Page 1: Annual - Mesopartner · For a number of years central government maintained a programme called the “Local Economic Development Fund” which was aimed at poverty alleviation rather

local economic deliverymesopartner


Page 2: Annual - Mesopartner · For a number of years central government maintained a programme called the “Local Economic Development Fund” which was aimed at poverty alleviation rather annual report 2004

mesopartner profile


Local Economic Development in South Africa

“Swiss quality" made in Central America ?

New Ways of Learning in South Eastern Europe?LED and SME support in Macedonia

Why and how working as a mesopartner.First impressions and challenges of a newcomer

The mesopartners

mesopartner working experience in 2004

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© mesopartnerPleasedirect any enquiries to:Ute D. Mayer,[email protected]



Page 3: Annual - Mesopartner · For a number of years central government maintained a programme called the “Local Economic Development Fund” which was aimed at poverty alleviation rather annual report 2004

mesopartner profile

mesopartner conducts advisory andconsultancy work for national, regional

and local governments on territorialdevelopment policy and initiatives.

mesopartner is a consultancy partnershipthat specialises in local and regionaleconomic development.

mesopartner develops innovativemethodologies and tools to address thechallenge of local and regional economic


mesopartner trains local practitionersin developing and transformationcountries in methodologies and toolsfor local and regional economicdevelopment.


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2004 was the first full year of operation for mesopartner, a company that was registered asa “Partnerschaftsgesellschaft” (partnership) under German law on 18 July 2003. The mainfeatures of 2004 were

• strong demand for PACA, our leading product• the successful RALIS exercise with the textile and clothing industry in the Western

Cape, South Africa• the development of complementary products – the Compass of Local Competitiveness for

performance management in LED, and GENESIS, a rapid strategic planning approach• the strong demand for mesopartner training products around local and regional economic


The theme of this annual report is complementarity. mesopartner’s product spectrum includesmore than PACA. We offer a set of complementary products that cover the complete cycleof territorial development – diagnosis for rapid action, management of implementation, trainingof LED practitioners, and strategy for territorial development.mesopartner’s profile is evolving towards a pattern of product / method development andtraining. Conventional consultancy assignments consume much less than 50% of our time.mesopartner is emerging as a multinational microenterprise – and we intend to keep it like that.Frank Wältring joined us as a fourth partner in 2004. We do not intend to grow much more.We are rather building networks of close, intense collaboration with LED practitioners andsmall companies in other parts of the world, and we perceive this network pattern as the mostappropriate way of organising ourselves. annual report 2004



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South Africa is one of the countries where localeconomic development (LED) is a mandatory task forlocal government, i.e. district and local municipalities.For a number of years central government maintaineda programme called the “Local Economic DevelopmentFund” which was aimed at poverty alleviation ratherthan business development and the upgrading oflocational conditions. In 2003/2004 centralgovernment discontinued this fund, after an evaluationhad highlighted its disappointing results, andreformulated its approach to LED, emphasising theimportance of creating favourable conditions forbusiness development at the local level.

Local EconomicDevelopmentin South Africa annual report 20045

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mesopartner has been contracted bya number of agencies to advise andsupport them on their technicalassistence in LED to South Africa, andmesopartner staff had a few furtheropportunities to interact with SouthAfrican decision makers.

GTZ’s BDS/LED programme in SouthAfrica has chosen PACA as its preferredapproach to LED. The programme focusesat the training and coaching of SouthAfrican LED practitioners, in particularconsultants. The idea is to create a poolof specialists who are skilled in PACAand can provide their services to districtand local municipalities. Due to thechanges in the LED policy, and due tothe uncertainty this creates at the locallevel, the demand from municipalitiesmaterialises only slowly. Yet other donoragencies, most notably the EU, are keento apply PACA in their LED activitiesand are creating a strong demand forPACA practitioners. In the early phaseof the EU LED programme in the provinceof KwaZulu-Natal, four PACA Exercisesat district level were successfullyconducted by local PACA facilitators. annual report 2004

One of the specific features of this EUprogramme is the envisaged creation ofa Monitoring, Learning and ResearchFacility. Jörg Meyer-Stamer wascontracted through the Belgianconsultancy firm ADE to design thisfacility. The job fit nicely with theactivities mesopartner is involved inanyway:

• With GTZ’s BDS/LED programme,mesopartner has successfullytested the Compass of LocalCompetitiveness, a performancemanagement tool for territorialdevelopment.

