Download - Antenna Patch

  • 8/13/2019 Antenna Patch


  • 8/13/2019 Antenna Patch


    Examp le Probe Feed Patch Antenna

    Gett ing Started


    Launch ing Ansoft HFSS 1. To access Ansoft HFSS, click the Microsoft Start button, se lect Programs, and se lect

    the Ansoft > HFSS 10 program group. Click HFSS 10.

    Sett ing Too l Opt ions To set the too l opt ions:

    Note: In order to follow the steps out lined in th is examp le, ver ify that the follow ing too l opt ions are set :

    1. Se lect the menu item Too ls > Opt ions > HFSS Opt ions 2. HFSS Opt ions Window:

    1. Click the Genera l tabUse Wizards for data entry when creat ing new boundar ies: CheckedDup licate boundar ies with geometry: Checked

    2. Click the OK button3. Se lect the menu item Too ls > Opt ions > 3D Mode ler Opt ions. 4. 3D Mode ler Opt ions Window:

    1. Click the Operat ion tab Automat ica lly cover closed po lylines: Checked

    2. Click the Draw ing tabEd it property of new pr imitives: Checked

    3. Click the OK button

    Ansoft High Frequency Structure S imu lator v10 Users Gu ide 5.3-2

  • 8/13/2019 Antenna Patch


    Examp le Probe Feed Patch Antenna

    Open ing a New Pro ject To open a new pro ject:

    1. In an Ansoft HFSS window, click the On the Standard too lbar, or se lect the menu item File > New .

    2. From the Pro ject menu, se lect Insert HFSS Design .


    Set So lut ion Type To set the so lut ion type:

    1. Se lect the menu item HFSS > So lution Type 2. So lut ion Type Window:

    1. Choose Dr iven Term ina l 2. Click the OK button

    Ansoft High Frequency Structure S imu lator v10 Users Gu ide 5.3-3

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  • 8/13/2019 Antenna Patch


    Examp le Probe Feed Patch Antenna 5.3

    Create Substrate To create the substrate:

    1. Se lect the menu item Draw > Box 2. Using the coord inate entry f ie lds, enter the box posit ion

    X: -5.0, Y: -4.5, Z: 0.0, Press the Enter key2. Using the coord inate entry f ie lds, enter the opposite corner of the box

    dX: 10.0, dY: 9.0, dZ: 0.32, Press the Enter keyTo set the name:

    1. Se lect the Attr ibute tab from the Propert ies window.


    For the

    Va lue





    3. Click the OK buttonTo f it the view:

    1. Se lect the menu item View > Fit All > Active View . Or press the CTRL+D key

    Ansoft High Frequency Structure S imu lator v10 Users Gu ide 5.3-5

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    Examp le Probe Feed Patch Antenna 5.3

    Create Inf inite Ground To create the inf in ite ground:

    1. Se lect the menu item Draw > Rectang le 2. Using the coord inate entry f ie lds, enter the rectang le posit ion

    X: -5.0, Y: -4.5, Z: 0.0, Press the Enter key3. Using the coord inate entry f ie lds, enter the opposite corner of the rectang le:

    dX: 10.0, dY: 9.0, dZ: 0.0, Press the Enter keyTo set the name:

    1. Se lect the Attr ibute tab from the Propert ies window.


    For the

    Va lue




    Inf _GND

    3. Click the OK buttonTo f it the view:

    1. Se lect the menu item View > Fit All > Active View .

    Ass ign a Perfect E boundary to the Inf inite Ground To se lect the trace:

    1. Se lect the menu item Ed it > Se lect > By Name 2. Se lect Ob ject Dia log,

    1. Se lect the ob jects named: Inf _GND2. Click the OK button

    To assign the Perfect E boundary1. Se lect the menu item HFSS > Boundar ies > Assign > Perfect E 2. Perfect E Boundary window

    1. Name: PerfE _Inf _GND2. Inf inite Ground P lane: Checked3. Click the OK button

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  • 8/13/2019 Antenna Patch


    Examp le Probe Feed Patch Antenna

    Create Inf inite Ground Cut Out To create the cut out:

