to find a

    way to reduce over-all military expendi-

    tures by taking advantage of atomic capa-

    bilities. There is always the danger that

    enthusiastic civilians without an ade-

    quate military background will fix their

    attention solely on the possibilities of

    atomic warfare to the exclusion of limit-ing factors which the military can see.

    There is danger both of going too fast

    and of clinging to the outmoded. The

    military and civilian views in the Penta-

    gon will probably meet by adopting the

    new weapons that are surely an advance

    while retaining the old that may be


    As to the three views about the effect

    of atomic plenty on warfare, some tenta-

    tive conclusions can be drawn.

    Those who believe that strategic bomb-

    ing with nuclear weapons will be de-

    cisive argue that we actually are pursu-

    ing an air-atomic strategy at the present

    (Co1ltinued on page 39)


  • 8/6/2019 Anti-Aircraft Journal - Dec 1953


    - . . . . . " ".ss: es

    Comments on Surface-Based Antiaircraft Missiles

    B y H E N R Y H. P O R T E R

    Applied Physics Laboratory, Tile Joll11s Hopkins Ulliversity


    GUIDED 1 \IlSSILES is a broad held. Its possibilities

    ha\'e caught many imaginations, and guided missiles have

    been dreamed up for every conceivable use and every pock-

    etbook, provided, of course, that the pocketbook is big


    It would be futile to trv to cover the whole field so I

    shall limit my remarks primarily to surface-based antiair-

    craft missiles.All weapons should start from a tactical need, and each

    weapon, if effective, is soon met by countermeasures. Early

    in the nrst \Vorld \Var planes were used primarily for

    reconnaissance. However, the sporting blood of the pilots

    called for combat, and it is said that the hrst missiles used

    were bricks. Thus, the lowly brick is a direct ancestor of

    the modern guided missile. Sometimes missiles seem to

    behave like their ancestors and fly like bricks. Subse-

    quently, pistols and machine guns were used in air-to-air

    combat, and antiaircraft guns were used from the ground.

    Since then, antiaircraft guns have been greatly im-proved; proximity fuzes have increased the effectiveness of

    the system; radar accurately locates the target; computers,

    from a knowledge of the shell trajectories and the past tar-

    get course, predict the point of intersection and aim the

    guns. But this is a losing battle. The increased speed of

    planes, plus the possibility of guiding bombs to the target,

    a possibility that would permit them to remain at long

    ranges, will render antiaircraft guns ineffective. At a range

    of 5 miles, a fast plane will fly over 2 miles after the shell

    leaves the gun and before it arrives at the plane, and few

    pilots are skilful enough to fly that distance accurately

    enough to be hit by a perfectly aimed shot. These consid-

    erations show the need for guiding the missile to the


    The primary characteristics needed in a guided missile

    are range, accuracy, and damage potential. To be tacti-

    cally useful, other requirements are: speed, automatic

    control, traffic capacity, reliability, and low cost for the

    effect achieved.

    Fortunately, scientific progress has developed in many

    fields to the point where it is possible to combine and ex-

    tend them to make guided missiles work. These fields in-

    clude rocketry, jet propulsion, supersonic aerodynamics,structures, miniaturized electronics, servo-mechanisms,

    electronic computers, and radar.

    Address delivered to the Washington Section, Institute of theAeronautical Sciences, December 2, 1952, Washington, D. C.

    *Reprinted from July '53 Aeronautical Engineering Review.


    Design of an Antiaircraft Missile

    Let us make a rough preliminary design of an antiair-

    craft missile to get a feeling for the problems.

    First, we must provide an air frame, light yet tremen-

    dously strong and rigid, with lifting and control surfaces

    capable of high maneuverability at great altitudes, yet

    controllable also at sea level-that is, through a range of air

    densities of about 10 to 1.

    \Ve must also provide a warhead. Present antiaircraft

    shells weigh from 15 to 100 lbs., but, since we are using a

    much larger and more costly missile, we want to assure

    high kill probabilities. Also, airplanes are becoming more

    rugged. \Ve will probably want to allow something in the

    neighborhood of 100 to 500 Ibs. for the warhead,

    To guide the missile to within lethal distance of the

    target we must provide room for an amazing guidance

    system. It must be accurate; it must average out the errorsfed to it; yet, it must be fast enough to follow the target's

    e\'asive maneuvers.

    \Ve must also allow space for the control system. This

    includes the power and mechanisms for moving the con-

    trol surfaces, plus the computers to make the missile stable

    and maneuverable at all altitudes and yet prevent exces-

    sive aerodynamic forces from being imposed at low alti-


    Propulsion Systems

    \Ve must also provide space for a propulsion system. As

    a hrst approximation, let us assume a missile diameter of

    2 ft. If we optimize the length and shape and provide

    lifting and control surfaces, this missile will have a drag of

    about 6,500 Ibs. at a velocity of twice the speed of sound.

    This will require a propulsion system capable of providing

    over 25,000 hp., packaged inside our 2-ft missile, yet one

    that is light and reliable.

    The first propulsion system that comes to mind is a

    rocket, which has the characteristics of thrust and size

    needed. The solid rocket is quite simple in principle. It

    consists of a chamber in which the propellants burn at

    high pressure and a nozzle through which the jet acts. In

    going to large sizes, the chambers become heavy since the

    high-pressure chamber, which must contain the propel-

    lants, becomes large. In a liquid rocket, the combustionchamber can be kept comparatively small and light since

    the propellants are stored outside the chamber, but this re-

    quires pumps, fuel metering, and other complications. All

    this has favored the use of solid rockets for small, short-

    range uses and liquid fuels for larger rockets. The German


  • 8/6/2019 Anti-Aircraft Journal - Dec 1953



    .~==:tTURBOJET -"'-~- F u r : : ' . c " " 'e u 5 T I O : : : - . - - - -

    Fig. 1

    it only gi\'es thrust at high velocities and is ineffective

    much below its designed speed. Because of its simplicity.

    however, the ram-jet can be very light, providing several

    horsepower per ounce. Its fuel economy also is good, sinceit attains a fuel specific impulse of about 1,200 Ibs. sec. per

    lb., or about six times as much as a rocket. It therefore

    needs to carry only about one-sixth of the propellant a

    rocket requires, or, in our hypothetical missile, a .ram-jet

    would only need about 330 Ibs. of fuel instead of a ton.

    The propellant weights are estimated for low-altitude

    Right. At high altitudes, the drag is less, and less propel-

    lant is needed.

    Thus, it appears that the ram-jets (Fig. 2) are much

    better than rockets. However, the decision is not always

    so simple. For this comparison, we have assumed an aero-

    dynamic Right path, one similar to the Hight an airplane

    would make. If a ballistic trajectory similar to a shell is

    considered, this considerably modifies the comparison in

    favor of rockets and extends the range at which rockets are

    competitive, but this in turn imposes certain limitations on



    . . . ~.RAMJET

    V-2 was a liquid-fuel rocket. Recent advances in the

    techniques of solid-fuel rockets. howe\'er, ha\'e made them

    competitive, particularly if the handling problems of the

    corrosive liquid propellants are considered. By its nature .

    a rocket must also carry the oxidizer, as well as the fuel.

