Page 1: Announcement with regard to Post... · Sect/7 25 january 2019 To, The Manager Listing Department National Stock Exchange of India Ltd., Exchange Plaza, 51h Floor, Plot No. C/1, G-Biock,


25 january 2019

To, The Manager Listing Department National Stock Exchange of India Ltd., Exchange Plaza, 51

h Floor, Plot No. C/1, G-Biock, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (E) Mumbai- 400051

Dear Sir/Madam,

To, The General Manager, Department of Corporate Services BSE Limited New Trading Ring, Rotunda Building, 1'1 Floor, P .j. Towers, Dalal Street Fort, Mumbai 400001

Post Delisting Offer Announcement made by The BOC Group Limited ("Acquirer" or the ''Promoter") and Linde Hold ings Neth erlands B.V. ("PAC') with respect to voluntary delisting of the equity shares of Linde India Limited (the "Company") from BSE Limited ("BSE"}and the National Stock Exchange of India limited ("NSE" ) and update on open offer ("Open Offer") pursuant to Regulation 5A(2) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Substantial Acquisitions of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 2011 as amended from time to time ["SEBI (SAST) Regulations"] and in accordance with the provisions of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Delisting of Equity Shares) Regulations, 2009 as amended from time to time ("Delisting Regulations")

This refers to our letter no. Sect/6 dated 24 january 2019 in connection with the captioned subject. As mentioned in para 2 of the said letter, the Post Delisting Offer Announcement has been published today on behalf of The BOC Group Ltd. (the Acquirer) along with the PAC in accordance with Regulation 18 of the Deli sting Regulations in relation to failure of the Delisting Offer, in the following newspapers: ·

Newspaj)er Language Fditlons Financial Ex ress English All Editions Jansatta Hindi All Editions Mumbai Lakshadeep Marathi Mumbai Arthik Lipi Benqali Kolkata

We now enclose a copy of the public announcement published in the Financial Express, Kolkata Edition of 25 january 2019 for your reference and record. You are requested to please disseminate the copy of the said Post Delisting Offer Announcement on your website for information of the Members and investors of the Company.

This may please be treated as compliance with Regulation 30 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015.

Thanking you, You; faithfully

~~(.. ~~~

Asst. Vice President Er Company Secrelat y

Encl: as above

Registered Office Linde India limited Oxygen House, P43 Taratala Road Kolkata 700 088, India CIN l40200WB1935PLC008184

Phone +91 33 6602 1600 Fax +91 33 2401 4206 customercare lg [email protected]

Page 2: Announcement with regard to Post... · Sect/7 25 january 2019 To, The Manager Listing Department National Stock Exchange of India Ltd., Exchange Plaza, 51h Floor, Plot No. C/1, G-Biock,


LINDE INDIA LIMITED Registered Office: Oxygen House, P43. Taratala Road , Kolkata,

West Bengal - 700 088. Tel.: +91 33 6602 1600: Fax: +91 33 2401 4206 Email : contact.lg .in Website:

T1lllt public announcement ("Post Deflating Offer Annollllcement"l ol failure of tho Delistmg Olfar (defined beloW) under the Soourtties and Exchange Board of India (Oeh&tmg of Equity ShQru Regtjlalloos, 2009 as amended f'Del'-t!ng Regulattona1 and update on 1M open offer t•open Offef1 under th(j Seeu!ltleS and Exohange Board of India (SubS1anU;~I AcquJslUon of Share~ an~ Tal(eovers} RegulatiOi\s, 2011 , as amended (the "SEBI (BAST) Res.ulatlona~J Is being issued by The BOC Group Ll'l!lted r Acqulrer") along with Unde Holdll'lgt. Netherlands B V. ("PAC 1"), in its capacity as the R81'50n •c:llng In conaerl Willi the ACAUitot for the Delt$11ng Offer, to the public shprel!olders ("Public Shareholdllfll•) ot Linde lrltiiiJ Llmlte<t ("Company"), In GQOneclfofl Wllh1he ptopost~d acquiSition and dellsting of the fully paid•up equity Ghares 0! the Coml)ilny (•Oetltttng Offe Cl.l"ently not held by the Acq~Jirer and the PAC 1. being 2, 3,21.056'51lares n!pfllsenling ~ (IWenl)' fi\1 ·per cent) or the Company'e atiare capital ("Equity Sharea") from SSE Ltmitod (the "BSEi and Nallonal Stod( El(Change of India Limited (tha "NSE". togalhet With the SSE. the ·stoctc EXchangee•) Pllrsuaot 10 Regulation 5A(2' of the SEBJ (SAST) Rlfgulatlona toad with Regulation 18 ot the Dellstmg A~la11Cins. 11118 Post DaUsting Offer Anoouncarmmt Is In conttnulltlon 0!. alld &t!ould be read In c:bpjunctl(ln with the open olfer pubfk: tlnl10\li1C8n\ent dated October 24, 20t8 ("Open Ofter Public Announcement"), detailed poblic statemfltlt pobltllhed on November 9, 2018 (•DPS"), dellstt11g public ann~ncement dated January 09, 20111 ("Dellatlng Public Announc:etl'lenl1 and the dellstlng offer letter dated January 09, 2019 rDelid"J Offer lllttet") Capitallted terms not defined herein snail have the meantng &SSigned to them tn the Open Offer Pobl o Ant'IO\mcement. lhe OPS, lhe Deli sling Public Announcement, and the Delisting Offer Letter, as the case may be.

The Acqulrer and the PAC 1 isSIIe<l the Delisfr"IJ Public Ann041110ement seeking to acquire, In accorda!'ICe with the Deli sting Regulations and on the terms and conditions set out thera n and in the Dell sting Offer Letter, 2,13,21 ,056 Equity Shares representing the balance 25.00% of the paid-up equity share capital of the ~mpany, The Public Shareh01d1;rs. wa1a Invited to tonder lh ir Equity Share& j•Bfda1 by submlttli'IQ tllefr Bids irl the reverse boo bulldlri.Q proce s through the sloeS< exch ~e mecbanlsm pursuant to the SEBI ClrOI.IIats dalBo APnl 13, 2015 and Decembar 09. 2016 This blddtng period commsfllled on January t5. 2019 and ~osed on Januaty 21 2019 ("Bid Period.) In accorUanc;a Wtth the DE!II$bng f\ogu!alloos. This Post Delistlflll Offer Annol11'1Cement is belt1g issued to announce the results Q( 11l1t Dellsllng Oftt:rr in terms of Regulallon 1 B of the Dell ng Regureuons and Regulallon 5A(2) of the SEBI (SAST) Regulations.


Following the eJ~plty of the Bid Period and the thresholds specified under Regulation 17(1 )(a) read with the E~planatton I to Regulation 17(1 )(a) of the Dt!listing Regulations being met, the offer pnoe discovered in terms of A!1!fulatton,15(1) mad with ll of tne Oelisting Regullltons (' 018covenld Price") is~ 2,025(1ndlan Rupees Two Thousand end Twenty Fwo) per Equity Share


a. The Acquirer and the PAC 1 have decided to reject the Discovered Price of~ 2,025 (Indian Rupees Two Thousand and Twenty Five) per Equity Share and have also decided not to make any counter offer in terms of Regulation 16(1A) ol the Delisting Regulations. Accordingly, the Delisting Offer is deemed to have Jailed in terms of Regulation 19(1) of the Delisting Regulations.

b. Accordingly, the Acquirer and the PAC 1 will not acquire any Equity Shares tendered by the Public Shareholders in the Delisting Offer and the Equity Shares of the Company will continue to remain listed on the Stock Exchanges.