    1. Se lect the menu item Draw > Circle 2. Using the coord inate entry f ie lds, enter the center posit ion

    X: -0.5, Y: 0.0, Z: 0.0, Press the Enter key3. Using the coord inate entry f ie lds, enter the rad ius:

    dX: 0.16, dY: 0.0, dZ: 0.0, Press the Enter keyTo set the name:

    1. Se lect the Attr ibute tab from the Propert ies window.


    For the

    Va lue




    Cut _Out

    3. Click the OK buttonTo f it the view:

    1. Se lect the menu item View > Fit All > Active View


    Comp lete the Inf inite Ground To se lect the ob jects Inf _GND & Cut _Out:

    1. Se lect the menu item Ed it > Se lect > By Name 2. Se lect Ob ject Dia log,

    1. Se lect the ob jects named: Inf _GND, Cut _Out2. Click the OK button

    To comp lete the r ing:1. Se lect the menu item 3D Mode ler > Boo lean > Subtract 2. Subtract Window

    Blank Parts: Inf _GnDToo l Parts: Cut _OutClone too l ob jects before subtract: UncheckedClick the OK button

    Ansoft High Frequency Structure S imu lator v10 Users Gu ide 5.3-7

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    Examp le Probe Feed Patch Antenna 5.3

    Create Patch To create the patch:

    1. Se lect the menu item Draw > Rectang le 2. Using the coord inate entry f ie lds, enter the rectang le posit ion

    X: -2.0, Y: -1.5, Z: 0.32, Press the Enter key3. Using the coord inate entry f ie lds, enter the opposite corner of the rectang le:

    dX: 4.0, dY: 3.0, dZ: 0.0, Press the Enter keyTo set the name:

    1. Se lect the Attr ibute tab from the Propert ies window.


    For the

    Va lue





    3. Click the OK buttonTo f it the view:

    1. Se lect the menu item View > Fit All > Active View .

    Ass ign a Perfect E boundary to the Trace To se lect the trace:

    1. Se lect the menu item Ed it > Se lect > By Name 2. Se lect Ob ject Dia log,

    1. Se lect the ob jects named: Patch2. Click the OK button

    To assign the Perfect E boundary1. Se lect the menu item HFSS > Boundar ies > Assign > Perfect E 2. Perfect E Boundary window

    1. Name: PerfE _Patch2. Click the OK button

    Ansoft High Frequency Structure S imu lator v10 Users Gu ide 5.3-8

  • 8/13/2019 Antenna Patch


    Examp le Probe Feed Patch Antenna

    Set Defau lt Mater ia l To set the defau lt mater ia l:

    1. Using the 3D Mode ler Mater ia ls too lbar, choose vacuum


    Create the Coax To create the coax:

    1. Se lect the menu item Draw > Cylinder 2. Using the coord inate entry f ie lds, enter the cylinder posit ion

    X: -0.5, Y: 0.0, Z: 0.0 Press the Enter key


    Using the

    coord inate


    f ie lds,



    rad ius:

    dX: 0.16, dY: 0.0, dZ: 0.0 Press the Enter key4. Using the coord inate entry f ie lds, enter the he ight:

    dX: 0.0, dY: 0.0, dZ: -0.5 Press the Enter keyTo set the name:

    1. Se lect the Attr ibute tab from the Propert ies window.2. For the Va lue of Name type: Coax3. Click the OK button

    To f it the view:

    1. Se lect the menu item View > Fit All > Active View .

    Ansoft High Frequency Structure S imu lator v10 Users Gu ide 5.3-9

  • 8/13/2019 Antenna Patch


    Examp le Probe Feed Patch Antenna

    Set Defau lt Mater ia l To set the defau lt mater ia l:

    1. Using the 3D Mode ler Mater ia ls too lbar, choose Se lect2. Se lect Def inition Window:

    1. Type pec in the Search by Name f ie ld2. Click the OK button


    Create the Coax P in To create the coax pin:

    1. Se lect the menu item Draw > Cylinder 2. Using the coord inate entry f ie lds, enter the cylinder posit ion

    X: -0.5, Y: 0.0, Z: 0.0 Press the Enter key3. Using the coord inate entry f ie lds, enter the rad ius:

    dX: 0.07, dY: 0.0, dZ: 0.0 Press the Enter key4. Using the coord inate entry f ie lds, enter the he ight:

    dX: 0.0, dY: 0.0, dZ: -0.5 Press the Enter keyTo set the name:

    1. Se lect the Attr ibute tab from the Propert ies window.2. For the Va lue of Name type: Coax _P in3. Click the OK button

    To f it the view:1. Se lect the menu item View > Fit All > Active View .