    Since this is several times the weight of the fuel itself, only

    a rather low specific impulse of 200 lbs. sec. per lb. of

    propellant is attained-i.e., 1 lb. of propellant will supply

    200 lbs. thrust for 1 sec. or 1 lb. thrust for 200 sec.)If we

    assume a time of Hight of 60 sec.. which means a range of

    about 20 miles for the hypothetical missile we were de-

    signing, we will require about a ton of fuel and oxidizer

    (6,500 X 60/200 =1,950 Ibs.).

    This rough approximation shows that, while rockets are

    good for short-range missiles, the propellant weight be -

    comes excessive where long range is needed. By far the

    greatest amount of the propellant is the oxidizer. Thus, if

    we could use air as the oxidizer, the amount of propellant

    to be carried would be greatly reduced. Engines that do

    this are the pulse-jet, the turbojet, and the ram-jet (Fig.

    1). These arc modifications of the rocket idea to admit air

    into the combustion chamber to burn with the fuel.

    The pulse-jet operates intermittently, admitting air to

    the combustion chamber through valves that automatically

    close to contain the explosion pressure and force the jet

    out the nozzle. The pulse-jet was used by the Germans in

    the V-I. It is not an efficien t propulsion system for super-

    sonic speeds.

    The turbojet, which is now commonly used in jet air-

    craft, uses a turbine compressor to force the air continu-

    ouslv into the combustion chamber under sufficient

    pressure to eject the jet of combustion products through

    the nozzle.

    At supersonic speeds, the ram pressure of the air due to

    the velocity of the missile will provide enough pressure to

    make the jet engine effective. The ram-jet is thus a sim-

    plified turbojet in which the compressor is not needed, but

    - - -- ~ --.

    Fig. 2. Large ram-jet launched at the Naval Ordnance Test Station, Inyokern, Calif. Its velocity was "far into the su-personic range." The ram-jet is boosted to near the speed of sound by a solid-propellant rocket, which falls away, andthe ram-jet engine takes over. Itwas developed for the Navy Bureau of Ordnance by The Johns Hopkins University

    Applied Physics Laboratory and its associate contractors.


  • 8/6/2019 Anti-Aircraft Journal - Dec 1953


    . . . . . . . .- - _ .



    Fig. 3.

    Fig. 4.


    Guidance Systems

    There are a number of possible guidance systems. The

    choice \'aries with the tactical conditions and the philoso-

    phy of use. These can be divided into systems where the


    brains are built into the ground equipment, into the mis-

    sile. or divided between them.

    One philosophy is to make the missile as moronic as pos-

    sible so that as little as possible is lost with each missile.

    Therefore, the brains are built into the ground equip-

    ment, and the missile onlv has to follow orders. It there-fore is generally known as'the Command System (Fig. 4).

    The ground guidance installation must include: equipmentfor tracking the target, generally a radar; another equip-

    ment for tracking the missile: a computer to determine

    the commands that should be gi\'en to guide the missile tothe target; and a communication link to the missile. In

    this system, the compromise has been made in favor of

    complicated and expensive ground equipment that can be

    used many times over.

    Another system is to divide the brains between the

    ground equipment and the missile so as to reduce the

    ground equipment without overcomplicating the missile.

    The Beamrider is an example of this (Fig. 5). Here, theground guidance equipment consists of a radar that tracks

    the target. The missile has enough intelligence to center

    itself in the radar beam. In both the Command andI .

    Beamnder systems the accuracy falls off at long range.

    The final step is to put the brains in the missile. This

    means building a target-seeking system into the missile

    (Fig. 6). This will prove necessary in very long-range

    missiles, since homing accuracy is not necessarily depend-

    ent on the distance from the launchino site. These S\'S-b

    tems are complicated, however, and often need mid-course

    control to guide them to the vicinity of the target. Thehoming problems can be appreciated when you consider

    that the missile and target are closing at a rate of about

    ] mile every 2 sec. so that little time is available for the

    homing system to locate the target and make all corrections

    required to achie\'e a "hit."

    I I


    ~ - - - - - - - - ~




    the ouidance system. In all, the rocket seems best forb

    short-range and the ram-jet for long-range antiaircraft

    missiles. TIle only discussion is over the range at which

    this division comes.

    So far we have only considered the missile in Right.

    There is also the problem of launching the missile and ac -

    celerating it to flight speed. For antiaircraft use, where

    time is of great consequence, it is important to spend aslittle time as feasible in attaining Right velocity. This is

    being done by means of large rockets (Fig. 3) which accel-

    erate the missile to Right speed in a few seconds and then

    generally separate, leaving the missile to fly on unencum-


  • 8/6/2019 Anti-Aircraft Journal - Dec 1953


    M IN UT ES T O 8 0M e R EL EA SE






    Fig. 6.

    Fig. 5.


    Guided Missile In1ercep'tion

    Fig. 7.

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    I TAR'G ET I

    J A

    Air Defense

    Guided-Missile Systems

    So much for the missiles themseh-es. They are only a

    comparatively small part of a guided-missile system. I have

    mentioned the guidance equipment required, but, in ad-

    dition, launchers, handling equipment, stowage, and test

    equipment are necessary. E\'en all this is only a part of the

    system. It must be integrated into an o\'erall air-defense

    system, including detection of enemy attack, identificationof the attackers as hostile, display of the situation, analysis

    of the attack, and allocation of the role each defending

    unit is to play.

    To see what is involved in such a defense system, let us

    make some assumptions and view the overall situation. Itmust be remembered that there is no such thing as a static

    defense. A defense today may be useless next year. All

    we can do is plan our defenses to meet the attack that an

    enemy can throw against us. Therefore, I shall make as-

    sumptions for a hypothetical situation, not based on any

    particular developments or time, primarily to select round

    numbers that make the calculations simple. Let us assume

    that the attacking planes fly at 600 miles per hour or 10

    miles per min., that the guided missiles fly twice as fast as

    the planes, and that they ha\'e a range of 50 mile~

    Since the bomb travels some distance after release, we

    must destroy the attacker before he reaches the bomb-

    release line, which is at least some 5 miles from the target

    (Fig. 7). An important target will probably be defended

    by several missile sites surrounding the city, about 25 miles

    out. Since the missile range is 50 miles, the first missile

    will intercept the attacker 75 miles from the defended

    point, or 7 min. from bomb-release. Moreover, since the

    attacking planes fly 25 miles during the time the missiles

    are flying 50 miles, the missiles must be launched when

    the planes are 100 miles from the target.

    If the missiles must be fired when the attackers are 100

    miles from the target, the missile site must be warned

    earlier in order to man the equipment, ready the missiles,

    and fire (Fig. 8). If we allow 5 min. for this, the missile

    site must be alerted when the attackers are 150 miles from

    the target, or 14.5 min. from bomb-release line. Further-

    more, in order to alert the missile site, the enemy planes

    must be detected and tracked; the attack must be analyzed,and the defense moves allocated to the defending units.

    Time allowance for this means that the enemy should be

    detected 225 miles from the target.


    So far, we have considered only the guided-missile sys-

    tems, but we will also want to use interceptors (Fig. 9).