• Contracted by InWEnt and incollaboration with the SouthAfrican consultancy firm MXA,mesopartner has been involved inthe LOCATI LED training andlearning programme.

• And then, of course, there is PACA,which can be described as an actionresearch approach.


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Looking at learning, it has proven usefulnot only to organise learning events inthe local setting but also to take localpolicy makers and practitioners abroadto expose them to rather differentapproaches to LED. mesopartner hasinteracted with South African LEDpractitioners, among others, on twooccasions:

• During InWEnt’s LED Study Tourin Germany, which is co-organisedby Regionomica, IFOK andmesopartner. The 2004 tourinvolved participants from Peru,South Africa, Sri Lanka, Thailandand Vietnam.

• During ILO’s LED training coursein Italy, with participants fromvarious African, East European andAsian countries.

Through these various types ofinteraction, mesopartner is building aprofound understanding of the LEDreality in South Africa, which it uses toadjust methodologies and to develop newtools that respond to local needs. annual report 20047

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The mesopartners flew a total of 407,569 miles in 2004

19.2 times around the world annual report 20048

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The small country Costa Rica enjoysthe reputation to be CentralAmerica's Switzerland. However,what does it actually mean to be areflection of Switzerland? In thefirst place: democracy, neutrality,prosperity and political stability.

Today, Costa Rica also emulates theproverbial “Swiss Quality." However,one cannot refer to Wilhelm Tell’squite precise crossbow-shot, neitherto famous clocks nor to redpocketknives with white crosses. Intimes of free trade agreements,Costa Rican business is ratherchallenged to produce products inaccordance with internationalstandards, so that export to theUnited States or Europe will bepossible at all. At the same time,economy, consumers andadministration try to protectthemselves from cheap Asian importsto Costa Rica by defining rigid qualitystandards.

“Swiss quality" madein Central America? annual report 20049

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The National Quality System Structure of the Quality System

Starting point of these activitiesregarding quality culture in Costa Ricahad been 21st of May, 2002, passing alaw that established a so called “NationalQuality System". With this law and withindependent bodies in charge ofmetrology, standardisation, testing andquality (MSTQ), the Costa Rican qualitysystem now has important institutionsat its disposal which are unique in theentire region. However, the institutionalbasis does not seem to be sufficient toestablish a culture of quality. To achievethis, a close cooperation and a network-like collaboration of all relevantprotagonists appear to be necessary.

The German Metrology Institute (PTB)aims to support the Costa Rican qualitysystem through a project that strivesto improve cooperation among allparticipants and, of course, to producevisible results. Due to its profoundexperience in participatory and result-oriented processes, mesopartner wascontracted to carry out the program.The project was laid out for one yearand has been delivered by Dr. UlrichHarmes-Liedtke.

In order to better grasp the stakeholderconstellation, the consultant askedchairpersons of responsible institutionsas well as business representatives inseparate conversations to portray theirrespective view of the stakeholderconstellation by positioning woodenfigures. It was the first time thatmesopartner employed this method ofsystemic-dynamic organisation consulting.Although constellations were quitedifferent in each case, they still allowedsome basic insights which facilitated theunderstanding of the quality system. Itwas interesting to see that change hadbeen initiated from the outside: by freetrade agreements as well as activitiesof international MSTQ-Institutions. Theorganisms of the National QualitySystem were isolated from otherinstitutions in the country, which explainsthe difficulties in spreading qualityconsciousness throughout the population.For the consumers in Costa Rica, quality(still) was not an issue; they ratherperceived the risk of increasing productprices.


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Key Sectors’ Value Chains Participatory Method

To spread the idea of quality beyondthe circle of insiders, internationallycompetitive key sectors were selected.For each branch of industry, branchrepresentatives and experts of thequality facilities created a value chaingraphic and explored concretepossibilities of quality improvement.Apart from numerous substantialproposals for action, the participantsagreed to continue working regularly onthese questions in the future.