c All Public Shareholders who have tendered their Equity Shares in acceptance of the Delisting Offer shall be returned such tendered shares within 10 (ten) working days from I he date of this Post Delisting Offer Announcement, i e , February B, 2019 Therelore, no withdrawal period shall be provided to the Public Shareholders under Regulation 5A(51 of the SEBI (SAST) Regulations

d Further, no final application shall be made by the Company, the Acquirer and the PAC 1 lo the Stock Exchanges for delislmg the Equity Shares in terms o1 Reguiatton 19(2)(b) of the Delisting Regulations

e. lr. terms of Regulation 5A(J) read with Regulation '6 o ~ t11e SEBI (SI'.ST) Regulations, 1.11e Acquirer and the PAC 1. along with Praxatr, Inc. ('PAC 2 ) tn thetr capacity as persons acting in conce rt with the Acqutrer for the Open OHer (PAC 1 and PAC 2 collectively tele rred to as ··PACs"t through lhe Manager. shall Ia) wtthin 5 (five) rking days from tne date of publication of thts Post Delisting OHer Announcemenl. ltle a draft letter of Offe( for the Open OHer with SEBI and tbl enhance the offer )lrice by anarnololfll equaiiO 1180m determined al the l'llte 01 10% (len p r c:ent) per ;~nnum ~r the perfod belween the schl!du ~ dale of pnyment oj GOOs!derauon (i.e January 24. 20191 ~ the ravts&d da ~of paYtnenl of oonslderalion CAPfll 11. 2019) to ltte Public S!larehokl~ tn Ierma of the proviso Jo Regulation 5A(3) of the SEBI (SAST) Regulations, and comply with all other applicable provisions of the SEBI (SAST) Regulations.

Accordingly, the Offer Price of~ 328.21 (Indian Rupees Three hundred and twenty eight and paise twenty one) per Equity Share under .the Open Offer as slated in the DPS) shall be enhanced by the requisite interest amount per Equity share. at the rail of 1 0°o (ten per cent) per annum for the period between January 24, 20t9 and the revised dale ot payment of consideration to the Public Shareholders i e April 11. 2019.

In terms of Regulatton 5A(6) of the SEBI tSAST) Regulations. the Public Shareholders of the Company who have not tendered their Equity Shares ~~ the Delisting Offer shall be ent1tled to tender their Equ1t1• Shares durmg tr.e tendenng penod tn the Open Offer




OSBI Platform Engineering -II, State Bank Global IT Centre,

Sector 11. CBD Belapur

Request for Proposal (RFPI for the "Procurement, implementation and monitoring support of Centralised Application Performance Monitoring Solution" for State Bank Group.

State Bank of India has issued an RFP for "Procurement. implementation and monitoring support of Centralised Application Performance Monitoring Solution" for State Bank Group.

Please see the "Procurement NeWll" at Bank's site: or

Place: Nalli Mumbai Date: 25.01.2019

Sd/-Deputy Genernl Manager(PE - tl)

Notice pursuant to Regulation 47(1 )(a) of the SEBI (Listing

Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) .Regulations,

2015, is hereby given that the meeting of the Board of

Directors of the Company will be held on Thursday,

31st January 2019, inter alia, to approve the unaudited

financial results for the third quarter and period ended 31st

December 2018. For further details, please visit the website

ofthe company at

Place: Bengaluru Date: 24-01-2019

For Narayana Hrudayalaya Limited Sd/·, Sridhar S.

Group Company Secretary, Legal & Compliance Officer

Minda Corporation limited Registell!d Office: A-15, Ashok Vihar, Phase-1, Delhi - 110052

GIN: L74899DL 1985PLC020401 Website: email: [email protected] .in

Tel. No.: +91-124-4698400, Fax: +91-124-4698450


Pursuant to Re9uiat!on 29 read Regulal1on L7 (A SEBI (L•s!:ng Obllgal·c•,:: anc' D s·:IOSUiP R.Pq .. J:remerds! Reg•.;!a\ICilS, 2015 "·G~w:e 'S nerEC',' 9•Ver: nla~ ~.:;~ ·~ C:i::t;;,J a( ~ne 6r;arc of iJHa:.tcrs of tr:e C:"lr.loany :s schecJied t.::;. be 1ejr: o .... 7 ~ur~fic.:t

C..:"sV;t:&·ec 1,_;:-,-r\:.r.:J,!ed F "·:::x:.a' Resuits :Jf the Co:.xi~oan~ •v; 'i!E ~u::::"lc:~ ?r j n ·~..; mJnt .... 5 tYi'JC3 C'"· Ge:::=·n~er 31 20i8 cnc a;S( D C:~·15!Jer trt ., ;(:. T: (irJ~:"\C "::.:fh'