    They should operate beyond the range of the guided mis-

    siles; so they must complete their attack before missile-

    intercept range, 75 miles from the target, to avoid con-

    fusing the defense. If we allow 10 min. for the entireinterceptor engagement, they must intercept the attackers

    at 175 miles. Now, the interceptor bases need alerting to

    provide time for the interceptors to be manned and climb

    to altitude; therefore, they must be alerted when the at-

    tacking planes are 300 miles from the target. Time for


    Guided Missile Eorly Wornino ond Detection


    .--=:>--==---==-__ =---==---=:>--==---=::J--==--==---==llo l 1 9-1ft """'2 U



    I '" " " '" '"


    - -- - -



    Fig. 8.


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    parison. At the least. one should compare the cost of de-

    stroying an enemy plane by each method. Since. at the

    altitudes of expected attacks. guns do not haye a high

    probability of kill per shot, it is not surprising to find that

    guided missiles will bring down more enemy planes than

    guns for a giyen amount of money e......pended for ammuni-

    tion. In other words, a stock of guided missiles will shoot

    down more enemy planes than a stock of antiaircraft shells

    of equiyalent cost.

    It is true that in a single heavy attack a far greater cost

    could be expended by the guided missiles launched than

    that e;,..pended by any available number of guns. Under

    these conditions, too, guided missiles cost less per plane

    shot down, and the high cost is a criterion of the extremely

    high le\'el of defense. Past experience has indicated that

    an attrition level of 5-10 per cent proyided an adequate

    defense, but now a near-perfect defense is needed. Guided

    missiles give promise of such a defense.

    But the missile cost is only a part of the economic situa-

    tion. The cost of the equipment and the annual cost of

    operation must also be considered. For frequent heayy at-

    tacks. the missile cost is important, but for few small-scale

    attacks it may account for less than 10 per cent of the oyer-

    all cost, e\'en if the capital costs are amortized oyer seyeral


    It turns out that for most systems-guns, guided mis-siles. and interceptors-the capital cost is about twice the

    annual operating cost, or, if the capita~ costs are amortized

    O\'er 4 years. they contribute an additional 50 per cent to

    the cost of the annual operation, Thus, it turns out that

    the major costs of any defense system are the men and

    their support.

    This points out the advantages of long-range systems

    that require fewer installations to co\'er the same area. But

    the longer the range, the higher the cost; the fewer the

    installations, the more easily they can be saturated or de-

    stroyed. The basic problem is to use the funds available to

    provide the best defense for the attacks the enemy can

    make. This defense must include all weapons that contrib-

    ute usefully and must provide for continuing imprm'ement

    to meet the threat of a possible enemy's increasing capabil-



    3rd AAA AW B II (SP)

    CpI Kim Hang Sik, 3rd AAA A \X' Bn gunner, ready with twin 40mm guns on1\119 mount.

    I N Korea the liaison between the in-fantry battalion and supporting artillery

    has in a great way been responsible forthe gigantic toll United Nations artil-

    lery has taken on the enemy. This co-

    ordination involves precise timing, ade-

    quate communication, careful planning,

    and, finally, perfect execution. And for

    the AAA SP platoon, whose four f\ 116's

    and four M19's may encompass four

    miles of front, the problems of proper

    coordination are manifestly enlarged.

    The platoon leader's first commitment

    in a SP platoon move-whether going

    into established positions, in a platoon

    rotation; or moving with the infantry

    into new sites-is to immediately con-

    tact the battalion's S3 section, and the

    artillery liaison officer. Of the two, the

    S3 is of most importance in the initial

    move. If the site has never been occupied

    by AAA AW, he decides upon the pla-

    toon's positions; if the positions have

    been previously occupied, a new infantry

    battalion, and/or a new S3 may dictate

    changes. The platoon leader discusseswith him the capabilities and limitations

    of tracks and weapons. Can the track

    "pull" this hill which would offer good

    position; can the "forties" effectiyely cov-

    er hill "325"; will the quad mount de-

    press enough to hit this possible avenue

    of approach; will harassing and interdic-tion fire be effective at this range? The

    53 learns the number of tracks available

    for the support of his battalion sector.

    From him, the platoon leader learns howmany tracks are to be used primarily for


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    defensi\Oe fire, and how many are to

    be employed for offensive work-bunker

    "busting," sniper shooting, harassing fire.

    and direct support of infantry patrol


    If in a new area, tentative positions

    are chosen by map \'1iOrk,then, the pro-

    posed sites are reconnoitered by the S3

    and the platoon leader. Here the pla-

    toon leader must know the capabilities

    of his weapons; for at the selected site,

    he must tell the S3 exactly what can be

    effectively hit and covered. Although

    the field of fire may be good, perhaps

    the targets, on close observation, do not

    warrant emplacement of a track; or may-

    be an outdated map has not detailed

    terrain features, or does not show re-

    cently constructed roads which might

    make a position accessible; or perhaps

    there is a question as to the effectiveness

    of an Ml9's long-range fire on a "76"

    position. Together they must decide if

    a commitment of a track on the site is


    Once it has definitely been determined

    to occupy the position, there are other

    considerations. An overhead for the track

    is always advisable, but sometimes im-

    practical. If the position is temporary,

    often an overhead is not worthwhile;

    again, perhaps a l l the firing is to be done

    at night, and the track is removed fromfiring position during daylight hours; or

    perhaps the overhead restricts the field

    of fire, or prohibits high-angle, 50-cali-

    ber, plunging fire. The S3 can inform

    the platoon leader of the enemy's artil-

    lery activity in the area. Ifthe two deem

    an overhead mandatory, plans for its con-

    struction are laid.

    Through the S3, arrangements for the

    feeding of the crew, and bunker "accom-

    modatIons," are made with the infantry

    company commander whose people oc-

    cupy the area. Targets of primary in-

    terest are pointed out by the S3 to the

    antiaircraft platoon leader, on maps and

    at the position. Areas for harassing and

    interdiction fire are noted. If the posi-

    tion is primarily defensive, the time and

    place for supporting fires are designated.

    The S3 provides the platoon leader with

    overlays and all counterattack data; it is

    the latter's responsibility to see that the

    movement of his tracks at such an emer-

    gency is closely coordinated with the

    proposed infantry action. And lastly,

    once the positioning of the tracks has

    been definitely established, the platoon


    leader must submit to the infantry bat-

    ta~ion an exacting Q\oerlayof thei~ loca-

    tions and fire concentrations.