A highlight of consulting in Costa Ricahas been the Workshop withrepresentatives of the National QualityCouncil. The impact of a working qualitysystem was illustrated by the case oftechnical supervision of motor vehicles.Participants were asked to write downon cards what they believed to be factorsfor success (or failure) of the nationalquality system. Later, the cards weredraped on pin boards. Though themoderators initially had doubts whetherhigh-ranking politicians and businessrepresentatives could actually be wonfor a participatory method, usingmesocard, they soon were convinced andoverwhelmed by the enthusiasm of theexecutives. In their final conclusions,the involved Ministers declared thatthey wanted to bring up the topic in thenext government’s meeting, scheduledfor early 2005.

The Brainstorming of critical successfactors created the basis for a so calledQuality Compass for Costa Rica. Thisadaptation of the Balanced Scorecardallows an evaluation of progress made inNational Quality Systems. Simultaneouslyit permits to promote accurately thedevelopment of the quality systemthrough concrete actions. Through thisand step-by-step, the vision of a cultureof quality in Costa Rica can becomereality.

The Quality Compass


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Concessions and Improvements Individual Solutions annual report 2004

The advances of the National QualitySystem usually do show up throughtangible gains in efficiency. A typicalexample was the common habit thatemployees of Ministries in charge oftechnical regulations regularly visitedthe library of the standardisationinstitution in order to make hand-writtencopies of norms. This time-consumingactivity was justified by claiming thatthe respective Ministries had no fundsavailable for the acquisition of thesestandardisation documents.

During the workshop ministry employeesmobilised their courage to talk aboutthis practice. In the end the chief ofthe private sector-led standardisationinstitute was willing to provide freephotocopies as a signal of cooperationbetween authorities. This concessionimproved the situation of scarce humanresources and - even more important -the trust between protagonists involvedincreased notably.

An essential idea of consulting projectsis that each country has to develop itsown understanding of quality. Theattempt to simply imitate successfulsystems is doomed to fail instantly –after all even the most successfulsystems have to adjust to new realities.Also Switzerland had to say goodbye totheir “absolute perfection” trademarksymbolised by Tell’s Crossbow. Today,Swiss businesses strive for “TotalQuality Management" under the motto“only as good as necessary, but as cheapas possible".

In the future, Costa Rica will be able tomeasure the progress of its own Cultureof Quality by the help of the newlydesigned Quality Compass.


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Costa Rica






South AfricaSri Lanka

SwitzerlandVenezuelaViet Nam

Countries where mesopartnerswere active in 2004:


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Local Economic Development (LED) may seem as anew buzzword in South Eastern Europe. It hasgained importance in the last years due to increasingdemocratisation, decentralisation efforts and theinterest towards European Union Integration. Sofar, participatory LED experiences have beenfocused at local strategic planning, often stilldominated by public authorities. In 2004mesopartner has been contracted to work inMacedonia to encourage new and business orientedconcepts of SME support and LED.

New Ways of Learningin South Eastern Europe?

LED and SME supportin Macedonia annual report 2004

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Is Macedonia taking a profound steptowards new ways of LED promotion?First attempts of donors and local NGOsdemonstrate the interest in applying newconcepts. mesopartner has beencontracted by the European Agency forReconstruction (EAR) through the Italianconsulting firm Gruppo Soges which hasbeen giving policy advice to the Ministryof Economy and in particular support toits SME Department in order toencourage successful decentralised SMEand LED policies. Implementing thesepolicies requires a business-orientedinstitutional support structure, the useof innovative LED and SME supportconcepts as well as platforms ofcommunication and cooperation amongexisting LED stakeholders. mesopartnerwas asked to provide two specific setsof inputs. First, an assessment of theperformance of existing regional businesssupport facilities, an SME needsassessment and the design of a scenario-based strategy and action plan for theSME Department on how to cooperatewith a multitude of existing supportinstitutions in the future (July /September 2004). Second, an analysis

First steps and

new ways of LED

From subsidised servicestowards a market forservices annual report 2004

of existing LED activities to increasethe awareness about new concepts, andto initiate a coordination process betweenthe relevant stakeholders (November /December 2004).

The assessment of the existing regionalbusiness facilities in Macedonia wasbased on desktop research of existingstudies and reports, on structuredinterviews with regional and nationalstakeholders, on structured workshopswith groups of entrepreneurs at theregional level and on benchmarkingtechniques. The assessment was basedon fundamental principles like ‘facilitationof BDS market development’, ‘avoidanceof market distortion’ and ‘form-follows-function’.