The sa;c no~ce n1ay be accessec an tne Compan,. s website at and may also be accessed on the Stock E•changes webs11e at hltp:l/ and htto:/

Pursuant to lh•s. lhe Company has dec1ded ti")atlhe Close per•oC :1 e c~csu;e c~ trad1ng v;,~dcw.l ur~der ·cornpar~y s Code of Conducl for orevenllon of l!is:d3r Tr;dt'l~ ,',OJiti CO'P.rner.c-e {rem ~/ondar J3nuart 28. 20i9 anc ervj ..!8 n:wr~ aft~r t .. ,e :esult~ ar.:- ~r;;~.{:E­

pub;,r oo Thurs;a\ Fet.rua•y 07 2019

For Minda Corporotion Ltmited Sd!·

Ajay Sanchet1

~1\~E 1 ~r 2..

(._, ... CONi.!))

Page 3: Announcement with regard to Post... · Sect/7 25 january 2019 To, The Manager Listing Department National Stock Exchange of India Ltd., Exchange Plaza, 51h Floor, Plot No. C/1, G-Biock,

t..orn._;dny' ... ·.no nave no\ ~8noerco tne1r t.quny ::,nares ~n Ule ueliStlr;g uncr sna, oe c:wue::a 1G

!endec t11e1r Equity Shares dur:ng me tendering per:od in tne Open Otter

,, T:1e rt)'li30d t3ntati~:e sc~~dule of acti•Jtt1es under the Op-?n Offer is set out below~---..-',



Date oi publicallon of the Detarled Public Statement encapsutatrng intentron to delis! under regulatron SA of the SEBI (SAST) Re.Jl.ulations in the newj;petpera

Last date tor competrng otter

Public announcement of failure of the Delrsling Offer and update on the_(Jpe~ t,2ffer

Wfdnes<l2\' , Ociober ~J. 2018 I ,---- -~

Friday November 09, 2018

Tuesday. December 04. 2018

Friday January 25, 2019

Filing of the Open Otter draft tetter of oiler with SEBI Friday.

--~· _f!~~2019 1 Last date for the return of the Equity Shares tendered by the Public Friday, · Shareholders in tt1_e_pe11sm:!l! 0ffer __ _ ~ry 8. 2019

Last date for SEBI obseNations on the Open Otter draft letter of offer (in the event SEBI has not sought clarifrcations or additronal tnf£!.fl1atton_!~m the Manag~ __ _ _

Identified Date'

Last date by whrch the Open Offer letter of offer is required to be dispatched to the Pltblrc Shareholders

La~l <.late by which the committee ut l11e independent directors of the Company shall give its recommendation to the Public ~harehofders of the_~~_for ~e Open _s>ffer ___ _

I Date of publication of advertisement containing announcement of I the schedule of activities of the Open Offer, status of statutory and


March 12, 201 _9-1

Wednesday, other approvals, if any and procedures for tendering acceptance in March 13. 2019 I the newspaper where the DPS was published and notification to SEBI , J

rthe Stock ~! and ~he CO~f!Y at its rogblernd office 1. _ ~

Last date for upward revision of the offer price/offer size of the Wednesday., ~n Offer _ _ ___ -· _ ____ _ March 13. 2019 I

, Date of commencement of tendering penod Thursday, -

bOpen Offer Of811"'¥.. dale}.__ _ -· . ~ March 14 ~ 2019

Date of expiry of tendering penod (Open Offer closing date) Thursday, __ ___ . March 2~ 2019

Last day of payment to the Public Shareholders whose Thursday, EquitY Shares have been accepted in '!Ia_ Open Offer April11, 2019

Last date for publication of post-Open Offer announcement and Thursday. [2ubmission of the final report with SEBI April 18, 2019 _

•The Identified Date is only for the purpose of determining the Public Shareholders as on such dale to whom the Open Offer letter of offer would be posted. It is clarified that all the Public Shareholders (registered or unregistered) of the Company are eligible to participate in the Open Offer at any time prior to the expiry of the tendering period.