    Once the platoon is established. vir-

    tually all coordination is carried on

    through the artillery liaison officer at-

    tached to the infantrv battalion. \Vith

    him, the platoon lead~r reviews prospec-

    thoe targets. Details are thoroughly dis-

    cussed. If the LNO wants an area "H

    and I'd,'" the quantity of ammunition

    needed to do the job effectivelv is con-

    sidered. Generallv the liaison officer has

    a specific time ~hen he wants fire in

    a certain area for harassing work. Per-

    haps enemy patrols are known to be

    using a certain path down a finger at

    dusk each evening; or a draw is being

    used as an assembly area. With such

    objectives in mind, a harassing. and

    interdiction program is Jet up by the

    platoon leader and the LNO: Thev de-

    cide how much ammunition is to be

    expended on specified targets; how long

    in one area the fire is to continue, and

    in what volume; the most advantageous

    time for fire; and how the fire is to be

    conducted-whether, for instance, with

    the 1\116's,it might be better to fire fourhundred rounds sporadically over a half

    hour period, with the probability of mini-

    mizing activity in the area for that peri-

    od of time; or whether it might not bemore advantageous to fire all four hun-

    dred rounds in a five minute period,

    with the possibility of finding an enemy

    troop concentration in the open. A

    "harassing and interdiction" schedule, on

    either a nightly or weekly basis, is ar-

    ranged. A weekly schedule, with times

    of fire and targets varying nightly, gen-

    erally more efficiently precludes the pos-

    sibility of error and misunderstanding

    with the crew. With this schedule, and

    an overlay of the SP positions, the liaisonofficer can make changes through the

    platoon leader, should any of the sched-

    uled fire interfere with friendly patrol


    To complete the coordination, the pla-

    toon leader must contact the forward

    observers who win be directing fire for

    the tracks; the observers will be located

    by the liaison officer. From the observa-

    tion post, and on the maps, the platoon

    leader designates the desired targets. Of-

    ten these are supplemented, and altered

    bv the forward observer. A schedule

    a~d overlay are given the observer, and

    arrangements for target registration are

    completed. Usually each evening the

    weapons are reregistered on the targets

    to be "H and I'd" during the night..And, of course. the ohsenoer periodically

    registers on his "direct fire" targets. The

    platoon leader can often be of great aidto the obsenoer in the registration of the

    platoon's weapons. For instance, it may

    be helpful to tell him with ranges of

    3500 yards and up, the "50's" can bemost easily registered at dusk or early

    dark, when the Hash of the hitting

    rounds may be readily located, long after

    tracer burn-out. Further, the observer

    must be aware of proposed locations of

    the tracks, should they move to alter-

    nate positions to take up defensive roles.

    And again the platoon leader reviews,

    with the obsen'er, the firing capabilities

    and characteristics of his weapons.

    Because of the length of front encom-passed by the SP platoon, coordination

    difficulties are constantly arising, even

    with the platoon positioned, registered,

    and functioning normally. The greatest

    of these involves communications. Lines

    between liaison officer and platoon lead-

    er, and between platoon command post

    and tracks, must at all times be intact.

    The lateral lines, between the observa-

    tion posts and tracks, are particularly

    subject to enemy fire. Alternate routes

    between all parties must be established.Should line communication fail, radio

    contact must be maintained. This com-

    munication is imperative for control and

    coordination. With a harassing and in-

    terdiction program, the platoon leader

    must check daily with as many as three

    different liaison officers. Invariably the

    program involves firing from one battal-

    ion sector into another; and patrol clear-

    ance must definitely be established with

    each infantry unit. Should an emer-

    gency arise, displacement of tracks mustbe cleared through the infantry battal-

    ion; and critical targets must be desig-

    nated. Firing information for patrol and

    armor support must often be relayed.

    And of course the observer's adjustments

    must be transmitted to the crew. Thus

    communication between the SP platoon,

    the liaison officer, the observer, the 53,

    and the tracks is imperative for the coor-

    dination so essential to effective opera-


    Overall coordination requires the con-

    stant attention of the antiaircraft platoon

    leader. First, his platoon is positioned

    (Continued on page 23)


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    .,... - or- .- ..,.... ~ ~

    ~ I--- -~ -- ~ -. . . . . .~Machines of modern warfare have become so complex

    that training men to operate them is a major problem

    By RICHARDS W . C O T T O NCIUlirmml, Electrollics Productioll Board

    A s a whole, the armed forces of thenited States are not now qualified to

    ndle at top efficiency the advanced

    ectronic equipment our scientists have

    ven them. \Ve are not training

    ough men in this complex science to

    erate and maintain what has been


    But what makes these statements so

    tal is that we are making still another

    istake. To most Americans the aver-

    e Russian is a bearded, bomb-throwing

    ullard whom our highly trained and

    ell equipped troops could quickly

    nock out. That just is not so at this

    me. Russia has a huge armed force

    f highly skilled and trained men whose

    ectronic equipment compares favor-bly with our own. It is true that their

    quipment may not be as technically

    erfect, nor as expensive as ours, but it

    designed for the intelligence level of

    er operating troops. They should get

    etween 80 and 90 per cent maximum

    tility out of their electronic gear. Ours

    unquestionably superior-but, com-

    at officers tell me, too often we only

    et approximately 60 per cent of its po-

    ential value. This is caused by insuf-

    cient training, and equipment which

    s overly complex, especially from a

    maintenance standpoint.

    Our readiness for an electronic war,

    ven after two years of Korea, can only

    e described as half-and-half-we are

    alf trained and half equipped.

    Let us admit that soldiers cannot be

    made into proficient technicians in a

    wo-year draft. But I am not recom-

    mending extension of the draft period.

    Lt. Gen. Orval Cooke of the USAFoints out that we do have tremendous

    ational assets in the basic trainability

    f our men-if they can be held in serv-

    *Reprinted from April 1953 issue of Na-on'J BUJineJJ.


    ice long enough-and in the potential

    output of our production lines.

    "These," he says, "compensate for

    the fact that the so-called American in-

    ventive genius is not what we like to

    think it is. \Vho invented jet aircraft?

    Radar? The British. \Vho invented

    such things as the recoilless cannon?

    The Germans and the Swiss. But we

    are great borrowers and producers. Our

    strong points are in the quantitative

    field rather than the qualitative."

    Admitting that in the past 20 years

    the world's greatest inventions have

    not been American and our forte is mass

    production, I also believe that we are

    improving our position qualitatively,

    both in industry and in the training ofour troops in electronic warfare.

    The hard core of modern electronic

    war is the vacuum tube, or "bottle" as

    the GI calls it. 1'lilitary electronic gear

    requires a high degree of training, not

    only to operate it, but also to service it

    either behind the lines, or in actual

    combat. For instance, normal attrition

    accounts for a daily loss of three tubes

    out of every 200 in normal rear echelon

    military bench use. The B-36 carries

    2,700 tubes of all sorts, so you could

    expect 40 to blow every day. In each

    case the trouble must be diagnosed,

    located and repaired, while under way

    or even under fire.

    Freeing the armed forces from the

    need to contract for civilian electronic

    experts to perform necessary mainte-

    nance work will require far more than

    the two years a draftee is now required

    to serve. Industry and the armed forces,

    meeting on equal terms in the Elec-tronics Production Board, agree that it

    takes not less than five years of inten-

    sive training to make an across-the-

    board electronics man out of a high

    school graduate with a good IQ.

    AFTER a draftee has f inished his

    first nine weeks of basic training and

    finally has started on his "common

    block> or basic, electronics, he finds

    many other distractions which take him

    from the classroom. All these demands

    may be important in themselves, but,

    together, they mean that a draftee can

    only be trained on a single phase in the

    electronics field. On this single piece

    of gear he gives the service only an

    average of ten months usefulness out of

    his two-year hitch.

    Of course there are solutions for these

    problems. Some are in industry, some

    in the armed forces-but most are-right-

    fully-in the laps of the American peo-

    ple. It's their survival and the survivalof their sons which we are really dis-

    cussing and it will be their responsibility

    to see that we take remedial action.

