


May 28, 2009, 11-1


Collaborative planning and development of a family-centered, interagency community-based system for all children, with emphasis of those with disabilities, birth to age 5.

There are 29 planning regions across the state that do the same for their regions. Region 7 includes Platte, Boone, Merrick, Nance, Colfax, Butler and Polk counties


1) Supporting the services coordination system in the region (East Central Health Department)

2) Provide feedback/information to agencies regarding early intervention services in the region

3) Identify & support training & skillbuilding needs of the region for parents and professionals

Roles and Responsibilities

4) Identify gaps/barriers in services or resources & identify resources that may be shared, adjusted or developed to address those gaps and barriers

5) Public Awareness & Childfind

6) Determine strengths/weaknesses identified in the ILCD process and support a plan for change

Roles and Responsibilities


School District Reps

DHHS reps Family members of

children with disabilities(20%)

Headstart rep Childcare rep

Services Coordination contracting agency rep

Health/medical rep Developmental

disabilities service rep Rep from underserved

populations (minority, low income, rural, etc)

•Beginning Grant Dollars: $11,000 Categories for spending:

Clerical, Contacted services, Advertising-Printing, Postage, Telephone, Purchased Services, Instructional Materials, Professional Travel.

• Final report for 2008-2009 due Oct , 2009

• Grant application for 2009-2010 due August 1, 2009



Agency Sharing



Increase accuracy of data in Connect• Specific to: reason for the 45 day delay• Tracking of infants verified due to prenatal drug exposureThoughts for next year: • EDN Thank you notes • Web site expansion• A form of social networking for families involved in EDN

Services Coordination


0-2 years 121 Referrals/50 Verified (55%)(30 withdrawn or unable to locate)

3-5 years 100 Referrals/58 Verified (57%)

*School District Breakouts available

Region 7 Referrals (may08-may09)

Region 7 Referrals (may08-

Referral Sources

• 0-2 years CAPTA – 23 Referrals

Tested- 15 Verified - 5 (33%)

• Focus of NDE- Effects of Abuse/Neglect/ Trauma on young children• Babies from the Bench

CAPTA (may08-may09)

• Focus on Physician Clinics (face to face contacts)• Children’s Health Fair

50 children ages 2-5 completed vision, hearing, dental and developmental screening.• Outreach to DHHS

Current Childfind Efforts…

Who are we missing as referral sources?

Are we finding children early enough?Who should we target next year?

Childfind Targets?


Early Childhood Professional Development Coordinator- Kelly


• List serv/Upcoming trainings• Preschool Networking Meetings• Family Nights

– Kathy Snow – Positive Behavioral Supports• Requests• Funding for Families & Service




Improving the Learning of Children with Disabilities (ILCD)

Purpose Process Eight Inquiries Surveys File Review Performance Report

NDE/NDHHS File Review

20 EDN files reviewed by NDE and DHHS in spring 2008

Reviewed files for compliance in: Role of SC Timelines and compliance with MDT/IFSP

process & documents Transition planning

Compliance with 45 days was 88% Current Compliance 99%

Action Plan

Results Matter

Mandated by OSEP for state funding Measures Child Outcomes Data at 4 points: entry to Part C and

exit from Part C, entry to part B and prior to kindergarten transition

COR & AEPS (Creative Curriculum) 6 months in programming Reliability Tests annually NDE aggregates and sends to feds

Results Matter

Mandated by OSEP for state funding

Measures Program Outcomes for school-based early childhood programs achieve/maintain high quality have qualified staff consistent with state/fed guidelines

Tools Environmental Rating Scales Early Language & Literacy

Classroom Observation NDE Rule 11 reporting & approval

Results Matter

Mandated by OSEP for state funding Measures Family Outcomes

1) effectively communicate their child’s needs

2) help their children develop & learn 3) know their rights

Nebraska family surveys for IDEA Clinically significant SC vs. no SC

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