All other terms and conditions of the Open Offer Public Announcement, DPS, Defisting Public Announcement and the Delisting Offer Letter remain unchanged. This Post Delisting Offer Announcement is issued on behalf at the Acquirer and PAC 1 by the Manager to the Defisting Offer in terms of Regulation 18 of the Defisting Regulations and Regulation 5A(2) of the SEBI (SAST) Regulations.

If the Public Shareholders !lave any queries, they should consult the Manager to the Offer or the Registrar to the Offer ·

f /CICI Securities LINKintime e I

ICICI SECURITIES LIMITED UNK INTlME INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED I ICICI Centre, H.T. Parekh Marg, Churchgate, C-101, 1" Floor. 247 Park, L.B.S. Marg, I

I Mumbai - 400 020, Maharashtra, India , Vikhrofi (West), Mumbai - 400 083 1

Tel.: +91 22 2288 2460; Fax: +91 22 2282 6580 ; Tel.: +91 22 4918 6200; Fax: +91 22 4918 6195


EmaiiiD: linde.openoffer@icicisecurities com I Email : [email protected]

1 Contact Pet$on: Mr. A sh1 Tiwari/Mr. oAtlUfllll Byas Contact Person: Mr. Sumeet Deshpande L-SEBI ~latr•lfo_!!. ~um_ber. IIIIM000011!_!9 ~EBI Registration Number: INR000004058

Date : January 24, 2019 Place : Mumbai


Name: Ben Patterson Designation: Director

Name: Christopher Cossins Designation: Director

Name: Sue Kelly DealgnaUon~ Oompa,m' S~retary


Name: Arnold Coppin Designation: Director

Name: Joerg Meier Designation: Director


-- Comp~7;y Secretary J

FRESH & HEALTHY ENTERPRISES LTD. ~ tA vnu, ·., ~tJ ~bl.:ti ll'f of CD"u.n.t l:rnJ'()n\1:." of India lt..J ......--

A C.o"'P' ··-•''' of India ~ · ·~ ·r~··~· under WJ,,,,,. r ,,r r, • '" _.,, CA Slore HSIIOC lndusbial Estale Rat, OtsH Sompal.

Haryana tndla -131029 ~ Ph. +91-9717649347. 011-41673093194195196, Ext. 052 & 402 CONCO •

NOTICE INVITING E-TENDER FHEL rnvites E· Tender rn:Sl.l"\g.Je Packet ay&tum of tenderrng for the (~.AAt.rWn&.oo ..n.:

TanderNo_ FHEUCA DDORS/RA!f.SONEPATliT-11/201 B Name of\.York Providing and fix1ng manual sliding CA doo1s for 52

Chambers at FHEL CA Store Rar, Sonepat (Haryana)

Eshmated Cost Rs. 105.63 takhs Completion Period 2month Earnest Money Deposit Rs. 2.02,6201- (throujjh ""payment) CoslofTender Document Rs 10001- (inclusive all taxes & duHes through e-(Non refundable) payment). Tender processing fee Rs. 53101- (inclusive all taxes & duties through e-!Non-refundable) payment) Date of sale orTen~er 25.01.2019 (11 :OOhrs) to 14 02 2019 (up to 17:oi:ih.s) ionhne ·l

~--Date& Time of 15.02 2019 up to 17:00 hrs submissron ofTender

Date & Time of Openrng 18.02.2019 at 11 :30 hrs of Tender

F'nr fin01nr.i.'ll nlio1h1lity r.ritrm~. or.nnrionr.~ with riip~ct to iimlliilr nitWO Qf w.;rt .. ii\C. ule<1se refe1 tu tlt!li:Hit!tl hmller nulrw <:tVttrlatJ!c on wt:b.:.1tt. www.conconndia com. but the complete tender documenl can be downloaded from website www tenderwjzard com/FHEL only Further, Corngendum/ Addendum lo th1s Tender, if any, wilt be published on website: www concorindia com. wNW.lenderwizard comiFHEL and Central Procurement Portal (CPP) only. Newspaper press advertisement shaU not be issued ror the same


L I M I T E 0

GIN: L74210Dlf971PLC005712 Registered Office: 913. Heml<unt Chambers, 89 Nehru Place, New Dethi 110019, India Email: [email protected]. Website: ww•.lld11141f.allonglnwtftg peon