    The meaning of all this might be

    made clearer by going back to an incident

    in World War II.

    At that time, the gunnery officer on

    I-1.1'l.S. H.ood was looking with vexa-

    tion at the radar reading given by his

    newfangled electronic fire-control sys-

    tem. It couldn't be right, he thought,

    so he took an optical reading, trans-

    mitted the data to the gun turrets, fired

    at the distant German battleship Bis-

    marck-and missed. In the next few

    seconds the Bismarck's radar-directed

    salvo crashed inboard and the Hood was


    1 \ lilitary electronics-of which radar

    is one of many-actually came into be-

    ing in World War II, principally the

    brain child of Sir Robert \Vatson-\Vatt.

    The impact upon our world has beenprodigious. Because of electronics-and

    nuclear fission-we, as a nation, are in

    much the same position as the Hood's

    gunnery officer-in the next war there

    will be no time for a mistake.


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    Before the war ..\Ir. \Vatson-\YaH

    was trying to measure the exact distance

    between the earth and its encompass-

    ing ionosphere \vith a carefully timed

    transmitter-receiver. It seemed that

    e\"ery time he got his instruments set

    and began transmitting, a plane would

    roar o\'erhead from a nearby airfield.

    Out of patience, the young scientist

    called up the Air Ministry and com-

    plained. The planes caused what he

    called "disturbing echoes."

    "Echoes?" echoed the Air Ministry

    incredulously. "From planes in Right?

    Are you sure?" Watson-Watt was quite

    sure. 'We'll be right around," said the

    Air Ministry.

    That was the beginning of radar.

    IONOSPHERIC measurements wererelegated to an assistant and the young

    scientist became a full-time 'Top Secret

    Boffin;' or top echelon "Back-Room

    Boy," working on the development of

    the devices which were the forerunners

    of those now torturing the minds of our

    young enlistees.

    The Germans later developed a micro-

    wave radar and, until effective counter-

    measures were developed, they made

    life miserable for our bombers, patrol

    craft and raiders. The famous Diepperaid, when so many British and Cana-

    dians died on what seemed a useless

    mission, actually was not just another

    raid. Our Intelligence knew that the

    Germans had something new in radar.

    If we were to learn how to jam it we

    had to get in to see it. The Dieppe raid

    was set up to take a certain stocky,

    medium-sized, ruddy Scotsman ashore

    and let him look-see. Actually, the raid

    was a success. But, for security reasons,

    we could not explain at that time.

    I feel that I am somewhat qualified

    to comment brieRy on the current situa-

    tion. I have been engaged in electrical

    engineering and electronics all my life,

    I believe I was the only American ever

    to serve as an official of the British Gov-

    ernment-during the last war I was ap-

    pointed controller of signals and equip-

    ment in the British Air Commission.

    Shortly after my return to this country,

    I was asked to become director of the

    electronics division of the National

    Production Authority and chairman of

    the Electronics Production Board, One

    of the arms of our defense mobilization

    effort. Having lived with electronics


    e\'er since it was wireless and having

    worked on its military application all

    through a war and a half, I must con-

    fess that I feel a considerable alarm

    over the immediacy of the problem of

    electronic-atomic total war.

    Let us start with equipment.

    Once a Brass Hat came back from a

    naval maneuver, a faraway look in his

    eyes. "If I only had a piece of equip-ment that would spot a snorkel at 100

    miles without picking up waves or drift-

    wood, we could lick the world." His

    dreamboat idea went in time to the re-

    search people. Smart and capable, they

    are, however, not always practical. The

    researchers designed a monster which

    would do all that was asked of it and

    perhaps a bit more, but it was so com-

    plex that only the designers themselves

    could operate or maintain it.Finally it got to the manufacturer

    who said it must be simplified for pro-duction. The simplifying procedure con-

    tinued as the production engineers

    pointed out Raws. The design for a piece

    of electronics frequently comes from re-

    search including a type of vacuum tube

    that does not even exist, except as an

    equation on paper.

    In making it, the manufacturer's en-

    gineers may find that 99 ohms perform

    better than the 100 ohms the specifica-tions call for. The resulting paper chase

    may require weeks-even months.

    And, always, before we get into full

    production we must solve two severe

    problems-complexity of design and

    contract formalities. I am reminded of

    a v':artime example of what happens

    when, as an air vice marshal on Gen-

    eral Eisenhower's staff said to me, "the

    Boffins forget that the ultimate product

    must be suited to the mentality of the

    sergeants' mess."

    In World War II, the United States

    obtained the sonar target depth deter-

    mining device from the British. It con-

    tained something less than 30 vacuum

    tubes, took up little shipboard space,

    and needed one crewman. Since the

    war we have "improved" it. Our version

    has about 235 tubes, takes up half a

    room, and requires two more men just

    to keep it operational. Its increased

    efficiency is slight.

    A good rule-of-thumb is that, for

    every man aboard a fighting ship, you

    have to add eight tons displacement for

    such things as fuel, water, food, cloth-

    ing and gear. On top of that is the new

    electronics equipment itself. the addi.

    tional tubes and spares necessary fot

    day-to-day maintenance.

    The electronics industry, left free to

    use its own ingenuity, mowd in the op-

    posite direction. The typical television

    receiver of 1 9 - 1 - 9 used 26 tubes. Todav's

    typical set uses 21 tubes, gives better

    performance, has simplified comrols,more reliability and easier maintenance.

    A radar device of considerable Com-

    plexity was installed in a ship whose

    identity isn't important here. Its cap-

    tain brought the vessel into a navy yard

    and the electronics technical officer hur.

    ried aboard to check on performance.

    The captain was almost ecstatic.' He

    pointed with pride to a steadily rotating

    scanner on his mast.

    "Couldn't get along without it," he

    burbled. ".:\1arvelous thing." Elatedby this praise, the ETO went below

    and found a young lieutenant with a

    couple of ET-3s (electronic technician,

    third class) poring over a massive vol-

    ume of circuits. The ETO asked how

    the equipment was operating. One tech-

    nician carefully closed the door.

    "That thing!" grated the lieutenant.

    "It hasn't worked for three days. I just

    kept the scanner rotating to please the

    old man. He sees it going around and

    around and thinks everything is dandy."

    THE ETO sent one of his Tech Reps,

    known as contract engineers, aboard

    and in a day he had it working prop-

    erly. These contract engineers-aver.

    aging ten years' experience in main-

    taining all types of electronic gear-go

    to the armed sen'ices from the electronic

    industry to teach the officers and crew

    how to maintain and operate their own

    equipment. But in practice they often

    wind up doing the repair work them-

    selves and rarely have time for in-

    struction. VVhen I complained of this

    to one admiral he insisted that it \vas

    necessary because he "had to maintain

    constant battle readiness:'

    I pointed out that, in demanding bat-

    tle readiness. he was losing his war

    readiness. There simply would not be

    enough men to do a full wartime job if

    enough enlisted men were not trained

    to meet the vastly increased demands

    of an all-out \var.