In the last decade, in Macedonia SMEdevelopment and more recently LED wasmainly supported by multilateral andbilateral donor organisations. Like in allEast and Southeast European countries,the PHARE programme of the EUsupported the set-up of several businesssupport institutions in the Republic ofMacedonia. Other donors in the country,such as the British DFID and the SwissDevelopment Cooperation pursued similarapproaches, setting up a variety of SMEsupport centers and BDS providers. Inaddition, the World Bank establishedeight incubation centres in differentparts of the country.


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Local government dominatesthe LED effort annual report 2004

All those business support centres mayhave a potential to play an important rolein SME support and LED initiatives. Butat present most of their institutionalcapacities are weak. After beingsubsidised over years, these centresdemonstrate a lack of financialsustainability. Donors have phased outtheir funding in recent years, leavingbehind many centres in a struggle forsurvival. Some business support centresare pro-actively and successfullysearching for projects and newcustomers, others are hesitant and showpassive behaviour. Most of the centresare not strongly interlinked with localbusinesses, and their services do oftennot match the needs of enterprises.mesopartner provided a strategy as wellas an action and monitoring plan on howthese business facilities may developtowards market-based business providersand improve their financial andorganisational development as well astheir services. Benchmarking techniquesbased on a set of critical success factorsprovided a sound basis to compare theweaknesses and strengths of thedifferent business support facilities.The development strategy for theregional business centers includes

considerations of introducing vouchersystems for BDS as well as futureproject opportunities resulting from thedecentralisation process and the entailingLED activities in the near future.

Many donors in Macedonia have shiftedtheir activities towards supportingmunicipalities in the process ofdecentralisation. They mainly focus onthe foundation of LED offices, trainingof LED office staff and the elaborationof strategic plans for the implementationof LED initiatives. The organisationalstatus of these LED offices is stillunclear in most municipalities, and thestrategic planning procedure has oftenconsumed a lot of time. First LEDinitiatives are mainly targeted atinfrastructure or social projects withlittle involvement of the private sector.

At present, activities are oftenoverlapping and isolated. LED is oftenunderstood as Local Development (LD),where social and urban developmentrationalities get mixed up with a business-focus. Coordination among the differentlocal institutions is often weak as is theexchange of learning experiences.Whereas many national governmentrepresentatives see LED as an exclusiveresponsibility of the municipalities, localgovernment authorities are still showing







5 5

Quality of Services Delivered








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Communication and cooperationas prerequisites of successfulLED annual report 2004

These workshops clearly demonstratedthe necessity for each of thestakeholders to assume responsibility inthe LED process instead of asking forgovernment support. At the same timethe workshops highlighted the necessityof cooperation and communicationbetween local, regional and nationalactors involved in this process.mesopartner encouraged the debate andoutcome of the workshops by givinginputs about basic requirements ofsuccessful LED initiatives, combined with“good practice” experiences of LED inthe European Union and in transformationcountries.

The assessment as well as the differentworkshops got very positive feedbackfrom the stakeholders. It was the firsttime that these actors took notice ofeach other’s concerns, combined withnew conceptional inputs and evocations.It demonstrated well the lack ofcommunication, but also the hiddenpotential and necessity of communicationto make LED successful.

a planning oriented mindset, in which thecooperation and communication with thebusiness sector is not the main priority.Yet donors are mainly focusing on themunicipality as the target group of LED.

Following the earlier assessment ofbusiness support facilities, mesopartnerhas held several workshops andinterviews with LED stakeholders inorder to analyse ongoing LED activities,encourage exchange of experiences aswell as to enrich the discussion withinputs of innovative concepts andmethodologies of LED. Participants inthose workshops were representativesof donor organisations, municipalities,the business support facilities, and theMinistry of Economy.


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Integrating the privatesector in LED annual report 2004

Following initial poject activities in 2003(Bulgaria, Serbia) and the consultingactivities in the Republic of Macedoniadescribed above, in 2004 mesopartnerhas started to work also in other SouthEast European countries, such as inAlbania or Montenegro. And demand isgrowing. Whereas some of thesecountries are more or less advanced intheir processes of democratisation anddecentralisation, they have something incommon: the search for LED solutionswhich promise new perspectives andsuccessful experiences. For them LEDis not only a buzzword at all. Much morethey are in the process of realising thata new step of economic development willneed the implementation of moreconcrete action- and business-orientedLED initiatives.