    Ansoft High Frequency Structure S imu lator v10 Users Gu ide 5.3-10

  • 8/13/2019 Antenna Patch


    Examp le Probe Feed Patch Antenna

    Create the Wave port To create a circle that represents the port:

    1. Se lect the menu item Draw > Circle 2. Using the coord inate entry f ie lds, enter the center posit ion

    X: -0.5, Y: 0.0, Z: -0.5 Press the Enter key3. Using the coord inate entry f ie lds, enter the rad ius of the circle:

    dX: 0.16, dY: 0.0, dZ: 0.0 Press the Enter keyTo set the name:

    1. Se lect the Attr ibute tab from the Propert ies window.


    For the

    Va lue





    3. Click the OK buttonTo se lect the ob ject Port1:

    1. Se lect the menu item Ed it > Se lect > By Name 2. Se lect Ob ject Dia log,

    1. Se lect the ob jects named: Port12. Click the OK button

    To assign wave port excitat ion1. Se lect the menu item HFSS > Excitat ions > Assign > Wave Port

    2. Wave Port : Genera l 1. Name: p12. Click the Next button

    3. Wave Port : Term ina ls1. Number of Term ina ls: 1,2. For T1, click the Undef ined co lumn and se lect New Line3. Using the coord inate entry f ie lds, enter the vector posit ion

    X: -0.34, Y: 0.0, Z: -0.5, Press the Enter key4. Using the coord inate entry f ie lds, enter the vertex

    dX: -0.09, dY: 0.0, dZ: 0.0, Press the Enter key5. Click the Next button

    4. Wave Port : Different ia l Pa irs1. Click the Next button

    5. Wave Port : Post Processing1. Reference Impedance: 50

    6. Click the Finish button


    Ansoft High Frequency Structure S imu lator v10 Users Gu ide 5.3-11

  • 8/13/2019 Antenna Patch


    Examp le Probe Feed Patch Antenna

    Create the Probe To create the probe:

    1. Se lect the menu item Draw > Cylinder 2. Using the coord inate entry f ie lds, enter the cylinder posit ion

    X: -0.5, Y: 0.0, Z: 0.0 Press the Enter key3. Using the coord inate entry f ie lds, enter the rad ius:

    dX: 0.07, dY: 0.0, dZ: 0.0 Press the Enter key4. Using the coord inate entry f ie lds, enter the he ight:

    dX: 0.0, dY: 0.0, dZ: 0.32 Press the Enter key

    To set



    1. Se lect the Attr ibute tab from the Propert ies window.2. For the Va lue of Name type: Probe3. Click the OK button

    To f it the view:1. Se lect the menu item View > Fit All > Active View .


    Ansoft High Frequency Structure S imu lator v10 Users Gu ide 5.3-12

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    Examp le Probe Feed Patch Antenna

    Set Defau lt Mater ia l To set the defau lt mater ia l:

    1. Using the 3D Mode ler Mater ia ls too lbar, choose vacuum


    Create Air To create the a ir:

    1. Se lect the menu item Draw > Box 2. Using the coord inate entry f ie lds, enter the box posit ion

    X: -5.0, Y: -4.5, Z: 0.0, Press the Enter key2. Using the coord inate entry f ie lds, enter the opposite corner of the box

    dX: 10.0, dY: 9.0, dZ: 3.32, Press the Enter keyTo set the name:

    1. Se lect the Attr ibute tab from the Propert ies window.2. For the Va lue of Name type: Air3. Click the OK button

    To f it the view:1. Se lect the menu item View > Fit All > Active View .