    While an Army hitch is likely to be

    two years, a ~avy cruise is for three or

    four and an Air Force enlistment for


  • 8/6/2019 Anti-Aircraft Journal - Dec 1953


    four vears. A draftee's sen'ice in any

    branch is for hvo vears. The latter two

    sen'ices obviously have a much easier

    time licking the training problem if they

    obtain all the men thev want.

    Both the Air Forc; and the Nan'

    are "ven', ven- nice" to the bovs the last

    few mo~ths 0 ' their l:erms of ;nlistment.

    If they can get a man to stay on for

    nm enlistments they know that, at

    ,,'orst, they have a fully trained elec-

    tronics man in the resen'oir of the na-

    tion's resen'e manpower. At best they

    ha\'e been able to show him that, after

    completing eight years, he is nearly

    halfway to the 2o-year retirement period

    -\,,:hich means a basic retirement pay

    of more than $50 a week and a com-

    pletely learned trade at a probable age

    of only 38. He is then in a position to

    go into priyate business in a field which

    is now avid for stable and knowledge-

    able young men.

    If we are forced into a war in Europe

    it is important to us that electronic gear

    supplied to our allies be kept operable.

    .Where we are providing our allies with

    such equipment, it seems to me with

    the draftee's length of service in NATO

    countries being only 18 months, it is

    vital that we also provide the necessary

    electronic engineers to train allied per-


    We have spent more than $15,000,-000,000 on military electronics since

    the war and are now up to a national

    annual expenditure of $2,500,000,000

    a year. This is very big business, as well

    as a vital part of our survival. It is

    reasonable to state that, if electronicsalone can't win a war, no modern war

    can be won without it. It thus ceases

    to be a purely military problem. We

    cannot surrender our civilian control of

    well planned military progress. We

    must demand that it be properly man-aged and fully exploited.

    THE Germans standardized their

    manufacture for wartime on 16 types of

    vacuum tubes. On our JAN (Joint

    Army Navy) preferred lists are more

    than 300 with probably another 1,000

    or so special purpose tubes. The huge

    number complicates both production

    and usage.

    Such a list needs ruthless editing. Ispeak both as one .with some govern-

    mental background and also as a prac-

    tical industrialist.


    Simplification in maintammg and

    operating the Hying and fire control

    systems of supersonic aircraft must begin

    with the designer and continue e\-en

    after the prototype has been accepted

    and the device placed in sen'ice. One

    answer is to extend "The Little Black

    Box," or the "Go, l\o-go" technique of


    "The Little Black Box" is a complete

    unit which can be plugged into a circuit

    or system. Using such a box, all the

    operator maintenance man has to do is

    to plug a mobile testing console into

    each box on a "Go, No-go" test. If it is

    a case of no-go, the faulty box is ripped

    out as a complete unit, replaced with a

    perfect one and the failure sent back to

    the factory.

    Many oppose this policy of immedi-

    ate return to the factory, but, as a fac-

    tory man, I know that we frequently

    get con:Hictingreports of equipment fail-

    ures from the fighting front. This is

    especially true when field repair work

    has been attempted. But, as one pilot

    put it, "When you are traveling 600

    miles an hour it is a bad time to be in

    a quandary." If 'The Little Black Box"

    is returned to the factory, persistent

    breakdowns can be isolated and remedial

    measures taken.

    The Air Force is improving this sys-

    tem. In World War II, it hauled outwhole engines or gun assemblies and

    replaced them; the repairs or cannibali-

    zation coming later, at leisure and in the

    rear. The Navy complains, however,

    that carrying "The Little Black Boxes"

    aboard ship is tantamount to carrying

    another radar or sonar set on an already

    overcrowded vessel. The Army con-

    tends, with wisdom, that it is logistically

    impossible to send the boxes back across

    a sea for repair and that we must estab-

    lish small shops in rear areas, which ineffect would be little factories.

    We have already taken one long step

    toward efficiency and simplification. We

    are getting away from the cry of "secur-

    ity" every time a nonmilitary man makes

    a suggestion or asks a pertinent ques-

    tion. But, in the solution of this over-

    all problem, industry must have an in-

    creasing voice and the opportunity to

    make changes in design. Incentive con-

    tracts should be let which would re-

    ward the contractor for recommenda-tions and actions leading to reductions

    in the number of operational controls,

    size, weight, the number of components

    and cost in a device which will stillproduce the same or a better operational


    The present system of contracting is

    one of the major faults in the world of

    military electronics. Frequently one

    company receives a research and devel-

    opment contract, completes it satisfac-

    torily and then finds that the manu-

    facturing contract is awarded elsewhere.

    The reason is an archaic lowest-bidder

    law. In the past few months I have

    seen more than $6,000,000 of contracts

    awarded to companies that were un-

    able to carry them out. Two companies,

    in fact, went bankrupt in their efforts

    to carry out contracts which, for their

    own sakes alone, thev never should

    have been allowed to ~ndertake.

    Such contracts should be awarded

    only to qualified electronics manufac-

    turers. I have recommended that, in our

    all-important guided missile program, it

    should be mandatory that the work cov-

    ering electronic research, development

    and production be subcontracted only

    to qualified manufacturers .

    THE guided missile known as the

    Matador, for example, presented such

    a problem in the early days that 95 per

    cent of the tubes delivered for use had

    to be rejected. A guided missile deliverssuch a terrific shock in its period of

    initial fast acceleration that a whole

    series of new problems arise. The mis-

    sile at one time required a lieutenant

    commander and his staff to check it out

    electronically for flight; it now takes one

    chief petty officer and a mobile console

    testing unit. I asked a chief one day

    what he thought of the complete box

    unit and the "Go, no-go" theory.

    Grinning, he said, UNobody dismounts

    a tire and patches the tube on the roadany more, does he? He just takes the

    tire off, slaps another one on, and sends

    the old one in to the experts for repair,

    nicht ' tlJahr?"

    The next time I saw that chief with

    his scraps of various foreign languages

    picked up in six years of service, he was

    in civilian clothes, doing about the same

    sort of job. I asked him about it. The

    answer was simple.

    "1\lore money, Skipper."

    He had left the Na,,'Yand joined thefield staff of a major manufacturer at

    nearly double the pay.

    There, for one example, is the type of


  • 8/6/2019 Anti-Aircraft Journal - Dec 1953


    problem o\'er which I could develop a

    fine case of schizophrenia. As a manufac-

    turer, I know that my industry as a

    whole is understaffed for engineers; we

    go to great lengths to obtained trained

    men, At the same time, as a part-time

    goyernment official, I am anxious that

    the senrices obtain and retain the tre--

    mendous numbers of electronically

    trained men they require now-a need

    which will be multiplied in wartime.

    Maj. Gen. Kirk B. Lawton, recentlydeputy chief signal officer and now com-

    manding general of the Signal School

    at Fort Monmouth, N. J . , and I werediscussing this problem recently. I

    asked him where he thought he was go-

    ing to find the men to operate and re-

    pair his equipment if war came. He

    grinned, then said: 'Where will we get

    them-? From you. As things stand

    now we'll just have to draft them right

    out of industry." I pointed out that, if

    all the affected services did that, they

    would SOOnfind that no new electronic

    equipment was being delivered to them.