Note: A short version of the 'Assessment Reporton Regional Business Facilities' can be downloadedfrom Internet ( - Section ‘3. Reports’). The severaldeliverables of the first mesopartner assignmenton SME support are available under ( - Section


‘2.5 SME Support Agencies’). We expect that theLED mission report as well as the deliverables onLED are to be found on the same website in lateFebruary or March 2005.

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1016Number of individuals who participated in training courses

delivered by mesopartner in 2004


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Why and how working as a mesopartner.First impressions and challenges of a newcomer. annual report 200420

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Since October 2004 I have been a newmesopartner. Everybody working indevelopment assistance knows howdifficult it is to explain your job to peoplewho never had contact with thisenvironment. But when even formercolleagues look at you with raisedeyebrows, asking “How come mesopartnerhas no office?” often followed by “So,then what else is different in your newjob?”, you start to realise that it is reallyexceptional. And challenging! And veryattractive, because it offers a workenvironment with diverse learningexperiences: internally in a small teamand an expert network and externallywith local and international counterparts.Below you find some first impressionsby a newcomer, giving some answers.

“Learning by doing” is the motto that Iwas following during the first months asa mesopartner. It is not by chance thatthis phrase is also the “password” forour approach and driving products likePACA, GENESIS, RALIS or the LED-Café. It is also the logic of mesopartneras a team.

The work pattern: synergeticinstead of paradoxical

mesopartner offers the chance to workin a small team of experienced expertswith a professional background not onlyin LED and developing countries but alsoin other fields of Private SectorDevelopment and industrialised countries.But how to explain to someone that youonly see your colleagues every three tosix months, nonetheless having theimpression that communication andexchange of information has never beenso intensive and result oriented in anyother job before?

mesopartner is, on the one hand, a kindof virtual firm, on the other hand quitethe opposite. This sounds paradoxicalonly from an outside perspective. Actuallythere is a very straightforward logicbehind it. Our communication mainly runsthrough e-mails and chats. Everybodyused to e-mail exchange knows how timeconsuming it can be to respond to all ofit. But if nearly all your correspondencewithin a company runs via this channel,it has to be focused and result oriented.Otherwise you get lost in a flood of data,something that probably everybody of annual report 2004

us has experienced at some stage. Atthe same time this form ofcommunication gives us the chance andgeographical flexibility we need for ourdaily work.

Each one of us is involved in differentnetworks and projects on the ground.Thus, what sounds like a paradox is infact an important synergy. It enables usto work closely together with our localand international counterparts, gives usthe chance to compare realities indifferent countries and localities and atthe same time provides us with a veryefficient, quick and result-orientedsupport-, exchange- and developmentplatform.


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The approach: proximityto needs and results

Local Economic Development (LED) isabout networking. Everybody working inthis field has to deal with the questionof how to encourage cooperation betweendifferent actors with diverse interests,and even more diverse cultural andpersonal backgrounds. In contrast toothers, the approach of mesopartner isaction- and business oriented. Whereasparticipatory and rapid appraisalapproaches are not new, the feature ofmesopartner is the combination ofexisting and new elements in a veryinnovative manner. The team hasdeveloped new training manuals, tools,workshop formats and products that areapplied successfully in practice. Seeingthe motivation, learning and reflectionprocesses of participants in trainingsand workshops as well as the results localcounterparts create in applying themethodology gives us the confidencethat they appreciate the value of theseproducts. annual report 2004

LED follows a bottom-up logic. Manydevelopment co-operation agenciesnowadays are mainly focusing theirsupport at the meso and macro level,often experiencing a loose contact tothe target group. The ongoinginternational trend towards impactmonitoring tries to counterbalance thisexperience. Our LED methodology givesus close contact and intense interactionwith a diverse group of people workingat different political, economic andinstitutional levels. Our objective is tounderstand their problems, support themto identify economic opportunities andaccompany them in transforming theseopportunities into concrete results.These steps are combined with a constantreflection procedure with thecounterparts to understand thechallenges of LED in a more direct andsystemic way.