Phone: +91-129-2270201 . Fax· +91-129-2270202 POSTAL BAUOT NOTICE

Members are hereby informed that pursuant to Setbon 108. 110 of Ills Companies Ac~ 2013 read with Companies (Management and Administration) Rules. 2014, the C~anr has on Thursday. the 24th day of Janu;wy, 2019 completed the dispatch of Notice of Poslal Ballot along wilh the Explanator} slatement and Postal Ballot Form to all the tAembers whose names are appearing on the Register of Members/ List of Beneficial Owners as on Janu;wy 18, 2019 The Postal Ballot No~ces are sent through e-mails to the Members whose e-mail IDs ar~ registered with the Depository Participant and through physical mode along with prepaid postage self addressed Business Reply Envelope to those Members whose e·mailiDs are not regislered with theit respective Depositories Participants The Postal Ballot Notices are sent for seeking the approval of the shareholders of the Company through Postal BaHot. including voting lly electronic means. for the following matters:

S. No. Description of the Resolution 1 Special Resolulon for change m designation of Mr. Avinash Chander Gupfi! from

Managmg Dire<.:tor to Chauman & Whokl time D~ettor: 2 Special Resolution 1or change in designation of Mr Aljun Gupta lrom Wllole-1me

D~ector to ManiiQJng Drector.

n.~ '* ........... alc...l~s.-~~~Cflll~ lfllllllfllOM ofiHDvldlt!g......, fdlaj. il Iii WelrOn.llt!n!blri ........ ~!!!! tllatlht .clnq. bOi1t. flttaatll PIIIIJIIIIIIaiMII SlfOuOit -.-1110111111111-•­F"!M16Y ~_..., 15. 2J)1t lt:UO Ull R _,. 011 SM~Nr, ......, 23, 20181&GQ.HLJ;. TH Boltd 01 Dltet!Oil n ~ s.-Jt K- Gvpla Dtlknlb Gllplll~ ~ySecr--~"'~J~•~!lll~-­_.,. ~·~ u,_ln IIIII ilml ~ 1111111* ,.....,_. ........... tall,_ dltlrC011191t'-~ ~' slotlid Poall811a1F11!111 ~ r.- &cndiUil' eiat"*llllli 5 00 p m F*'UIIy 2-3. 2G19 PoaiiiBIIal Form IEet.eUIII! 5.00 • m.. fetllay 23. 2019 will not be considered as vahd Members whose names appear on the register of Members/ List of Beneficial Ownefs as on the cut·o" dale i e January 18. 2019 wilt be considered for the purpose of vo~ny A person who is not the Member as on the cut-<>ff date should b"eat tlus notice for information purpOlle only Any Member who does not receive lhe Postal Ballot Form may either e-mail to cs@lechnofabengineering com or may apply to Link lnbme India Private LimitBd Company's Registrar and Share Transfer Agent I Company and obtain a duplicate Postal Ballot Form The Poslal Ballot Notice and Form may be downloaded from the website of the Company i e www technofabengineering com

The results of the postal ballot shall be declared by the Chairman or any other person aulhorized in writing by the Chairman on Monday. February 25, 2019 at 2:30 P.M and shall be displayed at the Registered office of the Company for three days besides convnunicated on the same day Ia the Stock Exchanges, Depository, regisb"ar and share b"ansfer agent and will also be displayed on the website of the Company i e. www technolabengineering com In case of any queries/ grievances connec!Ed with thee-voting. such queries/grievances may be referred to the user manual available to the CDSl website i e In case of queries related to the postal batloL the shareholder can address the queries to the: a) The Company Secretary, Technofab Engineering Limited, Pfot No 5, Sector 27C, UllliuRt

Road. Faridabad 121003: or b) Mr Bharat Shushan of Mls Link ln~me India Private Urrlift!d Registrar and SloaN~

Agent by writing to him on dethi@finkintime co in com orcaft him on l<~~cfine No. Ol1 .. 14toen.

Ploce: New Dtlhi Dalt: January 24, 2019

By the Order of tho Bolrd of ......,. For Tethnoflb Engtnotrlngl.llllllll

• Sum1n Kumll" v­Compony Sec<etary


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