    Ansoft High Frequency Structure S imu lator v10 Users Gu ide 5.3-13

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  • 8/13/2019 Antenna Patch


    Examp le Probe Feed Patch Antenna

    Ana lys is Setup


    Creat ing an Ana lys is Setup To create an ana lysis setup:

    1. Se lect the menu item HFSS > Ana lysis Setup > Add So lution Setup 2. So lut ion Setup Window:

    1. Click the Genera l tab:So lut ion Frequency: 2.25 GHzMaximum Number of Passes: 20

    Maximum De lta S per Pass: 0.022. Click the OK button

    Add ing a Frequency Sweep To add a frequency sweep:

    1. Se lect the menu item HFSS > Ana lysis Setup > Add Sweep 1. Se lect So lut ion Setup: Setup12. Click the OK button

    2. Ed it Sweep Window:1. Sweep Type: Fast2. Frequency Setup Type: Linear Count

    Start: 1.0GHzStop: 3.5GHzCount: 201Save Fie lds: Checked

    3. Click the OK button

    Ansoft High Frequency Structure S imu lator v10 Users Gu ide 5.3-15

  • 8/13/2019 Antenna Patch


    Examp le Probe Feed Patch Antenna

    Save Pro ject To save the pro ject:

    1. In an Ansoft HFSS window, se lect the menu item File > Save As.2. From the Save As window, type the Filename: hfss _probepatch3. Click the Save button


    Ana lyze

    Mode l Va lidat ion To va lidate the mode l:

    1. Se lect the menu item HFSS > Va lidat ion Check 2. Click the Close button

    Note: To view any errors or warn ing messages, use the MessageManager.

    Ana lyze To start the so lut ion process:

    1. Se lect the menu item HFSS > Ana lyze All

    Ansoft High Frequency Structure S imu lator v10 Users Gu ide 5.3-16

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    Examp le Probe Feed Patch Antenna 5.3

    So lut ion Data To view the So lut ion Data:

    1. Se lect the menu item HFSS > Resu lts > So lution Data To view the Prof ile:

    1. Click the Prof ile Tab.To view the Convergence:

    1. Click the Convergence TabNote: The defau lt view is for convergence is Tab le. Se lect the P lot rad io button to view a graph ica l representat ions of the convergence data.

    To view the Matr ix Data:1. Click the Matr ix Data Tab

    Note: To view a rea l-time update of the Matr ix Data, set theS imu lat ion to Setup1, Last Adapt ive

    2. Click the Close button

    Ansoft High Frequency Structure S imu lator v10 Users Gu ide 5.3-17

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    Examp le Probe Feed Patch Antenna

    Create Reports Create Term ina l S-Parameter P lot - Magn itude

    To create a report:1. Se lect the menu item HFSS > Resu lts > Create Report 2. Create Report Window:

    1. Report Type: Term ina l S Parameters2. Disp lay Type: Rectangu lar3. Click the OK button

    3. Traces Window:1. So lut ion: Setup1: Sweep12. Doma in: Sweep3. Click the Y tab

    1. Category: Term ina l S Parameter2. Quant ity: St(p1,p1),3. Funct ion: dB

    4. Click the Add Trace button4. Click the Done button

    4. Se lect the menu Report 2D > Mark All Traces 1. Click the Min button

    Ansoft High Frequency Structure S imu lator v10 Users Gu ide



  • 8/13/2019 Antenna Patch


    Examp le Probe Feed Patch Antenna

    Far Fie ld

    Over lays


    Create Far Fie ld Over lay To create a 2D po lar far f ie ld plot :

    1. Se lect the menu item HFSS > Resu lts > Create Report 2. Create Report Window:

    1. Report Type: Far Fie lds2. Disp lay Type: Rad iat ion Pattern3. Click the OK button

    3. Traces Window:1. So lut ion: Setup1: Sweep12. Geometry: ff _2d3. In the Sweeps tab, se lect Ph i under the Name co lumn, and on the

    drop list, se lect Theta. This changes the pr imary sweep to Theta.4. In the Sweeps tab, se lect the row labe led Freq and se lect the

    frequency 2.3625 from the list.5. In the Mag tab

    1. Category: Ga in

    2. Quant ity: Ga inTota l 3. Funct ion: dB4. Click the Add Trace button

    6. Click the Done button

    Ansoft High Frequency Structure S imu lator v10 Users Gu ide 5 3-19

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