At the beginning, PACA as one of ourdriving products has been criticised ofbeing an oversimplified LED methodology,because it supposedly dealt mainly withshort-term activities, leaving open thequestion of what comes after rapid

The methodology: reflectionand learning as basicprinciples


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appraisals, first LED initiatives, andraising the motivation of localstakeholders. mesopartner has noperfect answers on these questions. Butit adds and addresses some additionalcrucial questions to the previouslymentioned ones: How is it possible tomanage expectations? How is it possibleto keep the momentum? How can thefollow-up process be improved? Everydonor and consultancy firm must ask andanswer similar questions. Instead ofhiding or evading these questions,mesopartner puts these questions onthe agenda and discusses them not onlywith the recently founded “Communityof Practice”, but also with colleaguesfrom donor and internationalorganisations. At the same timemesopartner constantly improves its ownproducts combined with the developmentand combination of new ones. annual report 2004

Every new job entails new challenges.It is especially the combination ofconceptual, analytical, impact and action-oriented elements, as well as moderationand mediation, which ask for specialcapabilities. Development assistance canonly be conducted successfully by closeinteraction with different people and bythe ability to reflect own points of views.The difference within the mesopartnerconcept is that it puts a strong emphasison direct communication betweenindividuals: not as an end in itself, butrather as a means to reach tangibleeconomic development results. Moreover,this concept does not only see LED itself,but also the iterative learning processwhich gives room for new ways of doingthings differently, handling them in amore flexible way.

After 5 months of work it is not achallenge not to have a joint office,although it would be nice to see my newcolleagues more often. Nonetheless,sometimes I am still being overwhelmedby the flood of e-mails in my in-box. Inorder to calm down in these moments, Iremember our slogan “Learning by doing”and try to follow it: Learning andanswering!

Any more questions? Send me an Email!

Frank Wältring, [email protected]

The challenge: successfulcommunication


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Born 1965, PhD in political science and economics (Bremen1999), MA in economics (Hamburg 1991).

Main fields of expertise:• local and regional economic development• cluster and value chain promotion• employment promotion• mediation

Working experience:• founding partner of

mesopartner• 1997-2002 ISA Consult

GmbH, Bochum(Germany), seniorconsultant

• 1996-1997 FoundationCIREM, Barcelona(Spain), juniorconsultant

• 1991-1994 University ofBremen, researchproject on regionaldevelopment in Europe,researcher

Ulrich Harmes-Liedtke

The mesopartners

Born 1958, PhD in political science (Hamburg 1995), MA inpolitical science and economics (Hamburg 1986).

Main fields of expertise:• Local and regional economic development• Cluster and value chain promotion• Systemic competitiveness• SME promotion

Working experience:• founding partner of

mesopartner• Free-lance consultant

for GTZ, InWEnt,FES, ILO, FraunhoferSociety, CEPAL, ADB,UNCTAD etc.

• 1998-2001 in chargeof at INEF,University of Duisburg

• 1988-1998 Fellow atGerman DevelopmentInstitute

Jörg Meyer-Stamer

u h l @ m e s o p a r t n e r . c o m jms@mesopartner . com annual report 200424

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Born 1965, MA in economics (Munich 1991).

Main fields of expertise:• Local economic development• Cluster analysis and promotion• SME promotion• Technology transfer, innovation systems• Technology foresight• Feasibility studies

Working experience:• founding partner of

mesopartner• 2001-2002 Fraunhofer

Gesellschaft e.V., Jakarta(Indonesia), PERISKOPproject coordinator andsenior consultant

• 1999-2000 FraunhoferManagement GmbH,Munich (Germany), seniorconsultant

• 1992-1999 DorschConsultIngenieurgesellschftmbH, Munich (Germany),consultant

Christian Schoen

The mesopartners

Born 1968, MA in social science with a specialisation ineconomics (Duisburg 1999).