    Again, in this scarce field, industry and

    the services must collaborate and not


    Lest you get the impression that

    modern electronics is a mass of popping

    tubes and inadequate personnel, let me

    state that large numbers of competentmen, both in and out of the services,

    are seriously trying to solve the riddles.

    However, they are restricted in their

    efforts by enlistment and draft periods,

    limitations on promotions, pay and other

    considerations which only Congress

    can correct.

    But ridiculous things can happen,

    too, to leaven the urgency of the search.

    Take the strange case of the USS New

    Jersey. The New Jersey steamed out of

    the Gulf of Panama and swung north-west for Sasebo, Japan. Her search

    radar began going a little erratic. Some

    days it would be effective for 80 miles,

    other days it would drop to a mere ten

    or 20.

    After a time in which the watch

    seemed inadequate to locate the trouble,

    an officer and the electronic crew of 33

    specialists went to work without results.

    Then the ship reached Sasebo. A young

    civilian expert came aboard and, in a

    short time, \vas climbing up the mast

    grinning broadly. There was the wave-

    guide-a small screen about five by eight

    inches and similar to the one you might

    have on your tele\rision-and in it was a

    small dead Panamanian crow. The bird

    had been caught in the waveguide while

    the New Jersey was going through thelocks and had been fried to a crisp. The

    search radar continued to work after a

    fashion, but, whenever it rained, the

    bird's body picked up moisture which

    shorted out the set until the sun and

    electric current dried it out again.

    O N E Reet commander estimatedthat, mostly due to incompletely trained

    personnel, ten per cent of his electronic

    gear was always out of commission, that

    another 50 per cent was unreliable.

    Thus, in that Reet 60 per cent of the

    total of vital electronic equipment in

    service was in poor condition.

    The Navy is not unique in this.

    Electronics are new and most of the

    officers of today are not. The majority

    went through their academies before

    ultra-high frequencies were common;

    most of the rest have received basic

    training with a lot of theory enabling

    them to administer installations, but not

    really to teach and carry out detailed

    repair work under field conditions. Pity,then, the enlisted man whose basic

    training is not adequate to cure prompt-

    ly a complex disorder in a unit of vital

    equipment, and whose officers angrily

    demand that it be fixed immediately.

    By working all night he may stumble

    across the answer. That answer may

    be to get out of the Navy.

    The new bombsight in our B-36

    plane is basically an electronic device.

    It costs about $250,000, as contrasted

    with the $8,000 bombsight of WorldWar II. The new bombsight is only

    one of dozens of items of essential com-

    bat equipment. Some of these items on

    the B-36 cannot be reached from inside

    for repair while in Right. But most of

    the vital equipment can be, and re-

    design has spread it around the inside of

    the aircraft in such a manner that one

    shell or rocket hit will not disable the

    plane's entire system.

    In arguing for simplicity of equip-

    ment as a first step toward breaking

    the personnel training impasse, it must

    not be misunderstood that we want to

    hold back the scientist in his develop-

    ment of new weapons. It is, perhaps,

    a matter of conditioning our young men

    to modern progress. I cannot believe

    that the young men of today are any

    brighter than those of 25 or 50 years

    ago-and they certainly are no duller.

    Human capacity to absorb new

    knowledge will, in time, reduce taday's

    problem in electronics to nothing-but

    that makes taday's problem no less real,

    its solutions no less urgent.

    But, meanwhile, it is my belief that,

    when an idea for a new military item

    is given to the research and development

    engineers, it should be clearly spelled

    out that the resultant equipment must

    be such that it can be operated efficient-

    ly and maintained readily by men withan average level of intelligence and

    training such as presently constitute our

    armed services.

    I do not agree with the recent Assist-

    ant Secretary of Defense, Anna M.

    Rosenberg, when she replied to a letter

    of mine on this subject, saying: "The

    services' career programs have devel-

    oped ample promotion opportunities for

    qualified personne1." Nor do I agree that

    she is correct when she insists that the

    services have been able to supply suf-ficient personnel to conduct their operat-

    ing electronics programs.

    This attitude on personnel is unreal-

    istic and the services know it. Not only

    must our draftees and enlistees be given

    more in-service inducements to take up

    the severe mental strain of this career

    within the Army. A man must also be

    attracted to it because of its identification

    with high-paying civilian jobs, when and

    if he should return to civilian life.One plan that has been suggested is

    that after a man has been in the Army

    for a year and shown some aptitude for

    this type of work, he should at that time

    be given opportunity to re-enlist for a

    period of four or five years to obtain this

    training in full, including the necessary

    math for true proficiency-and all with

    the proviso that he will remain available

    in the reserves when he takes his ac-

    quired skills into private industry.


    No man is fit to command another that cannot command himself.-WiIliam Penn.


  • 8/6/2019 Anti-Aircraft Journal - Dec 1953


    A ID S F O R T H E R A N G E U M P IR E


    A sa battalion or battery commander,

    have you silently "cussed" the records

    section when the BC scope operators

    were unable to find the sleeve? Or, as

    a records section officer, have you franti-

    cally attempted to assist the O2 station in

    locating the target, being able to give

    only vague directions in purely descrip-

    tive terms? This situation arose frequent-

    ly at the Katakai Firing Range on the

    east coast of Japan. (The range is oper-

    ated by the 138th AAA Group under

    the command of CoL H. B. Hudiburg.)Scattered clouds, or extra bright days,

    when no white sleeves were available,

    contributed to this difficulty.

    The problem was overcome by the

    creation of a simple plotting board,

    which could easily be made for any AMrange. The instrument (christened lo-

    cally, the "Pogo Stick") consists of 3

    pieces of plexiglass. One is in the shape

    of a cross section of a gymnasium dumb-

    bell with an etched center line represent-

    ing the base line. It has an azimuth

    circle etched on each end, in proper

    orientation with the base line. A hole

    for a bolt is drilled at the exact center

    of each azimuth circle, and the center of

    each hole represents one end of the 0,-00 line. A scale of 1 inch =1000 vards

    w;s used for the base line and for ir-adu-

    ating the two range arms, which are one

    inch in vvidth and thirty inches in

    length. The range arms are bolted to

    the base line piece, but are free to rotate

    easily. Each arm is graduated in 1000

    yard increments, with the left edge de-

    lineating the line of sight of each azi-

    muth BC scope.

    When the O2 station loses the target

    at the far end of the course, the observer

    notifies a computer at 0, by telephone.The computer quickly obtains azimuth

    and slant range from the unit radar by

    telephone. He sets the left edge of the

    0,arm at the radar azimuth and sets the

    O2 arm to intersect the 0, arm at the

    slant range from 0,, Then he reads theazimuth under the left edge of the O2arm and transmits it to the O2 operator.

    The O2 BC scope searches on this azi-

    muth. The 0, computer keeps obtain-

    ing azimuth and slant range from the

    radar and sending new azimuths to 02'until the target is found. The O2 opera-

    tors are able to estimate the elevation

    closely enough to bring the sleeve within

    their field of vision, as long as they have

    an azimuth to search on, and easily lo-

    cate the target.

    The "Pogo Stick" also provides a quick

    and convenient means of checking the

    pointing data computed for O2 prior to

    firing calibration or trial fire problems.

