
- James Victore

- December 2- Rm 210- Attire: Does it matter? Andrew Hicks

GRPH - 221

“Design like you give a DAMN!!!”

James Victore “crude designer? or graphic genius?

Presentation byAndrew Hicks

Biography, for the sake of bios

Early Life - Born in Mountain Home Idaho, then family soon moved to upstate New York - Moved to NYC at the age of 19 to pur-sue graphic design, and thats where the rough romance began.

Schooling:Went to college twice, dropped out twice.

- UNY at Plattsburgh

- SVA, CPA or Ski Instructor

“Notable Exhibits”- MoMa, 2010 and 2012

- Emmy for TV Animation - 1992

Permanent Displays at- Louvre- Stedelijk Museum of Amsterdam

- LiB of Congress

“Notable Jobs”- Consult for - New York Times - Time Hagazine - Bobbi Brown Cosmetics - SVA (current job)

Truly known for... - Extremly bold approach to design - Not afraid to offend - Design for heart, not for money - Use of hands - Puns within work - Truth matters, use it comedically - Make it personal

Book Covers. Early Work

Worked for Paul Bacon, even after Bacon nearly failed him for a class at SVA.

Inspired by American / World History posters, Anti-War and Pro-War Posters, Polish and Japanese designs.

Early work was mediocre, then he began to tkae risks and enjoy his work.

Decided then that design was worth more than money “Making Design, not business.”

Book Covers. Be Creative

Design Disasters

Advanced Backstabing and Mudslinging Techniques

Less is More

Johnny Got His Gun

Greeting Cards.

Worked at Rohnart from 1989-1993

More Cards = More Money

His Process: 1. Examine the Cliche

2. Dig deep into the idea

3. Twist and Turn

4. Repeat steps 2-3 several times

... still his process to this day

Racism... Its affect on Victore

Victore does not want the word “racism” to lose its ugly face.

“Social responsibility is the duty to anyone who gives a damn.”

Inspired by Martin Luther’s use of the printing press to start the Protestant Reformation.

“I would have never thought that such a storm would rise from Rome over one simple scrap of paper.” - Martin Luther

Designers can engender profound change.

Celebrate Columbus - 1992

Racism - 1993

Traditional Family Values - 1992

Double Justice - 1993

Posters, Magazines, and.... Dishes?

“Use a Condom”

During the mid 1990s, Victore expanded his scope of work. He was no longer locked to one medium or another, but worked with several different projects including major magazines, poster design, book covers, speaking at seminars, even dishes and surf-boards.

“Totally Live”

The New York Times

“End Discrimination”

“Disney GO Home” “Just Say NO”

Portfolio Center - Atlanta, Georgia

SVA Subway Posters


Dirty Dishes

Heros and Victims

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