Main fields of expertise:• Local economic development• SME promotion• Business development services

Working experience:• 2003-2004 Private sector development specialist at

GTZ headquarters,special focus South-East Europe

• 2001-2003 Juniorprofessional in GTZprivate sectordevelopment programmein Honduras

• 1999-2001 Researcherin joint INEF/IDS localcluster and global valuechain project, Institutefor Development andPeace, University ofDuisburg

Frank Wältring

c s @ m e s o p a r t n e r . c o m [email protected] annual report 200425

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Presentation of general concepts of LocalEconomic Development• 2004, 0.25 staff months• Financier: Institute for Housing and UrbanDevelopment Studies

PACA Training Workshop with participants fromBalkan countries• 2004, 0.5 staff months• Financier: InWEnt

LED training for national and regional governmentofficials to prepare for introduction of PACA• 2004, 0.5 staff months• Financier: GTZ

LED-Training for Regional Employment andEconomic Promotion Working Group of GTZ• 2004, 0,5 staff-months• Financier: GTZ

Cluster concept training and consultancy• 2004, 0.25 staff months• Financier: GTZ

PACA training for community facilitators• 2004, 0.5 staff months• Financier: IRD / USAID

Assessment of regional business facilities,incubators and LED offices; development of SMEpolicy strategies; SME needs assessment• 2004, 1.5 staff-months• Financier: European Agency for Reconstruction

Leading of an LED mission to develop a futurestrategic LED approach• 2004, 1 staff-month• Financier: GTZ

Region Projects






Costa Rica



Region Projects

mesopartner working experience in 2004 annual report 2004

Participatory Appraisal of Competitive Advantage(PACA) training and follow-up• 2004, 1 staff month• Financier: PEM/GTZ

Lectures in master course on LED• 2004, 1/4 staff-month• Universidad Nacional de San Martín, Buenos

Aires Province

Consultancy to the Network “Desarrollo EconómicoLocal en Latinoamércia” (DELLA)• 2004, 0,25 staff-months• Financier: SNV

Participatory Appraisal of Competitive Advantage(PACA) training• 2004, 1/2 staff-month• Financier: GTZ/GFA

Programme for Support of Decentralisation andMunicipality Development for Freedom• 2004, 2 staff-months• Financier: GTZ

Consultancy to the National Quality System• 2004, 1 staff-month• Financier: PTB

LED Workshops• 2004, 0,5 staff-months•Financier: Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation

Decentralisation and State Modernisation• 2004, 1.5 staff-months• Financier: GTZ


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South Africa

Integrated Promotion of SMEs• 2004, 1 staff-months• Financier: GTZ

Consultancy on the program design of PRODELFIS• 2004, 0,5 staff-months• Financier: GTZ

CONCADEL. Sensibilization and Motivation ofLocal Actors on LED – “Café DEL”• 2004, 0,5 staff-months• Financier: InWEnt

PACA Training of Local Actors of Local Governmentin ten Districts of Lima• 2004, 1 staff-month• Financier: EU-PROPOLI

PACA Training Workshops / Support of PACAExercises• 2004, 1 staff-month• Financier: GTZ

PACA Training Workshop / Support of PACAExercises• 2004, 1 staff-month• Financier: ACDI/VOCA / USAID

Rapid Appraisal of Local Innovation Systems(RALIS) Training Workshop / Support of RALISExercises• 2004, 1 staff-month• Financier: GTZ

South Africa

South Africa

South Africa

Sri Lanka


Viet Nam

Viet Nam

PACA Training Workshops, support of PACAExercises, coaching of PACA facilitators,support on LED policy making• 2004, 3 staff-months• Financier: GTZ

LOCATI LED training programme• 2004, 3 staff months• Financier: InWEnt

Design of Monitoring, Learning and ResearchFacility of KwaZulu-Natal LED programme• 2004, 1 staff month• Financier: ADE / EU

PACA Training and follow-up• 2004, 1 staff month• Financier: GTZ

Training in Foresight and Scenario Writing• 2004, 0.25 staff months• Financier: University of St. Gallen

Introduction of LED concepts to Viet Nam /LED training courses at national and provinciallevel• 2004, 1.5 staff-months• Financier: GTZ

PACA Training Workshop, support of PACAExercises• 2004, 1 staff-month• Financier: GTZ

Region Projects Region Projects

mesopartner working experience in 2004 annual report 200427

Page 28: Annual - Mesopartner · For a number of years central government maintained a programme called the “Local Economic Development Fund” which was aimed at poverty alleviation rather

Please direct any enquiries to:

Ute D. Mayer, [email protected]

© mesopartner annual report 200428

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