    Inexperienced range officers occasionally

    make errors in these computations, but

    the "Pogo Stick" reveals the mistake at


    This simple instrument could be elab-

    Bore Plug 90mm



    orated to have the base line and azi-muth circles adjustable so that it couId

    be readily adapted to any AAA range.

    It could also be machined with such

    precision that O2 pointing data could be

    taken from it directly and lengthy com-

    putations avoided.

    Another scoring aid improvised for the

    Katakai Range was a bore plug of plexi-

    glass for scoring the emplacement test.

    Under the scoring system outlined in

    TM 44-234, October 1952, the umpire

    must determine whether the target is

    carried in the inner one-half bore radius

    or outer one-half bore radius of the gun


    The bore plugs, for both 90mm and

    120mm guns, were made in the shape

    of a Hattened doughnut, with the cen-

    ter hole the exact size of a circle having

    a radius equal to one-half of the bore

    radius. The outside diameter of the bore

    plug is slightly larger than the muz-

    zle of the gun tube, and a ~ inch gap

    is cut completely through each plug.

    This permits it to be compressed slightly

    when being inserted in the muzzle end

    of the tube, a~d expansion holds it firmly

    in place.

    The umpire then has a clear hole for

    vie'wing targets carried within the center

    one-half of the bore radius, and targets

    carried in the outer one-half will be

    viewed through the plexiglass.

    Gun batteries of the 138th AAA

    Group firing at Katakai Firing Range are

    thus assured of minimum delay due to

    the O2 station failing to find the sleeve,

    and of a fair score on the emplacement

    test phase of the service practice. Guess-

    \vork on this part of the scoring is

    totally eliminated.




  • 8/6/2019 Anti-Aircraft Journal - Dec 1953


    R A D A R C A M O U F L A G E


    IT was inevitable that with the firm

    establishment of radar in the family of

    military detecting devices, consider-

    able thought should be given to means

    to thwart this instrument. Both active

    and passive measures have been used.

    The active measures consist of some

    method of creating signals on the scope

    of the radar, either to hide the real signal

    or to create a deceptive signal. The hid-

    ing of the true signal is called JAM-

    MING. This may be done either elec-tronically or mechanically. El~tronic

    jamming is accomplished by the trans-

    mission of modulated radio signals. M e-chanical jamming is performed by drop-

    ping window or some similar substance.

    The active measures, by this date, are

    well known to radar operators since

    instruction in them is included in all

    radar courses. (See "Radar Countermeas-

    mes"-Coast Artillery Journal, Sept.-Oct.


    Passive Measures. However, little hasbeen published about passive measures.

    These have two general categories, eva-

    sion and camouflage. Evasion consists

    of tactics that are designed to take ad-

    vantage of the limitations of radar to pre-

    vent or postpone radar detection, or to

    avoid revealing the true position of an

    attacking force. If attacking planes take

    evasive action it may be impossible to

    determine the height at which they are

    flying or the planes may be detected too

    late for an adequate defense to be made

    ready. It is common practice for planes

    to approach "on the deck" thus exploit-

    ing both the poor low coverage of low-

    frequency, long-range radars and limita-

    lieutenant Colonel Orman has been a fre-quent author of articles on radar in this

    Journal since 19M, a number of which (in-

    cluding "Radar Countermeasures") were se-lected for publication in the Journal pamphlet,Radar. He is also author of the book, Elec-

    tronic Navigation. USMAgraduate in 1940,he has attended radar courses at Harvard andM. I. T. and took his master's degree in elec-tronics at Pennsylvania in 1951. He nowserves on AFFBoord No.4, at Fort Bliss,as

    Chief of the Test Group.


    tions of coverage imposed by curvature

    of the earth.

    Camouflage. Camoul:l~ging a target

    consists in finding a means of reducing

    the radiation returned to the receiver of

    the radar set which illuminates the tar-

    get. This radiation may be either ab-

    sorbed or reflected away from the radar.

    Both methods of camouflaging have been


    Absorption of incident radiation may

    be accomplished by a "paint" (which

    more nearly resembles linoleum in its

    mechanical properties). Such paint is

    sensitive to wave length, so that in gen-

    eral only one band of radar frequencies

    can be effectively nullified. Physicallim-

    itations on a reasonable thickness for

    this absorbent coating indicate that it

    would be useful in only the microwave

    region (about 10cm or less).

    During the war the Germans used an

    anti-radar coating on their Schnorkels.

    Their material was about %" thick and

    reported to be effective at both S- and

    X-bands. Comparison of the radar signals

    from the coated and uncoated sides of

    an object showed that this paint is effec-

    tive in reducing the strong broadside

    signal but that it does not reduce the

    signal at angles more than a few de-

    grees off broadside.

    It is doubtful if such material will be

    used on airplanes. The speed and range

    of aircraft would be considerably re-duced by the application of paint this

    thick. Then too, as indicated above,

    even with the anti-radar coating the

    aspect of the target plays a large part in

    the size of the echo. Since aircraft change

    aspect much more than surface vessels,

    the reduction of echo from a plane by

    the application of an anti-radar paint is

    extremely dubious.

    In general, the use of anti-radar paint

    may prove useful in some special appli-

    cations, but its rather critical dependenceon wave length and angle of incidence,

    and its present limitation to the micro-

    wave region, make its general use for

    camoul:lage of doubtful value. A com-

    bination of anti-radar paint and shaped

    surfaces might be used.

    Eff~t of Shape on Refl~tion. Both

    aspects of this problem are of interest,

    i.e., increasing a radar echo and decreas-

    ing a radar echo. There are many ap-

    plications of devices which have been



    cP -e /cI )


    B ' V

    Figure 1. Illustration of basic principleof corner reflector.

    built to deliberately give good echoes.

    Comer reflectors are being used to pro-vide good echoes from meteorological bal-

    loons, from AA targets, as aids in locating

    rafts at sea, as orienting devices for

    radars, as markers for channel buoys and

    obstructions to marine navigation. The

    principle used is illustrated in Figure 1

    and is easily understood. Other devices

    such as the use of metal mesh inter-

    woven with cloth materials have been

    used to increase radar reflectivity.

    The decreasing of radar echoes has

    also been investigated. The energy re-turned to a radar set by a target may be

    divided into two types: the specular re-

    ~tion, which occurs at those areas at

    which the radar beam strikes the target


  • 8/6/2019 Anti-Aircraft Journal - Dec 1953


    surface normally; and diffraction, which

    occurs at the edges of a target. Specular

    reRection of a radar beam has its optical

    analogy in the reflection of light by a

    mirror. If a beam of light falls perpendic-

    ularly on a mirror, the light is strongly

    reRected back toward the source. Optical

    diffraction may be observed by holding

    a razor blade in a beam of light; the edge

    of the blade will appear as a bright line.Specular reflection, which accounts for

    much of the radar signal from ordinary

    targets, may of course be eliminated by

    simply tilting all surfaces away from an

    incident beam (if possible). The re-maining part of the signal (that due

    to diffraction) may be diminished by"rounding off" all the edges of a target.

    In conclusion it may be said that a

    great deal may be done to diminish theradar echo of targets, thereby reducing

    their range of detection. It app

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